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Luque et al.

EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94

RESEARCH Open Access

Analytical and empirical evaluation of the impact

of Gaussian noise on the modulations employed
by Bluetooth Enhanced Data Rates
José Rafael Luque*, María José Morón and Eduardo Casilari

Bluetooth (BT) is a leading technology for the deployment of wireless Personal Area Networks and Body Area
Networks. Versions 2.0 and 2.1 of the standard, which are massively implemented in commercial devices, improve
the throughput of the BT technology by enabling the so-called Enhanced Data Rates (EDR). EDRs are achieved by
utilizing new modulation techniques (π/4-DQPSK and 8-DPSK), apart from the typical Gaussian Frequency Shift
Keying modulation supported by previous versions of BT. This manuscript presents and validates a model to
characterize the impact of white noise on the performance of these modulations. The validation is systematically
accomplished in a testbed with actual BT interfaces and a calibrated white noise generator.
Keywords: Bluetooth, bit error rate, modulation, white noise

1. Introduction are employed to transmit the BT packet payload at a bit

Bluetooth (BT) is one of the most broadly adopted tech- rate (2 or 3 Mbps, respectively) higher than the 1 Mbps
nologies for the development of short range and low- basic speed of BT 1.1 and 1.2, which is achieved with a
power networking applications in Personal Area Networks Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) modulation.
and Body Area Networks. These EDR modulations are also employed in the 2.1
Initially conceived for cable replacement, BT has version of BT [2].
expanded into a wide variety of electronic devices ran- BT physical layer works on the Industrial, Scientific
ging from handheld products (laptops, electronic pads, and Medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz unlicensed band. As a conse-
smartphones, pen tablets) to automobile electronics, quence, BT radio transmissions are vulnerable to the
portable digital music players, peripherals, headsets, interferences of other BT devices as well as other tech-
wireless sensor and gaming consoles such as Sony nologies operating in the same ISM band. Because of the
PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii. This progress of BT- wide expansion of some of these technologies (especially
enabled hardware promoted the delivery of new versions BT and 802.11), most practical scenarios of BT-capable
of the standard aimed at satisfying the growing band- applications will be deployed under a high environmental
width requirements of the networking applications. radio noise. The effects of the noise level on the bit errors
The first increase of the basic BT transmission rate experimented by the BT signal strongly depend on the
was introduced by BT 2.0+EDR standard [1], which is employed modulation scheme. This article empirically
thoroughly compatible with previous versions 1.2 and evaluates the impact of Gaussian noise on the Bit Error
1.1 as it incorporates all their functional characteristics. Rate (BER) suffered by real BT transmissions. The study
Specifically, its major innovation resides in the optional permits to assess the accuracy of existing analytical mod-
utilization of two new Differential Phase Shift Keying els that relates the BER to the Signal-to-Noise Ratio
(DPSK)-based modulation schemes to enable a faster (SNR) for the considered modulations.
data transfer through the so-called Enhanced Data Rates The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section
(EDR). These novel schemes (π/4-DQPSK and 8-DPSK) 2 reviews and classifies the literature related to the mod-
eling and performance evaluation of the different modu-
* Correspondence: lations (GFSK, π/4-DQPSK and 8-DPSK) contemplated
Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain

© 2012 Luque et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 2 of 11

by the BT 2.x+EDR (2.0 and 2.1) specifications. Based evaluated) is compared by simulations with the DFT-
on existing studies, Section 3 analytically characterizes based method in terms of the obtained BER. Noise is
the BER as a function of the SNR for these different again characterized through an AWGN channel.
modulations. Section 4 evaluates the validity of these On the other hand, there are works in the literature
analytical models in an experimental testbed with actual specifically dealing with the characterization of the
interfaces provided with a commercial BT firmware. impact of the noise on BT transmissions. For example,
Finally, Section 5 summarizes the main conclusions of authors of [20] analyze the performance of 1.1 version
the article. of BT technology in Gaussian and Rayleigh-type chan-
nels. The study offers analytical expressions (with some
2. Related study mathematical mistakes) to compute the transmission
There is a vast literature on the characterization of the rate that can be achieved by the different BT packet
performance of the existing modulation techniques for types as a function of the SNR. For this purpose, the
RF communications. The relationship between the BER Packet Error Rate is calculated from the BER obtained
experienced by the transmissions and the SNR has with a GFSK modulation. The article discusses the uti-
extensively been studied. General analytical models for lity of the different packet types depending on the con-
the GFSK [3], π/4-DQPSK [4-11] and 8-DPSK [12-14] sidered channel type (Raleigh or AWGN).
modulations have been proposed. An RF simulation system for the development of com-
Some of these general models are particularized for mercial BT transceiver was initially introduced in [21].
characteristics of the transceivers which are implemented The emulation of the channel permits to combine an
by the BT standard. For example, authors of [15] present AWGN and the existence of interfering signals.
an analytical study of the GFSK modulation with non- The article in [22] designs a policy to select the BT
coherent detection. The study focuses on systems that packet type depending on the estimation of the channel
employ frequency hopping as the spread spectrum tech- SNR. The authors of that article suggest the use of new
nique (which is the case of BT). The analysis, which is modulations (which are not considered by BT 2.x+EDR)
performed for Rayleigh-type channels, results in a model and new algorithms to compute the SNR. However, the
that relates the BER to the SNR ratio and the modulation feasibility of the implementations of these algorithms at
index. In addition, a method to improve the performance the LM (Link Manager) layer of actual BT host control-
of frequency-hopping systems is proposed. ler is not discussed.
The study in [16] describes the theoretical design of a Author in [23] studies the behavior of BT transmis-
GFSK transceiver with carrier frequency offset correc- sions in Nakagami-type channels. Results are based on
tion. The design introduces a mechanism to simplify the simulations that estimate the BER as a function of the
implementation of a multi-symbol receiver. In order to existing SNR. Analyses are conducted for different
reduce the BER, the proposed mechanism utilizes an values of the fading parameter of the Nakagami distribu-
algorithm that compensates the carrier frequency offset. tion (as well as for an AWGN channel).
The study shows some results when this proposal is The study in [24] extends the model presented in [20]
applied to a BT receiver. (conceived for the modulation employed by BT 1.1) to
After examining the existing channel models in the lit- the EDR modes. As in [20], the benefits of using the
erature for different propagation conditions, the study in new packet types under an AWGN channel are dis-
[17] proposes a discrete channel model (based on Mar- cussed. In this sense, a strategy for selecting the packet
kov chains) to evaluate BT piconets by simulations. type as a function of the SNR is described. The article
A new scheme for a digital GFSK transceiver is proposed suggests deploying this selection at the L2CAP BT layer.
in [18]. The main novelty lies in the method employed to However, it does not indicate how this decision must be
estimate the carrier frequency. The model for the compu- executed at the Baseband layer.
tation of the BER, which is validated by means of simula- In [25], the authors provide a Matlab simulation model
tions, assumes an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) for the physical layer of a transceiver implementing BT
channel. A similar carrier synchronization mechanism is 2.0+EDR. The BER obtained with this model for different
presented in [19]. In that paper, least squares (LS) and noise levels is contrasted with theoretical models which
maximum likelihood (ML) techniques are employed for also assume an AWGN channel.
decision-aided carrier recovery in a GFSK receiver. By ana- The study in [26] investigates the performance of
lyzing the estimation error variance, the LS/ML carrier fre- Wireless Application Protocol data applications over the
quency offset estimation method is shown to outperform BT protocol stack. The performance of the communica-
the traditional method using the discrete-time Fourier tions is evaluated by assuming again that bit errors in a
transform. In addition, the proposed scheme (which is not simulated BT piconet are induced by an AWGN
implemented and whose computational complexity is not channel.
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 3 of 11

Based on Markov chains, Zanella [27] presents a technologies (such as Wi-Fi) operating in the same
mathematical analysis of the BT 2.0+EDR transmissions BT 2.4 GHz ISM band. These interference sources
in fading channels. In [28], Zanella performs a theoreti- (with different spectral properties) can reasonably be
cal characterization of the bit error probability for BT approximated by a noise with a constant spectral
2.0 transmissions under both AGWN and Rice fading density.
Table 1 lists the abovementioned studies about the An AWGN channel adds a flat power white noise to
characterization of the different modulations employed the whole considered signal bandwidth. As the effect of
by BT. The table also includes the references to different an AWGN channel is the addition of a noise with con-
articles dealing with the optimization and implementa- stant energy in the whole signal bandwidth, the SNR
tion of BT demodulators for GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, and ratio can be computed [29] as
8-DPSK modulations.
In some of these previous studies, the proposed analy- Pr
SNR = (1)
tical models are not validated. In other cases, the evalua- No · B
tion is just carried out by means of simulations. To the
best of the authors’ knowledge, no study offers a valida- where Pr is the power at the receptor, expressed (in
tion of the models with actual BT devices. The goal of W), No/2 is the noise added by the channel, defined in
this study is to fill this gap by combining the analytical terms of the Power Spectral Density (in W/Hz), and 2B
modeling with the empirical evaluation of the influence is the considered bandwidth (in Hz) of the signal at the
of noise on the errors experienced by BT transmissions. reception.
In order to compare the effect of noise on the differ-
3. Characterization of the modulations employed ent digital modulations employed by BT 2.x+EDR, we
by BT 2.x+EDR in an AWGN channel characterize the SNR as a function of the energy trans-
The goal is to analytically relate the BER of the BT mitted per bit or per symbol
transmissions to the existing SNR for GFSK, π/4-
DQPSK, and 8-DPSK modulations. In this sense, as Pr ES Eb
SNR = = = (2)
commented in the previous state-of-the-art, the charac- N0 · B N0 · B · T S N0 · B · T b
terization of the transmission channel as an AWGN
channel has widely been considered by the literature for where Es and Ts represent the energy per transmitted
the analysis of the performance of BT connections and symbol (expressed in W) and the symbol transmission
even for the design of BT radio transceivers. In studies period, respectively. E b and Tb denote the energy per
on BT technology, several reasons have been argued to transmitted bit (in W) and the bit transmission period.
justify the use of this channel characterization: As B, Ts, and Tb are known constant values in BT, the
SNR can directly be referred to the SNR ratios per sym-
• BT communications are usually deployed in static bol (gs) and bit (gb), defined as [29]
(indoor) office scenarios. Thus, the transmission
model can presume that short-term (fast) fading has Es
γs = (3)
a minor impact on BT performance. N0
• The restrictions on the transmission power of BT
devices impose low-range communications where Eb
Line-of-Sight from the receiver to the transmitter γb = (4)
normally exists.
• In this sense, indoor environments are typically The relationship between these two parameters can be
characterized by the presence of other interfering computed as

Table 1 Taxonomy of the scientific literature on the relationship BER-SNR for BT modulations
Topic Modulation scheme
Generic analytical models [3] [4-11] [12-14]
Generic models particularized for BT characteristics [15-19]
Specific analytical studies on BT [20,21,23,26,28] [24,25,28]
Design and implementation of BT demodulators [40-47] [48]
A taxonomy of the scientific literature on the relationship between the BER rate and the SNR for the different modulations employed by BT
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 4 of 11

γb = (5) γb   
log2 M β= 1 + 1 − ρ2 (11)
where M indicates the number of symbols of the mod- In the previous expressions, the term r is the so-called
ulation constellation. correlation coefficient, which can be calculated from the
The next step is to determine the BER, defined as the modulation index h
bit error probability, Pb, as a function of gb, for all the
modulations specified by BT 2.x+EDR. For the case of sin (2π h)
ρ= (12)
multi-level symbol constellations, P b can be obtained 2π h
from the probability of symbol error (Ps) and the num-
ber (M) of existing constellation symbols. Assuming that Therefore, to calculate the bit error probability, Pb, for
bit errors are uncorrelated, for low values of P s (e.g., transmissions with the basic rate of BT, we just have to
below 0.1) Pb can be reasonably approximated [29] as consider that the modulation index h is in the range
[0.28-0.35]. In any case, this computation neglects the
  Ps effect of the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) which is
Ps = 1 − (1 − Pb )log2 M ≈ log2 M Pb → Pb ≈ (6)
Pb →0 log2 M introduced by the Gaussian filter implemented by GFSK.

3.1. GFSK modulation 3.2. π/4-DQPSK modulation

GFSK scheme can be assimilated to an FSK modulation. As it refers to the performance of the radio receptor, π/
To determine the bit error probability, we have to take 4-DQPSK (Differential Quaternary PSK) modulation has
into account that BT was conceived as a low-cost tech- an identical behavior to DQPSK (4-DPSK) for an ideal
nology. At the expense of a lower performance, non- lineal AWGN channel [32]. Thus, for π/4-DQPSK, the
coherent detection is preferred to simplify the hardware symbol error probability, Ps, can be approximated [32]
architecture of the demodulator. When this type of as
detection is utilized, the bit error probability can be π   π 
sin π /2 exp γs · 1 − cos · cos θ
computed [30] as M M 
Ps = ∫  π dθ (13)
  2π −π /2 1 − cos · cos θ
γb M
1 −2 (7)
Pb = e The π/4-DQPSK constellation defines four different
symbols (M = 4), so that 2 bits are codified per symbol.
The previous expression in Equation (7) describes a On the other hand, once the value of M is known, P b
lower bound for Pb which assumes an orthogonal modu- and gs can be easily derived from Ps and gb by applying
lation scheme with a modulation index h of 0.5. How- Equations (6) and (5), respectively. So, we have that the
ever, BT specification imposes the index h to have a expression for the calculus of Pb under π/4-DQPSK is
value in the interval [0.28-0.35], lower than 0.5. Under   
π π
this non-orthogonal modulation, Pb can be estimated 1 sin
π /2 exp (γb · log2 M) · 1 − cos
· cos θ
Pb = · ∫  π  dθ (14)
[31] from log2 M 2π −π /2 1 − cos · cos θ
⎛ ⎞
α2 + β 2
⎝− ⎠
1 2 (8)
Pb = Q1 (α, β) − e I0 (α, β) 3.3. 8-DPSK modulation
In this case, Equation (14) also permits to calculate the
where Q 1 (a, b) represents the Marcum Q-function, bit error probability, P b , if M is set to 8 (as 8-DPSK
which is defined as codifies log 2 8 = 3 bits per symbol). However, as it is

x2 + α 2
⎞ ⎛ ⎞
α2 + β 2 remarked in [31], the exact computation of this formula

∞ ⎝− ⎠ ⎝− ⎠ ∞ n
Q1 (α, β) = xe
I0 (αx) dx = e
In (αβ) ; (β > α > 0) (9) for Pb under M-DPSK becomes very complex for values
of M higher than 2. Authors of [32] provide an upper
β n=0

where In(x) expresses the nth-order modified Bessel bound for the value of Ps which can be computed as
function. In Equation (8), a and b are two parameters 

that can be calculated from gb [31]  1 + cos π  
   Ps ≤ 2.06 · 
M ·Q
π γ 1 − cos (15)
γb  2 · cos
α= 1 − 1 − ρ2 (10) M
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 5 of 11

From this expression and Equation (6), Pb can easily CSR firmware version fully compatible with the BT 2.0
be derived. +EDR specification. More precisely this version employs:

4. Empirical evaluation of the model • HCI Version: 2.0 (0x3) and revision: 0xafa
4.1. Description of the employed testbed • LM Version: 2.0 (0x3) and subversion: 0xafa
In order to empirically evaluate the accuracy of the
above-presented theoretical models as well as the impact 4.1.2. Signal attenuator
of the noise on the bit errors experienced by actual BT In order to simulate the attenuation introduced by the
transmissions, we deployed the testbed shown in Figure radio propagation in the 2.4-GHz ISM band between the
1. Aiming at emulating the Gaussian channel in a fully transmitter and the receiver, we utilize two adjustable
controlled environment, we construct a scenario where microwave attenuators (the 8494B [35] and 8496B [36]
the transmissions between two BT devices are uniquely models from Agilent). These manual step attenuators are
affected by two externally tunable parameters: an able to operate from 0 to 18 GHz. The 8494B model pro-
attenuation factor and an additive Gaussian white noise. vides a calibrated attenuation level from 0 to 11 dB with
For this purpose, the testbed introduces a signal an attenuation step of 1 dB. Similarly, the range and
attenuator and a noise generator between the two BT attenuation step of the 8496B model are [0-110 dB] and
interfaces (acting as the BT master and slave, respec- 10 dB, respectively. As depicted in Figure 1, the two
tively). To avoid any external interference, all the con- devices are coupled in series and connected with the
nections between the utilized devices are performed SMA antenna connector of the transmitting BT board.
through coaxial cables with SMA connectors. The Thus, a global adjustable signal attenuation of up to 121
attenuation introduced by the cables and the connectors dB with a resolution of 1 dB can be achieved.
is proved to be less than 0.5 dB. 4.1.3. Noise generator
The following sections describe the characteristics of The White Gaussian noise is introduced by a NoiseCom
these elements of the measurement system, which has NC6124A Noise Generator by [37]. This model injects a
been depicted in Figure 2. white noise with a power level of -10 dBm in the 2-4
4.1.1. BT devices GHz band. The equipment integrates an attenuator
The deployed testbed utilizes two BT development which can reduce the noise power up to 10 dB with 1
boards from Bluegiga vendor [33]. In particular, these dB steps. The noise is added to the BT signal by a com-
boards are those included in the EKWT11-E develop- biner also included in the generator.
ment kit [34], which also incorporates a Serial Periph-
eral Interface (SPI) programming interface. Each board 4.2. Measurements of the SNR and the BER at the
integrates a WT11-E BT module with the Bluecore-4 receptor
chipset from CSR (the most popular manufacturer of BER has been measured using the test capabilities of the
BT technology). These class-1 modules incorporate a RF layer implemented in the utilized BT modules. Under
flash memory that permits to modify the module firm- the test mode [1,2], the RF subsystem module is configured
ware. Thus, by using the SPI interface, the original firm- to estimate a set of quality and performance parameters
ware from Bluegiga in the modules was updated with a (including the BER) defined by the BT specification for the

BlueGiga WT11E Agilent 8494B BlueGiga WT11E

Bluetooth board Bluetooth board

0í11 dB Attenuator

Agilent 8496B

Noise source
0í10 dB Attenuator
0í110 dB Attenuator
NC6124A Noise Generator
Figure 1 Connection diagram of the testbed.
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 6 of 11

Figure 2 Employed testbed for the measurements.

RF layer. In particular, we have employed BlueTest, an dBm for the BlueCore-4 chipset) where the receptor dis-
application provided by CSR which allows to set up this ables the automatic gain control and consequently no
test mode in modules incorporating CSR chipsets. feedback to the transmitter is executed to modify the
The programmed test mode in the Bluegiga devices transmitting power. With this value of the signal attenua-
estimates the BER after the emission of a series of 339- tion, from the power measurements obtained with the
byte packets. Packets are emitted at a rate of 200 packets spectrum analyzer, we can deduce that
per second (with a constant time of 5 ms between conse-
cutive packets). These probe packets contain a predefined • The noise density level in the input of the receptor
Pseudo-random bit sequence (specified in [38] as PRBS9 (if no attenuation is selected in the generator) is
payload pattern) so that errors can easily be detected at -109.1 dBm/Hz, with a deviation of less than 1 dB
the receptor. This PRBS9 sequence (which is generated for the whole operation bandwidth.
from a feedback 9-stage shift register) is conceived to run • The signal density level at the receptor varies from
performance tests on digital transmission equipments. -101.7 to -102.6 dBm/Hz, depending on the RF
The test program actually calculates the residual BER, channel utilized by BT. In our analysis, we consider
i.e., after decoding and applying Forward Error Correc- the average value of -102.15 dBm/Hz.
tion (FEC) to the received data. Thus, for the tests, DH5-
type packets are employed as the data in the payload of From these two values of the received power density
these 5-slot packets are not FEC encoded. of the noise and the signal, we have that the SNR at the
Besides, aiming at estimating the actual SNR, an reception point is 6.95 dB for zero noise attenuation. By
N9010A spectrum analyzer from Agilent Technologies increasing the adjustable attenuation in the noise gen-
[39] has been utilized to measure the actual power den- erator, we can evaluate the BER for different SNR
sities of the noise and the signal at the BT receptor. scenarios.
BT technology optionally enables the use of an adaptive
transmission power control system. Based on the feed- 4.3. Analysis of the obtained results
back messages describing the receiver signal strength, In this section, we evaluate the accuracy of the analytical
this control allows the emitter to regulate the transmis- models presented in Section 3 to fit the BER that is
sion power so that the power at the receptor always obtained in the empirical testbed for different values of
keeps in a preset range (the “golden receive power the SNR.
range”). In our experiments, in order to ensure that the The measured values of the BER, for a constant signal
emitting power does not vary during the transmissions, attenuation (45 dB) and different levels of noise attenua-
the signal attenuation is set to a certain constant value tion, are tabulated in Table 2 for the three studied mod-
(45 dB). This attenuation guarantees that the signal ulations (GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, and 8-DPSK). Note that
power at the reception remains within a range ([-40, -60] the table does not show some results obtained with the
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 7 of 11

π/4-DQPSK modulation and high noise attenuation, due for a value of the SNR above 14.95 dB (obtained in the
to the difficulty of measuring a stable value of the BER testbed with a noise attenuation of 8 dB), the erroneous
when this parameter is very low. Similarly, the results packets and, consequently, the increase of the delay pro-
for the 8-DPSK modulation are not represented when voked by packet retransmissions are practically unde-
noise induces so many losses in the BT connections that tectable. To show this, Figure 6 represents the mean
they become unviable. delay experienced by the data at the user layer when
Figures 3, 4, and 5 compare these empirical results they are transmitted by a BT connection using the Serial
with those computed with the analytical models when Port Profile. The figure compares this mean delay (for
the same values of the SNR ratio (expressed in terms of different data sizes) obtained in the testbed in ideal con-
gb) are utilized as the input variable of the correspond- ditions (when no noise is added) and for an SNR of
ing equations. In particular, Figure 3 depicts the results 14.95 dB. The graphs (which are indistinguishable)
obtained for the GFSK modulation employed by the BT clearly indicate that an SNR above a certain level has no
basic rate of 1-Mbps. The graphs include the values of practical consequences on the behavior of BT transmis-
the BER measured in the testbed when the basic mode sions. Thus, an exact characterization of the relationship
is selected in the transmitter, as well the BER calculated between the BER and the SNR when the SNR is above
by the analytical model (defined by Equation 8) for this level could not be necessary.
three different modulation indexes (h): h = 0.28, h = Conversely, for SNR values lower than 10 dB (and high
0.30, and h = 0.35. Results show that for high values of values of the BER), the measured BER is always slightly
the SNR (i.e., those above 14 dB), the measured vales below the analytical estimations, even for the highest
are clearly higher than those computed analytically. This modulation index (h = 0.35). This can be justified by the
divergence could be explained by the fact that the analy- fact that the estimation of the empirical BER only com-
tical model does not take into consideration the second- putes the errors existing in packets that have properly
order effects, such as the ISI introduced by the Gaussian been received (and corrected). Therefore, it does not con-
filter employed by the GFSK modulator. Unfortunately, sider the errors included in those packets that have been
it is not possible to analytically characterize the ISI lost because of the high noise level. Nevertheless, this
without taking into consideration the utilized demodula- underestimation of the BER can be again disregarded as,
tion technique and its specific hardware implementation in an actual scenario, such a magnitude of the BER
in the BT interfaces. The particular characteristics of would provoke the loss of the BT connection. Conse-
these elements are unknown in the actual testbed, as quently, the transmission conditions render BT transmis-
the vendors do not offer a detailed description of their sion virtually infeasible for this range of the SNR (in fact,
modulator/demodulator modules. Nevertheless, from performed tests show that the analysis of the packet
the results, it is inferred that ISI only (slightly) increases delay cannot be properly executed because of the high
the BER in scenarios with low noise (and low BER). In probability of a connection loss).
any case, the impact of this low BER on the actual per- The graphs in Figures 4 and 5 show the results
formance of the BT transmissions is negligible. In fact, obtained when the experiments are repeated with π/4-
DQPSK and 8-DPSK modulations, respectively. In the
first case, we use the theoretical model defined by Equa-
Table 2 BER for GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, and 8-DPSK tion (14) for π/4-DQPSK modulation, where M is given a
modulations for a 45-dB signal attenuation value of 4 (M = 4). For 8-DPSK modulation (which uses
Noise attenuation (dB) Measured BER a constellation of eight symbols), Equation (15) is
GFSK π/4-DQPSK 8-DPSK employed with M = 8.
0 4.24 × 10 -2
4.84 × 10 -2
- Under 8-DPSK modulation, transmissions with a BER
1 2.67 × 10-2 3.14 × 10-2 - over 0.1 are not feasible (due to the excessive number of
2 1.49 × 10-2 1.50 × 10-2 - packet retransmissions and the losses of connections
3 9.22 × 10-3 8.00 × 10-3 8.70 × 10-2 that errors provoke). Figure 5 shows that the analytical
4 5.00 × 10 -3
4.28 × 10 -3
6.70 × 10-2 model performs an accurate adjustment of the BER in
5 2.3 × 10 -3
1.53 × 10 -3
4.20 × 10-2 the range [0.1, 0.01].
6 1.1 × 10 -3
6.90 × 10 -4
3.10 × 10-2 For 4-DQPSK, which is a more robust modulation,
7 4.8 × 10-4 1.84 × 10-4 2.14 × 10-2 tests with a BER greater than 0.1 are possible. In this
8 1.3 × 10-4 6.10 × 10-5 1.24 × 10-2 case, Figure 4 illustrates that the model fits the experi-
9 5.7 × 10 -5
- 8.20 × 10-3 mental BER up to values of 0.001 more adequately.
10 1.7 × 10 -5
- 4.70 × 10-3 The mismatch of the models for the scenarios with
Results of the BER measurements obtained for GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, and 8-DPSK
low noise (high values of gb) can be explained again by
modulations for a 45-dB signal attenuation the effects of the ISI as well as by limitations and
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 8 of 11








Analytical h=0.35
1e−08 Analytical h=0.30
Analytical h=0.28
Testbed measurements
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
γb (dB)

Figure 3 Bit error probability (Pb) as a function of the SNR per bit (gb) for the basic rate (GFSK modulation). Comparison between the
analytical approximation and the empirical measurements.

inaccuracies of the hardware of the phase detector in bound of the BER but assuming ideal modulators/demo-
the demodulator. The non-idealities of the phase detec- dulators. That is the reason why the model (for
tor may degrade the performance of the demodulator. 4-DQPSK and 8-DPSK modulations) outperforms the
Certainly, the theoretical model computes an upper measurements.








Testbed measurements
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
γb (dB)

Figure 4 Bit error probability (Pb) as a function of the SNR per bit (gb) for the 2-Mbps rate mode (π/4-DQPSK modulation). Comparison
between the analytical approximation and the empirical measurements.
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 9 of 11



Testbed measurements
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
γb (dB)

Figure 5 Bit error probability (Pb) as a function of the SNR per bit (gb) for the 3-Mbps rate mode (8-DPSK modulation). Comparison
between the analytical approximation and the empirical measurements.

As a perfect synchronization is not achievable with low BER). On the other hand, the practical impact of
actual hardware devices, the BER is under-estimated by BER under 0.001 on the performance of BT is shown to
the model, especially in scenarios with high SNR (and be negligible. Thus, we consider that a particularized

Noise attenuation 8dB (BER = 1.30e−04)
Without looses



Delay (μs)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
User data size (bytes)

Figure 6 Transmission delay master-slave (DM packets), Tpoll = 10 ms. Comparison of the measured delay in a noise-free transmission and
with a 8-dB noise attenuation (SNR = 14.95 dB). Measurements obtained in the master-slave sense with DM packets and a poll interval of 10 ms.
Luque et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:94 Page 10 of 11

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