Problemáticas Del Arte Moderno 2019-1 Raquel Hernández

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255); background-image: url("/_layouts/15/images/treeviewselected.png");
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pointer; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); width: 30%; height: 22px; }

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right: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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204, 204); border-right: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); }

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rgb(217, 217, 217); }

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0px; }

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5px; }

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217, 217); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(101, 104, 107); }

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rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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.ms-acal-day-top { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); color: rgb(68, 68, 68);
text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; }
.ms-acal-week-top td { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198,
198); width: 14.5%; }

.ms-acal-day-top div { padding: 0px 4px 1px; border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198,
198); }

.ms-acal-week-top td div { padding: 0px 4px 1px; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid
rgb(198, 198, 198); text-transform: uppercase; }

.ms-acal-month-top { text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198);

color: rgb(68, 68, 68); padding: 2px; width: 14.5%; text-transform: uppercase; } { border: 1px solid transparent; }

.ms-acal-weekgroup-top td { width: 12.5%; }

.ms-acal-month-weeksel { width: 16px; }

.ms-acal-summary-dayrow > th { cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(198,

198, 198); border-top: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

tr td { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); border-top: 1px solid rgb(42,

141, 212); }

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div, .ms-acal-summary-dayrow { text-decoration: underline; border-
color: rgb(42, 141, 212) !important; }

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0.5); text-decoration: underline; border-color: rgb(42, 141, 212) !important; }

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color: transparent; }

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.ms-acal-summary-dayrow td div { cursor: pointer; } > td { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid solid none;

border-color: rgb(198, 198, 198); border-image: initial; } > td { border-width: 1px; border-style: none solid

solid; border-color: rgb(198, 198, 198); border-image: initial; }

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rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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width: 12px; height: 12px; }

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border-top: 1px dotted rgb(146, 192, 224); }

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border: 1px solid transparent; }

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rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-acal-weekgroup-top td { border-left: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); cursor:

pointer; }

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hour30 td, .ms-acal-allday td { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-acal-hour00 .ms-acal-detailtime, .ms-acal-hour00 td { border-top: 1px solid

rgb(198, 198, 198); border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-acal-hour30 td, .ms-acal-hour00 td, .ms-acal-allday td { border-right: 1px

solid rgb(198, 198, 198); border-left: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); height: 2.2em;

.ms-acal-detailtime { width: 1%; text-align: right; padding: 1px 5px 2px; }

.ms-acal-daygroup-row { border-left: 1px solid rgb(198, 198,

198); }

.ms-acal-daygroup-row { border-left: 1px solid rgb(198, 198,

198); }

.ms-acal-daygroup-row td, .ms-acal-daygroup-row th { border-top: 1px solid rgb(198,

198, 198); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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rgb(198, 198, 198); border-left: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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a:visited, .ms-acal-daygroup-time a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: rgb(68,
68, 68); }

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underline; }

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normal; padding-bottom: 2px; }

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important; }

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decoration: underline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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{ background-color: transparent; }

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bottom; }

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198); }

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.ms-acal-color2 { background-color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

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.ms-acal-color5 { background-color: rgb(237, 0, 51); }

.ms-acal-color6 { background-color: rgb(104, 42, 122); }

.ms-acal-color7 { background-color: rgb(0, 105, 132); }

.ms-acal-color8 { background-color: rgb(19, 64, 42); }

.ms-acal-color9 { background-color: rgb(59, 60, 43); }

.ms-acal-default-hover { border: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); }

.ms-acal-item-hover { border: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); }

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192, 224); }

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.ms-acal-selcolor2 { background-color: rgb(0, 85, 148); }

.ms-acal-selcolor3 { background-color: rgb(29, 96, 63); }

.ms-acal-selcolor4 { background-color: rgb(88, 90, 64); }

.ms-acal-selcolor5 { background-color: rgb(177, 0, 38); }

.ms-acal-selcolor6 { background-color: rgb(78, 31, 91); }

.ms-acal-selcolor7 { background-color: rgb(0, 154, 195); }

.ms-acal-selcolor8 { background-color: rgb(29, 96, 63); }

.ms-acal-selcolor9 { background-color: rgb(88, 90, 64); }

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.ms-acal-display { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-size: 14px; padding: 5px; white-
space: nowrap; }

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.ms-acal-apanel-outer { padding-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; }

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0px 0px 5px; } span { text-decoration: underline; }

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type: none; overflow: hidden; }

.ms-acal-apanel-title img { vertical-align: middle; }

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underline; }

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block; background-color: rgb(0, 114, 198); border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-acal-apanel-item span { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ms-acal-apanel-title * { vertical-align: bottom; }

.ms-acal-apanel-title span { margin-left: 3px; }

.ms-acal-error { margin: 0px 20px 15px; vertical-align: top; }

.ms-acal-error span { padding-left: 5px; }

.ms-acal-apanel-color1 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(0, 72, 91); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color2 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(0, 114, 198); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color3 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(40, 128, 84); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color4 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(118, 121, 86); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color5 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(237, 0, 51); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color6 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(104, 42, 122); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color7 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(0, 105, 132); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color8 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(19, 64, 42); }

.ms-acal-apanel-color9 { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-color:

rgb(59, 60, 43); }

.ms-acal-header { margin: 10px; }

.ms-acal-header img { border: 0px; }

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.ms-fb-root { width: 500px; }

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.ms-fb-body table { border-top: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); border-bottom: 1px
solid rgb(171, 171, 171); }

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.ms-fb-time sup { font-size: smaller; }

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rgb(171, 171, 171); }

.ms-fb-select td, .ms-fb-time th { background-color: rgba(156, 206, 240, 0.5);

color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

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{ background-color: transparent; }

.ms-fb-select td div { height: 3px; font-size: 0px; }

.ms-fb-selected { background-color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

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background-repeat: repeat-x; }

.ms-fb-sumitem, .ms-fb-border, .ms-fb-summary, .ms-fb-entity { border-right: 1px

solid rgb(171, 171, 171); }

.ms-fb-summary td div, .ms-fb-entity td div { padding: 2px 3px; height: 1.2em; }

.ms-fb-summary, .ms-fb-entity { height: 1.8em; }

.ms-fb-entity td { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85); border-top: 1px

solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-fb-entity td { background-color: transparent; }

.ms-fb-name { width: 100px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; }

.ms-datepicker-html > .ms-core-needIEFilter { }

.ms-datepicker-html > .ms-backgroundImage { background-image: none; }

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.ms-picker-header { font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-picker-header { background-color: transparent; }

.ms-picker-header { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(171, 171,

171); }

.ms-picker-table .ms-picker-dayheader { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-weight:

normal; padding: 2px 0px 3px; text-align: center; }

.ms-picker-week { height: 22px; width: 22px; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);

color: rgb(102, 102, 102); }

.ms-picker-week a { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-decoration: none; }

.ms-picker-weekselected { width: 22px; height: 22px; background-color: rgb(241,

241, 241); text-align: center; padding-left: 1px; cursor: pointer; }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-picker-weekselected { background-color: transparent; }

.ms-picker-weekselected a, .ms-picker-weekselected a:hover { color: rgb(68, 68,

68); text-decoration: underline; }

.ms-picker-weekbox { height: 22px; width: 22px; padding-right: 3px; white-space:

nowrap; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); transform: rotate(270deg); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-picker-weekbox { }

.ms-picker-today, .ms-picker-dayselected, .ms-picker-daycenter, .ms-picker-

daycenterOn { height: 22px; } { text-align: center; border: 1px solid

rgb(42, 141, 212); },

daycenterOn, { text-align: center;
border: 1px solid transparent; }

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rgb(68, 68, 68); text-decoration: none; }

.ms-picker-dayother a:link { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); text-decoration: none; }

.ms-picker-dayother a:hover, .ms-picker-daycenterOn a, .mspicker-daycenterOn

a:hover { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-decoration: underline; }

.ms-picker-table .ms-picker-daycenterOn { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255,

0.85); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-picker-table .ms-picker-daycenterOn { background-color:

transparent; } { background-color: rgba(156, 206,

240, 0.5); border: 1px solid transparent; text-align: center; }

.ms-core-needIEFilter { background-

color: rgb(156, 206, 240); }

.ms-quickLaunch { text-align:

center; padding-bottom: 3px; border: 1px solid transparent; }

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a:link, .ms-picker-monthcenter a:visited { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); text-
decoration: none; }

.ms-quickLaunch { padding-bottom:

3px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; border:
1px solid transparent; }

.ms-picker-monthcenterOn a, .ms-picker-monthcenterOn a:active, .ms-picker-

monthcenterOn a:link, .ms-picker-monthcenterOn a:visited { color: rgb(68, 68, 68);
text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; }

.ms-quickLaunch { background-

color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85); border: 1px solid rgb(42, 141, 212); color:
rgb(68, 68, 68); padding-bottom: 3px; text-align: center; }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-quickLaunch

monthselected { background-color: transparent; }

.ms-picker-monthselected a, .ms-picker-monthselected a:active, .ms-picker-

monthselected a:link, .ms-picker-monthselected a:hover, .ms-picker-monthselected
a:visited { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } { padding: 5px; text-align: center; } { padding: 5px; text-align: center;

white-space: nowrap; }

.ms-picker-footer a { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

.ms-picker-header a { color: rgb(102, 102, 102); }

.ms-picker-footer a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

.ms-picker-month { padding: 2px 0px 5px; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); }

.ms-picker-line { border-top: 2px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); }

.ms-navframe .ms-datepickerouter { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171);

border-right: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); }

.ms-datepickerouter .ms-quickLaunch { padding-top: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(171,

171, 171); } { position: absolute; left: -10000px; }

.ms-picker-table td, .ms-picker-table th { vertical-align: middle; }

body #s4-leftpanel .ms-picker-body { overflow-x: auto; }

.ms-create-headerbox { vertical-align: top; height: 112px; }

.ms-create-headerboxint { padding: 26px 20px 8px; }

.ms-create-h2, .ms-create-h2b, .ms-create-h2d { font-size: 1.5em; color: rgb(59,

79, 101); }

.ms-create-h2, .ms-create-h2b { width: 370px; line-height: 1.5em; }

.ms-create-h2b { color: rgb(0, 114, 188); }

.ms-create-h2d { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-bottom: 5px; }

.ms-create-h3 { font-size: 1em; color: rgb(59, 79, 101); }

.ms-create-arrowcont { height: 18px; width: 80px; }

.ms-create-lists { width: 100%; height: 100%; vertical-align: top; padding: 4px

0px; } { background:
url("/_layouts/15/images/create_upgradient.png?rev=45") left bottom repeat-x; } .ms-create-arrowcont { background:

url("/_layouts/15/images/fgimg.png?rev=45") 0px -108px no-repeat; } .ms-create-headerbox { height: 113px; } { background:
url("/_layouts/15/images/create_defaultgradient.png?rev=45") left top repeat-x; } .ms-create-arrowcont { background:

url("/_layouts/15/images/fgimg.png?rev=45") 0px -90px no-repeat; } .ms-create-lists { padding-top: 5px; }

.ms-create-lists-table { max-width: 1200px; }

.ms-create-infoIcon { vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px; }

.ms-create-infoText { vertical-align: top; width: 600px; }

.ms-create-sectionheader { font-size: 1.5em; color: rgb(59, 79, 101); margin: 0px

9px 0px 1px; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; padding: 0px 0px 5px 14px;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(216, 241, 255); }

.ms-create-sectionlist { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style-type: none; }

.ms-create-listitem-a { font-size: 1em; color: rgb(0, 114, 188); text-decoration:

none; display: block; padding: 4px 15px 4px 13px; border: 1px solid transparent;
margin-right: 5px; }

.ms-create-listitem-a:hover { background: url("/_layouts/15/images/selbg.png?

rev=45") left top repeat-x rgb(242, 250, 255); border-color: rgb(198, 229, 248);
border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; color: rgb(0, 55, 89) !important; }

.ms-create-listitem-a:hover > .ms-create-listitem-a-text { text-decoration:

underline; }

.ms-create-listitem-a-img { width: 0px; height: 0px; border: 0px; display: inline-

block; float: left; }

.UserShadedRegion { background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .UserShadedRegion { }

.UserCaption { background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .UserCaption { }

.UserDottedLine { margin-bottom: 2px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; background-

color: rgb(57, 102, 191); background-image: url("/_layouts/15/images/dot.gif?
rev=45"); }

.RemoveConnectionLink { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); text-decoration: none; }

.ConnectionTabLink { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-decoration: none; }

.ConnectionChooseActiveTab { border: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); padding: 3px;

display: inline; height: 24px; background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ConnectionChooseActiveTab { }

.ConnectionChooseInactiveTab { border-top: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); border-

right: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171);
padding: 3px; display: inline; margin-top: 4px; height: 20px; color: rgb(68, 68,
68); background-color: rgb(253, 253, 253); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ConnectionChooseInactiveTab { }

.ConnectionConfigureInactiveTab { border-top: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); border-

left: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171);
padding: 3px; margin-top: 4px; display: inline; height: 20px; color: rgb(68, 68,
68); background-color: rgb(253, 253, 253); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ConnectionConfigureInactiveTab { }

.ConnectionConfigureActiveTab { border: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); padding: 3px;

display: inline; height: 24px; background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ConnectionConfigureActiveTab { }

.UserConnectionTop { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); height: 24px;

width: 100%; }

.UserCaptionShadow { display: none; }

.UserGenericText { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

.UserSectionTitle { width: 100%; padding: 5px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid

rgb(171, 171, 171); color: rgb(68, 68, 68); background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .UserSectionTitle { }

.UserSectionHead { width: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 3px; color: rgb(119, 119, 119); } { font-weight: normal; }

.UserSectionBody { width: 100%; padding: 0px; }

.UserControlGroup { padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 2px; }

.UserSectionFooter { width: 100%; margin-top: 5px; padding-top: 2px; border-top:

1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

.UserToolbar { background-image: url("/_layouts/15/images/topnavunselected.gif?

rev=45"); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(111, 157, 217); padding-left: 2px; padding-
right: 2px; background-position: left bottom; background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-color: transparent; }

.UserCellHover { padding: 1px 4px 2px; border: 1px solid rgb(146, 192, 224); color:
rgb(68, 68, 68); }

.UserCellSelected { padding: 3px 4px 0px 10px; background:

url("/_layouts/15/images/selbg.png?rev=45") repeat-x rgb(204, 235, 255); border:
1px solid rgb(145, 205, 242); color: rgb(0, 55, 89); }

.UserCell { padding: 1px 4px 2px; margin: 1px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

.UserGenericBulletItem { padding-bottom: 2px; }

.ms-ToolPaneFrame { padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(242, 242, 242); }

.ms-ToolPaneOuter { padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px

solid rgb(144, 149, 154); }

.ms-ToolPaneClose { background: url("/_layouts/15/images/wptphdr.png?rev=45") left

top repeat-x rgb(211, 211, 211); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(144, 149, 154);
padding-right: 3px; padding-left: 0px; }

.ms-ToolPaneTitle { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background:

url("/_layouts/15/images/wptphdr.png?rev=45") left top repeat-x rgb(211, 211, 211);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(144, 149, 154); padding: 3px 7px 3px 0px; }

.ms-toolpanefooter { color: rgb(89, 89, 89); font-weight: bold; background:

url("/_layouts/15/images/wptphdr.png?rev=45") left top repeat-x rgb(211, 211, 211);
padding: 4px 0px; text-align: center; }
.ms-ToolPaneError { color: rgb(224, 0, 0); padding: 10px; }

.ms-ToolPartSpacing { display: none; }

.ms-ToolStripSelected { background-image:
url("/_layouts/15/images/menubuttonhover.gif?rev=45"); padding: 1px 4px 2px;
background-color: rgb(175, 210, 255); border-top: 1px solid rgb(242, 248, 255);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(214, 232, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.ms-ToolStrip { padding: 1px 4px 2px; background-image:

url("/_layouts/15/images/listheadergrad.gif?rev=45"); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-
top: 1px solid rgb(242, 248, 255); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(214, 232, 255);
background-color: rgb(175, 210, 255); }

.ms-TPBorder { border: none; }

.ms-TPHeader { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237); }

.ms-TPSubHeader, .ms-TPMinMaxTD { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(196, 196, 196);

padding: 3px 0px; }

.ms-TPTitle { padding: 2px 0px 2px 4px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.ms-TPSectionTD, .ms-TPBody .ms-propGridTable { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(196,

196, 196); padding: 10px 10px 0px; }

.ms-TPBody { color: rgb(101, 104, 107); }

.ms-TPBody a:link, .ms-TPBody a:visited, .ms-TPBody a:hover { color: rgb(0, 114,

188); text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; }

.ms-PropGridBuilderButton { border: 1px solid rgb(57, 102, 191); width: 16px;

display: none; background-color: rgb(173, 209, 255); }

.ms-SPZone { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-SPZone:hover { border: 1px solid rgb(146, 192, 224); }

.s4-wzActive, .ms-SPZoneSelected { border: 1px solid rgb(42, 141, 212); }

.ms-SPZoneIBar { border: 3px solid rgb(0, 114, 188); }

.ms-SPZoneLabel { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); padding: 11px 0px 1px 2px; }

.ms-SPZoneTitle { white-space: nowrap; color: rgb(119, 119, 119); }

.ms-SPZoneCaption { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); }

.ms-TPBody th { font-weight: bold; }

.ms-TPBody h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 200%; }

.ms-TPBody h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%; }

.ms-TPBody h3 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; }

.ms-TPBody h4 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%; }

.ms-TPBody h5 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 80%; }

.ms-TPBody h6 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 65%; }

.ms-WPBorder { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.ms-WPAddButton { border: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); padding: 12px; margin: 0px;
cursor: pointer; text-align: center; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85); }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-WPAddButton { }

.ms-WPAddButton:hover { border: 1px solid rgb(146, 192, 224); }

.ms-ConnError { color: rgb(191, 0, 0); }

.ms-infobar { background-color: rgb(237, 240, 217); border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153,
153); }

.ms-consoleframe, .ms-consolestatusframe { border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-

width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-style: solid; }

.ms-consolestatuscell { background-image:
url("/_layouts/15/images/pageTitleBKGD.gif?rev=45"); background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-position: left top; background-color: rgb(213, 220, 237); text-align:
center; }

.ms-consoleframe { border-top-width: 1px; border-color: rgb(131, 176, 236); }

.ms-consolestatusframe { border-top-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(246, 253,

253); background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } { background-repeat: repeat-x; }

.ms-consolestatuscheckoutframe, .ms-consoleminiframe { background:

url("/_layouts/15/images/cnsugrdn.gif?rev=45"); }

.ms-consoleminiframe { height: 24px; background-repeat: repeat-x; }

.ms-consolestatus { color: rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom:

3px; text-decoration: none; }

.ms-consolestatus a { color: rgb(57, 102, 191); }

.ms-consolestatus a:hover { color: rgb(57, 102, 191); text-decoration: underline; }

.ms-consoletoolbar { text-decoration: none; color: rgb(0, 51, 153); }

.ms-webpartpickeralign { padding: 2px 7px 2px 3px; }

.ms-webpartpickerwarning { color: rgb(191, 0, 0); }

.ms-webpartPage-root { border-spacing: 20px; }

#MSOTlPn_MainTD option, #MSOTlPn_MainTD select, #MSOTlPn_MainTD button { border-

color: rgb(217, 217, 217); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(101,
104, 107); }

#ms-dnd-dropbox { position: absolute; text-align: center; border: 1px solid rgb(42,

141, 212); z-index: 2; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85); margin: 0px; }
.ms-core-needIEFilter #ms-dnd-dropbox { }

#ms-dnd-dropboxText { position: relative; }

#ms-dnd-activeX { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0px; top:
0px; }

.ms-dnd-progressInfo { position: relative; width: 100%; vertical-align: middle;

padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 7px; margin-bottom: 5px;
color: rgb(59, 59, 59); }

.ms-dnd-progressInfo-inline { position: relative; width: 100%; vertical-align:

middle; margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 13px; }

.ms-dnd-progressInfoTb td { padding-right: 5px; }

.ms-dnd-progressImg { width: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: middle; }

.ms-dnd-progressImg img { vertical-align: middle; }

.ms-dnd-progressMessage { vertical-align: middle; }

.ms-dnd-err { line-height: 1.2em; width: 100%; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom:

9px; margin-top: -5px; margin-bottom: 5px; color: rgb(59, 59, 59); }

.ms-dnd-err-itmName { padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 3px; vertical-align:

middle; }

.ms-dnd-dlg-doRestDiv { margin-top: 4px; float: left; }

.ms-dnd-dlg-buttonDiv { text-align: right; }

#ms-conflictDlgDoRest { padding-left: 0px; margin-left: 0px; }

.ms-dragupload-error { color: rgb(59, 59, 59); }

.ms-droppable-menuitem-hover { border: 2px dotted rgb(42, 141, 212); }

.ms-droppable-folder-hover { border: 2px dotted rgb(42, 141, 212); }

.ms-dropsurface-div { position: absolute; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255,

0.85); border: 1px solid rgb(42, 141, 212); z-index: 99; }

.ms-progress-meter { width: 130px; height: 9px; background-color: rgb(198, 198,

198); }

.ms-progress-meter-inner { background-color: rgb(42, 141, 212); height: 100%; }

.ms-dnd-fileError-item { margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; }

.ms-dnd-inprogress { position: absolute; vertical-align: middle; text-align:

center; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85); border: 1px solid rgb(171,
171, 171); z-index: 99; }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-dnd-inprogress { }

.ms-dnd-inprogress-img { position: relative; }

.ms-draggable { cursor: pointer; }

.ms-webpartzone-cell { margin: auto auto 20px; }

.s4-wpcell, .s4-wpcell-plain, .s4-wpActive { vertical-align: top; }

.s4-wpcell .s4-wpTopTable { border: 1px solid transparent; }

.s4-wpcell-plain .s4-wpTopTable { border: none; }

.s4-wpActive .s4-wpTopTable, .s4-wpActive .ms-WPSelected { border: 1px solid

rgb(146, 192, 224); }

.ms-WPHeaderTdMenu { width: 21px; cursor: pointer; overflow-wrap: normal; white-

space: nowrap; border: 1px solid transparent; }

.ms-WPHeaderTdMenu:hover { background: url("/_layouts/15/images/selbg.png?rev=45")

left top repeat-x; }

.ms-WPMenuDiv, .ms-WPMenuDivHover { white-space: nowrap; }

.ms-wpselectlink, .ms-wpselectlinkfocus { text-align: center; }

.ms-WPHeaderMenuImg { padding: 7px; vertical-align: middle; visibility: hidden; }

.ms-wpselectlinkfocus .ms-WPHeaderMenuImg, .s4-wpcell-plain:hover .ms-

WPHeaderMenuImg, .s4-wpcell:hover .ms-WPHeaderMenuImg, .s4-wpActive .ms-
WPHeaderMenuImg { visibility: visible; }

.s4-wpcell .ms-WPTitle, .s4-wpActive .ms-WPTitle { cursor: pointer; }

.ms-WPTitle, .ms-WPTitle a { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

.s4-wpActive .ms-WPTitle, .s4-wpActive .ms-WPTitle a { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

.ms-WPHeaderTdSelection { width: 21px; cursor: auto; text-align: center; }

.ms-WPHeaderTdSelSpan { display: inline-block; }

.ms-WPHeaderCbxHidden { margin: 0px; top: -2000px; position: absolute; vertical-

align: middle; }

.ms-WPHeaderCbxVisible, .s4-wpcell:hover .ms-WPHeaderTdSelection input, .s4-

wpActive .ms-WPHeaderTdSelection input { top: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;
vertical-align: middle; }

.s4-wpcell-plain .ms-WPHeaderTdSelection { display: none; }

.ms-wpContentDivSpace { position: relative; } { padding: 10px; }

.ms-webpart-zone { display: table; }

.ms-webpart-zone-title { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); display: block; }

.s4-wpcell > .ms-webpart-chrome, .s4-wpActive > .ms-webpart-chrome { border: 1px

solid transparent; }
.ms-SPZone > .s4-wpcell, .ms-SPZone > .s4-wpcell-plain, .ms-rtestate-write > .ms-
rte-wpbox > div > .s4-wpcell, .ms-rtestate-write > .ms-rte-wpbox > div > .s4-
wpcell-plain { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); padding: 5px 10px 10px;
border-collapse: separate; }

.ms-SPZone > .s4-wpActive, .ms-rtestate-write > .ms-rte-wpbox > div > .s4-wpActive
{ border: 1px solid rgb(0, 103, 176); padding: 5px 10px 10px; border-collapse:
separate; }

.ms-webpart-chrome-fullWidth { min-width: 100%; }

.ms-webpart-chrome { border-spacing: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; }

.ms-webpart-chrome-vertical { display: table-row; }

.ms-webpart-controlBox-show > .js-webpart-menuCell > .ms-webpart-menuLink > .ms-

webpart-menuArrowSpan > .ms-webpart-menuArrowImg, .ms-webpartzone-cell:focus > .ms-
webpart-chrome > .ms-webpart-chrome-title > .ms-webpart-controlBox > .js-webpart-
menuCell > .ms-webpart-menuLink > .ms-webpart-menuArrowSpan > .ms-webpart-
menuArrowImg, .ms-webpartzone-cell:hover > .ms-webpart-chrome > .ms-webpart-chrome-
title > .ms-webpart-controlBox > .js-webpart-menuCell > .ms-webpart-menuLink > .ms-
webpart-menuArrowSpan > .ms-webpart-menuArrowImg, .ms-webpart-controlBox-show >
span > .ms-cursorDefault, .ms-webpartzone-cell:focus > .ms-webpart-chrome > .ms-
webpart-chrome-title > .ms-webpart-controlBox > span > .ms-cursorDefault, .ms-
webpartzone-cell:hover > .ms-webpart-chrome > .ms-webpart-chrome-title > .ms-
webpart-controlBox > span > .ms-cursorDefault { visibility: visible; }

.ms-webpart-controlBox-hide > .js-webpart-menuCell > .ms-webpart-menuLink > .ms-

webpart-menuArrowSpan > .ms-webpart-menuArrowImg, .ms-webpart-controlBox-hide >
span > .ms-cursorDefault { visibility: hidden; }

.ms-webpart-controlBox { position: absolute; float: right; margin-left: -35px; }

.ms-webpart-titleRowCell { padding: 0px; position: relative; }

.js-webpart-titleCell { width: 100%; }

.js-webpart-titleCell, .ms-webpart-controlBox, .js-webpart-menuCell, .ms-webpart-

checkboxTd { display: inline-block; }

.ms-webpart-checkboxTd { width: 19px; padding-right: 3px; }

.ms-webpart-checkboxTd > input { display: block; }

.js-webpart-menuCell { width: 15px; position: relative; }

.ms-webpart-menuLink { padding: 3px; height: 3px; width: 5px; border: 0px solid
transparent; vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; }

.ms-webpart-menuLink:hover { border-color: rgb(171, 171, 171); }

.ms-webpart-menuLink > img { display: block; }

.ms-webpart-chrome-title { vertical-align: middle; position: relative; margin-

bottom: 2px; }

.ms-rtestate-write .ms-webpart-chrome-title { cursor: move; }

.ms-webpart-chrome-title-padleft { padding-left: 2px; }

.ms-webpart-chrome-title-padright { padding-right: 2px; }

.ms-webpart-cell-vertical { display: table; } { display: inline-table; }

.ms-webpart-cell-horizontal { display: table-cell; }

.ms-WPBorderBorderOnly { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); }

#searchInputBox .ms-webpart-unselected { padding: 0px; }

.ms-webpart-menuArrowSpan { height: 3px; width: 5px; position: relative; overflow:

hidden; display: block; vertical-align: top; }

.ms-webpart-menuArrowImg { top: -250px; left: -109px; position: absolute; }

.ms-webpart-errorContainer { padding: 60px 20px; text-align: left; margin: 0px

auto; }

.ms-webpart-errorTitle { padding-bottom: 10px; line-height: 1.1em; }

.js-callout-mainElement { position: absolute; max-width: 640px; min-height: 100px;

z-index: 102; cursor: default; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-style:
solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: rgb(209, 209, 209); border-collapse:
separate; }

.js-callout-column { height: 100%; float: left; }

.js-callout-header, .js-callout-header-noWrap { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom:

0px; white-space: nowrap; }

.js-callout-header { text-overflow: ellipsis; }

.js-callout-header-noWrap { overflow-wrap: normal; }

.js-callout-headerArea { margin: 0px 0px 0px 20px; }

.js-callout-markArea { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; line-height:

16px; max-width: 16px; }

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max-height: 550px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; white-space: normal;
word-break: normal; line-height: normal; }

.js-callout-noscroll { overflow-y: hidden; }

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.js-callout-bodySection > .js-filePreview-containingElement { margin-bottom:

15px; }

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.js-callout-footerArea { background-color: rgb(241, 241, 241); padding: 11px 20px;

overflow: visible; }
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padding: 0px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-wrap: break-word; }

.js-callout-actions { overflow: visible; }

.js-callout-action { margin: 0px 22px 0px 0px; vertical-align: middle; line-height:

0px; display: inline-block; }

.js-callout-menuAction { margin-right: 0px; }

.js-callout-ecbActionDownArrow { border-style: none; display: inline-block;

vertical-align: middle; }

.js-ellipsis25-a { height: 25px; width: 25px; position: relative; display: inline-

block; overflow: hidden; }

.js-ellipsis25-icon { left: -99px; top: -59px; position: absolute; }

.js-callout-title { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;

display: inline-block; margin: 14px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: middle;
width: 100%; }

.js-callout-subtitle { cursor: text; padding: 1px; overflow-wrap: normal; overflow:

hidden; }

.js-callout-location { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding-left: 5px;

width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225); background-
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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block; }

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overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow-x: hidden; background-color: rgb(255, 255,
255); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.47) 0px 0px 7px 0px; }

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block; }

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breadcrumbRootNode > a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }, { margin-left: 17px; margin-top:

2px; }

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30px; border: 1px solid transparent; }

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listMenuEdit .ms-navedit-linkCell, .ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox ul.root >
li.static:first-child > .ms-core-listMenuEdit .ms-navedit-linkCell { padding-left:
0px; }

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item, .ms-core-listMenu-verticalBox > .ms-core-listMenu-root > li > .ms-core-
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align: middle; font-family: "Segoe UI", Segoe, Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-
serif; display: block; }

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rgb(119, 119, 119); font-style: italic; }

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ul.dynamic .ms-core-listMenuEdit .ms-core-listMenu-item, .ms-core-listMenu-

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listMenu-item { padding-left: 40px; }

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core-listMenuEdit, .ms-core-listMenu-verticalBox li.static > ul.static > li.static
> { padding-left: 20px; }

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item:visited, .ms-tv-item:link, .ms-tv-item:visited, .ms-tv-header:link, .ms-tv-
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item:link, .ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenu-item:visited, .ms-core-header .ms-tv-
item:link, .ms-core-header .ms-tv-item:visited, .ms-core-header .ms-tv-header:link,
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li >, li >

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rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); }

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item:hover, { background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0,
114, 198); }

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core-header, .ms-core-header { color:
rgb(0, 114, 198); }


item:active, { background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0,
77, 133); }

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rgb(0, 77, 133); }
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transparent; }

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horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-selected:visited, .ms-core-listMenu-
horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-selected, .ms-tv-selected:link { background-color:
transparent; color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

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.ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox .ms-core-listMenu-selected, .ms-
core-header .ms-tv-selected:link { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

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disabled:visited, .ms-core-listMenu-disabled:hover, .ms-core-listMenu-
disabled:active { color: rgb(177, 177, 177); }

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disabled:link, .ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenu-disabled:visited, .ms-core-
header .ms-core-listMenu-disabled:hover, .ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenu-
disabled:active { color: rgb(177, 177, 177); }

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word; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid rgb(209, 209, 209); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0,
0, 0.47) 0px 0px 7px 0px; } { min-width: 195px; padding: 5px; }

li.dynamic { display: list-item; }

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ghost:link, .ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenu-ghost:visited, .ms-core-header .ms-
core-listMenu-ghost:hover, .ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenu-ghost:active { color:
rgb(119, 119, 119); }

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listMenu-ghost:link, .ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-core-listMenu-ghost:visited, .ms-
core-needIEFilter .ms-core-listMenu-ghost:hover, .ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-core-
listMenu-ghost:active { background-color: transparent; }

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linkCell, .dynamic .ms-core-listMenuEdit { width: 100%; }

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> tr > .ms-navedit-linkCell > .ms-core-listMenu-item { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

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listMenuEdit:active > tr > .ms-navedit-linkCell > .ms-core-listMenu-item { color:
rgb(0, 77, 133); }

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.ms-core-header .ms-core-listMenuEdit > tr > td > .ms-core-listMenu-item:active
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transparent; }

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selected, .ms-navedit-titleBoxContainer:hover, .ms-navedit-titleBoxContainer ms-
core-listmenu-selected:hover { width: 100%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
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titleBoxContainer ms-core-listmenu-selected, .ms-core-header .ms-navedit-
titleBoxContainer:hover { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-color:
rgb(42, 141, 212); color: rgb(102, 102, 102); }, .ms-navedit-titleBox { overflow: hidden; white-space:

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right: 26px; background-image: url("/_layouts/15/images/menu-down.gif?rev=45");
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right: 26px; background-image: url("/_layouts/15/images/menu-right.gif?rev=45");
background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right center; cursor: pointer; }

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deletelinkCell { padding-right: 12px; }
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6px; cursor: pointer; }

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0px 0px; padding: 0px; }

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relative; width: 20px; height: 20px; }

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-152px; left: -175px; }

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-156px; left: -127px; }

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{ top: -130px; left: -175px; }

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cancelImg { top: -108px; left: -157px; }

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cancelImg { top: -156px; left: -149px; }

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.ms-navedit-deletelink:active > .ms-navedit-hidespan > .ms-navedit-hideLinkIcon

{ left: -1px; top: -1px; }

.ms-core-header .ms-navedit-hideLinkIcon { left: -1px; top: -19px; }

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hideLinkIcon { left: -19px; top: -37px; }

.ms-core-header .ms-navedit-deletelink:active > .ms-navedit-hidespan > .ms-navedit-

hideLinkIcon { left: -19px; top: -19px; }

.ms-navedit-showLinkIcon { position: absolute; left: -55px; top: -1px; }

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{ position: absolute; left: -19px; top: -1px; }

.ms-navedit-deletelink:active > .ms-navedit-hidespan > .ms-navedit-showLinkIcon

{ left: -37px; top: -37px; }

.ms-core-header .ms-navedit-showLinkIcon { left: -1px; top: -37px; }

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showLinkIcon { left: -37px; top: -1px; }
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showLinkIcon { left: -37px; top: -19px; } { min-width: 60px; height: 20px; padding: 0px 10px;

margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 8px; vertical-align: top; }

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url("/_layouts/15/images/selbg.png?rev=45") left top repeat-x; z-index: 99;
opacity: 0.01; }

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padding-top: 5px; } { padding: 3px 0px 4px 5px; width: 100%; min-width:

30px; min-height: 10px; }

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solid rgb(209, 209, 209); }

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solid rgb(209, 209, 209); padding: 0px 0px 1px 5px; margin-top: 1px; }

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display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; margin-right: 5px; }

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navedit-editLinksIcon { left: -215px; top: -174px; }

.ms-navedit-editLinksText:active > span > .ms-navedit-editLinksIconWrapper > .ms-

navedit-editLinksIcon { left: -218px; top: -84px; }

.ms-core-header .ms-navedit-editLinksIcon { left: -215px; top: -156px; position:

absolute; }

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editLinksIconWrapper > .ms-navedit-editLinksIcon { left: -215px; top: -102px; }

.ms-core-header .ms-navedit-editLinksText:active > span > .ms-navedit-

editLinksIconWrapper > .ms-navedit-editLinksIcon { left: -215px; top: -138px; }

.ms-navedit-editLinksText { text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: none; }

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block; }

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list-addnew-img16, .ms-core-header .ms-navedit-addNewLink:active > .ms-list-addnew-
imgSpan16 > .ms-list-addnew-img16 { left: -233px; top: -102px; }

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bottom; }

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relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px; }

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border: 1px solid transparent; }

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{ margin-left: 10px; }

.ms-core-listMenuEdit { padding: 0px; }

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verticalBox li.static > .ms-navedit-titleBoxListItem { table-layout: fixed; margin-
left: 14px; }

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.ms-headerCellStyleMenuOpen { background-color: rgba(156, 206, 240, 0.5); }

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TdHover, .ms-MenuCellStyle-MenuDivHover { border: 1px solid transparent; }

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width: 30px; height: 25px; }

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border-width: 0px 10px 0px 0px; }
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230, 247, 0.5); }

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rgb(0, 114, 198); border-right-color: rgba(156, 206, 240, 0.5); background-clip:
padding; }

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width: 10px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; }

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selectitem-icon, .ms-itmHoverEnabled:hover .ms-selectitem-icon { left: -32px; top:
-256px; }

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span, .ms-vb-imgFirstCell:focus .ms-selectitem-span, .ms-itmHoverEnabled:hover .ms-
selectitem-span { visibility: visible; }

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width: 10px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; margin-left:
-3px; }

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position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; top: 4px; }

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relative; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px 2px; }

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position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px 2px; }

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position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px 2px; }

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inline-block; overflow: hidden; }

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transparent rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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rgb(102, 102, 102); background-color: rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); border-color:
transparent transparent rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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border-left-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-right-
color: transparent; }

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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-top-color: transparent; border-
bottom-color: transparent; }

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color: rgb(119, 119, 119); background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent
transparent rgb(42, 141, 212); }

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color: rgb(102, 102, 102); background-color: rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); border-
color: transparent transparent rgb(42, 141, 212); }

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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent;
border-right-color: transparent; }

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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-top-color: transparent; border-
bottom-color: transparent; }
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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; }

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rgb(119, 119, 119); background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent
transparent rgb(42, 141, 212); }

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color: rgb(102, 102, 102); background-color: rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); border-
color: transparent transparent rgb(42, 141, 212); }

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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent;
border-right-color: transparent; }

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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-top-color: transparent; border-
bottom-color: transparent; }

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transparent; border-left-color: transparent; }

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pointer; } a, span { color: rgb(0,

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menuimagecell img { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; }

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nofilter-notextalign, .ms-vh2-nofilter-perm, .ms-vhImage, .ms-vh2-nograd, .ms-vh3-
nograd, .ms-vh2-nograd-icon, .ms-vh2-nofilter-icon, .ms-ph { font-weight: normal;
font-size: 0.85em; color: rgb(119, 119, 119); text-align: left; text-decoration:
none; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; }

.ms-vh-icon { vertical-align: middle; }

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color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

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nofilter-icon, .ms-ph { white-space: nowrap; }

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background-color: transparent; }

.ms-vh-div { }

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16px; }

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.ms-gbload { height: 22px; color: rgb(119, 119, 119); padding-bottom: 3px; }

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68, 68); vertical-align: top; }

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text-decoration: none; }

.ms-vb a:hover, .ms-vb2 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } > a:hover { text-decoration: none; }

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198); text-decoration: none; }

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{ color: rgb(0, 114, 198); text-decoration: underline; }

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alternatingstrong .ms-vb-user a:link, .ms-alternatingstrong .ms-vb a:visited, .ms-
alternatingstrong .ms-vb2 a:visited, .ms-alternatingstrong .ms-vb-user
a:visited, .ms-alternatingstrong .ms-vb a:visited:hover, .ms-alternatingstrong .ms-
vb2 a:visited:hover, .ms-alternatingstrong .ms-vb-user a:visited:hover { color:
rgb(0, 114, 198); }

.ms-vb-icon { vertical-align: top; padding: 7px 8px 0px 4px; cursor: default;
white-space: nowrap; }

.ms-vb-icon > img { height: 16px; width: 16px; } { height: 9px; width: 9px; }

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height: 9px; width: 9px; }

.ms-vb-user { padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 4px; }

.ms-vb-user a { vertical-align: top; }

.ms-vb-title .ms-vb { padding: 2px 6px 3px 4px; }

.ms-vb2 { padding: 4px 8px 4px 4px; }

.ms-pb, .ms-pb-selected { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; white-space:

nowrap; }

.ms-pb { height: 22px; padding-top: 3px; }

.ms-pb-selected { height: 22px; padding-top: 3px; background-color: rgba(156, 206,

240, 0.5); border-top: 1px solid rgba(156, 206, 240, 0.5); border-bottom: 1px solid
rgba(156, 206, 240, 0.5); }

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cursor: default; }

.ms-vb-tall { line-height: 1.5em; padding: 2px 6px 10px; }

th .ms-vb, .ms-vh2-nofilter-icon,, { color:

rgb(68, 68, 68); }

th .ms-vb a, .ms-vh2-nofilter-icon a { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

th .ms-selectedtitle .ms-vb, th .ms-selectedtitle .ms-vh2-nofilter-icon, th .ms-

selectedtitle .ms-vb a, th .ms-selectedtitle .ms-vh2-nofilter-icon a { color:
rgb(119, 119, 119); }

.ms-vb-menuPadding { padding-right: 15px; }

.ms-vh2-nofilter-icon, .ms-vh2-nograd, .ms-vh3-nograd, .ms-vh2-nograd-icon

{ padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 3px; height: 20px; } tbody td { background-color: rgb(241,

241, 241); border: 1px solid rgb(241, 241, 241); }

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rgb(241, 241, 241); }

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20px; }

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none; } { color: rgb(102, 102, 102); text-decoration: underline; } { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 7px; padding-top: 5px; }

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text-align: left; }

.ms-number { padding-right: 8px; }

.ms-list-emptyText { padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 96px; color: rgb(119, 119,

119); }

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rgb(119, 119, 119); } > tbody > tr > { border: 1px solid rgb(171,
171, 171); text-align: left; }

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.ms-alternatingstrong td td, .ms-basictable .ms-alternating td td { border: 0px; }

ms-imnspan { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } { cursor: default; }

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relative; overflow: hidden; }

.ms-imnImg { display: inline-block; margin-right: 6px; }

.ms-imnImgInline { margin-right: 3px; }

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0px; padding-left: 8px; }

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.ms-peopleux-userImgWrapper { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; position:

relative; }

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{ position: relative; top: 0px; }

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.ms-itmHoverEnabled:hover > * { background-color: rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); border:

1px solid transparent; }

.ms-itmHoverEnabled:hover .ms-list-itemLink-td { background-color: rgb(205, 230,

247); }

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240, 0.5); border: 1px solid transparent; }

.s4-itm-selected .ms-list-itemLink-td, .s4-itm-selected:hover .ms-list-itemLink-td

{ background-color: rgb(156, 206, 240); }

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selected:hover > td { }

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align: middle; }

.s4-ctx > a > img:visited, .ctxImg > a > img:hover { border: 0px none transparent;
text-decoration: none; } { min-width: 16px; vertical-align: top; cursor: default; }

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pointer; display: inline; white-space: nowrap; }

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2px 5px 2px 0px; }

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default; text-decoration: none; }

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position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; }

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20px; }

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surfacedOpt-selected, .ms-pivotControl-overflowSpan, .ms-pivotControl-overflowDot {
display: inline-block; }

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102); }

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pivotControl-surfacedOpt-selected { color: rgb(0, 114, 198); }

.ms-pivotControl-surfacedOpt:hover, .ms-pivotControl-overflowDot:hover, .ms-

pivotControl-surfacedOpt-selected:hover { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; }

.ms-viewselector-arrow { vertical-align: middle; }

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.ms-rifield-title { padding-top: 5px; }

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.ms-rifield-showall { float: left; margin-top: 10px; }

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inline-block; overflow: hidden; }

.ms-addcolumn-icon { left: -200px; top: -84px; position: absolute; }

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inline-block; overflow: hidden; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: -1px; vertical-
align: middle; }

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-233px; top: -120px; }

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position: relative; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; margin-right: 5px;
vertical-align: middle; }
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absolute; }

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heroCommandLink:hover .ms-list-addnew-imgSpan20 > .ms-list-addnew-img20 { left:
-131px; top: -134px; }

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4px 4px; border: 1px solid transparent; background-color: transparent; white-space:
nowrap; }

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4px; border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); cursor: pointer; }

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pointer; }

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width: 1px; height: 22px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px; margin: -4px 0px 0px; white-
space: nowrap; float: left; }

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{ background-color: transparent; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 152px; height:
22px; border-width: 0px; vertical-align: middle; outline: none; }

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68); }
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68, 68); }

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nowrap; padding: 2px 2px 0px 0px; margin: -4px 0px 2px 5px; float: left; }

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212px; }

InlineSearch-SearchBox-Baseline { width: 186px; }

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height: 96px; margin-right: 13px; margin-bottom: 16px; white-space: nowrap;
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align: top; display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; white-
space: normal; }

.ms-vl-appinfo-tenant { margin-left: 9px; }

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padding: 3px 4px; display: inline-block; }
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.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-vl-callout-beak { background-color: transparent; }

.ms-vl-appdescription, .ms-vl-apptitle { white-space: normal; word-break: normal; }

.ms-vl-apptitle, { line-height: 1.2; display: inline-

block; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid transparent; color: rgb(68, 68,
68); }

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overflow: hidden; }

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decoration: none; margin-top: 1px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

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177); }

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.ms-vl-disabledapp > .ms-vl-appimage > a { opacity: 0.3; }

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.ms-vl-calloutterms { margin-bottom: 5px; }

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.ms-vl-apptileselected { background-color: rgba(156, 206, 240, 0.5); }

.ms-vl-apptilehover:hover { background-color: rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); }

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0.9em; }

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-20px; cursor: default; }

.ms-newdoc-callout-item:hover { background-color: rgba(205, 230, 247, 0.5); text-

decoration: none; }

.ms-core-needIEFilter .ms-newdoc-callout-item:hover { background-color:

transparent; text-decoration: none; }

.ms-newdoc-callout-text { margin-left: 10px; }

.ms-newdoc-callout-img { margin-left: 20px; }

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height: 100%; width: 371px; position: relative; padding: 3px 25px 3px 0px; }

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margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: inherit; background-color: transparent; }

input.sp-peoplepicker-editorInput[type="text"]:focus { outline: 0px; }

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cursor: default; max-width: 300px; min-width: 300px; position: absolute; border-
color: rgb(198, 198, 198); }

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position: absolute; }

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block; margin: 0px 5px 1px 2px; }

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entity-resolved { overflow: hidden; }

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0px; position: absolute; }

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rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(35, 39, 44) !important; }

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8px; }

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scale-2 .ms-cui-tt-span { padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; }

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important; }

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39, 44) !important; }

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255); height: 90px; border-style: solid; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-bottom-
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align: bottom; text-align: right; }

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align: bottom; position: relative; }

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right: 0px !important; }

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solid rgb(134, 139, 145); }

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{ position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; }

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"Segoe UI", Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; cursor: pointer; }

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important; }

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255) !important; }

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needIEFilter .ms-cui-disabled .ms-cui-img-cont-float, .ms-cui-needIEFilter .ms-cui-
disabled .ms-cui-jewel-left, .ms-cui-needIEFilter .ms-cui-disabled .ms-cui-jewel-
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important; }

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142, 230); }

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tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(52, 96, 157) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(80, 142, 230); }

.ms-cui-cg-db .ms-cui-ct-first > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-db .ms-cui-ct-first >

.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(80, 142, 230); }

.ms-cui-cg-db .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-db .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(80, 142, 230); } { border-top-color: rgb(54, 167, 202); }

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important; }

.ms-cui-cg-lb .ms-cui-ct-ul { background-color: transparent; border-color: rgb(54,

167, 202); }

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tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(54, 132, 153) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(54, 167, 202); }

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.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(54, 167, 202); }

.ms-cui-cg-lb .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-lb .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(54, 167, 202); } { border-top-color: rgb(34, 153, 171); }

.ms-cui-ct-topBar-tl, .ms-cui-tabBody-tl { border-color: rgb(34, 153, 171) !

important; }

.ms-cui-cg-tl .ms-cui-ct-ul { background-color: transparent; border-color: rgb(34,

153, 171); }

.ms-cui-cg-tl .ms-cui-tt-s > .ms-cui-tt-a > .ms-cui-tt-span, .ms-cui-cg-tl .ms-cui-

tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(0, 108, 125) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(34, 153, 171); }

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.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(34, 153, 171); }

.ms-cui-cg-tl .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-tl .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(34, 153, 171); } { border-top-color: rgb(255, 157, 0); }

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important; }

.ms-cui-cg-or .ms-cui-ct-ul { background-color: transparent; border-color: rgb(255,

157, 0); }

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tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(196, 83, 0) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(255, 157, 0); }

.ms-cui-cg-or .ms-cui-ct-first > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-or .ms-cui-ct-first >

.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(255, 157, 0); }

.ms-cui-cg-or .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-or .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(255, 157, 0); } { border-top-color: rgb(73, 163, 73); }

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important; }

.ms-cui-cg-gr .ms-cui-ct-ul { background-color: transparent; border-color: rgb(73,

163, 73); }

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tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(6, 112, 6) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(73, 163, 73); }

.ms-cui-cg-gr .ms-cui-ct-first > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-gr .ms-cui-ct-first >

.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(73, 163, 73); }

.ms-cui-cg-gr .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-gr .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(73, 163, 73); } { border-top-color: rgb(201, 89, 156); }

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important; }

.ms-cui-cg-mg .ms-cui-ct-ul { background-color: transparent; border-color: rgb(201,

89, 156); }

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tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(156, 39, 109) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(201, 89, 156); }

.ms-cui-cg-mg .ms-cui-ct-first > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-mg .ms-cui-ct-first >

.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(201, 89, 156); }

.ms-cui-cg-mg .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-mg .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(201, 89, 156); } { border-top-color: rgb(242, 203, 29); }

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important; }

.ms-cui-cg-yl .ms-cui-ct-ul { background-color: transparent; border-color: rgb(242,

203, 29); }

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tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(133, 99, 0) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(242, 203, 29); }

.ms-cui-cg-yl .ms-cui-ct-first > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-yl .ms-cui-ct-first >

.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(242, 203, 29); }

.ms-cui-cg-yl .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-yl .ms-cui-ct-last > .ms-

cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(242, 203, 29); } { border-top-color: rgb(147, 94, 211); }

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important; }

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94, 211); }

.ms-cui-cg-pp .ms-cui-tt-s > .ms-cui-tt-a > .ms-cui-tt-span, .ms-cui-cg-pp .ms-cui-

tt > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(107, 37, 186) !important; } .ms-cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-

cui-tt-s .ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-color: rgb(147, 94, 211); }

.ms-cui-cg-pp .ms-cui-ct-first > .ms-cui-tt-a, .ms-cui-cg-pp .ms-cui-ct-first >

.ms-cui-tt-a:hover { border-left-color: rgb(147, 94, 211); }

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cui-tt-a:hover { border-right-color: rgb(147, 94, 211); }

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medium, .ms-cui-ctl { border: 1px solid transparent; }

.ms-cui-ctl-large:hover, .ms-cui-ctl-medium:hover, .ms-cui-ctl-large:focus, .ms-

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input:hover, .ms-cui-cb-input:focus, .ms-cui-spn-btnup:hover, .ms-cui-spn-
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hoveredOver, .ms-cui-ctl-large-groupPopup:hover { background-color: rgb(205, 230,
247); }

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hoveredOver:active, .ms-cui-ctl:active, .ms-cui-ctl-menu:active, .ms-cui-dd-arrow-
button:active, .ms-cui-cb-input:active, .ms-cui-spn-btnup:active, .ms-cui-spn-
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247) !important; }

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.ms-cui-spn-btnup { border-bottom-color: transparent; }

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.ms-cui-spn-txtbx { color: rgb(59, 59, 59); }

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183, 209); }

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border-color: rgb(187, 191, 196); }
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vertical-align: top; margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 1px; } { padding: 2px 0px; height: 63px; cursor: default; } *, *, *,

.ms-cui-ctl-a2:hover *, .ms-cui-ctl:hover *, .ms-cui-jewel-jewelMenuLauncher:hover,
.ms-cui-jewel-jewelMenuLauncher:hover * { cursor: default; }

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block; border: 1px solid transparent; cursor: default; }

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important; }

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block; }

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block; }

.ms-cui-ctl-large .ms-cui-ctl-a2 { border-top: 0px !important; }

.ms-cui-disabled:hover, *, .ms-cui-ctl- *,, .ms-cui-,, .ms-cui- { background-color: transparent; border-
color: transparent !important; cursor: default !important; }

.ms-cui-disabled:active, .ms-cui-ctl2-disabled:active, .ms-cui-ctl2-disabled:active

.ms-cui-ctl-a1, .ms-cui-ctl2-disabled:active .ms-cui-ctl-a2 { background-color:
transparent !important; }

{ background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250); border-color: rgb(237, 237, 237) !
important; }

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.ms-cui-ctl-largelabel .ms-cui-img-5by3 { vertical-align: middle; margin-top:

2px; }

.ms-cui-ctl-large-groupPopup { margin-top: 2px; }

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border: 1px solid rgb(178, 181, 185); }

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solid rgb(175, 180, 186); height: 42px; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer; }
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cursor: default; margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 1px; }

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margin-right: 0px; }, { height: 16px; padding: 1px 2px; border: 1px

solid transparent; cursor: default; } { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 5px; } .ms-cui-ctl-a1, .ms-cui-ctl-a2 { padding: 0px 2px

2px; border: 1px solid transparent; display: block; float: left; cursor: default; } .ms-cui-ctl-a1 { height: 16px; } .ms-cui-ctl-a2 { padding: 1px 3px 6px; border-left: 0px; height:

11px; } > span >,

ctl > span > { margin-top: 9px; } > >,

ctl-large > > { vertical-align: top;
margin-top: 3px; } .ms-cui-ctl-a1 { padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 1px; } .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer, .ms-cui-ctl-

a1Internal .ms-cui-img-16by16 { margin-right: 3px; vertical-align: middle; display:
inline-block; } .ms-cui-ctl-mediumlabel { vertical-align: top; display: inline-

block; padding-top: 1px; line-height: 1.25em !important; }

.ms-cui-ctl-smalllabel { vertical-align: top; }, { border: 1px solid transparent;

padding: 0px 10px 0px 2px; display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; cursor:
default; position: relative; } .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer { display: none; float: left; margin-

right: 7px; margin-top: 1px; } .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer { margin-top: 5px; } .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer,

items16rtl .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer { width: 16px; display: block; } .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer,

items32rtl .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer { width: 32px; display: block; }

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.ms-cui-ctl-mediumlabel { font-weight: bold; }

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.ms-cui-ctl-mediumlabel, .ms-cui-btn-menu-description { color: rgb(76, 83, 92); }

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1px; } { display: block; }

.ms-cui-ctl-medium { display: inline-block; } { border-right: 0px; } .ms-cui-ctl-large,, .ms-cui-ctl-medium { margin-left: 0px;
margin-right: 0px; } .ms-cui-ctl-iconContainer { display: inline-block; }

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1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(211, 214, 217); border-image: initial;
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nowrap; font: inherit; overflow: hidden; }

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-1px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(211, 214, 217)
rgb(211, 214, 217) rgb(211, 214, 217) transparent; border-image: initial; display:
block; float: left; outline: none; cursor: default; } > .ms-cui-dd-arrow-button { border-left-color:

transparent !important; cursor: default !important; }

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color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-color: rgb(187, 191, 196); } .ms-cui-dd-text,

disabled:hover .ms-cui-cb-input { background-color: inherit !important; border-
color: rgb(211, 214, 217) !important; }

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8pt; }

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13px; }

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1px; }

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vertical-align: bottom; color: rgb(35, 39, 44); margin-left: 1px; margin-right:
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block; text-align: center; width: 22px; height: 22px; }

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"Segoe UI", Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 1px; margin-
right: 1px; padding: 0px 3px !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !
important; } { background-color: inherit; border-color:

rgb(212, 214, 217) !important; }

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background-color: transparent; }

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.ms-cui-cbx label { color: rgb(35, 39, 44); }

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3px; text-align: center; width: 13px; cursor: default; }

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hidden; cursor: default; }

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255); } > .ms-cui-tt-a:hover > .ms-cui-tt-span { color: rgb(102,

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class="pageNum">1 / 9</div><div id="p1" name="p1"><div style="overflow: hidden;
direction: ltr;"><div style="display: inline-block; transform:
translateX(0px);"><table border="1" style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">UNIVERSIDAD
PEDAGÓGICA NACIONAL <br></span></b><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Facultad de
Bellas Artes <br></span></b></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">LICENCIATURA EN ARTES VISUALES
<br></span></b></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Programa Analítico
<br></span></b></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Espacio Académico:
<br></span></i></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Código:
<br></span></i></b></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">PROBLEMÁTICAS DEL ARTE MODERNO
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">1172100 <br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Ubicación
en la malla curricular: <br></span></i></b></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Ciclo
<br></span></i></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Semestre <br></span></i></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Componente
<br></span></i></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Nip/Etapa1 <br></span></i></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Intensidad
horaria: <br></span></i></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Créditos
<br></span></i></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Fundamentación <br></span></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">II
<br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Disciplinar <span style="direction:ltr;">Teórico
<br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">NIP 1 Ubicación en <span style="direction:ltr;">el campo
<br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Presencial2: &nbsp;</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">3 horas<i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></i></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">No presencial: <br></span></i></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">3 horas
<br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">2 C <br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Ubicación
Conceptual / Justificación &nbsp;<br></span></i></b></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
</span></i></b><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">El presente
espacio académico denominado <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Problemáticas del Arte
Moderno </span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> permitirá a lxs estudiantes
mediante <span style="direction:ltr;">diferentes estrategias metodológicas la
incorporación de los conceptos, teorías y prácticas propias del arte de la <span
style="direction:ltr;">primera mitad del siglo XX.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Este espacio
académico se ubica en el <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Componente Disciplinar
Teórico</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">
y en el ciclo de <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Fundamentación</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">, por lo <span style="direction:ltr;">tanto, los contenidos
aquí presentados dan cuenta de “el conjunto de actividades académicas orientadas a
la <span style="direction:ltr;">apropiación crítica de los Fundamentos conceptuales
y metodológicos –en nuestro caso de la educación artística <span
style="direction:ltr;">visual- y al &nbsp;desarrollo de actitudes positivas hacia
la profesión docente”3 y que permitirán abordar desde el <span
style="direction:ltr;">discurso teórico las rupturas formales e ideológicas que
correspondieron a esta etapa de la historia del arte <span
style="direction:ltr;">occidental, desde un punto de vista historicista que a su
vez se cuestiona para señalar las problemáticas de los <span
style="direction:ltr;">discursos hegemónicos dominantes en el momento de la
circulación del conocimiento.
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Es relevante de este espacio académico el revisionismo
histórico de obras, artistas, críticos, teóricos, espacios de <span
style="direction:ltr;">exhibición, contextos y demás agentes que permiten reconocer
qué definió el arte de las vanguardias y primeros <span style="direction:ltr;">años
posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, dilucidar allí la configuración de sujeto
y la ruptura con los <span style="direction:ltr;">metarrelatos. Ello permitirá
comprender que los cambios sociales, políticos, éticos y culturales configurarán
más <span style="direction:ltr;">tarde en la aparición de nuevas expresiones
artísticas, es decir, el arte contemporáneo y nuevas maneras de <span
style="direction:ltr;">recepción de la obra de arte. Se espera de esta manera
situar su formación desde lo universal a lo local.
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">En este sentido, este espacio académico orientará a que los
y las estudiantes propongan a través de ejercicios <span
style="direction:ltr;">plásticos situados en las estéticas de las artes visuales
como en la escritura para elaborar una reflexión crítica sobre <span
style="direction:ltr;">lo original y la copia, lo falso y lo verdadero, el centro y
la periferia, y en sí, las problemáticas del arte moderno en <span
style="direction:ltr;">relación a su aparición, legitimización y circulación.
<br></span></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
&nbsp;Preguntas Generadoras / Orientadoras &nbsp;
<br></span></i></b></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><ul style="margin-
left:30px;"><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">1. Del
&nbsp;Núcleo Integrador de Problemas-NIP: <br></span></i></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
class="FootnoteEndnoteHr"><div class="FootnoteEndnote"><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">1 En LAV se definieron NIP´s y
en LM se definieron etapas. <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">2<i><span style="direction:ltr;">“Cuando sin justa causa,
las faltas de asistencia superen</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> -el
porcentaje máximo de inasistencia- <i><span style="direction:ltr;">a las
actividades </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">académicas presenciales
realizadas y definidas como obligatorias, el docente encargado del espacio
reportará la </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">calificación de cero (0).
Para el caso de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, la inasistencia en los espacios
académicos del </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">ambiente disciplinar no
deberá sobrepasar el 15%.” </span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">Artículo 26º del
Acuerdo 025 de 2007 del Consejo Superior <span style="direction:ltr;">(Reglamento
Estudiantil). <br></span></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">3 Tomado de: Proyecto Educativo
del Programa PEP, pág. 39. &nbsp;<br></span></div></div><br></div><hr
class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc2"><div class="pageNum">2 / 9</div><div id="p2"
name="p2"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div style="display:
inline-block;"><table border="1" style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Núcleo 1:
Ubicación en el Campo. Se sitúa en los semestres I y II. Se espera que el/la
estudiante comprenda el <span style="direction:ltr;">Campo Educativo como un sector
determinado de la actividad social que posee unas instituciones y se encuentra
<span style="direction:ltr;">definido por una red de relaciones en la que los
pedagogos de las artes visuales participan. Se define por las <span
style="direction:ltr;">preguntas: ¿Quién soy aquí y ahora?, ¿Cómo estoy inscrito?,
¿Quién soy en el campo educativo en tanto mi <span style="direction:ltr;">formación
se concentra en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lo Artístico Visual?, ¿Qué implica ello
para mí? <br></span></span></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">2. <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Del espacio Académico: </span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></span></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></i></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">-¿Cómo identifico las rupturas formales y los procesos de
transformación social de la primera mitad del </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">siglo XX, para la reflexión crítica de la enseñanza de las
artes visuales, en tanto proceso desde lo universal </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">hasta lo local? <br></span></i></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Propósitos de formación /
Objetivos</span></i></b><span style="direction:ltr;"> <b><i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></i></b></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></i></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Objetivo General: <br></span></i></span></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></i></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Desarrollar estrategias de formación teórica para la
incorporación de conceptos y prácticas propios del arte </span></b><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">moderno. &nbsp;<br></span></b></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></i></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Objetivos Específicos:
<br></span></i></span></div></li></ul><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><i><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></i></div><ul style="margin-
left:30px;"><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Abordar
conceptos y teorías del arte moderno occidental a partir de una amplia cultura
visual del <span style="direction:ltr;">arte de la primera mitad del siglo XX.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Realizar Resúmenes Analíticos Especializados RAEs a partir
del análisis crítico de lecturas <span style="direction:ltr;">pertinentes que
permitan diversas obras y artistas de la primera mitad del &nbsp;siglo XX.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Realizar talleres de creación artística en relación a los
contenidos del curso. &nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Articular e incorporar de
manera orgánica los conceptos del arte moderno en la elaboración de <span
style="direction:ltr;">propuestas de creación alternativas.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Desarrollar un ejercicio de apropiación y archivo
documental a partir de una falsa biografía. &nbsp;<br></span></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Descripción de contenidos / Unidades /
Rutas de aprendizaje</span></i></b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></i></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="overflow:
hidden; direction: ltr;"><div style="display: inline-block;"><table border="1"
style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">SEMANA <br></span></b></div></th><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">CONTENIDOS
TEMÁTICOS <br></span></b></div></th><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">LECTURAS
PREVIAS </span></b><b><span style="direction:ltr;">/TRABAJO INDEPENDIENTE
<br></span></b></div></th><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Fecha <br></span></b></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">1
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Presentación del Programa. &nbsp;<br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Presentación de
la guía para el desarrollo de <span style="direction:ltr;">trabajos.
<br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">N/A <br></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Marzo 27 y 29
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">2 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Representaciones
y disidencias de la Modernidad: <span style="direction:ltr;">máquina y cine
<br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Revisar previamente: &nbsp;<br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Un tigre de papel</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">
(2007), <span style="direction:ltr;">Luis Ospina
<br></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span style="direction:ltr;">El perro
andaluz</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> (1929), <span
style="direction:ltr;">Luis Buñuel. <br></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span
style="direction:ltr;">El acorazado Potemkin</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <span style="direction:ltr;">(1925), Sergei M. Eisenstein.
<br></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span style="direction:ltr;">El hombre de la
cámara</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> <span style="direction:ltr;">(1929),
Dziga Vertov. <br></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Metrópolis</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> (1927),
&nbsp;Fritz <span style="direction:ltr;">Lang.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Abril 3 y 5
div></div><div style="position: relative; height: 75px; width: 75px; overflow:
hidden;"><img src="
0000-0000-000000000017&amp;n=p2.img&amp;build=16.0.11602.32652" id="pi2_0"
width="12489.795918367347" style="position: absolute; top: -3058.16px; left:
-803.571px; clip: rect(3058.16px, 878.571px, 3133.16px, 803.571px); visibility:
visible;"></div></div><hr class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc3"><div class="pageNum">3
/ 9</div><div id="p3" name="p3"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div
style="display: inline-block;"><table border="1"
style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div style="overflow: hidden; direction:
ltr;"><div style="display: inline-block;"><table border="1"
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span
style="direction:ltr;">El triunfo de la libertad</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <span style="direction:ltr;">(1939), Leny Riefenstahl.
<br></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span style="direction:ltr;">Tiempos
modernos</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> (1939), <span
style="direction:ltr;">Charles Chaplin. <br></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-<i><span
style="direction:ltr;">El ladrón de bicicletas</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <span style="direction:ltr;">(1948), Vittorio de Sica.
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">3
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Representaciones y disidencias del sujeto <span
style="direction:ltr;">moderno en la fotografía
<br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Benjamin, W. (2003). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">La
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">obra de arte en la época de
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">su reproductibilidad
técnica</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. <span
style="direction:ltr;">México: Editorial Itaca.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Abril 10 y 12
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Montaje ejercicio de transcripción
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">4
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Los ismos I: Fauvismo, Expresionismo alemán y <span
style="direction:ltr;">Cubismo &nbsp; <br></span></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">De Micheli, M.
(1985). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Las </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">vanguardias artísticas del </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">siglo XX</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Madrid:
Alianza <span style="direction:ltr;">Editorial.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Abril 15 Grupo 2 <span
style="direction:ltr;">7 – 10 pm <br></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Abril 15 Grupo 1
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">10 – 1 pm <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Evaluación Ensayo Benjamin + Un tigre de
papel <span style="direction:ltr;">Abril 24 Grupo 2 – Abril 26 Grupo 1
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">5
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Los ismos II: Futurismo, Surrealismo y Dadaísmo
<br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">De Micheli, M. (1985). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Las
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">vanguardias artísticas del
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">siglo XX</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Madrid: Alianza <span style="direction:ltr;">Editorial.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Abril 17 Grupo 2 <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Mayo 3 Grupo 1 <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">6 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Taller Práctico:
Escritura Dadaísta, Cadáveres <span style="direction:ltr;">exquisitos y poema -
objeto <br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Tzara, T. (1999). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Siete </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">manifiestos
Dada</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. <span
style="direction:ltr;">Barcelona: Tusquets.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Mayo 8 y 10
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">7
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Marcel Duchamp: el arte como idea
<br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Marcel Duchamp: <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El acto
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">creativo </span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Mayo 15 y 17
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">8 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Taller práctico:
Máquinas inútiles &nbsp;<br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Munari, B. (2005). Máquinas <span
style="direction:ltr;">inútiles. En <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El Arte como
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">oficio</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Cornellá de Llobregat: <span style="direction:ltr;">Idea
Books. &nbsp; <br></span></span></span></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Mayo 22 y 24
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">9 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">El sujeto moderno
y sus objetos cotidianos: Art <span style="direction:ltr;">Déco, Constructivismo
Ruso y Bauhaus. <br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Cirlot, L. (1988). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Las claves </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">de las
vanguardias artísticas </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">en el siglo
XX</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: <span
style="direction:ltr;">Editorial Ariel.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Mayo 29 y 31
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Evaluación 1r RAE
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">10
<br></span></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Los ismos III: Pop art &nbsp;<br></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Warhol, A.
(2010).<i><span style="direction:ltr;"> Mi </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">filosofía de A a B y de B a A</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. <span style="direction:ltr;">Buenos Aires: Tusquets.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Junio 5 y 7
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">11 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Taller práctico:
collage <br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Ades, Dawn. (2002). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Fotomontaje. </span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Barcelona: <span style="direction:ltr;">Editorial Gustavo
Gili. <br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Junio 12 y 14
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">12 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Orígenes del
Performance y las artes de acción <br></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Glusberg, J.
(1986). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El arte </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">de la performance</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">.
Buenos <span style="direction:ltr;">Aires: Ediciones de Arte <span
style="direction:ltr;">Gaglianone. &nbsp;<br></span></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Goldberg, R.
(1988). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Performance Art</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: <span style="direction:ltr;">Ediciones Destino.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Junio 19 y 21
div></div></div><hr class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc4"><div class="pageNum">4 /
9</div><div id="p4" name="p4"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div
style="display: inline-block;"><table border="1"
style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div style="overflow: hidden; direction:
ltr;"><div style="display: inline-block;"><table border="1"
style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">13 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Taller ejercicios
de curaduría: Libro de artista y <span style="direction:ltr;">Museos portables
<br></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">-EXIT Book Comisarios. </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Historias, prácticas, </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">posiciones.</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;"> (2012),
Núm. 17. <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Carrión, U. (2012). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El arte
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">nuevo de hacer libros.</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <span style="direction:ltr;">México: Tumbona Ediciones
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Junio 26 y 28
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">14 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Tutoría trabajo
final: falsa autobiografía <br></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Negroni, M.
(2018). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Objeto </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Satie</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Buenos Aires:
Caja <span style="direction:ltr;">Negra.
<br></span></span></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Julio 3 y 5
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">15 <br></span></b></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">MONTAJE Y
EVALUACIÓN FINAL <br></span></div></td><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></td><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Julio 10 y 12
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Metodología</span></i></b><i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> &nbsp; </span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Las sesiones del espacio académico <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Problemáticas del arte moderno</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> tendrán las siguientes estrategias <span
style="direction:ltr;">metodológicas: &nbsp;<br></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Estrategias con acompañamiento de la docente:
&nbsp;<br></span></i></b></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Clases magistrales en donde
se desarrollarán los contenidos conceptuales y teóricos del curso por <span
style="direction:ltr;">parte de la docente y se darán los espacios pertinentes para
la participación de lxs estudiantes para <span style="direction:ltr;">evidenciar
competencias actitudinales propositivas respecto a los temas presentados. Estas
clases <span style="direction:ltr;">magistrales estarán acompañadas de
presentaciones con fotografías y videos, material pertinente <span
style="direction:ltr;">que dé cuenta de los contenidos programados. &nbsp;
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Guía para la presentación de
trabajos: la docente entregará un instructivo para la realización de <span
style="direction:ltr;">Resúmenes Analíticos Especializados RAE, esquema para la
elaboración de ensayos, instrucciones <span style="direction:ltr;">para la
elaboración de poemas objeto, escritura dadaísta, máquinas inútiles y collages.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Pautas para el desarrollo del trabajo final de semestre:
taller de curaduría y libro de artista. &nbsp; <br></span></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Estrategias para el trabajo independiente del
style="direction:ltr;"> </span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Visionado de películas
extraclase. &nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Consulta en base de datos y bibliotecas referencias
teóricas y artísticas que apoyen como referencias <span style="direction:ltr;">para
los trabajos finales. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Revisión y análisis de
referentes teóricos y artísticos. &nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Realización de lecturas
propuestas en el programa. <br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Desarrollo de ejercicios
prácticos. <br></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Proyección de propuesta individual.
<br></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Realización de montaje y exhibición de trabajos finales.
&nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Visitas a museos, salas de exposición, galerías y eventos
artísticos. <br></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Consecución de los materiales necesarios y suficientes
para el óptimo desarrollo de talleres <span style="direction:ltr;">prácticos.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Registro digital, visual y escrito de todos los trabajos
realizados. <br></span></div></li></ul><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Evaluación
</span></i></b><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> &nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Toda evaluación en este espacio académico es
un proceso formativo el cual se propende por reconocer los logros y <span
style="direction:ltr;">dificultades de lxs estudiantes. La evaluación es un proceso
reflexivo – valorativo en tanto se espera que lxs <span
style="direction:ltr;">estudiantes se sitúen como docentes en formación y mediante
críticas de sus procesos realicen lo pertinente de la <span
style="direction:ltr;">hetero, co y auto-evaluación. &nbsp;
hr class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc5"><div class="pageNum">5 / 9</div><div id="p5"
name="p5"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div style="display:
inline-block;"><table border="1" style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Por lo tanto, los criterios que medirán los procesos de
formación en este espacio académicos de este semestre serán <span
style="direction:ltr;">los siguientes: &nbsp;<br></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Para la presentación de los trabajos escritos se exigirán
las siguientes pautas evaluativas, entre otras: &nbsp;<br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Apropiación de
conceptos propios del arte moderno. <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Creatividad.
&nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Coherencia formal y conceptual. &nbsp;<br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Todo lo
referente a lo formal, como buena redacción, desarrollo claro y contundente de las
ideas, buena ortografía, <span style="direction:ltr;">uso adecuado de normas APA,
etc. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Se tendrán en cuenta los siguientes
porcentajes de evaluación: &nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><ul style="margin-
left:30px;"><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">1.
Ejercicio de transcripción + Ensayo: 30% <br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">2. Resúmenes Analísticos
Especializados: 30% &nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">3. Talleres prácticos + Trabajo
final: 40% <br></span></div></li></ul><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Son fundamentales
los procesos actitudinales de lxs estudiantes, &nbsp;el trabajo desarrollado en
clase y el autónomo, <span style="direction:ltr;">propios de su formación como arte
docentes coherentes con el proyecto curricular de la LAV, el desarrollar <span
style="direction:ltr;">competencias comunicativas que den cuenta de sujetos
sensibles en formación, progreso de apropiación de <span
style="direction:ltr;">conceptos relacionados al arte moderno y contemporáneo, la
articulación de los mismos en los procesos de lo <span
style="direction:ltr;">pedagógico artístico visual, coherencia, claridad y dominio
de los temas estudiados y la participación activa en las <span
style="direction:ltr;">clases. &nbsp;
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">PÉRDIDA POR PLAGIO: &nbsp;<br></span></b></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></b></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">De acuerdo con el Reglamento de Estudiantes de la UPN:
&nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Según el Artículo 37 del Reglamento
Estudiantil de Pregrado (Acuerdo 025 de 2007 del Consejo Superior <span
style="direction:ltr;">Universitario), “Conductas que atenten contra el orden
académico, la ley, los estatutos y reglamentos <span
style="direction:ltr;">universitarios”: El fraude o plagio es considerado una
conducta que va en contra de tal estatuto. Por lo tanto, según <span
style="direction:ltr;">el &nbsp;Parágrafo 2 del Artículo 17: “Cuando una prueba sea
anulada por fraude se calificará con cero (0) y el profesor <span
style="direction:ltr;">actuará de conformidad con lo establecido en el Capítulo VII
del Reglamento”. &nbsp;<br></span></span></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">De conformidad al Capítulo VIII en sus Artículos 38 y 39:
contempla la valoración de las conductas y la aplicación de <span
style="direction:ltr;">sanciones, procedimientos que se efectúan mediante procesos
disciplinarios que, dependiendo del caso, adelanta el <span
style="direction:ltr;">Comité Académico del Programa o el Consejo de Facultad.
<br></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">PÉRDIDA POR
FALLAS: &nbsp;<br></span></b></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">De acuerdo con el Reglamento de Estudiantes
de la UPN, &nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">ARTÍCULO 26 ASISTENCIA:
&nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">“<span style="direction:ltr;">La asistencia a
los espacios académicos de los programas que requieran presencialidad es
obligatoria y el <span style="direction:ltr;">estudiante, al matricularse, adquiere
el compromiso de asistir a la totalidad de las actividades académicas <span
hr class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc6"><div class="pageNum">6 / 9</div><div id="p6"
name="p6"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div style="display:
inline-block;"><table border="1" style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">“PARRÁGRAFO 1: Cuando sin justa causa, las faltas de
asistencia registradas superen el 20% de las actividades <span
style="direction:ltr;">académicas presenciales realizadas y definidas como
obligatorias, el docente encargado del espacio reportará la <span
style="direction:ltr;">calificación de cero (0). Para el caso de la Facultad de
Bellas Artes, la inasistencia en los
espacios académicos del <span style="direction:ltr;">ambiente disciplinar no
deberá sobrepasar el 15%”. &nbsp;<br></span></span></span></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Es decir que con 3 fallas sin justificación, pierde el
semestre con 0.0 según el reglamento estudiantil UPN. Después <span
style="direction:ltr;">de que el o la estudiante acumuló 4 fallas (sin
justificación) no se le seguirá su proceso evaluativo.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Recursos de
apoyo</span></i></b><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Material bibliográfico y audiovisual
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Materiales para el desarrollo de los ejercicios prácticos
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Archivos <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Presentación de dispositivas
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">-Video beam <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Computador y
demás recursos la proyección en clase <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-Páginas web
recomendadas <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;">Bibliografía / infografía / videografía</span></i></b><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Bibliografía básica <br></span></b></div><ul style="margin-
left:30px;"><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Ades,
Dawn. (2002). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Fotomontaje. </span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Barnes, D. (1985). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El
almanaque de las mujeres</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona:
Editorial Lumen. <br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Barrios, A. (2014). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Álvaro
Barrios, la leyenda del sueño: Revisión retrospectiva.</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;"> Museo del Banco de la <span
style="direction:ltr;">República. 2013 – 2014.
<br></span></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Baudelaire, Ch. (2017). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El
pintor de la vida moderna</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Bogotá: Taurus.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Benjamin, W. (2003). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">La
obra de arte en la época de su reproductibilidad técnica</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. México: Editorial Itaca.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Bretón, A. &nbsp;(1985). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Nadja</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Bogotá:
Editorial Oveja Negra. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Camnitzer, L. (2008).
<i><span style="direction:ltr;">Didácticas de la liberación: Arte conceptualista
latinoamericano</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Murcia: CENDEAC.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Careri, F. (2002). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Walkscapes. El andar como práctica estética.
</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Carrión, U. (2012). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El
arte nuevo de hacer libros</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. México: Tumbona
Ediciones <br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Cirlot, L. (1988). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Las
claves de las vanguardias artísticas en el siglo XX</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Dalí, S. (1978). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El mito
trágico de “El Ágelus” de Millet</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Madrid:
Tusquets. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Danto, A. (1999). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Después
del fin del arte. El arte contemporáneo y el linde de la historia</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Ediciones <span style="direction:ltr;">Paidós.
<br></span></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· De Micheli, M. (1985). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Las
vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">.
Madrid: Alianza Editorial. <br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Durán Castro, M. (2009).
<i><span style="direction:ltr;">La máquina cinematográfica y el arte moderno:
Relaciones entre la fotografía, el </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">cine
y las vanguardias artísticas</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Bogotá:
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Duchamp, M. (2016). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cartas sobre el arte 1916-1956 Seguido de El acto
creativo</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Editorial Elba
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Cabane, P. (1972). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Conversaciones con Marcel Duchamp</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.
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style="direction:ltr;">· <i><span style="direction:ltr;">EXIT Book</span></i><span
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style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Goldberg, R. (1988). <i><span
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Barcelona: Ediciones Destino. <br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Golsmith, K. (2011). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Escritura no &nbsp;creativa: Gestionando el lenguaje en la
era digital. </span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">Buenos Aires: Caja <span
v><hr class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc7"><div class="pageNum">7 / 9</div><div
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style="direction:ltr;">· Instituto Cervantes (2007). <i><span
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style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Muiña, A. (2016). <i><span
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style="direction:ltr;">· Munari, B. (2005). Máquinas inútiles. En <i><span
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style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Negroni, M. (2018). <i><span
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style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Osborne, P. (2006). <i><span
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style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Phillips, S. (2013). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Ismos. Para entender el Arte Moderno</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Madrid: Ediciones Turner.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Prose, F. (2016). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Peggy
Guggenheinm: El escándalo de la modernidad</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">.
Madrid: Turner Noema. <br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Richter, H. (1985). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Dada 1916-1966: documentos del movimiento dadaísta
internacional</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Munich: Instituto <span
style="direction:ltr;">Goethe. <br></span></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Schimel, P. (2012). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Campos de acción 1: entre el performance y el objeto, 1949 –
1979</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. México: Alias Editorial.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Stein, G. (1974). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Retratos</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona:
Tusquets. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Torrent, R. &amp; Marín, J. (2005). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Historia del diseño industrial</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Tzara, T. (1999). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Siete
manifiestos Dada</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Tusquets.
<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· ____. (2014). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">El
surrealismo de hoy</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Buenos Aires: Ediciones
Godot. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Warhol, A. (2010).<i><span style="direction:ltr;"> Mi
filosofía de A a B y de B a A</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Buenos
Aires: Tusquets. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Bibliografía básica en inglés <br></span></b></div><ul
style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Bishop, C. (2012). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Artificial hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of
Spectatorship</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Londres: Editorial Verso.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Henkin Melzer, A. (2010). The Dada Actor and Performance
Theory. En <i><span style="direction:ltr;">The art of performance. A critical
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">anthology. </span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Nueva York: Ubu Editions.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li></ul><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Bibliografía
&nbsp;de referencia <br></span></b></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Bourriaud, N. (2009).
<i><span style="direction:ltr;">Formas de vida. El arte moderno y la invención de
sí. </span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">Murcia: CENDEAC Centro de <span
style="direction:ltr;">documentación y estudios avanzados de arte contemporáneo.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Efland, A. D. (2003<i><span style="direction:ltr;">). Una
historia de la educación del arte. Tendencias intelectuales y sociales en la
enseñanza </span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">de las artes
visuales</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Paidós.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· ____, et al. (2003). Visiones del progreso en la educación
del arte del siglo xx. En <i><span style="direction:ltr;">La educación en el arte
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">posmoderno</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">. Barcelona: Paidós.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Meggs, P. (1983). <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Historia
del diseño gráfico</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. México: Editorial
Trillas. &nbsp; <br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Mink, J. (2004). <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Duchamp</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">. Köln:
Taschen. &nbsp; <br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Paredes Oviedo, D. (2009). John Dewey: La experiencia
estética como experiencia educativa. <i><span style="direction:ltr;">Pensamiento,
</span></i><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Palabra y Obra</span></i><span
style="direction:ltr;">, 3, 16-? <br></span></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Moholy-Nagy, L. (2002).
Espacio. El espacio-tiempo y el fotógrafo. En <i><span
style="direction:ltr;">Poéticas del espacio. Antología crítica </span></i><i><span
style="direction:ltr;">de la fotografía</span></i><span style="direction:ltr;">.
Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili. &nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li></ul><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Referencias web: <br></span></b></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">- <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-ART 21, PBS: <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-
class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc8"><div class="pageNum">8 / 9</div><div id="p8"
name="p8"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div style="display:
inline-block;"><table border="1" style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">- <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">- <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">- <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">- <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">- <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">-
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;">Competencias a desarrollar</span></i></b><span
style="direction:ltr;"> &nbsp;<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
&nbsp;<br></span></div><ul style="margin-left:30px;"><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Realiza presentaciones de
textos, conceptos y teorías en las que analiza, sintetiza y contrapone el lugar de
<span style="direction:ltr;">la crítica y teoría del arte moderno.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Construye textos de reflexión que dan cuenta del contexto
local en relación al arte universal. &nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Propone lugares de reflexión
y crítica del lugar de la enseñanza de las artes visuales en el contexto local y
<span style="direction:ltr;">su relación con el arte moderno.
&nbsp;<br></span></span></div></li><li><div style="direction:ltr;"><span
style="direction:ltr;">· Desarrolla habilidades
de escritura y comunicación verbal. &nbsp;<br></span></div></li><li><div
style="direction:ltr;"><span style="direction:ltr;">· Apropia conceptos propios del
arte contemporáneo y revisa su lugar como sujeto sensible.
&nbsp;<br></span></div></li></ul><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Fecha de
actualización:</span></i></b><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Marzo 25 de 2019 <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Responsable
(s): &nbsp;</span></i></b><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> &nbsp;<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">Nombre: Raquel Hernández
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">Correo institucional:
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;">Socialización del programa:</span></i></b><span
style="direction:ltr;"> &nbsp;Marzo 27 y 29 de 2019
<br></span></div></th></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Nombre Grupo 1
<br></span></i></b></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><i><span style="direction:ltr;">Nombre Grupo 2
<br></span></i></b></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">BARRETO SANDOVAL JAVIER AUGUSTO
<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">CASTELLANOS SALAS JUAN MANUEL
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">HERNANDEZ MARTINEZ ANDRES FELIPE
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">GARCIA BARRIOS JUAN SEBASTIAN
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">MALDONADO CORREA JUAN DAVID
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">HERRAN SANCHEZ ANDRES FELIPE
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">MENDIVELSO SALCEDO ANDREY FERNANDO
<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">JIMENEZ AMEZQUITA NICOLAS
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">MONROY MENDEZ MICHAEL
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">MOGOLLON LOPEZ LUISA FERNANDA
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">MURCIA PRADA DENNYS <br></span></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">PABON MURCIA
NICOLE STEPHANNIE &nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">MURILLO CASAS
JAVIER ALEJANDRO &nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">PIRELA PIRELA ANAVICTORIA CHIQUINQUIRA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">PAJARITO VIRGUEZ DANIELA YULIANA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">PUERTO TORRES JASMIN TATIANA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">PENA PACHECO VALENTINA
<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">QUECAN GAMBA HASBLEIDY LISETH
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">QUIROGA HERNANDEZ JEISON ANDRES
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">QUINTERO JACOME MAIRIN ESTHER
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">RUEDA BARRIOS DIANA LORENA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">QUIROGA FARFAN MONICA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">SALAZAR HERNANDEZ EDISON ALEJANDRO
<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">ROBAYO MILLAN EDWIN RICARDO
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">SOSA DAZA NATALIA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">ROJAS CASTANEDA MARIA CAMILA
class="pageHr"></div><div id="pc9"><div class="pageNum">9 / 9</div><div id="p9"
name="p9"><div style="overflow: hidden; direction: ltr;"><div style="display:
inline-block;"><table border="1" style="direction:ltr"><tbody><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">TORRES GARCIA
ALEJANDRO &nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">ROJAS CRUZ CAMILO ANDRES
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">TOTENA GUTIERREZ DAYANA ISABEL
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">ROJAS MANJARRES JUANITA
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">VASQUEZ DELGADO KAREN JULIETH
&nbsp;<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
&nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th><td><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">SIERRA TRIANA
LESLY TATIANA &nbsp;<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;">SOLANO PEÑA PAULA DANIELA
<br></span></div></td></tr><tr><th><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span
style="direction:ltr;"> <br></span></div></th><td><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">SOSA SUAREZ JULIAN ANDRES
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><span style="direction:ltr;">
<br></span></div></div><hr class="pageHr"></div><div id="m_endBuffer"
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