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Propaganda Video Unsatisfactory (1) Satisfactory (2) Good (3) Excellent (4)

Theme and idea Student has not Student has Student has Students have
attempted to select selected an selected a theme effectively selected
an area in which to appropriate theme and idea that is a theme and have
create a movie and idea and clear with some clearly been able to
began with limited ability to persuade convey their idea to
understanding of others to engage others. They are
how to entice with the theme. confident with what
others to engage they advocating for
with it and translate into
their video.
iMovie Student has not Student has Student has Student has
made an attempt managed to produced a movie created a movie
to create a video. produce a basic that features some that features all
There is no movie movement and aspects of film
evidence of editing. incorporating only sound in making (audio,
still graphics and conjunction with video film,
text with little to no graphics and still graphics, text etc).
movement or images. Student Student has been
sound. Little has edited well to able to convince
evidence of editing create structure peers to believe in
and flow topic. Video is
fluent, well
structured and
flows from one
scene to the next

Padlet Student has made Student has Student has put an Student has
no attempt to provided some acceptable amount utilised padlet to
brainstorm or limited evidence of of time and thought create coherent
consider themes or forward planning. into brainstorming. brainstorm clearly
ideas for their Dot points (or Ideas have been showing forward
poster. similar) have been linked with planning, script
used for a script evidence of a script writing and links
being written clearly established

Length Student has either Student has Student has Student has
produced a movie produced a movie produced a movie produced a movie
that exceeds the 2 extending no more extending no more within 10 seconds
minute limit by than 1 minute over than 30 seconds over the time limit
more than 2 the allocated time over the allocated
minutes, or limit. time.
produced a movie
that is shorter than
1 minute

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