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Problems Encountered by the Graduate as a Newly Employed Civil Engineer

Particulars Graduates Employers

Working under pressure 127 10

Taking responsibility 98 7

Working by himself/herself 74 7

Working with people from different background 105 6

Afraid of failure 114 8

Dealing with your superiors 84 7

Not knowing enough 120 10

Learning on your own 90 8

This table gives the general views of the graduates on the problems they encountered as

newly employed Civil Engineers, as well as the views of the employers on the problems

encountered by graduates they have employed. The intention of this table is to report on the

issues that were raised concerning the employability of civil engineering graduates and why

graduates may or may not be employable. The most stressed problems encountered by a newly

employed civil engineer as perceived by the graduates and the employers is “working under

pressure”, followed by “not knowing enough”, and being “afraid of failure”.

To test the hypothesis as stated earlier for the statistical significance for the problems

encountered by the graduate as a newly employed civil engineer, two-proportions test using

Minitab software had been performed. The result gives a p-value or probability value of __

which is greater than the significance level (denoted as α or alpha) of 0.05. It means that the

decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. We can conclude that there is no significant

difference between the perception of the graduates and the perception of the employers about the

problems encountered by the graduate as a newly employed civil engineer.

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