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Assignment No.1

Q.1 what do you mean privatization and nationalization of banks?

Q.2 write note on rights and duties of bankers and customers?

Q.3 what are silent features of negotiable instruments?

Q.4 Differentiate between promissory note and bill of exchange?

Q.5 write note on demand draft and mail transfer?

Assignment No.2

Q.1 Distinguish among bank loan, bank draft and cash credit?

Q.2 Explain recovery of debts due to bank and financial institutions?

Q.3 what do you mean electronic banking and its scope?

Q.4 what is the role of state bank in economic development?

Q.5 Role of commercial banks in economic development?

Assignment No.1

Exercises: 2.8, 2.11, 3.6, 3.10, 3.12, 3.13, 5.4, 5.7 and 5.11

Problems: 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.6, 3.8, 5.1 and 5.2

Note: All the students are directed to submit their assignments solved in their own hand writing: Copy
and paste will not be accepted at all.

Assignment No.2

Exercises 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.10, 8.2, 8.8, 8.10, 8.11, 8.14

Problems: 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7and last two problems of 6th Chapter (partnership)
Assignment No.1 & 2

Assignments topics for MBA (Exec) 1st term

Class No: Topic

1, 11, 21, Definition and objectives of HRM, personnel MGT vs. HRM, Functions of HRM
31, 41

2, 12, 22, Personnel policy, Historical evaluation of HRM, define job design
32, 42

3, 13, 23, Objectives of job design, factors affecting job design, definition of recruitment
33, 43

4, 14, 24, Need for recruitment, purpose and importance of recruitment, objectives of recruit:
34, 44

5, 15, 25, Recruitment policies, recruitment organizations, factors affecting recruitment

35, 45, 55

6, 16, 26, Sources of recruitment with prons and cons, steps in selection process
36, 46

7, 17, 27, Define test, purpose of tests, classification of tests, testing guide lines
37, 47

8, 18, 28, Define interview, its types, and problems in interviewing

38, 48,

9, 19, 29, Definition of performance appraisal, its methods and uses

39, 49

10, 20, 30, Define training, its different methods and advantages
40 50
Assignment No.1

Q1. Discuss the meaning and nature of management?

Q2. What is the significance of management?

Q3. What are the levels of management?

Q4. What is the nature of planning?

Q5. What are the functions of management?

Assignment No.2

Q1. What is the significance of planning?

Q2. Write in detail the steps of planning?

Q3. Discuss the process of organization.

Q4. Discuss the need and significance of staffing.

Q5. What is the importance of controlling?


Q1.define Quantitative techniques for management? And also elaborate the role of quantitative
techniques in management

Q2. Given U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7}, (10)

List the elements in each set:

(i) B (ii) A  B (iii) AUB (iv) (B – A) (v) (A – B)

Q3. a) Mr.Nomanopened a savings account with $1000.if the annual interest rate is 6.5%, what will the
account balance be after 10 years.

b) Solve the equation.

5x2 + 6x + 1 = 0

Q4.A University has been tracking the percentage of alumni giving to its annual fund each year for the
last 1! Years. He data is given here.

14%, 13%, 15%, 21%, 19%, 24%, 25%, 28%, 25%, .31%

What are its mean and median?

Q5. A computer company received a rush order for as many home computer as could be shipped

During 6 week period. Company records provide the following daily shipments. Find Lower
&Upper Quartile of the following data.

Class limits frequency

40---44 4

45---49 7

50---54 19

55---59 12

60---64 6

65---69 2


Q1. Price for a new line of toy dolls by the crazy kid collection are shown below .using 2011 as the
base period, calculate simple price index for the three toys.

2011 2012 2013

Killer Joe $ 17 21 25

Pyre Phil 15 25 29

Maniac mark 10 11 12

Q2. Calculate mean deviation with respect of mean and it’s co-efficient.

Class limits frequency

10---19 3
20---29 8

30---39 24

40---49 27

50---59 40

60---69 11

70---79 5

Q3. The age of 50 of the nation’s chief executive officers (CEOs) of Top Corporation reported in the
May 24, 2012 issue of Forbes produced the following frequency table. Calculate variance and
standard deviation. And co-efficient of variation of following data.

Age’s frequency

50----55 8

55----60 13

60----65 15

65----70 10

70----75 3

75----80 1

Q4. The prices of rice (per 40kgs) are given below. Compute the index number for the each

Year by taking

a) Average of first three years as a base

b) Average of the years as base year

Years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Price 23 28 33 44 37 42 53 57 67

Q5. In a class of 30 students marks obtained by students in mathematics out of 50 is tabulated as

below. Calculate the mode of data given.

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