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1.PHRASES OF PUPOSE (cuïm töø chæ muïc ñích )
To – V(bare inf)
In order to / so as to + V (bare -inf) (ñeå / ñeå maø )
In order not to / so as not to + V (inf ) ( ñeã khoâng …)
2.Modal “WILL/ SHALL” to make requests, offers and promise ( ñeå yeâu caàu, ñeà nghò
vaø thöïc hieän lôi höùa)
EX: Will you open the window, please? ( Baïn môû giuøm toâi caùi cöûa soå nheù? )
Would you pay me in cash, please? ( Xin vui loøng traû toâi baèng tieàn maët? )
She promises she will study harder .
 Löu yù: SHALL chuû yeáu ñöôïc duøng vôùi ñaïi töø ngoâi thöù nhaát ( I, WE )
Ex: Shall I do the washing –up ? ( Toâi röûa baùt ñóa nheù ? ) -> Lôøi ñeà nghò
Shall we go to the park? ( Chuùng ta ñi coâng vieân nheù? ) -> Gôïi yù
3.FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: thì töông lai ñôn
+ Affirmative – negative – interrogative form: daïng khaüng ñònh-phuû ñònh-nghi
(+) Subject + will + V ( bare-inf)
(- ) Subject + will not/ won’t + V (bare-inf)
( ?) WH + will + S + V …..?
 Daáu hieäu: thi töông lai ñôn ñi keøm caùc traïng töø vaø cuïm töø chæ thôøi gian: tonight/
tomorrow/ soon/ sometimes/ one day/ someday/ next week/ month/ year …….
Ex: He will come here soon.
I will be an engineer one day.
She promises she will pick me up at my house.
A/ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: post this letter for me ?
a/Will b/ Do c/ Are d/ Won’t
2.Cool the burns immediately so as to........................................tissue damage.
a/ ease b/ relieve c/ minimize d/ maximize
3.She promises she .....................................back in about half an hour
a/ is b/ be c/ has been d/ will be
4.People use first-aid ...................................ease the victim’s pain and anxiety.
a/so that b/ in order to c/ so as not to d/ in order that used to check one’s eyesight .
a/ Eye-Shade b/ Eyeglass c/ Eyepiece d/ Eye-Chart
6.His feet hurt so he has to walk to school .............................
a/on crutch b/ on crutches c/ on foot d/ on feet
7.If a patient faints , leave him/her ..................................
a/to lie flat b/ to lie flatly c/ lying flat d/ lying flatly
8.She cut her head and it’s .........................................quite badly.
a/ blooding b/ bloods c/ bleeding d/ bleeds a bandage ,please? My foot is bleeding badly.
a/Are you giving b/ Shall you give c/ Could you give d/ Do you give
10.An ......................................can take a patient to hospital quickly .
a/ emergence b/ ambulance c/ bleeding d/ wound
11.The ambulance will be there ..........................10 minutes .Just wait for it .
a/ at b/ in c/ around d/ about
12. Don’t forget to give the victim a cup of tea when he ...............................
a/ revives b/ revived c/ revive d/ reviving
13.Would you like ..........................................that for you ?
a/ me doing b/ me to do c/ me do d/ that I do
I/ Read the passage then answer the questions :

a/ Yesterday when I was riding along a busy street .I saw an accident .A woman was knocked
down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing (vaïch voâi traéng cho ngöôøi ñi boä ) .Many
people stoped to offer their help .A policeman arrrived and asked a young man to telephone for an
ambulance .While waiting for the ambulance ,the policeman and some people tried to stop the
bleeding .They used a handkerchief to cover the wound .then put pressure on it and help it tight
.They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake .After about ten minutes ,the ambulance
arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital .
Questions :
1/ When did the accident
happen ? ...........................................................................................................................
2/ Where was the woman knocked
down ? ...............................................................................................................
3/ Who telephoned for an
ambulance ? ....................................................................................................................
4/ What did they do to stop the
bleeding ? ................................................................................................................
5/ What did they tried to talk to
her ? ........................................................................................................................
6/ How long did the ambulance
arrive ? ....................................................................................................................
I/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first .
1.Open the door, please .->Will you......................................................................................?
2.Hanh is studying very hard because she doesn’t want to fail in the exam .
-> Hanh is studying very hard in order ................................................................
3.Do you want me to drive ? -> Shall I ..............................................?
4.I want you to carry my bag .-> Can ................................................................................?
5.She climbed the tree because she wanted to get a better view .
-> She climbed the tree so as .........................................................
I.PASSIVE FORMS: daïng bò ñoäng
a-Active form: theå chuû ñoäng
Theå chuû ñoäng laø theå trong ñoù chuû ngöõ laø ngöôøi hay vaät thöïc hieän / laøm chuû
haønh ñoäng
Ex: They built this house in 1987. ( Hoï xaây caên nhaø naøy vaøo naêm 1987 )
b-Passive forms: theå bò ñoäng/ daïng bò ñoäng
Theå bò ñoäng laø theå trong ñoù chuû ngöõ ñöôïc nhaän hoaëc bò aûnh höôûng cuûa
haønh ñoäng.
Ex: This house was built in 1987. ( Caên nhaø naøy ñöôïc xaây vaøo naêm 1987 )
c-General form: Coâng thöùc toång quaùt cuûa ñoäng töø trong caâu bò ñoäng
Subject + be + V3/ V-ed ( past participle ) +
……… O
 BE : ñöôïc chia theo thì cuûa ñoäng töø chính trong caâu chuû ñoäng
d-Caùch ñoåi caâu chuû ñoäng sang caâu bò ñoäng:
Active S Va O

Passive S Vp by + O
( be + V3/ V-ed )
1.1.Present passive voice (bò ñoäng hieän taïi ñôn) -> am/ is / are + V3/ V-ed
Ex: Mr. Robinson teaches English. ( OÂâng Robinson daïy tieáng anh )
English is taught by Mr.Robinson. ( Tieáng anh ñöôïc daïy bôûi oâng Robinson )
1.2.Future passive voice: ( bò ñoäng thì töông lai ) -> will + be + V3/ V-ed
Ex: We will hold the meeting tonight.
The meeting will be held tonight by us.
 Caùch ñoåi moät soá ñaïi töø nhaân xöng laøm chuû ngöõ sang taân ngöõ (O) vaø ngöôïc laïi
I < = > me ; He < = > him ; She < = > her ; We < => us ; they < = > them ;

 Löu yù: by someone, by them, by us, by him, by her, by people, thöôøng ñöôïc boû trong
caâu bò ñoäng
3.Modal verbs ( can/ could/ shall/ would/ must/ be going to …) -> can/ should/ must ..+ be +
V3/ V-ed
Ex: Lan can answer this math problem
 This math problem can be answered by Lan.
4.Past passive form: ( bi ñoäng thì quaù khöù ) -> was/ were + V3/ V-ed + by O
Ex: Alexadra invented the telephone.
 The telephone was invented by Alexandra.
5.Present perfect passive voice ( bò ñoäng thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh ) -> has/ have +
been + V3/ V-ed
Ex: Someone has painted the door.
 The door has been painted ( by someone )
II/.Adjectives followed by: an infinitive / a noun clause ( tính töø ñöôïc theo sau bôûi: to –
V / meänh ñeà dtöø
-Ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu coù “ TO” theo sau moät soá tính töø sau: difficult ( khoù) ,
easy( deã) , dangerous ( nguy hieåm) , hard( khoù) , important (quan troïng) ,
happy (haïnh phuùc) , delighted( vui), certain =sure ( chaéc chaén) ,
relieved( deã chòu) , afraid (sôï, e raèng) , pleased ( haøi loøng) , glad( vui) , safe
( an toaøn )…..
S + be + adj + to -V
Ex: It is difficult to follow your directions.
-Noun clause ( that clause) theo sau caùc tính töø nhö treân.:
S + be + adj + that + S + V
Ex: We are delighted that you passed the final exam
1 Milk the house by the milkman every day .
a/brings b/ is brings c/ is brought d/ has brought
2.We are delighted letter last week .
a/ getting b/ to get c/ get d/ got
3.Milk bottles can be .....................................after being cleaned .
a/ recycled b/ thrown away c / broken d/ reused
4.This project month .
a/ is carried out b/ will carry out c/ carries out d/ will be carried out
5.It’s dangerous this river .
a/ swim b/ to swim c/ swimming d/ swam
6.Miss Black is a ..........................from friends of Earth .
a/ representative b/ represent c/ represented d/ representation
7 ...........................means not buying products which are overpackaged .
a/ Reducing b/ Recycling c / Reusing d/ Reordering
8.Nowadays,people wear shoes and sandals ........................from old car tires .
a/ made b/ done c/ reused d/ reduced
9.You don’t look, my dear friend !
a/ happily b/ happily c/ happy d/ be happy
10.We are looking forward to in June .
a/seeing b/see c/ saw d/ be seen
11.Farmers use the dung of animals for .......................... their fields .
a/ spending b/ fertilizing c/ wasting d/ collecting
12.Car old tires ................................... to make pipes and floor coverings .
a/ are recycling b/ are recycled c/ recycled d/ are
13. I’m ..................................that you passed your English exam .
a/ delight b/ to delight c/ delighting d/ delighted
14.I promise I ................................on time .I hope so
a/ come b/ came c/ will come d/ can come
15.It is believe that he passed the exam .

a/ hardly b/ hard c/ difficulty d/ difficultly
* Match the words or phrases in column A with those in column B :
1....Compost a. Very soon
2....People use first aid b.Sure .Here you are .
3....What do you mean by “recycle” ? made from household and garden waste .
4....What will we do with ‘vegetable order to ease the victim’s pain and anxiety .
matter’? e.It means not throwing things away and find another
5....When will the project be started use for them.
,Doctor ? f.We make it into compost and fertilize uor field .
6....Could you give me a bandage
,please ?
* Supply the correct verb form :
1. It’s difficult ................................your directions .( follow )
2. The glass ..................................into small pieces .( break )
3. Old car tires make pipes and floor coverrings .( use )
4. The project the end of the year .( start )
5. I promise I .............................her awake .( keep )
6. Cool the burns immediately so as to ..........................tissue damage .( minimize )
I.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first .
1.Break the glass into small pieces . -> The
glass ..................................................................................
2.Many people speak English in the world . ->
English ......................................................................................
3.This question is difficult to understand . ->
It’s .............................................................................................
4.I will repair your bicycle tomorrow afternoon .-> Your
bicycle ........................................................................
5.I was delighted that I passed the final exam . ->I was
delighted ...................................................................
6.They will build a new school this year . -> A new
school .....................................................................
7.People use first aid because they want to ease the victim’s pain and anxiety .
-> People use fisrt aid in order ..........................................................................
I.Present participle and past participle:
1.Present participle: ( V-ing ) hieän taïi phaân töø ( noái 2 caâu baèng “V-ING” , mang nghóa
chuû ñoäng ‘ñang’)
Ex: The boy is Ba. He is reading a book.( Caäu beù laø Ba. Caäu aáy ñang ñoïc saùch )
 The boy reading book is Ba. ( Caäu beù maø ñang ñoïc saùch laø Ba )
2.Past participle: ( V3/ V-ed ) quaù khöù phaân töø (noái 2 caâu baèng “V 3/V-ed”, mang nghóa bò
ñoäng ‘ñöôïc/ bò’)
Ex: The old lamp is five dollars. It is made in China. ( caùi ñeøn cuû laø 5 ñoâla. Noù ñöôïc
saûn xuaát ôû TQ)
 The old lamp made in China is five dollars. ( caùi ñeøn cuû ñöôïc saûn xuaát ôû trung Quoác
laø 5 ñoâla )
II.Requests with “ mind: phieàn” and How/ what about and suggest ..
+ Would/ Do you mind + V-ing ?
Ex: Would / Do you mind sitting in the front door?
+ Would you mind if I + V2/ V-ed (past tense:thì quaù khöù )
Ex: Would you mind if I took a photo?
Would you mind if I smoked here?
+ Do you mind if I + V (present tense: thì hieän taïi )
Ex: Do you mind if I sit here?
+ How/ what about + V-ing?

+ S + suggest + V-ing
1.I can see a boy ...........................................a water buffalo .
a/ ride b/ riding c/ to ride d/ rode
2.It’s travel around Viet Nam.
a/ interesting b/ interested c/ interestingly d/
3.Would you mind ........................................the windows ?
a/ to close b/ closing c/ close d/ closed
4.She cried .......................................when she heard that news .
a/exciting b/ excitingly c/ excited d/ excitedly
5.My sister likes sweet .......................................from chocolate .
a/ making b/ made c/ to make d/ make
6.This is the first time Sharon ................................rice paddies .
a/ is seeing b/ saw c/ see d / has seen
7.John is interested ........................................the history of Viet Nam
a/on b/ at c/ in d/ about
8.The little blue is one of my friend .
a/ dressed b/ weared c/ put on d/ was
9.Do you mind if I ......................................some photos ?
a/ take b/ am taking c/ will take d/ took
10.Would you mind if I smoked ? I’d rather you .................................
a/ don’t b/ won’t c/ didn’t d/ haven’t
11.Today we went on .....................................tour around Asia.
a/ a eight-hours b/ a eight-hour c/ an eight-hours d/ an eight-
12.The boy .......................................over there is one of my friends .
a/ stand b/ stood c/ standing d/ being stood mind if I took some photographs ?
a/ Do b/ Will c/ Would d/ Both a & b
14.Donna is a .......................................and she has a flower shop in Britain .
a/ flower seller b/ flower girl c/ flower lady d/ florist
15.Donna is thinking of from Vietnam for her shop .
a/ to import b/ import c/ to importing d/ importing
16. I suggest Ben Thanh market .
a/ to go b/ is going c/ going d/ go
17. Ha Long Bay is recognized ......................................UNESCO as a World Heritage Site .
a/ of b/ by c/ toward d/ for
*/ Supply the correct verb form :
1. A new hospital my neighborhood next month .( build )
2. Would you mind if I .........................a photo . ( take )
3. It’s difficult ..............................your direction .( follow )
4. Do you mind the truth ? ( tell )
5. The man to me was very nervous .( sit )
6. He suggested .....................around the town by bike .( travel )
7. The glass ...........................into small pieces .( break )
8. She has a lot of novels English .( write )
9. English ...................................all over the world . ( speak )
* Match the words or phrases in column A with those in column B :
1......The boy standing over there order to ease the victim’s pain and
2......Do you mind if I take a photo ? anxiety .
3......How about going to Thai Binh market ? b.That sounds interesting .
4......Can I help you ? Nam
5......You should cool the burns immediately d.Please do
6......Will you empty the garbage can ,please e.All right
? f.Thank you ,That’s very kind of you .

I/Read the passage and answer the questions :
Ha Long -Bay of the descending Dragon-is popular with both Vietnam and International
tourists .One of the attraction of Ha Long is Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains .The Bay’s
water is clear during the spring and early summer .Upon arriving in Ha Long city, visitors can go
along Chay beach .From the beach they can hire a boat and go out to the Bay .It is here that visitors
can find some of Southest Asia’s most beautiful sites .Dau Go Cave is one of the beautiful caves at
Ha Long .It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hide wooden stakes to beat the Mongols
on Bach Dang River in1288 .
Descending (a) : ñaùp xuoáng attraction (n) :haáp daãn clear (a) : trong cave (a):ñoäng
wooden stake : coïc goã beat (v) ñaùnh
1.Who(m) is Ha Long popular with ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
2.What is one of the attractions of Ha Long ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
3.What is the Bay’s water like ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
4.What can visitors do when they arrive in Ha Long ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
5.Which is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
6.Where did General Tran Hung Dao hide (choân)wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang
River in 1288?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
II/ Read the text and do the task :
When people talk about Nha Trang .The biggest city in Khanh Hoa Province .They often think of
a tropical paradise .Nha Trang is a famous seaside resort .It has a long coastline with beautiful white
sandy beaches .
In the morning and the afternoon ,tourists can take part in various fascinating outdoor activities
such as mud bathing ,swimming ,snorkling or scuba diving .Snorkeling and scuba diving are both
interesting sports ,as swimmers may swim underwater and admires the lives at the bottom of the
sea .Besides ,tourists can also take boat trip to the islands .One of the most enjoyable trips is the
trip to Mieu island ,where Tri Nguyen Aquarium was built in 1999 .This aquariun is now home to
different kinds of colorful fish and even a few sharks .
In addition ,tourists can spend an evening visiting a fish village ,where they could get a taste of
local seafood .There are crabs ,shrimps ,lobsters ,clams ,oysters and several other kind of fish – all
are fresh and delicious .
-tropical paradise : thieân ñöôøng nhieät ñôùi -snorkling : laën coù oáng thôû - scuba-diving : laën
coù oáng khí
-mud bathing :taém buøn - island : ñaûo -resort : khu nghæ maùt -seafood: haûi saûn
-locate : toaï laïc
1.Nha Trang
is ..................................................................................................................................................
a/ famous for its fresh and delicious food c/ a paradise
b/ located in Khanh Hoa Province . d/ not a resort
2.Tourists can take part in some outdoor activities such
as ............................................................................
a/ visisting Nha Trang Pasteur Institute c/ visiting Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
b/ eating the local seafood d/ scuba diving

3.At Tri Nguyen Aquariun ,visitors can
enjoy .............................................................................................
a/ watching a fews sharks only c/ watching sharks and various kinds of colorful
b/ a taste of the local seafood d/ feeding the fish
4.At a fishing village ,tourists
can ..................................................................................................................
a/ get a taste of the local seafood c/ choose crabs , shrimps
b/ catch the fish and cook them d/ enjoy fishing
II.Do as directed
1.Someone will translate this letter into English .
-This letter ........................................................................................................................
2.I heard that she was ill .I was very sorry.
- I am very sorry ...............................................................................................................
3.A lot of products are put out by this paper mill .
-This paper mill ........................................................................................................
4.Is it alright if I take a photograph ?
- Would you mind .....................................................................................................
5. “ Shut the door but don’t lock it” She said to us .
- She aksed me ...........................................................................................................
6.Trang finished her report last night .
- Trang has..............................................................
7.Nam gets up early every morning .He doesn’t want to be late for school.
.-> Nam gets up early every morning in ........................................................................................
8.They built the house over 50 years ago.
- The house.....................................................................
9. “ Don’t throw things away ,” Miss Linda said to the student.
->Miss Linda asked ..............................................................................
A.Past progressive tense: thì quaù khöù tieáp dieãn
I /HE/ SHE/ IT /BA..+WAS +V-ing ……a point of time ( moät ñieåm thôøi
gian cuï theå trong quaù khöù)
WE/ YOU/ THEY/A and B …+ WERE + V-ing ..
S + was/ were + V-ing ………WHEN/ WHILE + S + V2 / V-ed (past tense:
thì quaù khöù ñôn)
S + was/ were + V-ing ……… WHILE + S + was/ were + V-ing
Ex: 1/ Ba was taking a shower at eight o’clock last night. ( take )
2/ The Le family was sleeping WHEN the mailman came ( sleep / come )
3/ I was reading WHILE my sisters were playing with their dolls. ( read/ play )
1.When we were in Italy we spent a few days ....................Venice .
a/ in b/ on c/ at d/ from
2. They are good friends .they ...........................each other for a long time
b/ know b/ have know c/ knew d/ were
3. How about Thai Binh market ?
a/ going b/ to go c/ went d/ gone
4. I was reading sisters were playing with their dolls .
a/ when b/ while c/ at which d/ at time
5. Our accommodation is the ticket .
a/ concluded b/ included c/ stayed d/ picked
6.Mount Rushmore .................................from more than 100 kms away
a/ can be seen b/ could be seen c/ can see d/ could be locked
7.The teacher .....................................a class at 8 o’clock yesterday evening .
a/ is having b/ was having c/ has had d/ has having

8.Chicogo is ...............................right on the shore of the Michigan .
a/ situated b/ placed c/ put d/ laid
9.What are people in Autralia like ? They are ................................
a/ friendliness b/ friendly c/ friend d/ friendily
10.My family was sleeping when the mailman .............................
a/ come b/ comes c/ came d/ was coming
11.You are making noise again .You ............................behave so badly , Tom .
a/ often b/ frequently c/ usually d/ always
12.He is not living in his country .He’s living ...........................................
a/ a broad b/ aboad c/ a board d/ abroad
13.I will come and 7 o’clock .
a/ pick up you b/ pick you up c/ see you up d/ see up
14.Would you the floor for me ?
a/ like b/ please c/ mind d/ rather
15.Do you mind .....................I smoked here ?
a/ when b/ if c/ where d/ that
16.Tam ........................ last night when the telephone ...............................
a/ slept – rang b/ was sleeping – was ringing c/ was sleeping – rang d/ slept –
was ringing
* Match the words or phrases in column A with those in column B :
1........Which country do you want to visit ? a. ‘the Windy City’
2........Would you like to come and stay with b. I was watching TV
us ? c. I’d like to visit Australia .
3........The Le family was sleepping d. when the mail man came .
4........Chicago is often called e.Here you are .
5........What were you doing at 7 o’clock last f. That’s very kind of you .
night ?
6.........May I see your ticket and passport ?
*/ Supply the correct verb form :
1. Would you like .................................with us ? ( come )
2. I .................................a shower when the phone rang . ( take )
3. When Lan school ,the school drum was sounding .( arrive )
4. Our teacher ...........................a class at 7 o’clock last night . ( have )
5. The heads of four American presidents ............................into the rock .( carve )
6. I am happy .............................the final exam .( pass )
7. Bao .............always ............... his homework .( forget )
8. We are delighted that you are interested in ..............................environment .( protect )
I/Complete the passage with a suitable word from the box :
Local – around – stayed – vacation – rented – studied – fresh – in – was
Dear Karen ,
Hi,there ! my (1).................was great .I visited my friends (2)............Puerto Rico .I (3) a
nice hotel near a beautiful beach .We (4) .............a car and traveled (5) ..............the Island. I tried to
(6) .......... windsurfing ,but it (7) difficult .I enjoyed the food and really liked the
(8).............fruit. I talked to a lot of (9) .............people there. I’m really glad I (10)............Spanish in
high school. See you soon !
walk – narrow – friendly – colorful – souvenirs – wonderful – tastes – bought – town –
Dear Jenny ,
We are having a (1) wonderful time in Hoi An .The streets here are so (2) ....................that cars
are not allowed to enter the centre of the (3) ......................Therefore we have to (4) ......................
The houses are very (5) ............... but beautiful. However ,I don’t like the way they do business .It
seems that every house has a shop to sell (6) .............. and other stuffs .The people are very
(7) ......................and helpful .The food looks funny but it (8) ..................quite nice. I haven’t
(9) ..................... anything for you. But I will buy you some little (10) ..........lanterns .

-narrow : heïp - taste : coù vò - allow : ñöôïc pheùp - lanterns : loàng ñeøn
I/Write a complete postcard from the following sets of words and phrases :
Dear Mom and Dad ,
-I / have / wonderful time / Sydney .
-Weather / be / lovely / so / go / beach .
-People / this city / be / friendly / helpful .
-Yesterday / I / visit / my history teachers’s house ;
and she / have / big farm / lots of sheep .
-Next Sunday / I / buy / some souvenirs / you and my sister .
-See you both soon .
Love ,
II/ Write a postcard to a friend about your trip .You need to cover the following
information :
-Name of place you visit :
-What are people there like ? ( friendly, hospitable ...)
-What is the weather like ? (warm , windy ,cold ...0
-Who you meet / see : relatives , old friends , neighbor
-What you see : museums , parks , zoos ...
-What you buy : souvenirs ,books ,photos , postcards ...
I.Reported speech: lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp ( lôøi noùi töôøng thuaät )
S1 + said (noùi) + S2 + V2/ V-ed ( past tense: thì quaù khöù)
 Am / is -> Was ; Are -> Were
 can -> could ; will -> would ; shall -> should ; may -> might ; must/have to /has to ->
had to
 V -> V2 / V-ed ; do -> did ; live -> lived ; go -> went …

 now -> then ; this -> that ; these -> those ; today -> that day ; tomorrow -> the
folowing day …here -> there ; next week -> the following week …
Ex: “ I am a doctor.”

-> He said he was a doctor. ( be )

Ex: “ I live in Cam My” said she

-> She said she lived in Cam My. ( live )

II.Compound noun: danh töø keùp ( laø söï keát hôïp giuõa 1 danh töø vaø moät ñoäng
töø theâm ING
Ex: water – fetching ; fire – making ; rice cooking , bull-fighting, car-making, flower-arranging ……
 Rewrite the sentences, using a coumpoun noun:
1.It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice. -> It’s a rice-cooking contest.
2.It is a contest in which participants have to make a fire. -> It’s a
3.It’ is a festival in which people have their bulls fights against each other.-> It is a
4.Viet Nam is a country which exports rice. -> Viet Nam is a …………………………………………………
1.Millions of Christmas cards ...................................every day .
a/ were sent b/ are sent c/ sent d/ is sending
2.Jane saw her old friend while she ..................................the street .
a/ crossed b/ is crossing c/ was crossing d/
3.He had his father .........................................his watched.
a/fixed b / fixing c/ to fix d/ fix
4.I saw him.......................................the flowers in the garden .
a/ watering b/ watered c/ be watered d/ be watering
5.Paul is said ......................................the brightest student in the class .
a/ was b/ to be c/ being d/ he was
6.The poem Clemens Clark Moor ,became popular in the USA.
a/ is written b/ be written c/ written d/ was written
7.They try to make fire by ..................................pieces of bamboo together.
a/ rubbing b/ making c/ separating d/ judging
8.Christmas songs ......................................for people 800 years ago .
a/ perform b/ are performed c/ were performed d/ performed
9.The leader said that he award the prize to you.
a/is pleasing b /was pleasing c/ is pleased d/ was pleased
10.Some of the students are taking part in .......
a/ a rice-cooking b/ a cooking-rice c/ a cooked-rice d/ a rice cooked
11.I take part ...................................most youth activities of my school .
a/ of b/ on c/ to d/ in
12.A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is
called ...............................................
a/ water-fetch contest b/ fetching-water contest c/ water-fetching contest d/
fetch-water contest
13.Thank for inviting me to the rice – cooking .............................................
a/ meeting b/ festival c/ race d/ crowd
14.They have to ...............................the rice from the husk and then cook the rice .
a/ take b/ bring c/ separate d/ make
15. On Christmas Eve ,people often .................................. a tree .
a/ are decorated b/ were decorated c/ decorating d/ decorate
16. He said he ...............................a plumber .
a/ is b/ was c/ were d/ be
17. Father Christmas is often called ..................................................

a/ patron saint of children b/ Saint Nicolas c/ Sainta Claus d/ proffessor
18.They usually send their friends and relatives at Christmas .
a/ Christmas cards b/ Christmas carols c/ Christmas trees d/ Christmas Eve
* Match the words or phrases in column A with those in column B :
1...... In the rice-cooking contest a.Sure .I will
2...... Have you tidied the bedrooms ? b. a fire is made in the traditional way .
3...... Christmas c.she was a student .
4...... She said that d.yes ,I have
5...Could you collect my new ao dai at an important festival in many countries in
the tailor ? the world
*/ Supply the correct verb form :
1. Christmas songs .............................for people 800 years ago .( perform )
2. The fire the traditional way .( make )
3. Tom said he ..........................a student .( be )
4. Thank for .................................. me to the festival . ( invite )
5. A new bridge ............................ in this town next month .( build )
6. He said that I ......................... pay him then .( have to )
7. English ................................... all over the world .( speak )
8. He had someone ..................... a card .( design )
I/Complete the passage with a suitable word from the box :
relatives – top – preparations – holiday – put – are – although – bought
a/ Christmas is the biggest (1) .............of the year in most Britain .Celebrations start on 24
December ,Christmas Eve ,(2) ..............there have been several weeks of
(3)..................beforehand .The Chrismas trees , presents , food , drinks and decorations have been
(4) ...................... Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and (5).................About a
week before Christmas ,people usually (6) .................up their decorations and an angel on the
(7)................of the Christmas tree .Family presents (8) ................usually put under the tree .
preperation : söï chuaån bò -although : maëc duø - decoration :söï trang trí -
angel : thieân söù -celebrations :söï toå chöùc
First – festival – have – fairs – lucky – wishes – crowded
– love
b/ Tet is a national and family (1) ....................... It is an occasion for every Vietnamese to
(2) ...................a good time while thinking about the last year and the nest year .At Tet ,Spring
(3) ....................are organized , streets and public buildings are well decorated and almost all shops
are (4) ........................with people sopping for Tet .At home ,everything is tidied ,special food is
cooked ,offerings of food ,fresh water ,flowers and betel are made on the brightly altar with burning
joss-sticks scenting the air .First-footing is made when the (5) ....................visitor comes and
chidren are given (6) wrapped in a red tiny envelope .Tet is also a time for peace
and (7) .............
During Tet , chidren often behave family and friends ,relatives and neighbors give each other best
(8) .................. for the New Year .
II /Read the passage and answer the questions :
Viet Nam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar .It is officially known as Tet
Nguyen Dan or Tet .It lasts between January twenty-first and February nineteen .The exact date
changes from year to year .Vietnam people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks
beforehand .They tidy their houses , cook special food ,clean and make offerings on the family
altars .On the New Year’s Eve ,people sit up midnight to see the New Year in ,then they put on new
clothes and give one another the greetings of the season .Tet lasts ten days .The first three days
are the most important .Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will
influence the whole year .As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smiles as
much as possible .
-lunar calendar : aâm lòch -make offerings :cuùng -altar : baøn thôø -influence :aûnh höôûng
-avoid : traùnh - act :cö xöû
1.What is Vietnam’s New Year known as ?

- ............................................................................................................................................................
2.When does the New Year begin ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
3.What do Vietnamese people do to prepare for Tet ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
4.What do people do New Year’s Eve ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
5.How long does Tet last ?
6.Why are the first three days the most important ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
Mrs.Robinson : John ,I want you to go to the flower market for me ,please .
Mr. robinson : What do I have to buy ?
Mrs.Robinson : Some peach blossoms and a bunch of flowers .
Mr.Robinson : What sort of flowers ?
Mrs.Robinson : Marigolds , because they are traditional at Tet .
Mr.Robinson : Anything else ?
Mrs.Robinson : No , but I need Liz to do a few things .
Liz : What is that Mom ?
Mrs.Robinson : Are you busy ?
Liz : No , Do you need something ?
Mrs.Robinson : Yes . Go to the market and pick up some candies and one packet of dried water
melon seeds ,please .
Liz : Okay . What are you going to do ?
Mrs.Robinson : I’m going to Mrs Nga’s .She is going to show to make spring rolls .
-peach blossom : hoa ñaøo -marigold: cuùc vaïn thoï - traditional : thuoäc truyeàn thoáng
-spring roll : chaû gioø
1/ What does Mrs . Robinson want Mr. Robinson to buy ?
- .........................................................................................
2/ What does Liz have to buy ?
- ..................................................................................................................................
3/ Why does Mrs.Robinson want Marigolds ?
- ...........................................................................................................
4/ Does Mrs Robinson go to the market ?
- .................................................................................................................
1.Clemen Clark More wrote the poem in 1823 .
-> The poem ................................................................................................
2.Christmas card should be sent a week before Christmas day.
-> You ........................................................................................................
3. “We are waiting for the school bus” said the children .
-> The children said ...................................................................................
4.It is a festival in which people have their bulls fight agaisnt each other .
-> It’s a .....................................................................................................
5.” The pipes are broken” .
-> He said ................................................................................................
6.They use recycle plastic to make toys and utensils .
-> Recycle plastic .....................................................................................
7.The last time I played tennis was in 1990 .
-> I haven’t ...............................................................................................

8.Can you take me a photograph ?
-> Would you mind ...................................................................................?
9. “Turn all the lights before going out” she said to me .
-> She asked me ........................................................................................


I.Indirect questions with IF and WHETHER ( caâu hoûi giaùn tieáp vôùi IF and
S + asked ( hoûi)[ me/ her / him/ them/ Hoa] …IF/ WHETHER + S + WAS/ WERE
S + asked ( hoûi) [ me/ her / him/ them/ Hoa] …IF/ WHETHER + S + V2 / V-ed
( past tense )
( coù ……khoâng )
=> can -> could ; will -> would ; shall -> should ; may -> might ;
Löu yù: chuyeån caâu hoûi thaønh caâu xaùc ñònh ( ñöa chuû ngöõ leân ñöùng tröôùc ñoäng töø )
+Neáu laø ñoäng töø “ TO BE” chuyeån thaønh :WAS / WERE ( phuï thuoäc vaøo chuû ngöõ
soá ít hay nhieàu) +Neáu trong caâu coù trôï töø “DO/ DOES” , thì ta boû vaø ñöa ñoäng
töø chính sang thì quaù khöù ( V2/ V-ed)
Ex: “ Is My Son in Quang Nam province?

-> Mary asked me if / whether My Son was in Quang Nam province.

Ex: “ Do you know My Son?

-> Nhi asked Nga if (whether ) she knew My Son.

II.Question words before to –infinitive : caùc töø hoûi ñi tröôùc ñoäng töø nguyeân maåu
coù TO
Who, What, Where, How, When..
Ex: I don’t know how to play the game
Nga showed Nhi where to buy the ticket.
III. Verb + TO –infinitive : ñoäng töø + To + ñoäng töø
-Ñi sau moät soá ñoäng töø : decide (quyeát ñònh), start, begin, try, ask, tell, ; earn (kieám tieàn) ,
promise, want, need, hope, would like, forget (queân), remember ( nhôù )…
Ex: She decided to continue her run . ( continue )
I’d like you to meet my parents . ( meet )
1. I must go now. I promises .............................................late.
a/ not being b/ not to be c/ to not be d/ not be
2.Tom ......................................his hand when he was cooking the dinner .
a/burnt b/ was burning c/ has burnt d/ burns
3.She asked me .....................................I had a driving license .
a/ where b/ whether c/ when d/ which
4.I don’t know how ............................................the game .
a/ playing b/ to play c/ played d/ can I play )
5.The Pyramids of Cheeps is one of the seven ............................................of the world.
a/ pyramids b/ temples c/ landmarks d/ wonders
6.In order to keep fit ,we should do exercises .........................................................
a/ regular b/ regularly d/ regulating d/ regulation
7.The statute of the Liberty was the USA by the French.
a/ constructed b/ designed c/ completed d/ presented
8.She decided ..........................................her run because it was getting darker.
a/ to continue b/ to continuing c/ continuing d/ continue
9.Hanging Gardens of Babylon is in ....................................................
a/ Egypt b/ Greece c/ India d/ Irag
10.Nhi asked Nga if she .....................................My Son .

a/ know b/ knew c/ known d/ knows
11.Angkor Wat is one of the largest the world .
a/ churches b/ pagodas c/ temples d/ tombs
12.Is Ha Long Bay a .....................................................?
a/ World Natural Heritage b/ Natural World heritage c/ World Cultural Heritage d/ Cultural
World Heritage.
13.The summit of Mount Everest was two British menbers .
a/ climbed b/ reached c/ gone d/ come
14.Nga Told me get tickets .
a/ what b/ when c/ how d/ where .
15.The Angkor Thon used ............................................the royal capital city .
a/ to being b/ to be c/ be d/ has been
16. My cousin has just returned ..............................a trip to Phong Nihau Cave .
a/ from b/ to c/ back d/ with
 Supply the correct verb form :
1. What is that ? I don’t know how ...............................the game .( play )
2. I asked Nga if Phong Nha Cave ......................... in Southern Viet Nam .( be )
3. While my father was reading newspaper ,my mother ...............................dinner .
( cook )
4. She asked me whether I .........................lend her some money .( can )
5. Sydney Opera house ................................... in 1973 .( complete )
6. Would you mind ............................... the door ? ( close )
7. She is said ................................. very good at cooking .( be )
 Match the words or phrases in column A with those in column B :
1....Pyramids a. if PETRONAS Twin Towers was in
2....I asked Hoa Malaysia .
3....Is the Golden Gate Bridge in New York ? b. Go straight ahead .It is on your right .
4....What happens if I can’t guess the word c.are among the wonders of the world .
exactly ? d.No ,It is in San Francisco .
5....Could you show me how to get to the e.I’ll win .
station ?
I/ Read the passage then decide if these statements are True or False :
-> The Statue of Liberty ,once one of the first sights to welcome immigrants to the United States
arriving in New York by ship , continues to be a symbol of freedom and a favorite tourist
attraction .Liberty stands more than 93m(306 feet) tall on Liberty Island in New York harbour .The
Statue ,designed by France sculptor Frederic Bartholdi ,was presented to the United States by
France in 1876 ,the first centennial of US independence from Britain .
welcome : chaøo ñoùn - symbol of freedom : bieåu töôïng töï do -sculptor : nhaø ñieâu khaéc
-contennial : kyû nieäm 100 naêm
1._______ The Statue of Liberty was once one of the first sights to welcome immigrants to the USA .
2. _______ It is a symbol of friendship (tinh huu nghi ) and a favorite tourist attraction .
3._______ It is 93m tall .
4._______ It was the present from France in 1876 .
II/ Read the following text then choose the best one for each statement .
A good teacher carefully explains each step in a lesson .In this way she helps students learn
quickly and easily . The teacher in the picture uses her hands and her face to explain .She is also
enthusiastic .This holds the attention of the students .
A good teacher uses simple language to explain the lesson .In this way she makes facts clear
.Using books ,pictures ,and objects helps to make a lesson more interesting .Students do not get
tired so quickly if they are interested .
Students like to learn from a good teacher .They enjoy their studies and learn more .
-explain : giaûi thích - enthusiastic : nhieät tình -fact : söï vaät -hold attention : thu huùt söï
chuù yù -visual aids : giaùo cuï tröïc quan
1. An enthusiastic teacher ................................................

a/ uses simple language b/ holds the attention of the students c/ explains the lesson
2.Books , pictures and objects are called .............................................
a/ equipments b/ visual aids c/ teacher aids
3.By using objects or pictures a teacher can ...........................................
a/ make a lesson easier b/ make a lesson more interesting c/ be successful in teaching

4.By using simple language a teacher .....................................................

a/ bores the students b/ treats students with contempt c/ makes facts clear
5. Interested students ...............................................................................
a/ get tired quickly b/ enjoy their studies c/ learn less
I/ Change the following sentences into indirect speech :
1. He said to me “ don’t forget to post the letter” -> He asked
me .......................................................................
2.Nhi said , “ I am visiting Hoi An now” -> Nhi
said .............................................................................................
3.” Can you open your bags ,please ?” said the office .-> The office asked
him ..................................................
4.Johnny said ,” I don’t know how to do this exercise” -> Johnny
said ................................................................
5.Hoa asked Nga “Do many people live in My Son ?” Hoa asked Nga
if ............................................................
6.She said “ I must stay at home” -> She
said ......................................................................................................
II/ Change into passive voice:
1.Mary has just finished her report
.-> ..................................................................................................................
2.France presented the Statue of Liberty to USA in 1953
-> ................................................................................
3.Many people in the world speak English
-> ......................................................................................................
4.Pennicillin can cure many dangerous diseases
.-> ............................................................................................
5.Nobody has used this room for years .
-> ............................................................................................................
6.The school staff will hold the Teacher’s Day on Nov 20 th
.-> ..........................................................................
7.Mr .Binh teaches Math at Chu van An school .
-> ............................................................................................

I.Present perfect with yet and already: thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh vôùi YET (chöa) ,
ALREADY ( ñaõ roài )
S + have/ has + already + V3 / V-ed .
S + haven’t / hasn’t + already + V3 / V-ed .
Have/ Has + S + V3 / V-ed ……YET ?

Ex: Have you turned it on yet ? ( turn)

I have adready done it.
No, it hasn’t arrived yet.
 Moät soá daáu hieäu cuûa thì HTHT: for, since, ever, never, just, recently, lately, so far ( ñeán
baây giôø), before, up to now, just then ……
1.She asked the guide ...................................Phuong Nha Cave was the most beautiful cave in VN .
a/ where b/ which c/ if d/ what

2.I can’t decided apply this program or not .
a/ where b/ whether c/ what d/ how
3.Sue had her brother .........................................her bike .
a/ fix b/ fixing c/ fixed d/ to fix
4.Ian Scotland for ten years .Now he lives in London .
a/ lived b/ has lived c/ was living d/ has been living
5.Ben writes very quickly . He’s ....................................finished his essay .
a/ already b/ been c/ for d/ yet
6.That printer is ....................................guarantee so the company will repair it .
a/on b / in c/ of d/ under
7.Have you turned it on yet ? ...................................................
a/ Yes ,I already have done it c/ yes , I have already done it yet
b/ Yes , I haven’t already done it yet . d/ Yes , I have already done it .
8.The cupboard is open and everything .............................................
a/ is broken b/ was broken c/ has been broken d/ would be
9.The first papermaking machine ........................................... the late 1700s by a Frenchman.
a/ invented b/ was invented c/ has been invented d/ was inventing
10.Would you ..................................helping me with the washing ?
a/ mind b/ like c/ show d/ please
11.Oh , yes .I haven’t connected it ......................................
a/ properly b/ suitably c/ helpfully d/ usefully
12. All the information found in a library is now a computer .
a/ kept b/ put c/ stored d/ laid
13.Many people are skeptical ............................................the use of the computers .
a/ with b/ in c/ about d/ at
14.I don’t think he knows connect a computer .
a/ what b/ how c/ why d/ when
15.I think computers are good for us . ....................................................
a/ So I think b/ I also think that c/ So am I d/ So do I
16. I don’t think this will work with my printer . .......................................
a/ Neither do I b/ Neither don’t I c/ I don’t think so ,too d/ I don’t ,too
* / Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs :
1.A new hospital my neighborhood next month .( build )
2.What languages Canada?( teach )
3.I the radio when you rang the belt last night .( listen )
4.She asked me if I .......................lend her some money .( can)
5.Your report should English .( write ) ..........the film “Titanic” yet ? (see ) .Yes ,I have .The film is very sad .It made
me ......(cry)
7.It is the first time I ..............................Nha Trang .( visit )
8.Would you mind the truth ? ( tell )
9.The man to me was very nervous .( sit )
10.He suggested .....................around the town by bike .( travel )
11.The flights to london will ....................because of heavy rain .( delay )
12.She has a lot of novels English .( write )
I/ Read the text then answer the questions :
Newspapers ,magazines ,and books are the print media, newspapers are one of the main
sources for spreading news and events throughout the world .
Radio and television deliver information and entertainment to the public .Motion pictures
(phim)are one of the most popular forms of entertainment .Movies can also teach people many
other subjects .
The multimedia computer helps students learn about a particular topic in a variety of ways .When
we use the Internet ,we can give and get a lot of information very quickly .
1.What are some examples of the print media ?

- ............................................................................................................................................................
2.Do newspapers play an important role in spreading news and events ? why or why not ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
3.What are delivered to the public by radio and television ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
4.What does the multimedia computer help student ?
- ............................................................................................................................................................
5.Can we give and get much information quickly through Internet ?
- .......................................................................................................................
especially – well – decide – of – important – are – sure – deal
Computers play an (1) .................part in our every lives .Consider the use (2)...............computers
in both shops and offices .Big shops ,(3).................chain stores with branches all over the world
,have to (4)............ with very large amounts of information .They have to be (5) ...............there are
enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy ,they need to (6) .............which things are selling
(7).............and so on .All these processes (8) ...............performed quickly and efficiently by
computers .
I/ Do as directed in the blankets :
1.“ Is Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco ?” Hoa said to Tim .
2. Nam gets ut early every morning .He doesn’t want to be late for school .
- ..................................................................................................................
3.They built the house over 50 years ago .
- ...................................................................
4. “ Could you take me home ?” ( Rewrite the sentence ,using “ Would you mind + V-ing” )
- ................................................................................
5.Christmas songs were first performed 800 years ago .( Make question with “ When” )
- ......................................................................................
6. “ You must pay me now” ( change into reported speech ,beginning with “ He
said .............” )
- ......................................................
7. Is it alright if I take a photograph ? ( use “ Would you mind if ....................)
- ..................................................................................
II/ Rewrite the following sentences in correct English .(moãi caâu coù 1 loãi sai , söûa
laïi cho ñuùng )
1.When he came ,I watched a football match .
- ........................................................................................
2.She asked me whether I can speak Spanish .
- .......................................................................................
3.Would you mind to tell me the true ?
- .......................................................................................
4.I’m looking forward to hear from you .
- ......................................................................................
5.He said he is a student .
6.Do you mind if I asked you a private question ?
- ..................................................................................
7.I suggest to go to Ben Thanh market ? - ...............................................................................


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