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Unit 1. Plants
1.1. Photosynthesis:
- The way that plants make food, using energy from the light.
- Chemical symbols equation:
CO2 + H2O --> O2 + C6H12O6

Word equation:
Carbon Dioxide + Water --> Oxygen + Glucose
- Water --> soil.
- Carbon Dioxide --> air.
- Plants --> use their food --> make cells + tissues.
- Material --> made of living cells and tissues --> called biomass.

1.2. Leaves:
- Most are green --> contain chlorophyll.
- Chlorophyll --> essential for photosynthesis --> capture energy
from light --> leaf --> use energy --> make food.
- How a leaf is adapted for photosynthesis:
 Leaf stalk --> attaches to the plant.
 Veins carry water --> to the cells in leaf.
--> help support leaf --> hold it out flat.
 Leaf --> cells contain chlorophyll.
--> thin --> light reaches inside through the cells.
1.4. Roots:

- Absorb water + minerals from the soil.

- Hold plants firmly in the ground.
- Store food in roots.
- When conditions difficult:
 Above parts die.
 Roots continue to live.
 Better condition –> regrow.
- Root hair cells:
 Grow out of the surface of roots.
 Provide a really big surface through which water + minerals
can be absorbed.

1.5. Transporting water and minerals:

- Xylem vessels:
 Long, hollow tubes –> carry water + minerals –> leaves.
–> continue inside the leaves.
 Very tiny.
 Have very strong, hard walls –> help support plants.

Unit 2. Food and digestion

2.1. Nutrients:

- Nutrients:
 Provide energy.
 Provide materials –> make chemicals –> make cells + other
parts of the body.
- Protein:
 Make new cells.
 Make important chemicals –> enzyme + antibodies.
 Cells use protein –> supply energy.
- Carbohydrate:
 Provides energy.
 Starch and sugar are two kinds of carbo.
- Fat:
 Also provides energy.
 Can be stored in the body.
 Stores underneath the skin provide insulation.
 Needed to make new cell membranes.
- Vitamins and minerals:
 We need them in small quantities.
 Don’t provide energy.
 Good source: fruit and vegetables.
- Fibre and water:
 Fibre: keep food moving easily through the digestive system.
 Sources: fresh fruit, vegetables, brown rice,…
 Water: 60% to 70% of the body is water.

2.2 A balance diet:

- Diet:
 Food that you eat everyday.
 Should provide enough each kind of nutrients.
 Should give a right amount of energy.
Nutrients Example Good sources Function in the body Diseases
Vitamins Vitamin C Citrus fruits Helps to make Scurvy
strong skin
Vitamin D Dairy Needed to make Rickets
products bones and teeth
Minerals Iron Red meat, Make haemoglobin, Anaemia
dark green which carries oxygen
vegetables in the blood
Calcium Dairy Make bones and The
products, fish teeth bones

- A balance diet: not too much, but also not too little.
- Too much fat & sugar –> overweight –> diabetes, obesity, heart
diseases when older.

2.3. Digestion and absorption:

- Alimentary canal:
 Start: mouth.
 End: anus.
- Food inside our body –> can only reach our body cells –> it gets
through the alimentary canal’s walls. (Absorption)
- Digestion: the breakdown of large molecules into small ones –>
can be absorp.
2.4. Digestive system:

- Mouth:
 Teeth chew food.
 Saliva breaks down starch –> molecules.
- Oesophagus: food passes without changing.
- Stomach:
 Hydrochloric acid –> kills micro-organisms in food.
 Stomach juices –> break down protein –> amino acids.
- Liver:
 Makes bile –> which stored in gall bladder.
 Bile –> flows into small intestine –> helps with fat digestion.
- Pancreas:
 Makes pancreatic juice.
 Pancreas juice –> flows into small intestine –> helps digest
protein, starch, fat.
- Small intestine:
 Pancreas juice –> break down starch
 Protein & fat –> small molecules –> absorb through the walls
of small intestine.
 Water, vitamins and minerals are also absorbed.
- Large intestine:
 Food couldn’t be digested and absorbed passes through
 A little more water is absorbed.
 Undigested food –> passes out as faeces.

2.6. Enzymes:
- Large nutrient molecules –> small molecules –> by enzymes.
- Enzymes don’t change the properties –> speed up a chemical
- Enzymes –> biological catalysts.

Unit 3. The circulatory system

3.1. The human circulatory system:

- Each pulse –> caused by one heartbeat.

- Blood travels –> inside blood vessels.
- Heart + blood vessels => circulatory system.

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