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Arellano University

Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda Street, Sampaloc Manila

The Importance of ABM strand in education among SHS of Arellano University.

Submitted by:

Nuevo, Leonardo Aslee M.

Patricio, Alyanna Denielle A.

Pulido, Luis Mark

Ramirez, Mary Joy D.

Rivamonte, Nellan L.

Samson, Hanson Clark

Salmingo, Gabrielle Jacinto

Serrano, Glyzamae P.

Solis, Zyrille Anne

Tan, Jamelle

Tanio, Ivan

Ulep, Aaron John

Unciano, Nixel G.

Unclara, Andrea

Urmaza, Krizza Joy

Verallo, Vivien M.

To be submitted to:

Ms. Renielyn F. Cabida


We would like to express our special thanks to God for giving us strength and

knowledge to accomplish this research paper. We also like to thank our teacher Ms.

Renielyn Cabida who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful research on the

topic “The Importance of ABM strand in Education among SHS of Arellano University”;

who also guides us in doing this research and we came to know about so many new

things. We would also like to thank our respondents which are very game to cooperate

with our studies and interview without asking for a return from us so in this way it helped

us to get the better result for our research. We also like to thank our group mates for the

feedback, cooperation, unity and of course the friendship of our team. And last but not

the least, we would like to thanks our family specially our parents for the unending

support they gave us until we finished this research within limited time frame.

Our topic is all about “The Importance of ABM strand in education among Senior

High school of Arellano University”. We made interview to the selected senior high

school students taking up ABM strand and let them answer our questionnaires to know

their opinions.

Most of them choose ABM strand in order to gain more appreciation of the world

of accounting and business management courses. The ABM track or Accountancy

Business Management is for more who plan on taking up economics, Business

Administration Accountancy and marketing in college. And its focus in student in ABM

most of them have difficulties to their studies. This strands helps to become successful in

the future, and to become an achiever because many of students, studying of Arellano

University they have big opportunities for them in the future. Many of the students

choose ABM strand because of their parents or friends who influence and recommend to

them to take ABM strand.

Some of them are the ABM strand is not their first choice but because of

exploring and studying under ABM strand in the end they realized that ABM strand is the

one what they like and it is for them. As they answered our questions we found out that

taking ABM strand has a huge effect on their lives because the things they learn on ABM

strand they can apply to their daily lives what they have learn like they can manage their

money or allowances properly.

In the end the researchers found out that ABM strand is important to every student

who are taking it. Because of ABM strand they become ready to take the college course
they want especially if they want to enter corporate world. Taking ABM strand also can

affect their daily life and this will help them to become successful in the future.

CHAPTER I: The Problem and its Background

Introduction ........................................1

Statement of the Problem . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Scope and Delimitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Conceptual Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

CHAPTER II: Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

Reviews of Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Reviews of Related Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

CHAPTER III: Research Design and Methodology

Methods of Research Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Data Gathering Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Data Gathering Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Statistical Tool/ Treatment of the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

CHAPTER V: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation of Data

Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Recommendation . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20



The Problem and its Background

This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the

problem, scope and delimitation, significance of the study, the conceptual framework and

the definition of terms used.


ABM or Accountancy Business Management is one of the strands offered in the

Senior High school Academic track. It aims to provide every student with the skills to

acquire Accountancy, Management and other business-related college courses. It has also

the huge number of enrollees.

When K to 12 was implemented more students chose ABM strand among General

Academic Strand (GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand (STEM) and Technical, Vocational

Livelihood strand(TVL). It is probably because their passion is into accounting, banking

and finance, business management, marketing and the likes.

Some students say that ABM is a hard type of strand because it composed of

mathematics. Although it requires only basic mathematical operations, what makes it

difficult is the use of analytical and logical thinking. But not all time, because some of

the students is good on analyzing and have full strategies to face the entire problem.
Students must need to study more especially when they are in senior high school

level. This will help them to become a successful person someday. And they can only

achieve this if they have enough knowledge for them to understand things that is

happening around them. Students can gain knowledge when they stay here in Arellano

University, because most of the successful people are graduated here in Arellano

University. They experienced lots of things that help them to become a person they are

right now, and help more the student who's going to take the courses that is relevant to

the ABM strand they are going to take in SHS.

The researchers conduct research in Arellano University because some of the

Alumni's have already experience things how to gain knowledge that help them to

become a successful one by the help of ABM strand here in Arellano University. The

researchers conduct this research because they want to give some information for the

students who is going to take courses that is connected to ABM strand and make them

realize that ABM strand has a big contribute and impact to the courses they are going to

take in college. Using this research, students who are going to read this might help them

to study hard and gain more information.

This study aims to impart the importance of ABM strand in education among

Senior high school of Arellano University.

Statement of the Problem

This study is under taken to find the importance of ABM strand in education in

the selected senior high school students who are taking up ABM strand. This strand
would be beneficial for those who are planning to take up business related courses as this

strand will give them enough knowledge about business management.

1. What is the level of their interest in ABM strand?

2. What makes them choose ABM strand?

3. What is the purpose of taking ABM strand?

4. How useful is ABM strand as chosen strand?

5. How important is ABM strand?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on investigating the interest of students who are planning to

take Accountancy Business Management (ABM). The reason and purpose why they

choose ABM strand. The usefulness and importance of taking ABM strand.

Significance of the Study

This study is under taken to find out the importance of ABM strand in education

among senior high school students.

Gathering information about study is very important in order for us to know the

reaction of people that will see our study. The following groups will benefit from our



Those students specially Junior High School will benefits this study because they

can get some data and information from this and also they can get some ideas on what is

ABM strand all about.

Other Researchers

They will also benefit from our research because they can get more information

that might be related to their topic.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Fields in the ABM Survey To know the

Strand Questionnaires different, career
paths and benefits
Possible career Interviews of being an ABM
paths with the ABM student and to make
Strand freshmen choose the
ABM Strand

Many of the upcoming Senior High School students are confused what strand they

will take. Knowing the different, career paths and benefits of this strand, it will help

freshmen to take this strand. ABM Strand is consist of different skills like time

management, communication skill, analytic skill, etc. this will help future professionals

to be enlightened, be responsible, disciplined and showcase their intelligence.

Definition of Terms


Define as Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand. It focus on the basic

concepts of financial management, business management, corporate operations, and all

things that are accounted for.

Academic Track

Define as a set of possible course selections available to a specific group of



Define as an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and

with opportunities for progress.


It is a call to take part in a contest or competition.

Senior High School

Is a secondary school, typically comprising the three highest grades.


Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the people who are able to define the importance of ABM

strand in different ways. It comes from foreign or local.

Review of Related Literature

According to Jodi Chavez, president of Ranstand professionals, Job opportunities

in finance and accounting have increased with the growing economy making it a must in

demand career in the year 2017. For instance Chye Kon (1996) examined how

entrepreneurial inclination affects psychological characteristics. The results showed that

ABM students who exhibited entrepreneurial inclination have higher levels of

innovativeness. Additionally, it also revealed that students display higher need for

achievement locus of control and self- confidence. In the study of Asanami and Mensah

(2013) students leadership attributes task performance, achievement attitude and level of

risk-taking had a positive students.

“A satisfying lifestyle depends greatly on a satisfying career. For that reason, you’ve

probably decided not to be among the 50% who “fall” into a career decision-making

process to choose a career that’s right for you. In doing this, you’ll take a big step toward

controlling your own lifestyle.” Kimbrell, G. & Vineyard B. S. (n.d.) Bannet &

McKnight Division (G. & B.S, n.d)

Get to know yourself a little better before you start choosing or exploring our careers.

You should have a good understanding of your own value, personality and abilities. Then

you can find what career you want.

Shinn, G. (1981) Better Yourself Boos What you want the most in life? You would

almost certainly say that you want to be successful. How do you attain success? First, you

need the wisdom to know what to do, the knowledge of how to do it, and the self-

motivation to do it. (G.S. , 1981)

Choosing a course/track will somehow can say what your future will be. If you want

to be successful, choose the right way to do the things that you want to.

Capital isn’t so important in business. Experience isn’t so important. You can get both

these things. What is important is ideas. If you have ideas , you have the main asset, you

need, and there isn’t any limit to what you can do with your business and your life. They

are any man’s greatest asset—ideas. Firestone, H.,(n.d.)(H,n.d.)

The course/track that most of the students choose, they prefer a business course,

because they know that if they choose this kind of course/track, they can immediately

have a job.

According to the “The Good Universities Guide” (2017) there are 5 factors that affect

the decision of the students. At first, the students are expecting for high grades in a

subject they are going to take. Second, talking to professionals that are talking about the

industry. Third, being pressured by the parents. Choosing a course, you do not want and

not interested. And lastly, thinking about the future after graduating. In choosing the right
pathway for the future look for a job that is connected to your degree. (The Good

Universities Guide, 2017)

Making decisions is something we do every day, so I wanted to find out more about

how this process works and what affects the choices we make. It turns out; there are some

really interesting ways our decisions are affected that I never would have guessed.

Luckily, we can take action to improve most of these. Obviously, lots of things take place

inside your brain as you make a decision. What I found really interesting were the various

things that affect our brain’s decision-making process without us ever realizing.

Over and above past experiences, cognitive biases, and individual differences; another

influence on decision making is the belief in the personal relevance. It can reflect the

attitude of one individuals, concluded that people will vote more readily when they

believe their opinion is indicative of the attitudes of the general population, as well as

when they have a regard for their own importance in the outcomes. The age is one

individual difference that influence toward in the decision making. As part of their age

the thinking is affected of generalized ideas of them in making decisions if its relevant or

not. It’s up to them which they want to have for it happens effectively for them to have

the importance outcomes of the decisions they are in.

According to Nicholas Sparks, The Senior High School as part of the K+12

Curriculum is new in our educational system, but in the contrary, these added two years

in basic education will provide an opportunity for everyone to be equally well-prepared

for a college education academically. In Senior High School there are four career tracks

for students to choose from: Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports, and Art

& Design. One of the strands in Academic track is Accountancy and Business

Management (ABM) which offers subjects which will help and open our minds into the

business world therefore, become the ticket to the corporate world. The purpose of

writing the literature is to highlight and broaden the knowledge of the students of what

ABM really is. The literature review focuses on the ABM strand, for the students to have

background knowledge about it, to let them know what are the possible courses they can

take up in college in line with the said strand and the potential jobs they can acquire in

the future.

Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) strand offers subjects which will help

and open our minds into the business world, therefore, become the ticket to the corporate

world. And as our economy grows through the years, more and more job opportunities

are being available, and as of this year, 2017, accounting and finance related jobs are the

most sought jobs around the world. Overall, the purpose of writing the literature is to

highlight and broaden the knowledge of the students of what ABM is and encourage them

to take up the said track. The author’s objectives were reasonable and attainable and the

article was relevant and convincing. The literature review answered all the questions

about ABM track clearly. The article also included enough information to fulfil the

anticipation of the students to gain knowledge about ABM.

According to Reynolds (n.d), “there are times that the students choose their

course/track based on their personal interest. The students based their choosing a course

according to their interest. It is good to know if the students choose their course

according to what they really want. And not the decision of others because if they follow
what other people say to them, there will be a situation that they handle their goals

properly.” (Reynolds)

Jackson, G. (2012) , the parents is the second one why their child chooses their child’s

course/track. The parents influence their child because they think about their financial

situation if they can afford what their child’s course/track. Sometimes if the students

follow the course/track that they want to choose, but their parents cannot allow them

financially, they can’t choose a course that they want to.(G.,2012

“During your business degree, you’ll develop a broad knowledge of business

operations as well as gaining targeted skills in your specific field, such as customer

markets, finances operations, strategy, business policy, communications and IT. You’ll

typically also be challenged to explore these fields within an international context,

through in some cases it will be advantageous to specialize in their application within a

particular country or world region.” Laura Tucker (2014) Why Study Business? (Tucker


Review of Related Studies

The present study on entrepreneurial inclination of SHS-ABM track students in an

additional literature in the field of entrepreneurship. It has been noted that

entrepreneurship impact society through employment, improvement of human life,

increased productivity and revenue from taxes (Lacao 2015) and investigating the

inclination towards SHS students can be benchmark and a tool that can be used by

government organizations including DepEd and CHED in promoting entrepreneurship

education among Filipino youth.

In choosing a strand in SHS is not easy, but sometimes it is easy to choose if you

already know what is your goal in life and what are your plans in the future. Below are

some factors in choosing ABM as your strand:

 You are willing to have a business someday. It is because in this strand, you will learn

how to start a business, what characteristics does a business man/woman needed? And

lastly, how to manage a firm, entrepreneurship, and anything in the business world.

 You must be inclined with the subject Mathematics, but not all students are good in this

subject but the students have their saying which is “it this is your weakness, you should

give some extra effort and more focus”. Most of the students choose this strand because

they are good in math which it is easier for them.

 You are 100% sure that you really love being an ABM student. You can’t achieve your

goal if you don’t love your course. If you love everything about ABM, you can give your

full effort and attention just to achieve your goal.

(Factors of Choosing ABM,n.d.)

“In the light of this unusual interest in education, one may ask: why does the Filipino

give so much value to education that he dares all odds and works hard to the bones if only

to earn a degree for himself? It is enlightening to know what the people have to say about

it” Timbreza, F. T.,(n.d.) “Filipino Values Today” National Bookstore

Some people can sacrifice themselves just to earn a degree. But, if they didn’t value

their personality, the education they have are nothing. Don’t study just to have your own

personal intention to yourselves. Learn how to value yourselves. Because our lives are

not our own lives.

Being an educated people doesn’t define on what attitude you have. If defines on what

personality you have. If you’re educated, but you don’t even respect some people around

you, you’re nothing. Therefore, if you will choose a course you wanted to be, show an

attitude that people will respect you as you respect them.

“Young people’s dreams and ambitions may take many forms and go through many

phases and changes. Some are practical and realistic; some can ever go beyond wishful

thinking. But among the main factors that hell determines the life they will eventually

have are the kins of schooling they get and the type of work they do.” (Al,2010)

Young person’s goals and aspirations may have many types and go through many

steps and adjustments; some are factual and realistic; some can go far from their desirous

thinking. In choosing their course, sometimes they want that specific course they are

taking up but as time go by the students. It is because of the wand. New experiences or

things had encountered.

According to Rivera, R. (R.,2012) Ano ang matibay na basehan sa pagpili ng kurso?

“Having an opportunity to study and choose a right course is not like choosing a dress

that you want to wear for a special occasion and if you don’t like the dress that you buy,

you will take it off and bring it back to the store where you bought it and you get the

money. It’s not a good idea. Because you can’t turn back the time you waste if you can’t

handle or finish the course that you choose.

Choosing a right course for a student, its more applicable if they think deeper or wise

before they decide. Because if their decision is not right, there will be a time that they
will change their mind and change again their decision. But it’s hard if they change the

first course that they choose. They just waste their time.

“The material things in our lives are temporary unlike the spiritual things. The

spiritual things should our priority in any decisions we make because those spiritual

things are everlasting. Because choosing a tight course is one of the most important

decision that the students have to think deeper.” Tess, M.,(15th of February 2013)

Batayan sa Pagpili ng Kurso sa Kolehiyo (M.’2013)

Choosing a course, it is like a material or temporary things. The spiritual things are

eternal. But the material things are temporary. If we live spiritually, the course that is

right for us will last longer and we can finish it until the end. But if we put our mind

materially, the course that we have chosen will end up like a bubble.

“Choosing a course is a big decision that we need to think wisely and deeply because

it affects the future of many students. The two important parts of decision-making about a

choosing a right course and profession of students is his/her personal interest and

strength. Parents have the big role for their child to decide what course will be right for

them. Friends sometimes are always with them so that their decision that they have to do

is influenced them. Also, they think their financial situation.” Perez, J., (11th of March

2015) Mga salik sa pagpili ng kurso ng mga magsisipagtapos. (Perez 2015)

The future of the students is affects in choosing their course that needs to think better

before they decide. Personal interest and strength are the two-important part of their

decision according to their course and profession. In their decision, their parents have the
important role for their children’s sake. It is also influenced their friends in their decision

because friends are sometimes with them.


Research Design and Methodology

This chapter presents the methods of research used, data gathering instrument,

data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Methods of Research Use

This study basically aims to gather insights, status and information about the

importance of ABM strand in education among Senior high school of Arellano

University. This research contents of qualitative research. Qualitative research use to

determine the result of the study through qualities of data.


The target population of the study is consist of 10 Grade 11 and 12 Senior high

school student taking up Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand in

Arellano University.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used by the researchers to gather data is by using survey questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

The process we used is to interview selected grade 11 and grade 12 senior high

school students. We gathered their answers by recording and getting their profile. In

order to know their opinions about how important to them and what benefits will they get

from taking up ABM strand.

Statistical Tool/ Treatment of the Data

Responses to the questionnaire by senior highschool students were statistically

analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Students were statistically analyzed

with the data instruments of the study. To interpret the data effectively, the researchers

used the percentage as statistical treatment to determine the frequency counts and

percentage distribution of personal related variables of the respondents.

Formula: %= 𝑵 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎

% is the percentage

F is the frequency

N is the total number of respondents

100 is a constant value


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data.

Table 1

Level of Interest to ABM strand

Scale No. No. %

10 5 50%

9 3 30%

8 1 10%

7 1 10%

Total 10 100%

On this table shows the result of persons who rate how much they love ABM

strand from 1-10. The 50% is for who rate it with 10. The 30% is for who rate it with 9

and the 10% is for who rate it with 8 and 7.

Table 2

The Purpose of Taking ABM Strand

No. %

It is related to the course he/she will take on college. 6 60%

It will enhance his/ her skills even it is not too related to the course
4 40%
he/she will take on college.

Total 10 100%

On this table shows the data that researchers gathered about the purpose of taking

ABM strand. Based on research 60% is for those who said that it is related to the course

they will take on college. The 40% is for those who said that it will enhance their skills

even it is not too related to the course they will take on college.

Table 3

Persons who make them to choose ABM strand

No. %

Family etc. 4 40%

Friends 2 20%

Own Choice 4 40%

Total 10 100%

On this table shows the summary of data that researchers gathered about the

influencers on taking ABM strand. The 40% is for family as the influencers and own

choice. The 20% is for the influencers are friends.

Table 4

Usefulness of Taking ABM Strand

No. %

Very Useful 8 80%

Moderate Useful 2 20%

Total 10 100%

On this table shows the summary of data that researchers gathered about how useful are

taking ABM strand. The 80% is for very useful and 20% is for moderately useful.

Table 5

Importance of taking ABM strand

No. %

To have background knowledge about the course they will 8 80%

take on college.

To develop their skills and knowledge they have. 2 20%

Total 10 100%

Based on research taking ABM strand has its importance for the students who will take it.

The table shows the summary of the data that researchers gathered. The 70% is for those

who answer “To have background knowledge about the course they will take in college”.

The 30% is for those who said that it will develop their skills and knowledge they have.

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation of Data

Summary of Findings

This study is about the importance of ABM strand in education among SHS students in

Arellano University. The common age of the respondents is between seventeen (17) to

eighteen (18) years of age that composed of four (4) girls and six (6) boys of ABM

students. The researchers used the random sampling to have an equal presentation of each


The researchers used the descriptive-analytic in research, used of questionnaires or

survey questionnaires to collect the data. The researchers are believed that this design is

most suitable for easy to collect the important data from respondents.

The instrument that researchers used by preparing the survey questionnaires to know the

ideas of the students in Arellano University about the importance of ABM strand in

education and to improve the study of the researchers they compiled the different

information in internet.


Base on the information that the researcher conducted, the researcher come up on the

following conclusion.

a. Most of the student in Arellano University is interested in ABM strand because it is the

key for the course they will take on college.

b. Most of the students take ABM strand as their own choice while the others were

because of their family, friends and etc. to achieve their goals.

c. The purpose of taking ABM strand is it is related to the course of the student he or she

will take on college.

d. Most of the students find ABM a very useful strand because the knowledge they

gained from this strand can apply it to their day to day life.

e. ABM strand gives a good preparation for the students for their college life.

f. Most of the students take ABM strand to enhance and develop their skills and

knowledge for future purposes.

g. ABM strand is important in education because it helps the students to develop their

skills and knowledge for their college life.


a. For those students who will take ABM strand, study hard and let your skills be

developed while taking this strand to help you in the future.

b. ABM strand will help you to have background knowledge for the course you will take

on college especially business-related courses.

c. For those who take this strand will play an important role in corporate world in the


d. Different skills will improve and enhanced in ABM that will be useful in the corporate


Sparks,Nicholas.(2017,March 5).Literature Review.Retrieved from

Arpia,Lovely.(2018,September 3).WHY CHOOSE ABM.Retrieved from


Digos,Ac.(2019).REASONS FOR CHOOSING ABM TRACK.Retrieved from


Tucker,Laura.(2014,January).Why study business.Retrieved from


Shiel,Griffin et. al.(2016,April 25).Complete University Guide (2017).Retrieved from
Personal Information

Name: Leonardo Aslee Misagal Nuevo

Birthdate: April 16 2000

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male

Address: 116 Pacheco St. Tondo, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father’s Name: Aser Panis Nuevo

Mother’s Name: Lea Mae Layson Misagal

Name: Alyanna Denielle Abile Patricio

Birthdate: May 3 2002

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Female

Address: 14-C Herbosa St, Tondo, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father’s Name: Alvin G. Patricio

Mother’s Name: Analee A. Patricio

Name: Luis Mark Pulido

Birthdate: July 24, 2001

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Male

Address: Lakandula Street Tondo, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Arnel Pulido

Mother's name: Gina Pulido

Name: Mary Joy Dionaldo Ramirez

Birthday: May 30 2002

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Female

Address: 2844 int 33 Aurora Blvd Sta Cruz, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Rufino Ramirez Jr

Mother's name: Rhodora Ramirez

Name: Nellan L. Rivamonte

Birthdate: September 16, 2001

Age: 17 yrs. Old

Sex: Female

Address: Pinecrest Condominium, Aurora Blvd. Quezon City

Religion: Catholic

Father’s Name: Abner V. Rivamonte

Mother’s Name: Michelle L. Rivamonte

Name: Hanson Clark Yamzon Samson

Birthdate: May 23 1998

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Address: 813 Endaya St. Tondo, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Vergelio M. Samson

Mother's name: Vilma R. Yamzon

Name: Glyzamae Portacio Serrano

Birthdate: April 2, 2000

Age: 19 years old

Sex: Female

Address: 1622-C Juan Luna St. Tondo, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father: Jimmy B. Serrano

Mother: Grace Portacio

Name: Zyrrille Anne D. Solis

Birthdate: September 5, 2002

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Female

Address: 968 R. Hidalgo Quiapo Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Felimon O. Solis

Mother's name: Maria Teresa P. Diamante

Name: Jamelle D. Tan

Birthdate: May 8, 2000

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Address: 212 Liwayway St. Tondo, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father’s Name: Edwin M. Tan

Mother’s Name: Joan D. Tan

Name: Ivan Kenn N. Tanio

Birthdate: March 2, 2002

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Male

Address: 2600 Legarda St. Sampaloc, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Berlindo B. Tanio

Mother's name: Rosalie N. Nuñez

Name: Aron John A. Ulep

Birthdate: September 25,2001


Sex: Male

Address: 2148 Elias St. Sta. Cruz, Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Felimon R. Ulep Jr.

Mother's name: Amor A. Ulep

Name: Nixel Guillermo Unciano

Birthdate: Jan. 14, 2002

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Female

Address: #1 3rd planas St. cubao Quezon City

Religion: Catholic

Father's name: Ferdinand F. Unciano

Mother's name: Adelaide G. Unciano

Name: Andrea Hernandez Unclara

Birthdate: January 30, 2002

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Female

Address: #1361 Sevilla St. Tondo manila

Religion: Catholic

Father's Name: Andres G. Unclara

Mother's name: Raquel Unclara

Name: Krizza Joy T. Urmaza

Birthdate: June 1,2002

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Female

Address: 1356 Madrid Extension, Tondo Manila

Religion: Catholic

Father’s Name: Cenon C. Urmaza Jr.

Mother’s Name: Eleonora T. Urmaza

Name: Vivien Miranda Verallo

Birthdate: October 29, 2001

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Female

Address: 2600 Legarda St. Sampaloc Manila

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father's name: Joseph G. Verallo

Mother's name: Ivy S. Miranda


The Researchers together with their respondents.

The Researchers while conducting an interview to gather data.

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