Eventprop Mcewib2019

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Event Proposal: Aspire to Succeed and Lead

Who: MCE Women’s Business Center, Contact: Lisa Twilley
What: Women in Business Conference
When: April 26th, 2019, 9am-3pm
Where: Wicomico Civic Center, Salisbury, MD
 We could sponsor this event and have business women wanting to be active
and stay in shape while being aspiring leaders!
 This could get us more members and make women aware of how fun and
rewarding working out can be!
 As a sponsor for this event we could contribute anywhere from $250-$5,000
 $250-$1,000 contributions receive our name/logo printed on various
advertisements, on the website for a year, and we would get a table.
 More than $2000 contribution receives our name/logo printed on various
advertisements, on the website for 2 years, and we would get a vendor table.
Attached in email is an event sponsorship form
 Below is a copy of what the event is about and the original letter is attached
as well. Event letter is attached
 “Aspire to Succeed & Lead” The Maryland Capital Enterprises Women’s
Business Center (MCE WBC) is proud to announce our 6th Annual Women
in Business Conference that will take place on April 26, 2019 at the
Wicomico Youth & Civic Center from 9:00am to 3:00pm. This conference
is for any business woman, aspiring women entrepreneurs or current women
business owners all looking to expand their knowledge in various areas of
the business world. The MCE WBC is designed to empower women-owned
businesses to grow, create jobs, and generate wealth on Maryland’s Eastern
Shore and across the state by nurturing and encouraging entrepreneurship.
The MCE WBC provides consulting, mentoring and counseling services for
Free, as well as a variety of business educational classes and micro and
small business loans. In order for us to continue to provide all of these
services we need the help of individuals and local businesses like you. We
are hoping that you will consider supporting this year’s “Aspire to Succeed
& Lead” Women in Business conference which is designed to inspire,
educate and motivate women in business here on the Eastern Shore. Please
take a look at our attached sponsorship form and consider supporting others
aspiring to be like you in our community. MCE WBC is a 501(c)(3) non-
profit, so all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you
have any questions, please contact our Outreach & Training Manager Lisa
Twilley, ltwilley@marylandcapital.org or contact us by phone at (410)546-
1900. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, Maurice Ames & Lisa Twilley
Executive Director Outreach & Training Manager Maryland Capital Enterprises,
Inc. MCE Women’s Business Center

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