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O : Guys, dimas coming home today right?

Y : Yes, he is coming home today.

A : Last night i’ve already texted him to come here

O : lets call him again. Just to make sure



D : Hello?

A : Hello dimas. Where are you?

D : I’m still at home.

A : are we still on for meet up at my house?

D : oh right, i almost forgot.

A : alright, i’ll wait. See you



D : Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Y : Walaikumsalam, come on in.

D : Thanks, are the others here yet?

Y : Yeah, they’re in the living room.

O : Hi dimas, its about time you got here to Indonesia!

A : How are you doing dim?

D : Im doing good. How about you guys?

A : We’re fine.

Y : How was life in seattle?

O : Yeah Dim Im curious

D : it was amazing, the people are nice to me and they accepted me as an international student
Y : How about the food there?

A : Yeah, how about it? Is the food delicious?

O : is there any rendang?

D : Ah the food isnt just my taste. I dont like them

A : So did you eat indomie everyday?

D : HAHAHAHA, Not everyday because its hard to find indomie there.

O : Really? So you never try new flavour/varian of indomie there?

D : No, never. is there any?

Y : yeah new flavour like iga penyet, salted egg and there is also indomie rendang.

D : wow i’ve never tried all of them

A : damn, We have to make indomie like right now!


D : What flavour is this?

Y : this one is salted egg indomie

D : How about the red one?

O : its iga penyet

D : which one is rendang?

Y : Over there.

D : Oooh, all of them look delicious

O : Yeah They do. C’mon lets pay these and cook them

Scene pas bayar&didapur masak

A : Come try it dim

Y : how is it?

D : what varian is it?

Y : rendang

D : no wonder it tastes familiar. I try this alright

A : that’s iga penyet.

D : yeah i can taste the spiceness. Little bit spicy

O : now go try the salted egg

A : how is it?

D : it tastes weird

Y : So which one is the most delicious ?

D : i like all of them except the salted egg it tastes little bit differet.

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