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Exotic Matter from How to Simulate The Case against

the Ultimate X-ray a Living Cell Copernicus JANUARY 2014

It exerts a profound
inluence: shaping decisions,
molding behavior—and
running our lives
© 2013 Scientific American

You may think you know why you behave

as you do. But, more than you probably
realize, the thoughts and emotions that
shape your opinions and actions take place
below the surface of conscious awareness.

Image by André Kutscherauer. January 2014 Volume 310, Number 1


20 Our Unconscious Mind 42 The Long Slow Rise of Solar and Wind
Thoughts and feelings hidden from Why, contrary to popular belief, we are not likely to
our everyday awareness turn out to wean ourselves from fossil fuels quickly. By Vaclav Smil
inluence our behavior in surprising ways. BIOLOGY
By John A. Bargh 48 Life under the Lens
AST RO N O MY Microscopy yields a gallery of images. By Ferris Jabr
28 The Search for Life QUA NTUM PHYS ICS
on Faraway Moons 54 The Ultimate X-ray Machine
The most habitable places in the galaxy A defunct cold war scheme for shooting down
may not be the planets that orbit distant stars missiles is now creating exotic forms of matter.
but their moons. By Lee Billings By Nora Berrah and Philip H. Bucksbaum
34 Simulating a Living Cell 62 The Case against Copernicus
The irst computer model of a fully functioning The 17th-century church objected to the idea that Earth
single-celled organism is a powerful new tool for revolves around the sun because it ran afoul of dogma.
illuminating how life works and inding new drugs. Scientists objected because of the facts against it.
By Markus W. Covert By Dennis Danielson and Christopher M. Graney

Photograph by Spencer Lowell January 2014, 1

© 2013 Scientific American

3 From the Editor

4 Letters
6 Science Agenda
Your iris pattern and DNA proile may soon ind their
way into a government database. By the Editors

7 Forum
Substances with weird names like terbium and dyspro-
sium are vital to the green economy. By Saleem H. Ali

8 Advances
Dark matter mystery deepens. How galaxies grow.
Giant dino resurrected (in silico). Dolphin pals.

16 The Science of Health

The hardest part of making a vaccine that thwarts all lu
viruses is testing it. By Maryn McKenna

18 TechnoFiles
Why people do not trust tech companies to protect
their private information. By David Pogue

68 Recommended
Antarctica’s Last Ocean Project. Romania’s abandoned
children. Climate change and big business. By Lee Billings
69 Skeptic
Where do nonhuman mammals it in our moral hierarchy?
By Michael Shermer

70 Anti Gravity
The wide world of passionate proclivities. By Steve Mirsky

71 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago

72 Graphic Science
What it means to go viral. By John Matson


How Many Neuroscientists Does It Take...?

At Neuroscience 2013, the latest annual meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, some 30,000 attendees explored
the latest research into the mysteries of the mind and
68 brain. Read up on the highlights in our report.
Go to

Scientiic American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 310, Number 1, January 2014, published monthly by Scientiic American, a division of Nature America, Inc., 75 Varick Street, 9th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10013-1917. Periodicals postage
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2 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American
From the Editor
Mariette DiChristina is editor
in chief of Scientiic American.
Follow her on Twitter @mdichristina

Below the Surface

D riving home after a visit with a relative, you

suddenly realize you have no speciic memory of
how you got there. Well, you’ve taken that trip so
many times, you tell yourself, that you could just
about do in your sleep. Tying a shoe later, you
relect again on how often you accomplish things while your
conscious mind is barely paying attention. Of course, you’re not
wrong. We all have those moments.
At around three pounds, the gelatinlike tissue in your skull
without our giving things much conscious thought. In matters
small and large, we routinely arrive at automatic judgments, our
behaviors shaped by embedded attitudes. Put another way, aware-
ness about our relative lack of awareness gives us a new apprecia-
tion for how profoundly our unconscious mind steers our lives.
Two other articles take a look below the surface, from difer-
ent perspectives. “The Ultimate X-ray Machine,” by physicists
Nora Berrah and Philip H. Bucksbaum, describes a microscope of
unprecedented power, which can create exotic forms of matter
accounts for only a couple of percent of your total body mass, but found nowhere else in the universe. The x-ray laser, powered by
it consumes a lot of energy—some 20 percent of the calories you the world’s longest linear accelerator, subjects atoms, molecules
eat every day. Conscious thought is “expensive” in energy terms. and solids to high-intensity x-ray pulses. The resulting exotic
Is it any wonder the brain tends to shift its more costly processing states of matter last only a few femtoseconds—but nonetheless
tasks toward becoming more automated, “cheaper” routines? give us useful glimpses of an extreme environment that has no
That thought struck me during one of our weekly editorial parallels on earth. Turn to page 54.
meetings some months ago while we were discussing story ideas. Beginning on page 48, in “Life under the Lens,” by Scientiic
How much of our lives is actually decided for us by our brain American associate editor Ferris Jabr, we take a microscopic
without our active awareness, I wondered? Naturally, when I look at the surprisingly intricate minuscule creatures that inhab-
asked that question out loud, longtime Scientiic American senior it our planet, as well as the tiniest features of larger organisms.
editor Gary Stix was only too happy to explore the answer. The The photography reveals startling details, from the internal sym-
outcome is the cover story by Yale University psychologist John A. metry of a lily bud to a dinosaur bone that has transformed into
Bargh, “Our Unconscious Mind,” starting on page 20. sparkling crystal. We hope you will enjoy using some of your con-
Bargh explains how decision making about such tasks as vot- scious mind’s bandwidth to contemplate the many wonders
ing, making purchases or even planning vacations often occurs brought to light by the process of science.


Leslie C. Aiello Harold “Skip” Garner Morten L. Kringelbach Carolyn Porco Michael Shermer
President, Wenner-Gren Foundation Director, Medical Informatics and Director, Hedonia: TrygFonden Leader, Cassini Imaging Science Publisher, Skeptic magazine
for Anthropological Research Systems Division, and Professor, Virginia Research Group, University of Oxford Team, and Director, CICLOPS,
Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech and University of Aarhus
Michael Snyder
Roger Bingham Space Science Institute Professor of Genetics, Stanford
Co-Founder and Director, Michael S. Gazzaniga Steven Kyle University School of Medicine
Director, Sage Center for the Study of Mind, Professor of Applied Economics and
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
The Science Network Director, Center for Brain and Cognition, Michael E. Webber
University of California, Santa Barbara Management, Cornell University
University of California, San Diego Co-director, Clean Energy Incubator,
G. Steven Burrill
David J. Gross Robert S. Langer and Associate Professor,
CEO, Burrill & Company Lisa Randall
Professor of Physics and Permanent David H. Koch Institute Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Arthur Caplan Member, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Department of Chemical Professor of Physics, Harvard University University of Texas at Austin
Director, Division of Medical Ethics, Physics,University of California, Santa Engineering, M.I.T.
Barbara (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004) Martin Rees Steven Weinberg
Department of Population Health, Lawrence Lessig Director, Theory Research Group,
Astronomer Royal and Professor
NYU Langone Medical Center Lene Vestergaard Hau Professor, Harvard Law School Department of Physics,
of Cosmology and Astrophysics,
Mallinckrodt Professor of University of Texas at Austin
George M. Church John P. Moore Institute of Astronomy, University
Physics and of Applied Physics, (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1979)
Director, Center for Computational Professor of Microbiology and of Cambridge
Harvard University
Genetics, Harvard Medical School Immunology, Weill Medical George M. Whitesides
Danny Hillis College of Cornell University John Reganold Professor of Chemistry and
Rita Colwell Co-chairman, Applied Minds, LLC Regents Professor of Soil Science Chemical Biology, Harvard University
Distinguished University Professor, M. Granger Morgan
Daniel M. Kammen Professor and Head of and Agroecology, Washington Nathan Wolfe
University of Maryland College Park
Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor Engineering and Public Policy, State University Director, Global Viral Forecasting Initiative
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health of Energy, Energy and Resources Group, Carnegie Mellon University
and Director, Renewable and Appropriate
Jefrey D. Sachs R. James Woolsey
Miguel Nicolelis Director, The Earth Institute, Chairman, Foundation for the Defense
Drew Endy Energy Laboratory, University
Co-director, Center for Columbia University of Democracies, and Venture Partner,
Professor of Bioengineering, of California, Berkeley
Neuroengineering, Duke University Lux Capital Management
Stanford University Vinod Khosla Eugenie Scott
Partner, Khosla Ventures
Martin A. Nowak Executive Director, National Center Anton Zeilinger
Ed Felten Director, Program for Evolutionary Professor of Quantum Optics,
Director, Center for Information for Science Education
Christof Koch Dynamics, and Professor of Biology and Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum
Technology Policy, Princeton University CSO, Allen Institute for Brain Science of Mathematics, Harvard University Terry Sejnowski Information, University of Vienna
Kaigham J. Gabriel Lawrence M. Krauss Robert E. Palazzo Professor and Laboratory Head Jonathan Zittrain
Corporate Vice President, Director, Origins Initiative, Dean, University of Alabama at of Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, Professor of Law and of Computer
Motorola Mobility, and Deputy, ATAP Arizona State University Birmingham College of Arts and Sciences Salk Institute for Biological Studies Science, Harvard University

Illustration by Nick Higgins January 2014, 3

© 2013 Scientific American

“A tentative start GMO seeds have been used commer-

cially only since 1994, perhaps not long
in GMO labeling enough to determine any lasting efects.
is better than There is reason to suspect that GMOs
may be responsible for the sharp increase
keeping more in the past two decades of celiac disease,
than 300 million irritable bowel syndrome and inlamma-
tory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s.
consumers Holly Bittinger
in the dark.” Chicago
ashok vasudevan
Both the editors and Freedman focus
preferred brands international
on safety but omit the issues of genetic di-
versity and control of intellectual property.
We need to restore the genetic diversi-
leased. Neither was partially hydrogenat- ty that we had prior to the pervasive in-
ed oil (which raises “bad cholesterol”) or dustrial monoculture farming we h≈ave
high fructose corn syrup (a major compo- now. This standardization has made our
September 2013 nent of the obesity epidemic in the U.S.). food system more dependent on energy
Genetically modiied foods represent a sources and more vulnerable to disease
HEALTH AND FOOD long-term experiment. Should you wish to and climate change. The one-size-its-all
In “Which One Will Make You Fat?” Gary partake in that study, I have no quarrel. GM crops we have seen so far continue
Taubes argues that avoiding carbohy- But to say that everyone should become the low-diversity approach.
drates, rather than an excess of calories, unwilling participants is disingenuous. GM techniques can in theory help with
will lead to weight loss. The right nutri- Eric Armstrong increasing crop diversity. But the objective
tion question instead should be “What Mountain View, Calif. so far seems to be corporate ownership of
should we eat to have the longest, healthi- genetic codes and reducing the options
est life?” The editors make a weak argument that farmers and consumers have.
There are many ways to lose weight against labeling genetically modiied or- We should write laws to govern the ge-
and still become sick and die. I know this ganisms (GMOs) and a strong one in sup- netic engineering of organisms that bene-
irsthand after losing 25 pounds and then port of genetic crops. The premise that if it everyone, not just vested interests.
sufering a cardiac arrest. And many diet- you support genetic research, you must Mark Mezger
ers die of heart disease after losing weight oppose labeling is simplistic. Supporting via e-mail
with a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. GMO labeling need not mean opposing
My reading of the research leads me to genetic research. This is akin to opposing GMOs often contain trans-species
conclude that a whole-food, plant-based traic lights because you believe in safe genes that code for proteins no other
diet low in fat and high in carbs reduces driving! Eventually both sides will win. food plants contain. There have been very
disease and, as a nice side efect, weight. Genetic manipulation seems embedded few actual studies of the toxicity of these
John Tanner in our evolutionary gene, and the future proteins in humans. Bt is a bacterium, and
Monrovia, Calif. will likely be illed with GMOs as science the protein its gene codes for has been
improves and corporations become more linked to an increase of certain antibod-
GENETICALLY UNMOLLIFED responsible. Equally, GMO labeling will ies and cytokines in rodents.
In “Fight the GM Food Scare” [Science evolve as consumers become more aware Bruce Hlodnicki
Agenda], the editors tell readers not to be and governments more responsive. via e-mail
alarmed by the unproved dangers of ge- For now, a tentative start in GMO label-
netically modiied foods and argue that ing is better than keeping more than 300 THE EDITORS REPLY: Regarding Hlod-
labels identifying such food should not be million consumers in the dark. We should nicki’s letter, Bt toxins are, in fact, some of
required by law because such labeling embrace knowledge sharing and not shun the safest pesticides ever used. Many stud-
would increase fears and lead to an elimi- it based on unfounded fears. ies—including experiments by researchers
nation of such foods in the marketplace. Ashok Vasudevan with no ties to the biotech industry and at
Although genetically modiied foods CEO, Preferred Brands International least two long-term studies—have con-
have not been proved to be dangerous, cluded that Bt toxins rarely harm insects
that is not the same as being proved safe. The GMO path is not as clear-cut as other than targeted pests and do not hurt
The drug thalidomide (which was later “Are Engineered Foods Evil?” by David H. ish or people and other mammals. In one
found to cause birth defects) was not Freedman, suggests in arguing for expand- study from the 1950s, people ate large
proved to be dangerous when it was re- ed GMO deployment and safety testing. amounts of Bt with no ill efects. To learn

4 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American
more, see
article.cfm?id=farming-a-toxin. Scientiic American
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MAMMOTH UNDERTAKING Mariette DiChristina or
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“Please Reanimate” [Forum]: it would be SENIOR EDITORS
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January 2014, 5

© 2013 Scientific American
Science Agenda by the Editors
Opinion and analysis from Scientiic American’s Board of Editors

Beware the
Eye Spies
Without explicit safeguards, your
personal biometric data are destined
for a government database
Security through biology is an enticing idea. Since 2011, police
departments across the U.S. have been scanning biometric data
in the ield using devices such as the Mobile Ofender Recogni-
tion and Information System (MORIS), an iPhone attachment
that checks ingerprints and iris scans. The fbi is currently build-
ing its Next Generation Identiication database, which will con-
tain ingerprints, palm prints, iris scans, voice data and photo-
graphs of faces. Before long, even your cell phone will be secured
by information that resides in a distant biometric database. New technologies will also make it possible to extract far more
Unfortunately, this shift to biometric-enabled security cre- information from the biometrics we are already collecting. While
ates profound threats to commonly accepted notions of privacy most law-enforcement DNA databases contain only snippets of
and security. It makes possible privacy violations that would the genome, agencies can keep the physical DNA samples in per-
make the National Security Agency’s data sweeps seem superi- petuity, raising the question of what future genetic-analysis tools
cial by comparison. will be able to discern. “Once you have somebody’s DNA, you have
Biometrics could turn existing surveillance systems into some- all sorts of very personal info,” Lynch says. “There is a lot of fear
thing categorically new—something more powerful and much that people are going to start testing samples to look for a link
more invasive. Consider the so-called Domain Awareness System, between genes and propensity for crime.”
a network of 3,000 surveillance cameras in New York City. Cur- Current law is not even remotely prepared to handle these
rently if someone commits a crime, cops can go back and review developments. The legal status of most types of biometric data is
sections of video. Equip the system with facial-recognition tech- unclear. No court has addressed whether law enforcement can
nology, however, and the people behind the controls can actively collect biometric data without a person’s knowledge, and case
track you throughout your daily life. “A person who lives and law says nothing about facial recognition.
works in lower Manhattan would be under constant surveil- It is unfortunate that the only body capable of enacting broad
lance,” says Jennifer Lynch, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier and lasting protections against the misuse of biometric data is
Foundation, a nonproit group. Face-in-a-crowd detection is a for- the U.S. Congress. Yet perhaps legislators can agree that the law
midable technical problem, but researchers working on projects needs to catch up with technology. If so, they should start with
such as the Department of Homeland Security’s Biometric Opti- principles that Lynch and the Electronic Frontier Foundation
cal Surveillance System (BOSS) are making rapid progress. have proposed. Among other things, such legislation should lim-
In addition, once your face, iris or DNA proile becomes a dig- it the amount and type of data that the government can store
ital ile, that ile will be diicult to protect. As the recent nsa rev- and where they can be stored. It should restrict the collation of
elations have made clear, the boundary between commercial and diferent types of biometric data into a single database. And it
government data is porous at best. Biometric identiiers could should certainly require that all biometric data be stored in the
also be stolen. It’s easy to replace a swiped credit card, but good most secure manner possible.
luck changing the patterns on your iris. Identity theft, fraud and terrorism are real problems. Used
These days gathering biometric data generally requires the properly, biometrics could help protect against them. But the
cooperation (or coercion) of the subject: for your iris to get into a potential for misuse is glaringly obvious. We must begin setting
database, you have to let someone take a close-up photograph of rules to govern the use of these technologies now.
your eyeball. That will not be the case for long. Department of
Defense–funded researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
perfecting a camera that can take rapid-ire, database-quality iris Comment on this article at
scans of every person in a crowd from a distance of 10 meters.

6 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustration by Oliver Munday

© 2013 Scientific American

Forum by Saleem H. Ali
Saleem H. Ali is director of the Center for Social Commentary on science in the news from the experts
Responsibility in Mining at the University of Queensland
in Australia and founding director of the Institute for
Environmental Diplomacy and Security at the University
of Vermont. He can be followed on Twitter @saleem_ali

Magic Metals
A supply of clean, afordable energy
depends on little-known substances
There’s one problem with the silicon age: its magic
depends on elements that are far scarcer than beach sand.
Some aren’t merely in limited supply: many people have
never even heard of them. And yet those elements have
become essential to the green economy. Alien-sounding
elements such as yttrium, neodymium, europium, terbium
and dysprosium are key components of energy-saving
lights, powerful permanent magnets and other technol-
ogies. And then there are gallium, indium and tellurium,
which create the thin-ilm photovoltaics needed in solar
panels. The U.S. Department of Energy now counts those
irst ive elements as “critical materials” crucial to new technology Bolivia’s lithium is a diferent story. The impoverished, land-
but whose supply is at risk of disruption. The department’s experts locked country needs no artiicial shortages to boost the market.
are closely monitoring global production of the last three and like- As the lightest metal, lithium has unmatched ability to form com-
wise the lithium that provides batteries for pocket lashlights and pounds that can store electricity in a minimal weight and vol-
hybrid cars. ume. At least half the world’s known reserves are located in a rel-
Earlier this year the doe took a major step by launching the atively small stretch of the Andes Mountains, where Bolivia and
Critical Materials Institute, a $120-million program to avert a Argentina share a border with Chile.
supply shortage. Led by the Ames Laboratory in Iowa, with back- There’s more at stake here than fancy gadgets for the rich. The
ing from 17 other government laboratories, universities and point of critical materials is to use energy more eiciently. One
industry partners, the institute represents a welcome investment ifth of the world still lives without access to clean, afordable
in new research. Unfortunately—like the original Manhattan electricity, a problem that unimpeded supplies of rare earths and
Project—the program is driven more by the threat of internation- lithium could eventually remedy. The hard part will be to prevent
al conlict than by ideals of scientiic cooperation. The appropria- old international feuds from getting in the way of that goal. The
tion made it through Congress almost certainly because of legis- U.S. can help by embracing the spirit of international develop-
lators’ fear of China’s dominance in many critical elements and ment and cooperation. A start could be with the U.S. National
Bolivia’s ambition to become “the Saudi Arabia of lithium.” Science Foundation, which already maintains an active oice in
The worries are probably inevitable. China—historically a Beijing. We need more such channels to encourage collaborative
prickly partner at best to the U.S.—efectively has much of the research on rare earths. Similarly, the strained relations between
world’s critical-materials market at its mercy. Take the rare Washington and La Paz could beneit from signs of sincere U.S.
earth elements neodymium, europium, terbium and dysprosium. willingness to assist Bolivia in developing the Uyuni salt lats,
Despite their name, rare earths are many times more common where a pilot processing plant began operating early in 2013.
than gold or platinum and can be found in deposits around the Similar modest gestures could bring the world closer to a full-
world. In recent years, however, cheap labor and lax environ- scale treaty on global mineral-supply security. A foundation of
mental regulation have enabled China to corner the global mar- sorts has already been laid by eforts such as the Minamata Con-
ket, mining and reining well over 90 percent of rare earths. vention on Mercury, the recently adopted international pact to
At the same time, China has consistently fallen short of its reduce emissions and use of the toxic metal. Humanity’s health
own production quotas. In 2012 the U.S., the European Union and prosperity depend on the wise harnessing of natural resourc-
and Japan, suspecting China was manipulating the market, iled es. Narrow national interests and rivalries can only obstruct that
a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO). process, ultimately leaving us all just that much poorer. The need
China argues that production cutbacks were necessary for envi- for critical materials should catalyze international cooperation.
ronmental cleanup. At press time, a preliminary ruling in Octo- After all, those materials can enlighten the world—literally.
ber 2013 against China will likely be appealed. Meanwhile Japan
has announced discovery of vast undersea deposits of rare SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
earths, and the Americans, among others, are working to restart Comment on this article at
their own disused facilities. The shortages won’t last.

Illustration by Ross MacDonald January 2014, 7

© 2013 Scientific American
Dispatches from the frontiers of science, technology and medicine


Cosmic Dragnet
The search for dark matter is starting to go cold

Since the 1980s physicists have deployed a string of increasingly

advanced detectors in pursuit of something that ought to be
ubiquitous but has proved devilishly hard to capture. Dark matter,
the invisible stuf thought to make up a quarter of the universe,
has yet to show in even the most sophisticated experiments.
Another blow befell the search last October, when the
world’s most sensitive detector of WIMPs (weakly interacting
massive particles) came up empty. Dark matter may well be a
WIMP, a ghostly particle that would interact with normal matter
very infrequently, which is why at least 15 experiments around
the globe are looking for the particles. But if those campaigns fail
to hit particle pay dirt in the next few years, scientists may have
to refocus the search and embrace alternative explanations for
dark matter—some of which are less than appealing.
South Dakota’s Large Underground Xenon (LUX) detector
was the latest to take an unsuccessful swipe at WIMPs. Although
WIMPs are elusive, occasionally one of the particles should col-
lide with an atom inside LUX’s 370-kilogram vat of liquid xenon,
producing a detectable light signature. The researchers have

JOEL R. PRIMACK University of California Santa Cruz AND STEFAN GOTTLÖBER AIP Germany
seen nothing of the kind after three months, ruling out some
possible characteristics for WIMPs, such as certain masses for
the particles. By now more than half of the possible kinds of
WIMPs that had been predicted have been eliminated, says
LUX co-spokesperson Richard Gaitskell of Brown University.
COURTESY OF ANATOLY KLYPIN New Mexico State University

The hopes of detecting dark matter are clouded

by the possibility that it might not be a WIMP. An- DARK MATTER
other candidate particle, the axion, would be much ilaments form the
lighter than a WIMP and therefore more diicult to backbone of cosmic
spot. “You don’t hear about axions as much because structure in a
it has proved somewhat harder to detect them,” says computer simula-
Stanford University physicist Peter Graham. Only tion of the uni-
one large-scale project is currently on the case. verse’s evolution.
An even thornier possibility is that dark matter
only interacts with normal matter via gravity, meaning that
snagging dark matter in a particle detector may be forever
beyond our grasp. “That’s the most pessimistic possibility, which
we all hope it isn’t,” Graham says. —Clara Moskowitz FURTHER READINGS AND CITATIONS
© 2013 Scientific American

Activated carbon traps
zations estimate that toxic pollu- pollution in place
Pick Your Poison tion threatens the health of more
than 200 million people in the de- Good for more than barbecuing, char-
A list of the 10 most polluted places on earth veloping world. coal may be the key to improving the
ranges from nuclear sites to e-waste dumps Several places that appeared health of mercury-laden soils and sed-
on an earlier list, compiled in iments. In the most polluted areas—
2006, have now dropped of, Superfund sites and other contami-
a b
thanks to cleanup eforts. In Hai- nated hotspots—mercury cleanup has
na, Dominican Republic, heavily traditionally meant dredging, a dis-
lead-contaminated soil at a bat- ruptive and costly endeavor. But acti-
tery recycling center has been vated carbon, a granulated form of
buried in a specialized landill, charcoal, can trap mercury in place,
which Blacksmith hailed as the which may allow for cheaper, simpler
greatest “success story” among remediation eforts.
the sites lagged in 2006. China “Instead of digging up contam-
and India have also disappeared inated sediments or soil, we hoped to
from the top 10. The Chinese gov- add something to the sediments that
ernment shut down about 1,800 will keep the mercury from getting
c d polluting factories in Linfen, and into the food web,” says Cynthia Gil-
India has implemented a program mour of the Smithsonian Environ-
to assess and remediate contami- mental Research Center. In a recent
nated sites across the country. study, she and her colleagues tested
Although none of the sites how well activated carbon locked up
now listed are in the U.S., Japan or methylmercury, the form of mercury
western Europe, much of the pol- that tends to rise up the food chain
lution stems from the lifestyles of and that can cause neurological prob-
wealthy countries, noted Stephan lems, to prevent it from accumulating
Robinson of Green Cross Switzer- in living tissue.
land. Some pollution comes from Using sediments from four mer-
Agbogbloshie, a neighbor- technical adviser, said during a producing the raw materials for cury hotspots, the scientists measured
hood of Accra, Ghana, is where press conference last November. consumer goods. Tanneries in the amount of the toxic substance tak-
European gadgets go to die. Gha- “Stopping e-waste is proving Bangladesh, for example, provide en up by sediment-dwelling worms.
na imports some 237,000 tons of very complicated and diicult.” leather for Italian-made shoes Activated carbon reduced the bio-
computers, cell phones, televi- The Blacksmith Institute, sold in New York City or Zurich. accumulation of methylmercury by
sions and other electronics annu- along with Green Cross Switzer- And some pollution, as is the case 30 to 90 percent, the researchers
ally, mostly from Europe, making land, compiled the new rankings in Agbogbloshie, comes from reported last October in a study pub-
JANE HAHN Corbis a); DIDIER MARTI Getty Images b); GETTY IMAGES ); PIUS UTOMI EKPEI Getty Images d)

Agbogbloshie one of the largest after surveying more than 2,000 things that aluent nations no lished online in Environmental Science
e-waste dumps in Africa. It may sites in 49 countries. The organi- longer want. —David Biello & Technology.
already be the dirtiest. The site The charcoal idea came from
has earned the dubious distinc- study co-author Upal Ghosh of the
tion of joining Chernobyl and the THE TOP 10 TOXIC THREATS University of Maryland, Baltimore
industrial hub of Noril’sk, Russia, Agbogbloshie, Ghana ●
a Kabwe, Zambia County, who had been using activated
on the Blacksmith Institute’s list E-waste Lead mining carbon as a remediation tool for poly-
of the world’s 10 most polluted Chernobyl, Ukraine Kalimantan, Indonesia chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), another
places. Workers at Agbogbloshie Nuclear accident Gold mining pollutant that lingers stubbornly in
burn insulated electrical cables Citarum River Basin, Matanza sediments and then climbs the food
to recover the valuable copper Indonesia ●
b Riachuelo, Argentina chain. Ghosh suggested trying the
inside, releasing lead and other Industrial and Industrial pollution same approach to deal with methyl-
domestic pollution
heavy metals in the process. Niger River Delta, mercury. “These two chemicals have
“Everybody wants a laptop, Dzerzhinsk, Russia Nigeria ●d probably the highest bioaccumulation
Chemical manufacturing Oil spills
wants the modern devices,” Jack rates that we know of,” Gilmour notes.
Caravanos, a professor at the City Hazaribagh, Bangladesh ●
c Noril’sk, Russia —Carrie Madren
Tanneries Mining and smelting
University of New York School of
Public Health and a Blacksmith

January 2014, 9

© 2013 Scientific American

leagues examined a brilliant, distant qua­
Drinking sar whose light, en route to Earth, pierced

from the Cool an intervening galaxy when the universe

was only about three billion years old.

Cosmic Stream The chemical constituents of the galaxy

absorbed speciic wavelengths of the qua­
A glimpse of the ancient sar’s light, imprinting a signature of the
universe hints at how galaxies gas supplying the galaxy.
The gas surrounding the young galaxy
grew so rapidly
“has all the characteristics we’d expect of a
cold accretion stream,” says Crighton, lead
How did youthful galaxies in the early could act as supply lines, penetrating a author of a recent study in Astrophysical
universe fatten up to become the behe- budding galaxy’s hot halo of gas and Journal Letters. The telltale traits include
moths we see today? One explanation, put feeding that galaxy’s growth. Yet the faint low temperature, high density, and a low
forth more than a decade ago, is that galax- streams of cold gas have proved diicult abundance of elements other than hydro­
ies in the early universe supped on cold gas to detect. gen and helium forged in the big bang.
to fuel their prodigious star formation. A chance cosmic alignment has now Dekel is not ready to claim victory
Theoretical astrophysicist Avishai Dekel of brought a galactic gas line to light. Neil from a single detection, however. “We will
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found Crighton of the Max Planck Institute for have to see many of those to make it com­
that narrow streams of intergalactic gas Astronomy in Heidelberg and his col­ pelling,” he says. Ron Cowen

ber in PLOS One. By staying well with-
in the range of motion of its joints, Ar-
The Real Bigfoot gentinosaurus may have avoided the
pitfalls of its gigantism.
A giant dinosaur probably had to plod along to keep The new study’s predictions agree
its body from breaking down with other lines of evidence. The simu-
lated animal’s tracks, for instance, re-
The South American dinosaur Argen- computer simulation of the sauropod’s semble real-life fossil-
tinosaurus huinculensis would have had locomotion. The team used a laser ized footprints. And
a hard time getting around. In fact, scan of the Argentinosaurus skeleton to the simulations “gel
just standing up might have been dii- build a three-dimensional model of with what other
cult for the roughly 90-ton beast. the dinosaur, which left the researchers people have concluded
When the gigantic dinosaur went ex- 57 diferent parameters to tinker with, based on studies looking at the
tinct it left behind huge footprints and such as how far each joint swung and shapes of bones,” says paleontologist
a big question: How did it move all the order in which the feet took steps. Matt Bonnan of Stockton College. Fu-
that mass? The researchers then programmed a ture simulations, he adds, should also
“This is an animal that’s pushing supercomputer to vary those parame- incorporate cartilage, which is lacking
the limits,” says biologist Bill Sellers of ters until it found gaits that demanded in fossils but which scientists can
the University of Manchester in Eng- the least amount of energy from the study in modern dinosaur rela-
land. Argentinosaurus may have been animal. The simulations indicated that tives such as birds and liz-
the heftiest dinosaur that ever lived. the dinosaur strode best when it took ards. —Lucas Laursen
As animals get larger, the increase in dainty steps at four or ive miles per
body mass tends to outpace the corre- hour, according to a report last Octo-
sponding growth of muscles and
bones. In the case of Argentinosaurus,
a full swing of its giant thighs
might have broken its bones.
Sellers and his colleagues
are investigating how Ar-
gentinosaurus got
around by using

a super- Argentinosaurus

Illustrations by Thomas Fuchs

© 2013 Scientific American

Good Dads
Help Rare
Haitian Frogs
Thrive in
Out on the ingerlike peninsula
of southwestern Haiti is the
remote forest realm of the La
Hotte bush frog—or what is
left of it. “It’s a very beautiful
forest,” says Carlos Martinez Chelyabinsk meteor, February 2013
Rivera, a conservation biologist
at the Philadelphia Zoo. “It feels
like going to any other tropical SPACE
rain forest. But it’s a very tiny day has explicitly assigned the responsi­
patch of forest.” In recent
decades Haiti has desperately
Put Up the bility for planetary protection to any of its
agencies,” said ASE member and Apollo 9
cut down trees to grow crops
or make charcoal. So, in 2010,
Earth Shield astronaut Rusty Schweickart during a
public discussion in October at the Ameri­
the Philadelphia Zoo captured The U.N. is taking irst steps to can Museum of Natural History in New
154 frogs from nine species in curb the risk of wayward asteroids York City.
those fading forests for The next key step in defending Earth
breeding back in the U.S. When a meteor exploded over Chelya­ is to identify the menacing objects. “There
Now the zoo hosts more binsk, Russia, last February, the world’s are about one million asteroids large
than 1,500 Haitian frogs, space agencies found out along with the enough to destroy New York,” Lu said at
including more than 1,200 La rest of us, on Twitter and YouTube. That, the meeting. “Our challenge is to ind
Hotte bush frogs. “If you do former astronaut Ed Lu says, is unaccept­ these asteroids irst, before they ind us.”
have a doomsday scenario ableand the United Nations agrees. The B612 Foundation, a nonproit Lu
where the forest is gone, the In October the U.N. General Assembly created to tackle the problem of asteroid
species will still be preserved,” approved a set of measures to limit the impacts, is developing a privately funded
Martinez Rivera says. dangers of rogue asteroids. The U.N. plans space telescope called Sentinel. The tele­
Biology and behavior have to set up an International Asteroid Warn­ scope’s sensitivity to infrared lightthe
helped the frog thrive in captivi- ing Group for member nations to share heat given of by objects warmed by the
ty. The females lay large clutch- information about potentially hazardous sunshould enable it to spot a large num­
es of eggs, which the males then space rocks. If astronomers detect a ber of truly menacing asteroids, but small­
guard until they hatch, freeing threatening asteroid, the U.N.’s Committee er bodies, such as the one that hit over
up the females to mate again on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space will Chelyabinsk, will remain mostly unseen.

and lay more eggs. “They’re very help coordinate a mission to delect it. Early detection is important because it
proliic in that sense,” Martinez Lu and other members of the Associa­ increases the chance of being able to de­
Rivera says. —John R. Platt tion of Space Explorers (ASE) had recom­ lect a giant asteroid before impact. If a
mended that the U.N. take those irst steps spacecraft were rammed into an asteroid
Read more at blogs.Scientiic­- toward addressing the problem of way­ ive or 10 years before the rock was due ward asteroids. The ASE has also asked to hit Earth, the slight orbital alteration
countdown the U.N. to coordinate a practice asteroid­ should be enough to ensure a miss.
delection mission to test the technologies The impact over Chelyabinsk, which
for pushing a rock of course before such injured 1,000 people, was a warning shot,
tactics become necessary. American Museum of Natural History as­
The ASE urges that each country dele­ tronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson said at the
gate asteroid duties to a speciic internal discussion. Now it’s time for Earth’s citi­
agency. “No government in the world to­ zens to take action. Clara Moskowitz

January 2014, 11

© 2013 Scientific American

The world’s hens lay more than
one trillion eggs a year, and Under
they do so with startling
ineiciency. Egg farming Obamacare,
requires 39 kilocalories of
energy to produce one
A Rollback
kilocalorie of proteinon of Abortion
par with raising cattle for
beefaccording to a 2003
study in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutri-
Many of the new online
tion. The energy­to­protein insurance exchanges have
ratio for plants is 2.2 to one. banished plans that cover
Whereas there are other egg the procedure
substitutes on the market for
allergy suferers and conscientious Since the passage of the Afordable
SCI E N CE objectors alike, Klein says he is tak­ Care Act (ACA) in 2010, oicials across
ing a more scientiic approach. His all levels of government have been

Over team has scanned more than 1,500 preparing for the law’s sweeping

plants, identifying 11 as strong candi­ changes to the health care system. For
dates for egg stand­ins. “The egg is many state legislators, those prepara­
Easy, Hold more than just a nutrient,” he says.
“It reacts to things like temperature,
tions have included enacting new re­
strictions on the availability of insur­

the Eggs pH and salt content.” By identifying ance coverage for legal abortions.


proteins that perform speciic func­ When the online insurance market­
A West Coast start-up tionsemulsion, coagulation, aera­ places erected under the ACA become
tion, and so onKlein and Tetrick say operational, shoppers in only about
wants to make the staple that Hampton Creek’s products, tak­ half of U.S. states will have access to
ingredient obsolete en as a whole, will be the irst to health plans that cover abortions. The
totally replace eggs without sacriic­ federal law permits states to decide
Josh Klein used to work on vaccine ing taste. whether or not plans ofered through
development for HIV, but these days Next up for Hampton Creek are a the online exchanges can fund those
he focuses on a diferent biochemical premixed cookie doughwhich can procedures. According to data com­
conundrum: making cakes moist and be eaten raw without fear of salmo­ piled by the Guttmacher Institute, a re­
lufy. He insists he’s still making a nellaand a replacement for scram­ search organization focused on sexual
diference. As director of biochemis­ bled eggs. The powdered egg replac­ and reproductive health and rights, 23
try research at Hampton Creek Foods ers already on the market generally states have banned abortion coverage
in San Francisco, Klein is on a mis­ cannot be scrambled, and many liq­ from insurance plans sold via the
sion to systematically identify and uid products are actually egg­based. health care exchangesusually making
replicate every single culinary func­ Having tackled breakfast, Hamp­ exemptions only in cases of rape or in­
tion of chicken eggsusing plant ton Creek will attempt to ill the egg’s
proteins. role in airy baked goods. It will take BY THE NUMBER S
Although Hampton Creek’s found­ “very hard work” to replace the egg
er, Josh Tetrick, is a vegan, his goal is yolk’s structure­building lipoproteins,
not to convert others. Instead Tetrick
hopes that Hampton Creek’s prod­
ucts will outcompete eggs on price
and thereby “sneak sustainability”
into a variety of diets. The company,
which is backed by tech­centric ven­
ture capital irms, recently launched
predicts Marc Anton of the French
National Institute for Agricultural
Research. In a typical batter, egg pro­
teins surround air bubbles trapped in
the mixture by sugar and fat, and the
heat of baking seals the bubbles shut.
The complexities of the process leave
Speed, in miles per hour,
at which a cork pops out
a mayonnaise alternative, Just Mayo, plenty of room for error. Even still, of a bottle of champagne
and an egg substitute, Beyond Eggs, Klein and his team think they may
that is stored at 64 degrees
Fahrenheit, or roughly
for making cookies. already have found a plant candidate room temperature.
As targets for ecological overhaul that can hold up a pound cake with
go, the egg industry is a good one. egglike panache. Rachel Feltman

12 Scientiic American, January 2014 COMMENT AT

© 2013 Scientific American
cest or when the woman’s life is at risk.
Under previous laws, only eight
states explicitly prevented private health
insurance plans from covering abor­
tions. The shift, says Elizabeth Nash,
state issues manager at the Guttmacher
Institute, “means that more women will
be paying out of pocket for abortion
care.” In the long run, Nash says, the
new restrictions may have ripple efects, NEU ROSCIENCE

potentially afecting those who do not

purchase an online plan, such as women
who receive health insurance through
Taking the Hit
their employers. “The concern is that The humble fruit ly may help unravel
with so many states limiting abortion the neural underpinnings of brain injuries
coverage, insurance plans will simply

stop ofering abortion coverage,” she

says. The National Association of Insur­
ance Commissioners and trade group Forty years ago geneticist Barry principle, the same as a neuron inside
America’s Health Insurance Plans both Ganetzky accidentally knocked out a a human head,” Ganetzky says. Similar
declined to comment on the possibility. batch of laboratory fruit lies by snap­ to the human brain, the ly brain,
In several states, such as Arizona, ping a vial against his hand. “All the which is about the size of a grain of
North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma and lies were on the bottom of the vial, not sand, is encased in the hard shell of its
Wisconsin, the new restrictions follow walking, totally uncoordinated, just ly­ exoskeleton and cushioned by a layer
recent squeezes to family­planning ing on their sides,” he recalls. of luid that allows the brain to slosh
funds that could help fuel clinic clo­ He did not give it much thought at around on impact.
sures. A handful of the 23 states are ex­ the time, but as the devastating efects In a recent investigation, Ganetzky
pected to ofer separate insurance rid­ of head injuries in professional athletes and his colleagues loaded fruit lies into
ers that would allow women to shell have come to light, Ganetzky has real­ a vial, then smacked the vial against a
out extra money for abortion coverage, ized that concussed Drosophila fruit padded surface. The researchers later
but it remains to be seen how many lies might be scientiically useful. He performed autopsies on the concussed
buyers will invest in that option or and his colleagues at the University of insects. The results of the study, pub­
even how they would ind out about it. Wisconsin–Madison have begun to ex­ lished last October in the Proceedings
The average cost of a irst­trimester plore how fruit lies could help uncover of the National Academy of Sciences
abortion is just under $500. Without the cellular mechanisms behind trau­ USA, showed that the lies sufered
insurance coverage, more women matic brain injury (TBI) in humans. brain damage and developed many
could ind themselves weighing dii­ Despite decades of study, TBI re­ of the same symptoms seen in humans
cult inancial trade­ofs or seeking mains poorly understood. What is with TBI, including loss of conscious­
help from nonproits to foot the bill. known is that injuries are caused by a ness and coordination and an increased
Dina Fine Maron rapid acceleration or deceleration risk of death. As in humans, the ill
such as a car crash or a hard football efects of TBI appeared to depend on
hitthat sloshes the brain against the the severity of impact, as well as the in­
inner wall of the skull. The impact can dividual’s age and genetic makeup.
trigger a cascade of cellular reactions Ganetzky’s team hopes that ly stud­

Maximum temperature,
in degrees Fahrenheit, for
45 that further damage the brain and neu­
rons, potentially leading to long­term
cognitive impairments.
Fruit lies may enable larger, more
robust studies of TBI. Besides being in­
expensive to maintain, Drosophila lies
have short lives, which allows re­
ies will one day lead to a test that diag­
noses TBI via biomarkers in the blood
and, potentially, a treatment that pre­
vents the deterioration of brain cells.
“Flies are a simple, fast way of get­
ting at the pathways that are involved
in TBI,” says Leo Pallanck, who studies
a bottle of bubbly, recommended searchers to track health outcomes neurodegenerative diseases in fruit
by the American Academy of over an animal’s entire life span. The lies at the University of Washington.
Ophthalmology for revelers
to avoid blinding eye injuries. insects have already found use in in­ “We hope that will lead to treatments
vestigations of Alzheimer’s and Parkin­ and preventive therapies.”
son’s. “A neuron inside a ly head is, in Sarah Fecht

January 2014, 13

© 2013 Scientific American

nal of the American Medical Asso-
A Botulism ciation. Botulinum toxin is known
or suspected to have been part of
Bind bioweapon programs in the for­
mer Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq,
Bioterror worries keep key details North Korea and Syria.
out of new studies Each of the seven previously
known strains of the bacterium pro­
When scientists in California discovered duces its own toxin, labeled A through
a new strain of Clostridium botulinum, G, and each has a corresponding anti­
the bacterium responsible for causing dote. Until an antidote can be developed
the paralytic illness botulism, they duly for the new strain’s toxin, dubbed H, the
reported their indings in a scientiic scientists at the California Department
journal. The resulting studies were note­ of Public Health who discovered the The botulinum investigators could
worthy for at least two reasons: the new strain have decided not to release any have held of on publishing their indings
strain of C. botulinum was the irst to be genetic blueprints. The new strain was until the H antitoxin was made, says Ron
identiied in 40 years, and, perhaps more isolated from a patient who had con­ Fouchier, a virologist at Erasmus Medical
extraordinary, the researchers purpose­ tracted botulism but did not die. Center in Rotterdam and one of the sci­
fully withheld key details of their The situation harks back to a debate entists who led the H5N1 research. “Why
discovery. that began in late 2011, when leading rush now?” Fouchier says.
The scientists are keeping the infor­ inluenza scientists attempted to pub­ The journal editors weighed the con­
mation secret because of bioterror con­ lish details of how they had genetically sequences of publishing redacted re­
cerns. The toxins made by C. botulinum, engineered the deadly H5N1 “bird lu” search but felt an obligation to print the
which inhibit muscle movement by virus to spread among mammals. They two botulinum studies promptly. “We de­
blocking the release of the neurotrans­ initially faced objections from an expert cided it was important enough to let the
mitter acetylcholine, are the most dan­ panel that advises the U.S. government, scientiic community know,” asserts
gerous known to humankind. A single which argued that the research could David Hooper, deputy editor of the Jour-
gram of crystalline toxin, “evenly dis­ become a recipe for a pandemic virus. nal of Infectious Diseases. The journal
persed and inhaled, would kill more Yet eventually the advisory board recon­ plans to add the genetic sequence to the
than one million people,” according to sidered, and the researchers published scientiic record once an H antitoxin is
a 2001 assessment published in the Jour- their work. developed. Helen Branswell

solution, they say, lies in fuel cells, devices too hot, not too cold,” says Sean James, senior

Big Data, that convert chemical energy from fuel into

electricity. By integrating fuel cells directly
research program manager for Microsoft’s
Global Foundation Services. Hooking up too
Big Energy into server racks, data centers could double
their eiciency, the researchers predict.
many servers to one fuel cell means more
problems if that cell malfunctions, but hooking
Electricity-hogging data centers Fuel cells work by stripping electrons up too few servers increases the number and
could soon power themselves from a fuel molecule (often hydrogen). The cost of the fuel cells needed. Another hurdle:
electrons are routed through an external data move fast, and fuel cells react rather
The data centers of the future might do more circuit, producing electricity. slowly. Demand on a given server can spike
than crunch and store information. In addition Placing fuel cells as close to data servers in milliseconds, but fuel cells take several
to serving Web pages, streaming Netlix as possible would curb many of the eiciency seconds to adjust to the increased load.
videos and hosting social networks, they losses that come from transmitting electricity A full-scale data center powered by fuel
might soon produce their own power. over long distances. And underground gas lines cells is still several years out. In the meantime,
Data centers consume a tremendous supplying fuel cells would be more resilient as more information and services move into
amount of energy—they account for roughly during storms than overhead power lines. the cloud, it does not appear that data

2 percent of total electricity use in the U.S., by In one scenario, fuel-cell assemblies would centers—or their huge energy footprint—
one estimate. But Microsoft researchers may dot the data center, each powering a few are going away. —David Wogan
have found a way for tech companies to racks of servers. The challenge is inding the
reduce their energy usage without sacriicing optimal balance among reliability, cost and Adapted from Plugged In blog at blogs.
the dependability of their infrastructure. The eiciency. “It’s the classic Goldilocks issue: not

14 Scientiic American, January 2014 COMMENT AT

© 2013 Scientific American

mammals eat tend to be found together, “with the

dolphins preying on kahawai and the whales prey-
ing on the much larger kingish,” says lead study
author Jochen Zaeschmar, a graduate student at
Massey University in New Zealand. The two species
B I OLOGY probably also beneit from working together to de-
tect and avoid predators.

Making Dolfriends But Zaeschmar also found evidence of social

contact between the two species, such as two ani-
mals touching as they swam side by side. “The fact
Marine mammals forge strong social bonds with other species that interactions between individual members
of each species were observed regularly over the
course of ive years is an important inding,” says
In the waters of the northern coast of New Zea- movements and interactions of New Zealand’s false Justin Gregg, a research associate at the Dolphin
land swims a group of one of the world’s most killer whales from a few dozen sightings spread Communication Project. It means that false killer
poorly understood cetaceans. Named for their re- over 17 years. On the rare occasions that the ani- whales and bottlenose dolphins choose to spend
semblance to their better-known cousins, false kill- mals were spotted, they were often accompanied time with speciic members of the other species
er whales dwell in warm tropical and temperate by common bottlenose dolphins. Using photo- rather than randomly mixing or engaging in brief
seas across the globe. But humans usually ind them graphs to identify individuals by their distinctively opportunistic encounters.
only when they become stranded. notched dorsal ins, the researchers found that so- False killer whales are not the only creatures
Because false killer whales are so elusive, scien- cial pairings between individuals of the two species with diverse friends. “We observe giant moray eels
tists have only a basic understanding of their social span both time and space. Some of the interspecies and coral groupers—two distantly related species—
lives. Past studies of individuals near Hawaii and pairings lasted more than ive years, with pairs foraging in a truly mutualistic and cooperative fash-
Costa Rica have found that false killer whales are spotted together at locations up to 650 kilometers ion,” Gregg says. So perhaps it should come as no
social animals that can maintain friendships— apart. The study was published online in Marine surprise that the marine mammals, “with their com-
swimming, hunting and cavorting—for years. Mammal Science. plex social behavior, are capable of engaging in
They also form relationships that cross species Some beneits of interspecies groupings may be equally as sophisticated mixed-species interac-
boundaries. In a new study researchers tracked the purely practical. For starters, the ish that both tions,” he adds. —Jason G. Goldman

W H AT I S I T ?
For ticks, mealtime is an extended
afair. The arachnid parasites latch on to
hosts for days at a time. To ind out exact-
ly how ticks penetrate and anchor into
the skin of their hosts, researchers exam-
ined tick mouthparts under microscopes
and watched as the parasites attached
themselves to the ears of mice.
As they report in the journal Proeed-
ings of the Royal Soiety B, ticks irst bur-
row into the host’s skin with two telescop-
ing, barbed structures called chelicerae.

They then perform a breaststroke maneu-

ver with the chelicerae, spreading them
like arms and pulling them back. That
motion sinks a spiky, swordlike append-
age into the host. Positioned alongside the
chelicerae, the shaft, called a hypostome,
forms a tube for withdrawing blood.
Peering at a tick with a scanning elec-
tron microscope, “you can almost ly into
its mouth and right into its midgut, like
one of those red blood cells they’re suck-
ing up,” says lead study author Dania
Richter, who conducted the research at
Charité University Hospital in Berlin.
—Rahel Nuwer

January 2014, 15

© 2013 Scientific American
The Science of Health by Maryn McKenna
Maryn McKenna is a journalist, a blogger
and author of two books about public health.
She writes about infectious diseases, global
health and food policy.

A Flu Vaccine That’s

Always in Season
A single shot to thwart all lu viruses may be within reach
too long to prevent a large number of people from be-
coming sick and dying.
Public health oicials have longed for years to turn the
tables, envisioning a “universal” lu vaccine that would be
ready and waiting on the shelves to defeat either a mar­
ginally mutated strain or a completely unexpected virus.
After numerous disappointments, a handful of recent
studies indicate that a universal vaccine may at last be
close at hand. In an interview last summer National Insti­
tutes of Health director Francis Collins suggested that one
might be achieved in the laboratory in just ive years.
Before such a vaccine can reach the general public, how­
ever, researchers will have to convince either manufactur­
ers or the government to pay for more studies and demon­
strate to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that the
new vaccines are just as safe as those we already use.

Flu vaccines have worked on the same principles since
investigators irst made them in the 1940s. Each vaccine
contains lu antigens—bits of viral molecules that can
trigger an immune response. The antigens used in rou­
tine lu vaccines are fragments of a mushroom­shaped
protein, called a hemagglutinin, that protrudes from a
lu virus’s surface and helps the pathogen cling to cells
In the spring of 2013 a strain of inluenza virus that had never inside an infected individual. Once exposed to those bits of pro­
infected humans before began to make people in China extreme- tein, a person’s immune system produces sentinel molecules
ly ill. Although the virus, known as H7N9, had evolved among called antibodies that will recognize any lu virus possessing the
birds, it had mutated in a way that allowed it to spread to men, same hemagglutinin and direct an attack against it.
women and children. Within several months H7N9 sickened 135 Flu is a rapidly evolving virus, however, and the structure of
individuals, of whom 44 died, before subsiding with the advance hemagglutinin in a given strain changes in small ways every
of summer weather. season. Even a minor alteration can make it much more diicult
We got lucky with H7N9. Had it triggered a pandemic—an for the immune system to identify and eliminate a lu virus that
explosion of infectious disease across a large geographical is nearly identical to its earlier version. This is why we have to
area—we would have been woefully unprepared, and millions get new lu shots every year.
might have died. The trouble is that every new virus requires a Scientists have searched for decades for a way to outsmart
new vaccine, and making new vaccines takes time. Even a typi- the lu virus rather than always hurrying to outpace it. The irst
cal lu season is brimming with slightly mutated versions of glimpse of more eicient vaccines appeared in 1993, when Japa­
familiar viruses. In most cases, manufacturers anticipate these nese researchers discovered that mice sometimes generate a sin­
changes and tweak existing formulas so that they will still work gle antibody that blocks infection by two lu strains with difer­
against the new strains. When a virus like H7N9 makes a sur- ent hemagglutinins. Fifteen years later several diferent teams
prise appearance in people, however, manufacturers must scram- demonstrated that humans occasionally make these cross­pro­
ble to concoct an entirely new vaccine from scratch, which takes tective, or broadly neutralizing, antibodies as well. Most of these

16 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustration by Thomas Fuchs

© 2013 Scientific American

antibodies bind not to a hemagglutinin’s mushroom cap but and federal approval for a new product. Asked what he needs to
rather to its slender stema region of the molecule where, as it begin trials with people, Peter Palese, who is a professor and
turns out, less structural mutation takes place. Because the chair of microbiology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City,
stem’s makeup is similar across many strains of lu, the research- laughs and replies, “Money.” Federal or private money? “Any
ers reasoned, an antibody that recognizes it could potentially money,” he says.
protect against a range of viral strains with distinct caps. His answer captures the paradox of research into new lu
Building on this discovery, several groups have altered the vaccines. Although current vaccines are lawed and require a
structure of hemagglutinins, creating a cap to which the immune lot of time to tweak, they confer some protection most of the
system does not react. Animals exposed to these tweaked pro- time. “Why expend the efort to invest hundreds of millions of
teins produce cross-protective antibodies that bind to the stalk dollars to get to something new?” says Michael Osterholm,
rather than strain-speciic antibodies that home in on the cap. director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Poli­
Other scientists are trying to get animals and people to make cy at the University of Minnesota, which published a lengthy
antibodies against a diferent viral protein, M2, which is embed- 2012 report scrutinizing the lack of private and government
ded in the lu virus’s membrane and helps it enter cells. Like the funding for “game­changing” lu vaccines.
hemagglutinin stalk, M2 changes little. Certain unique properties of the most promising universal
Additional teams are focusing on com- lu vaccines in production may be a source
pletely diferent strategies, such as design- of additional obstacles. Studies have sug­
ing a vaccine that encourages the produc-
For 15 years gested that the experimental universal lu
tion of T cells, the attack dogs of the immune research on a shots do not trigger as strong an immune
system. T cells produce broader, longer-last- response as older vaccines do. Guarantee­
ing immunity than antibodies, but classic universal vaccine ing that the new vaccines are as efective
lu vaccine formulas do not encourage their
activity. Others are administering a sequence
accumulated as the old ones may mean adding more in­
gredients or inding new ways to adminis­
of vaccines against diferent lu strains so in mere dribs ter them.
that the immune system assembles a diverse Any new lu vaccine is practically guar­
antibody artillery.
and drabs until anteed lengthy Fda examination. Current
Much of this research has happened only a pandemic seasonal vaccines change so little from year
in the past ive years. In fact, for 15 years after to year that they move through Fda review
the earliest studies in Japan, work on a uni- jolted scientists quickly. But a universal vaccine—using new
versal lu vaccine accumulated in mere dribs
and drabs—until a pandemic, which killed
into a antigens and a new delivery system—would
undergo extensive inspection for both ei­
more young and middle-aged adults than higher gear. cacy and safety. For comparison, approval
usual, jolted scientists into a higher gear. In of the vaccine Prevnar, the irst to confer
April 2009 a highly infectious new strain of swine virus dubbed protection against pneumonia in infants and young children,
H1N1 jumped suddenly from pigs to people. Manufacturers had took 15 years and required very large clinical trials. “There are
already spent months preparing the vaccine for the 2009–2010 60, 70 years” of Fda approvals and clinical experience behind
season, which was still a ways away—and that vaccine was useless existing lu vaccines, Palese points out. “But if you go in with a
against the new strain. They had to go back to square one. new approach, then the Fda will be starting from zero as well.”
Beginning work on the H1N1 vaccine so late in the manufac- Given legally mandated caution on the Fda’s side and a nat­
turing cycle, combined with some peculiarities of the virus—it ural inclination on the part of manufacturers to stick with a
was not easy to replicate en masse in the lab, which slowed down “good enough” product, many have wondered whether a uni­
production—resulted in millions of doses arriving on the market versal lu vaccine will ever reach the market. The emerging
months after planners hoped. By the next spring, H1N1 killed as consensus seems to be that novel partnerships—in which, per­
many as 18,000 people in the U.S. These delays spurred some in- haps, industry brings the innovation, but government provides
cremental changes in lu vaccine manufacturing. Yet they also the funding—may be able to mitigate the weaknesses on each
underscored the fact that better techniques cannot solve the root side. A joint government­industry conference, hosted in 2012
problem of having to rapidly fabricate a new vaccine every time by the Fda and the nih, concluded that such collaborations
a completely new virus appears. ofer the best way forward.
“We realized that despite all the technology we have, it is “The science is coming along very fast, but we need to igure
very hard to manufacture and deliver a [brand-new] vaccine in out how to get to the next step of development,” Subbarao says.
time to actually have an impact,” says Kanta Subbarao, chief of Given how quickly the lu virus can mutate—and how suddenly
the emerging respiratory viruses section at the nih. a new lethal virus can leap from animals to people—they had
better igure it out fast.
even iF researchers who are working on a universal lu vaccine SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
inally overcome all their remaining technical challenges, the Comment on this article at
real hurdle may be securing both funding for future studies

January 2014, 17

© 2013 Scientific American
TechnoFiles by David Pogue
David Pogue is the anchor columnist for Yahoo Tech
and host of several NOVA miniseries on PBS.

the irst radio, the laptop computer, the lat TV. Tech companies
were our blue-chip companies. An IBM man was a good catch—
respected, impressive. We were proud of our technological prow-
ess and of the companies that were at the forefront.
Today it’s not so simple. Our tech companies have a trust
Over the years they’ve brought it on themselves. Google test-
ed privacy tolerance when it introduced Gmail—with ads relat-
ing to the content of your messages. (It doesn’t seem to matter
that software algorithms, not people, scan your mail.)
Then a team of researchers discovered that when you synced
your iPhone, your computer downloaded a log of your geograph-
ical movements, in a form accessible with simple commands.
(Apple quickly revised its software.) When Barnes & Noble un-
derstated the weight of its Nook e-reader in 2010 or overstated
the resolution of the Nook in 2011, suddenly even product specs
could no longer be trusted.
Next came news about the National Security Agency and its
collection of e-mail correspondence, chat transcripts and other
data from Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple and others. Those

In Tech We companies admit to complying with the occasional warrant for

individuals’ data, but they strenuously deny providing the nsa
with bigger sets of data. Do you think that makes the news any

Don’t Trust easier to take?

Of course not. We’re human. We look for patterns. Each new
headline further shakes our trust in the whole system.
Tech companies promise the world, These days tech companies make eforts to respect, or at least
but how do we know that we’re not to humor, the public’s alarm. In the latest iPhone software, for
example, Apple has provided an almost hilariously complete set
the ones being sold out? of on/of switches, one for every app that might want access to
your location information.
Last October, T­Mobile made an astonishing announcement: But it may be too late for that. These companies’ products are
from now on, when you travel internationally with a T­Mobile impossibly complex. There’s no way for an individual to verify
phone, you get free unlimited text messages and Internet use. that software does exactly what we think it does. How do we
Phone calls to any country are 20 cents a minute. know those iOS 7 switches do anything at all?
T­Mobile’s plan changes everything. It ends the age of putting Every time a company slips up, we can only assume that it is
your phone in airplane mode overseas, terriied by tales of $6,000 just the tip of the iceberg. It may take years for these companies
overage charges. I igured my readers would be jubilant. But a to regain our trust.
surprising number had a very diferent reaction. “Why should I But this “I don’t trust them anymore” thing sounds distinctly
believe them?” they wrote. “Cell carriers have lied to us for years.” familiar. And it isn’t speciic to tech companies. At one time or
That’s not the irst time that promises from a tech company another, haven’t we also learned not to trust our government?
have been greeted not with joy but with skepticism. When Apple Our police? Our hospitals? Our newspapers? Our medicines?
introduced a ingerprint scanner into the Home button of the And, goodness knows, our phone companies?
iPhone 5S, you might have expected the public’s reaction to be, It’s too bad. Mistrust means a life of wariness. It means con-
“Wow, that’s much faster than having to type in a password 50 stant psychic energy, insecurity, less happiness. And then, when
times a day!” But instead a common reaction was: “Oh, great. So we inally get what should be terriic news from a tech company,
now Apple can give my ingerprints to the nsa.” we’re deprived of that little burst of unalloyed pleasure.
Really? That’s your reaction to the irst cell phone with a in-
ger scanner that actually works? SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
And it’s not so unreasonable. A short history of tech snoopings:
Technology used to be admired in America. We marveled at

18 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustration by Scott Brundage

© 2013 Scientific American


Unconscious impulses and desires impel
what we think and do in ways
Freud never dreamed of

By John A. Bargh

20 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustrations by Tim Bower

© 2013 Scientific American

© 2013 Scientific American
John A. Bargh is a professor of psychology at Yale
University. His Automaticity in Cognition, Motivation,
and Evaluation Lab at Yale investigates unconscious
inluences on behavior and questions such as the
extent to which free will exists.

W hen psychologists try to understand

the way our mind works, they frequently come to a conclusion that may seem startling: people
often make decisions without having given them much thought—or, more precisely, before they
have thought about them consciously. When we decide how to vote, what to buy, where to go on
vacation and myriad other things, unconscious thoughts that we are not even aware of typically
play a big role. Research has recently brought to light just how profoundly our unconscious mind
shapes our day-to-day interactions.

One of the best-known studies to illustrate the power of the un- For more than 100 years the role of unconscious inluences on
conscious focused on the process of deciding whether a candidate our thoughts and actions has preoccupied scientists who study
was it to hold public oice. A group of mock voters were given a the mind. Sigmund Freud’s massive body of work emphasized
split second to inspect portrait photographs from the Internet of the conscious as the locus of rational thought and emotion and
U.S. gubernatorial and senatorial candidates from states other the unconscious as the lair of the irrational, but contemporary
than where the voters lived. Then, based on their leeting glimpses cognitive psychologists have recast the Freudian worldview into
of each portrait, they were asked to judge the candidates. Remark­ a less polarized psychological dynamic. Both types of thought
ably, the straw poll served as an accurate proxy for the later choic­ processes, it turns out, help us adapt to the protean demands of
es of actual voters in those states. Competency ratings based on a species that survives by marshaling the mental irepower to
seeing the candidates’ faces for less time than it takes to blink an hunt a Stone Age mastodon, face of in a Middle Ages joust or, in
eye predicted the outcome of two out of three elections. the new millennium, sell Apple’s stock short.


Decision making often occurs without Unconscious processes underlie the Behaviors governed by the unconscious Sigmund Freud meditated on the mean-
people giving much conscious thought way we deliberate and plan our lives— go beyond looking both ways at the cor- ing of the unconscious throughout his
to how they vote, what they buy, where and for good reason. Automatic judg- ner. Embedded attitudes below the level career. These newer studies provide a
they go on vacation or the way they ne- ments, for one, are essential for dodging of awareness shape many of our atti- more pragmatic perspective on how we
gotiate a myriad of other life choices. an oncoming car or bus. tudes toward others. relate to a boss or spouse.

22 Scientiic American, January 2014

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Post-Freudian psychology has set aside the id and ego for a
more pragmatic take on what deines our unconscious self.
Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has described the modern dis-
tinction between the automatic and the controlled. In his best- red blue orange purple
selling book Thinking Fast and Slow, Kahneman characterized
automatic thought processes as fast, eicient and typically out­
side the realm of conscious awareness, making them devoid of orange blue green red
deliberation or planning. They require only a simple stimulus:
the words on this page, for instance, connect efortlessly in your
mind with their meaning. Controlled processes are the oppo­
site. They require purposeful and relatively slow engagement of
blue purple green red
conscious thoughtpicture the labored efort that goes into
doing your tax returns.
Similar to Freud’s primal id and controlling ego, the auto­
orange blue red green
matic and controlled systems complement each other yet also,
at times, conlict. You need to react without relection to dodge
an oncoming bus but also need to check yourself from throwing purple orange red blue
a punch at the reckless bus driver.
Snap judgmentsrelatively automatic thought processes
abound in our daily lifeand for good reason. Outside of the rel­
atively small number of individuals any one of us knows really
green red blue purple
well, most people we interact with are strangers we might never
see againwhile standing in line at the bank, sayor others we
come across in the course of their jobscashiers, taxi drivers,
orange blue red green
waiters, insurance agents, teachers, and so on. The default un­
conscious perception generates expectations about behavior
and personalities based on minimal information. We expect green purple orange red
waitresses to act a certain way, which is diferent from what we
expect of librarians or truck drivers. These expectations come to
DISCONNECT: Slowness in naming the colors of words that
us immediately and without our thinking about them, based
indicate a diferent color can test for unconscious distractions.
only on a person’s social place.
The unconscious way we perceive people during the course
of the day is a relexive reaction. We must exert willful, con­
scious efort to put aside the unexplained and sometimes un­ and so on—are often incorrect for the particular individual from
warranted negative feelings that we may harbor toward others. that group standing in front of us, someone who usually has
The stronger the unconscious inluence, the harder we have to done nothing to merit any of these impressions, bad or good.
work consciously to overcome it. In particular, this holds true These relexive reactions often persist, even if they run coun-
for habitual behaviors. An alcoholic might come home in the ter to our conscious beliefs. Many people who say they have a
evening and pour a drink; a person with a weight problem positive attitude toward minority groups are astonished when
might reach for the potato chipsboth easily casting aside the social scientists reveal contradictions using a simple test. The
countervailing urge toward restraint. Implicit Association Test calls on test subjects to characterize
Understanding the tug the unconscious exerts on us is essen­ objects on a computer screen according to qualities they pos-
tial so that we do not become overwhelmed by impulses that are sess—a puppy may be good, a spider bad. Afterward, the test
hard to understand and control. The ability to regulate our own taker sees a series of faces of people of diferent races and is
behaviorwhether making friends, getting up to speed at a new asked to classify them as white, black, and so forth.

job or overcoming a drinking problemdepends on more than Here’s the trick: the same buttons are used for the initial

genes, temperament and social support networks. It also hing­ evaluation and the group classiication tasks. The left button
es, in no small measure, on our capacity to identify and try to might be for making both good and white responses and the
overcome the automatic impulses and emotions that inluence right one for both bad and black. In a later trial, the button
every aspect of our waking life. To make our way in the world, labels are reversed so that the left button records good objects
we need to learn to come to terms with our unconscious self. and black faces and the right corresponds to bad and white. A
white respondent would reveal underlying prejudice if the task
GUT REACTIONS is easier—measured by a faster response—when the buttons are
When We meet someone neW, we form a irst impression even conigured for bad/black than for the good/black condition.
before striking up a conversation. We may observe the person’s Many people who hold positive conscious attitudes toward
race, sex or age—features that, once perceived, automatically minority groups and who think of themselves as being motivat-
connect to our internalized stereotypes about how members of ed to treat all people fairly and equally are nonetheless sur-
a particular group are apt to behave. These assumptions about prised by the greater diiculty indicated by a slower pressing of
the social group in question—hostile, lazy, pleasant, resourceful, the good/black buttons.

January 2014, 23

© 2013 Scientific American

Why Some Social Science Studies Fail

logical basis for priming efects. Brain scans

eports have recently documented that some of the original studies
show that areas typically activated by the
demonstrating unconscious efects on social behavior—research,
perception of whether a surface is “rough”
for instance, that showed that people walk more slowly after hear- or “smooth” also light up when a person
ing words associated with the elderly (“Florida” and “bingo”)—could not does or does not have diiculty—in es-
be replicated when the procedures were repeated in new studies. The sence, has a rough or smooth time—inter-
acting with someone else, and the same
accounts, however, have generally neglected to mention that many other
midbrain regions that respond to physical
studies published over the past decade or so have successfully repro- warmth have been shown to respond to
duced original indings on unconscious thought and behavior and have the friendliness and generosity that charac-
also extended this line of investigation in new directions. terize social warmth.
The question is not whether various un-
These studies have conirmed that an conscious inluence on a person’s behavior. conscious efects on judgments and behav-
unconscious gesture or a casual word for In many of the original studies, words and iors are real and can be replicated—because
which a strong association has previously verbal material were used to prime a be- they are and often have been—but rather
been formed—“priming” to a social psy- havior. Studies that have avoided the use of why some researchers reproduce these ef-
chologist—can change a person’s behavior. verbal cues and have instead brought to fects and others do not. This question is im-
They provide evidence that subliminal mo- bear more natural and realistic stimuli that portant to advancing our knowledge of
tivations make use of the same mental pro- trigger a behavior, such as photographs of how unconscious social inluences operate,
cesses—working memory and executive victorious athletes, have met with more and it draws needed attention to the precise
function—as used in conscious acts of success. These stimuli are the kinds that contexts and conditions required to produce
self-control and that people often mis- matter most for unconscious priming ef- thoughts and behaviors from unconscious
understand the actual underlying reasons fects in our daily lives. priming cues. More work remains. Still, the
for their behavior when inluenced by un- Further support for this area of social overall body of evidence collected so far
conscious impulses. psychology has come from imaging studies clearly shows that unconscious inluences
Studies with replication failures have examining the workings of brain regions ac- on judgment, emotion, behavior and moti-
generally neglected to incorporate proce- tivated by the unconscious cues that afect vation are of practical importance both to
dures, learned through earlier trials, that in- our behaviors and judgments. This work society as a whole and to the everyday lives
crease the likelihood of pinpointing an un- provides some understanding of the physio- of its members. —J.A.B.

These types of reactions complicate interpersonal relation- ness of this efect, moreover, brought about an immediate
ships and fair treatment in the courts, the workplace and schools change. When the interviewers called attention to the weather
precisely because they originate in the unconscious mind. outside, the feelings colored by the presence of either sun or
Because we are not aware of them, these feelings tend to get clouds no longer had an efect.
mixed up in whatever we are consciously focusing on at the
moment. Instead of recognizing an unacknowledged racial bias, OUT OF CONTROL
we divert our attention to some negative feature or characteris- UnconscioUs thoUghts and feelings inluence not only the way
tic about the person in question. A college admissions oicer we perceive ourselves and the world around us but also our
might zero in on a less than stellar grade in an otherwise solid everyday actions. The efect the unconscious has on behavior has
medical school application from a prospective minority student provoked debate among psychologists for decades. For a good
without realizing those same negative features are not weighted part of the 20th century, B. F. Skinner and the behaviorist school
so heavily for the other applicants. of psychology argued forcefully that our actions were entirely
Although research on unconscious social perception has under the control of what we saw, heard and touched in our sur-
often focused on stereotypes and prejudice, in reality the scope roundings and that conscious intent played no role. This idea
of this line of inquiry is much broader. In general, people have a was embodied in the classic experiment in which a rat learns
hard time untangling the sources of various positive and nega­ through trial and error that pressing a bar results each time in
tive feelings and are prone to misunderstanding their true the animal receiving a food pellet. In the Skinnerian worldview,
causes. In a classic demonstration of this efect, the current most of what we do translates into a more sophisticated varia-
day’s weather afected how people being interviewed over the tion on the theme of pressing the bar with one’s snout—we just
telephone rated how well their entire life had gone up to that need to press the equivalent of the correct bar—perhaps sliding
pointthey were more likely to characterize their whole exis­ the dollar bill in the candy machine—to get what we want.
tence as sunny when the weather was nice. Conscious aware­ Research in the 1960s debunked Skinner’s behaviorism. Yet

24 Scientiic American, January 2014

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the opposite extreme, that behavior is always under intentional strict enforcement of laws against minor infractionslittering,
control and never directly triggered by environmental cues, is jaywalking and vandalism; the dramatic drop in crime during
equally false. Merely watching or listening to someone else can this period has been attributed, in part, to this policy.
make us behave in ways that we do not even realize. A tendency to copy others often extends beyond the imitation
People have a natural tendency to mimic and imitate the of mere gestures and facial expressions to taking on facets of
physical behavior of others—their emotional expressions, arm someone else’s personal identity. When we meet or are reminded
and hand gestures, their body postures. These impulses appear of an acquaintance, an unconscious mental process may begin
throughout the natural world in the luid way that schools of that “primes” us to initiate behaviors characteristic of that indi­
ish, herds of antelope and locks of birds coordinate group vidual. Some studies have shown that college students exposed to
behavior so that they move almost as if they were a single organ­ descriptions associated with the elderly“Florida,” “gray,” “bin­
ism. In humans, the tendency to spontaneously mimic and imi­ go,” and so onsubsequently walk down the hall more slowly
tate what others around us are doing has been observed in very after the experiment is inished, in line with the stereotype of the
young infants and toddlers, and for nearly a century psycholo­ elderly as slow and weak. Similarly, “priming” words or images
gists have argued that being a copycat helps us learn language related to the stereotypical idea of a nurse leads to greater help­
and other behaviors from our parents. ing behavior, and cuing stereotypes associated with politicians
Imitation, moreover, does not disappear with childhood. In results in more long­winded speeches. All these efects appear to
what is known as the chameleon efect, you might ind yourself occur unconsciously, without the participants being aware of how
taking on the posture and other physical behaviors of someone their behavior has been inluenced.
you have just engaged in conversation at a partythe crossed Investigations into what social psychologists call stereotype
legs, the folded arms, the same head scratching. The mimicry threat have shown that merely bringing to mind a stereotype
carries on until you decide to refresh your drink and seek out a about, say, race or gender in a member of a group that is the tar­
new interlocutor whose stance and gestures you then take up, get of such biases may afect performance in school or the work­
like a chameleon blending in with its environment. Conforming place. Claude Steele of Stanford University has documented the
to the same behaviors of others would seem to make adaptive negative impact on test performance when a minority student,
sense, especially when you do not yet know what is the appro­ before the exam begins, is asked to check of what racial or eth­
priate thing to do in a given social situation. nic group the student belongs to. The late Nalini Ambady, then
The advice “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” makes at Harvard University, demonstrated that even preschool girls
sense because others are unlikely, in general, to be engaging in at a Harvard day care do worse on simple math tests if they are
unsafe or socially inappropriate behaviors. And as is demon­ irst subtly reminded of being female. Widely held positive ste­
strated in research by Paula Niedenthal and Robert Zajonc, reotypes have the opposite efect. In the same study with pre­
when both were collaborating at the University of Michigan, a school girls, Asian­Americans did better than average if they
fascinating long­term efect of this propensity toward imitation were reminded of their ethnic background but faltered if the
turns up in couples coming to more closely resemble each other priming exercise emphasized their gender instead.
the longer they are together, presumably because on a daily ba­ Recently controversy has emerged over an inability to repro­
sis they unconsciously assume their partner’s facial expressions duce the results of some priming studies. The reasons that the
and postures. studies could not be repeated are complex and depend, in part,
Imitation fosters a social mind­set without the need for provid­ on the methods used to carry them outsubtleties explained
ing an explicit road sign that instructs people in what to do next: further in the accompanying box on the opposite page.
waiting patiently in a long line encourages others to do the same; Unconscious inluences, in fact, are not always efective in
holding a door for a neighbor, curbing one’s dog and not littering motivating what we do. Many people are familiar with the idea
put others in a frame of mind to do the right thing. Unconscious of subliminal advertising in movie theatershaving the words
imitation fosters empathetic feelings toward others, a “social “eat popcorn” lashing imperceptibly on the screen was once
glue” that creates a sense of closeness even among total strangers. thought to cause concession stand sales to boom. Worries about
The strongest form of mimicry results when two or more people subliminal advertising emerged in the 1950s with Vance Pack­
engage in the same activity at the same time: armies marching or ard’s best seller The Hidden Persuaders. As it turned out, these
churchgoers singing a hymn together. Research on behavioral reports were mostly bogus, but many people still wonder about
synchrony has shown it has the efect of increasing cooperation the possibility of subliminal messages inluencing consumer be­
even if the individuals involved have never met before. havior. Indeed, subsequent research has consistently shown
Unfortunately, the natural tendency toward imitation cuts that if a person is already motivated to take some action
both ways. As psychologist Kees Keizer of the University of Gron­ quenching thirst, for instancea subliminal message favoring
ingen in the Netherlands and his colleagues found in ield re­ one brand of beverage over others can be efective.
search, one misdeed leads to another. The researchers placed Regular advertisements, unencumbered by hidden messag­
graiti on an alley wall, which led to an increase in littering of ing, are powerful inluences in their own right. In one new study
pamphlets that were placed around the handlebars of bicycles examining regular television ads, participants watched a ive­
parked along the alley. Fighting graiti and other small, nuisance minute segment of a popular comedy show and were given a
infractions, it turns out, can have a large impact on improving the bowl of Goldish crackers. The presence of any food ads during
quality of urban life. This research supports the “broken win­ commercial breaks substantially increased consumption of the
dows” theory championed most famously by former New York snack by participants. The food ads primed snacking absent any
City mayor Rudy Giuliani, who in the mid­1990s promoted the subliminal subterfuge. The error we often make is to assume

January 2014, 25

© 2013 Scientific American
that we can control the efects an ad has on our behavior just Studies in this area of research, known as embodied cogni-
because we are fully aware of its content. tion, have shown that a host of physical actions and sensations
trigger psychological states that are metaphorically related to
EMBODIED COGNITION those behaviors and feelings. Remembering a past incident in
some of the research on the unconscious and behavior focuses which you hurt someone emotionally may cause you to have a
on the way the surrounding physical environment influences our stronger desire to help and cooperate with others in a friendly
psychological state of mind. In the 1980s a series of experiments way—a compensation for the bad deed. In one well-known study,
by Fritz Strack, now at the University of Würzburg in Germany, after being prompted to recall a guilt-inducing behavior, partici-
and his colleagues showed that unconscious feedback from their pants had to wash their hands, ostensibly to help prevent the
own incidental facial expressions—smiles or frowns—suiced to spread of the lu virus within the room where the experiment
cause people to register the value judgment of liking or disliking took place. The physical act of hand washing seemed to “wash
an object that was in their ield of view. Study participants held away” guilt. Any lingering friendly or helpful tendencies van-
pencils in either their teeth—activating the smile muscles—or ished in the group that had gone through the scrubbing exercises
their lips—lexing frown muscles. The physical positioning of the compared with others who had not washed up—a phenomenon
facial muscles produced the corresponding psychological state. dubbed the “Macbeth efect,” after Lady Macbeth’s compulsive

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hand-washing rituals in the eponymous play by Shakespeare. siglione and Chris Frith, both then at the Wellcome Trust Center
In similar fashion, protecting against disease appears to satis- for Neuroimaging at University College London, study partici-
fy abstract social or political needs. In one study, politically con- pants were asked to push a lever as fast as they could when
servative participants just inoculated against the H1N1 lu virus prompted. Before each trial, they received either a conscious or
reported more favorable attitudes toward immigrants compared subliminal cue about the reward they would receive. Higher in-
with those who had not received a shot, as if protection from inva­ centives (British pounds versus pence) produced faster pushes,
sion of the lu virus carried over to a perception that newcomers whether they were consciously perceived or not. Moreover, brain
were well­meaning and not somehow invading and despoiling imaging revealed the same incentive-sensitive brain regions
their adoptive culture. switch on in both the conscious and the subliminal reward trials.
Metaphors also apply to the way we describe people we rou­ This and other studies suggest that an unconsciously perceived
tinely encounter. Everyone knows the meaning of a “close” rela­ stimulus may suice to cause someone to actually pursue a goal
tionship or a “cold” father. One recent theory, conceptual scaf­ without any awareness of how it originated—no conscious delib-
folding, asserts that we use these metaphors so readily because eration or free will required.
the abstract version of the mental concept is strongly associated Our unconscious mind may not only nudge us to choose a par-
with the physical world we inhabit. In experiments, people who ticular option, but it may help muster the necessary motivation
clutch a hot cofee cup for a brief time form impressions of oth­ to actually achieve it. Psychologists have long known that people
ers as being “warmer,” more friendly and more generous than if given power in a social science experiment often exhibit selish
they hold, say, an iced cofee. Related studies on the way physical and corrupt behavior, putting personal interests irst. The urge to
experiences unconsciously inluence judgment and behavior in exert power within a group often reveals itself through a series of
metaphorical ways have revealed that having participants sit on subtle, physical cues of which we are unaware. Participants in
hard chairs during a negotiation causes them to take a “harder” one study randomly assigned to sit in a professor’s desk chair
line and compromise less than do those sitting on soft chairs. showed less concern with what other people thought of them and
And when holding something rough, they judge an encounter as had less inhibition about expressing racist and other antisocial
more awkward and not having gone smoothly. sentiments, compared with participants seated instead in a stu-
We tend to unconsciously evaluate nearly everything we come dent’s chair in front of the desk.
into contact with in a crude good­or­bad manner. The uncon­ Fortunately, many people’s goals are directed toward the wel-
scious, automatic response even translates into our basic move­ fare of others, as is the case for parents who put their child’s
ments, our inclination to approach or avoid an object. Clinical psy­ interests above their own. If power has the general efect of un-
chologist Reinout Wiers of the University of Amsterdam recently consciously activating important personal goals, these “commu-
developed a successful therapeutic intervention for alcoholism nally” oriented individuals should react by being more likely to
and substance abuse based on this insight. In treatment, patients help others and less apt to focus on themselves. Indeed, studies
had to respond to images that represented alcohol abuse in vari­ have shown that power causes these individuals to assume more
ous ways by repeatedly pushing a lever away, without any further of an altruistic perspective and leave less for others to do, all
instructions about how to evaluate the meaning of the pictures. again without any awareness of their motivations. These individ-
Compared with a control group of patients, those who responded uals also become more preoccupied with what others think of
by pushing away the lever showed markedly lower relapse rates a them and display less of a tendency to hold racial biases.
year later, as well as more relexively negative attitudes toward Freud spent countless thousands of words in providing expla-
alcohol. The unconscious connection between making muscle nations as to why our unfulilled wishes express themselves in the
movements associated with avoidance caused the development imagery and stories that populate our nightly dreams. The latest
both of negative psychological attitudes and of a visceral gut re­ research provides a more pragmatic perspective on how thought
action that helped the patients forgo the temptation to imbibe and emotion just below the surface of our awareness shape the
away from the clinic. way we relate to a boss, parent, spouse or child. That means we
can set aside antiquated notions of Oedipus complexes and ac-
FREUD REDUX cept the reality that the unconscious asserts its presence in every
the most recent experimental Work deals with unconscious moment of our lives, when we are fully awake as well as when we
motivations and goals—the basic question of “What do people are absorbed in the depths of a dream.
want?”—which was, of course, a central theme of Freud’s long
career. The modern theories about what drives behavior difer
from the one put forward by the Austrian neurologist because
this thinking derives from studies on groups of average people Automaticity in Social-Cognitive Processes. John A. Bargh et al. in Trends in
Cognitive Sciences Vol. 16, No. 12, pages 593–605; December 2012.
instead of case studies of abnormal individuals. They also point
The Selish Goal: Autonomously Operating Motivational Structures as the
to a single psychological system that we all possess that can oper- Proximate Cause of Human Judgment and Behavior. Julie Y. Huang and
ate in both conscious or unconscious mode, unlike Freud’s un- John A. Bargh in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in press).
conscious, which plays by its owns rules, wholly separate from
those that drive conscious activity.
In fact, in the modern psychology of desire, researchers have Freud Returns. Mark Solms; May 2004.
found that whether or not we are conscious of a particular goal The Political Brain. Michael Shermer; Skeptic, July 2006.
Armor against Prejudice. Ed Yong; June 2013.
we have set for ourselves, the way we go about pursuing that goal
is very similar. In research on this phenomenon by Mathias Pes-

January 2014, 27

© 2013 Scientific American
© 2013 Scientiic American
for Life

Moons orbiting
may account
for most of
the habitable
locales in
the galaxy.
If only
we could
ind them
By Lee Billings

Illustrations by Ron Miller January 2014, 29

© 2013 Scientiic American
Lee Billings is a journalist and author based in
New York City. His irst book, Five Billion Years
of Solitude, chronicles the scientiic quest to discover
Earth-like planets elsewhere in the universe.

We now know
of more than
1,000 planets
orbiting other stars.
In all likelihood,
hundreds of billions more goal is nice, clean, solid detections that everyone can agree on.”
He has reason to be circumspect. Any claim of an exomoon dis-
call the Milky Way home. covery would be controversial, not only because the work is dii­
Many of the known cult but also because the ind potentially has profound implications.
For instance, Kipping explains, Kepler­22b resides in its star’s hab­
“exoplanets” are large, itable zone, the region where liquid water could exist. The planet
is so large it is likely to be an inhospitable, gas­shrouded orb rath­
gaseous worlds like er than a rocky, terrestrial world like Earth. If, however, Kepler­22b
Jupiter or Neptune— has a massive lunar companion, that moon might be a pleasant
place to live and a possible target for future astronomical searches
hostile places for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
“Moons could be habitable,” he says. “And if that’s true, there’s
for life. a hell of a lot more opportunities for life out there than anyone has
But like those giants of our solar system, distant exoplanets may previously appreciated.”
also have large moons. And if they do, moons—not planets—may
be the most common home for life in the universe. MAKING MOONS
The frontier of the search for moons of exoplanets—exomoons— Many astronoMers (as well as science-iction authors) had long
lies deep in the basement of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for assumed that other planetary systems would mirror our own, with
Astrophysics, inside a gloomy room lined with computers in wire- bountiful icy moons orbiting cold, giant worlds, similar to the
mesh cages. Raising his voice over the mechanical whine of the cool- arrangements we see around Jupiter and Saturn. With the irst
ing fans, British astronomer David Kipping remarks that nearly all exoplanet discoveries of the 1990s, however, new possibilities
of this computing power is currently devoted to analyzing a single arose; planet hunters began inding gas-giant planets that, after
planet, Kepler-22b, which orbits a sunlike star some 600 light-years forming in the outer dark, somehow migrated in to closer, hotter
away from Earth. The distant world is named for NASA’s planet-hunt- orbits around stars. Some even occupied their stars’ habitable
ing Kepler space telescope, which irst spotted it. Kipping’s hope is zones. Such positioning raised the question: Might some moons
that on closer inspection, the data that irst revealed Kepler-22b’s around those warm giants have rocky compositions, protective
presence may also divulge the subtler signals of lunar companions. atmospheres and oceans like on Earth?
He calls his project the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler, or HEK. Three researchers at Pennsylvania State University—Darren
Kipping’s project is the most advanced exomoon hunt today. The Williams, Jim Kasting and Richard Wade—were the irst to study
intense computing power is necessary, Kipping says, because even in detail how feasible it would be for an exomoon to possess an
the largest conceivable exomoon would leave a vanishingly faint sig- Earth-like environment. Their study, published in 1997 in Nature
nal in the data. Because of this, he intensively searches for evidence (Scientiic American is part of Nature Publishing Group), asked
of exomoons around just a few carefully selected targets. He may how large a habitable-zone moon must be to maintain a substan-
not ind as many exomoons as he would with a quick search of lots tial atmosphere and liquid water on its surface. “We found that
of targets, but “I’m not sure I’d believe those results,” he says. “Our moons smaller than Mars, about a tenth the mass of Earth, couldn’t


Astronomers are searching for rocky moons that vided that the moon is large enough to hold on to data sets, but their presence would impart such a
may circle distant exoplanets. an atmosphere. subtle signal to the data that massive amounts of
Such exomoons could be a haven for life, pro- These moons might be detectable using existing processing power would be required to ind them.

30 Scientiic American, January 2014

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hold on to an atmosphere for more than a few million years,” Wil- SEARCH STRATEGY
liams says. Below that threshold, a moon would not generate Moons large enough to hold on to an atmosphere should, in theo-
enough gravitational force to retain a substantial atmosphere. The ry, be visible in data from the Kepler satellite. Since its launch in
atmosphere of such a too tiny moon would boil of in radiation 2009 until gyroscope problems cut short the mission last year,
from the nearby star. Kepler gazed unceasingly at a single patch of sky, continuously
The trouble is that moons as big as a terrestrial planet do not monitoring the brightness of more than 150,000 target stars. It
seem very easy to build. Astronomers believe that most moons searched for planets by detecting transits: shadows cast toward
form in much the same way that planets do—gradually coalescing our solar system as planets crossed the faces of their suns. Each
out of a spinning disk of gas, ice and dust see box on next page]. transit manifests as a distinct, recurring dip in a star’s “light curve,”
Most computer simulations of this piece-by-piece lunar assembly its brightness plotted over time.
struggle to produce anything much bigger than Jupiter’s Gany- The smallest planet Kepler has found so far, Kepler-37b, is ex-
mede, the largest moon our solar system managed to make. Accord- ceedingly small—only slightly larger than Earth’s moon. Accord-
ing to the 1997 study, such a moon would need to bulk up fourfold ing to Kipping, if Kepler can ind moon-size planets, it should also
or ivefold to hang on to a permanent atmosphere. be able to ind planet-size moons.
Fortunately, nature has devised other ways to make massive Yet even though Kipping is combing through Kepler’s data for
moons. Earth’s moon, for example, is too large to have quiescently signs of them, he is not a member of the Kepler team, nor is his proj-
formed alongside our planet from a shared disk of gas and dust. ect ailiated with the NASA mission. In fact, anyone could do what
Many astronomers think, instead, that our Earth-moon system was he is doing: the Kepler data are publicly available. Astronomers and
forged out of a cataclysmic collision early in our solar system’s his- hobbyists alike have already discovered new planets by sifting
tory. Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, are thought to be another through the voluminous data set. Kipping’s everyman approach
collision-forged duo, albeit on a much smaller scale. These pairs extends to fund-raising as well—he raised $12,000 on a crowdfund-
could account for other types of moons. In so-called binary-exchange ing Web site to buy CPUs, which are now part of the Michael Dodds
reactions, a giant planet encountering a binary pair captures one Computing Facility, named for the most generous donor.
member as a moon while the other member gets ejected into space. Kipping’s search strategy is founded on a counterintuitive quirk
This kind of exchange has happened at least once before in our solar of gravitational interactions: in a sense, moons orbit planets, but
system: Neptune’s biggest moon, Triton, has a bizarre orbit that planets also orbit moons. More strictly, a planet and a moon actu-
moves in the opposite direction of the giant planet’s rotation. Astron- ally orbit a shared center of mass, so that as a moon whips around
omers believe that Triton is the captured remnant of a binary pair a planet, the planet wobbles back and forth.
that Neptune tore apart long ago. Imagine that you are looking out at a distant moon-planet sys-
These large moons could potentially support liquid water—and tem. If the moon swings around to the right of the planet, the plan-
thus life—even if they orbit a planet located outside of a star’s habit- et, orbiting the same center of mass, will shift a little bit to the left.
able zone. Extra warmth could come from the relected light and Now imagine that moon-planet system transiting left to right
emitted heat of a host planet, as well as the planet’s gravitational pull. across the face of the star. The planet will be left of where it would
Just as the moon raises tides in Earth’s oceans, the gravitational tug be if it did not have a lunar companion. This leftward shift, in a
of a gas giant could send tidal energy rippling through a nearby left-to-right-moving planet, will delay the onset of the transit by
moon, lexing the lunar interior and pumping it full of frictional heat. perhaps a few minutes. On the same system’s next transit, the
The efect is akin to heating up a metal paper clip by bending it back moon may be on the other side of its orbit, slightly shifting the posi-
and forth in your hand. Indeed, if a moon orbits too close to its gas- tion of the planet to the right and advancing the planet’s transit a
giant planet, it could experience so much tidal heating that it boils few minutes early.
of its atmosphere or melts into a glowing ball of slag, according to In addition to these shifts in the onsets of transits, a circling
recent work by René Heller of McMaster University and Rory Barnes moon can alter the transit’s total duration. Unfolding over multi-
of the University of Washington. In wider lunar orbits, just the right ple orbits, this to-and-fro temporal waltz of luctuating transit
amount of tidal heating could keep moons comfortably toasty, even properties is an exomoon’s expected calling card.
if the planet is far from its star’s warming rays. In addition to these timing efects, a suiciently large moon
Tidal forces could also change a moon’s orbit so that it would could block a star’s light, adding its own minuscule dip to a tran-
eternally present only one hemisphere toward its host planet, just siting planet’s signal. The combined planet-moon dip would look
as the moon does to Earth. Envisioning the night skies of such tid- much like the signal from an ordinary planet, except for the fact
ally locked worlds, Heller says, yields a deeply strange picture. “Imag- that occasionally the moon would pass directly in front of or
ine, for example, standing on the planet-facing hemisphere of a tid- behind the planet. The eclipsed moon-planet system would not
ally locked moon,” he says. “The planet would be huge and would block quite as much light. Astronomers could use this variation to
not move in the sky. At ‘noon’ on the moon, which corresponds to infer the presence of the hidden moon.
the point in its orbit where the star would be highest in the sky, the Yet searching for any of these subtle efects has its challenges. A
star would pass behind the planet, and there would be no relected small dip in starlight from a transiting exomoon could just as plau-
light from the planet. You would see stars all around but only a black sibly be caused by more prosaic phenomena. Every modulation of
disk directly overhead. At ‘midnight,’ when the moon’s orbit would the light curves so far has been best explained by simple things such
be taking the star beneath your feet, the planet’s illuminated face as star spots, stellar luctuations and instrumental errors.
would shift from a crescent to converge on a full circle, and you’d get Worse, a single timing signature could be produced by a wide
all that relected light. So at midnight, your sky would be much range of possible planet-moon arrangements that varied in details
brighter than at noon.” such as the size of the moon and the period and inclination of its

January 2014, 31

© 2013 Scientiic American

How to Make a Moon

Scientists don’t expect gaseous Jupiter-like planets to harbor much life, but if such a planet is home to a suiciently large moon,
the moon just might. A fertile moon would have to be massive enough to gravitationally hold on to a thin atmosphere, however.
Diferent methods of moon formation can lead to moons of vastly diferent sizes.

Lumps from a Disk Massive Collision Binary Capture

Example: Jupiter’s moons Example: Earth’s moon Example: Neptune’s
moon Triton
Planets are thought to form out of a disk of dust, Soon after Earth formed, astronomers believe it
gas and ice spinning around a star. Around these was struck by a Mars-size object ). The result- Once a double-planet system forms—perhaps
young planets additional disks might form, like ing cataclysm spit out a shower of rock and by collision—the pair could encounter another,
eddies in a current ). Over millions of years iron ) that, over time, cooled and turned into larger planet ). As the pair lies by (), the larg-
these secondary disks of matter clump into rings the moon ). In theory, such collisions could er planet could pull in one of the objects and
and moons  and ). Yet these processes can result in two objects that are nearly equal in size. ling the other of into space (). Captured
build moons only as big as Jupiter’s Ganymede— In this double-planet scenario, the “moon” moons that come from binary planet systems
not large enough to hold on to an atmosphere. would be just as big as its “planet.” could also be relatively large.

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orbit. This inherent uncertainty makes it quite diicult to charac­ veriiable exomoons, particularly via temporal efects alone. “My
terize any given exomoon through timing alone. opinion is that a believable detection is going to require actually see-
Yet if astronomers manage to pin down a planet­moon system’s ing the transit of a moon,” Agol says. “But that’s at the very hairy edge
orbital coniguration through timing efects, as well as the moon’s of what Kepler can do. Of course, nature can always surprise us.”
dip in a light curve, they can establish masses for the system’s Despite his doubts, Agol acknowledges that he and a few oth-
moon, the planet and the star. By pairing those masses with size er collaborators are pursuing an unoicial search of their own, one
estimates based on how much starlight a planet or moon blocks, that, in comparison to HEK, uses less intensive computation to
astronomers can infer each object’s density, creating a window into seek more obvious efects in a larger number of Kepler light curves.
the composition, formational history, and potential habitability of “My feeling is our search should be around every planet that’s been
planets and their moons. With careful scrutiny of transit after tran- detected, within reason,” Agol says.
sit for any given system, even more faint details can coalesce from
those luctuations of starlight. LUNAR LENSES
“It’s amazing how much can be packed into a light curve,” Kip- Kipping points out that moons can increase the chance for life in
ping muses in his oice, several loors above the subterranean com- more than one way. For example, he says, without the moon, Earth’s
puter room. “What happens if a transiting planet or moon is slight- climate and seasons could be quite diferent because on astronom-
ly oblate or if it has rings? What happens if a world’s atmosphere ical timescales the moon helps to stabilize our planet’s tilt. What is
refracts and bends the starlight passing through? These sorts of more, before the moon spiraled out to its present orbital distance
efects can be salient in the data. It’s incredibly satisfying to look up from our world, its enormous tidal efects on the early Earth could
at the stars, these twinkling pinpricks of light in the sky at night, and have played a vital role in the origin and lourishing of life.
know that we’re able to take this simple measurement of brightness “When we ind an Earth-size planet in the habitable zone, one of
and turn it into all this more complex information.” the irst questions will be, ‘Well, does it have a moon?’” Kipping says.
To tease out the presence of a moon orbiting any particular The answer to that question will help determine whether a planet is
transiting planet, Kipping’s HEK project irst makes a guess. What a true Earth twin or merely a cousin with a vague family resemblance.
would the light curve look like if a moon were orbiting this partic- “I wonder if our own is a luke or if things like it are really common,”
ular planet? The HEK algorithm generates a very large number of he adds. “With a sample size of one, we can’t really know the answer.
artiicial light curves from hypothetical, virtual planet-moon sys- If we ind some outside our solar system, we’ll get a better idea.”
tems that possess a wide variance of masses, radii and orbits. Next Through the right kind of telescopic eyes, ones well beyond
it sifts through the Kepler data for matches, gradually homing in Kepler’s capabilities, an exomoon could do far more than simply
on any statistically plausible lunar signals. This exhaustive trial- signpost a promising mirror Earth orbiting a nearby star. Whether
and-error process is why HEK requires so much computing pow- observing an Earth-size transiting planet or an Earth-size transiting
er. It is also why Kipping prefers to carefully select just the very moon, Kipping says, a suiciently large telescope on the ground or
best targets from Kepler’s gargantuan hoard of planets and candi- in space could investigate that distant world’s atmosphere, looking
dates. Most of those targets are low-mass, Neptune-size worlds that for markers of life, such as the oxygen that ills our own planet’s skies.
orbit fairly close to a sunlike host star, completing an orbital lap Kipping also thinks some exomoons could be used to map the
in six months or less. Such planets would manifest the clearest sig- surfaces of their host planets. Astronomers already use transiting
nals of an accompanying large moon. planets to map the surfaces of stars by carefully monitoring the star’s
The project also plans to examine transiting planets around red brightness as the planet crosses its face. “When a moon passes in
dwarf stars, which are far smaller, dimmer and more numerous than front of a planet as seen from Earth, you’re getting the same oppor-
stars like our sun. The small sizes mean that a transiting planet will tunity, but now you’re looking at the surface brightness of the plan-
block a higher percentage of the star’s total light. The relatively dim et,” he explains. “So, potentially, using something very sophisticat-
output moves the habitable zone close to the star; any planet orbit- ed, you could begin mapping an Earth twin’s continents, its water
ing at that radius would have to whip around quickly, giving astron- distribution, all from how the light curve changes shape as the moon
omers more transits to work with. “For us, everything gets better passes over. Sometimes I think that’s the most likely way we’ll ever
with these stars,” Kipping says. “In the very best cases, we could get anything like a photograph of one of these potentially habitable
probably detect a moon only a tenth or a ifth of an Earth-mass.” planets. This could be the irst, smallest slice of a very big pie.”
In perhaps the very worst case, HEK will detect no exomoons
at all, a prospect that would at least allow Kipping and his col-
leagues to set upper limits on how many planets harbor large
moons. Already we know something about what is not there. “If The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (HEK): I. Description of a New Observa-
tional Project. David M. Kipping et al. in Astrohysical Journal Vol. 750, No. 2,
there were lots of really big moons, like a two-Earth-radius moon
pages 115–134; 2012.
around a Jupiter-size transiting planet, you could just look by eye Five Billion Years of Solitude: The Search for Life among the Stars. Lee Billings.
at the light curve and see the moon’s efect,” says University of Flor- Penguin Group, 2013.
ida astronomer Eric Ford. “So there’s a good chance if that was in Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler project:
the Kepler ield, someone would’ve found it by now or be hot on
its trail.” After further analysis, Kipping’s team has ruled out the
possibility that Kepler-22b, one target of the early investigations, Improbable Planets. Michael W. Werner and Michael A. Jura; June 2009.
Planets We Could Call Home. Dimitar D. Sasselov and Diana Valencia; August 2010.
has a moon larger than about half the size of Earth.
The Dawn of Distant Skies. Michael D. Lemonick; July 2013.
Other astronomers, such as Eric Agol of the University of Wash-
ington, remain skeptical that Kepler’s current data set can deliver

January 2014, 33

© 2013 Scientiic American


In creating the irst complete computer
model of an entire single-celled organism,
biologists are forging a powerful new kind
of tool for illuminating how life works
By Markus W. Covert

34 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustration by André Kutscherauer

© 2013 Scientific American

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January 2014, 35

© 2013 Scientific American
Markus W. Covert is an assistant professor of
bioengineering at Stanford University, where he
directs a laboratory devoted to systems biology.

he crucial insight came to me as i leisurely rode my bike home from work.

It was Valentine’s Day, 2008. While I cruised along, my mind mulled over
a problem that had been preoccupying me and others in my ield for
more than a decade. Was there some way to simulate life—including all
the marvelous, mysterious and maddeningly complex biochemistry that
makes it work—in software?
A working computer model of living cells, even if it were some­ physical connections that make living cells tick. Many previous
what sketchy and not quite accurate, would be a fantastically use­ attempts, by my lab at Stanford University as well as others,
ful tool. Research biologists could try out ideas for experiments had run into roadblocks; some had failed outright.
before committing time and money to actually do them in the But as I pedaled slowly through the campus that winter eve­
laboratory. Drug developers, for example, could accelerate their ning, I thought about the work I had been doing recently to re­
search for new antibiotics by homing in on molecules whose inhi­ cord images and video of single living cells. That’s when it hit
bition would most disrupt a bacterium. Bioengineers like myself me—a way to make a realistic, functional simulator: choose one
could transplant and rewire the genes of virtual microorganisms of the simplest single­celled microbes out there, a bacterium
to design modiied strains having special traits—the ability to lu­ called Mycoplasma genitalium, and build a model of an in­
oresce when infected by a certain virus, say, or perhaps the power dividual germ. Limiting the simulation to just one cell would
to extract hydrogen gas from petroleum—without the risks in­ simplify the problem enough that we could, in principle, in­
volved in altering real microbes. Eventually, if we can learn to clude every bit of biology known to occur in that cell—the un­
make models sophisticated enough to simulate human cells, winding of every rung of its twisted DNA ladder, the transcrip­
these tools could transform medical research by giving investiga­ tion of every message in that DNA into an RNA copy, the
tors a way to conduct studies that are currently impractical be­ manufacture of every enzyme and other protein made from
cause many kinds of human cells cannot be cultured. those RNA instructions, and the interactions among every one
But all that seemed like a pipe dream without a practical of those actors and many others, all building to cause the cell to
way to untangle the web of interlinked chemical reactions and grow and eventually divide into two “daughters.” The simula­


Computer models that can account for the function of A comprehensive simulation of a common infectious Scientists are now building models of more complex
every gene and molecule in a cell could revolutionize how bacterium was completed last year and, while still im- organisms. Their long-term goal is to simulate human
we study, understand and design biological systems. perfect, is already generating new discoveries. cells and organs in comparable detail.

36 Scientiic American, January 2014

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tion would generate, nearly from irst principles, the entire dra- the human genome. They synthesized the essential genes of one
ma of single-celled life. Mycoplasma species and showed they functioned in a cell.
Previous attempts had always tried to simulate a whole col- To me and other young biologists in the late 1990s, this gang
ony of cells because that is how almost all the data we have on was Led Zeppelin: iconoclastic, larger­than­life personalities
cell behavior were collected: from populations, not individuals. playing music we had never heard before. Clyde Hutchinson, one
Advances in both biotechnology and computing, however, had of the biologists in Venter’s band, said that the ultimate test of
started to make single-cell studies much easier to do. Now, I our understanding of simple cells would come when someone
realized, the tools were at hand to try a diferent approach. modeled one in a computer. You can build a functional cell in the
Ideas whirred around in my head. The minute I reached lab by combining pieces without understanding every detail of
home, I started sketching out plans for a simulator. The next how they it together. The same is not true of software.
morning, I began writing software code for just a
couple of the many, many distinct processes that
go on in a living microorganism. Within a week, I
had completed several prototype modules, each
one a software representation of a particular cel- I showed the sample
lular process. The modules were producing out-
put that looked fairly realistic. code to a handful
I showed the work to a handful of other biol-
ogists. Most of them thought I was nuts. But I
felt I was on to something, and two exceptional
of other biologists.
and daring graduate students, Jonathan R. Karr
and Jayodita C. Sanghvi, saw enough potential
Most of them thought
in the approach that they agreed to work with
me on the project.
I was nuts. But I felt I
Completing this model would mean creating
dozens of such modules, combing through near-
was on to something.
ly 1,000 scientiic articles for biochemical data,
and then using those values to constrain and
tweak thousands of parameters, such as how tightly enzymes Morowitz, too, had called for building a cell simulator based
bind to their target molecules and how often DNA-reading pro- on genome data from Mycoplasma. He argued that “every ex­
teins bump one another of the double helix. I suspected that, periment that can be carried out in the lab can also be carried
even with the diligent help of collaborators and graduate stu- out on the computer. The extent to which these [experimental
dents, the project would take years—but I also had a hunch and simulation results] match measures the completeness of the
that, at the end, it would work. There was no way to know for paradigm of molecular biology”—our working theory of how the
sure, except to try. DNA and other biomolecules in the cell interact to yield life as
we know it. As we put the puzzle together, in other words, it be­
A GRAND CHALLENGE comes more obvious which pieces and which interactions our
as we set our sights on summiting this mountain, we took inspi­ theory is missing.
ration from the researchers who irst dreamed of modeling life. Although high­throughput sequencers and robotic lab equip­
In 1984 Harold Morowitz, then at Yale University, laid out the ment have greatly accelerated the search for the missing pieces,
general route. He observed at the time that the simplest bacteria the loods of DNA sequences and gene activity patterns that
that biologists had been able to culture, the mycoplasmas, were a they generate do not come with explanations for how the parts
logical place to start. In addition to being very small and relative­ all it together. The pioneering geneticist Sydney Brenner has
ly simple, two species of Mycoplasma cause disease in humans: called such work “low­input, high­throughput, no­output” biol­
the sexually transmitted, parasitic germ M. genitalium, which ogy because too often the experiments are not driven by hy­
thrives in the vaginal and urinary tracts, and M. pneumoniae, potheses and yield disappointingly few insights about the larg­
which can cause walking pneumonia. A model of either species er systems that make life function—or malfunction.
could be quite medically useful, as well as a source of insight into This situation partly explains why, despite headlines regu­
basic biology. larly proclaiming the discovery of new genes associated with
The irst step, Morowitz proposed, should be to sequence cancer, obesity or diabetes, cures for these diseases remain frus­
the genome of the selected microbe. J. Craig Venter and his col­ tratingly elusive. It appears that cures will come only when we
leagues at The Institute for Genome Research (TIGR) complet­ untangle the dozens or even hundreds of factors that interact,
ed that task for M. genitalium in 1995; it has just 525 genes. sometimes in unintuitive ways, to cause these illnesses.
(Human cells, in contrast, have more than 20,000.) The pioneers of cell modeling understood that simulations of
I was a graduate student in San Diego when, four years lat­ whole cells that included all cellular components and their webs
er, the TIGR team concluded that only 400 or so of those genes of interactions would be powerful tools for making sense of such
are essential to sustain life (as long as the microbes are grown jumbled, piecemeal data. By its nature, a whole­cell simulator
in a rich culture medium). Venter and his co­workers went on would distill a comprehensive set of hypotheses about what is
to found Celera and race the federal government to sequence going on inside a cell into rigorous, mathematical algorithms.

January 2014, 37

© 2013 Scientific American
The cartoonlike sketches one often sees in journal articles show- studies had done—could give us that constraint we needed.
ing that factor X regulates gene Y ... somehow ... are not nearly Consider growth and reproduction. A large population of cells
precise enough for software. Programmers express these pro- grows incrementally; the birth or death of an individual cell
cesses as equations—one of the simpler examples is Y = aX + b— does not change things much. But for a single cell, division is a
even if they have to make educated guesses as to the values of very dramatic event. Before it splits in two, the organism has to
variables such as a and b. This demand for precision ultimately double its mass—and not just its overall mass. The amounts of
reveals which laboratory experiments must be done to ill holes DNA, cell membrane and every kind of protein needed for sur­
in knowledge of reaction rates and oth-
er quantities.
At the same time, it was clear that
once models had been veriied as accu-
rate, they would take the place of some As I flipped through the
experiments, saving the costly “wet”
work for questions not answerable by
simulations alone. And simulated exper-
plots and visualizations,
iments that generated surprising results
would help investigators to prioritize
my heart began to
their research and increase the pace of
scientiic discovery. In fact, models of-
race. The model was
fered such tempting tools for untangling
cause and efect that, in 2001, Masaru
up and running. What
Tomita of Keio University in Japan called
whole-cell simulation “a grand challenge would it teach us?
of the 21st century.”
When still a graduate student, I was
impressed by the early results of the leading cell modelers of vival must each double. If the scope of the model is constrained
the time [see box on opposite page], and I became obsessed to a single cell, the computer can actually count and track every
with this grand challenge. Even as I set up my own lab and fo- molecule during the entire life cycle. It can check whether all
cused on developing techniques for imaging single cells, the the numbers balance as one cell becomes two.
challenge remained in my thoughts. And then, on that Febru- Moreover, a single cell reproduces at essentially a set pace.
ary bicycle ride home, I saw a way to meet it. M. genitalium, for example, typically divides every nine to 10
hours in a normal lab environment. It rarely takes fewer than
TWO CRUCIAL INSIGHTS six hours or more than 15. The requirement that the cell must
it was clear that before we could simulate the life cycle of a mi­ duplicate all of its contents on this strict schedule would allow
crobial species accurately enough to mimic its complex behav­ us to choose plausible ranges for many variables that would
iors and make new discoveries in biology, we would have to otherwise have been indeterminate, such as those that control
solve three problems. First, we needed to encode all the func­ when replication of the DNA begins.
tions that matter—from the low of energy, nutrients and reac­ I put together a team of physicists, biologists, modelers and
tion products through the cell (that is, its metabolism), to the even a former Google software engineer, and we discussed what
synthesis and decay of DNA, RNA and protein, to the activity of mathematical approaches to use. Michael Shuler, a biomedical
myriad enzymes—into mathematical formulas and software engineer at Cornell University who was a pioneer in cell simula­
algorithms. Second, we had to come up with an overarching tion, had built impressive models from ordinary diferential
framework to integrate all these functions. The inal problem equations. Bernhard Palsson, under whom I studied in San Diego,
was in many ways the hardest: to set upper and lower limits for had developed a powerful technique, called lux­balance analy­
each of the 1,700­odd parameters in the model so that they took sis, that worked well for modeling metabolism. But others had
on values that were biologically accurate—or at least in the shown that random chance is an important element in gene
right ballpark. transcription, and cell division obviously involves a change in
I understood that no matter how exhaustively we scrutinized the geometry of the cell membrane; those other methods would
the literature about M. genitalium and its close relations for not address these aspects. Even as a grad student, I had realized
those parameters (Karr, Sanghvi and I eventually spent two that no one technique could model all the functions of a cell;
years culling data from some 900 papers), we would have to indeed, my dissertation had demonstrated a way to link two dis­
make do in some cases by making educated guesses or by using tinct mathematical approaches into a single simulator.
results from experiments on very diferent kinds of bacteria, We decided, therefore, to create the whole­cell model as a
such as Escherichia coli, to obtain certain numbers, such as how collection of 28 distinct modules, each of which uses the algo­
long RNA transcripts hang around in the cell, on average, before rithm that best suits the biological process and the degree of
enzymes rip them apart to recycle their pieces. Without a way to knowledge we have about it [see box on page 40]. This strategy
constrain and check those guesses, we had no hope of success. led to a patchwork collection of mathematical procedures, how­
In that aha! moment in 2008, I had realized that modeling a ever. We needed to sew them all together somehow into one
single cell—rather than a bunch of cells, as almost all previous cohesive whole.

38 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American

Milestones in
Modeling Cells
The long path to the author’s irst work-
ing model of a single cell of a simple
bacterium, Mycoplasma genitalium, was
informed by the theoretical, genetic
and modeling eforts of other re-
searchers. Designing a computer mod-
el of a human cell is sure to be harder
still, given the far greater complexity of
mammalian cells. Human cells, for ex-
ample, contain nearly 40 times as many
genes, and those genes are packed into
sets of chromosomes that are far more
intricate in their physical structure and
in the patterns of information they con-
tain. Some critical intermediate steps
that need to be accomplished are listed
at the bottom right.

Francis Crick and Sydney Brenner
formulate and propose “Project K:
‘The Complete Solution of E. oli,’”
an efort to igure out the “design”
of this common gut bacterium,
including ine details of its genetics,
energy processing and reproduction.
SINGLE-CELLED BACTERIUM Mycoplasma genitalium ( purple bodies)
1984 is about as simple as life gets. Yet modeling its life cycle was no easy task.
Harold Morowitz, then at Yale Univer-
sity, outlines a plan to sequence and
then model a Myoplasma bacterium.
1999 Heliobater pylori, a bacterium that 2012
1984 Masaru Tomita and his teammates infects humans and can cause stomach Covert and his co-workers publish
A team led by Michael Shuler of Cornell at Keio University in Japan construct ulcers and stomach cancer. a whole-cell model of M. genitalium
University presents a computer model E-Cell, a cell-modeling system that, for the irst time, simulates
that uses diferential equations to based on diferential equations that 2004 all the genes and known bio-
capture most of the major biological includes 127 genes, most of them Palsson and Covert, along with three chemical processes in a self-
processes involved in the growth from M. genitalium. others, publish a computational model reproducing organism.
of a single cell of Esherihia oli. of all 1,010 genes involved in regulating
The model was not able to include 2002 the metabolism and DNA transcription 2013
gene-level activity, because the E. oli The Alliance for Cellular Signaling, of E. oli and show that the model Covert and his colleagues show
genome had not yet been sequenced. a large collaboration of about accurately predicts the results of lab that the model accurately predicts
50 researchers, launches an ambitious experiments on real bacteria. the activity of several enzymes.
1989–1990 10-year, $10-million efort to model
Bernhard Palsson of the University mouse B cells of the immune system
of Michigan releases a comprehensive and heart muscle cells. The project WHAT’S NEXT • Build a model of an animal cell that
model of the metabolism of the generates some exciting data sets • Complete a whole-cell model for can be easily cultured, such as a
human red blood cell that includes but encounters diiculties a more typical, better-studied macrophage (a kind of immune cell)
the efects of pH variation and low manipulating B cells in culture. bacterium, such as E. oli. from a mouse.
blood glucose. • Model a single-celled eukaryote, • Construct a irst-draft model of
2002 such as the yeast Saharomyes a human cell—again, probably
1995 Palsson, George Church of Harvard erevisiae. In a eukaryote, the DNA a macrophage.
J. Craig Venter of TIGR and his University and Covert, along with is packaged inside a membrane- • Model other kinds of human cells,

colleagues complete the genome several others, complete a genome- bound nucleus, not free-loating especially those that play the most
sequence of M. genitalium. scale model of the metabolism of as it is in a bacterium. important roles in common diseases.

January 2014, 39

© 2013 Scientific American

The Simulator at Work

The author’s computer model of the infectious bacterium Mycoplas- sequence to simulate one second of real time. Many input values
ma genitalium represents almost every aspect of the life, growth and are drawn from a large table of variables representing their initial
replication of this microbe. No single mathematical approach can states, and some values are selected from ranges or probability
simulate every biological function in the cell, so these functions are functions. Researchers can simulate diferent scenarios by altering
divided among 28 distinct modules (labeled in cell below), which are the starting coniguration.
involved in the processing of DNA (purple), RNA (light blue), pro- After the irst time step, the program updates the state table
teins (dark blue), and energy, nutrients and waste (pink). For each to relect the outputs of all the modules. The sequence then runs
module, the researchers selected whichever mathematical method again for another one-second time step, updates the cell-state
worked best—several examples are highlighted below. table, and so on. The loop continues until the cell divides success-
The program begins with all modules running in a random fully, dies or becomes unrealistically old.

Metabolism of energy, nutrients and waste is modeled by using Decay and recycling of RNA and protein are modeled by using
lux-balance analysis, which exploits linear programming techniques Poisson processes, which make use of a random-number generator
to calculate the reaction rates that produce optimal growth, energy and probability functions to decide whether a particular piece of RNA
production or some other characteristic the modeler chooses. This or protein decays or survives to the next time step.
method assumes that the reactions occur rapidly enough to achieve
a steady state within the one-second time step of the simulation.
To prevent the irst modules in the sequence from using up substances
needed by other modules, the simulator estimates each module’s fair Protein
processing Assembly of the
share of such resources and allocates them accordingly. host-attachment
Translation Protein
of RNA into sorting and
proteins distribution

Assembly of the protein- Protein

making ribosomes folding
Input from the Transfer RNA Protein
environment RNA linking to modiication Host
decay amino acids interaction

RNA modiication

RNA decay
DNA complex
Transcription formation
repair regulation Reactants and products of metabolism
FtsZ polymer
DNA formation DNA in the chromosomes
supercoiling Protein
activation RNA copies of DNA segments
DNA Chromosome Division of the
damage condensation cell contents Enzymes and other proteins

Transcription External nutrients

Formation of the dividing ring is simulated by a hybrid model of two

Chromosome parts. The ring, made of FtsZ polymers, grows into a wall that cleaves
segregation the cell membrane in two during replication. In the irst part of the
model, a set of diferential equations estimates the growth of the FtsZ
ring by polymerization. In the second part, a geometric model of
Replication replication ilament bending simulates the ring, gradually pinching the ellipsoidal
initiation cell near its midpoint until the organism splits into two daughter cells.

Gene transcription and translation—the steps that make many

of the proteins needed for cell growth and duplication—are simulated
by multipart algorithms that include Markov models (which track
over time the states of the enzymes that copy genes from DNA into
RNA), probabilistic binding of these enzymes to the DNA, and linear
programming to allocate energy and other resources.

DNA damage and repair are also modeled in this nondeterministic way.

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE See examples of the simulator’s output at Illustration by AXS Biomedical Animation Studio

© 2013 Scientific American

I thought back to an undergraduate course I had taken on od is actually an emergent property that arises from the com­
chemical plant design. For the inal class project, we used a power- plex interplay between two distinct phases of replication, each
ful simulator package called HYSYS to sketch out a large reinery. of which independently varies wildly in duration. And the sec­
HYSYS let us design each principal reaction to occur in a separate ond­by­second records of the cell’s behavior have allowed us to
vessel. Pipes then connected the output of one vessel to the inputs explain why it is that the cell stops dividing immediately when
of others. This framework connected many diferent kinds of certain genes are disabled but reproduces another 10 times be­
chemical operations into an orderly, predictable system. fore dying when other essential genes are turned of. Those ad­
It occurred to me that this approach, with some modiica- ditional rounds of division can happen whenever the cell stock­
tion, might work for our cell simulator if I was willing to make piles more copies of the protein made from the gene than it
an important, simplifying assumption: that even though all needs in one lifetime—the extra is passed on to its descendants,
these biological processes occur simultaneously in a living cell, which perish only when the store at last runs out. These initial
their actions are efectively independent over periods of less results are exciting, but we may need years to understand ev­
than a second. If that assumption was sound, we could divide erything that these simulations are telling us about how these
the life of the cell into one-second ticks of the clock and run microbes, and cells in general, function.
each of the 28 modules, in order, for one tick before updating Our work with M. genitalium is only the irst of many steps
the pool of cell variables. The model would capture all the in- on the way to modeling human cells or tissues at the level of
terconnectedness of biochemistry—the reliance of gene tran- genes and molecules. The model that we have today is far from
scription and DNA synthesis on the energy and nucleotides perfect, and mycoplasmas are about as simple as self­sustain­
produced by metabolism, for example—but only on timescales ing life­forms get. We have made all our simulations, source
greater than one second. code, knowledge base, visualization code and experimental
We had no theoretical proof that this would work. It was a data freely available online, and we and other investigators are
leap of faith. already working to improve the simulator and extend it to a
While constructing our virtual cell, we put in software sen- variety of organisms, such as E. coli and the yeast Saccharomy-
sors to measure what was going on inside. Every run of the sim- ces cerevisiae, both of which are ubiquitous in academic and
ulator, covering the entire life cycle of a single cell, churned out industrial labs.
500 megabytes of data. The numerical output lowed into a In these species, the regulation of genes is much more com­
kind of instrument panel—a collection of dozens of charts and plex, and the location within the cell at which events occur
visualizations that, when printed, completely illed a binder. is far more important. When those issues have been addressed,
The results were frustrating at irst. For months, as we de- I anticipate that the next target will be a mouse or human cell:
bugged the code, reined the math, and added more and better most likely a cell, such as a macrophage (an attack cell in
lab-derived constraints for the parameters, the cell refused to the immune system), that can be readily cultured and em­
divide or behaved erratically. For a while it produced huge ployed as a source of measurements to both tune and validate
amounts of the amino acid alanine and very little else. the model.
Then, one day, our cybernetic germ reached the end of its cell I cannot guess how far we are today from such technology.
cycle and divided successfully. Even more exciting, the doubling Compared with bacteria, human cells have many more com­
time was around nine hours, just like that of living M. genitali- partments and exhibit far greater genetic control, much of
um. Many other readings were still way of, but we felt then that which remains mysterious. Moreover, as team players within
success was within reach. multicellular tissues, human cells interact more intimately
Months later I was at a two-day conference in Bethesda, Md., with other cell types than bacteria do.
when I was called to the hotel’s front desk between sessions. On February 13, 2008, I would have said that we were at
“Dr. Covert? This package came for you.” least a decade away from the goal of modeling the simplest cell,
Back in my room, I peeled open the box and pulled out a and I would not have even considered attempting to model
binder. As I spent the next hours lipping through hundreds of anything more complex. Now we can at least conceive of trying
pages of plots and complex visualizations, my heart began to to simulate a human cell—if only to see how the software fails,
race. The great majority of the data looked just like one would which will illuminate the many things we still need to learn
expect from an actual growing cell. And the remainder was in- about our own cells. Even that would be a pretty big step.
triguing—unexpected but biologically plausible. That is when I
knew we had reached the summit of that mountain that loomed
so large years ago. The irst computer model of an entire living
organism was up and running. What would it teach us? The Dawn of Virtual Cell Biology. Peter L. Freddolino and Saeed Tavazoie in Cell
Vol. 150, No. 2, pages 248–250; July 20, 2012.
A Whole-Cell Computational Model Predicts Phenotype from Genotype.
A WINDOW INTO THE LIFE OF A CELL Jonathan R. Karr et al. in Cell Vol. 150, No. 2, pages 389–401; July 20, 2012.
after about a year of applying our new tool, we still see fasci­ Bridging the Layers: Toward Integration of Signal Transduction, Regulation
nating things every time we peer inside the workings of the vir­ and Metabolism into Mathematical Models. Emanuel Gonçalves et al. in
tual microorganism as it handles the millions of details in­ Molecular Biosystems Vol. 9, No. 7, pages 1576–1583; July 2013.
volved in living and reproducing. We found, to our surprise, FROM OUR ARCHIVES
that proteins knock one another of the DNA shockingly often—
Cybernetic Cells. W. Wayt Gibbs; August 2001.
about 30,000 times during every nine­hour life cycle. We also
discovered that the microbe’s remarkably stable doubling peri­

January 2014, 41

© 2013 Scientific American


The great hope for a quick and sweeping

42 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American

transition to renewable energy is wishful thinking By Vaclav Smil

© 2013 Scientific American

Vaclav Smil is a distinguished professor
emeritus at the University of Manitoba and
author of more than 30 books on many
aspects of energy and the environment.

That is what well-known advocate Amory Lovins envisaged
in 1976. He claimed that by the year 2000, 33 percent of
America’s energy would come from many small, decentral-
ized renewable sources. Decades later, in July 2008, envi-
ronmentalist Al Gore claimed that completely repowering opment, new renewables such as wind
and solar and modern biofuels such as
the country’s electricity supply in a single decade would be corn ethanol have claimed only 3.35 per-
“achievable, afordable and transformative.” And in Novem- cent of the country’s energy supply.
ber 2009 Mark Jacobson and Mark Delucchi published “A The slow pace of this energy transition
is not surprising. In fact, it is expected. In
Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030” in Scientiic American, the U.S. and around the world, each wide-
presenting a plan for converting the global energy supply spread transition from one dominant fuel
entirely to renewables in just two decades. to another has taken 50 to 60 years. First
came a change from wood to coal. Then

PRECEDING PAGES: OLI KELLETT Getty Images solar anels); MARTIN SOEBY Gallery Stock turbine)
from coal to oil. The U.S. is going through
Yet from 1990 to 2012 the world’s energy from fossil fuels a third major energy transition right now, from coal and oil to
barely changed, down from 88 to 87 percent. In 2011 renewa- natural gas. Between 2001 to 2012 America’s coal consumption
bles generated less than 10 percent of the U.S. energy supply, fell by 20 percent, and crude oil was down by 7 percent; at the
and most of that came from “old” renewables, such as hydro- same time, the consumption of natural gas rose by 14 percent.
electric plants and burning wood waste from lumbering op- Yet even though natural gas is abundant, clean and afordable,
erations. After more than 20 years of highly subsidized devel- it will be another decade or two before gas use overwhelms


The major global energy transitions—from wood to countries, “old” renewables such as hydroelectricity the rise of renewables. These include funding re-
coal to oil—have each taken 50 to 60 years. The cur- are maxed out, so growth will have to come from new search into many technologies, ending unneeded
rent move to natural gas will also take a long time. renewables such as wind, solar and biofuels, which subsidies, making sure prices relect the environmen-
There is no reason to believe that a change to renew- provided only 3.35 percent of the U.S. supply in 2011. tal and health costs imposed by energy sources, and
able energy sources will be exceptionally fast. In rich But, the author argues, certain policies could hasten improving energy eiciency worldwide.

44 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American

Many Years Needed to Take Over the Energy World

Each major energy source that has dominated world supply 5 percent. Oil has not yet reached 50 percent and may never.
has taken 50 to 60 years to rise to the top spot. Coal reached Natural gas is still partway along the path and is taking longer
5 percent of global supply in 1840 (bottom left) and gradually to ascend. The so-called modern renewable energy sources—
took over from wood, reaching 50 percent some 60 years wind, solar, geothermal and liquid biofuels—have hit only
later, around 1900. Subsequent transitions to oil and natural about 3.4 percent; unless a disruptive technology or revolu-
gas have followed a similar pattern in reaching benchmark tionary policy speeds up change, they, too, may be destined
levels of supply (vertical axis), rising steadily after they achieve for a long transition.

Coal Oil Natural Gas Modern Renewables


Share of World Energy Supply percent)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

1840 1915 1930 2012

Years after Energy Source Begins Supplying 5% of Global Demand

coal consumption, which still generates more than a third of belong to renewable energy. The irst two impressions are
U.S. electricity. wrong; the last one remains questionable.
Renewables are not taking of any faster than the other new Even with the rise of industrial machines, the 19th century
fuels once did, and there is no technical or inancial reason to was not run on coal. It ran on wood, charcoal and crop residues

believe they will rise any quicker, in part because energy demand (mostly cereal straw), which provided 85 percent of all energy
is soaring globally, making it hard for natural gas, much less worldwide—roughly 2.4 yottajoules (YJ, 1 × 1024 joules). Coal
renewables, to just keep up. began to supply more than 5 percent of all fuel energy around
Change can take place faster in some countries, but the global 1840 but by 1900 still supplied only about half of demand. The
move to renewables will proceed slowly, particularly as the cur- rise from 5 to 50 percent took 50 to 60 years. Fairly good U.S.
rent shift to natural gas plays out. Of course, it is always possible statistics point to 1885 as the year when energy supplied by fos­
that a disruptive technology or a revolutionary policy could sil fuels (mostly coal, some crude oil and a very small volume of
speed up change. But energy transitions take a long time. natural gas) had surpassed energy provided by wood and char­
coal. The tipping point occurred in 1875 in France and 1901 in
FROM WOOD TO COAL TO OIL Japan but not until 1930 in the U.S.S.R., 1965 in China and the
Today ’s greaT hope for a quick and sweeping transition to late 1970s in India.
renewable energy is fueled mostly by wishful thinking and a Likewise, in the 20th century the biggest energy source was
misunderstanding of recent history. Most people think that the not oil but indeed coal. Bituminous coals and lignites reached
world’s energy consumption during the 19th century—the era of the highest share of global fuel consumption, at about 55 per­
rapid industrialization—was dominated by coal, that the 20th cent, during the 1910s. But crude oil, already in use then, did not
century was the era of oil and that our current century will surpass coal until 1964.

Graphic by Jen Christiansen January 2014, 45

© 2013 Scientific American
And yet because coal’s declining relative importance was fuels at 2.0 percent, wind 1.19 percent and solar 0.16 percent.
accompanied by a steady increase in global energy demand, in The total of 3.35 percent for the new renewables is an im­
raw terms coal—not crude oil—ended up as the 20th century’s portant number. Virtually all future growth in the U.S. renew­
most important fuel: coal contributed roughly 5.3 YJ of energy, able energy supply will have to come from these sources be­
compared with 4 YJ for oil. Only two major economies have cause the old ones, especially hydro, have very limited potential
accomplished the third fossil-fuel transition; natural gas sur- to grow further.
passed crude oil consumption in the U.S.S.R. in 1984 and in the A transition to renewable energy is particularly challenging
U.K. in 1999. for several reasons. The irst is scale. In 2012 the global use of
One way I have demonstrated that transitions are gradual fossil energies was about 450 exajoules (1 × 1018 joules), 20
and prolonged is by plotting the rate of an energy source’s as- times greater than during the 1890s, when coal was overtaking
cendance. I begin to count a fuel when it has reached 5 percent wood. Simply generating this much energy with any new
of the total supply and then see when it reaches a measure source is daunting, and a signiicant share of it will have to
of dominance. come from the U.S., which now consumes close to a ifth of the
The three successive changeovers have intriguing similarities world’s total.
[see box on preceding page]. Coal (replacing wood) reached 5 per- Another factor is the intermittent nature of wind and solar
cent of the global market around 1840, 10 percent by 1855, 15 per- energy. Modern societies need a reliable, uninterrupted supply
cent by 1865, 20 percent by 1870, 25 percent by 1875, 33 percent by of electricity, with an increasing share demanded at night to
1885, 40 percent by 1895 and 50 percent by
1900. The sequence of years needed to
reach these milestones was 15-25-30-35-
45-55-60. The intervals for oil replacing
coal, which began at the 5 percent level in
1915, were virtually identical.
The most important way
Natural gas reached 5 percent of the
global fuel market by about 1930. It has
to speed up the gradual
reached 10, 15, 20 and 25 percent of sup-
ply over a sequence of 20-30-40-55 years
transition to renewables is
and is now on its way to reaching 33 per-
cent of the total. If we compare the num-
to lower overall energy use
ber sequences, we see that natural gas
has taken signiicantly longer to reach 25
through eiciency gains. The
percent of the overall market, roughly 55 faster global demand rises,
the more diicult it is to
years compared with 35 years for coal
and 40 years for oil.

supply a large fraction of it.

A mere three sequences do not dictate
the tempo of future global energy transi-
tions. And a real breakthrough in safe
and inexpensive nuclear power or a truly
cheap way to eiciently store massive
amounts of energy generated by wind
and solar could hasten another change. But the similar pacing power air conditioning and the electronic infrastructures of
of three global transitions over two centuries is remarkable, megacities, ranging from subways to Internet servers. Coal and
particularly because the fuels required very diferent produc- nuclear plants provide the “base load” of power in the U.S.—the
tion techniques, distribution channels and machinery to con- share of electricity that is produced steadily around the clock.
vert them into usable power—whether diesel engines for trains Hydroelectric and natural gas–ired plants, which can be
or furnaces for homes. Worldwide the enormous investment switched on and of quickly, typically supply the added power
and infrastructure needed for any new energy source to capture needed to meet the short but high peaks in demand that arise
a large share of the market require two to three generations: 50 well above base load during certain hours.
to 75 years. Wind and solar can contribute to the base load, but they
alone cannot supply all of it, because the wind does not always
A CHALLENGING SWITCH TO RENEWABLES blow, the sun is down at night and that supply cannot be pre­
Thus far renewable energy technologies are on the same slow dicted reliably. In countries such as Germany, where renew­
course. In 2011 renewables generated 9.39 percent of the U.S.’s ables have already grown substantially, wind and solar may
energy: 9.135 quadrillion BTU of the total 97.301 quadrillion supply anywhere from a negligible amount to roughly half of
BTU consumed (equivalent to about 103 quintillion joules). Tra­ all demand during certain sunny and windy hours. These large
ditional renewables supplied 6.01 percent: hydroelectric plants luctuations require backup from other power plants, typically
3.25 percent, wood (mostly waste from lumbering operations) coal­ or gas­ired, or increased electricity imports. In Germany,
2.04 percent, with the small remainder from biomass and all this variability can cause serious disruptions in electricity
geothermal. “New” renewables were still negligible: liquid bio­ low for some neighboring countries.

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE Will the world run out of oil? See a video at
© 2013 Scientific American
If electric utilities had an inexpensive way to store massive regret choices rather than hasty, poorly conceived commitments.
amounts of excess power generated by wind and solar when de- One way to do this is to avoid picking energy winners. Gov­
mand is low, which could later be tapped to meet peak demand, ernments cannot foresee which promising research and de­
then the new renewables would expand much more quickly. velopment activities will make it irst to the free market, and
Unfortunately, decades of development have provided only one hence they should not keep picking apparent winners only to
good, large-scale solution: pumping water up to an elevated abandon them soon for the next fashionable option (remember
reservoir so it can low back through a turbine to generate elec- fast breeder reactors or fuel­cell cars running on hydrogen?).
tricity. Not many localities have the elevation change or space Spending on a variety of research activities is the best strategy:
to make this work, and the process entails net energy loss. Who would have guessed in 1980 that during the next three
The alternative solution is to build an extensive array of decades the best return on federal investment in energy in­
wind and solar plants across a large region—on the scale of a novation would come not from work on nuclear reactors or
major nation or half of a continent—and connect them with photovoltaic cells but from work on horizontal drilling and
transmission lines, maximizing the chance that a subset of the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) of shale deposits?
plants will always be providing power to the grid. Better and Governments also should not ofer large subsidies or loan
longer transmission lines are technically possible, but they are guarantees to companies that are jumping onto the latest en­
expensive to build and often face stif local opposition: not sur- ergy bandwagon, exempliied by Solyndra, a manufacturer of
prisingly, the approval of new lines in both the U.S. and Germa- photovoltaic solar systems, which received $535 million from
ny is proceeding at a slow pace. the U.S. government before promptly going bankrupt. Sub­
Ultimately mass adoption of renewable energy would re- sidies can accelerate the advance of nascent energy conver­
quire a fundamental reshaping of our modern energy infra- sions, but they should be guided by realistic appraisals, and
structure. For electricity, it would entail a shift from a relatively they require steady commitment, not litting from one exagger­
small number of very large thermal or hydropower plants to a ated “solution” to another.
much greater number of small, distributed wind and solar sys- At the same time, prices of all forms of energy should relect,
tems. For liquid fuels, it would require moving from extraction as much as possible, the real costs, which include both the im­
of high-power-density oil to production of lower-power-density mediate and the long­term environmental and health impacts
biofuels. In many ways, a transition to renewables is more de- of creating that energy. The impacts range from greenhouse
manding than the prior shifts from coal to oil and then to natu- gases and black carbon from burning fossil fuels, to soil ero­
ral gas. sion, nitrogen runof and water depletion caused by growing
The inal factor leading to a prolonged shift is the size and corn for ethanol, to the cost of a high­voltage supergrid to link
cost of existing infrastructure. Even if we were given free re- far­lung wind and solar farms. This reality check can reveal
newable energy, it would be economically unthinkable for na- long­term advantages of energy sources.
tions, corporations or municipalities to abandon the enormous The most important way to speed up the gradual transition
investments they have made in the fossil-fuel system, from coal to renewables is to lower overall energy use. The faster demand
mines, oil wells, gas pipelines and reineries to millions of local rises, the harder it is to supply a large fraction of it. Recent
illing stations—infrastructure that is worth at least $20 trillion studies have shown that there are no insurmountable technical
across the world. According to my calculations, China alone problems to reducing energy use by a third, both in the aluent
spent half a trillion dollars to add almost 300 gigawatts of new world and in rapidly modernizing countries, notably through
coal-ired generating capacity between 2001 and 2010—more eiciency gains. As we reduce demand, we can retire the old
than the fossil-fuel generating capacity in Germany, France, the fossil sources. People and politicians in wealthy nations must
U.K., Italy and Spain combined—and it expects those plants to also accept the fact that during the past half a century the price
operate for at least 30 years. No country will walk away from of energy, though rising, has been extraordinarily low in histor­
such investments. ic terms. Rich countries should pay more to properly account
for energy’s environmental and health consequences.
WHAT TO DO? Energy transitions on a national or global scale are inher­
LeT me be cLear. There are many environmental reasons to ently protracted afairs. The unfolding shift from fossil fuels to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels, even beyond the quest for renewable energy sources will be no exception. It will require
reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Burning fossil fuels emits generations of perseverance.
sulfur and nitrogen oxides that lead to acid rain and photo­
chemical smog, black carbon that adds to global warming, and M O R E TO E X P L O R E
heavy metals that harm human health. Reliance on fossil fuels
Energy Transitions: History, Requirements, Prospects. Vaclav Smil. Praeger, 2010.
also causes water pollution and ruins land. A switch to nonfos­
Monthly Energy Review. U.S. Energy Information Administration.
sil energy is environmentally desirable, although some of the The Future of Energy: Earth, Wind and Fire. Scientiic American e-book available at
alternatives also have signiicant environmental impacts.
How to get there as efectively as possible is the real question.
Knowing that the transition will take many decades makes a num­
ber of policy choices clear. Energy and environmental policies in A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030. Mark Jacobson and Mark Delucchi;
November 2009.
the U.S. and the world have been dismal. Instead of short­term
Gather the Wind. Davide Castelvecchi; March 2012.
fads promoted by wishful thinking, we need long­term policies
based on realistic expectations, and we should be making no­

January 2014, 47

© 2013 Scientific American

Microscopes transform the way we see
and understand the creatures on our planet

By Ferris Jabr

N THE 1800S ENGLISH POET WILLIAM BLAKE famously challenged his
readers to “see a world in a grain of sand.” If only he had owned a modern micro-
scope. Thanks to increasingly powerful optical tools, we now know that beneath
the skin of every leaf, inside each speck of dirt, and within our own blood and
bones is a cosmos of visual delights that usually remains unseen. Stunning pic-
tures of the planet’s smallest critters—and of the tiniest features of larger organ-
isms—have inspired some of the greatest shifts in how we think about life on earth.
In the following pages, we present a selection of images that earned scientists,
professional photographers and hobbyists awards and honors in the 2013 Olympus
BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition. The photographs will plunge
you inside the unique underwater snare of a lesh-eating plant, open a window onto
a bat forming in utero, reveal tiny faces hidden in a palm tree’s stem and uncover sur-
prising details of a dinosaur bone that has turned into shimmering crystal.

48 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American
b l a d d e rwo rt t r a p

When triggered, the saclike

traps of the bladderwort,
more or less the aquatic
equivalent of the Venus ly-
trap, suck up minute prey
such as water leas. Igor
Siwanowicz of Janelia Farm
Research Campus in Ash-
burn, Va., collected this
730-micron-wide trap from
a local pond and magniied
it with a laser scanning micro-
scope. Cell walls, covered
with luorescent dyes, glow
green and blue, and chloro-
plasts blush red. Single-
celled algae called desmids
loat inside the pouch. This
image earned the competi-
tion’s top prize.

© 2013 Scientific American

lu n g c e lls

In lieu of harvesting versatile stem

cells from human embryos, some
researchers revert adult cells to an
immature state in which they can
become many diferent kinds of tissue.
Human lung cells, each about 130
microns long, are undergoing such a
transformation in this image by Ankur
Singh of Cornell University. Antibodies
hitched to luorescent proteins make
vinculin—a protein that helps cells
attach to surfaces—glow green and
cause actin ibers, which give a cell its
shape, to appear violet. Nuclei are blue.

pa lm t r e e

Slice up the stem of a Syagrus comosa

palm, look at it under a microscope, and
it just might look back at you. David
Maitland of Norfolk, England, photo-
graphed this archived cross section,
which was probably prepared and dyed
red in the early 1900s. The plant’s vas-
cular bundles, which carry luids, sugar
and nutrients up and down the trunk,
bear an uncanny resemblance to Day
of the Dead masks. The “eyeholes” are
tubes of xylem that transport water.
Each face measures about 620 microns
from crown to chin.

d i n os au r bo n e

Douglas Moore placed a 150-million-

year-old slab of dinosaur bone roughly
the size of your palm under a stereo-
microscope to get a closer look at its
once spongy scafolding white), which
is magniied 32 times. The red bubbles
he documented in the process may
look like blood, but they are in fact iron
oxides mixed with a crystalline form of
silica known as agate—the same stuf
that often makes geodes and petriied
wood so colorful. Through a chemical
process that has mystiied geologists
for centuries, silica reacted with bone
to “agatize” the entire specimen.

50 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American
bat e m b ryo

This black mastif bat Molossus rufus) embryo, as small as currently at the University of Oxford. She took the
a pencil eraser, was preserved with a mixture of salts and photograph while investigating how the same set
acids in its “peekaboo stage.” As the creature matures in of forelimb bones shared by all vertebrates forms the
the womb, it wraps its rather cumbersome wings across framework for a lexible and leathery wing as opposed
its face, explains developmental biologist Dorit Hockman, to, say, a mouse’s petite paw.

January 2014, 51

© 2013 Scientific American
m ous e n eu ro n s

Surgeons sometimes implant

electrodes in the brains of people
with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease
to modify the electrical activity of
neurons. Whether such electrodes
inadvertently harm surrounding
neurons remains unclear. Mouse
brain cells grow on a section of a
13-millimeter-wide platinum electrode
in this close-up by Andrew Woolley
and Aaron Gilmour of the University
of New South Wales in Australia. A
healthy abundance of neural branches
orange) and conductive sheathing
around the cells’ wiring blue) indi-
cates the cells are surviving well.

52 Scientiic To see a slide
ONLINE January
American, 2014 show of additional images, go to Photograph by Tktk Tktk

© 2013 Scientific American

l i ly bu d

Spike Walker of Penkridge, England,

photographed an old microscope
slide containing this cross section of
a lily bud, which is as wide as a inger;
he thinks the plant was stained with
the red dye safranine. Like all lowering
plants known as monocotyledons,
the lily’s parts come in threes. The
lower’s carpels, which produce
seeds, are in the center encircled
by pollen-laden anthers, which are
in turn surrounded by three petals
and three large, protective sepals.

rot i f e rs

Six microscopic swimming animals

called rotifers, the largest of which
is 205 microns wide top left corner),
surround a photosynthetic desmid.
Siwanowicz covered the chitin in the
critters’ armorlike exoskeletons with
a luorescent dye that glows blue
under a laser scanning microscope.
A red luorescent dye coats the
creatures’ cilia—short, hairlike
structures that help them eat and
swim. When struck by certain wave-
lengths of light, the desmid’s chloro-
phyll glows red as well.

Ferris Jabr is an associate editor at

Scientiic American.
For more information about the Olympus BioScapes competition,

Dazzling Miniatures. Gary Stix; December 2011.

Small Wonders. Kate Wong; January 2013.

January 2014, 53

© 2013 Scientific American
QUANTUM What started as a “Star Wars” idea for a 1980s-

THE era antimissile weapon is now a microscope of

X-RAY unprecedented power, able to create exotic forms
MACHINE of matter found nowhere else in the universe

By Nora Berrah and Philip H. Bucksbaum

54 Scientiic American, January 2014 Photographs by Spencer Lowell

© 2013 Scientific American

VACUUM CHAMBER (horizontal
structure studded with blue-rimmed
ports) houses specially designed mir-
rors to focus the world’s most powerful
x-ray beam to the width of a dust grain.

January 2014, 55

© 2013 Scientific American
Nora Berrah, head of the physics department at the University
of Connecticut, directs research investigations and construction
of advanced instrumentation at the LCLS x-ray laser. Berrah is
a specialist in the study of the interaction of photons with atoms,
molecules and nanosystems. She is a fellow of the American
Physical Society and the recipient of the 2014 Davisson-Germer
Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics, one of the ield’s highest honors.

Philip H. Bucksbaum is Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in

Natural Science at Stanford University and SLAC, where he directs
the PULSE Institute, which is devoted to research using ultrafast
lasers and the LCLS. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society
and a member of the National Academy of Sciences and of the

American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

What makes the process astonishing is that the laser boils

away the atoms’ electrons from the inside out. The electrons,
which surround the nucleus of the atom in onionlike orbital shells,
do not all react uniformly to the x-ray beam. The outer shells are
nearly transparent to x-rays, so the inner shell takes the brunt of
the radiation, much as cofee in a microwave oven is heated long
before the cup that holds it. The two electrons in that shell shoot
atom, molecule or speck of dust of, leaving empty space in their wake; the atom is hollow. Within
placed at the focus of the world’s a few femtoseconds (quadrillionths of a second), other electrons
get sucked in to replace the lost ones, and the cycle of core-hole
most powerful x-ray laser doesn’t formation and vacancy illing continues until no electrons are left.
stand a chance. The illuminated This process occurs for molecules as well as solid matter.
matter reaches a temperature in The resulting exotic state of matter lasts only a few femtosec-
onds. In solids, it decays into an ionized state—a plasma—called
excess of one million kelvins, as warm dense matter, which is normally found only in extreme
hot as the solar corona, in less than settings such as nuclear fusion reactions and the cores of giant
planets. The brief but extreme environment at the focus of an
a trillionth of a second. Atoms of, x-ray laser beam has no parallels on Earth.
for example, neon subjected to such The x-ray laser itself is as remarkable as the exotic phenomena
it reveals. Known as the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at
extreme radiation rapidly lose all the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, it evokes memories of
10 of their electrons, and once they the 1980s-era “Star Wars” missile-defense system, whose advo-
have lost their protective cloak of cates proposed wielding x-ray lasers to shoot down ballistic mis-
siles and satellites, although this real-world x-ray laser owes much
electrons, they explode away from more to the great atom smashers developed at about the same
neighboring atoms. For physicists, time. The device repurposes one of the nation’s premier atom
smashers, the SLAC linear accelerator, operated by Stanford Uni-
the trail of destruction holds versity for the U.S. Department of Energy. This machine produced
a peculiar fascination. many of the discoveries and the Nobel Prizes that kept the U.S. at


X-ray lasers have long been a staple of science iction, powered by the world’s longest linear particle accel- Acting as a kind of strobe light, the laser has frozen
but the irst one employed for scientiic use began op- erator at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. the motion of atoms, captured high-speed images
eration at Stanford University as a Department of En- Exotic states of matter that occur nowhere else in of proteins and viruses, and recorded physical and
ergy Oice of Science facility only four years ago. the universe have been created by subjecting atoms, chemical transformations that take less than a tril-
Known as the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), it is molecules and solids to high-intensity x-ray pulses. lionth of a second.

56 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientific American
shoots down a pipe connecting
the two experimental halls of the
Linac Coherent Light Source.

January 2014, 57

© 2013 Scientific American

Anatomy of the X-ray Laser

The LCLS is the closest to a starship laser blaster that earthlings have yet sion of the electron guns inside old-style TV sets, that ires electrons at
to create. It is powered by a linear particle accelerator, a gigantic ver- near light speed. The heart of the contraption is the undulator, which


The drive laser Electric ields accelerate the Electron pulses enter a slight After a period of acceleration, Here magnets focus
generates pulses electrons to an energy of S curve, which evens out the the pulses enter a second the pulses, and
of ultraviolet light, 12 billion electron volts. The arrangement of electrons compressor, which is longer diagnostic monitors
which extract LCLS uses one kilometer, or having diferent energies. than the irst because the ensure that the
pulses of electrons one third, of the full length electrons now have even electrons are on track.
from a cathode. of the SLAC accelerator. greater energy.


Remainder of preexisting SLAC accelerator Accelerator and compressor path

the forefront of elementary particle physics for decades. Since its pinwheel spokes. One of us (Berrah) has spent a career using
recommissioning as the LCLS x-ray laser in October 2009, it has synchrotron x-rays to study the deep interior of atoms, mole-
been to atomic and plasma physics, chemistry, condensed matter cules and nanosystems. X-ray light is ideal for this purpose. Its
physics and biology what the Large Hadron Collider at CERN wavelengths are atomic-size, so atoms cast a shadow in an x-ray
near Geneva is to elementary particle physics: a way to smash the beam. In addition, x-rays can be tuned to pick out speciic kinds
building blocks of nature with tremendous amounts of energy, of atoms—say, only those of iron—and show where they sit in a
creating new forms of matter such as hollow atoms or simply solid or in a large molecule such as hemoglobin. (Iron is respon-
zooming in on the quantum realm like a powerful, high-speed sible for the red color of our blood.)
microscope. The LCLS’s x-ray pulses can be so short (a few femto- What x-rays from synchrotrons cannot do, however, is trace
seconds) that they freeze the motion of atoms, allowing physicists out atomic motion inside a molecule or a solid. All we see is a
to observe chemical reactions in progress. The pulses are also very dim blur; the pulses are not short enough or bright enough. A
bright, letting us image proteins and other biological molecules synchrotron source can image molecules only if they are arrayed
that have been very diicult to study using other x­ray sources. in crystals, where local forces hold millions of them in precise
ranks like identical soldiers at attention.
SHADOWS OF ATOMS Lasers, for their part, are far brighter because they produce
The x-ray laser fuses two of the main tools used by today’s coherent light: the electromagnetic ield in a laser is not choppy
experimental physicists: synchrotron light sources and ultrafast like the surface of a rough sea but smoothly oscillates with con-
lasers. Synchrotrons are racetrack particle accelerators. Elec- trolled regularity. Coherence means that lasers can concentrate
trons circling through them throw of x-rays, which enter instru- enormous energy into a tiny spot and can switch on and of in
ments arrayed around the circumference of the machines like as little as one femtosecond. One of us (Bucksbaum) uses ultra-

58 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustration by Don Foley

© 2013 Scientific American

causes the electrons to zigzag; whenever electrons change direction, moving nearly as fast as the x-rays they produce, the process feeds
they emit radiation—in this case, x-rays. Because the electrons are on itself and produces an unusually pure and intense beam.


A series of magnets of alternating A powerful magnet draws The x-rays do their thing: roast
polarity causes the electrons of the electrons and lets matter, image viruses (right) or
to zigzag, provoking them to the x-rays continue onward. undertake whatever other task
generate an x-ray laser beam. physicists put them to.

Bateriophage viewed using x-rays

Near Experimental Hall Far Experimental Hall

X-ray laser section (790 meters)

fast optical laser pulses as a strobe light to study the motion of spontaneously, but early in the 20th century Albert Einstein dis-
atoms and the steps in chemical reactions. covered a way to trigger the release, a process known as stimu-
Conventional lasers, however, operate at visible and near- lated emission. If you cause an atom to absorb a certain amount
visible wavelengths, more than 1,000 times longer than the of energy and hit it with a photon having the same amount of
wavelength needed to resolve individual atoms. Just as weather energy, the atom can release the originally absorbed energy—
radar can see a rainstorm but not resolve the raindrops, conven- producing a clone of the photon. The two photons (the original
tional lasers can see how collections of atoms are moving but one and its clone) go forth to trigger the release of energy from a
STEPHAN KASSEMEYER Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (bacteriohage)

cannot resolve those atoms. To cast a sharp shadow, the wave- pair of other atoms, and so on, building up a clone army in an
length of the light must be at least as small as the object under exponential chain reaction. Laser beams are the result.
observation. For that, we need an x-ray laser. Even when conditions are right, though, atoms do not always
In short, the x-ray laser overcomes the drawbacks that exist- clone photons. The probability that a given atom will emit a pho-
ing tools pose for imaging matter on the tiniest scales. Yet mak- ton when hit by another is rather small, and the atom has a great-
ing such a device is no easy task. er chance of releasing its energy spontaneously before that hap-
pens. Conventional lasers overcome this limitation by pumping in
DEATH RAYS energy to prime the atoms and by using mirrors to send the cloned
aT one Time, The idea of building an x-ray laser seemed outland- light surging back and forth, picking up new recruits. In a typical
ish, given that making any laser is challenging. Standard lasers helium-neon laser used in supermarket price scanners, a continu-
work because atoms are like miniature batteries: they can absorb, ous stream of electrons collides with atoms in the gas, and light is
store and release small amounts of energy in the form of pho- recycled 200 times by bouncing back and forth between mirrors.
tons, or particles of light. Typically they release their energy For an x-ray laser, every step of this process becomes much

January 2014, 59

© 2013 Scientific American
more diicult. An x­ray photon may contain
1,000 times more energy than an optical
photon, so each atom must absorb 1,000
times more energy. The atoms do not hold
on to their energy for long. Moreover, x­ray
mirrors are hard to come by. Although these
impediments are not fundamental, it takes
an enormous input of energy to create the
lasing conditions.
In fact, the irst x­ray laser got its energy
from an underground nuclear bomb test. It
was built for a secret project, code­named
Excalibur, carried out by Lawrence Liver­
more National Laboratory east of San Fran­
cisco. The project is still classiied, although
quite a bit of information about it has been
made public. The device was a component of
former president Ronald Reagan’s Strategic
Defense Initiative, nicknamed “Stars Wars,”
in the 1980s and was meant to act as a death
inside a vacuum
ray to shoot down missiles and satellites.
chamber can make
During the same decade, Lawrence Liver­
more also built the irst nonnuclear laborato­ the same path as the photons and at nearly the
images of proteins
ry­scale version of an x­ray laser, with energy same speed. The result is a subatomic demoli-
and cells.
supplied by powerful optical lasers that had tion derby. The electrons cannot get out of the
been designed to test properties of nuclear way of the x-ray photons they have emitted, so
weapons. These were not practical research the photons sideswipe them again and again.
instruments, though, and the possibility that x­ray lasers would In so doing, the photons induce the electrons to emit clone x-ray
ever be used routinely for science applications seemed remote. photons through the process of stimulated emission.
Mirrors are not needed to bounce the light back and forth
NOT SLAC-ING OFF through the electrons, because they travel together. All it takes
The breakThrough that inally enabled investigators to develop to produce the laser is an intense beam of fast electrons and a
x-ray lasers for civilian use came from another Bay Area institu- space big enough to house a long undulator. And SLAC possesses
tion, using a device intended for a diferent purpose entirely. In both. If everything is lined up nearly perfectly, voilà, an extraor-
the 1960s Stanford built the world’s longest electron accelera- dinarily bright x-ray beam. At the end of the line, the electrons
tor, a three-kilometer building that, viewed from space, resem- are diverted, and the photons enter the experimental stations.
bles a needle pointing from the mountains to the heart of the The system is known technically as a free-electron laser.
university’s campus. The SLAC linac, as the machine is called, Though not a gun for “Star Wars,” the LCLS is still a formida-
accelerates dense bunches of electrons to velocities extremely ble device. Its peak focused intensity, 1018 watts per square cen-
close to the speed of light (within one centimeter per second). timeter, is billions of times greater than synchrotron light sourc-
The machine led to three Nobel Prizes for experimental discov- es. The laser can cut through steel. Its oscillating electromagnetic
eries in particle physics. ield can be 1,000 times stronger than the ields that bind atoms
It did, however, reach the end of its useful life, and particle to one another in molecules.
physicists now make their discoveries at the Large Hadron Col-
lider. A decade ago Stanford and SLAC’s parent agency—the THE HEART OF THE MATTER
Department of Energy’s Oice of Science—decided to turn part The demand for The laser is so great that it can accommodate
of the aging machine into an x-ray laser. SLAC outitted the fewer than one in four research proposals to use it. The on-site
accelerator with the same device used to produce x-rays at mo- staf scientists work with large visiting teams of students, post-
dern synchrotrons: an undulator. docs and senior scientists in intense marathons, 12 hours a day
Undulators consist of a series of magnets that generate alter- for ive days. Every microsecond counts.
nating magnetic ields. Electrons moving through undulators The research made possible by x-ray lasers is broad. To ofer
wiggle and emit x-rays. In synchrotrons, which are closed loops, a taste of what is possible, we focus here on two scientiic prob-
once the electrons leave the undulator, their paths are bent in an lems that particularly interest us: how matter behaves under
arc. That way the particles get out of the way of the x-rays, which extreme conditions and what can be learned from the ultrafast
are channeled to experimental stations. The electrons keep going imaging of molecules. These two problems are intimately con-
around the racetrack, emitting a burst of x-rays each time they nected to fundamental processes studied in atomic, molecular
pass through the undulator. and optical physics, our ield of expertise.
The SLAC accelerator, however, is a straight line, and the un- When the LCLS creates hollow atoms in molecules and solids,
dulator is unusually long (130 meters). The electrons move along it takes advantage of the tendency of electrons from the outer

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE Watch an animation of powerful x-ray beams blasting hapless atoms at
membrane proteins and large macromolecular complexes. The
Staf scientists work standard technique, crystallography, starts by growing a crystal
that is large enough and perfect enough to difract a beam of

with large visiting synchrotron x-rays. The resulting pattern reveals the structure of
the molecule. The drawback is that x-rays readily damage the
molecules they are probing. To compensate, researchers must
teams in intense prepare large crystals, yet many molecules of interest, including
membrane proteins, are very diicult to crystallize. The synchro-
marathons, 12 hours a tron technique is also slow and thus unable to observe transient
phenomena that occur on the femtosecond chemical timescale.
At irst glance, the LCLS seems exactly the wrong tool for the
day for ive days. Every job. Because it is billions of times more intense than synchro-
tron light sources, fragile materials such as proteins or noncrys-
microsecond counts. talline systems cannot survive even one pulse of its x-rays before
they explode and turn into a very hot soup of plasma. Ironically,
that destructive intensity is just what we need. Because the
pulse is so short and bright, it can capture an image faster than
shells of an atom to fall in to replace those that have been lost the molecule is able to blow up. Consequently, although the la-
from the inner shells. This phenomenon, called Auger relaxa- ser obliterates the sample, it captures a clear image of the mole-
tion, takes a few femtoseconds. Therefore, if we shine a one-fem- cule just before its demise.
tosecond x-ray pulse on the system, no outer electrons will have This concept, called difraction before destruction, is already
time to drop into the hollow inner-shell spots. Under these con- beginning to pay of. Scientists have used femtosecond crystal-
ditions, the hollow atoms will be transparent to any additional lography to record difraction patterns of nanocrystals, proteins
x-ray photons even if they are extremely intense. We have detect- and viruses see box on pages 58 and 59]. Recent work has
ed this hollow transparency at the LCLS not only for atoms but mapped out the structure of proteins involved in sleeping sick-
also for molecules and larger samples of material. ness, a fatal disease caused by protozoan parasites.
Theory suggests that inside giant planets such as Jupiter, Now that the LCLS has pioneered the technology, laborato-
temperatures reach 20,000 kelvins—four times hotter than the ries in Europe and Asia are also planning or building their own
surface of the sun. Hydrogen and helium, the planet’s main con- free-electron x-ray lasers. This new generation of machines will
stituents, presumably take on exotic solid phases with extreme be more stable and provide better control of the beam. One par-
densities and structures. Yet little is known about the speciics. ticularly important goal is to make the x-ray pulses even shorter.
Even the strength of the material, its compression in response With pulses as short as 0.1 femtosecond (100 attoseconds, or
to pressure, is not easy to measure and not well understood quintillionths of a second), we might begin to observe the mo-
from basic principles. So far research in this domain has relied tion not just of atoms but also of electrons within atoms and
heavily on theoretical models. Experiments that can validate the molecules. New devices could even allow us to control this mo-
models have been scarce. tion. The dream of making movies showing how chemical bonds
Some of the irst experiments done at the LCLS attempted break and new ones form is within our reach.
to re-create these hostile conditions. The laser’s colossal inten-
sity can heat matter with dizzying speed, producing unusual
efects. For instance, we observed for the irst time how multi- M O R E TO E X P L O R E

ple x-rays can gang-tackle molecules made of many atoms to Femtosecond Electronic Response of Atoms to Ultra-Intense X-rays. L. Young
liberate electrons that are strongly bound to atomic nuclei, a et al. in Nature Vol. 466, pages 56–61; July 1, 2010.
process called multiphoton absorption. The high photon densi- Femtosecond X-ray Protein Nanocrystallography. Henry N. Chapman et al.
in Nature Vol. 470, pages 73–77; February 3, 2011.
ty can also strip multiple electrons out of a single atom, mole-
Single Mimivirus Particles Intercepted and Imaged with an X-ray Laser.
cules or solids, hollowing them out as described earlier, in a M. Marvin Seibert et al. in Nature Vol. 470, pages 78–81; February 3, 2011.
process known as sequential absorption. Bright x-rays can, in Double Core-Hole Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis with an Intense X-ray
addition, rapidly break all the bonds in molecules that are ex- Femtosecond Laser. N. Berrah et al. in Proceedings of the National Academy of
pected to reside inside giant planets, including water, methane Sciences USA Vol. 108, No. 41, pages 16,912–16,915; October 11, 2011.
and ammonia. Measurements of matter in extreme conditions Creation and Diagnosis of a Solid-Density Plasma with an X-ray Free-Electron
Laser. S. M. Vinko et al. in Nature Vol. 482, pages 59–63; February 2, 2012.
have helped determine the equation of state—the formula that
Natively Inhibited Trypanosoma brucei Cathepsin B Structure Determined by
governs the density, temperature and pressure—in cores of gi- Using an X-ray Laser. Lars Redecke et al. in Science Vol. 339, pages 227–230;
ant planets and during meteor impacts. January 11, 2013.


The second line of research—exploiting the laser as an x-ray Making Ultrabright X-rays. Massimo Altarelli, Fred Schlachter and Jane Cross;
December 1998.
high-speed camera to image molecules and record movies of
Ultrashort-Pulse Lasers: Big Payofs in a Flash. John-Mark Hopkins and Wilson
physical, chemical and biological dynamics—is illing in a seri- Sibbett; September 2000.
ous gap in our knowledge. Researchers know distressingly little
about the structure of many biological molecules—in particular,

January 2014, 61




Copernicus famously said that Earth

revolves around the sun. But opposition
to this revolutionary idea didn’t come
just from the religious authorities.
Evidence favored a diferent cosmology
By Dennis Danielson and Christopher M. Graney


Copernicus’s revolutionary theory that Earth travels Most scientists refused to accept this theory for many Their objections were not only theological. Obser-
around the sun upended more than a millennium’s decades—even after Galileo made his epochal obser- vational evidence supported a competing cosmolo-
worth of scientiic and religious wisdom. vations with his telescope. gy—the “geoheliocentrism” of Tycho Brahe.

Illustrations by Kirk Caldwell

62 Scientiic American, January 2014 Tktk Tktk

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Artist Name January 2014, 63

© 2013 Scientiic American

Dennis Danielson is a professor of English at the University
of British Columbia who studies the cultural meaning of the
Copernican revolution. He was recently a visiting fellow in science
history at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Christopher M. Graney is a professor of physics and

astronomy at Jeferson Community and Technical College
in Louisville, Ky. He and his wife, Christina, translate
17th-century astronomical texts from Latin.

IN 2011 a team of researchers at CERN near

Geneva sent a beam of neutrinos on a
730-kilometer journey to Gran Sasso National
Laboratory in L’Aquila, Italy. When the researchers
clocked that trip, it appeared as though the neutrinos
had somehow surpassed the speed of light in
a vacuum. How did the scientiic community
respond to this surprising result?
Almost everyone, rather than abandoning 19th century, assuming that the Milky Way Almagest, that the sun, moon and stars
the well-established teachings of Albert Ein- galaxy constituted the entire universe, exam- rotate around a ixed Earth at the center of
stein—who said that nothing travels faster ined the irst images of the Andromeda gal- the universe.
than light—argued that the researchers’ axy and justiiably believed that they were Copernicus proposed his revolutionary
measurements had to be wrong (as, indeed, looking at a single star surrounded by a ideas in 1543 in his book De Revolutionibus
they turned out to be). nascent solar system—not, as we now know, Orbium Coelestium, which many scientists
Now imagine ourselves four centuries a distant collection of perhaps a trillion then read, admired, annotated and used for
from now, in a future in which Einstein’s stars. Similarly, Einstein was sure that the improving their astronomical predictions.
ideas have been supplanted; scientists have universe was static, and so he introduced Yet even by 1600, 57 years later, no more
long ago experimentally conirmed that neu- into his equations a cosmological constant than a dozen serious astronomers had giv-
trinos really can travel faster than light. How that would keep it that way. Both assump- en up belief in an unmoving Earth. Most sci-
would we then, looking back on physicists tions were reasonable. Both were wrong. As entists continued to prefer the more com-
today, construe their reluctance to accept the David Kaiser of the Massachusetts Institute monsense geocentrism we ourselves still
evidence? Would we conclude that 21st-cen- of Technology and Angela N. H. Creager of appear to endorse when we talk, for exam-
tury physicists were just set in their ways? Princeton University argued in these pages ple, about the sun rising and setting.
Unreceptive to new ideas? Maybe motivat- in June 2012, it is possible to be both wrong This cosmological logjam is sometimes
ed by nonscientiic considerations—a bunch and very productive. And everything is al- presented as having been held together by
of closed-minded Einsteinians toeing a line ways clearer in hindsight. prejudice and broken by Galileo when he
dictated by tradition and authority? In the case of the speeding neutrinos, of assembled a telescope in 1609 and started
We hope today’s reluctant scientists course, we have little hindsight. One famous using it to observe the stars, moon and plan-
would get a fairer shake than that. For their story whose end we do know, however, is ets. Neither is true. For a long time after
unwillingness to abandon apparently that of Nicolaus Copernicus and his theory 1609, astronomers still had compelling sci-
sound conclusions—even if these may even- of “heliocentrism,” the claim that Earth entiic reasons to doubt Copernicus. Their
tually be proved wrong—is scientiically rotates daily and revolves annually around tale ofers a particularly striking illustration
reasonable, not merely a sign of stiff- the sun, which we all accept today. The of the good reasons that researchers can
necked prejudice. Copernican system was a direct challenge to have for resisting revolutionary ideas—even
Stories such as theirs are not uncommon the long-held belief, codiied by second-cen- ones that turn out, in the end, to be spectac-
in the history of science. Astronomers in the tury astronomer Ptolemy in his book the ularly correct.

64 Scientiic American, January 2014

© 2013 Scientiic American
A pArticulArly powerful wellspring of doubt
came courtesy of Danish astronomer Tycho The Cosmos Three Ways
Brahe, who in 1588 proposed a different
Seventeenth-century astronomers had three models for the universe. Sun
kind of geocentric system see box at right].
The geocentric model featured an unmoving Earth circled by the sun, Earth
This new “geoheliocentric” cosmology had
moon, planets and stars. Astronomers accounted for the retrograde
two major advantages going for it: it squared Moon
motion of the planets with “epicycles,” smaller loops added to the
with deep intuitions about how the world Mercury
main orbits. Nicolaus Copernicus’s heliocentric universe appeared
appeared to behave, and it it the available Venus
simpler, but it presented new conceptual problems—stars had to be
data better than Copernicus’s system did.
unthinkably distant, for example. Tycho Brahe’s geoheliocentric model Mars
Brahe was a towering igure. He ran a
split the diference—the sun, moon and stars orbited Earth, the plan- Jupiter
huge research program with a castlelike
ets orbited the sun, and the stars came back close. Saturn
observatory, a NASA-like budget, and the in-
est instruments and best assistants money
could buy. It was Brahe’s data on Mars that
Johannes Kepler, an assistant of Brahe’s,
Geocentric Model
would eventually use to work out the ellipti-
cal nature of planetary motion. Harvard Uni-
versity historian Owen Gingerich often illus-
trates Brahe’s importance with a mid-17th-
century compilation by Albert Curtius of all
astronomical data gathered since antiquity: Celestial sphere stars)
the great bulk of two millennia’s worth of
data came from Brahe.
This supremely accomplished astrono-
mer had been impressed by the elegance of
the Copernican system. Yet he was bothered
by certain aspects of it. One thing that unset-
tled him was the lack of a physical explana- Heliocentric Model
tion for what could make Earth move. (Bra-
he lived more than a century before the
invention of Newtonian physics provided
just such an explanation.) The size of Earth
was known reasonably well, and the weight
of a sphere of rock and dirt thousands of
kilometers in diameter was clearly huge.
What could power such a body around the
sun, when it was diicult just to pull a load- Very
ed wagon down the street? distant stars
In contrast, the motion of celestial bod-
ies such as stars and planets was easy to
explain—astronomers since the time of
Aristotle had postulated that celestial bod-
ies were made of a special aethereal sub-
stance that was not found on Earth. This
substance had a natural tendency toward Geoheliocentric Model
rapid circular motion, just as a wagon had
a natural tendency to come to a halt if not
pulled vigorously. Brahe said that the Coper-
nican system “expertly and completely cir-
cumvents all that is superluous or discor-
dant in the system of Ptolemy.... Yet it as-
cribes to the earth, that hulking, lazy body,
unit for motion, a motion as quick as that
of the aethereal torches.” In this regard,
ancient astronomers had something in
common with modern astronomers, who,
to explain what they see, postulate that Planets and orbits not to sale
much of the universe is composed of “dark

January 2014, 65

© 2013 Scientiic American

The Problem with Star Sizes

The most devastating argument against the Copernican universe was the star size problem. When
we look at a star in the sky, it appears to have a small, ixed width. Knowing this width and the
distance to the star, simple geometry reveals how big the star is (right). In geocentric models
of the universe, the stars lie just beyond the planets, implying that star sizes are comparable
to that of the sun (below). But Copernicus’s heliocentric theory demands that the stars
be extremely far away. This in turn implies that they should be absurdly large—hun-
dreds of times bigger than the sun (bottom). Copernicans could not explain away
the anomalous data without appeals to divine intervention. In reality, the stars
are far away, but their apparent width is an illusion, an artifact of the way
light behaves as it enters a pupil or telescope—behavior that
scientists would not understand for another 200 years.

Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn

and Moon

Average star size in Brahe’s

geoheliocentric cosmology

Average star size in

Copernican cosmology

Relative sizes as alulated by Tyho Brahe

matter” or “dark energy” that is unlike any- es. The size of the universe then became a hugely hard to believe—Brahe said such
thing we know. whole new—and almost impossible to be- titanic stars were absurd. As historian
Another thing that bothered Brahe were lieve—kind of “immeasurably large.” Albert Van Helden puts it, Brahe’s “logic
the stars in the Copernican system. Ptolemy Moreover, as Brahe well knew, the was impeccable; his measurements above
said the sphere of the stars is “immeasurably Copernican proposal had big implications reproach. A Copernican simply had to ac-
large” because we can detect no diurnal par- not only for the size of the universe but also cept the results of this argument.”
allax in them—no noticeable alterations in for the size of individual stars. When we Rather than give up their theory in the
their positions or appearances caused by the look up at the night sky, individual stars face of seemingly incontrovertible physical
changing angles and distances between an appear to have ixed widths, which both evidence, Copernicans were forced to appeal
Earth-bound observer and those stars as Ptolemy and Brahe measured. We now to divine omnipotence. “These things that
they pass from the horizon, to overhead, to know that the distant stars are efectively vulgar sorts see as absurd at irst glance are
the horizon. The corollary of this observa- point sources of light, and these apparent not easily charged with absurdity, for in fact
tion is that the diameter of Earth is as noth- widths are an artifact of the passage of light divine Sapience and Majesty are far greater
ing compared with stellar distances; Earth waves through a circular aperture such as than they understand,” wrote Copernican
is “as a point,” Ptolemy wrote. a telescope or an iris. Christoph Rothmann in a letter to Brahe.
Copernicus knew, however, that we could Yet at the time, astronomers knew noth- “Grant the vastness of the Universe and the
not even detect annual parallax—changes ing of the wave nature of light. Brahe used sizes of the stars to be as great as you like—
in the relative positions of stars caused by simple geometry to calculate that if the these will still bear no proportion to the ini-
the movement of Earth in its orbit. If Earth stars were to lie at Copernican distances, nite Creator. It reckons that the greater the
really was revolving around the sun, the then they would have to have a width com- king, so much greater and larger the palace
absence of annual parallax would imply that parable to that of the orbis magnus. Even beitting his majesty. So how great a palace
the diameter of its orbit (Copernicus called the smallest star would utterly dwarf the do you reckon is itting to GOD?”
it the orbis magnus) was itself as nothing, sun, just as a grapefruit dwarfs the period Unswayed by arguments such as this,
“as a point,” compared with stellar distanc- at the end of this sentence. That, too, was Brahe proposed his own system: the sun,

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE How did epicycles work? Watch a video at
© 2013 Scientiic American
moon and stars circle an immobile Earth, as
in the Ptolemaic system, while the planets
Rather than give up their
circle the sun, as in the Copernican system
[see box on page 65]. This “Tychonic” system theory in the face of seemingly
retained the advantages of geocentrism.
With it there was no motion of the hulking,
lazy Earth to explain. Neither was there any
incontrovertible evidence,
missing annual parallax demanding vastly
distant, and giant, stars—the stars in Brahe’s
Copernicans were forced to
system lay just beyond the planets and were
quite reasonably sized. Yet so far as the plan- appeal to divine omnipotence.
ets were concerned, the Tychonic system
and the Copernican system were mathemat-
ically identical. Thus, Brahe’s system also
retained the Copernican mathematical ele- updated with telescopic observations. (Bra- phers, amongst which notwithstanding
gance that Brahe thought circumvented all he had worked without a telescope.) Having there hath not been any one who hath found
that was superluous or discordant in Ptol- designed a repeatable procedure for measur- out a certain manifestation either of the one
emy’s system. ing the diameters of stars, he found that or the other.”
When Galileo began to view the heavens stars looked smaller than Brahe thought. Yet By Hooke’s time a growing majority of
with his telescope, he made a number of the telescope also increased the sensitivity scientists accepted Copernicanism, al-
indings that directly contradicted Ptolemy’s to annual parallax, which still had not been though, to a degree, they still did so in the
ancient cosmology. He saw that Jupiter had detected, implying that the stars had to be face of scientiic diiculties. Nobody con-
moons, proving that the universe could har- even farther away than Brahe had assumed. vincingly recorded the annual stellar paral-
bor more than one center of motion. He also The net efect was that stars still had to be lax until Friedrich Bessel did it in 1838.
observed the phases of Venus, showing that every bit as titanic as Brahe had said. Around that same time, George Airy pro-
it circled the sun. These indings were not, Riccioli complained about the Coperni- duced the irst full theoretical explanation
however, understood as proof that Earth cans appealing to divine omnipotence to get for why stars appear to be wider than they
revolves around the sun because they were around this scientific problem. A Jesuit are, and Ferdinand Reich irst successfully
fully compatible with the Tychonic system. priest, Riccioli could hardly deny the power detected the deflection of falling bodies
of God. But still he rejected this approach, induced by Earth’s rotation. Also, of course,
THE 200-YEAR ARGUMENT saying, “Even if this falsehood cannot be Isaac Newton’s physics—which did not work
in the middle of the 1600s, well after the refuted, nevertheless it cannot satisfy the with Brahe’s system—had long since provid-
deaths of pioneers such as Copernicus, Bra- more prudent men.” ed an explanation of how Brahe’s “hulking,
he and Galileo, Italian astronomer Giovan- The acceptance of Copernicanism was lazy” Earth could move.
ni Battista Riccioli published an encyclope- thus held back by a lack of hard scientiic Back in Galileo’s and Riccioli’s day, how-
dic assessment of cosmological options that evidence to conirm its almost incredible ever, those opposed to Copernicanism had
he called (after Ptolemy’s great work) the claims about cosmic and stellar magnitudes. some quite respectable, coherent, observa-
Almagestum Novum. Riccioli weighed many In 1674 Robert Hooke, curator of experi- tionally based science on their side. They
arguments for and against the Copernican ments for the British Royal Society, admit- were eventually proved wrong, but that did
system, arguments dealing with matters of ted, “Whether the Earth move or stand still not make them bad scientists. In fact, rig-
astronomy, physics and religion. But Riccio- hath been a problem, that since Copernicus orously disproving the strong arguments of
li judged that two main arguments tipped revived it, hath much exercised the wits of others was and is part of the challenge, as
the balance decisively against Copernicus. our best modern astronomers and philoso- well as part of the fun, of doing science.
Both were based on scientiic objections.
Both were rooted in Brahe’s ideas. Neither
would be answered decisively until some M O R E TO E X P L O R E

hundreds of years later. Measuring the Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley. Albert Van Helden. University of
One argument was based on the inabili- Chicago Press, 1985.
ty to detect certain efects that Riccioli said The Telescope against Copernicus: Star Observations by Riccioli Supporting a Geocentric Universe.
Christopher M. Graney in Journal for the History of Astronomy Vol. 41, No. 4, pages 453–467; November 2010.
a rotating planet should produce in projec-
Ancestors of Apollo. Dennis Danielson in American Scientist Vol. 99, No. 1, pages 136–143; March–April 2011.
tiles and falling bodies. Brahe had felt that a Stars as the Armies of God: Lansbergen’s Incorporation of Tycho Brahe’s Star-Size Argument into the Copernican
rotating Earth should delect a projectile Theory. Christopher M. Graney in Journal for the History of Astronomy Vol. 44, No. 2, pages 165–172; May 2013.
away from a straight path. Yet these delec-
tions would not be observed until the 19th
century, when French scientist Gaspard- Copernicus and Tycho. Owen Gingerich; December 1973.
Gustave de Coriolis worked out a full math- The Galileo Afair. Owen Gingerich; August 1982.
Galileo and the Specter of Bruno. Lawrence S. Lerner and Edward A. Gosselin; November 1986.
ematical description of such efects.
The Right Way to Get It Wrong. David Kaiser and Angela N. H. Creager; June 2012.
The other argument was the one Brahe
had made about star size, which Riccioli

January 2014, 67

© 2013 Scientiic American
Recommended by Lee Billings
STARFISH  purple) cluster
together in the frigid waters
of the ice-covered Ross Sea.

The Last Ocean:

Antarctica’s Ross Sea Project:
Saving the Most Pristine
Ecosystem on Earth
by John Weller. Rizzoli, 2013 ($50)

At the edge of Antarctica, shielded by great

expanses of thick sea ice, the Ross Sea is one of
the coldest, remotest and most inhospitable places on
earth. Yet it is also one of the planet’s last relatively untouched
ecosystems, sheltering large numbers of Adélie and Emperor
penguins, Weddell seals, orcas, minke whales and other crea­
tures. All that began to change in 1996, when commercial Last Ocean Project in response, an organization devoted to pro­
ishing leets started harvesting Antarctic toothish from the tecting the Ross Sea as a pristine nature reserve. This book
frigid, nutrient­rich waters at the bottom of the world. Weller, documents his research trips to the region in soulful, medita­
an accomplished photographer and writer, co­founded the tive prose and haunting, otherworldly imagery.

Romania’s Oxygen: Windfall:

Abandoned A Four Billion The Booming
Children: Year History Business
Deprivation, by Donald E. Canield. of Global
Brain Develop- Princeton University Warming
Press, 2014 ($27.95)
ment, and the Struggle by McKenzie Funk. Penguin, 2014
for Recovery ($27.95)
The earth’s present atmosphere, made
by Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox
up of 21 percent oxygen, in eons past had Can climate change make for good
and Charles H. Zeanah. Harvard
very little if any of this life-giving gas, business? Entrepreneurs all over
University Press, 2013 ($29.95)
efectively making our planet a hostile, the world are counting on it, claims
alien world for most of its existence. In journalist Funk in his new book Wind-
When Nicolae Ceauşescu’s Communist Oxygen, Canield, a noted geoscientist, fall: The Booming Business of Global
regime fell in 1989, it left behind weaves personal anecdotes and cutting- Warming. The efects of a shifting cli-
170,000 orphaned children—remnants edge research into two epic narratives: mate, he says, can be divided into melt,
of the Romanian leader’s aggressive ini- how the earth’s initially anoxic air drought and deluge (that is, rising sea
tiative to boost the national birth rate transformed over billions of years into levels), each of which would mean big
through abortion restrictions and the stuf we breathe today and how he paydays for diferent industries. From
inancial incentives. Most of the aban- and generations of other scientists have companies in Israel using by-products
doned children were raised in over- laboriously pieced together this atmo- of massive desalination plants to cap-
crowded orphanages, receiving only the spheric puzzle. The result of the earth’s italize on ski resorts in need of fake
most rudimentary care. A decade later remarkable oxygenation over geological snow, to private ireighters working
Nelson, Fox and Zeanah launched the time is nothing less than our planet’s for California insurance companies,
government-backed Bucharest Early rich biosphere of complex, multicellular to Dutch architects designing loating
Intervention Project to determine just life. Through a journey that takes cities, Funk’s reporting brings him
how detrimental institutional life could readers from the bottom of the sea to face­to­face with individuals who
be for children. Now the researchers are the sunbaked deserts of the Australian are investing in planetary crisis.
presenting their indings in rigorous outback, from life’s irst stirrings on Far from vilifying these opportunists,
and heart-breaking detail. In Roma- the earth to its possible existence on he attempts to see the warming world

nia’s Abandoned Children, they reveal extrasolar planets, Canield has crafted through their eyes. R.F.
the best and worst outcomes of child- a challenging, deinitive work of scholar-
hoods spent in the system, ofering vital ship and storytelling that will give For more recommendations, go to
prescriptions and warnings for all fu- readers a newfound appreciation for
ture foster care. —Rachel Feltman every breath they take.

68 Scientiic American, January 2014 COMMENT AT

© 2013 Scientific American
Skeptic by Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer is publisher of Skeptic Viewing the world with a rational eye
magazine ( His book
The Believing Brain is now out in paperback.
Follow him on Twitter @michaelshermer

Confessions of a Speciesist
Where do nonhuman mammals it in our moral hierarchy?
The case for exploiting animals for food, cloth-
ing and entertainment often relies on our supe-
rior intelligence, language and self-awareness:
the rights of the superior being trump those
of the inferior. A poignant counterargument is
Mark Devries’s Speciesism: The Movie, which I
saw at the premiere in September 2013. The ani-
mal advocates who illed the Los Angeles theater
cheered wildly for Princeton University ethicist
Peter Singer. In the ilm, Singer and Devries ar-
gue that some animals have the mental upper
hand over certain humans, such as infants, peo-
ple in comas, and the severely mentally handi-
capped. The argument for our moral superiority
thus breaks down, Devries told me: “The pre-
sumption that nonhuman animals’ interests are
less important than human interests could be
merely a prejudice—similar in kind to prejudic-
es against groups of humans such as racism—
termed speciesism.”
I guess I am a speciesist. I ind few foods
more pleasurable than a lean cut of meat. I relish the feel of with gas. It was one of the most dreadful things I ever had to do.
leather. And I laughed out loud at the joke about the farmer Just writing those words saddens me, but nothing like a vid-
who castrates his horses with two bricks: “Does it hurt?” “Not if eo clip posted at Appropriately described as
you keep your thumbs out of the way.” I am also troubled by an the “saddest slaughterhouse footage ever,” the clip shows a bull
analogy made by rights activists that animals are undergoing a waiting in line to die. He hears his mates in front of him being
“holocaust.” Historian Charles Patterson draws the analogy in killed, backs up into the rear wall of the metal chute, and turns
his 2002 book Eternal Treblinka, and Devries makes visual ref- his head around, seeking an escape. He looks scared. A worker
erence to it by comparing the layout of factory-farm buildings then zaps him with a cattle prod. The bull shules forward far
with that of prisoner barracks at Auschwitz. The law in the anal- enough for the inal death wall to come down behind him. His
ogy is in the motivation of the perpetrators. As someone who has rear legs try one last time to exit the trap and then ... Thug! ...
written a book on the Holocaust (Denying History, University of down he goes in a heap. Dead. Am I projecting human emotions
California Press, revised edition, 2009), I see a vast moral gulf be- into a head of cattle? Maybe, but as one meat plant worker told
tween farmers and Nazis. Even factory-farm corporate suits mo- an undercover usda inspector who inquired about the waste
tivated by proits are still far down the ladder of evil from Adolf stench: “They’re scared. They don’t want to die.”
Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler. There are no signs at factory Mammals are sentient beings that want to live and are afraid
farms reading “Arbeit Macht Frei.” to die. Evolution vouchsafed us all with an instinct to survive,
Yet I cannot fully rebuke those who equate factory farms reproduce and lourish. Our genealogical connectedness, dem-
with concentration camps. While working as a graduate student onstrated through evolutionary biology, provides a scientiic
in an experimental psychology animal laboratory in 1978 at Cal- foundation from which to expand the moral sphere to include
ifornia State University, Fullerton, it was my job to dispose of not just all humans—as rights revolutions of the past two centu-
lab rats that had outlived our experiments. I was instructed to ries have done—but all nonhuman sentient beings as well.
euthanize them with chloroform, but I hesitated. I wanted to
take them up into the local hills and let them go, iguring that SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
death by predation or starvation was better than gassing. But Comment on this article at
releasing lab animals was illegal. So I exterminated them ...

Illustration by Izhar Cohen January 2014, 69

© 2013 Scientific American
Anti Gravity by Steve Mirsky
The ongoing search for fundamental farces Steve Mirsky has been writing the Anti Gravity column
since Lee Billings was in the eighth grade. He also hosts
the Scientiic American podcast Science Talk.

A new book surveys the wide world of passionate proclivities
When I met with psychologist and author Jesse Bering in Octo- to any reader brave enough to crack the binding. (Still talking
ber, I asked him when he intended to write a book that I could about the book here.) The dedication reads, “For you, you pervert,
read on the New York City subway without the cover bringing you.” That notion would have been even more accurate in 1948,
me unwanted attention. The title of Bering’s 2012 book—Why Is when Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human
the Penis Shaped Like That?—was bad enough, even though it Male. In Perv, Bering notes that Kinsey’s research revealed that
ofered up fascinating insights into the evolution of anatomy. But “75 percent of adult American males were technically ‘sex devi-
that was nothing compared to the pitchforks-and-torches looks ants’ according to the mental health criteria at the time.”
from people who spied me perusing his latest work, Perv: The Sex- If the vast majority of guys were thus abnormal, what’s nor-
ual Deviant in All of Us. Bering’s response to my entreaty was, “I’m mal? We all have our little peccadilloes, which may include things
working on it.” I’ll believe it when I see it. [Editors’ note: Scientiic that sound like various parts of the word “peccadilloes.” “One
American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux publishes Bering’s books.] person’s lewd exorbitance,” Bering writes, “is another’s slow Mon-
In addition to the eye-catching verbiage, the cover of Bering’s day morning.” Indeed, the book is tumescent with the expected
new book features a picture of a sheep. “That was the publisher’s exorbitances: foot fetishists, amputee adorers, Lycra lovers and
idea,” Bering told me. “I went along with it, obviously. I think it’s S&Mers (who aren’t just fans of my initials) will all ind them-
kind of like a Rorschach test in terms of what people see with the selves dissected (nonnecrophilously) within Perv’s pages.
sheep on the cover. It’s got multiple meanings. I do talk about The book’s surprises, to my innocent self anyway, come in
zoophilia in the book, so it has that much more explicit meaning discussions of people who develop strong attachments to non-
of bestiality, of course. But also, the lamb represents innocence. living things. You might think you love your old Dodge Ram (no
A lot of people see that.” I confessed that the connection to inno- relation to the sheep on the cover), but what you and your pick-
cence never occurred to me. “Well, that says a lot about you, up share is a pale imitation of the true, deep and abiding intima-
actually,” he joked. At least, I assume he was joking. I mean, cy experienced by objectophiles.
I like a nice wool jacket, but Don’t assume that the objectophile’s love for that new iPhone
that’s as far as it goes. 5S feels sadly but necessarily unrequited, either. Bering
Bering was kind enough notes that such people may have a neurological con-
to dedicate Perv to me. dition called object personiication synesthesia,
And to you. And, well, “which causes them to perceive personalities
and emotions, including sexual desires, in inan-
imate objects.” Before you borrow that smart-
phone, you might want to ask where it’s been.
Objectophilia extends beyond mere consum-
er products. Bering tells the story of a Swedish
woman who in 1979 married the Berlin Wall.
“Today she considers herself a widow,” Bering
writes. Although I bet she’d admit that trying to
have a meaningful conversation with her be-
loved was like talking to a husband.
Then there’s the case of the American wom-
an who goes by the name Erika Eifel because
she (to her satisfaction) consummated a rela-
tionship with the towering Paris landmark. It’s
her second structural situation: she was previ-
ously involved with the Golden Gate Bridge.
That afair no doubt took a toll.


Comment on this article at

70 Scientiic American, January 2014 Illustration by Matt Collins

© 2013 Scientific American

50, 100 & 150 Years Ago compiled by Daniel C. Schlenof
Innovation and discovery as chronicled in Scientiic American

lievable as it may seem, the strongest For a look at what other civilian aviation
January 1964 man is unable to push it over. This pioneers were accomplishing in 1914,
experiment delights the audience. The see the photograph album at
Battling audience then also readily comprehends
Trachoma how it may be possible for a wheel jan2014/aviation
“Nearly 500 million weighing tons and running thousands
people—more than of revolutions per minute, to stabilize
a sixth of the world’s a monorail car.” January 1864
population—are infected with the blind-
ing eye disease known since ancient Wrights’ Legal Triumph Satirical Rant
Greek times as trachoma. It is only with- “The decision handed down by the Cir- on Corsets
in the past six years that investigators cuit Court of Appeals in the infringement “Messrs. Editors:—
have positively identiied the cause. suit brought by the Wright Company set- The air we ladies
The agent of the disease is a virus, or tles once and for all, in this country at have to breathe up
near virus, markedly similar to those least, the question: Who invented the ly­ here in Vermont
responsible for psittacosis (‘parrot ing machine? To be sure, there was never circulates all round the world and is
fever’) and the venereal disease lympho- any doubt in the popular mind. The breathed by all the ilthy creatures on
granuloma venereum. This knowledge decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals the face of the earth, by rhinoceroses,
ofers the exciting prospect that it may stamps the popular verdict with approv­ cows, elephants, tigers, woodchucks,
be possible to control the disease by vac- al and recognizes Orville and Wilbur hens, skunks, minks, grasshoppers,
cination and thus bring to an end its Wright as the inventors of the man­carry­ mice, raccoons, and all kinds of bugs,
long career as a major scourge of man- ing, motor­driven aeroplane. The Wright spiders, leas and lice, lions, tobacco­
kind. In the U.S. the disease has all but brothers succeeded, not because they smokers, catamounts, eagles, crows,
disappeared from the ‘trachoma belt’ built a light motor with their own hands, rum­drinkers, turkey buzzards, tobacco­
that used to extend from West Virginia but because they solved a problem in chewers, hogs, snakes, toads, lizzards,
to Oklahoma.” aero­dynamics which had baled the and millions of other nasty animals,
In 1966 the pathogen was identiied best scientiic thought of centuries.” birds, insects and serpents; and
as an intracellular bacterium. we ladies are obliged to
breathe it over after them,
ough! bah!
January “Now we want, and
1914 must have, some contriv­
ance that will efectually
Gyroscope keep this foul, disgusting
Lecture stuf out of our lungs. We
in China have tried the three kinds of
“The wrestling corsets which you noticed in
gyroscope has been one of the your paper the last year; but
very popular features of the when we do the best with
Young Men’s Christian Associ- them that we can, about a
ation gyroscope lectures in teacupful of this nasty air
China. It consists of a strong will rush into our lungs in
bicycle wheel with the rim spite of these miserable con­
loaded with lead pipe. When trivances. If these corsets
spun up to high speed and the are worth anything to keep
outer case closed and set upon this disgusting air out of

its edge, it will stand up with a body, and we have not

a light list to one side, and will put them on right, please
precess slowly around on a come immediately yourself
nearly vertical axis. A member or send the inventors to
of the audience is invited to use WRESTLING show us how. If they are
a strong staf padded at one end WITH A GYROSCOPE: a humbug I hope their
with a solid rubber ball and A demonstration on the physics inventors will be tarred
make the wheel lie down on of angular momentum, China, 1914 and feathered and rode on
its side [see illustration]. Unbe- a rail. —Susie Pinkins”

January 2014, 71

© 2013 Scientific American
Graphic Science

How to Read This Graphic

Each node represents a community of mutually linked Twitter users
Node size corresponds to number of tweets using a speciic hashtag
Nonviral Meme (#ProperBand):
(text indicating that a Twitter post pertains to a certain theme or topic)
Insular start mirrored by insular inish
Of the irst 30 tweets (blue) using this hashtag, 22 occurred
1 tweet 61 tweets within a single community (top left node). Later tweets using
the same hashtag (green) largely reverberated within that
Lines between nodes represent person-to-person same community, with very few interactions and crossovers
links between communities among diferent community nodes. The meme izzled out after
just 65 tweets among the sample of Twitter users studied.
Few Many
Early-stage participants (communities that initiat-
ed the irst 30 tweets using a hashtag) are in blue
and are conined to the inner circle, for clarity
Subsequent activity as the meme spreads
to new communities is in green
Position of a green node on outer rings
represents how many links connect the node
to other communities 40 30 20 10

What It
Means to
Go Viral
Researchers are forecasting which
memes will spread far and wide Viral Meme (#ThoughtsDuringSchool):
Early spreading portends broad adoption
What makes a meme—an idea, a phrase, an image— The irst 30 tweets (blue) using this hashtag were
spread more evenly across 10 communities.
go viral? For starters, the meme must have broad The meme proved very popular
appeal, so it can spread not just within communities in one of those communities
of like-minded individuals but can leap from one but also spread to dozens
community to the next. Researchers, by mining of new communities
public Twitter data, have found that a meme’s green), indicating
its wide appeal.
“virality” is often evident from the start.
After only a few dozen tweets, a typical
viral meme (as deined by tweets using a

given hashtag) will already have caught
on in numerous communities of Twitter
users. In contrast, a meme destined to
peter out will resonate in fewer groups.
“We didn’t expect to see that the
viral memes were going to behave very
diferently from nonviral memes at
their beginnings,” says Lilian Weng, a
graduate student in informatics at Indi-
ana University Bloomington. Those dif-
ferences allowed Weng and her colleagues
to forecast memes that would go viral with
an accuracy of better than 60 percent, the
team reported in a 2013 study. —John Matson


See how “Gangnam Style” went viral at

72 Scientiic American, January 2014 Graphic by Jan Willem Tulp

© 2013 Scientific American

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