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Using Mullins Library to Find Articles

Part A:
Part B:

PBHL 2663- Terminology for Health Professions

Ms. DeCarlo

Part C:
Step 2
1. Thomas Nelson Wanat
2. Risk factors for dental implant failure: Smoking, periodontal disease and
previously failed implant sites
3. 2016
4. University of Colorado at Denver
5. The purpose was to review the available literature reporting on the success
and/or survival of rough surface implants placed at previously failed sites, in
smokers, and in periodontally compromised patients.
6. Of the three risk factors evaluated in this review, rough surface implants placed
in previously failed sites presents the highest risk for implant failure.
7. This study is important in the dental field because as a future dentist it is
important to be able to correctly explain the risks of an implant failing.
Implants are placed when patients lose teeth, especially the molars so that
chewing can resume normally. They also cost thousands of dollars, so it is
important that the patient knows whether they are wasting their money or not
on something based on the chances of failure for that particular person.
8. One thing I would do differently is include whether or not the rough surface can be
fixed. Implants serve functions greater than aesthetics and it could be dangerous if
the implants do fail or come loose. Another thing I would do is conduct research on
the habits that led to the rough surface. This could help serve dentists and oral
surgeons as a tool to explain to patients the behaviors they need to do more of or stay
away from. I also think that it is important to emphasize that although smoking and
periodontal disease were not the leading factors for implant failure, they still
negatively affect your health and should be avoided.

Step 3
1. Dr. Michael Douglas
2. 2017
3. Genetic rescue, the greater prairie chicken and the problem of conservation reliance in
the Anthropocene
4. University of Arkansas
5. Restoring the vast North American prairie to a historic benchmark (i.e. revising an external
threat) is clearly unachievable in that the prairie has already been replaced by an agro-
urban patchwork.

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