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Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh www.drmentors.

– Part 2
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM respiratory difficulty and noisy
breathing. On examination X-ray
1. Treatment of bronchiolitis is-
shows thumb sign. The most
probable diagnosis is- (AIIMS)
a) Ribavirin
a) Recurrent papillomatosis
c) Amantadine
b) Croup
b) Vidarabine
c) Epiglottitis
d) Zidovudine
d) Laryngomalacia

2. Most common cause of

7. A 2 year old child was brought to
pneumonia in children is- (DNB)
the emergency department at 3
a) RSV
AM. The child presented with
c) Streptococcus pneumonia
fever and cough. On examination
b) Staphylococcus
respiratory rate was 36/min and
d) Klebsiella
saturation on pulse oximetry was
96%. The child had barking
3. Giant cell (Hecht’s pneumonia) is
cough and stridor only on crying.
due to (AI)
Otherwise the child was
a) CMV
hydrated, able to drink and
c) Malaria
consolable. The next step in the
b) Measles
management would be-
d) P. Carinii
a) Single dose dexamethasone
b) Nebulized racemic
4. In which disease cyanosis
epinephrine solution
improve with crying- (NEET)
c) Complete blood count and
a) Tetralogy of fallot
c) Bronchial asthma
d) Nasal washings for influenza
b) Choanal atresia
virus and RSV
d) None of the above

8. A 3 month old child has

moderate fever and non
productive cough and mild
5. Child of 6 weeks with RR=48,
dyspnea. After course of the mild
false is: (AIIMS)
antibiotic the condition of child
a) Antibiotic not to be given
improved transiently but he
b) Control fever
again develops high fever,
c) Child has pneumonia
productive cough and increased
d) Child has no pneumonia
respiratory distress. Chest X-ray
shows hyperlucency and PFT
6. A 4 year old child presents to the
shows obstructive pattern. Most
emergency department with
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
probable diagnosis is-(AI-;
AIIMS-) 2. Commonest cause of intestinal
a) Alveolar microlithiasis obstruction in children is- (NEET)
b) Post viral syndrome a) Intussusception
c) Follicular bronchitis c) Hernia
d) Bronchiolitis obliterans b) Volvulus
d) Adhesions
9. A child is brought to pediatric
OPD with fever of 24 hour 3. A previously healthy infant presents
duration. History reveals 3 with recurrent episode of abdominal
episodes of chest infection and pain. The mother says that the child
passage of foul smelling stools. has been passing altered stool after
The most probable diagnosis is- episodes of pain, but gives no
(AI-) history of vomiting or bleeding per
a) Maple syrup urine disease rectum. Which of the following is the
b) Bilirubin conjugation defect most likely diagnosis- (AI-)
c) Cystic fibrosis a) Rectal polyp
d) Criggler Najar syndrome b) Intussusception
c) Meckel’s diverticulum
10. A 4 year old boy presented with d) Necrotizing enterocolitis
recurrent chest infections. Sweat
chloride test was done, showed 4. Lactose intolerance in suspected
values of 36 and 42. What is the patient is diagnosed by giving an
next best investigation to oral load and measuring
confirm the diagnosis? (AIIMS) concentration of ? (DNB-)
a) 72 hour fecal fat estimation CO2/ H2/
b) CT chest N2/ One/two carbon
c) Transepithelial nasal compound
potential difference
d) DNA analysis of delta F 508 5. Most common cause of cholestatic
mutation jaundice in newborn is- (NEET)
a) Hypoplasia of biliary tract
b) Neonatal hepatitis
c) Choledochal cyst
d) Physiological jaundice
1. Most common cause of acute
intestinal obstruction in neonates is-
6. A 12 year old boy presents with
hemetemesis, malena and mild
a) Jejunal atresia
splenomegaly. There is no obvious
c) Malrotation
jaundice or ascitis. The most likely
b) Duodenal atresia
diagnosis is- (AI-)
d) Acute intussusception
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
a) EHPVO b) Cirrhosis d) Initial conservative management
c) NCPF d) Malaria with and laparatomy after 24 hours

7. The most common bacterial cause
for diarrhea in children in India is- 1. True about fetal circulation- (AI-)
(AI-) a) Blood in SVC has more oxygen
a) Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) saturation
b) Pressure in left ventricle is more
b) Enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC)
c) Brain receives blood with low
c) Enterohemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC)
oxygen saturation
d) Vibrio cholera d) Heart receives blood with high
oxygen saturation
8. Profuse watery diarrhea in an
immunocompromised child is due 2. Congestive cardiac failure is
to- (NEET) diagnosed in an infant by- (NEET)
a) Basal crepts
a) Cryptococcus
c) Elevated JVP
c) Amoeba b) Pedal edema
b) Giardia d) Liver enlargement
d) Lactose intolerance
3. Which of the following features on
9. Baby normal on day 1 ; on ventilator X-ray chest can differentiate an Atrial
septal defect from Ventricular septal
for 10 days with flank tenderness,
defect (AI-)
was diagnosed NEC. Gas in portal
a) Enlarged left atrium
vein on USG- is seen in stage: b) Pulmonary plethora
(AIIMS) c) Enlarged pulmonary artery
a) 2A c) 2B d) Enlarged aorta
b) 3A d) 3B

10. A neonate is suspected to be

4. In atrial septal defect, the aorta is-
suffering from necrotizing
enterocolitis (NEC). On further Small/ Normal/
examination and investigation, he is Enlarged/ Aneurysmal
diagnosed to be Bell’s stage I NEC.
The management of choice would 5. Down syndrome is most commonly
be- (AIIMS-) associated with (NEET)
a) ASD with ostium secundum
a) Laparatomy
c) VSD
b) Insertion of bilateral pelvic drains b) ASD with ostium primum
c) Conservative management with d) TOF
I.V fluid and antibiotic
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
6. All are signs of impending 11. Ductus dependent blood flow is
Eisenmenger syndrome except required for all of these congenital
(AIIMS) heart diseases except- (AIIMS)
a) Increased flow murmur across a) Persistent truncus arteriosus
tricuspid and pulmonary valve b) Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
b) Single S2 c) Pulmonary stenosis
c) Loud P2 d) TGA with intact ventricular
d) Graham steel murmur septum

7. Eisenmenger syndrome- True are all

except (AIIMS) 12. A child is admitted on 7 days of life
a) Pulmonary veins are not with severe respiratory distress and
distended shock. He was discharged two days
b) RV and LV walls come back to back healthy. What could be the
normal size probable diagnosis-(AIIMS)
c) Dilatation of central pulmonary a) Large VSD
artery b) Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
d) Peripheral pruning of pulmonary c) Ebstein anomaly
arteries d) AP window defect

8. Which of the following is not a sign

of PDA in a preterm baby- (AIIMS) 13. All are true regarding tricuspid
a) Apnea atresia except- (NEET)
c) Tachycardia a) Split S2
b) Necrotizing enterocolitis b) Patent foramen ovale
d) Narrow pulse pressure c) Pulmonary oligemia in chest X-
d) Left axis deviation in ECG
9. 2 week baby with central cyanosis,
normal S1, single S2, plethoric lung; 14. True about Ebstein anomaly is-
diagnosis is- (DNB)
a) TGA c) TAPVC a) Right ventricular dilatation
b) TOF d) Pulmonary b) Right atrial dilatation
atresia c) Left ventricular dilatation
d) Left atrial dilatation
10. In TGA, position of aorta is- (AI-)
a) Posterior and left to pulmonary
b) Posterior and right to pulmonary
c) Anterior and left to pulmonary
d) Anterior and right to pulmonary
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2

1. Maternal disomy of chromosome 15

1. Which of the following haemoglobin
is seen in (AIIMS)
estimation will be diagnostically
a) Prader Willi syndrome
helpful in a case of beta- thalassemia
b) Klinefelter syndrome
trait- (NEET)
c) Angelman syndrome
a) Hb-F c) Hb-
d) Turner syndrome
b) Hb-A2 d)
2. Down syndrome all are seen except-
a) t (14:21) c) trisomy
2. Salmonellosis is most common in-
b) t (11:14) d) t
a) Sickle cell anemia c)
b) Hemophilia d) Cystic
3. All of the following are features of
Down’s syndrome except- (AIIMS)
a) Increased PAPPA
3. First change of improvement noted
b) Increased free beta HCG level
after iron therapy is initiated- (NEET)
c) Absent nasal bone
a) Reticulocytosis
d) Abnormal ductus venosus flow
c) Decreased irritability
b) Increase in serum iron level
d) Replenishment of iron stores
4. All of the following are true about
Noonan syndrome except- (DNB)
4. In thomboasthenia there is a defect
a) Equal incidence in boys and girls
in- (AI-)
b) Testosterone is always normal
a) Platelet adhesion
b) Platelet aggregation
c) Karyotype is normal
c) Decreased ADP release
d) Sensorineural hearing loss is
d) Platelet secretion

5. The coagulation profile in a 13 year

5. Edema of hands and feet in infant is
old girl with menorrhagia having
characteristic of- (NEET)
Von Willebrands disease is-
a) Noonan syndrome
a) Isolated prolonged PTT with a
b) Klinefelter syndrome
normal PT
c) Turner syndrome
b) Isolated prolonged PT with a
d) Fragile-X syndrome
normal PTT
c) Prolongation of both PT and PTT
d) Prolongation of thrombin time
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
6. Patau syndrome features include all 3. Which of the following statements
except- (NEET) about neuroblastoma is not true-
a) Cleft lip (AI-)
b) Hypotelorism a) Most common extracranial solid
c) Holoprosencephaly tumor in childhood
d) Rocker bottom foot b) > 50% present with metastasis at
the time of diagnosis
7. Common ocular manifestation in c) Lung metastasis is common
Trisomy 13 is: (AIIMS) d) Often encase aorta and its
a) Capillary hemangioma branches at the time of
b) Bilateral microphthalmus diagnosis
c) Neurofibroma
d) Dermoid cyst 4. Highest cure rate is of- (NEET)
a) Wilm’s tumor c)
8. A Down’s child with mental b) Rhabdomyosarcoma d)
retardation; all are seen except- All
a) Trisomy 21 5. A 2 year old male child presents with
b) Deleted 21 a lump in the right side of the
c) Robertsonian translocation abdomen. Ultrasound revealed it to
d) Mosaic be a solid mass. On examination his
right arm and leg were found to be
CHILDHOOD TUMORS longer. The most likely diagnosis is-
1. Good prognostic factors of ALL are
a) Neuroblastoma
all except- (DNB)
c) Wilm’s tumor
a) Hyperdiploidy
b) Angiomyolipoma
b) WBC count < 50000
d) Nephroblastoma
c) t (12:21)
d) Age > 10 years

2. A 4 year old child having palpable

abdominal mass and hypertension
with sweating and diarrhea is due
to- (NEET)
a) Nephroblastoma
c) Neuroblastoma
d) Hepatoblastoma
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
METABOLIC DISORDERS of the following condition is most
likely? (AIIMS-)
1. All are liver glycogenosis except-
a) Alkaptonuria
c) Hartnup disease
a) Von Girke disease
b) Phenylketonuria
c) Hers disease
d) Von Gierke’s disease
b) Type III glycogenosis
d) Pompes disease

7. A 3 year old child has

2. A child with hypoglycaemia is not
hepatosplenomegaly. On
able to utilize glucose from
examination of the bone marrow
glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis.
large cells are seen with crumpled
Which of the following enzyme is
paper appearance. Which of the
deficient in the child-(AIIMS)
following must have accumulated in
a) Fructokinase
these cells- (AIIMS)
c) Glucokinase
a) Sphingomyelin
b) Glucose-6-phosphatase
c) Ceramide
d) Transketolase
b) Glucocerebrosides
d) Sulfatides
3. A 6 month old child presents with
episode of vomiting after ingesting
fruit juice. Which of the following
8. A child presents with
enzyme deficiency is likely. (AIIMS)
hepatosplenomegaly, abdominal
a) Aldolase B
distension, jaundice, anemia and
c) Fructokinase
adrenal calcification. Which of the
b) Glucose-6-phosphatase
following is diagnosis- (AIIMS)
d) Hexokinase
a) Adrenal hemorrhage
c) Wolman disease
4. In Phenylketonuria, Ferric chloride
b) Pheochromocytoma
test with urine gives which colour
d) Addison disease
Green/ Blue/
9. True about Wilson disease is (DNB)
Red/ Purple
a) Increased serum ceruloplasmin
b) Decreased liver copper
5. Mousy odour urine is seen in- (NEET)
c) Increased urinary copper
a) Maple syrup urine disease
c) Isovaleric aciduria
d) Decreased urine copper
b) Phenylketonuria
d) Cystinuria

6. A child presents with pellagra like

dermatitis and aminoaciduria. Which
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
ENDOCRINOLOGY presence of mullerian structures. The
most probable diagnosis is- (AI-)
1. Cause of female a) Classic salt wasting 21-
pseudohermaphroditism- (AI-) hydroxylase deficiency
a) 17- alpha hydroxylase deficiency b) Simple virilizing congenital
b) 21- alpha hydroxylase deficiency adrenal hyperplasia
c) Mixed gonadal dysgenesis c) Complete Androgen insensitivity
d) All of the above syndrome
d) 5- alpha reductase deficiency
2. Most common enzyme deficiency
leading to childhood hypertension- 5. A 4 week old female child with
(DNB-) normal genitalia presents to the
a) 17- alpha hydroxylase emergency department with severe
b) 21- alpha hydroxylase dehydration, hyperkalemia and
c) 11- beta hydroxylase hyponatremia.Blood level
d) 3- beta hydroxy steroid measurement of which of the
dehydrogenase following will be useful? (AIIMS-)
a) 17- hydroxyprogesterone
3. 5 year old boy presents with pubic c) Renin
hair development. He is tall and has b) Cortisol
increased pigmentation of his d) Aldosterone
genitalia and phallic enlargement.
Blood pressure is 130/90 mm Hg. 6. The karyotype in testicular
Measurement of which of the feminising syndrome is- (DNB-)
following hormones would be most a) XX c) XY
likely to be diagnostic? (AIIMS-) b) XXY d)
a) Increased 17-hydroxy XXXY
b) Increased cortisol 7. A one year old child presents with
c) Increased aldosterone short stature, lethargy and
d) Increase in 11-deoxycortisol constipation. Clinical examination
shows a palpable goitre. Lab finding
4. A 7 year old child presents with reveals a low T4 and elevated TSH.
ambiguous genitalia. On Which of the following is the most
examination her height, weight and likely diagnosis- (AI)
blood pressure were recorded within a) Thyroid dysgenesis
normal limit. Labia appeared bifid b) Thyroid dyshormonogenesis
with two separate perineal openings, c) Central hypothyroidism
phallic length was 2.5 cm and no d) TSH receptor blocking antibody
palpable gonads were palpable in
the inguinal region. USG shows
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
8. Percentage of dose given as basal a) CXR c) Monteux
insulin in bolus-basal regimen in test
children is-(DNB) b) ELISA d) FNAC
a) 0-25% c)
25-50% 4. All of the following methods are
b) 50-75% d) used for diagnosis of HIV infection in
None a 2 month old child except- (DNB)
a) DNA –PCR c) Viral
b) HIV ELISA d) p24 antigen
9. All of the following are side effects assay
of growth hormone therapy except-
(AIIMS) 5. Congenital Toxoplasmosis- False is-
a) Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (AIIMS-)
b) Gynaecomastia a) Diagnosed by detection of IgM
c) Hypoglycemia in cord blood
d) Pseudotumor cerebri b) IgA is more sensitive than IgM
for detection
INFECTIOUS DISEASE c) Dye test is gold standard for IgG
d) Avidity testing must be done to
1. All of the following statements about
differentiate between IgA & IgM
congenital rubella are true except-
a) IgG persists for more than 6
b) IgM antibody present at birth
c) Most common anomalies are
hearing and heart defects
d) Increased risk of congenital
malformation if infection occurs
after 16 weeks

2. Following are complications of

chicken pox except- (NEET)
a) Meningitis c)
b) Pneumonia d) Reye

3. Which of the following has no role in

diagnosis of childhood TB? (DNB-)
Pediatrics MCQs -Dr. Ranjan Singh
– Part 2
NUTRITION IU, normal parathormone level and
bicarbonate 22meq/L. Which of the
1. Waterlow classification of following is the most probable
malnutrition in child takes into diagnosis- (NEET; AIIMS)
account- (DNB-) a) Distal renal tubular acidosis
a) Weight for height (Wasting) b) Hypophosphatemic rickets
b) Height for age (Stunting) c) Vit-D dependent rickets
c) Weight for height (Wasting) and d) Hypoparathyroidism
Height for age (Stunting)
d) Weight for age 6. A child presented with features of
rickets and decreased serum calcium,
increased serum phosphorus and
decreased urinary calcium and
2. Not seen in Kwashiorkor- (AI-) phosphorus. These are seen in which
a) Apathy c) Flaky paint condition? (AIIMS)
dermatosis a) Renal tubular acidosis
b) Poor appetite d) Increased b) Coeliac rickets
albumin c) Nutritional rickets
d) Renal glomerular rickets

3. True about cow’s milk are all except- 7. Primary metabolic bone disorder in
(AIIMS-) scurvy is- (AI-)
a) Cow’s milk contain 80% whey a) Decreased mineralization
protein not casein b) Decreased osteoid matrix
b) Cow’s milk has less carbohydrate formation
than mother’s milk c) Increased bone resorption
c) Has more Na and K than infant d) Decreased bone mass with
formula feeds normal mineralization and
d) Has more protein than breast osteoid formation

4. Basic pathology in Rickets- (AI-)

a) Defective bone matrix formation
b) Defect in mineralization
c) Defect in osteoid formation
d) All of the above

5. A 2 year old boy has Vit D- resistant

rickets. His investigation revealed
serum Calcium 9mg/dl, Phosphate
2.4mg/dl, Alkaline phosphatise 1041

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