Main Objectives: SWBAT: Use The Habitual Past "Used To" in Order To Talk About Their Childhood in A Mingle Activity

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The habitual past “used to”

(Ss will talk about their childhood using topics such as: music, TV shows, toys and games, books and magazines,
pets, foods, collections, etc…)

Main Objectives: SWBAT: use the habitual past “used to” in order to talk about their childhood in a mingle activity.
(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with
the new material that they couldn’t do before?)
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free
to include them.

Assumptions: I expect that my students are familiar with the habitual past.
(What do your students already know what can I also expect them to talk freely about their childhood by using the habitual past.
they already do in relation to today’s lesson?)
Ss will be able to talk about the childhood memories using the habitual past.
Ss will be able to compare past and present activities using the habitual past.

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: There’s nothing new because they have already seen this before.
(What will be new for your students? What
aspects of the lesson do you anticipate they might I don’t think they will find it difficult since they’ll talk about childhood memories.
find challenging / difficult?)
Maybe the names of some games or toys in English.

Solutions for challenges: In order to avoid these problems I plan to write the names in the pictures of the games or toys they’ll use in class.
(How will you avoid and/or address these
problem areas in your lesson?)

Assessment: During the final fluency task Ss will talk freely about their childhood in a mingle activity which I will monitor and
(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready make sure they’re using the target language that is the habitual past used to.
to move on to the next stages of the lesson or
have reached the final learning objective?)

Focus: S;
ECRIF Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Materials/Aids
Time S-S; T; T-
And stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
3-4 mins Mini community 1. Activity or task: Talk about other partners’ experiences (optional) T Peer’s voice
builder S AKT

Teacher: Students:
Bring a ball to class. Pass the ball to a partner who would
Ask Ss to share something funny they like to share a classmate’s childhood
liked about their partners’ childhood. memory.

5 mins Encouter 2. Activity or task: FOWSAK T-S Habitual past story

Teacher: Students: S-S
Divide class in 6 groups of 4. Make 6 groups of 4.
Talk a little about his childhood in the Listen to the little story.
habitual past. Tell the T what they have in common
Ask Ss to find out what the stories eliciting the use and/or rules of the
they said and the story the T said had habitual past.
in common.

2-4 mins 3. Activity or task: Show understanding of the grammar. T-S Teacher’s voice / Ss voice
Clarify S-S VA

Teacher: Students:
Ask Ss some CCQs in order to make Answer correctly highlighting the rules.
sure they understand the grammar. Make sentences using the target
Ask Ss to give some examples using language and talking about their
the habitual past. childhood.

7 mins Remember 4. Activity or task: Share childhood memories experiences T Pictures

Teacher: Student:
Divide the class in 4 groups of 6 Talk to their groups about their
Bring to class some pictures about experiences with those toys and
toys and games used in the 90s. games they used during their
Give the pictures to the groups. childhood.
Models an example using the Share childhood memories using the
expression “When I was a child I used expression given by the T.

6-10 5. Activity or task: mini debate T-S Board

mins Internalize S-S VAK

Teacher: Students:
Ask Ss to compare life before and Compare life before and after some
after some important inventions. (e.g inventions.
Before the Internet, most people used Look at the board in case they need
to write letters, but now we send help to talk about some inventions.
Bring some topics in order to help Ss
and stick them on the board.

10 mins Fluency 6. Activity or task: Mingle activity T Peers’ voice / own voice

Teacher: Students:
Ask Ss to stand up and talk freely Talk freely or share an anecdote to a
about their childhood or tell an partner.
anecdote to a partner from a different
Models the activity with a true


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