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JCB Product Support.

Laptop Based Diagnostic Tool




1.1 Service Master Version 2.00 5

1.2 Updating Service Master Program on your laptop 2.00 5
1.3 Service Master Version 4.18 8
1.4 Updating Service Master Program on your laptop 4.18 8
1.5 Updating Data Link Adapter software 2.00 12
1.6 Updating Data Link Adapter software 4.18 15

2.1 Service Master 2.00 setup screen. 19

2.2 Service Master 4.18 setup screen. 21
2.3 Service Master 2.00 application management. 23
2.4 Service Master 4.18 application management. 24
2.5 Installing JCB Fastrac service tool. SM 2.00 25
2.6 Installing JCB Fastrac service tool. SM 4.18 26
2.7 Installing JCB Term 1 service tool. SM 2.00 27
2.8 Installing JCB Term 1 service tool. SM 4.18 28
2.9 Installing JCB Term 2 service tool. SM 2.00 29
2.10 Installing JCB Term 2 service tool. SM 4.18 32
2.11 Installing JCB Translink (5 speed transmission) tool. SM 2.00 35
2.12 Installing JCB Translink (5 speed transmission) tool. SM 4.18 36
2.13 Installing JCB Auto Powershift service tool. SM 2.00 37
2.14 Installing JCB Auto Powershift service tool. SM 4.18 38
2.15 Installing JCB IDC (Information display centre) tool. SM 2.00 39
2.16 Installing JCB IDC (Information display centre) tool. SM 4.18 40
2.17 Installing JCB 6 speed transmission tools. SM 2.00 41
2.18 Installing JCB 6 speed transmission tools. SM 4.18 42
2.19 Installing 6 speed Flash Programmer SM 2.00 43
2.20 Installing JCB Teletruk diagnostics tool SM 4.18 44

3.1 Machine software updates. 45

3.2 Service Tool Applications – Windows compatibility. 47
3.3 Service tool Applications – Laptop Connection Leads. 48
3.4 Machine software file name convention 49

4.1 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Js page. 50

4.2 JCB Service Master version 4.18– Js page. 52
4.3 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Jz70 page. 54
4.4 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Jz70 page. 55
4.5 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Fastrac page. 56
4.6 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Fastrac page. 57
4.7 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Wheeled Loading Shovel page. 59
4.8 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Wheeled Loading Shovel page. 60
4.9 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Loadall page. 61
4.10 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Loadall page. 62
4.11 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Backhoe page. 63
4.12 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Backhoe page. 64
4.13 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Articulated Dump Truck page. 65
4.14 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Articulated Dump Truck page. 66
9804/0087 #2 2
4.15 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Robot page. 67
4.16 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Robot page. 68
4.17 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Midi Excavator page. 69
4.18 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – Teletruk page. 70
4.19 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – General page. 71
4.20 JCB Service Master version 4.18 – General page. 72

5.1 JCB Combination diagnostic connection lead. 74

5.2 JCB Common connection lead. 75
5.3 USB to serial port adapters 76

6.1 Minimum laptop specifications 77

6.2 Laptop / connection lead troubleshooting. 77
6.3 Clean Utility 78

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JCB have used laptop based diagnostic tools for a number of years and over this time a diverse range
of tools have emerged. Some time ago it became apparent that some of the existing service tools were
increasingly out of step with advances in laptop technology and the Service Master project was
launched to provide a common format for existing and future tools with a single platform from which
to access the different tools.

The Service Master program was launched in September 2000 to provide this common platform to
access the different tools and although the functionality of the program was somewhat limited it
represented significant improvements in diagnostic ability with a structured and common format.

During 2001 / 2002 a considerable number of improvements and updates were made to this program
which culminated in the release of Service Master 2.0. The main improvements over the original
program included the ability to operate programs using the parallel port of the laptop, increased
Windows compatibility (see later list for detail) and the addition of several new links to service
information databases such as machine data-books, fault finding guides and error code reference files.

JCB have and will continue to add to, and improve the Service Master program to ensure that it
remains both up to date and user friendly. This version of the manual includes Service Master 4.18

This document is intended as a guide to aid the user in installing the Service Master program and in
making full use of the benefits and features of the program. Further information on the specific
operation of individual programs can be found in the relevant machine service manual.

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1.1 Service Master Version 2.00.
From version 19 of Cd3 a new version of Service Master has been made available. Service Master version 2.00
has been released as a development of the existing version (1.06), which was released on version 18 of CD3.
There are a number of improvements contained in this updated version which include Windows 2000 / NT and
Windows XP compatibility (whereas the original version was only compatible with Windows 95 / 98) and the
ability to connect to the laptop using both the parallel (printer port) and the serial (RS232) ports. This extra
functionality will overcome the recent problems of some new laptops being supplied without serial ports.

The process to update to version 2.00 of Service Master is in two stages, a) updating the software on your
laptop and b) updating the DLA ( data link adapter ) software.

1.2 Updating the software on your laptop.

If you have already installed Service Master version 1.06 on your
laptop then you should uninstall this version first. To uninstall the
previous version, click on the START button, and then select Fig 1
“settings” and “control panel” as Fig 1.

When the control panel function has been opened select Add /
Remove programs (as Fig 2)

When the Add / Remove programs window has opened, scroll

down the list of programs and select “JCB Service Master” then
select Add / Remove. (as Fig 3)

Fig 2 Fig 3

NB. If the uninstall process asks if you want to remove any shared files which are no longer used then it is
safer NOT to remove these files as other programs may stop working.

9804/0087 #2 5
When the uninstall process is complete then insert CD3 (version 19 or above) and open Windows
Explorer first by selecting the start button (bottom left hand corner of screen) then selecting
Programs and finally selecting Windows Explorer.

Then open Cd3 by clicking on the CD drive in the left hand side of the Windows Explorer screen (as
Fig 4)

Fig 4

Open the “Electronic Diagnostic Tools folder” and then open the “Service Master Installation”
folder as Fig 5 below.

Fig 4

Fig 5

9804/0087 #2 6
Double click on Setup.exe (Fig 6) – the installation will now commence.

Fig 6

1b) Updating the DLA (data link adapter) software.

When the installation begins the welcome screen

will be visible (Fig 7)

Fig 7 Version 2.00

There are now a number of options –

i) Install - Selecting this button will begin the installation of the Service Master program.
1) As the installation begins, at the “welcome screen” select “next”
2) At the “choose destination location” screen select “next”
3) The installation will then complete, at the “Finish screen” select “finish”.
4) Create a shortcut to Service Master on your desktop by selecting the program in windows
explorer and “right clicking” the mouse, then select create shortcut.

ii) Extras - The Extras button has been added to allow easy installation of historic JCB service programs
1) Fastrac service tool
2) Term 1 + Term 2 Wheeled loader shovel service programs
3) Translink (5 speed Loadall transmission service program)
4) IDC (Backhoe – Intelligent Display Centre interrogation tool)
5) PSECUD (Backhoe – Auto Power shift transmission service tool)
6) 6 Speed Transmission tool.

NB – There are certain embedded programs, which are installed along with the Service Master
program so there is no need to install these separately, these programs are –
1) AMS – Advanced Management System (Js Machines)
2) Fastrac ABS – Diagnostic and calibration tool for Fastrac ABS machines.

For details of installing extra service programs refer to sections 2 ~ 2h

iii) Reg Entries Only – This function is required when installing the Service Master program on Windows
2000 / Windows NT or Windows XP and a user without administrator privileges needs to run Service

For further details of this function refer to section 2 Service Master Setup screen.

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1.3 Service Master Version 4.18.
From version 27 of Cd S4 a new version of Service Master has been made available. Service Master version
4.00 has been released as a development of the existing version (3.10), which was released on a previous issue
of CD3. There are a number of improvements contained in this updated version which include Windows XP
compatibility and the ability to configure the laptop using both the parallel (printer port) and the serial (RS232)
ports through a USB adaptor. This extra functionality will overcome the recent problems of some new laptops
being supplied without serial ports.

The process to update to version 4.00 of Service Master can be done in several ways, a) un-installing a previous
version manually and b) let Service Master uninstall previous
versions as part of a new installation.

1.3 Updating the software on your laptop.

1.3a Manual uninstalls.
To uninstall the previous version, click on the START button, and
then select “settings” and “control panel” as Fig 8.
Fig 8
When the control panel function has been opened select Add /
Remove programs (as Fig 9)

When the Add / Remove programs window has opened, scroll

down the list of programs and select “JCB Service Master” then
select Add / Remove. (as Fig 10)

Fig 9 Fig 10
NB. If the uninstall process asks if you want to remove any shared files which are no longer used then it is
safer NOT to remove these files as other programs may stop working.

1.3b Automatic uninstalls.

When install Service Master 4.0 is selected from the front splash screen, the installer used will automatically
uninstall any previous versions detected. There should be no manual input required.

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1.3 Installing Service Master 4.0
Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 11 below.

Fig. 11. Fig. 12.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 12 above.

There are now a number of options-

Start SM 4.0 – This will start the Service Master 4.0 application.

Install SM 4.0- Selecting this button will begin the installation of the Service Master program see Fig xx below.
1) As the installation begins at the welcome screen select next.
2) At the choose destination location screen select next.
3) At the choose installation type screen, select the type required and click next.
4) At the installation complete screen, click Finish.

Extras - The extras button will allow easy installation of historic JCB service programs i.e.
1) JCB Fastrac Wingst.
2) JCB Term 1.
3) JCB Term 2.7
4) JCB Translink (5 speed transmission tool).
5) JCB Auto Powershift tool.
6) JCB IDC tool (BHL intelligent display centre interrogation tool).
7) JCB Loadall hydrostatic transmission tool.
8) JCB Teletruk diagnostic tool.
For details of installing extra service programs refer to pages 19 to 44
NB – There are certain embedded programs, which are installed along with the Service Master program so there is no need
to install these separately.

Reg Only- This function is required when installing the Service Master program on Windows 2000/
Windows NT or Windows XP and a user without administrator privileges needs to run Service

For further details on this function refer to section 2.2 Service Master Setup Screen.

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Service Master Setup Screen.

The Service Master set up screen is accessed from disc S4. (As described in section 1.3 Installing Service Master 4.0) See
Fig 13 below.

There are a number of options available-

Fig 13
i) Install- As previously mentioned in section 1.3, selecting this button will install the Service Master
program. See fig 14 below.
1) As the installation begins at the welcome screen select next.
2) At the choose destination location screen select next.
3) At the choose installation type screen, select the type required and click next.
4) At the installation complete screen, click Finish.

Fig 14

ii) Extras- The extras button will allow easy installation of historic JCB service programs i.e.
1) JCB Fastrac Wingst.
2) JCB Term 1.
3) JCB Term 2.7
4) JCB Translink (5 speed transmission tool).
5) JCB Auto Powershift tool.
6) JCB IDC tool (BHL intelligent display centre interrogation tool).
7) JCB Loadall hydrostatic transmission tool.
8) JCB Teletruk diagnostic tool.

When the extras button has been selected the screen shown in Fig 15 will be visible.

Fig 15

The additional programs are installed by selecting the required program and selecting install as fig 16.

9804/0087 #2 10
Fig 16

The required program will now be installed. (This requires disc S4 to be inserted as the set up files are in the CD.)

For detailed notes on the installation of each additional program refer to section 2.1-2.20.

iii) Reg Only – When this button is clicked it launches a small installer which creates the registry
entries which are required by the computer to operate the program. This button does
not normally need to be used because the normal install process creates the Registry
entries, but is required when Service Master is installed on a Windows NT / 2000 / XP
system and a non-admin person needs to run Service Master.

If installing Service Master on a laptop, which has Windows 2000, NT or XP loaded then complete the following
additional steps -

1) Login as a user with Admin rights.

2) Run the JCB Service Master install normally from the Set-up screen.

3) Restart the computer and login as the non-admin user.

4) Start the main setup program again and click the Reg Entries Only button.

5) Perform step 4 for each non-admin user that needs to run Service Master.

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1.5 Updating Data Link Adapter Software

When the DLA (Data Link Adapter) is supplied it will have been loaded with the software drivers to operate on
the serial port of the laptop and Win95 / 98 platforms. To have the additional functionality of being able to
operate the DLA on the parallel port of the laptop and Windows 2000 / NT and XP platforms it is necessary to
load additional software drivers. As the DLA will initially only recognize the serial port of the laptop it is
necessary to load these additional drivers using the serial port lead.

a) Connect the DLA to laptop using serial port lead from the DLA kit (this is the lead with one 9 pin and one
25 pin connector)

b) Connect the DLA to machine as normal, switch on vehicle ignition.

c) Open the Service Master program.

d) Put the cursor anywhere on the Service Master front screen ( but not over an icon ) and “right click” mouse.
A drop down menu will appear (as Fig 17).

Fig 17

e) Click on DLA Programmer.

As Fig 18

Fig 18

f) DLA Loader tool will appear. Fig 19 (This tool is similar to the flash program tool used to update machine
9804/0087 #2 12
g) Click on browse button (Fig 19)

Fig 19

h) The browse tool will open the JCB folder in program files (fig 20). Double click on the DLA Programmer
file (fig 20) and then double click on the firmware file (fig 21).
Double click on file dla2i2b1.apf (fig 22)

Fig 20 Fig 21

Fig 22

i) The DLA Programmer tool will now insert this file ready for use (Fig 23)

The start button will now also show a yellow lightening flash (Fig 23), which indicates that the DLA has
connected to the DLA programmer tool and is ready to receive new software.

9804/0087 #2 13
Click on the yellow lightening flash and when asked if you want to update the DLA software click OK

Fig 23

The progress bar at the bottom of the tool will indicate that the software is being sent to the DLA unit. When the
download is complete click Ok.

The DLA is now updated and is capable of operating on either the serial or parallel ports of the laptop.

Close down the Service Master screens and switch off the vehicle ignition.

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1.6 Updating Data Link Adapter Software

When the DLA (Data Link Adapter) is supplied it will have been loaded with the software drivers to operate on
the serial port of the laptop and Win95 / 98 platforms. To have the additional functionality of being able to
operate the DLA on the parallel port of the laptop and Windows 2000 / NT and XP platforms it is necessary to
load additional software drivers. As the DLA will initially only recognize the serial port of the laptop it is
necessary to load these additional drivers using the serial port lead.

j) Connect the DLA to laptop using serial port lead from the DLA kit (this is the lead with one 9 pin and one
25 pin connector)

k) Connect the DLA to machine as normal, switch on vehicle ignition.

l) Open the Service Master program.

m) Click the “Utilities” tab, a drop down menu will appear, then click DLA Programmer.(as Fig 24.)

Fig 24

n) Click on DLA Programmer.

o) DLA Loader tool will appear. Fig 25 (This tool is similar to the flash program tool used to update machine

p) Click on browse button (Fig 25)

9804/0087 #2 15
Fig 25

q) The browse tool will open the JCB folder in program files (fig 26). Double click on the DLA Programmer
file (fig 26) and then double click on the firmware file (fig 27).
Double click on file dla2i2b1.apf (fig 28)

Fig 26 Fig 27

Fig 28

r) The DLA Programmer tool will now insert this file ready for use (Fig 29)

The start button will now also show a yellow lightening flash (Fig 29), which indicates that the DLA has
connected to the DLA programmer tool and is ready to receive new software.

Click on the yellow lightening flash and when asked if you want to update the DLA software click OK
9804/0087 #2 16

The progress bar at the bottom of the tool will indicate that the software is being sent to the DLA unit. When the
download is complete click Ok.

The DLA is now updated and is capable of operating on either the serial or parallel ports of the laptop.
Close down the Service Master screens and switch off the vehicle ignition.

1.4 DLA Port Configuration.

Service Master can be configured to communicate through specified ports on the laptop, this application is particularly
useful when using a USB adaptor. (See section 6.3)

1) From any Service Master screen click the utilities tab, scroll down and click “DLA Port Configuration”. As Fig 30

Fig 30

2) The communication ports that Service Master will communicate through and the order in which it will try and
communicate will be displayed in the window as fig 31.

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Fig 31 Fig 32

3) To add a new communication port to the list click “Add”. Enter the new port number as required, see Fig 32.

4) See section 6.3 (USB Adaptors) for identifying the communication port used by a USB adaptor.

NB. It is recommended that no more than four ports are identified in the list, as this may cause Service Master to
hang when connecting to a vehicle.

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2.1 Service Master Set-up screen

The Service Master set-up screen is accessed by selecting setup.exe from Cd3 menu in windows explorer. (as
Fig 33)

Version 2.00
Fig 33

There are a number of options available from the set-up screen –

i) Install - As previously mentioned in section 1a, selecting this button will install the Service Master
1) At the “welcome screen” select “next”
2) At the “choose destination location” screen select “next”
3) The installation will then complete, at the “Finish screen” select “finish”.
4) Create a shortcut to Service Master on your desktop by selecting the program in windows
explorer and “right clicking” the mouse, then select create shortcut.

ii) Extras - The Extras button has been added to allow easy installation of historic JCB service programs i.e.
1) Fastrac service tool
2) Term 1 + Term 2 Wheeled loader shovel service programs
3) Translink (5 speed Loadall transmission service program)
4) IDC (Backhoe – Intelligent Display Centre interrogation tool)
5) PSECUD (Backhoe – Auto Power shift transmission service tool)
6) 6 Speed Transmission tool.

The “extra” programs can either be installed before the Service Master program is installed by selecting the
“extras” button or by returning to the setup screen (by opening Cd3 in windows explorer, Fig 34) at a later date

When the Extra’s button has been selected the screen shown in Fig 34 will be visible -

Fig 34

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The additional programs are installed by selecting the required additional program and selecting install
as Fig 35.

Fig 35

The program will now be installed (this requires CD3 to be inserted in the CD drive as the set up files are all
stored on the Cd)

For detailed notes on installation of each additional program refer sections 2 ~ 2h.

iii) Reg Entries Only – When this button is clicked it launches a small installer which creates the registry
entries which are required by the computer to operate the program. This button does not normally need to
be used because the normal install process creates the Registry entries, but is required when Service Master
is installed on a Windows NT / 2000 / XP system and a non-admin person needs to run Service Master.

If installing Service Master on a laptop, which has either Windows 2000, NT or XP loaded then complete the
following additional steps -

1) Login as a user with Admin rights.

2) Run the JCB Service Master install normally from the Set-up screen.

3) Restart the computer and login as the non-admin user.

4) Start the main setup program again and click the Reg Entries Only button.

5) Perform step 4 for each non-admin user that needs to run Service Master.

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2.2 Service Master Setup Screen.

The Service Master set up screen is accessed from disc S4. (As described in section 1.3 Installing Service Master 4.0) See
Fig 36 below.

There are a number of options available-

Fig 36
i) Install- As previously mentioned in section 1.3, selecting this button will install the Service Master
program. See fig 37 below.
5) As the installation begins at the welcome screen select next.
6) At the choose destination location screen select next.
7) At the choose installation type screen, select the type required and click next.
8) At the installation complete screen, click Finish.

Fig 37

ii) Extras- The extras button will allow easy installation of historic JCB service programs i.e.
9) JCB Fastrac Wingst.
10) JCB Term 1.
11) JCB Term 2.7
12) JCB Translink (5 speed transmission tool).
13) JCB Auto Powershift tool.
14) JCB IDC tool (BHL intelligent display centre interrogation tool).
15) JCB Loadall hydrostatic transmission tool.
16) JCB Teletruk diagnostic tool.

When the extras button has been selected the screen shown in Fig 38 will be visible.

Fig 38

The additional programs are installed by selecting the required program and selecting install as fig 39.

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Fig 39

The required program will now be installed. (This requires disc S4 to be inserted as the set up files are in the CD.)

For detailed notes on the installation of each additional program refer to section 2.5-2.20.

iii) Reg Only – When this button is clicked it launches a small installer which creates the registry
entries which are required by the computer to operate the program. This button does
not normally need to be used because the normal install process creates the Registry
entries, but is required when Service Master is installed on a Windows NT / 2000 / XP system and a non-admin
person needs to run Service Master.

If installing Service Master on a laptop, which has Windows 2000, NT or XP loaded then complete the following
additional steps -

1) Login as a user with Admin rights.

2) Run the JCB Service Master install normally from the Set-up screen.

3) Restart the computer and login as the non-admin user.

4) Start the main setup program again and click the Reg Entries Only button.

5) Perform step 4 for each non-admin user that needs to run Service Master.

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2.3 Service Master Application Management

By placing the cursor over the Service Master screen (without pointing to an icon) and “right clicking” the
mouse a drop down menu will appear which allows the user to “manage” the Service Master application (as
Fig 40)

Fig 40

Fig 41

i) Manage Applications – Selecting this option will enable the user

to add additional icons and links on the front screen of Service Master
(as Fig 41)

NB – if you are unsure about using this function then care must be
taken as it is also possible to delete the links to diagnostic programs.

Additional icons / links can be added by selecting the ADD function

(right hand side of screen, Fig 41)

When the ADD function has been selected the user should first select the
page to add the link onto by using the arrows underneath the Range
picture (as Fig 41)
When the required page has been selected the user will need to specify
what to call the link by entering a name into the name box (as fig 41a)
Next the user will need to specify a “path” by selecting the browse
button ( small square button to the right of the path box as Fig 41a)
Finally the user will need to specify an icon to be used with the link by
selecting the browse button ( small square button to the right of the
icon instruction as Fig 41a)

When these three pieces of information have been entered and the update
button is selected the additional link will be added on the specified page
in the Service Master program.

Fig 41a
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2.4 Service Master Application Management

By placing the cursor over the Service Master screen (without pointing to an icon) and “right clicking” the
mouse a drop down menu will appear which allows the user to “manage” the Service Master application (as
Fig 42)

Fig 42
j) Manage Applications – Selecting this option will enable the user
to add additional icons and links on the front screen of Service Master
(as Fig 42) Fig XX
NB – if you are unsure about using this function then care must be
taken as it is also possible to delete the links to diagnostic programs.

Additional icons / links can be added by selecting the ADD function

(right hand side of screen, Fig 42)

When the ADD function has been selected the user should first select the
page to add the link onto by using the arrows underneath the Range
picture (as Fig 42)
When the required page has been selected the user will need to specify
what to call the link by entering a name into the name box (as fig 42a)
Next the user will need to specify a “path” by selecting the browse
button ( small square button to the right of the path box as Fig 42a)
Finally the user will need to specify an icon to be used with the link by
selecting the browse button ( small square button to the right of the
icon instruction as Fig 42a)

When these three pieces of information have been entered and the update
button is selected the additional link will be added on the specified page
in the Service Master program.

9804/0087 #2 24
Fig 42a
2.5 Installing JCB Fastrac service tool.
a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 43

Fig 43

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 44)

d) Select JCB Fastrac Tool and select “Install” (Fig 44)

Fig 44

e) At the initial “Setup” screen select “Next”

f) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Select Program Folder” screen, select “Next”

h) The installation will now commence. At the “Setup Complete” screen select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated on

the Fastrac page within Service Master.

The installation of the Fastrac tool is now complete.

NB – the operation of the Fastrac tool requires software dongle part number 728/10100 to

9804/0087 #2 25
2.6 Installing JCB Fastrac Wingst

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 45 below.

Fig. 45. Fig. 46.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 46 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig47.

Fig 47

i) Select JCB Fastrac Tool and click “Install” (Fig 47)

j) At the initial “Setup” screen select “Next”

k) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

l) At the “Select Program Folder” screen, select “Next”

m) The installation will now commence. At the “Setup Complete” screen select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated on

the Fastrac page within Service Master.

The installation of the Fastrac tool is now complete.

NB – the operation of the Fastrac tool requires software dongle part number 728/10100 to

9804/0087 #2 26
2.7 Installing JCB Term 1 service tool.

a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 48

Fig 48

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 49)

d) Select JCB Term 1 and select “Install” (Fig 49)

Fig 49

e) At the initial “Setup” screen select “Continue”

f) The installation will now commence. At the “Installation is Complete” screen select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated on

the Wheeled Loader page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 27
2.8 Installing JCB Term 1

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 50 below.

Fig. 50. Fig. 51.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 51 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig52.

Fig 52

g) Select JCB Term 1 and click “Install” (Fig 52)

h) At the initial “Setup” screen select “Continue”

i) The installation will now commence. At the “Installation is Complete” screen select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated on

the Wheeled Loader page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 28
2.9 Installing JCB Term 2 service tool.

a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 53

Fig 53

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 54)

d) Select JCB Term 2 and select “Install” (Fig 54)

Fig 54

e) At the initial “Welcome” screen select “Next”

f) At the “User Information” screen, select “Next”

j) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

k) At the “Select Program Folder” screen, select “Next”

l) The program will now start to install.

m) The user will then be informed that “Setup Needs the Next Disk” as Fig 55

9804/0087 #2 29
Fig 55

n) Select the “Browse” button (which is on the right

hand side of the “Setup Needs the Next Disk” box.
The “Choose Directory” menu will now be
displayed. as Fig 56

Fig 56

o) Select the jcbter~9 folder to highlight

Then select Ok as Fig 57

Fig 57

9804/0087 #2 30
p) Next select the disk2~7 folder and select Ok
As Fig 58

Fig 58

q) The display should now return to the “Setup Needs

The Next Disk” screen, and the “path” should be
Filled as Fig 59.

Fig 59

o) At the “Setup complete” screen select “Finish”.

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Wheeled Loader page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 31
2.10 Installing JCB Term 2

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 60 below.

Fig. 60. Fig. 61.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 61 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig62.

Fig 62

f) Select JCB Term 2 and select “Install” (Fig 62)

g) At the initial “Welcome” screen select “Next”

f) At the “User Information” screen, select “Next”

r) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

s) At the “Select Program Folder” screen, select “Next”

t) The program will now start to install.

u) The user will then be informed that “Setup Needs the Next Disk” as Fig 63

9804/0087 #2 32
Fig 63

v) Select the “Browse” button (which is on the right

hand side of the “Setup Needs the Next Disk” box.
The “Choose Directory” menu will now be
displayed. as Fig 64

Fig 64

w) Select the jcbter~9 folder to highlight

Then select Ok as Fig 65

Fig 65

9804/0087 #2 33
x) Next select the disk2~7 folder and select Ok
As Fig 66

Fig 66

y) The display should now return to the “Setup Needs

The Next Disk” screen, and the “path” should be
Filled as Fig .67.

Fig 67

o) At the “Setup complete” screen select “Finish”.

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Wheeled Loader page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 34
2.11 Installing JCB Translink (5 speed transmission) tool.

a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 68

Fig 68

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 69)

d) Select JCB Translink (5 Speed Transmission Tool) and select “Install” (Fig 69)

Fig 69

e) At the “Installing Translink Software” screen, select “Next”

f) At the “Destination Directory” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Extraction Complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Loadall page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 35
2.12 Installing JCB Translink (5Speed transmission tool)

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 70 below.

Fig. 70. Fig. 71.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 71 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig72.

Fig 72

g) Select JCB Translink (5 Speed Transmission Tool) and click “Install”

h) At the “Installing Translink Software” screen, select “Next”

i) At the “Destination Directory” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Extraction Complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Loadall page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 36
2.13 Installing JCB Auto Powershift service tool.

a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 73

Fig 73

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 74)

d) Select JCB Auto PowerShift Tool and select “Install” (Fig 74)

Fig 74

e) At the “PSECUD” screen, select “Next”

f) At the “Destination Directory” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Extraction Complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Backhoe page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 37
2.14 Installing JCB Auto Powershift service tool.

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 75 below.

Fig. 75. Fig. 76.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 76 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig77.

Fig 77

g) Select JCB Auto PowerShift Tool and click “Install”

h) At the “PSECUD” screen, select “Next”

i) At the “Destination Directory” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Extraction Complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Backhoe page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 38
2.15 Installing JCB IDC (Information display centre) tool.

a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 78

Fig 78

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 79)

d) Select JCB IDC Tool and select “Install” (Fig 79)

Fig 79

e) At the initial “Setup” screen select “Next”

f) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Select Program Folder” screen, select “Next”

h) The installation will now commence. At the “Setup Complete” screen select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Backhoe page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 39
2.16 Installing JCB IDC (Information Display Centre) tool.

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 80 below.

Fig. 80. Fig. 81.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 81 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig82.

Fig 82

i) Select JCB IDC Tool and click “Install”

j) At the initial “Setup” screen select “Next”

k) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

l) At the “Select Program Folder” screen, select “Next”

m) The installation will now commence. At the “Setup Complete” screen select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Backhoe page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 40
2.17 Installing 6 Speed Transmission tools.

The 6 speed transmission diagnostic package is in two parts –

n) 6 Speed Diagnostic Tool

ii) 6 Speed Flash Programmer

These tools will need to be installed separately from the “extra’s” screen of the Service Master.

6 Speed Diagnostic Tool ;-

a) Insert Cd3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open Cd menu using windows explorer.

b) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 83

Fig 83

Version 2.00

c) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 84)

d) Select ShiftMaster Flash Programmer Tool and select “Install” (Fig 84)

Fig 84

e) At the initial “Welcome” screen select “Next”

f) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

g) The program will now start to install.

h) At the “Set up complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated on

the Backhoe page within Service Master.
9804/0087 #2 41
2.18 Installing JCB Loadall hydrostatic transmission tool.

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 85 below.

Fig. 85. Fig. 86.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 86 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig87.

Fig 87

a) Select JCB JCB Loadall hydrostatic transmission tool and click “Install”

b) At the “License agreement” screen, select “Yes”

c) At the “Information” screen, select “Next”

d) At the “User information” screen, select “Next”

e) At the “Setup complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated

on the Loadall page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 42
2.19 6 Speed Flash Programmer Tool :
i) Insert CD3 (Version 19 or above) into laptop and open CD menu using windows explorer.

j) Open the Electronic Diagnostic tools folder and then the Service Master Installation folder.
Double click on the Setup.exe file Fig 88

Fig 88

Version 2.00

k) Select the Extra’s button. – the Additional Programs menu will appear. (Fig 89)

l) Select ShiftMaster Diagnostic Tool and select “Install” (Fig 89)

Fig 89

m) At the initial “Welcome” screen select “Next”

n) At the “Choose Destination Location” screen, select “Next”

o) The program will now start to install.

p) At the “Set up complete” screen, select “Finish”

There is no requirement to create a shortcut to the program as this is automatically generated on

the Backhoe page within Service Master.

9804/0087 #2 43
2.20 Installing Teletruk diagnostic tool.

Insert disc S4 into the CD drive. The Macromedia Flash screen will open. Click on the “ServiceMaster Machine
Diagnostics” icon, as shown in Fig 90 below.

Fig. 90. Fig. 91.

The Service Master splash screen will now open, as fig 91 above.

Click the Extras button, the additional programs window will open as Fig92.

Fig 92

a) Select JCB JCB Teletruk diagnostics tool and click “Install”

b) At the “Wingpi” screen, select “Next”

c) At the “Welcome” screen, select “Next”

d) At the “License agreement” screen, select “Next”

e) At the “Information” screen, select “Next”

f) At the “User information” screen, select “Next”

g) At the “Choose destination” screen, select “Next”

h) At the “Select a program” screen, select “Next”

i) At the “Copying files” screen, select “Next”

j) At the “Setup complete” screen, select “Finish”

9804/0087 #2 44
3.1 Machine Software Updates

Most of the machine operating systems in the JCB range utilize a machine “program” which controls the
functions of the machine. For example, when the throttle on a Js machine is operated the machine program or
“code” will instruct the throttle control to increase or decrease the engine speed. Similarly, in the case of the 6
speed transmission when the machine is operating in 5th gear and the road speed reaches a preset level the
controller will automatically select the 6th gear. All of these functions are controlled by the machine program or
“code” and from time to time it is necessary to update this code so “Flash Programming” tools are included
within Service Master for each of the machine ranges which require this function.

It is recommended that the machine codes are stored on the laptop hard drive for transferring to the machine as
this prevents communication errors if the file is transferred from the Cd.

To make the transfer of machine update codes to the laptop hard drive easier, these files are now all stored in a
single folder which is set up on installation of Service Master ( Only if full or Compact types are selected, see
section 2.2). The Machine software updates folder can be simply copied and pasted onto the hard drive to
transfer the required files, if there is a need to do it manually. It is recommended to copy this folder into the
“C/Program Files/JCB” directory of the laptop as this makes finding the files easier when required by the
relevant programs.

To transfer the files:-

1) Open Windows explorer (as Fig 93)

Fig 93

2) Select the Machine Software Updates folder, then select Edit and copy.

9804/0087 #2 45
3) Now select the “C/Program Files/JCB” directory on the laptop hard drive, then select Edit and
Paste. This will copy all of the required update files on the laptop hard drive.

4) When opened, the main Machine Software Updates folder will contain all of the files required
which are sorted by machine range (as Fig 94)

Machine Software
Update Files

Fig 94

5) When using the Flash Programming tools for each of the different ranges, and browsing for
required files, the files can all be found under C/Program Files/JCB/Machine Update Software and
then the relevant machine range folder.

9804/0087 #2 46
3.2 Service Tool Applications – Windows Compatibility

Application Windows Operating System Additional Information

95 98 2000 NT XP
From version 2.00 of Service Master which was
JCB Service Master – released in Jan 2002, this program and it’s
front end screen
9 9 9 9 9 embedded applications (ie Advanced Management
System (Js) and Fastarc ABS) are compatible with
all Windows applications from Win95B (Not
Win95A) to Win XP.

As described in Service Master front screen above,

A.M.S (JS) applications this application is embedded within the Service
9 9 9 9 9 Master main program and as such is compatible with
all Windows applications from Win95B (Not
Win95A) to Win XP.
As described in Service Master front screen above,
JZ70 applications this application is embedded within the Service
9 9 9 9 9 Master main program and as such is compatible with
all Windows applications from Win95B (Not
Win95A) to Win XP.
Fastrac Wingst service 9 9 X 9 X
As described in Service Master front screen above,
Fastrac ABS tool this application is embedded within the Service
9 9 9 9 9 Master main program and as such is compatible with
all Windows applications from Win95B (Not
Win95A) to Win XP.
JCB Term 1 9 9 X X X

JCB Term 2 9 9 9 9 9
Loadall Hydrostatic
transmission tool X X X
9 9
Loadall Translink (5
speed transmission tool) X X
9 9 9
Backhoe IDC tool 9 X X X X

Backhoe Auto
powershift (PSECUD) X X X X
transmission tool

Windows Compatibility Continued -

At the time of publishing this document, the results shown in the above table were the current
Windows compatibility of each of the programs shown. There is however a continuous process of
updating these programs and it is expected that by the middle of 2002 the Fastrac Wingst program and
the Wheeled Loader Term program will be updated to run on Windows 2000, NT and XP.

There are currently no plans to update the Backhoe IDC tool, Backhoe Auto Power shift tool or the
Loadall Hydrostatic tools.

9804/0087 #2 47
3.3 Service Tool Applications – Laptop Connection Leads.

Application Laptop Connection Leads Required Additional

D.L.A and common lead kit JCB Standard
Pn 892 / 01089 Connection
D.L.A Kit Combination lead
lead Pn 721/ 10885
Pn 892/ 01033 Pn 892/ 01066

JS Advanced
management System
9 9Auto’s
(including JZ70)
Also requires software
dongle Part No 728/
Fastrac (Wingst) service 9 10100 to operate.
Can also be connected
using Fastrac connection
cable Part No 721/00664
Requires both the DLA
Fastrac ABS Tool kit AND the standard
9 9 connection lead to
connect to the machine.
Can also be connected
JCB Term 1 using service lead kit
9 892/ 00930
Can also be connected
JCB Term 2 using service lead kit
9 892/ 00930
Requires both the DLA
Backhoe 6 Speed kit AND the standard
Transmission tool 9 9 connection lead to
connect to the machine.
Can also be connected
Loadall Hydrostatic using service lead Part
transmission tool 9 No 892/ 00931
Can also be connected
Loadall Translink (5 using Transmission
speed transmission tool) 9 service lead Part No 892/
Can also be connected
Backhoe IDC tool using service lead Part
9 No 892/ 00931
Backhoe Auto Can also be connected
powershift (PSECUD) using service lead Part
transmission tool 9 No 892/ 00931

Teletruk 9
9804/0087 #2 48
3.4 Machine software filename conventions.

Machine software or machine code filenames have changed to give information on the intended
machine range and destination module.
An example of a typical filename is shown below together with all of the possible permutations.


Part number e.g.


Divisional identifier e.g.

BHL – Back Hoe Loaders
LDL – Loadall
FAS – Fastrac
WLS – Wheeled Loading Shovels
EXC – Hydraulic excavators
COM – Compact machines
ADT – Articulated Dump Trucks
ITL - Transmissions
RES – Research

Model identifier e.g.

JS – JS excavators
JZ – JZ excavators
P111 – TWRFT

Module identifier e.g.


Version number e.g.

V125 = v1.25

File type e.g.


9804/0087 #2 49
4.1 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – JS page.

Vehicle Setup Icon – Selecting this icon will open the vehicle setup tool which is used to enable
circuits or functions such as additional working lights, hammer circuit, stabilizers and boom priority
which are additional to the basic machine.
NB it should be noted that if a circuit or function is not enabled in the setup tool then it will not

Service History Icon – Selecting this icon will open the Service History tool. This tool displays a
service log of completed and missed services. It is also possible to add an additional service comment
such as “pressures reset” to the service log. The service log can also be printed out or exported to a
floppy disk.

Diagnostics Icon– Selecting this icon will open the diagnostic tool which allows the engineer to test a
significant amount of functions on the machine including solenoid operation, engine speed and pump
control signal. The diagnostic functions are grouped into Engine & Drive systems, Hydraulic system,
Electrical system and Vehicle & CAN Information sections. A list of the available circuits in each
category will be shown when selecting a functional section. Each item in the list can be selected for
viewing while the diagnostic tool is operating. To view a circuit diagram, click in the check box area
to the left of the item in the list. When checked, the circuit diagram will be shown in the right hand
side of the window. When an item is unchecked, the circuit diagram will be closed.

Data Logging Icon – Selecting this icon will open the data-logging tool. This tool stores and displays
information on electrical faults and error codes. This tool also logs and displays information on
machine operation i.e. the numbers of hours the machine has spent in each of the working modes, the
number of hours the machine has been tracking, swinging and excavating.

Flash Programming Icon – Selecting this icon will open the programming tool which is used to input
new software to the machine.

FaultFinding Guide Icon – Selecting this icon will open the JS Fault Finding guide which is located
on CD3. This guide gives useful information on test procedures and fault finding on Js hydraulic and
electrical systems.

Error Log Reset Icon – The error log reset tool has been added from version 2.00 of Service Master
and is used to clear the error log record, hydraulic and engine maximum temperatures and ignition
switch and idle switch selection information from the machine.

9804/0087 #2 50
With the Data Link Adapter connected to the machine and the vehicle ignition switched on, select the
error log rest tool icon. The Reset log menu will appear (Fig 95)


Fig 95

Simply select the send button to erase the error logs from the machine. (NB there is no pop up
message to indicate that the reset has been completed)

The error log, hydraulic and engine maximum temperature, ignition switch selection and idle switch
selection information will then have been cleared from the machine.

9804/0087 #2 51
4.2 JCB Service Master Version 4.0 – JS page.

Vehicle Setup Icon – Selecting this icon will open the vehicle setup tool which is used to enable
circuits or functions such as additional working lights, hammer circuit, stabilizers and boom priority
which are additional to the basic machine.
NB it should be noted that if a circuit or function is not enabled in the setup tool then it will not

Service History Icon – Selecting this icon will open the Service History tool. This tool displays a
service log of completed and missed services. It is also possible to add an additional service comment
such as “pressures reset” to the service log. The service log can also be printed out or exported to a
floppy disk.

Diagnostics Icon– Selecting this icon will open the diagnostic tool which allows the engineer to test a
significant amount of functions on the machine including solenoid operation, engine speed and pump
control signal. The diagnostic functions are grouped into Engine & Drive systems, Hydraulic system,
Electrical system and Vehicle & CAN Information sections. A list of the available circuits in each
category will be shown when selecting a functional section. Each item in the list can be selected for
viewing while the diagnostic tool is operating. To view a circuit diagram, click in the check box area
to the left of the item in the list. When checked, the circuit diagram will be shown in the right hand
side of the window. When an item is unchecked, the circuit diagram will be closed.

Data Logging Icon – Selecting this icon will open the data-logging tool. This tool stores and displays
information on electrical faults and error codes. This tool also logs and displays information on
machine operation i.e. the numbers of hours the machine has spent in each of the working modes, the
number of hours the machine has been tracking, swinging and excavating.

Flash Programming Icon – Selecting this icon will open the programming tool which is used to input
new software to the machine. See also JZ page description.

FaultFinding Guide Icon – Selecting this icon will open the JS Fault Finding guide which is located
on CD S4, if not installed during Service Master set up. This guide gives useful information on test
procedures and fault finding on JS hydraulic and electrical systems.
9804/0087 #2 52
Error Log Reset Icon – The error log reset tool has been added from version 2.00 of Service Master
onwards and is used to clear the error log record, hydraulic and engine maximum temperatures and
ignition switch and idle switch selection information from the machine.

With the Data Link Adapter connected to the machine and the vehicle ignition switched on, select the
error log rest tool icon. The Reset log menu will appear (Fig 96)


Fig 96

Simply select the send button to erase the error logs from the machine. (NB there is no pop up
message to indicate that the reset has been completed)

The error log, hydraulic and engine maximum temperature, ignition switch selection and idle switch
selection information will then have been cleared from the machine.

9804/0087 #2 53
4.3 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – JZ70 page.

JZ70 Setup Icon – Selecting this icon will open the JZ70 Setup tool. This tool is used to program the
machine serial number and set the machine as either a mono boom or offset configuration.

Service History Icon – Selecting this icon will open the Service History tool. This tool displays a
service log of completed and missed service’s. It is also possible to add an additional service comment
such as “pump failure” to the service log. The service log can also be printed out or exported to a
floppy disk.

JZ70 Programming Tool – In previous versions of Service Master, the flash programming tool on the
JS page was also used to program the JZ70 range. From Service Master version 2.00 there is now a
dedicated flash programming tool for the JZ70 range.

After the JZ70 Programming Tool icon is selected the programming menu is displayed (Fig 97)

Fig 97

This programming tool works in the same way as the JS programming tool, in that a shortcut is set to
the update code using the browse button and then the lightening flash is selected to send the new
program to the machine.
The advantages of this dedicated programming tool are that it eliminates the need to change the
shortcut to the update program when changing from JS to JZ range.

Fault Finding Guide – A link has also been included to the JS fault finding guide which is located on
CD3. This guide provides useful information on diagnosing problems on JS and JZ machines.
When the fault finding guide is selected the user will be asked to insert CD3, when the user inserts the
CD the fault finding guide will be opened.
9804/0087 #2 54
4.4 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – JZ70 page.

JZ70 Setup Icon – Selecting this icon will open the JZ70 Setup tool. This tool is used to program the
machine serial number and set the machine as either a mono boom or offset configuration.

Service History Icon – Selecting this icon will open the Service History tool. This tool displays a
service log of completed and missed service’s. It is also possible to add an additional service comment
such as “pump failure” to the service log. The service log can also be printed out or exported to a
floppy disk.

JZ70 Flash Programming Tool – In previous versions of Service Master, the flash programming tool
on the JS page was also used to program the JZ70 range. From Service Master version 2.00 there is
now a dedicated flash programming tool for the JZ70 range.

After the JZ70 Programming Tool icon is selected the programming menu is displayed (Fig 98)

This programming tool works in the same way as the

JS programming tool, in that a shortcut is set to the
update code using the browse button and then the
lightening flash is selected to send the new program
to the machine.

The advantages of this dedicated programming tool

are that it eliminates the need to change the shortcut
to the update program when changing from JS to JZ
Fig 98

Fault Finding Guide – A link has also been included to the JS fault finding guide which is located on
CD S4. This guide provides useful information on diagnosing problems on JS and JZ machines.
When the fault finding guide is selected the user will be asked to insert CD S4, if not installed during
Service Master set up., when the user inserts the CD the fault finding guide will be opened.

9804/0087 #2 55
4.5 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Fastrac page.

Wingst – Selecting this icon will open the Fastrac EMS software which is used to view / download
information on machine operation and fault codes.

ABS Diagnostic Tool – The Fastrac ABS diagnostic program has been added to the Landpower page.

The diagnostic program is accessed using the data link adapter and either the parallel or serial port of
the laptop.
This program can show error codes and modulator status of ABS system on Fastrac. (Figs 99+100)

Fig 99

Fig 100

9804/0087 #2 56
4.6 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – Fastrac page.

Wingst – Selecting this icon will open the Fastrac EMS software which is used to view / download
information on machine operation and fault codes.

ABS Diagnostic Tool – The Fastrac ABS diagnostic program has been added to the Fastrac page.

The diagnostic program is accessed using the data link adapter and either the parallel or serial port of
the laptop.
This program can show error codes and modulator status of ABS system on Fastrac. (Figs 101+102)

Fig 101

Fig 102

9804/0087 #2 57
Engine Diagnostic Tool – The Fastrac Engine diagnostic program has been added to the Fastrac page.

The diagnostic program is accessed using the data link adapter and either the parallel or serial port of
the laptop.
This program can show error codes and modulator status of ABS system on Fastrac. (Fig 103)

Fig 103

Fig 104

Flash Programming Icon – Selecting this icon will open the programming tool which is used to input
new software to the machine Fig 104. See also JZ page description.

9804/0087 #2 58
4.7 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Wheeled Loading Shovel page.

Term 1 – Selecting this icon will open the Term1 program which is used to view / download
information on the machine operation and error codes. NB – the Term 1 program is not to be used
on smoothshift machines.

Term 2 – Selecting this icon will open the Term2 program which is used to view / download
information on the machine operation and error codes. NB – the Term 2 program is capable of
communicating with both the smoothshift and pre smoothshift machines.

ZF Error Codes - The Zf transmission on the Wheeled loader / Dumptruck range reports errors by
way of error codes on the EMS in the cab of the machine.
A reference file has now been included on the Wheeled Loader page to relate the error code to the
actual failure on the transmission.
When the icon is selected the user will be asked toinsert
CD3, when the CD is inserted the user will beasked to
select language as Fig 105
After the required language is selected the reference file
Will be opened as Fig 106.
The user can now scroll through the list of error codes
To interpret the error code reported on the machine Fig 105


9804/0087 #2 59
4.8 JCB Service Master version 4.00 – Wheeled Loader page.

Term 1 – Selecting this icon will open the Term1 program which is used to view / download
information on the machine operation and error codes. NB – the Term 1 program is not to be used
on smoothshift machines.

Term 2 – Selecting this icon will open the Term2 program which is used to view / download
information on the machine operation and error codes. NB – the Term 2 program is capable of
communicating with both the smoothshift and pre smoothshift machines.

ZF Error Codes - The ZF transmission on the Wheeled loader / Dump truck range reports errors by
way of error codes on the EMS in the cab of the machine.
A reference file has now been included on the Wheeled Loader page to relate the error code to the
actual failure on the transmission.
When the icon is selected the user will be asked to Select language
as Fig 107. After the required language is selected the reference file
Will be opened as Fig 108. , if installed during Service Master set
The user can now scroll through the list of error codes
To interpret the error code reported on the machine
Fig 108

Fig 107

Fig 108

9804/0087 #2 60
4.9 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Loadall page.

Hydrostatic (Low Emissions) Icon – Selecting this icon will open the hydrostatic transmission tool.
This tool is used to test / diagnose failures on the hydrostatic range of Loadalls. NB this tool is to be
used on the low emission engined machines.

Hydrostatic (Standard) Icon – Selecting this icon will open the hydrostatic transmission tool. This
tool is used to test / diagnose failures on the hydrostatic range of Loadalls. NB this tool is to be used
on the standard engined machines.

Run Translink Icon - The Translink (5 Speed Transmission) program has been added to the Loadall
This program allows diagnosis of System settings (Fig 109), System status (Fig 110) and Solenoid
testing as well as fault finding information which is accessed through the help menu (Fig 111)

Fig 109

Fig 110
Fig 111
9804/0087 #2 61
4.10 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – Loadall page.

Hydrostatic (Low Emissions) Icon – Selecting this icon will open the hydrostatic transmission tool.
This tool is used to test / diagnose failures on the hydrostatic range of Loadalls. NB this tool is to be
used on the low emission engine machines.

Hydrostatic (Standard) Icon – Selecting this icon will open the hydrostatic transmission tool. This
tool is used to test / diagnose failures on the hydrostatic range of Loadalls. NB this tool is to be used
on the standard engine machines.

Translink Icon - The Translink (5 Speed Transmission) program has been added to the Loadall page.
This program allows diagnosis of System settings (Fig 112), System status (Fig 113) and Solenoid
testing as well as fault finding information which is accessed through the help menu (Fig 114)

Fig 112

Fig 113

Fig 114

9804/0087 #2 62
4.11 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Backhoe page.

IDC Icon – Selecting this icon will open the IDC tool which is used to interrogate the Information
Display Centre on the machine. This can display information on machine serial number, installation
date and service history.

PSECUD Trouble shooting Icon – Selecting this icons will display help files which provide
information for the user trouble shooting of the PSECUD program.

ShiftMaster Diagnostics Icon – Selecting this icon will launch the ShiftMaster (6 Speed
Transmission) diagnostic tool. This tool displays information on the status of inputs and outputs to
transmission controller and status of solenoids. (as Fig 115)

ShiftMaster Flash Programming Icon – Selecting this icon will launch the ShiftMaster (6 Speed
Transmission) flash programmer toll. This tool allows the user to update the program within the
transmission controller. (as Fig 116)

Fig 115 Fig 116

9804/0087 #2 63
4.12 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – Backhoe page.

IDC Icon – Selecting this icon will open the IDC tool which is used to interrogate the Information
Display Centre on the machine. This can display information on machine serial number, installation
date and service history.

Powershift Trouble shooting Icon – Selecting this icon will display help files which provide
information for the user trouble shooting of the Powershift program.

ShiftMaster Diagnostics Icon – Selecting this icon will launch the ShiftMaster (6 Speed
Transmission) diagnostic tool. This tool displays information on the status of inputs and outputs to
transmission controller and status of solenoids. (as Fig 117)

ShiftMaster Flash Programming Icon – Selecting this icon will launch the ShiftMaster (6 Speed
Transmission) flash programmer toll. This tool allows the user to update the program within the
transmission controller. (as Fig 118)

Fig 117 Fig 118

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4.13 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Articulated Dump Truck page.

Term 2 – Selecting this icon will open the Term2 program which is used to view / download
information on the machine operation and error codes. NB – the Term 2 program is capable of
communicating with both the smoothshift and pre smoothshift machines.

ZF Error Codes - The ZF transmission on the Wheeled loader / Dumptruck range reports errors by
way of error codes on the EMS in the cab of the machine.
A reference file has now been included on the Wheeled Loader page to relate the error code to the
actual failure on the transmission.
When the icon is selected the user will be asked to insert CD3, when the CD is inserted the user will be
asked to select a language.

After the required language is selected the reference file will be opened. (as fig 119)
The user can now scroll through the list of error codes to interpret the error code reported on the

Fig 119
9804/0087 #2 65
4.14 Service Master Version 4.00 – Dump Truck page.

Term 2 – Selecting this icon will open the Term2 program which is used to view / download
information on the machine operation and error codes. NB – the Term 2 program is capable of
communicating with both the smoothshift and pre smoothshift machines.

ZF Error Codes - The ZF transmission on the Wheeled loader / Dump truck range reports errors by
way of error codes on the EMS in the cab of the machine.
A reference file has now been included on the Wheeled Loader page to relate the error code to the
actual failure on the transmission.
When the icon is selected the user will be asked to Select language
as Fig 120. After the required language is selected the reference file
Will be opened as Fig 121. , if installed during Service Master set
The user can now scroll through the list of error codes
To interpret the error code reported on the machine Fig 120

Fig 121
9804/0087 #2 66
4.15 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – Robot page.

Robot Page –
Although there are currently no laptop based diagnostic tools on this product range, the opportunity
has been taken to provide shortcuts to the Robot 160 / 170 fault finding guide (Fig 122) and the Robot
190 / 1110 fault finding guide (Fig 123). These fault-finding guides are resident on CD3 and provide
invaluable information on diagnosing faults on the Robot range.

An example of the type of information contained within these guides is shown at Fig 124

Fig 122 Fig 123

Fig 124

9804/0087 #2 67
4.16 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – Robot page.

Robot Page –
Although there are currently no laptop based diagnostic tools on this product range, the opportunity
has been taken to provide shortcuts to the Robot 160 / 170 fault finding guide (Fig 125) and the Robot
190 / 1110 fault finding guide (Fig 126). In addition to a Track wear guide. These fault-finding guides
are resident on CD S4, if not installed during the Service Master set up, and provide invaluable
information on diagnosing faults on the Robot range.

Fig 125 Fig 126

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4.17 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – Midi Excavator page.

Vehicle Setup Icon – Selecting this icon will open the vehicle setup tool which is used to enable
circuits or functions such as additional Travel alarm, high flow circuit and re-fuelling pump which are
additional to the basic machine. NB it should be noted that if a circuit or function is not enabled in
the setup tool then it will not operate.

Service History Icon – Selecting this icon will open the Service History tool. This tool displays a
service log of completed and missed services. It is also possible to add an additional service comment
such as “pressures reset” to the service log. The service log can also be printed out or exported to a
floppy disk.

Diagnostics Icon– Selecting this icon will open the diagnostic tool which allows the engineer to test a
significant amount of functions on the machine including solenoid operation, engine speed and pump
control signal. The diagnostic functions are grouped into Engine & Drive systems, Hydraulic system,
Electrical system and Vehicle & CAN Information sections. A list of the available circuits in each
category will be shown when selecting a functional section. Each item in the list can be selected for
viewing while the diagnostic tool is operating. To view a circuit diagram, click in the check box area
to the left of the item in the list. When checked, the circuit diagram will be shown in the right hand
side of the window. When an item is unchecked, the circuit diagram will be closed.

Data Logging Icon – Selecting this icon will open the data-logging tool. This tool stores and displays
information on electrical faults and error codes. This tool also logs and displays information on
machine operation i.e. the numbers of hours the machine has spent in each of the working modes, the
number of hours the machine has been tracking, swinging and excavating.

Flash Programming Icon – Selecting this icon will open the programming tool which is used to input
new software to the machine. See also JZ page description.

Error Log Reset Icon – The error log reset tool i used to clear the error log record, hydraulic and
engine maximum temperatures and ignition switch and idle switch selection information from the
machine.With the Data Link Adapter connected to the machine and the vehicle ignition switched on,
select the error log rest tool icon. The Reset log menu will appear, see JS page also. The error log,
hydraulic and engine maximum temperature, ignition switch selection and idle switch selection
information will then have been cleared from the machine.
9804/0087 #2 69
4.18 Service Master Version 4.00 – Teletruk page.

TLT Service master.

1. Connect link lead from laptop to machine.

2wd IT, 2wdTCR, 4X4 TRANSMISSION, connection located behind Susmic service door.
4X4 ASC connection located below ASC Susmic behind service door.

2. Select the correct icon option for the type of machine you are working on.

3. Turn on ignition. Warning screen will appear. Use enter key to access check system screen. Use enter key to access
main menu.

IT Machines
All parameter adjustments previously available on the Psion are available on the laptop.

TCR & 4X4 Transmission

Brake potentiometer can be calibrated. Main run screen indicates condition of Susmic inputs and outputs.

Steer sensor can be calibrated. Speed sensors can be viewed for correct operation. ASC valves can be viewed for
input current.

For further information contact TLT Technical Support.

9804/0087 #2 70
4.19 JCB Service Master version 2.00 – General page.

General Page – An additional General page has been added to provide shortcuts to some of the databases of
service information which are on CD3.

Databook – The databook (Fig 127) (which was historically issued in paper format) is now on CD3. The
databook contains useful information on machine pressures, fluid capacities, static machine weights and
dimensions and electrical data about machine systems.

Tyre Guide – Another useful source of service information is the tyre guide. This contains pictures of actual
tyre failures which explanations of the cause of failure. This evidence can be invaluable when expalining tyre
failures. An example of the type of information is shown in Fig 128.

Service Manual – Extracts giving information on the use of diagnostic tools from the service manuals of JS
Excavators, Wheeled loaders, ADT and Loadall have been compiled into a quick reference manual. After
selecting this icon the user will be asked to select a product range and then the required language, the user will
then be shown the operating from the selected product range. (as Fig 129)

Fig 127 Fig 128

Fig 129

9804/0087 #2 71
4.20 JCB Service Master Version 4.00 – General page.

Databook – (Fig 130). The databook contains useful information on machine pressures, fluid capacities, static
machine weights and dimensions and electrical data about machine systems.

Tyre Guide – A useful source of service information is the tyre guide. This contains pictures of actual tyre
failures which explanations of the cause of failure. This evidence can be invaluable when explaining tyre
failures. An example of the type of information is shown in Fig 131.

Repair Time Schedule- This link will give information on the expected repair times of a vehicles major

Special Tools Catalogue- This Icon will link to the special tools catalogue where information will be available
on the specialist tools required for a Service department to carry out certain repairs.

Rubber Track Wear- A useful source of service information is the rubber track wear guide. This contains
pictures of track failures with explanations of the cause of failure. This evidence can be invaluable when
explaining track wear failures. An example of the type of information is shown in Fig 132.

Fig 130 Fig 132

9804/0087 #2 72
Fig 131 Fig XX
5.1 JCB Combination diagnostic connection lead.
An improved diagnostic cable has been made available which combines a number of current
connection leads into one combination lead (as below).

The new lead ( Part Number 892 /01066)

Fig 133, gives greater versatility at a significant
reduction in cost.

The lead uses a common laptop connection with

multiple connections available to different
machine ranges.

The multiple connections are clearly marked to

make identification of correct connection easy.

Fig 133

The new combination lead replaces the following existing

connection leads –
892 / 00930 WLS / ADT connection lead
892 / 01066 S/s 892 / 00931 Fastrac connection lead
892 / 00952 ITL / Transmissions connection lead
721 / 00664 PSION Lead

The following service tool applications can be used with the new
combination lead

Combination Lead
Pn 892/01066
- IDC Tool
- Auto Power shift tool
- Teletruk (Susmic) tool (Dongle required)
- 5 Speed transmission tool
- Loadall Hydrostatic transmission tool
FASTRAC 125 Turbo
- Term 1 (WLS )
- Term2 (WLS + ADT)
- Fastrac service tool (Dongle required)


9804/0087 #2 73
5.2 JCB Common connection lead

The JCB Common connection lead Part Number 721/ 10885, Fig 134 is the common laptop connection lead
for ALL future laptop based service tools which are released after January 2002, the first diagnostic application
to use this connection lead is ABS tool on the Fastrac.

Fig 134

This connection lead is used in conjunction with the Data Link Adapter and Laptop connection lead which is
currently used on the JS range, As fig 135.

Connection to machine Connection to Laptop

diagnostic port (Either serial or parallel port, depending
which connection cable is used)

Common Connection
Connection lead

Fig 135
Data Link

For further information on using specific diagnostic applications refer to relevant Service Manual.

9804/0087 #2 74
5.3 USB to serial port adapters

The increase in the popularity of the USB port (Universal Serial Bus) has meant a decline in the supply of new
laptops having the standard (9 pin) serial port.

As some of the existing diagnostic tools which JCB have in circulation make use of this port this could lead to
some problems in the future.

There are however a number of products in the market place which give serial port capability by plugging into
the USB port.

A typical Belkin version of such product is shown below.

It should be noted that not all types of USB to serial port adapters are suitable for use with JCB diagnostic tools.
As a general rule you should be looking for products which give an electronic interface rather than a hardwired

Please note – These type of adapters have been successfully tested, although a single adaptor will not function
correctly with both the JCB Combination lead and with the data link adapter kit.

Belkin model F5U 103 works with the combination lead. (Not with DLA’s).
Belkin model F5U 109 works with a DLS. (Not with the combination lead).

For information you should configure the adapter as described in section 1.6 DLA Port Configuration.

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6.1 Minimum Laptop Specification

The minimum recommended laptop specification required to run JCB diagnostic programs is

Operating System ;- Win 95B or above (Win 95a is NOT recommended)

Laptop specification;- Minimum of Pentium power

32MB of Ram
VGA graphics card.

6.2 Laptop / connection lead troubleshooting.

In the majority of cases non-communication between the laptop and the vehicle is caused by either software
which is already running on the laptop, or by certain device drivers which tend to “hog” the COM port(s).
Elementary Checks
ƒ Make sure that the correct communication lead is being used for the vehicle and laptop application.
ƒ Make sure that the communication lead is not damaged.
ƒ Make sure that the terminals of the lead are in good contact.
Power Management
The POWER MANAGEMENT on some laptops can cause disruption of communication as it
temporarily switches off some systems including the hard drive.

Problems experienced may be a complete failure to establish communication but more likely an
intermittent failure where a connection is established but then fails after a short time.

If unsure, it is better to disable the POWER MANAGEMENT function, as this will have no
detrimental effect on the laptop.

To turn off the POWER MANAGEMENT function, open the CONTROL PANEL (Start > Settings >
control Panel) and then select the POWER MANAGEMENT icon. The display will vary between
different makes of laptop but you should turn OFF any POWER MANAGEMENT settings.

Additional Devices
Some additional devises such as camera cards and network adapters can cause conflicts will
communication (especially if these devices are also on a power management setting). If unsure it is
better to disconnect these additional devices whilst using the service applications.

Data Link Adapter troubleshooting

Failure of the software to initialize the DLA will prevent any read/write operations. This section will help debug
the error and get the DLA working. Follow this list of checks to perform to help diagnose the problem.

1. Check that cables used between vehicle to DLA, and DLA to laptop are in good condition. Check cables for
damage and replace if nessecery.

2. Check that good firm connections have been made and that no terminals have been pushed out during

3. Power up the vehicle and make sure the power LED on the DLA is ON, if the LED is not illuminated there
may be a problem with the power supplied to the unit or the DLA regulator system is not working. To
check the power to the DLA unplug the DLA from the vehicle, use an digital multi-meter to check the
9804/0087 #2 76
voltage between pins 6 and 8. There should be a minimum of 12 V DC (or IGNITION Voltage, see vehicle
specifications) between these two pins. Suspect the vehicle power supply if there is not, else the DLA
should be replaced because of a problem with it's internal circuitry.

4. With the Vehicle power ON, start HPSetup application and visually observe the CAN activity LED and
note the error message displayed by the PC. If the LED does not flash off/ON several times after it has been
initialized by the PC then there is probably a hardware problem with the DLA. Replace the DLA. Error
messages displayed by the DLA driver software often indicates the origin of the problem. It may help to
power down the vehicle, wait a few seconds and then retry establishing connection.

AND FINALLY – If the basic checks listed above do not resolve the problem, then make a note of
any error messages (Windows related or otherwise), and also the operation you were trying to perform
when the error occurred, as this information will be invaluable for IT Support staff who try to resolve
the issue at a later date.

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7.3 Clean Utility

During the installation and un-install processes several files are created in a computers registry, this
registry should only be modified manually by trained IT personnel. Some development versions of
ServiceMaster didn’t make correct entries into this registry system resulting in conflicting data being
stored. For example, ServiceMaster cannot be uninstalled as the computer thinks it doesn’t exist, nor
will it install as another part of the computer thinks ServiceMaster is already installed. As a result of
the registry issues, we now have a “Clean Utility” to make registry changes automatically.

To run the utility.

1. Insert disc S4 into the CD drive.
2. Open windows explorer (not my computer) and browse the CD ROM as fig 136.

Fig 136

3. Find D:/Electronic Diagnostic Tools/Clean Utility/Files/Clean Utility.

4. Double click “Clean Utility”, as directed by arrow in fig 136.
5. The Clean Utility window will now open as fig 137 below.
6. Click Clean Utility

Fig 137

9804/0087 #2 78
7. When prompted to either Modify/Repair/Remove as Fig 138, select remove to uninstall
previous versions and clean the registry structure.

Fig 138

8. At the maintenance complete screen, click Finish.

9. ServiceMaster can now be installed as detailed in section 2.2 ServiceMaster set up.

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