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Jumal Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Profesi Kesehatan Indonesi Vol. , No. 1, Maret 2006 Educational Climate at Nursing Study Program Gadjah Mada University as Measured Using DREEM Gondes RetnoRahayu ‘Staf Program Studi Iimu Keperawatan, Stof Bagian Pendidikan Kedolteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Latar Belakang: Salah satu aspek pendidikan yang petlu untuk dievaluasi adalah suasana pendidikan, ‘Tyjuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevelussi suasana pendicikan di Program Studi llmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM dengan menggunakan instrumen Dundee Ready Education Environment Mea sure (DREEM) Studi imu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM. ibagikan kepada mahasiswa setelah kuligh.Interpretasi hasil didasarkan pada pedoman yang dibuat oleh pembuat DREEM, Hosit; Rata-rata skor totel adaieh 123,14, Rata-ata skor untuk sub-skala persepsi inchasiswa terhadap pengajaran, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap dosen, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap proses akademit, persepsi ‘mahasiswa terhadap atmosfir pembelajaran dan kehidupan sosialsecara berurutan adalah 27,00; 8,06; 19,86; 31,69; dan 16. Ada area yang dinlai positif, 38 area yang harusdiperbaiki dan 8 area yang mengindikasikan adanya masalah, Kesimpulan: Walaupun ada beberapa area yang memerlukan pechatian, namun secara umum suasana pendidikan di Program Sud! Iimu Keperawataa Fakultas Kedokteran UGM ciukur dengan instrumen DREEM ccukup memuaskan, mengareh ke suasana yang lebih baik, Kata kunei: Program evaluation ~ educational climate — learning environment learning climate - DREEM Background School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah ‘Mada University (SN FM GMU) was established in 1998. It offers 2 programs, the regular (called as A program) and extension programs (called as B program). The ‘education process for regular program takes 5, 5 years; 4 years for academic and 1, 5 for profession program. ‘The students enrol! ia A program after they graduated ‘from senior igh school. The extension program takes 2,5 yeats; 1 year for academic and 1, 5 for profession. ‘The students enroll in B program after they graduated from 3 years nursing diploma. Although the number of nursing higher education institations in Indonesia is increasing, year by year the ‘number of students who apply to SN FM GMU is greater and greater. To enhance the quality ofits graduates, the ‘SN FM GMU has defined its priority programs. The first priority is to increase the quality of its educational system and process. ‘Kerepondan @: Gcndes Rem Ned 8d PRD, agian Pei KedkteranFauitas Keke Univers Gd Mada, Tap: (278 562139; Fae: O274-S61196, ema guedes @aownal com It is widely known that if program development is seen as expected changes, -not as a thing that occurs accidentally-, program evaluation should be the milestone for a development. Program evaluation itself is considered as an effort to systematically collect and analyze valid and reliable data as a basis for managerial action to develop and manage certain program. One aspect of education that needs to be evaluated is the educational climate. Genn and Harden! clearly established the importance of educational climate. This is exemplified by the following quote, “Considerations of climate in the medical school, along the lines of continuous quality improvement and innovation, are likely to further the medical school as a learning organization with the attendant benefits”. The climate, overall ambience or ethos of an educational institution is of crucial importance to both staffs and students. It tells us about the atmosphere and characteristics of an institution, the kinds of things that are rewarded, encouraged and emphasised and about the style of life that is valued and is most visibly expressed and felt. For students it has a critical impact on how, why and what they lear, 23 Jurnal Pendigikan Kedokteran dan Profesi Kesehatan Indonesia Yoh. 1, No. 1, Maret 2006 To measure such an environment or climate, Roff etaP has developed an inventory using input from nearly 100 intemational medical educators who visited Dundee from 1995-1997. The DREEM has been used by masters and doctoral students in all five continents, It has been used at a range of health professions institutes, including nursing institutes It is claimed to be able to produce global readings ané diagnostic analyses of undergraduate educational environments in medical schools and other health professions institutes. It is non-culturally specific and allows quality assurance comparisons between courses as well as within ‘components of a course. Objective ofstudy This study is aimed to evaluate the educational climate in SN FM GMU using Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM), Method The subjects were fourth year A program students. ‘There are reasons to choose them: 1) currently the SN FM GMU plans to focus for development ofthe academic phase, 2) when the study conducted fourth year A program students ae in the last year of academic phase, se they have had sufficient opinion regarding the ‘educational climate they experienced during more than 3 years studying at SN FM GMU. The original English version of DREEM were translated to Bahasa Indonesia by the researcher and sorutinized carefully for possible misinterpretation (Appendix 1). All fourth year A program students were invited to participate in this study. The DREEM were administered to them after a lecture. It was conducted ‘on October 2005. The DREEM contains 50 statements relating to a range of topics directly relevant to education climate, Student are asked to read each statement carefully and to respond using a5 point Likert-type scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree, Before they completed the DREEM the students was told to apply the items tothe learning situation at SN FM GMU and responded to all 50. The items were scored regarding the guidance provided by Roff et all2. According to Roff et alitems should be scored: 4 for Strongly Agree (SA), 3 for Agree (A), 2 for Uncertain (U), 1 for Disagree (D) and 0 for ‘Strongly Disagree (SD). However, 9 of the 50 items (aumbers 4,8,9, 17,25, 35, 39, 48 and 50) are negative statements and should be scored 0 for SA, | for A, 2 for U, 3 for D and 4 for SD. The 50-item DREEM has a ‘maximum score of 200 indicating the ideal educational 24 ‘environment as perceived by students. A score of 0 is the minimum and-would be a very worrying result. The ‘overall score was interpreted using the following guide: 0-50 VeryPoor 51-100 Plenty of Problems 101-150 More Positive than Negative 151-200 Excellent As well as the total DREEM score there are five subscales, namely 1) students’ perceptions of teaching, 2) students? perceptions of teachers, 3) students’ academic self perceptions, 4) students? perceptions of atmosphere, 5) students’ social self perception. Roff et al’ also provide an approximate guide to interpreting the ‘subscales as shown below. ‘Students’ Perception of Teaching 0-12 Very Poor 1324 Teaching is viewed negatively 2536 Amore positive perception 37-48 Teaching highly thought of ‘Students’ Perception of Teachers OH Abysmat 1222 Inneed of some retraining 23:33 Moving in the right direction 3444 Model course organizers Students’ Academic Self Perceptions 08 Feelings of total failure 9:16 Many negative aspects 1724 Feeling more on the positive side 2532 Confident Students’ Perception of Atmosphere 0-12 Aterrible environment 13.24 There are many issues which need changing, 2536 Amore positive attitude 3748 A good feeling overall ‘Students’ Social Self Perceptions 07 Miserable &14—Notanice place 1521 Not too bad 228 Very good socially Results a Thetotal score ‘Outof 73 students who returned the questionnaires ‘59 of them answered all the 50 items. The missing values ‘were excluded from analysis, Table I shows the minimum and maximum, mean and standard deviation of the total score, Gondes, Educational Climate t Nursing Study Program Gedjah Made University Table |. The minimum and maximum, mean and standard deviation of the total score N Minimum Maximum Mean ‘SD Total score 59 . 156 123.14 13.95 b Thesubscales score ‘Table 2 shows the minimum and maximum, mean and standard de ion of the five subscale score. ‘Table 2. The minimum and maximum, mean and standard deviation of the five subscale score. ‘Sub scale valid Minimum Maximum Mean SD Siudents Perception of Teaching e 12 o 27.00 450 ‘Studenis’ Perception of Teachers 70 "7 37 2806 3.78 ‘Students’ Academic Self Perceptions 8 4 2 1986 (289 ‘Students’ Perception of Atmosphere n 21 39 3169 400 | Students" Socal Self Perceptions 70 9 ma 1609__2.63 ¢. The mean score ofeach item beexamined more closely asthey indicate problem areas, ‘Asmentioned by Roffetal, the DREEM can also _‘Htems with a mean between 2 and 3 are aspects of the bbe used to pinpoint more specific strengths and _climate that could be enhanced. Roff et all” do not weaknesses within the educational climate. To do this ‘mention about score between 3 and 3.5. In this study ‘one needs to Yook at the responses to individual items. __the researcher categorize the mean score between 3 and Items that have a mean score of 3.5 or over are real 3.5 as positive points. Table 3 shows the item and its positive points. Any item with amean of 2orlessshoalé. _-™ean'score, Table 3. The iter and its mean score Naa tare eh ew a nag Pasi pint sen Coe elsnoed Protea Sir 353833 FY a a7 35 7 rr B38 mo te ae ; oe 21 QM 14d hehe se hin in fs in fe QI = Question item 1, ete 25

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