Direction. Read Each Item Carefully. Then Pick Your Best Answer From The Given Choices

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Grade 11 English First Quarter Exam (SY 2018-2019)

NAME: ____________________________________ Score: __________

Direction. Read each item carefully. Then pick your best answer from the given choices.

______ 1. Communication is a process by which people send messages or exchange ideas or thoughts with
one another in a verbal or non-verbal manner. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about communication?
A. It happens in context. C. It is inevitable
B. It is a whole process. D. It is one-way.
______ 2. What is the main goal of communication?
A. feedback B. peace C. receiving D. understanding
______ 3. Communication starts with the formulation of an idea by the speaker. What do we call this first stage
of communication?
A. conceptualizing B. decoding C. encoding D. responding
______ 4. For communication to be effective, a receiver must not just be able to receive a message but he
must also be able to decode or mentally process the message to reach understanding. What stage of
communication is this?
A. decoding B. receiving C. responding D. transmitting
______ 5. Verifying is the last stage of communication. What happens at this last stage of communication?
A. Both receiver and speaker will determine if the communication is successful or not.
B. The receiver will confirm the receipt of the message.
C. The receiver will send a reply to the speaker.
D. The sender will accept receiver’s receipt of the message.
______ 6. In the communication process, the receiver will sometimes give back a message. What do we call
the message sent by the receiver back to the speaker?
A. feedback B. message C. noise D. response
______ 7. What do we call the environment, atmosphere, or setting where communication takes place; time;
surrounding events and physical and psychological climates?
A. Context B. Location C. Situation D. Setting
______ 8. In every communication process, there will always be hindrances that will interfere with the
transmission and decoding of a message from the sender to the receiver and vice versa. What term do we use
to refer to these hindrances?
A. channel B. noise C. response D. transmission
______ 9. In communication, there are different ways on how we send messages such as texting, writing,
speaking, e-mail or even non-verbal etc. What element of communication is this?
A. Channel B. Context C. Message D. Receiver
______ 10. Among the different models of communication, what model focuses on the origin/source of the
message and the reactions/feedback of the receiver of the message?
A. Interactive Model C. Socio-Cultural Model
B. Linear Model D. Transactional Model
______ 11. What model of communication stresses the strong influence of social and cultural elements such
as customs, traditions, beliefs, attitudes, clothing styles or thinking patterns on a group of people
communicating with one another.
A. Interactive Model C. Socio-Cultural Model
B. Linear Model D. Transactional Model
______ 12. Intercultural Communication is also known as cross-cultural communication. Which of the
following is the most correct definition of intercultural communication?
A. It is the communication of different cultures using different mediums.
B. It is the communication of same people about different cultures using one language.
C. Sharing of meanings between individuals or groups of people from distinct cultural environments.
D. Sharing of meanings between two individuals who belong to the same cultural environment.
______ 13. In an intercultural communication, good communication skills are still a requirement. What skill
among the ones mentioned below should be given SPECIAL ATTENTION to?
A. Active listening skills. C. Understanding of different customs and traditions.
B. Good language skills. D. Willingness to listen.
______ 14. To be a successful intercultural communicator, what does one need to do?
A. Be firm in observing the do’s and don’ts of communication.
B. Do not tolerate the hesitance and mistrustfulness of your audience.
C. Make sure your audience will learn new things from you by teaching them what you know.
D. Research about the culture of your target audience and always show respect to their differences.
______ 15. Nonverbal communication is sending and receiving wordless messages. What does a crossed or
folded arm on the chest means?
A. Bored B. defensive C. lost D. unconfident
______ 16. Hand signals mean a lot in sending messages. When you cross your middle finger over your point
finger, what message are you sending?
A. God bless! B. Good luck! C. Okay! D. Promise!
ODD MAN OUT. Read and analyze each set of sentences in each number. Write the letter of the
sentence/word that DOES NOT belong to the group.
______ 17. Methods of improving listening skills
A. Analyze your reactions as you listen. C. Concentrate on the speaker.
B. Concentrate on the message. D. Listen now, clarify later.
______ 18. Methods to test understanding
A. clarifying B. criticizing C. paraphrasing D. parroting
______ 19. Barriers to effective listening
A. Personality of the listener. C. Prejudging the speaker.
B. Personality of the speaker. D. Receiver’s attitude towards the speaker.
______ 20. Practical listening techniques
A. Establish empathy for the listener’s position. C. Focus on the message.
B. Establish empathy for the speaker’s position. D. Listen actively.
______ 21. Element of communication
A. Ideas B. Noise C. Receiver D. Sender
______ 22. Communication Channel
A. Letters B. Reaction C. Text Message D. Video Call
______ 23. Non-verbal communication
A. Body language B. Facial Expressions C. Gestures D. Choice of words

Identify the function of communication in the given situation.

A. Emotional Expression B. Information Dissemination C. Motivation D. Regulatory E. Social Interaction

______ 24. The Teacher In-Charge discussed the content of the Students’ Manual in front of the learners. The
discussion included explanation of the violation as well as the penalty for each violation. After the discussion,
the learners were expected to behave and observe right conduct while inside the school campus and within the

______ 25. When Jamica entered the room, she looked hurt and frustrated. Mrs, Mabait, their adviser asked
Jamica to sit down and relax. After taking a deep breath, Jamica looked at everyone in the room then opened
her mouth to explain her side of the story. Accordingly, rumors about her are being spread and she is being
judged by people without investigating. She just wants her classmates and adviser to know how hurt she was
that people are very fast in making judgement without taking time to verify things.

______ 26. The school principal invited all the former graduates of the school who are all enjoying their
successful career life. The principal asked the alumni to deliver short speeches about how they too have
battled with different problems of students’ life. That despite the seemly endless problems along their journey,
they were able to finally defeat those problems and are now successful in their own chosen career. At the end
of every message, the learners start to feel that they too have the chance to escape their current problems if
they will just endure and strive harder.

______ 27. The member of the Sangguniang Bayan and the Municipal Police Station explained to the learners
and parents the municipal ordinance of prohibiting chewing betel nut in public places.

Identify the speaker’s purpose in each of the given speech excerpt below.

A. To entertain B. To inform C. To motivate D. To persuade

______ 28. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma –
which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your
own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow
already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. – Steve Jobs

______ 29. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is
no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug od gradualism. Now is the time to
make real the promises of democracy. – Martin Luther King Jr

______ 30. If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are
women’s right and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.
As long as discrimination and inequities remain so commonplace everywhere in the world, as long as girls and
women are valued less, fed less, fed last, overworked, underpaid, not schooled, subjected to violence in and
outside their homes – their potential of the human family to create a peaceful, prosperous world will not be
realized. – Hilary Clinton

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