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Running head: TELLING MY STORY

Telling My Story

Claudia Alvarez

April 14, 2019

TED 690 Capstone

National University

Professor Hart


This paper correlates to the Professional Development Quest Portfolio that I present in my

Weebly account. In this paper I mainly focus on Domain A of the Teaching Performance

Expectations (TPE’s). I decipher the importance of Domain A, as well as my strengths and

weaknesses in this specific domain.


The Teaching Performance Expectation’s were designed to help teachers reach their full

potential. I have chosen to focus on Domain A, Teaching Mathematics in a Multiple Subject

Assignment. Overall, I believe that the lesson plans that I have created have successfully met the

requirements for this specific domain. I have been able to create lesson plans and leaning

activities that allow my students to problem solve and make connections to the real world. I try

to integrate technology in most of my lessons one way or another because I am aware that

technology is a tool that I can use to expand the understanding of my students.

As a teacher I am aware that I will always have some strengths and some weaknesses in

all aspects. I consider one of my biggest strengths to be the 11 years of experience I have

working with students ages 2-6. My experience working with this age group has given me the

confidence to create lesson plans, learning activities and assessments that are appropriate. I am

able to create lesson plans with activities that have appropriate visual, auditory, and hands-on

experiences to keep the students engaged while at the same time reach the learning goals and

state adopted standards.

One of my weaknesses comes hand in hand with my experience, most of my experience

is with the younger students. I have very little experience working with older students. My first

real encounter with teaching older students was during my student teaching where I was in a

third grade class. Due to my lack of experience working with older students I feel less confident

when creating lesson plans, learning activities and assessments. I am aware that I still have to

implement different learning styles into my lesson, visuals, auditory and hands-on. The problem

is how to integrate these important features into a lesson with older students and will the students

respond positively. I will have to work on building my knowledge on activities that older

students will enjoy and learn from.

In order to become a better teacher, I will like to develop Domain F of the TPE’s.

Domain F is Developing as a Professional Educator. Although I have many years of experience

working with students I am the type of individual that believes that the more knowledge I obtain

will help me become a better teacher. Costantino and De Lorenzo (2009) mention, “The ultimate

intent of standards is to improve the quality of teaching and increase student achievement” (p. 9).

The more knowledge we obtain as professional teachers will allow us to increase our quality of

teaching and the achievement of our students. In order to increase my knowledge, I would like to

go to more workshops, meetings and classes that will allow me to grow as a professional.

I picked Domain A as my focus for this paper because student achievement is greatly

based on the type of learning activities the students are exposed to. Teachers need to provide

different methods of learning. By doing this, the teacher and the students can learn what is the

best learning method and style for them. Andresen and Brink (2013), state, “Students have to

find their own individual access to the fast changing world and therefore they need a huge pool

of appropriate individualized strategies, which will foster their active and critical learning” (p.

12). Giving students a variety of learning tools will allow the teacher to notice for example, Josh

can stay engaged while he is using manipulatives but has a hard time following along during a

read aloud. Observations like this can help a teacher understand and learn about their students

and the type of leaning activities that should be implemented into his/her classroom.


Andresen, B., B. and Brink, K. (2013). Multimedia in education: Curriculum. Moscow, Russia,


Costantino, P.M., De Lorenzo, M.N., & Tirrell-Corbin (2009). Developing a professional

teaching portfolio: A guide for success. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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