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English Assignment

Functions and Uses

Created by:

Name : Hana Kurnia Oktaviani

NIM/ No. Absen : 1741420078/ 13

Prodi : 2A-DIV Teknologi Kimia Industri

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Jl.Soekarno Hatta No.9 Malang 65141

Telp (0341)404424-404425 Fax (0341)404420

Consuming fast food has become a habit for people in modern world. Many studies on
fast food are not good for health, but people still consume them. People are not just eating out
on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast
foods. There are too many researches about disadvantage of fast food. There are
disadvantages of fast food, first fast food can make people lazy, second fast food is not good
for our healthy and also harmful if consumed over a long period. The largest disadvantage of
fast food is contain a lot of fat, sugar, oil, calories, and addictive substances. I think that fast
food has more harmful properties than benefit ones. Also, consumers really don’t know what
ingredients are really used to make them. For the exampale is instant noodles.
Instant noodles contain large amounts of carbohydrates but little protein, vitamins and
minerals. The raw materials of this food don’t have good nutrition for body if consumed too
much. The substances contained in instant noodles are tartrazine dyes, MSG (Monosodium
Glutamate), preservatives such as hydroxy methyl benzoate, benzoic acid, and wax
substances. Negative effects of tartrazine dyes can cause tumors in the thyroid gland and
damage to chromosomes. The monosodium glutamate in the body can cause allergies, cancer,
hypertension, diabetes, and sleep disorders. The preservatives such as hydroxy methyl
benzoate in oil and benzoic acid in flavor can cause heartburn, liver, and gastric tumors. If the
wax substances that coats instant noodles settles too much in the body can cause cancer. In
addition to containing the preservatives, instant noodles also have chemical is called
bhisphenol A (BPA). This chemical is used to package instant noodles in styrofoam
So, I disagree with people who prefer to eat fast food because there are no nutrients
contained in fast food and many contain chemicals that are very dangerous if consumed too
much. Fast food just satisfy hunger.

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