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Hödl, W. and Amezquita, A. (2001). Visual signaling in

anuran amphibians. In: Anuran communication, (M.J. Ryan, ed.).

.. Smithsonian lust. Press, Washington. Pp. 121-141.


Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians

lntroduction cation. social behavior, or natural history. visual signaling

was either not considered or was treated as a minor subject
Acoustic communication plays a fundamental role in an- (Wells 1977a, 1977b; Arak 1983; Duellman and Trueb 1986;
uran reproduction and thus is involved in evolutionary Rand 1988; Halliday and Tejedo 1995; Stebbins and Cohen
processes such as mate recognition. reproductive isolation. 1995; Sullivan et al. 1995). The most detailed review ofthe
speciation. and character displacement (Wells 1977a. 1977b. subject is now more than 20 years old (Wells 1977b). Never-
1988;Rand 1988; Gerhardt and Schwartz 1995; Halliday and theless some authors have discussed the possible evolution-
Tejedo 1995;Sullivan et al. 1995).Visual cues. however. have ary link between visual signaling and the reproductive ecol-
been thought to function only during dose-range inter- ogy of species, such as reproduction associated with streams
actions (Wells 1977c; Duellman and Trueb 1986). Visual sig- (Heyer et aI. 1990; Lindquist and Hetherington 1996. 1998;
naling is predicted to be predominantly employed by diur- Hödl et al. 1997;Haddad and Giaretta 1999) or reproduction
nal species at sites with an unobstructed view (Endler 1992). within feeding territories (Wells 1977c).
Diurnality. however. is not common for the majority offrog Our aim in this review is (1) to propose a dassmcation of
species. Thus vocalizations. which are highly efficient for reported behavioral patterns of visual signaling in frags; (2)
communicating at night or in dense vegetation, are by far to describe the diversity of visual signals among living an-
the best studied anuran signals (Duellman and Trueb 1986; uran taxa; and (3) to apply a comparative approach to explor-
Fritzsch et aI. 1988; HödlI996). Nevertheless there are anec- ing any associations between the diversity of visual signals
dotaI reports of apparent visual signaling in intra- or inter- and the ecological conditions in which they may have
sexual interactions, or both (for summary see Lindquist and evolved.
Hetherington 1996). Although the function of visual cues
has only occasionally been tested experimentally (Ernlen
Visual Signals and Communication
1968; Lindquist and Hetherington 1996) the reports suggest
that visual signaling is a significant mode of communication A communication process involves a transfer ofinformation
in at least a few anuran species. from asender to a receiver by means of specmcally designed
In both dassic and re cent reviews on anuran communi-
signals. Signals are traits that have evolved specifically to



manipulate the receiver's behavior (Harper 1991; Krebs and nals, for example, the inflation of the gular sac during vocal-
Davies 1993; Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1998). Signaling ization and the vibration of flanks du ring ventilation (Rand
may occur at both the intra- and interspecific level (Brad- 1988; Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988). However we
bury and Vehrencamp 1998). do not ignore the fact that the accompanying movements
Because of the complexity of visual stimuli and signal pro- may provoke changes in the behavior of potential receivers
cessing and the difficulty of quanti.fying what animals actu- hearing a call or looking at another individual. In the den-
ally perceive, the identification and analysis of visual signals drobatid frog Colostcthuspalmatus, the presence offrog dum-
is problematic (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1998). In addi- mies and simultaneous playback of advertisement calls elic-
tion to their information content, features of rituatized sig- its in females low postures associated with courtship that are
nals generally involve redundancy, conspicuousness, stereo- intensified when the dummy's gular sac is vibrated; how-
typy, and alerting components (Hailman 1977; Harper ever, gular sac vibrations without simultaneous playback of
1991). In general. communication systems that increase the advertisement calls elicits predatory attacks (Lüddecke
signal-to-noise ratio will be favored by natural selection 1999). A serious reason to ignore epiphenomena is in many
(Endler 1992; Alcock 1998). Conspicuousness in visual sig- cases the trouble of separating, either experimentally or by
nals is achieved by enhancing the contrast between the sig- observation, the concomitant effects of the sound or the
nals and the brightness, color, spatial pattern, or movement presence of the individual. We also consider as epiphenom-
oftheir background (Hailman 1977; Endler 1992; Bradbury ena actions thatindividuals perform to improve their visual
- and Vehrencamp 1998).Most reflected light signalsinvolve or acoustic field or to prepare themselves for another be-
muscular movement to change body shapes, to perform havioral pattern. For example, in some contexts "upright
stereotyped displays or gestures, or to orient or position the posture" or "body elevation" are followed by jumping in
individual in space. Often signal-gene rating movements are C. palmatus and may constitute orientation or preparatory
accentuated by strikingly colored or structured parts ofthe movements (Lüddecke 1974, 1999). The stereotyped move-
body (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1998). ments at underwater calling sites in pipid frogs (Rabb and
We exclusively defioe a visual signal if it is reported or Rabb 1960, 1963) have been classified as "postural or other
personally observed that the behavioral event (1) provides a visual displays" (Wells 1977b). However we do not include
visual cue during an intra- or interspecific interaction, (2) is these behavioral traits in our considerations since it is not
redundant, conspicuous, and stereotypical, and (3) most known whether these movements are performed to pro-
likely provokes an immediate response by the receiver that duce mechanical cues that propagate through water or
benefits the sender. The presence of alerting components in whether they represent visual signals themselves.
visual signals is difficult to prove (Lindquist and Hethering- Additionally we do not classify as signals visual cues that
ton 1998). are permanently "on" (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1998 and
Any visually perceivable state (sensu Lehner 1979;Martin references therein), such as coloration or size, even though
and Bateson 1993), such as persistent or temporarily limited we cannot rule out the fact that som; states provide sub-
sexual dimorphism, is excluded. Thus seasonal variation in stantial information in communication processes. Examples
color (as in breeding males of the European brown frog, include aposematic body coloration in dendrobatid frogs,
Rana arvalis woltcrsto1jfi,Mildner and Hafner 1990) or shape thought to indicate toxicity to potential predators (Myers
(e.g., hypertrophied forelimb musculature and nuptial ex- and Daly 1976; Myers et al. 1978); sexual dimorphism in
crescences in sexually mature males; Duellman and Trueb color patterns in Atclopus spp. (Lötters 1996) and Bufo spp.
1986) is not included in our analyses. We ooly considered (Duellman and Trueb 1986), considered to playa role in
changes of body coloration as visual signals if they occur intersexual communication; and intermale differences in
within short time intervals and immediately affect the be- the amount of ventral pigmentation, correlated with differ-
havior of a conspecific receiver. Many postures and, in gen- ences in reproductive success (Burrowes 1997).
eral, behavioral states can be used by conspecifics or het-
erospecifics as cues that provide information about the Deimatic Behavior and Visual Signaling of
status of asender. However they barely satisfy our definition Anurans during Interspecmc Communication
of visual signals-that the behavioral change provoked in
the receiver by the posture most probably benefits the Signals Addressed toward a Potential Predator
sender. The same reasoning applies to many locomotory
movements. Some anuran species perform a deimatic behavior consist-
Consequently we do not consider visual cues that obvi- ing of intimidating postures or actions when caught by a
ously originate as epiphenomena to be rituatized visual sig- pursuing predator (Edmunds 1981). The unken reflex (Un-
Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 123

km is the German term for the genus Bombina), a common in same individuals of C. calcarata in the presence of a small
behavioral response to perceived threat in the discoglossid leptodactylid frag of the genus Pleurodema. In this case not
species Bombina bombina and B. variegata, is characterized oo1y the fourth and fifth toes of a hind foot were curled and
primarily by lifting all four legs and arching the back, draw- undulated, but the foot itself was lifted and rotated. As in
ing attention to the bright ventral surface. Accompanying C. omata, individuals do not signal to all types of prey. For
this posture and subsequent immobility is a slowing down example, the presence of crickets failed to elicit pedalluring
of respiratory movements and an increase in skin secretion (Murphy 1976).
(Hinsche 1926; Noble 1955; Bajger 1980). The term unken
reflex has been used broadly to describe a wide range of sirn-
Visual Signaling in Anurans during Intraspecific
ilar defensive postures restricted to species with ventral Interactions
warning coloration (for anurans, see Haberl and Wilkinson
1997; for salamanders, see Brodie 1978; Brodie et al. 1979). Using our criteria for ritualized visual signals we chose from
Other visual defense actions in anurans include eyespot dis- the literature and then classified, named, and described all
play, body inflation, hind parts elevation, and display of nox- behavioral patterns we considered to be visual signaling dis-
ious glands or bright glandular secretions (Sazima and Cara- plays performed by anuran species (Table 10.1). Since the di-
maschi 1986; Martins 1989; Williams et al. 2000). versity of signals that an anirnal emits can be exaggerated
Arm waving in the harlequin frog, Atelopus zeteki, is from the human point ofview (Harper 1991), we follow a
elicited by the presence ofhurnan observers and continued conservative approach in our classification process. Thus
by the frog approaching the intruder (Lindquist and Heth- we group all those behavioral patterns involving sirnilar
erington 1996). Movement of appendages (in lizards) has body parts and providing a similar visual impression into a
been hypothesized to serve as a strategy that by alerting po- single visual display category, assuming that potential re-
tential predators and stimulating their movements would ceivers are approxirnately at the same level and in front of
facilitate their detection by the signaling individual (Mag- the sender. This approach neither assumes nor suggests be-
nusson 1996). However this explanation would apply ifthe havioral homologies between the species performing simi-
movements were performed both in the presence and ab- lar displays. We name visual displays by describing both the
sence of potential predators and were frequently repeated, a involved part of the body and its main action (e.g., toe trem-
condition not met during the arm-waving displays of bling). After noting the main components of the visual dis-
A. zeteki. play we describe what we consider to be secondary iriter-
When picked up or tapped on the snout the horned frog, specific variations. Since the communicative role of visual
Hemiphractus fasciatus (Cerathyla panamensis auct.), widely displays has rarely been tested we oo1y provide information
opens the mouth and sometimes slightly arches its body by about the general context in which they are performed. Fi-
throwing the head up and back while exhibiting a bright yel- nally Figures 10.1 to 10.4 depict foot-flagging, the most con-
lowish orange tongue. Such behaviors are believed to func- spicuous anuran visual display.
tion as a defensive display in which the unusual bright col-
oration of the tongue undoubtedly forms an integral part of Context and Interindividual Distances
the signal (Myers 1966).
Visual displays have been observed during both agonistic
Signals Addressed toward Potential Prey and courtship interactions (Zimmermann and Zimmer-
mann 1988; Narvaes 1997). Nonetheless when foot-flagging
Individuals of another horned frog, Ceratophrysomata, con- or arm-waving displays are considered, most of the reports
fronted with potential prey perform pedalluring displays by indicate agonistic contexts. Such displays are usually per-
twitching and curling the middle three toes of one or both formed after conspecific males approach or vocalize dose to
hind feet. The movement can be gradually intensified when a signaling individual (Lindquist and Hetheringtün 1996,
the potential prey remains visible and moving. In the ex- 1998; Hödl et al. 1997; Haddad and Giaretta 1999).
treme caseone or both hind feet are raised out of the water Visual displays are triggered by approaches of conspecific
and held almost vertically, with the soles of the feet and the individuals (Brattstrom and Yarne1l1968; Durant and Dole
toes directed laterally. Viewed from the front, the toes ap- 1975; Kluge 1981; Crump 1988; Richards andJames 1992;
pear wriggling directly above the head. pedalluring is not Pombal et al. 1994; Hödl et al. 1997), by self reflections in a
performed in front of all types of prey, but most likely in mirror (Pombal et al. 1994; Lindquist and Hetherington
front of those anirnals that might be attracted to the display 1998), by dummies (Emlen 1968; Lüddecke 1999), or by vi-
(Radcliffe et al. 1986). A similar response has been observed sual signals performed by a conspecific individual (Pombal


Table 10.1 Anuran visual display patterns used du ring inrraspecific communication (see Table 10.2 for information on the species
performing the displays)

Visual Signals Repertoire


1. Toe trembling. Twitching, vibrating, or wiggling the wes, without otherwise rnoving the leg. Toes may be moved sequentially, in wave like fashion
(Lindquist and Hetherington 1996; Narvaes 1997; Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished manuscript), or withour an apparent order (Brattstrom and
Yarnell 1968; Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988). The signal can be accentuated by the whitish upper surface of the wes (Heyer et al. 1990; Hödl
et al. 1997; Narvaes 1997), and can be performed as part of the arm-waving and hind-foot-raising displays (Lindquist and Hetherington 1996). Toe
trembling is performed after the sighting of potential rivals or partners (Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988) or during agonistic interactions
(Brattstrom and Yarnelll968; Heyer et al. 1990; Hödl et al. 1997; Narvaes 1997; Haddad and Giaretta 1999, Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished data).
2. Hind foot lifting. Raising one hind foot dorsally, without extending the leg, and putting it back on the ground. The motion may (Lindquist and
Hetherington 1996) or may not (Weygoldt and Carvalho e Silva 1992) be repeated before the limb is set back on the ground. The lifted foot may
simultaneously perforrn toe trembling (Lindquist and Hetherington 1996). It has been reported to occur only du ring agonistic encounters.
3. Arm waving. Lifting an arm and waving it up and down in an arc above or in front of the head. The movements may (Lindquist and Hetherington
1996) or may not (Crump 1988; Richards andJames 1992; Pombal et al. 1994; Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished manuscript) be performed in a
temporal pattern. It mayaiso be performed while the animal is walking and the lifted hand may perform simultaneous tOe trembling (Lindquist and
Hetherington 1996). Arm waving has been observed during agonistic encounters.
4. Limb shaking. Rapid up-and-down movements of a hand or foot. Limb shaking differs from hind foot lifting and arm waving in the very high speed
of the movement during limb shaking, which probably causes a different visual impression to the receiver. The movement can be repeated several
times before the leg returns to the resting position (Lescure and Bechter 1982). Limb shaking is commonly performed in the course ofboth counship
and agonistic encounters (Lüddecke 1974; Lescure and Bechter 1982; Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988; Zimmermann 1990).
5. Wiping. Movingjerkily the hand or foot upon the ground, without lifting it. Wiping differs from limb shaking in that the hand or foot remains in
contact with the substrate and differs from leg stretching in that the limb is not fully extended. It is performed during advertisement displays
(Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988).
6. Leg stretching. Stretching a single leg or both hind legs rapidly at the substrate level. The leg may (Hödl et al. 1997; Narvaes 1997; Haddad and
Giaretta 1999) or may not (Winter and MacDonald 1986; Wevers 1988; Richards andJames 1992; Weygoldt and Carvalho e Silva 1992) remain
extended for some time. Leg stretching occurs in agonistic contexts.
7. Foot flagging (Figures 10.1-10.4). Raising one or both hind legs, extending it! them slowly out and back in an arc above the substrate level, and
retUrning it! them tO the body side. At maximum extension feet can be vibrated (Richards andJames 1992) or toes can be ourstretched and spread, or
curled revealing contrasting (Harding 1982; Davison 1984; Heyer et al. 1990; Malkmus 1992; Hödl et al. 1997) or unconspicuous (Richards and James
1992) tOes or webbing. Both hind legs can be simultaneously (Figures 10.2, 10.3) or alternately (Malkmus 1989, 1992; Heyer et al. 1990; Richards and
James 1992; Narvaes 1997; Pavan et al. 2000) extended, in the latter case with no evidence of regular alternation (Heyer et al. 1990; Hödl et al. 1997;
Narvaes 1997; Haddad and Giaretta 1999). It is performed during hoth male advertisement displays and agonistic encounters (Hödl et al. 1997, Pavan
et al. 2000).


8. Color changing. Changing the color ofthe whole body (Wells 1980b), or at least the dorsal surface and the throat (Lüddeck.e 1974, 1976), to a near
black tone. It occurs within 1-30 minutes after the beginning of calling acriviry. The reverse change, from black to brown coloration, may occur
within similar time intervals after the male ceases calling (but see Lüddecke 1999). Color changing affects the course ofinterindividual encounters,
leading to either agonistic or courtship interactions (Wells 1980b).
9. Body lowering. Lowering either the anterior part of the body or rhe whole body, pressing it against the substrate. Limbs may remain pressed to the
sides ofthe body (Brattstrom and Yarne1l1968; Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988) or lie outstretched (Jaslow 1979). It may be performed as part
of drcling (Silverstone 1973; Zimmermann 1990) and during both courtship and agonistic interactions (Zimmermann 1990). At least in the latter case
it is believed to signal submission or lack of aggressive intention (Wells 1977a; Jaslow 1979; Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988).
10. Upright posture. Extending the angled arms and raising the anterior part of the body (Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988). It may Occur merely
as aposture (Zimmermann 1990) or precede walking toward an intruder or displaying the throat (Wells 1980b). In shallow water it is also performed
through the inflation ofthe body (Emlen 1968;'Wells 1977c). When the extension ofthe arms was associated with the facilitation of calling activiry
(Pombal et al. 1994), we did not consider the postUre as a visual display. Upright postUre occurs after the sighting of potential rivals or partners, and
thus in both agonistic and courtship contexts.
11. Throat display. Pulsation ofthe throat withoUt vocalizing after adopting an upright posture. The vocal 5ac usually contrasts with the background
because of the brilliant yellow coloration (Dole and Durant 1974; Wells 1980b; Junca 1998). Throats of males in other spedes are also colored and
probably contrasting (Lüddecke 1974; Wells 1980a; Hödl1991), but we do not consider them as visual displays because the extensions ofthe vocal sac
occur only during vocalization.
Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 125

Table 10.1 Continued

12. Body raising. Elevating the body by extending all four legs. Sometimes the individual stands on the tOes of the rear feet (Durant and Dole 1975). It
may occur as aposture (Wells 1980a) or to precede, and perhaps represent, an initial step ofbody jerking (Zimmermann 1990). Some individuals
slowly approach the receiver while maintaining this body posture, that is, without flexing the limbs ("strutting" in Zimmermann and Zimmermann
1988). It is performed at the initial stages ofboth courtsrup and agonistic interactions. (For body raising during complex agonistic interactions see
Figure 2 in Haddad and Giaretta 1999.)
13. Body inflation. Increasing the apparent body size by pumping air into the body. It is commonly performed after body raising, during both agonistic
and courtsrup interactions (Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988; Zimmermann 1990). Some ranids also inflate their bodies to adopt upright
postures (Emlen 1968; Wells 1978), but we do not treat it as a visual display in trus case because the visibility (to conspecifics) of the trunk partially
submerged in shallo~/ water is in doubt (Emlen 1968).
14. Two-Iegged push1l~'s. Moving the anterior part of the body up and down through jerky and repeated extensions of the forelegs. The fore part of the
body may remain higher (Wmter and MacDonald 1986; Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988; Zimmermann 1990) or lower than the horizontal axis
("nodding" in Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988) during the movements. It is performed at least during advertisement displays.
15. Body jerking. Performingjerky movements with the body without lifting either hands or feet offthe ground. The movements can be performed
forward and backward in a repeated manner ("bockeln" in Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988) or without an apparent pattern (Weygoldt and
Carvalho e Silva 1992). Body jerking is performed during agonistic encounters or as part of advertisement displays.
16. Back raising. Elevating the posterior part of the body through the simuItaneous enension of the rear legs. It may occur as aseries of movements and
be reinforced by a particuIar coloration ofthe dorsal posterior end ofthe body (Brattstrom and YamellI968). It has been reported during both
agonistic (Brattstrom and Yamelll968) and courtsrup (Narvaes 1997) interactions.


17. Running-jumping display. Running quickly back and forth or sideways along the substrate or a calling perch. It may be accompanied by raising of
front feet offthe ground or by "four-feet" jumps (Dole and Durant 1974; Wells 1980b). These extremely conspicuous movernents are performed at
the initial stages of courtship interactions (Wells 1980b;]unca et al. 1994).
18. Circling. Moving around another individual or simply pivoting around its own axis. It is mostly performed as a discontinuous movement and
combined with body lowering (Silverstone 1973; Zimmermann 1990). Circling occurs during courrsrup interactions (Silverstone 1973; WeIls 1980a;
Zimmermann and Zimmermann 1988; Zimmermann 1990).

et al. 1994;Narvaes 1997; Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished see Hödl et al. 1997; and for the rück skipper, Staurois
data). Individuals of the Braziliantorrent frog, Hylodes asper, latopalmatus, see R. Zeiner, unpublished data). Variation in
provided with a waist band and tied onto a fishing hook im- the distance to potential receivers may exist within species
mediately elicited foot flagging in vocalizing conspecific when either individuals or different visual displays are com-
males when brought into their visual fields (Hödl, unpub- pared. For example, in Hyla parviceps, foot flagging is per-
lished data). The playback of conspecific calls has elicited formed at distances ofl to 74 cm (mean =
19.7 cm, n 22 =
both acoustic and visual signaling in the harlequin frog, from 8 individuals) from the receiver, and arm waving at 5
Ate/opus zeteki, although the initial response of males per- to 10 cm (mean = 7.5 cm, n = 6 from 4 individuals)
ceiving a rival acoustically is to vocalize (Lindquist and Heth- (Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished data).
erington 1996). In both Hylodes asper and the Amazonian Elicitation of visual signaling suggests that visual signals
tree frog, Hyla parviceps, visual signaling occurs' only: after represent a facultative communicative mode whose use de-
the sighting of intruders; the playback of conspecific adver- pends on the visibility of potential intruders. Once the first
tisement calls provokes reorientation and sometimes dis- visual displays are performed the outcome of the inter-
placement toward the sound source, but fails to elicit visual action depends largely on the reaction of the potential in-
signaling (Hödl, Amezquita, unpublished data). truder. If the intruder calls, approaches further, or displays
Visual signals are reported to be performed mainly at in- visually, the initial display is usually followed by further dis-
terindividual distances ofless than 50 cm (mean = 22.8 cm, plays or by physical combat (Weygoldt and Carvalho e Silva
data from 7 species reported in McDiarmid and Adler 1974; 1992; Pombal et al. 1994; Hödl et al. 1997; Narvaes 1997;
Durant and Dole 1975; Davison 1984; Malkmus 1989; Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished manuscript). Initial dis-
Richards and. James 1992; Amezquita and Hödl, unpub- plays or combats usually end when the intruder retreats
lished data). Visual communication at interindividual dis- (Brattstrom and Yarnell 1968; Kluge .1981; Richards and
tances up to a few meters is exclusively reported for foot- James 1992; Weygoldt and CarvaIho e Silva 1992). On the
flagging species (for Hylodes dactylocinus see Narvaes 1997, other hand, if a potential intruder performs some form of
Pavan et al. 2000; for the Brazilian torrent frog, Hylodesasper, body lowering (Brattstrom and Yamell1968; Emlen 1968;

Figure 10.1. Foot-flagging and vocalizing

male of the Braziliantorrent frog, Hylodes
asper (Leptodactylidae, SVL == 41 mm),
drawn by H. C. Grillitsch after a photo-
graph taken by W. Hödl at Picinguaba, Säo
Paulo, Brazil. The first field notes on the
spectacular limb-flagging behavior in an-
urans were made in this species by Stanley
Rand at Boraceia, Säo Paulo, Brazil, in 1963
(published by Heyer et al. 1990). (Graphics
courtesy ofH. C. Grillitsch)

Zimmermann 1990) the attack will be inhibited and a species has been adequately studied. We inelude this subset
counship sequence may follow. of species, although the amount of knowledge on the be-
VlSUalsignals are commonly assodated with movement havioral repertoire is also highly variable among them.
and sometimes function as alerting signals that call the at- Where available the sex of the individual performing the vi-
tention of the receiver before the emission of the main mes- sual display is given (Table 10.2).
sage (Endler 1992). We suspect that toe trembling, upright
posture, and body raising most likely have an alerting func- Diversity ofVisual Signaling Behaviors
tion because they are commonly followed by or performed
in conjunction with other visual or acoustic displays (Wells Tbe diversity ofbehavioral patterns related to visual com-
1980b; Zimmermann 1990; Lindquist and Hetherington munication (i.e., the repertoire of visual displays) varies
1996; Hödl et al. 1997). In spite of this, they are treated as vi- enormously among anuran taxa (see Table 10.2). Studies on
sual displays themselves since they may elidt attention in dendrobatid spedes reveal the most impressive variety of vi-
the receiver, increasing its probability of detecting the fol- sual displays, which are coupled with acoustic signals during
lowing signal. This re action most probably benefits the both courtship and agonistic interactions (Lüddecke 1974,
sender. 1999; Wells 1980b; Zimmermann andZimmermann 1988;
Zimmermann 1990). Tbe extraordinarily complex visual
The Distribution ofVisual Signaling among communication apparent in dendrobatids may be partially
Anuran Taxa explained by the fact that these species are relatively easy to
observe and breed in captivity, and are thus attractive for
The Database both professional researchers and hobbyists (Schmidt and
Henkel 1995). It is therefore not surprising that their behav-
To investigate the patterns of visual signaling among anuran ior is fairly well known. At the other extreme, reports on the
taxa, we listed-based on the behavioral categories de- behavior of species that breed in streams remain highly an-
scribed in Table 10.1-the species and their visual displays ecdotal (Harding 1982; Winter and MacDonald 1986; Heyer
known to occurduring intraspecific communication (Table et al. 1990; Richards and James 1992), which is partially a
10.2). Probably most if not all dendrobatid frogs communi- consequence of the difficulqes imposed by the habitat and
. cate Visually,but the behavior of oOl.ya small subset of by their complicated breeding behavior (Narvaes 1997).
Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 127

Figure 10.2. Foot-flagging male of the

rock skipper, Staurois Iatopalmatus (Ranidae,
SVL = 42 mm), drawn by H. C. Grillitsch
after a video taken by R. Zeiner at Danum
"-;~'.~,.' tU"
./:i~;;:~ .:. l,(J7 Valley, Sabah. Individuals of s. Iatopalmatlls
'0 ""~::'
..,:.,,~. : performed visual signals by raising the left
. foot, the right foot, or hoth feet simulta-
neously in irregular alternation. Of 125 flag-
gings during 283 minutes of observation of
at least 11 individuals, 43 signals were given
with the left foot, 38 with the right foot, and
44 with hoth feet simultaneously (W. Hödl
and eight Austrian field course students, un-
published observations at waterfall near
Danum Valley Field Center, 7.2.97-11.2.97,
between 10:30 and 18:00). (Graphics cour-
tesy ofH. C. Grillitsch)

Species in 7 of 20 "families" (clades following Ford and lodes asper, Taudactylus eungellensis, Litoria rheocola, and
Cannatella 1993) within Neobatrachia are reported to dis- Epipedobatesparvulus (Oendrobatidae).
play visually, and most ofthe species perform more than one ükewise the numberofdifferentvisual displays performed
category of visual display during communication (Table by individuals of one species (hereafter, the "species' visual
10.2). As indicated above, further studies on the behavior of signaling repertoire") appears also to vary both between
the less-known species will probably reveal a greater variety species and between families. To group species according to
of visual displays than those reported here. their similarities in repertoire diversity, we used hierarchical
cluster analyses. Each of the 18 categories of visual displays
Visual Display Repertoires was considered a binary variable and its presence (1) or ab-
sence (0) in a species' repertoire was correspondingly coded.
Behavioral patterns seem to be more similar within rather We then used the within-group Iinkage and the Euclidean
than between families, and particu1arly within rather than Gamma Index (Hand 1981;SPSS 6.1.1) to estimate the degree
between genera (Table 10.2). Although ascertaining behav- of similarity between species' behavioral repertoires.
ioral homologies is difficult given the present state ofknowl- We contrasted graphically the similarity in the diversity
edge, some species in phylogenetically distant clades pre- of species' repertoires with the phylogenetic relatedness at
sent very similar visual displays. Tbe most striking examples the family level (Figure 10.5). Repertoires of species in the
of similarities involve up to four anuran families: the foot- family Oendrobatidae were clearly associated with cluster 2,
flagging displays performed by' Hylodes asper (Leptodac- but repertoires of species in other families were grouped
tylidae), Taudactylus' eungellensis (Myobatrachidae), Litoria less distirictively among the clusters. Cluster analyses also
genimaculata (Hylidae), and Staurois patvus (Ranidae); the revealed between-group differences in diversity of the visual
arm-waving displays performed by Brachycephalus ephip- signaling repertoires. Tbe median number of visual displays
pium (Brachycephalidae), Atelopus zeteki (Bufonidae), Crosso- performed by spedes increased progressively from cluster
dactylus gaudichaudii (Leptodactylidae), .and' Hyla parviceps lA to cluster 2B (Figure 10.6). Box plots also revealed out-
(Hylidae); and the leg-stretching displays performed by Hy- liers, that is, species that performed more (cluster lA and
Figure 10.3. Complete foot-flagging sequence of Stl1uTois
latopl11matus (SVL =42 mm) drawn by H C. Grillitsch after
a video taken by R. Zeiner at Danum Valley. Sabah. Time is
given in milliseconds after the onset of the behavior. Note
the toe spreading. exposing the whitish interdigital web-
bing during the flagging phase. (Graphics courtesy of
H. C. Grillitsch)
0 1760

360 1960

1560 2240

2480 2860

2640 2920

2800 3060
Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 129

Figure 10.4. Foot-flagging male Hyla par-

$ =
viceps (Hylidae) (SVL 19 mm) during call
interval dtawn by H. C. Grillitsch after a
photograph taken by W. Hödl at Summoni
River near La Esmeralda, Amazonas, Vene-
zuela. (Graphics courtesy of
H. C. Grillitsch)

2A) or fewer (cluster 2B) displays than expected according to ttasting the diversity of visual signaling repertoires with the
the within-cluster distribution. Thus the most parsimonious ecological conditions in which they could evolve.. Although
sequence of clusters, from less to more diverse, is lA-l B-ZA- we cannot test whether foot flagging represents convergent
2B (Figures 10.5 and 10.6). On the other hand, distances be- evolution in species breeding at noisy streams, we can lookfor
tween clusters 2A and 2B (within the farnily Dendrobatidae) associations between the diversity of visual signaling reper-
are larger than distances between lA and IB (each ofthem toires and breeding under these environmental conditions.
including species in different families). These results sup-
port the idea that diversity of visual displays is higher in den-
Hypotheses on the Evolution ofVisual
drobatids than in any other farnily. Most of the dendrobatid
Displaying in Anurans
species in cluster 2B were also grouped by Zimmermann
and Zimmermann (1988) for presenting the highest diver- The evolution of signals as phenotypic ttaits results from in-
sity in their behavioral repertoire. teractions among at least three sets of factors: (1) the re-
The patterns revealed by cluster analysis partly result strictions imposed by other phenotypic attributes of the in-
from some species lacking many visual displays and per- dividual or species, (2) the intrinsic properties of signals, and
forming few displays that may be sirnilar betwee,n them. (3) the effect of ecological factors. We discuss each of these
Some clusters are easily identifiable in these terms. About aspects, emphasizing the differences between acoustic and
half of the species in cluster lA perform arm waving and visual signals.
have very few other visual displays. Likewise cluster IB is
distinguished by the presence oHoot flagging. The Drigin of Signals
Whereas multiple occurrence of visual signaling among
anuran families suggests that sirnilar evolutionary pressures Signals are believed to have evolved from pre-existing cues
have led to convergent behavior, cluster analysis suggests or from other signals, and comparative studies indicate four
some common patterns at the farnily level. The study of the main sources of raw material for the evolution of ritualized
evolution of visual signaling must involve both the phyloge- visual signals (Harper 1991): intention movements, motiva-
netic effects and the more recent effects of natural selection tional conflict, autonomie responses, and protective re-
(Braoks and McLennanl991; Bradbury and Vehrencamp sponses. In this sense the visual displays we report here
1998), although homologies ofbehavioral patterns are diffi- could originate from other activities performed in either
cuh to ascerrain. Therefore our analysis aims only at con- intra- or interspecmc interactions.
Table 10.2 Distribution of visual signaling behaviors among anuran species (see description ofbehavioral patterns in Table 10.1)
Behavioral Pattero'

Appendages Body-Stationary stationary

Cf> 1-
0.. :a
..c: on
on on 1:: Cf> .S
.S on :s p"
<t: on
on on
.S ~ '8
a'" 1;' on
!: on e
.0 ;.:::: . j'" '" 0 1- .5 '" " .5 .:s
Ö ~
j c;:::
e '" ..c: '" -B :a .;; ....
<oS '" on c;::: .... i ...
'" .... .e .!:!, ,;;
.... .e .E
"CI .S ~ 0 ~0 e >. >. >.
"CI 2
" !: E "S p" on
" ö 'C "CI "E
:t ::J ~ J ~ ö
U ~
;:) ~ "8
~ ~
~ 0
Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ecologyb References'

~r.~~~y~c:p~~1.i~~c:W'" "'W .,...

Brachycephalus ephippium
Bu~ol1i~~e ... W ... .......

M 2
A. varius B- 3
A. zeteki M FS A 4
A. chiriquiensis M M FS A 4,5

I:c:pt()~~~o/.l!~e ww","'w..w
M M M PO C N 6; 44
M M M FS C D 7
M md md FS C D 8, 46, 47
wHyl?~es.~l.'er .
H. dactylocinus M M M PS C 9.48
........ ......
Taudactylus eungellensis ! PS C D 10

':}'Ii~a: . ..w,.....
itnria, M
....... SS C
L. nannotis M M PS C
L. rheocola M P5 C
~Ial~ ..............
..!!!.'~I.'~.r.:'!.cel.'s ..w...
M 55 C N
r/' ~o.s:.nb.~~ßi..
. Phyllomedusa sauvagii M EP C N

Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni M 55' C N 37

Dendrobatidae i ...
Colostethus trinitatis U j!wlw M+'Bwj'''pr M 55 C D 15,25, 36
C.col/aris Ü "j iwii iM":w: 0'1 'p 'w.......B B M M 55 C D 16,26,35
' w i. ""';"'"'' i '''''''''''
(;":il1$".in.~lis Uw.+, ;.w ,., ;.X.,j..I!..i ..L ~...
M 55 C D 17,18,26
C. palmatus . M F i B B 55 C D 19,20,26
C. marehesianu.s i F F F B FF C D 45

C. stepheni i .'......J..."....'.......
M B FF C D 21,45
iip;pdbdt'pd;;;i;;;;b;i;g;;j; V ; V FF A D 23, 26; 40

....:.!'........................ iJ : V V U FF C D 26; 40
LYL ; V FF A D 26; 40
:!'.:.i.r'..... .....................................

E.meolor ' V ; F i F ; F FF 22, 26; 40

V ; V U
E. anthonyi/ trieolor ; FF 'f1.6... 26; 40
E. boulengeri V ! V i ! U ; FF A D 26; 40
E. silverstonei U ; FF A D 26; 41
U U U : U FF A D 26; 41
E. trivittatu.s i ; FF A D 26;41

...Jl........................ U;
.............; i U FF C D 26; 40, 41
: i
P. vittatu.s


V .
B i
Mi M U F
pp' A
22, 26; 41

26; 41

26; 40, 41
Dendrobates auratu.s U U U FF A D 26; 41
10. !

D. truneatu.s V i V! U V V FF A D "'26 41:42'"

D. leueomelas U V v ; FF A D 26; 41, 42
D. tinetoriu.s U V U U ! V V FF A D 26; 41, 42
D.azureu.s U i U u U FF A D 26; 41,42
n U i U U FF A D

26; 41
... D. reticulatu.s U U U V U V U FF A D 26; 41
D. valiabilis
D. imitator
D. ; complex
11 U
26; 41
26; 41
D. U M V D 26,28; 41, 42
"""""" """''''''''''..............'''''''''''''
D.pul!!ilio V U M A D 26,27; 41, 42
D. speciosu.s
D. lehmanni V
B i
U U Hf: U
B! kJF
A ..
26; 41, 42

26; 41

D. histrionicu.s i 11
' ; ;
B Mi Mi U F FF A D 22, 24, 26

M i FS C D 29,30,31
S. latopalmatu.s M FS C D 32
Rana elamitans ;
; ;
M :t=: ;
PO C N 33
R. catesbeiana ; ; M j ; PO C N 34; 43

Reference codes: 1. Pombal et al. (1994); 2. !baiiez et al. (1995); 3; Crump (1988); 4. Lindquist and Hetherington (1996); 5.Jaslow (1979); 6. Braustrom and Yamell (1968); 7. Weygoldt and Carvalho e SiJva (1992); 8. Heyer et al. (1990); 9. Narvaes
(1997); 10. Winter and MacOonald (1986); 11. Richards andJames (1992); 12. Amezquita andHödl (unpubl. manusc.); 13. Kluge (1981); 14. HaiJoy (unpubl. manusc.); 15. Wells (1980b); 16. Dole and Durant (1974); 17. Ouellman (1966); 18. Wells
(1980a); 19. Lüddecke (1974); 20. Lüddecke (1976); 21. Junca et al. (1994); 22. Zimmermann (1990); 23. Wevers (1988); 24. SiJverstone (1973); 25. Test (1954); 26. Zimmermann andZimmermann (1988); 27. Forester et al. (1993); 28. Crump (1972);
29. Harding (1982); 30. Malkmus (1989); 31. Malkmus (1992); 32. Oavison (1984); 33. Wells (1978); 34. Emlen (1968); 35. Durant and Dole (1975); 36. Sexton (1960); 37. McOiarnlid and Adler (1974); 38. Frith and Frith (1987); 39. Robinson (1993);
40. SiJverstone (1976); 41. Schn1idt and Henkel (1995); 42. SiJverstone (1975); 43. Wiewandt (1969); 44. Gregory (1983); 45. Junca (1998); 46. Hödl et al. (1997); 47. Haddad and Giaretta (1999); 48. Pavan et al. (2000).
'Codes for behavior: M =performed by males; F =females; B =or both; U =unspecified by the author.
'Codes for ecologieal traits: PO =ponds; SS =slow.flowing s!teams; FS =fast-flowing streams and waterfaJls; EP =elevated perches; FF =forest floor; C =cryptic; A =aposematic; N =noctumal; 0 =diurnal.
'Refetences after semieolon provide ecologieal data but do not repott on visual displays.

'The "m" in Hylodesasperwas added during the editing phase and was therefote not included in the grouping and phylogenetic analyses.
'Trus speeiesdisplaysat elevatedperches (EP)abovestreams (SS).

Euclidean Gamma Index

0 5 10 15 20 25
.. .
Lep C.gaudich8udii
Cen - H. Oeischmanni
HyI- L rlJeocoIa
Buf - A. chiriquiensis
Buf - A. zeteld 1A
1A Buf . A. varius
Bra - B. ephippium
Buf - A. limosus
HyI- H. 1OS8nbergi 1
Den - C. stepheni
::: lep - H. sp. nv.
:.: HyI- H. parviceps
::: lep - H.asper
::: Myo - T. eunge/lensis
1 BI::: HyI- L nannotis
.:. HyI- P. sauvagt7
::: HyI- L. gsnimaculata
I. HyI- L fallax
:.. Ran - S. pBfVUS
.: Ran - S. latopa/matus
Den - C. coIIsris
Den - C. trinitatis
lep - L meIanonotus
Den - D. azureus
Den - D. fantasticus
Den - E. parvulus
Den - E. pulchdpectus
Den - E. sllwHstonei
Den - E. trivittatus
Ran - R. clamitans
Ran - R. catesbeiana 2A
Den - C. inguinalis
2A Den - E. femoraIis
Den - C. marr:hesianus
Den - E. bassled 2
Den - P. vittatus
Den - D. speciosus
Den - E. anthonyi
Den - E. pic1us
Den - E. bouIengeri
Den - D. leucomelas
Den - D. granuliferus
Den - P. lugubris
Den - D. auratus
Den - D. tIUncaIus
Figure 10.5. Hierarchical cluster analysis
Den - C. pa/matus
Den - D. pumillo ofthe presence or absence of18 visual sig.
Den - D. tinctodus naling modes among anuran species. The
Den - D. varisbilis 28
scale represents the Euclidean Gamma Index
26 Den - D. quinquevittatus
Den - D. imitator as a measure of dissimilarity between clus-
Den - E. tricolor ters. Rectang1es on the left group major clus-
Den - D. lehmanni
ters (marked by bold numbers) according to
Den - D. histdonicus
Den - P. terdbilis the ascending diversity (trom white to com-
Den - D. raticulatus pletely dark).

Pombal et al. (1994) suggested that arm waving in the legged pushing up, running-jumping display) may have ap-
pumpkin toadlet, Brachycephß.lusephippium, is derived from peared from either intention movements or motivational
cleaning behavior because of the similarities in both move- conflict. Foot-flagging displays are commonly performed
ments. Alternatively, arm waving and hind-feet lifting may during physical combat and in these instances they are eas-
weil have evolved from displacement movements related to ily confounded by the observer with kicking motions
intrasexual competition for access to mates (Woodward (Amezquita and Hödl, unpublished observations in Hyla
1982). Likewise visual displays involving either stationary or parviceps). Foot-flagging may represent the ritualization of
nonstationary body movements (e.g., body jerking, two- an aggressive behavior (attack) nowperformed before phys-
Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 133


Cf) C. collaris
<13 8 .

Q) 6
0 C. stepheni



E 2 R. cIam;tans
:J R. catesbeiana
.. Figure 10.6. Distribution of repertoiredi-
versity within and between clusters of an-
O. urans species (see Figure 10.5) that display
N= 10 10 23 13 visually. Bars indicate median values, upper
1A 18 2A 28 and lower ends of the boxes denote upper
and lower quartiles; points represent outliers
Cluster in Figure 10.5 from each distribution.

ical contact with the riyal. In any case ritualization should Locatability
lead to signals becoming highly stereotyped, repetitive, and
Although visual signals are sirnilar to acoustic signals in
exaggerated, thus improving their communicative role
(Krebs and Davies 1993). their rate of change, a property that may affect the amount
The ritualization of signals can also be initiated or gready ofinformation transmltted (Endler 1992), visual signals are
accelerated if perceptual systems in the species have inher- more easily located than acoustic signals. Location is prob-
ably one of the most irnportant aspects of the information
ent biases (Ryan and Keddy-Hector 1992; Arak and Enquist
an individual transmits in advertisement, courtship, and ag-
1993),for example, if potential receivers are particularly sen-
sitive to some movements in specific environments. Fleish- onistic contexts. Females approaching sound sources that
man (1992) suggested that in anoline lizards selection on are broadcast from elevated perches show greater jump-
error angles than when they approach at the two-
the visual system to detect insect or prey movements has
biased males toward making the kinds of visual displays dimensional ground level (data reviewed in Klump 1995).
Furthermore female Hyperolius marmoratus made extensive
that they do. In a sirnilar way females of some Colostethus
use of visual cues when approaching elevated sound
species might be sensitive to objects that look and move like
sources, and both lateral head scanning (before jumps) and
a gular sac because it is important to identny calling males
vertical changes in head orientation were frequent (Pass-
during initial stages of courtship (Lüddecke 1999). This sen-
more et al. 1984). Though we are not aware of reports on vi-
sory bias may have facilitated the evolution of throat dis-
sual signaling in the species above, this evidence suggests
playing asa signal, even in female-female agonistic inter-
that visual cues enhance the ability of females to locate
actions, given that a female throat differs from that of a
male. Such a difference is found in Colostethus trinitatis and males. In this way the sender's fitness might be increased in
C. collaris;both species perform throat displays during ago- visual-signaling males in those species where mating or de-
nistic interactions. fense of territories occur on perches above ground level,
such as Hyla parviceps,Phyllomedusasauvagii, Litoria fallax,
and Hyalinobatrachiumjleischmanni.
Visual versus Acoustic Signals

Signals themselves possess characteristics that impose re- Diurnality

strictions on the communication system (Alcock 1998). Vi-
sual signals differ from auditory signals, the most prominent Visual signals can be transmitted over relatively short dis-
an~ran signals, in many important aspects (Krebs and Da- tances and are often obscured by obstacles in the environ-
vies 1993), to be discussed below. ment. These problems impose distance and light restrictions

on the communication process (Harper 1991). Data on the The evolution of visual signals can also be favored when
distance betWeen sender and potential receiver of visual sig- predarors are deterred from auacking by strategies such as
nals support this prediction (see "Context and Interindivid- toxicity and aposematism, as has been proposed for some
ual Distances" above); with the exception of the foot- dendrobatid, brachycephalid, and bufonid frags (Duell man
flagging species (Hödl, personal observations) almost all and Trueb 1986; Pombal et al. 1994; Lötters 1996). Apose-
reported visual displays were performed when individuals matism mayaiso favor visual signaling because the apose-
were less than 50 cm from one another. The distance con- matic coloration increases the conspicuousness of individ-
straint can be overcome if different types of signals are used ual frogs to both conspecifics and heterospecifics within the
facultatively, that is, acoustic communication may prevail for habitat (Pombal et al. 1994).
long-distance interactions, whereas the spatial component
added by visual communication becomes useful at medium Ambient Noise
or short ranges (Endler 1992; Lindquist and Hetherington
1996). Actually all species reported here also make use of vo- Noise can affect the evolution of a signal (Harper 1991). Vi-
calizations during intraspecific communication. The alterna- sual signaling may represent an alternative or complemen-
tive (short-distance) role of visual signals would explain why tary form of communication for those species that display
they also are used by species that are active at low light levels and breed at sites with high ambient noise levels. Such an ex-
and that occur at sites with high vegetation density (McDi- planation has been suggested for the evolution of visual sig-
arrnid and Adler 1974; Richards andJames 1992; Amezquita naling in species that live near waterfalls or torrential
and Hödl, unpublished data), even though visual commu- streams (Heyer et al. 1990; Lindquist and Hetherington
nication is predicted to be inefficient under these conditions 1996; Hödl et al. 1997; Narvaes 1997; Haddad and Giaretta
(Harper 1991; Endler 1992; but see Buchanan 1998 for low- 1999; Figures 10.1-10.3). Several frog species (for birds, see
illumination prey detection in tree frags). also Martens and Geduldig 1988) that breed in the midst of
high ambient noise generated by rushing water utter high-
Predation Pressure pitched calls concentrated within a narrow frequency band
(Dubois and Martens 1984). The higher the frequency, the
Visual signals can make the sender vulnerable to localiza- better the contrast to the low-frequency-dominated noise
tion by predators, but this problem can be partly overcome produced by the turbulent waters (see Figure 10.7; Hödl,
when the signals are performed rapidly (Harper 1991; Brad- unpubIished data). However, perhaps to compensate for the
bury and Vehrencamp 1998) or are high1y directional. Be- increased sound attenuation at high frequencies, visual sig-
cause cryptic coloration is the first line of defense against naling (i.e., leg-waving) has evolved in these frogs.
predation for most animals, selection may favor short-range AcousticaIly streams do not represent a homogeneous
distinctiveness for communication with conspecifics and habitat. According to published descriptions and our own
long-range crypsis for protection against predators. A com- experience, we found that of the species reported to com-
prornise betWeen conspicuousness and crypsis is dynamic municate visually and breed at streams (Table 10.2), only
coloration (Butcher and Rohwer 1989): an individual may, some of them seem to do it under conditions ofhigh back-
for example, maintain colored or structured body parts hid- ground noise. The intensity and quality of noise varies in
den and flash them during visual displays by briefly uncov- relation to characteristics ofthe streams and the season of
ering them (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1998). In some the year. In addition some species avoid breeding in
species that perform foot-flagging displays, brilliantly col- streams when or where water flow i!>rapid (Wells 1980a),
ored webbing is visible only during the last part of the dis- whereas others seem to prefer rushing water (Malkmus
play (Figure 10.3, Table 10.1). Likewise the brilliant orange 1989; Heyer et al. 1990; Richards andJames 1992; Hödl et
spots on the limbs of Hyla parviceps are visible only during al. 1997).
foot-flagging displays (Figure 10.4; Amezquita and Hödl, Nevertheless high-pitched calls are also emitted by males
unpublished manuscript). Bright coloration may serve tWo of other species that inhabit apparently less noisy streams
purposes: to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and/or to in- (e.g., Colostethus trinitatis, Wells 1980b). Low noise levels
dicate some quality of the sender. The lauer possibility has may represent a selective force for many of the stream-
not been considered for flashing coloration in anuran am- breeding Ate/opus species, since their vocalizations are par-
phibians. On the other hand extended appendages do not ticularly weak (Jaslow 1979; Cocroft et al. 1990; Lötters
necessarily have to be colored since the movement itself 1996).We thus considered in Table 10.2 tWo kinds of stream
contrasts against the stationary background (Bradbury and conditions according ro the most probable prevalent condi-
Vehrencamp 1998). tion during the displaying and breeding activity of the
Visual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 135

Hylodes asper
rn 80

E 0 5
Frequency (kHz)


==- .
5 .
. Li i' I:HiH~t:~tf;t.t't:1lttlrHHfHP
',':<,':' .': ..'
t :.'
~ I I
CD '--"h..l . {bild. '1IPl',"l+'illllIP
0111<111" 1!6.

0 2 Time (5)

8 Staurois latopalmatus

5 Frequency (kHz)
Figure 10.7. Oscillograms (below),
section displays (above) taken at the marked
ment calls of (A) the Brazilian torrent
guaba, Säo Paulo, Brazil; 24°C air temperature).
intensity at 1 m from the calling individual
and spectral
of advertise-
frog, Hylodes aspu (Picin-
The sound
and the rushing water
N measured 86 dB (flat, re 20 ILPa, impulse time constant). Note that
>- the maximum energy of the high-frequency call is below the ambi-
g 5 ent noise level, which drops as frequency increases. (B) The rock
er skipper, Staurois latopalmatw (Danum Valley; Sabab, 25° C air tem-
I.L. perature). The sound intensity at 1 m from the calling individual
0 and 70 cm from the rushing water measured 87 dB (flat, re 20 ILPa,
~ impulse time constant). Note that the maximum energy ofthe call
s:: exceeds that of the constant ambient noise level within its frequency
E range by less than 15 dB. In both analyses Canary sampling rate

2 was 22 kHz. filter bandwidth 266,58 Hz, frame length 23.22 ms,
Time (5) time 2.902 ms.

species: waterfalls and fast-flowing streams (PS) and low- Ecology and Phylogeny in the Evolution of
forest, slow-flowing streams (SS).
Visual Signaling
An interesting potential counterexample to the relation-
ship between high ambient noise level and visual signaling is We have discussed arguments leading to predictions about
given by the Bomean frog Ra11Jlblythi: this apparently mute ecological conditions that may have favored the evolution of
species builds its nests within gravel bars of streams. Its be- visual displaying in anurans, namely displaying at elevated
haviorwas thoroughly studied by Emerson and Inger (1992) perches, diurnality, aposematism, and displaying at continu-
and they did not report on any kind of visual display. aus high ambient noise levels. We collected ecological in-
formation from the literature about these factors in the
species reported to perform visual displays (Table 10.2). We
then mapped these ecological traits onto a phylogenetic
tree depicting the relationships among the main dades of

neobatrachian anurans. The tree was modified from Ford spp. by using posterior instead of anterior limbs and their
and Cannatella (1993) to include those clades reported to group is mostly represemed by cluster 1B in Figure 10.5.
display visually. Additional information on the phylogenetic The genera less consistent with this pattern are Litona and
relationships within Dendrobatidae was obtained from My- Phyl/omedusa, as they include noctUrnal species, three of
ers et al. (1991) and Toft (1995). We also separated closely re- them apparently not breeding near waterfalls. This result,
lated clades when they differed in some ecological or be- however, strongly supports a former explanation for the
havioral characteristie. evolution of visual signaling. According to Heyer et al.
Ecological information was coded as discrete characters (1990) high levels ofbackground noise may have favored the
for three variables: display site (pond or swamp, elevated evolution of visual signaling.
perch, stream, waterfall or noisy stream, forest floor), time Visual signaling in diurnal and highly aposematie species
of activity (noctUrnal, diurnal), and the most probable of the families Brachycephalidae (Brachycephalus) and Bu-
antipredator strategy (crypsis, aposematism) according to fonidae (Ate/opus) mayaiso have evolved under similar eco-
dorsal coloration. As a working definition we cIassified as logieal conditions. Their behavioral repertoires are of simi-
aposematic those species whose dorsal color is mostly dom- lar diversity (see within cluster lA in Figure 10.5) and
inated by bright colors, excluding all shades of green, involve arm waving and, in only two species of Ate/opus,
brown, and black. For the ancestral conditions we assumed same additional displays. Unfortunately information on the
noctUrnal activity, reproduction at ponds, and crypsis (Du- (diurnal) behavior of several cryptieally colored Ate/opus
ellman and Trueb 1986). species and the two non-aposematic brachycephalid species
The comparative method has been neglected in elucidat- are lacking (McDiarmid 1971; Pombal et al. 1994; Lötters
ing the ecological correlates of signal diversity (Harper 1996). Further research on these species should provide an
1991, but see Ryan 1988; Cocroft and Ryan 1995). We do not interesting phylogenetic contrast to test at a finer level the
in te nd to compare the ecological attributes of species that possible evolutionary link between their ecological attrib-
perform visual displays with those of species not reported to utes and visual signaling (Pombal et al. 1994). Although we
display visually. There is of course not enough information classified here Ate/opus species as displaying beside streams
and probably tOo much variation in ecologieal traits within and waterfalls, some species not included in this study dis-
the taxonomie (family) level that we use to represent nonvi- play and mate at forested sites, sometimes far from the
sually displaying clades. Instead our aim here is to look for streams where oviposition occurs (Dole and Durant 1974;
patterns of association between the ecologieal attributes of Lötters 1996).
the clades and the diversity ofbehavioral repertoires. We es- The diurnal, forest-floor inhabitant species in the family
timated diversity ofbehavioral repertoires from the cluster Dendrobatidae (Colostethus, Epipedobates, Phyllobates, and
analysis performed in the section "Visual Displaying Reper- Dendrobates) perform many different displays, grouped as
toires" (Figure 10.5). Clusters lA-l B-ZA-ZB are ordered behavioral repertoires in clusters ZA and ZB (Figure 10.5).
from lowest to highest level of diversity and are represented Same displays are widespread among the species, such as
by gradually darker rectangles in Figures 10.5 and 10.8. toe trembling, limb shaking, body lowering, and upright
Species recognized as outliers in Figure 10.6were reassigned posture. In cluster ZB most species that are included addi-
to the cluster whose median number of performed displays tionally perform body raising, body inflation, two-Iegged
was more similar. In this way Colostethusstepheni and Crosso- push-ups, and circling. The shift to diurnality seems to be an
dactylus gaudichaudii were considered better represented as ancestral condition for almost all dendrobatid taxa (but see
part of cluster ZA, Colostethuscol/ans was reassigned tO clus- Myers et al. 1991), making it difficult to assess its potential
ter ZB,and Rana clamitans and R. catesbeianawere reassigned relevance for within-family differences in repertoire diver-
to cluster 1A. sity. The association between aposematism and repertoire
The observed patterns suggest that visual communiea- diversity also remains unclear, since most of cryptic
tion may have evolved in anuran amphibians under several Colostethus species perform as many visual displays as the
ecologieal conditions (Figure 10.8). Species that breed near aposematie Dendrobates in cluster ZA (Figure 10.5). Never-
waterfalls and fast-flowing parts of streams, mainly diurnal, theless some well-studied species in the cluster with highest
in the families "Hylodinae" (Hylodes),Myobatrachidae (Tau- diversity of visual signals (ZB) are recognized as highly poi-
dactylus), Hylidae (Litoria), and Ranidae (Staurois) constitUte sanaus (Myers and Daly 1976; Myers et al. 1978).
a likely convergent group. They perform visual displays by The evolution of visual signaling in dendrobatids may
hind-Ieg extension or flagging that apparemly serve for also be associated with displaying and mating on the forest
communieation at "lang" distances (see "Comext and In- floor. As already proposed by Wells (1977a), the fact that
terindividual Distances"). These species differ from Ate/opus both males and females live all year in the same areas and
. VtSual Signaling in Anuran Amphibians 137

810 Brachycephalidae (1)
other bufonids
S"' Atelopus limosus
i1 8 Atelopus (3)

. Heleophryne
Leptodactylinae (1)
other leptodactylids

I Crossodactylus (1)*
Hylodes (2)
other myobatrachines
I Taudactylus (1)
other hylids
Litoria fallax
n c Litoria rheocola
Lltoria nannotis
Litoria genimaculata
Hyla rosenbergi
Hyla parviceps
Phyllomedusinae (1)
(] Centrolenidae (1)
Colostethus palmatus
s Colostethus (4)
Colostethus stepheni*
Epipedobates (2)
Epipedobates (8)
P"yllobates (2) Figure 10.8. Mapping of ecological traits
Phyllobates terribilis in anuran taxa that perform visual signals
Myniobates (bold letters). Rectangles indicate repertoire

fiiI nocturnal
I Dendrobates (7)
Dendrobates (8)
clusters resulting from the analysis depicted
in Figure 10.5. Shading (from whire to black)
reflecrs increasing repertoire diversity. Num-
Arthroleptidae bers within parentheses give the number of
m aposematic other ranids species reporred to display visually within
[g cryptic [) Rana (2) the taxon. The phylogenetic tree was
m forest floor °. Staurois (2) modified from Ford and Cannatella (1993).
Hyperoliidae Myers et al. (1991). and Toft (1995). Fine cap-
Im waterfalls
m streams tions indicate Taxa in which visual signaling
I!I elevatedperches has not been reported to date. (Drawing by
mJ ponds A. Amezquita)

compete for similar resources makes it important to recog- Explanations for the evolution of visual signaling in
nize the sexual receptivity of potential partners. Individuals species not ineluded in the groups mentioned above must
should therefore signal whether they are ready to mate or to surely wait until there is more information. Though no elear
defend a territory. This reasoning also applies to those pattern was detected on the phylogenetic tree (Figure 10.8).
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lis~ territories elose to streams (Lüddeck.e 1974, 1999; Du- vored the evolution of visual signals that facilitate location
rant and Dole 1975; Wells 198Gb). and sex recognition in some hylid and centrolenid species.

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