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Submitted by
Ruchi Songare

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of






I have immense pleasure in successful completion of this report titled “CUSTOMER


The special environment of IPER, Bhopal that always support educational activities
facilitated my work on this report.

I acknowledge the support, the encouragement, extended for this study by our Director
Dr.Amarjeet Singh Khalsa.

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the respectable guide Mr. Prashant
Thakur, HR Manager at Big Bazaar, Bhopal. I am also thankful to all Managers for their
precious suggestions and encouragement during the project.

We greatly appreciate the motivation and understanding extended for the report work, by
Prof.(DR.) Arjun Murti and Prof. Rahul Kumar Choubey, who responded promptly and
enthusiastically to my requests for frank comments, despite their congested schedules. We are
indebted to all of them, who did their best to bring improvements through their suggestions.

We thank our Dearest Parents, who encouraged me to extend my reach. With their help and
support we have been able to complete this work.

Ruchi Songare
MBA (2014 - 2016)
Student Declaration

This is to certify that, I have completed the Summer Project titled “CUSTOMER
Prof.(Dr.) Arjun Murti and Prof. Rahul Kumar Choubey in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of Degree of Master in Business Administration at Institute of
Professional Education and Research, Bhopal. This is an original piece of work & I have not
submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Date: 3/Aug/2015 Signature:

Place: Bhopal Name: Ruchi Songre
University Enrolment No.:
Table of Content

 Conceptual Overview 5-8

 Data Analysis 9 - 29
 Suggestions by Customer 30
 Findings 31- 33
 Recommendations 34 - 35
Chapter 1
Conceptual Overview
Conceptual Overview
In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction
is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business
strategy. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors the customer, such
as other products against which the customer can compare the organization's products. The
enormous retail boom in India has given space to many companies who have mushroomed
out to benefit from this retail boom, which is nothing but a structured format of the
unorganized retail business which is being done in India from ages. Many stores have come
up with exquisite interiors, state of the art infrastructure and the best possible products or
services to the customer which has led to the growth of mall culture in India. The stores try
and attract customers by providing them with such services and plenty of options in products
and services in different categories so that they can retain customers for long and make them
loyal towards their retail stores.

The retail business is booming in India and there has been remarkable shift in the buying
behavior of the people from traditional stores to hypermarket stores. It becomes important for
the marketers to understand these relationships Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction.
Customers are the purpose of what we do and rather than them depending on us, we very
much depend on them.

“Customer Satisfaction is an overall customer attitude towards a service provider, or an

emotional reaction to the difference between what customers anticipate and what they
receive, regarding the fulfillment of some need, goal or desire.”

“Customer loyalty is actually the result of an organization creating a benefit for a customer
so that they will maintain or increase their purchases from the organization.”

“Customer retention is the practice of working to satisfy customers with the intention of
developing long-term relationships with them.”

Customer satisfaction is a term generally used to measure a customer's perception of a

company's products and services. Customer satisfaction is that customers are most likely to
appreciate the goods and services that they buy if they are made to feel special. This occurs
when they feel that the goods and services that they buy have been specially produced for
them or for people like them. To understand customers—what customers are doing and what
they’re saying—companies need to examine the customers’ interactions with their products
and services through a different lens and discover where these are falling short. Fortunately,
the “know your customer” adage has been taken to an entirely new level by experience
analytics platform providers. Tracking actual customer behaviors and experiences across
retail, online and contact centers provides powerful insights into the root cause of issues like
poor satisfaction. Fast growing, successful Companies retain and gain customer loyalty by
doing more than simply resolving an existing problem.

Indian retail sector is witnessing one of the most hectic Marketing activities of all time. The
companies are fighting to win the hearts of customer. There is always a ‘first mover
advantage’ in an upcoming sector. In India, that advantage goes to “BIG BAZAAR”. It has
brought about many changes in the buying habits of people. It has created formats, which
provide all items under one roof at low rates.

Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarket in India. Currently, there are 165 stores nationally
across 80 cities and towns in India. Big Bazaar is designed as an agglomeration of bazaars or
Indian markets with clusters offering a wide range of merchandise including fashion and
apparels, food products, general merchandise, furniture, electronics, books, fast food and
leisure and entertainment sections. But Bhopal store offers fashion and apparels, food and
general merchandise.

Customer Satisfaction Factors:

 The Company ability to fulfill the business, emotional, and psychological needs of the
 Quality of service delivery expected by the customers
 An internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need of customer
 Providing good service in a pleasant manner and meeting the customer’s expectations.

In this project, we will study its marketing strategies and promotional activities. A Study
conducted in face to face interaction with the customers who came to shop at the store and
data filled from 200 customers. This report is based on 14 questions and 6 demographic
questions. Study was conducted through sample random population of customers at Big

 The primary objective was to know the customers satisfaction level and their
expectations from the store. Customer satisfaction has been directly correlated to
service quality and employee satisfaction. Survey has shown that 68% customers
preferred Big Bazaar over other retail stores, while 32% section of
respondent customers preferred other retail hyper market s over Big

 The location of big bazaar store is gulmohar colony, which is located outside of the
central area of Bhopal. So it is biggest drawback for Big Bazaar, Bhopal.

 Another important objective of the study was to identify the needs and expectations of
the customers visiting the store from the store. A few questions were set to identify
the same. From the study it was revealed that a large number of customers needed
ATM, large variety of stock, quick billing process, seating arrangements at the store,
and many needed some branded collections at the Clothing section etc.
Chapter 2

Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Sample Size – 200

Q. Please indicate your gender:

Male 88
Female 112




The above chart clearly shows that Big bazaar has almost equal customers regarding gender
where the female customers are comparatively more in a total customer base. Female think
more convenient to shop at hypermarket because they fulfil most of shopping needs under
one roof.
Q. Your age?

Younger than 18 8
18 – 25 72
25 – 35 70
35 – 45 24
45 – 55 22
More than 55 4

More than 55 Age Younger than 18

2% 4%

45 – 55

35 – 45
12% 18 – 25

25 – 35

Majority of the customers who visit the store belongs to the age group of 18 to 25 and 25 to
40 who are the major decision makers in the family. The next major customer base constitute
of population belonging to the age group of 35 to 55.
Most of the customer is young so promotional strategy should be according to them. Like Big
Bazaar Loyalty Program T24 sim is mostly used by this age group.
Q. Profession:

Service 97
Business 38
Housewife 26
Student 39



Housewife 48%


The above data shows that Big bazaar more or less is equally attracting customers belonging
to various professions where majority of the population is Service Class person, followed by
a House wives, Student which amounts to 39 percent of the total customers. Business class
also constitute an small part of customer base.
Service class is coming at store for convenience because in hectic schedule they could not
find time to do shopping, whereas business class has small part of customer base because of
availability of Best Price in Bhopal.
Q. Monthly House hold Income

Less than 10,000 21

10,001 ≤ 25,000 41
25,001 ≤ 40,000 44
40,001 ≤ 55,000 28
55,001 ≤ 70,000 47
More than 70,001 19

Monthly House Hold Income

More than Less than 10,000
70,001 10%

55,001 ≤ 10,001 ≤
70,000 25,000
21% 20%

40,001 ≤
25,001 ≤ 40,000

The above findings shows that that the majority of the customers average family monthly
income is around Rs.25,001-40,000, which shows that the store attracts large amount of
middle–class customers. Next majority of customer family earns about Rs. 55,001≤70,000
followed by 20% of families earning below Rs. 10,000. Upper middle class families
constitute to 10 percent of the total customer base. But the middle upper class and upper
middle class comes often at store because of lack of varieties in Home & Personal Care and
Food Department.
Q. Where do you go mostly to fulfil your monthly Shopping needs?

Big Bazaar 95
Hyper City 21
Vishal Mega Mart 10
Best Price 32
Reliance Market 22
Others 20

Shopping Needs

Reliance Market Others

11% 10%

Big Bazaar
Best Price

Vishal Mega Mart 11%

The above table and graph clearly indicates that the half of the customer’s base are interested
in Big bazaar than any other retail outlets while making a purchase.
Q. How frequently do you purchase from Big Bazaar?

Daily 11
Every Wednesday 69
Every Weekends 42
Once in A month 35
twice in month 16
Not Sure 27

Frequency to come at store Daily


Not Sure
twice in month 14%
Once in A 34%
18% Every

34% of the respondents visited weekly due to the popular “Wednesday bazaar” and on
weekends. 21% visited on weekends for “Craziest weekends offer”, 18% visited once in a
month that makes bulk purchase for entire month. A very minute 4 percent visited the store
daily and these customers are those who stay near to the store.
Consumers who shop only once a month look to buy groceries and other essentials to last
them a month. Therefore, retail outlets have tough customers in those who shop once a
month. Such customers look to buy in bulk. They want all things at one place at which store
they get all things at once they usually prefer that retail store so it is essential to capture this
market, retail outlets must put in place strategies that attract them. Once they profess a liking
to a certain store, they turn out to be very loyal customers.
Q. Which category of product do you buy most at Big Bazaar?

Apparels 27

Fruit & Vegetables 43

Food 39

General Merchandising

Home & Personal Care 23

All Of the Above 42

All Of the Above

Fruit &
Home & Vegetables
Personal Care 21%
General 20%

21% of the respondents buy products from Fruit & Vegetables and also 21% customer fulfil
their monthly needs from big bazaar store itself. 13% of Apparels section and 12% of Home
& personal care signifies that there is lack of varieties.
Q. Do you find the products easily?
(For MPM – Merchandise Presentation Manual)

Yes 121
NO 29
Mostly 50

Products Easily


NO Yes
15% 60%

60% of the respondents say that in shelves they get their product easily. Only 15% says they
don’t get product easily in food section they always ask for assistance.
Q. Do you find sufficient availablelity of Stocks and varieties?

Yes 91
No 48
Mostly 61

Stock & Varieties

31% Yes


The survey shows that customers that are around 45% are of opinion that the products at the
store are sufficient and 31% of the respondents say mostly but 24% customer think that the
Bhopal store should open more departments like Electronic Bazaar, Confectionaries etc., and
some basic products are not available during the offer periods. Many customers give their
response that Fashion section should increase their range of products.
Q. Do you find proper signage’s over shelves?

Yes 134
No 10
Mostly 56

Chart Title



67% of the respondents say that they find signage’s over shelves always right. Only 5% says
they faced problem because signage’s over shelves are not updated.
This problem generally faced in morning time.
Q. How many times you face the problem in billing process?

NO 37
Rarely 47
Often 55
Many Times 61

Problem in Billing process

Many Times


Respondents who faced problems at least once were considered in this study. Of these Offers
properly being not updated is the major problem and this problem occurred mostly during
rush days, while some of the respondents felt the same problem even during when there were
less footfalls. Problems are price mismatch between the billing system and the price on the
product, problem with bar code errors.
Q. When do you prefer to shop most in Big Bazaar ?

During Sale 42
During Fresh Season Stock 31
During Discount 34
When Required 70
Not Sure 23

Prefer Shopping
Not Sure

During Sale
Required During Fresh
35% Season Stock

During Discount

35% of the respondents say that they purchase when they required. 15% purchase on fresh
season stock, 21% and 17% respectively doing shopping during sale and during discount.
9. Do you aware about Big Bazaar Loyalty Program?

Yes 143
No 57

Loyalty Program



71% of the customers are aware from the loyalty program but 29% say that they are not
aware from the any loyalty program.
Q. Have you take benefit of our Loyalty Program?

Payback Card 45
Profit Club Card 29
T24 51
All of the above 34
None of the above 41

Benefit Loyalty

None of
Payback Card
All of the Profit Club
above Card
17% 14%

17% respondents are using all the loyalty program while 22% are using payback card and
26% are using T24 sim but 21% customer did not know about the any loyalty program.
Q. Have you take benefit of our services?

Free Home Delivery 11

Free Alteration 45
Free Gift Wrapping 74
All of the Above 9
None Of the above 61

Free Home
Benefit Services Delivery

None Of the Free

above Alteration
31% 22%

All of the Above Free Gift

5% Wrapping

Majority of the respondents were happy with the Free Gift Wrapping facility. But many faced
problem during the weekends and during Wednesdays due to rush on Customer Seva Desk.
People were quite happy with the alteration but they are not much aware about Home
Delivery Facility.
Q. How long did it take for customer support to resolve your problem?

Not Having Problem Yet
Same Day
Next Day
More Than A Day
Problem did Not get Resolved

Problem did
Not get Resolve Problem Not Having
Resolved Problem Yet
5% 15%
More Than A

Next Day
Same Day

Majority of the respondents say that their problem get resolve on same day , 16 % say that
their problem get resolve on next day. Their problem is generally related to billing problem of
Price Mismatch.
13. Please rate Big Bazaar on the following attributes:

Professionalism Of Staff

Satisfied 142
Dissatisfied 35
Not Sure 23

Professionlism Of Staff

Not Sure



Almost every respondent were happy with the employees and their approach with the
customers. Many said the employees are truly helpful when they needed help and a very
minute section felt employees were unaware of the offers being announced and some didn’t
knew where some of the products can be found.
Quality Of Product / Services

Satisfied 89
Dissatisfied 71
Not Sure 40

Quality of Product / Services

Not Sure

Satisfaction level of quality is 44% but they also have dissatisfaction level due to some
products like in cashew they find some insects in it and sometimes they find near to expire
product on the floor.

Satisfied 113
Dissatisfied 56
Not Sure 31

Satisfied Dissatisfied Not Sure


28% 56%

Majority of customer are satisfied by the pricing of the product whereas some respondents
give feedback that Big Bazaar is known for the Offers and Discounts so store should come
with more attractive offers.

Satisfied 133
Dissatisfied 21
Not Sure 46


Not Sure

11% Satisfied

Majority of customers are satisfied with the look and feel of store, lightening, Hygiene factor
etc but some of the customer give feedback that cooling system is too high sometimes. And
some are also not feel good with the cleanness of store the reason behind of this due to rush
Suggestions by Customers

 Lack of Varieties in Home & Personal Care.

 Offer message is not giving to the customer.
 Ladies Handbags.
 Waiting time should be decrease.
 Improve in sale offers.
 Separate kids section as boy and girl.
 Fruit and vegetable quality is not good.
 Staff should be more informed about the product.
 Requirement of variety specially in luggage section.
 Compare offer price of other stores, which leads in growth of sale.
 Security should be improve.
 More no. of helping person should be deployed.
 Staff need to be improve service.
 Most of product sales on MRP, price mismatch.
 Electronic section should be available.
 Customers are not satisfied with the quality of the products.
 Sometime confusion about the offers.
 Customers get confused about the way of the sections.
 Sometime the customers are not getting the help of sales force.
 Customers are not aware about the new arrivals.
 Lack of advertisement.
 Customers face size problems.
 Proper colour sheds are not available.
 Stocks problem is also present.
 Inform about the offers through mobile.
Chapter 3
Retail supremacy can be achieved only through an in depth knowledge of the customer needs,
wants and mainly their satisfaction. A study was conducted to evaluate the level of consumer
satisfaction in retail industry with reference to Big Bazaar, Bhopal. The summary of findings
can be stated based on the study as follows:

 The customer base of the Big Bazaar, Bhopal constitute of almost equal amount of
male and female customers, majority of which comes into age group of 18 to 35.
 The respondents who filled the questionnaire have a moderate family income.
 A large no. of the customers visits the store once in a week, as a result of crowd-
pulling weekly events like ‘Wednesday Bazaar’ and ‘Craziest Weekend’.
 Customer often face problem of unavailability of product like Peanut,
Herbs in food section etc. Product should be made available in stock so that
customer should not face problem of stock out.
 There was a mixed response towards the apparels at ‘Fashion at Bazaar’. According
to Customer FBB section should increase much better collection in ladies western
section and also in footwear section.
 Store A.T.M. service should be improve to get customer retention.
 Some time price mismatch problem occurred during the morning time of new offers.
 There is a satisfactory response towards the ambience of the store where music,
fragrance, Hygiene, lighting pleased them.
 Customers are satisfied by the services provided by the Big bazaar such as Parking,
Free alterations, Free Gift wrapping, Free Home Delivery etc.
 The respondents were happy with the behaviour of the employees but some time they
complained that the employees were unaware of the latest offers. Percentage of not
knowing the offer is very little.
 The Customer Service Desk was found to be very much helpful in solving the
grievance of the customer.
 The study also showed that the customers were able to navigate through the stores
using signage’s and mostly helped themselves as they were familiar with the store.
 It was observed most of the customers were not aware about the offer and scheme
going in the store. so proper communication should be made to make customer aware
about the offer and discount specially to loyalty customer.
After a study it is found that the customers have a favourable opinion about Big bazaar but
there is some aspect where store has to work on it.

As Said by Mr. Sarvesh Shrivastava, Area Manager of Big Bazaar, M.P. – “Bhopal store
strong point is their loyalty Program. So retaining the customer store has to work on some
weak areas of store”
Chapter 4
The consumers in favouring a particular store over others are – Quality, Price, One-stop shop,
Brand, Store layout, and Proximity. The quality, price and variety of goods play big roles in
the decision making process, from the consumers’ point of view, proximity is of little
 Quality – Big Bazaar plays prominently on price, it should not comprise on quality.
The moment the quality of products sold at Big Bazaar starts deteriorating, customers
will start shifting to other retail chains as there are many options available in the
organized retail segment these days. So to retain elite class customer products quality
should be maintain.
 Price – Big Bazaar positioning in customer mind set is offers and discount and its
large customer base is middle and upper middle income level, so it always come with
new offers.
 One stop shop – Store should increase some more departments like Electronic
Appliances, Book Store etc. and merchandise like raincoats, Cycles etc. So store can
become one stop shop for customer.
 Brand - Need to promote more in – house brands within the store and in marketing
 Proximity - It is said that the most important things in retail are Location. In Bhopal
Big Bazaar location is not central location, so store is not able to attract many
customers. To attract them store come with innovative promotional strategy so it can
grab the attention of potential customer.
 During the off peak hour’s big bazaar should provide some offers to its
customers so that people would be encouraged to come to big bazaar during off peak
hours. The customers who are present in the mall during th e o f f p e a k h o u r s o f
b i g b a z a a r w i l l d e f i n i t e l y c o m e i n t o b i g b a z a a r i f surprise offers are
made at that time.
 Crowed management is a major matter of concern, especially on offer days and on
weekends. Personal care should be taken by the sales person for the customers so
that the customers feel good. So, The number of staff should be increased in each
section to handle the crowd. Employee should be given training time to time.

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