Student Teaching Journal

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Student Teaching Journal   

Miss. Barnes 2018-2019 

Day 5: January 18th, 2019  
Goal: ​ To successfully complete my first in-service 
Throughout the day 
● Faculty meeting 
1. We looked at the previous assessments and compare and contrast them to 
previous scores. 
2. We had to list concerns we had about why the children weren't growing and 
some string to why the children were growing 
3. Then we broke into groups depending on our grade: Kindergarten I was 
working on reading workshop and planning 
● Mrs. Gearhart and I decided what guided reading groups each student 
belong in based on children's scores during their BAS testing 
4. Then we had a class on poverty 
● We talked about how children who are in poverty feel like they 
need to fight to get anything the thing mean in life and how we 
need to make sure they feel comfortable on our classroom and 
feel like they have someone they can count on and someone who 
believes in them. 
● We also look at the different schools in Altoona in the 
different property percentages in each school 
● Then we broke up into the different group based on the 
chapter we had and then had to come up with different ways on 
how we would we service the child in poverty 
Goals for teaching  
● To continue to strengthen my classroom management skills. 
● To continue to strengthen my time management skills. 
Day 6: January 21st, 2019- No school MLK day  
Day 7: January 22th, 2019  
Goal: ​To successfully teach three lessons and to use my classroom management 
skills appropriately. 
Throughout the day 
1. We had a two-hour delay so we started at 11 am instead of 9 am. 
2. I taught rug time well Mrs. Gearhart made phone calls home to some 
of the student's parents. 
● During rug time I taught the concepts of: 
○ Calendar 
○ Days of the week ( Today is, Tomorrow will be, and 
Yesterday was,) 
○ Counting the numbers of days 
○ Weather 
3. Then, I taught math 
● We learned a new number which was number 14: 
○ I had them be detectives and I asked them 2 clues to 
guess what our new number was for this week. 
○ To review an older concept we represented 14 and 4 
ways: By simply writing the number, drawing 14 balloons, 
showing it on a 20 frame, and showing it on a number line. 
○ I introduced my new math bulletin board and because we 
were learning about the number 14 we counted 14 
marshmallows and put them into the hot chocolate cup. 
○ We counted 14 of our friends up front in front of 
○ Then we went back to our desks and together we did our 
worksheet for the day which we traced and wrote the 
number 14 
○ We showed it on a ten frames 
○ And we colored 14 circles 
4. After, I introduced our letter of the week 
● Our letter of the week was Ww 
○ We talked about what the letter was and what sound W 
○ We associated the letter W with wiggle so every time we 
said w and the sound-we wiggled 
○ Then we talked about if Ww was a catching or stretching 
sound and we determine that W was a catching sound 
○ Then we put our hand to our vocal cords and felt for if 
Ww was monitored on or a motor off sound 
○ Then I introduced our character for the week and we 
talked about Willy the worm and all that Willy the worm 
had and pictures that started with w 
○ After we went on Starfall where we determined what the 
picture was and if it started with w 
○ Then we went back to our desks and did our I Spy game 
where we looked inside the wagon and found pictures that 
started with the letter w 
5. Last, we went to an assembly where we learned about Bloodhound dogs and 
what their jobs were to help people who are lost find their homes. 
Conflict: Circle time- the class was noisy. 
Resolution: I gave them a warning and if they continue to talk they would have to 
move their car to yellow and do their work at their desk. 
Goals for teaching  
● To continue to strengthen my classroom management skills. 
● To continue to strengthen my time management skills. 

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