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Influence of resistance training exercise order on muscle strength, hypertrophy,

and anabolic hormones in older women: a randomized controlled trial

Article  in  The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research · February 2019

DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003147


0 313

12 authors, including:

Crisieli Tomeleri Alex Silva Ribeiro

University of Campinas University of Northern Parana


João Pedro Nunes Brad J Schoenfeld

Universidade Estadual de Londrina City University of New York City - Lehman College


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Original Research

Influence of Resistance Training Exercise Order on

Muscle Strength, Hypertrophy, and Anabolic
Hormones in Older Women: A Randomized
Controlled Trial
Crisieli M. Tomeleri,1,2 Alex S. Ribeiro,3 João Pedro Nunes,1 Brad J. Schoenfeld,4 Mariana F. Souza,5
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3hucOGBbZM6O1RSig2BobC8uvLmRFhDik1ZgfQ5etOsawabtVHZyB3A== on 04/06/2019

Durcelina Schiavoni,1 Paulo S. Junior,1 Cláudia R. Cavaglieri,2 Paolo M. Cunha,1 Danielle Venturini,6
Décio S. Barbosa,6 and Edilson S. Cyrino1
Metabolism, Nutrition, and Exercise Laboratory, Physical Education and Sport Center, Londrina State University, Londrina, Brazil;
Faculty of Physical Education, University of Campinas—Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil; 3Center for Research in Health Sciences,
University of Northern Parana, Londrina, Brazil; 4Exercise Science Department, Cuny Lehman College, Bronx, New York; 5Department
of Physical Education, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, Brazil; and 6Clinical Analyses Laboratory, Londrina State
University, Londrina, Brazil

Tomeleri, CM, Ribeiro, AS, Nunes, JP, Schoenfeld, BJ, Souza, MF, Schiavoni, D, Junior, PS, Cavaglieri, CR, Cunha, PM, Venturini,
D, Barbosa, DS, and Cyrino, ES. Influence of resistance training exercise order on muscle strength, hypertrophy, and anabolic
hormones in older women: a randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2019—The purpose of this study
was to analyze the effects of resistance training (RT) exercise order on muscle strength, hypertrophy, and anabolic hormones in older
women. Forty-four older women were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: a nonexercise control group (CON, n 5 15) and two RT
groups that performed a 12-week RT program in a multijoint to single-joint order (MJ-SJ, n 5 14), or in a single-joint to multijoint order
(SJ-MJ, n 5 15). The RT protocol (33/week) encompassed 8 exercises, with 3 sets of 10–15 repetitions performed per exercise.
One repetition maximum tests were used to evaluate muscle strength; dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to estimate lean
soft tissue. Both training groups showed significant and similar increases in muscle strength (MJ-SJ 5 16.4%; SJ-MJ 5 12.7%) and
mass (MJ-SJ 5 7.5%; SJ-MJ 5 6.1%), whereas there were no significant changes in testosterone and insulin-like growth factor 1.
The results suggest that both approaches are similarly effective in eliciting morphofunctional improvements in older women.
Key Words: aging, elderly, strength training, pre-exhaustion, testosterone, insulin-like growth factor 1, muscle mass

Introduction based on data from acute investigations (34,35,41). Conversely,

a review of longitudinal studies on the topic by Simão et al. (37)
Aging leads to a marked decrease in both muscle strength and
concluded that the priority principle should be used for EO, re-
mass (dynapenia and sarcopenia, respectively), phenomena that
gardless of whether they involve large or small muscle groups, or
are associated with reduced fitness functionality, as well as life
multijoint or single-joint exercises. That is, the muscles or exer-
quality and expectancy (8,12). To counteract these neuromus-
cises that must be trained first should be those most important to
cular impairments among different exercise types, resistance
the main goal of the training program (37). However, a critical
training (RT) has been highly recommended for older adults (1).
examination of this review (7) suggested that the chronic studies
However, the adaptations induced by RT are dependent on the
used to support the hypothesis (13,38,40) are, in fact, divergent
manipulation of variables that comprise training prescription (1),
and equivocal, especially in regard to muscle hypertrophy.
which include factors such as intensity (e.g., external load)
Recent findings on this topic make it even more difficult to
(18,43), volume (e.g., number of sets) (10,26,33), and structure of
draw evidence-based conclusions as to a potential EO effect. Al-
the program, such as exercises order (EO) (28,29,37,38).
though one study suggested following the MJ-to-SJ order (5),
Regarding EO, current guidelines recommend initiating
another reinforced the concept of the priority principle (3), and 2
a training session with the exercises that involve larger muscle
others reported no influence of EO on improvements in muscle
groups before those that involve smaller muscle groups, multiple-
strength and lean mass (14,24). Nevertheless, these studies were
joint (MJ) before single-joint (SJ) exercises, and higher-intensity
all conducted in young adults and mainly with exercises targeting
before lower-intensity exercises (1). It is purported that this ap-
only the upper body, which limits the extrapolation of the results
proach leads to superior adaptations because of allowing the use
to other populations, especially the elderly considering their ac-
of higher training loads and volume loads (VLs) compared with
celerated age-related loss of lower limb muscle mass and
the opposite orders (1). Such recommendations, however, are
strength (8).
Address correspondence to João Pedro Nunes, Investigating other outcomes may help to elucidate the po-
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 00(00)/1–7 tential influence of EO manipulation on RT-induced muscular
ª 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association adaptations, such as the training volume and load (25,27,32,42),

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RT Order in Older Women (2019) 00:00

and the anabolic hormonal response to RT (2,19,20,30). In Subjects

regard to EO and its influence on these variables, the performance
Fifty-four subjects were randomly divided into 1 of 3 groups:
of MJ-to-SJ in comparison with the opposite order may confer
a control group that did not perform any type of physical ex-
higher total training volume (28,38,40) and acute anabolic hor-
ercise (CON, n 5 18) and 2 training groups that performed the
monal concentrations (36,44). However, these results are not
RT program in a multijoint to single-joint order (MJ-SJ, n 5 18),
universal, and some studies indicate that EO does not influence
or in a single-joint to multijoint order (SJ-MJ, n 5 18). A total of
these outcomes (13,24,45). Therefore, further studies are needed,
44 subjects completed the experiment (MJ-SJ 5 15, SJ-MJ 5 14,
especially longitudinal ones, to determine whether EO influences
and CON 5 15). Withdrawals were attributed to personal
muscular adaptations. The underlying effects on training volume
reasons (MJ-SJ 5 2; SJ-MJ 5 2, CON 5 2), and surgery (MJ-SJ
potentially have important relevance as evidence shows a dose–
5 1; SJ-MJ 5 2, CON 5 1). All subjects completed health his-
response relationship between this variable and muscle hyper-
tory and physical activity questionnaires and met the following
trophy (33). Moreover, some researchers claim the acute systemic
inclusion criteria: female, 60 years old or more, physically in-
hormonal response is an important driver of muscular adapta-
dependent, free from cardiac or orthopedic dysfunction, not
tions; however, it remains controversial as to whether greater
receiving hormonal replacement therapy, and not performing
concentrations these serum hormones actually influence mor-
any regular physical exercise more than once a week over the 6
phofunctional responses, and the compelling body of literature
months preceding the beginning of the investigation. Subjects
would seem to indicate any effect is minimal (2,19–22,30,31).
passed a diagnostic graded exercise stress test with 12-lead
That said, it is not clear how chronic RT-induced alterations in
electrocardiogram reviewed by a cardiologist and were released
anabolic hormones may impact muscular gains.
with no restrictions for participation in this investigation. Ad-
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the effect
herence to the RT program was satisfactory, with all subjects
of 2 variations of EO (MJ-to-SJ, and SJ-to-MJ) on muscular
participating in .85% of the total sessions. Figure 1 presents
strength, muscle mass, and anabolic hormones (testosterone and
a schematic representation of subject recruitment and allocation
insulin-like growth factor 1 [IGF-1]) in older women. Based on
in this study. Written informed consent was obtained from all
potential positive alterations in RT volume, we hypothesized that
subjects after receiving a detailed description of study proce-
the MJ-SJ order would elicit greater improvements in strength,
dures. This investigation was conducted according to the Dec-
mass, and serum anabolic hormonal concentrations.
laration of Helsinki and was approved by the Londrina State
University Ethics Committee.

Experimental Approach to the Problem Procedures
This investigation was performed over a period of 16 weeks, with Body Composition. Whole-body dual-energy X-ray absorpti-
12 weeks dedicated to the RT program and 4 weeks allocated for ometry (DXA) (Lunar Prodigy, model NRL 41990; GE Lunar,
measurements. Anthropometric, muscular strength, body com- Madison, WI, USA) was used to assess upper limb lean soft tissue
position evaluations, and blood work for biochemical analysis (LST), lower limb LST, and trunk LST. Scans were performed
were performed in weeks 1–2, and 15–16 for baseline and post- with the subjects lying supine along the table’s longitudinal cen-
intervention scores. A supervised progressive RT program was terline axis. Feet were taped together at the toes to immobilize the
performed between weeks 3–14 by the training groups. The legs while the hands were maintained in a pronated position
control group did not perform any type of physical exercise within the scanning region. Subjects remained motionless during
during this period. the entire scanning procedure. Both calibration and analysis were

Figure 1. Flowchart of the study. MJ-SJ: Group that performed resistance training (RT) in
a multijoint to single-joint order. SJ-MJ: Group that performed RT in a single-joint to multijoint

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RT Order in Older Women (2019) 00:00 |

performed by a skilled laboratory technician. Equipment cali- performed in all exercises was individually recorded in training
bration followed the manufacturer’s recommendations. The logs. The VL of each exercise during each session was obtained by
software generated standard lines that set apart the limbs from the the formula: {exercise-VL 5 (load [kg] 3 sets [no.] 3 repetitions
trunk and head. These lines were adjusted by the same technician [no.])} (11). The VL of each exercise during all the study was
using specific anatomical points determined by the manufacturer. calculated by summing the exercise-VL obtained in all sessions.
Analyses were performed by the same technician who was blinded Session-VL was calculated by summing all the exercise-VL of the
to group identity throughout the investigation. To minimize session, whereas week-VL was calculated summing all the
possible estimation errors, subjects were instructed to urinate session-VLs obtained during the week. The VLs of all sessions of
about 30 minutes before the measurements, to abstain from eat- the RT program were summed, and this represented the total
ing or drinking in the previous 4 hours, to avoid vigorous physical training volume load (TTVL).
exercise for at least 24 hours, and to abstain from alcoholic and
caffeinated beverages for at least 48 hours.
Statistical Analyses
Muscular Strength. Maximal dynamic strength was evaluated One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare
using the 1 repetition maximum (RM) test assessed on chest press, general characteristics, percentage changes, exercises VL, and
knee extension, and preacher curl exercises performed in this TTVL. An unpaired t-test was used to compare training atten-
exact order. The subjects were instructed to try to accomplish 2 dance between groups. The chi-square test was used to compare
repetitions with the imposed load in 3 attempts in both exercises. clinical conditions (categorical variables). A mixed-model
The rest period was 3–5 minutes between each attempt, and 5 repeated-measures ANOVA was applied for within- and
minutes between exercises. The 1RM was recorded as the last between-group comparisons. When the F-ratio was significant,
resistance lifted in which the subject was able to complete only a Fisher’s post hoc test was used to identify the mean differences.
one single maximal repetition. Three 1RM sessions were sepa- Effect size (ES) was calculated as post-training mean minus pre-
rated by 48 hours (ICC $ 0.96). The highest load achieved among training mean divided by the pooled pre-training SD from the
the 3 sessions was used for analysis in each exercise (23). respective training groups (9). To present the magnitude of the
differences between groups, the ES of the difference was calcu-
Biochemical Analysis. Serum levels of testosterone and IFG-1 lated, which is the ES of the MJ-SJ group minus the ES of the SJ-
were drawn from the antecubital vein 8 days after the last training MJ group. An ES of 0.00–0.19 was considered trivial, 0.20–0.49
session. Subjects reported to the laboratory after a 12-hour fast was considered as small, 0.50–0.79 as moderate, and $0.80 as
were instructed not to perform vigorous exercise for the preceding large (9). Significance was accepted at p # 0.05. Statistical anal-
24 hours and to abstain from alcohol and caffeinated beverages yses were performed using the software package SPSS 22.0 (IBM,
72 hours before the blood collections. Measurements were per- Chicago, IL).
formed by standard methods in a University Hospital laboratory.
Samples were collected in vacutainers with a gel separator with-
out anticoagulant and were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3,000
rpm for serum separation. Inter-assay and intra-assay CVs were At baseline, there was no significant difference between groups
,10% as determined in human serum. Serum testosterone and for any variable analyzed as shown in Table 1. Training atten-
IGF-1 concentrations were determined by a chemiluminescence dance was not statistically different between training groups (p 5
method using a Liaison XL Immunoassay Analyzer (DiaSorin 0.170); of 36 total training sessions, MJ-SJ completed 35.6 6 1.2
S.p.A, Saluggia, Italy). sessions, whereas SJ-MJ completed 34.7 6 1.6.
The VL of all exercises and total VL (TTVL) are presented in
Resistance Training Program. Subjects performed a super- Table 2. Total VL of the weeks 1 and 12 and the increase in VL
visioned RT program for 12 weeks. Subjects from both training throughout the weeks (i.e., D[Week 12 2 Week 1]) were similar (p .
groups (MJ-SJ and SJ-MJ) performed the same whole-body pro- 0.05) between training groups, whereas the MJ-SJ performed
gram consisting of 8 exercises. Both groups performed 3 sets of a greater TTVL (sum of total VL of the 12 weeks) than SJ-MJ (p ,
10–15RM for each exercise, with training performed 3 times per 0.05). Analyses of the VL of the exercises separately indicate that
week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Subjects in MJ-SJ the MJ-SJ performed a greater VL in all exercises, reaching sta-
used the following EO: chest press, seated row, triceps pushdown, tistical significance (p , 0.05) in the chest press, leg press, and
preacher curl, horizontal leg press, knee extension, leg curl, and knee extension.
seated calf raise; those in SJ-MJ performed the following EO: The data for muscular strength, LST, and anabolic hormones
preacher curl, triceps pushdown, seated row, chest press, seated are presented in Table 3; percentage changes from pre-training to
calf raise, leg curl, knee extension, and horizontal leg press. post-training are presented in Figure 2. A significant (p , 0.05)
Subjects were instructed to inhale during the eccentric phase and interaction was observed for muscular strength and LST, in which
exhale during the concentric phase while maintaining a constant both training groups presented higher changes compared with
velocity of movement at a ratio of approximately 1:2 seconds baseline and the control group (p , 0.05) for chest press (MJ-SJ 5
(concentric and eccentric phases, respectively). Subjects were 112.8%, SJ-MJ 5 19.4%, CON 5 28.1%), knee extension
afforded 1–2 minutes of rest between sets and 2–3 minutes be- (MJ-SJ 5 120.7%, SJ-MJ 5 114.8%, CON 5 28.6%),
tween each exercise. Initial training load was set at ;60% of preacher curl (MJ-SJ 5 114.9%, SJ-MJ 5 110.9%, CON 5
1RM for tested exercises (1). Adjustments in initial training load 23.1%), upper limb LST (MJ-SJ 5 18.3%, SJ-MJ 5 18.1%,
on these exercises and selection of initial load for the other non- CON 5 22.5%), lower limb LST (MJ-SJ 5 16.4%, SJ-MJ 5
tested exercises were performed based on the research pro- 14.1%, CON 5 20.9%), and trunk LST (MJ-SJ 5 15.6%, SJ-MJ
fessionals’ experience. The load was adjusted weekly using the 5 14.3%, CON 5 22.1%), without differences between training
procedures described elsewhere (27). During the RT intervention, groups. No significant (p . 0.05) changes were observed before to
the training load (kg) used and the number of sets and repetitions after intervention in any group for testosterone and IGF-1.

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RT Order in Older Women (2019) 00:00

Table 1
General characteristics of the sample at baseline.*†
MJ-SJ (n 5 15) SJ-MJ (n 5 14) Control (n 5 15) p
Age (y) 71.4 6 6.0 69.7 6 5.7 68.6 6 5.1 0.39
Body mass (kg) 66.1 6 11.0 64.9 6 11.2 66.2 6 11.2 0.93
Height (cm) 155.2 6 6.0 155.9 6 5.5 156.8 6 6.1 0.75
Body mass index (kg·m22) 27.4 6 4.0 26.7 6 4.5 26.8 6 3.7 0.88
Medical history‡
Hypertension (%) 46 54 63 0.39
Dyslipidemia (%) 27 27 38 0.56
Fibromyalgia (%) 0 9 6 0.53
Osteoarthritis (%) 9 10 13 0.78
Medical treatment‡
Statins (%) 27 27 38 0.57
Calcium blockers (%) 0 18 13 0.67
ACE—inhibitors/angiotensin II-antagonists (%) 27 36 44 0.67
Beta-blockers (%) 9 0 0 0.67
Duloxetine hydrochloride (%) 0 9 6 0.53
*ACE 5 angiotensin-converting enzyme; MJ-SJ 5 group that performed RT in a multijoint to single-joint order. SJ-MJ 5 group that performed RT in a single-joint to multijoint order.
†The physical characteristics values are displayed as mean and SD. The clinical conditions (medical history and medical treatment) are presented as percentage.
‡Chi-square test.

Table 4 presents the effects size values of the training groups investigating electromyographic activity during 1 set of the leg
and the differences between them. Except for upper limb LST (ES: press (MJ exercise) with and without the previous performance of
0.00), differences of trivial to small magnitude (between 0.10 and a set of knee extensions (SJ exercise). Results indicated that per-
0.26 ES) were observed for LST and strength outcomes, favoring forming the knee extension before the leg press impaired quad-
MJ-SJ vs. SJ-MJ. riceps activation during the leg press. While this finding allows for
hypothesis generation, it remains to be determined whether the
observed differences in lower-body LST changes in our study
Discussion were in fact related to alterations in muscle activation.
The gains in LST and 1RM strength for both training groups were Another novel finding of our investigation is the analysis of
significant in relation to the control group, indicating that both changes in trunk lean mass. Results indicated the EO did not
tested EOs are effective to elicit such adaptations. However, the influence the LST gains of this region because differences between
changes were very similar between MJ-SJ and SJ-MJ (Table 3 and conditions were neither statistically significant (p . 0.05) nor
4), suggesting that EO did not influence the muscle morpho- practically meaningful (relative ES 5 0.10). Previous studies in-
functional gains in our cohort of untrained older women, that is, vestigating the acute effects of EO have shown that EO does not
both MJ-SJ and SJ-MJ were similarly effective in improving LST change trunk muscle activity patterns (28). For example, Soares
and 1RM. et al. (39) observed that performing the triceps pushdown before
When analyzing each component individually, analysis of the bench press had no effect on neuromuscular activity nor lactate
ES showed that the greatest differences between EO was for the concentration. Similarly, Brennecke et al. (6) found that using the
lower limbs, albeit these differences were of a small magnitude pre-exhaustion system (i.e., SJ-MJ order with no rest between the
(0.18 for LST and 0.26 for 1RM) and likely not of practical SJ and MJ exercises) did not alter pectoralis major muscle activity
meaningfulness. These findings are consistent with those of during chest press when compared with non–pre-exhaustion.
Avelar et al. (5) in young adults. Augustsson et al. (4) provided Interestingly, while these investigations fail to show an influence
a possible mechanistic explanation for these results by of EO on the pectoralis major during the bench press, there was

Table 2
Values of volume load (VL) of all exercises and total, progression in total VL, and TTVL according to training groups.*
Variables (ton) MJ-SJ (n 5 15) SJ-MJ (n 5 14) p
Chest press VL 40.8 6 8.1 34.6 6 4.5 0.02
Seated row VL 32.3 6 6.3 30.2 6 6.0 0.38
Triceps pushdown VL 29.8 6 5.3 28.9 6 5.9 0.70
Preacher curl VL 18.7 6 3.7 18.3 6 3.0 0.71
Leg press VL 96.1 6 15.6 79.0 6 14.2 0.01
Knee extension VL 29.2 6 5.8 25.3 6 4.5 0.04
Leg curl VL 11.9 6 2.8 10.3 6 2.2 0.10
Calf raise VL 59.7 6 8.6 55.3 6 9.1 0.20
Total TTVL 318.5 6 45.9 281.9 6 40.0 0.03
Week 1 VL 19.9 6 2.9 18.2 6 3.1 0.46
Week 12 VL 29.8 6 4.8 27.5 6 3.5 0.49
D[Week 12 2 Week 1] 9.89 6 2.8 9.24 6 3.1 0.57
*TTVL 5 total training volume load; MJ-SJ 5 group that performed RT in a multijoint to single-joint order; SJ-MJ 5 group that performed RT in a single-joint to multijoint order.

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RT Order in Older Women (2019) 00:00 |

Table 3
Muscular strength, lean soft tissue, and anabolic hormones of the older women after the 12-week period of intervention.*†
MJ-SJ (n 5 15) SJ-MJ (n 5 14) Control (n 5 15)
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Interaction p
Chest press 1RM (kg) 42.3 6 6.4 47.7 6 8.1‡§ 44.5 6 8.0 48.7 6 6.9‡,§ 42.2 6 5.6 38.8 6 6.3‡ ,0.001
Knee extension 1RM (kg) 52.3 6 10.0 63.1 6 10.9‡§ 53.9 6 11.7 61.9 6 12.3‡§ 50.1 6 8.3 45.8 6 8.9‡ ,0.001
Preacher curl 1RM (kg) 19.5 6 3.6 22.3 6 4.3ठ20.1 6 4.4 22.3 6 3.8ठ19.4 6 2.5 18.8 6 2.6 ,0.001
Upper limb LST (kg) 3.6 6 0.3 3.9 6 0.3‡ 3.7 6 0.7 4.0 6 0.7‡ 4.0 6 0.6 3.9 6 0.6 ,0.001
Lower limb LST (kg) 12.5 6 1.3 13.3 6 1.5‡§ 12.1 6 2.0 12.6 6 2.0‡ 11.5 6 1.7 11.4 6 1.5 ,0.001
Trunk LST (kg) 17.8 6 1.8 18.8 6 1.8‡ 18.4 6 2.4 19.2 6 2.6‡ 19.0 6 2.4 18.6 6 2.6 ,0.001
Testosterone (ng/dL) 17.3 6 7.9 19.0 6 8.1 17.3 6 6.5 17.9 6 7.0 16.3 6 12.1 15.2 6 9.7 0.30
IGF-1 (mU/mL) 126.5 6 25.4 121.4 6 26.2 114.6 6 23.5 114.3 6 19.6 115.8 6 23.9 111.1 6 22.1 0.78
*LST 5 lean soft tissue; IGF-1 5 insulin-like growth factor 1; MJ-SJ 5 group that performed RT in a multijoint to single-joint order; SJ-MJ 5 group that performed RT in a single-joint to multijoint order.
†Data expressed as mean and SD.
‡p , 0.05 vs. pre-training.
§p , 0.05 vs. control group.

a reported increase in activity of the synergist triceps brachii target the upper limb muscles (i.e., triceps pushdown and
(6,28), indicating a possible benefit of the SJ-MJ order for the preacher curl) were similar.
elbow extensors. Our results do not seem to support such a ben- With regard to muscle strength, our results showed no signif-
efit, as upper limb LST was unaffected by EO. This finding is in icant differences between training groups. However, a greater VL
agreement with those of Spineti et al. (40) and Simão et al. (38) was observed favoring MJ-SJ regardless of whether the exercise
who also found that EO had no effect on triceps brachii hyper- was MJ or SJ. Because 1RM strength gains may be greater when
trophy. Collectively, these results suggest that once a given training is performed with a higher VL (42), and considering the
threshold is reached for neuromuscular activity, any further MJ-SJ group presented higher VL in all exercises, this may help to
increases would have no further effects on muscle hypertrophy, explain the somewhat more pronounced ES differences in muscle
making alterations in EO irrelevant from this standpoint. How- strength favoring MJ-SJ. However, it remains questionable
ever, in the study by Simão et al. (38), EO did affect biceps brachii whether the higher VL achieved in MJ-SJ would have practical
hypertrophy, whereby only the SJ-MJ group realized a significant value to long-term strength development in our study’s target
increase in elbow flexor thickness from pre-training to post- population. Discrepancies with previous studies in EO may be
training. These conflicting findings are difficult to reconcile and related to sex because those that observed an influence of EO on
warrant further study. strength gain were performed in male subjects (3,13,38,40),
In addition, research indicates that RT-induced gains in lean whereas that of Nazari et al. (24) and our study were conducted
mass occur in a volume-dependent manner (10,26); thus, the on women did not. Although uncertain, this can be because
small magnitude differences observed for lower limb and trunk women are more fatigue-tolerant than men (15); thus, the possible
LST favoring MJ-SJ may be related to the higher TTVL noted in fatigue-oriented influence of EO on training loads is minimized in
this condition (Table 2). A higher TTVL for MJ-SJ compared with women. Studies comparing the effect of EO on male and female
the inverse order also has been reported in the literature (38,40). subjects are needed.
Alternatively, changes in upper limb LST did not differ between Subjects in our experiment achieved significant increases in
groups; predictably, the VLs (Table 2) for both exercises that LST after RT despite no statistically significant changes in chronic

Figure 2. Changes from preintervention to postintervention of the muscular strength and lean soft tissue (LST) according to
groups. §p , 0.05 vs. MJ-SJ and SJ-MJ. MJ-SJ 5 group that performed resistance training (RT) in a multijoint to single-joint
order; SJ-MJ 5 group that performed RT in a single-joint to multijoint order.

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RT Order in Older Women (2019) 00:00

Table 4 Tomeleri (postdoctoral) and M.F. Souza (doctoral), and the

Effects size values of muscular strength, LST, and anabolic National Council of Technological and Scientific Development
hormones according to training groups.*† (CNPq/Brazil) for the scholarship conferred to J.P. Nunes (scientific
MJ-SJ (n 5 15) SJ-MJ (n 5 14) Difference initiation), and for the grants conceded to E.S. Cyrino. This study
was partially supported by Ministry of Education (MEC/Brazil)
Chest press 0.75 0.58 0.17
Knee extension 1.00 0.74 0.26
and CNPq/Brazil (process number: 309455/2013-8).
Preacher curl 0.70 0.55 0.15
Upper limb LST 0.60 0.60 0.00 References
Lower limb LST 0.48 0.30 0.18
1. American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Progression models
Trunk LST 0.48 0.38 0.10 in resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 41:
Testosterone 0.24 0.08 0.15 687–708, 2009.
IGF-1 20.21 20.01 20.20 2. Ahtiainen JP, Pakarinen A, Kraemer WJ, and Häkkinen K. Acute hor-
monal and neuromuscular responses and recovery to forced vs maximum
*LST 5 lean soft tissue; IGF-1 5 insulin-like growth factor 1; MJ-SJ 5 group that performed RT in
repetitions multiple resistance exercises. Int J Sports Med 24: 610–618,
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Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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