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Material-Related Aspects of Asphalt

Robert Karlsson1 and Ulf Isacsson2
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Abstract: Current knowledge on material-related aspects of asphalt recycling with focus on findings from fundamental studies is
summarized. By way of introduction, a general description of different types of asphalt recycling methods is given, after which a more
detailed compilation of material-related knowledge is presented. Special attention is given to the binder rejuvenation process at asphalt
recycling, that is the restoration of reclaimed binder properties. Studies concerning properties of recycled mixtures are also summarized.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2006兲18:1共81兲
CE Database subject headings: Recycling; Asphalts; Material properties; Temperature; Mixtures.

Introduction existing asphalt. Emphasis is put on general findings from more

fundamental investigations. Besides the studies referred to in this
Asphalt recycling has been an important option in road mainte- paper, a great number of publications have been found. However,
nance and construction since the mid-1970s oil crisis, when con- these publications generally describe practical observations but do
struction costs inflated, especially the price on bitumen. Initially, not present more fundamental aspects of asphalt recycling, and,
recycled asphalt materials were primarily used on low-trafficked consequently, this type of paper is not included in this literature
roads. Over the years, considerable experience has been gained; review.
today recycling methods are also considered for heavy trafficked
roads, and the recycling ratio may be close to 100%. Reuse of
asphalt means that the complexity of the maintenance operation Methods and Strategies for Asphalt Recycling
increases, as the reclaimed material is more difficult to character-
ize compared to new material. During its service life, the old Any road in need of reconstruction or new overlay is a candidate
binder has been aged and the aggregate degraded. Further, the for recycling. During the years, a number of different methods
reclamation process may also contribute to the inhomogeneity of have been developed for reclaiming asphalt, each one being spe-
the recycled pavement material. Finally, possible worker’s health cialized to handle given tasks. Different classifications of asphalt
risks related to heating of asphalt or content of coal tar in re- recycling methods are found in the literature. One example of
claimed asphalt should also be taken into account. Consequently, such a classification is based on the location of the recycling
asphalt recycling is a more demanding and qualified task, requir- process 共in-place, in-plant兲. Another classification parameter used
ing extra knowledge and experience, compared to producing for subdividing of asphalt recycling methods concerns the extent
overlays of virgin asphalt. to which the reclaimed material is heated. In this case, the meth-
During the years, a number of more general state-of-the-art ods may be 共arbitrarily兲 divided into cold 共e.g., below 70° C兲,
共practice兲 reports on asphalt recycling have been published warm 共e.g., between 70 and 120° C兲, and hot 共e.g., above 120° C兲
共ARRA 2001; Button et al. 1994; Epps 1990; Kandhal 1997; recycling.
Kandhal and Mallick 1997; Servas 1980兲. This paper is a review The rest of this section is a brief description of methods used
of literature with focus on material properties and performance of for asphalt recycling. The description serves as an introduction to
recycled asphalt in bitumen bound bases and wearing courses. the review of recycled asphalt properties presented in coming
The main object of the paper is to compile material-related chapters. In addition to these methods, there are also methods that
knowledge on recycled asphalt contributing to optimum reuse of utilize existing pavement by simply milling or heating the sur-
face, thereby minimizing the amount of new asphalt material.
Senior Research Engineer, Division of Highway Engineering, Royal Strictly speaking, these are not examples of asphalt recycling
Institute of Technology, S-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden 共corresponding methods, since no reclaimed asphalt material is used.
author兲. E-mail
Professor, Division of Highway Engineering, Royal Institute of
Technology, S-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail ulf.isacsson@ In-Plant Asphalt Recycling During in-plant recycling of asphalt, the reclaimed asphalt is
Note. Associate Editor: Eyad Masad. Discussion open until July 1, mixed with new binder and/or new asphalt. In-plant recycling can
2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
be divided into cold, warm, and hot recycling, depending on the
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted temperature required 共cf. previous discussion兲. Generally, an as-
for review and possible publication on February 25, 2003; approved on phalt plant needs minor adjustments to handle recycled asphalt,
April 27, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil but there are also more sophisticated techniques described that
Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899- require larger investments 共Decker 1997兲.
1561/2006/1-81–92/$25.00. The reclaimed asphalt is generated from milling, or ripping


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

and crushing of asphalt pavements. Milling is often performed in of hydrocarbons and aging of the binder. One way of minimizing
maintenance works to keep the pavement at a given level with such problems is simply to heat and mill the surface by multiple
respect to curbs and structural clearances before placing a new passes, thereby solving the problem of low thermal conduction,
overlay. The milled material is ready to use, fairly clean, and which prevents heat energy to penetrate the pavement to the de-
relatively uniform. Reclaimed asphalt that has been removed by sired total milling depth 共Carmichael et al. 1977兲. Gentle heating
ripping, for example, in complete removal of a pavement, should also means reduced emissions and aging. The increase in stiffness
be kept clean from soil, etc. as a consequence of heating 共IR radiation兲 during remixing has
The long-distance transport of material from the asphalt plant been observed to correspond to an increase in softening point
and back may result in considerable costs and environmental ef- 共Ring and Ball兲 of 3 – 5 ° C 共Isacsson et al. 1997兲. Direct gas flame
fects, which may be objectionable from a life cycle assessment burners have been abandoned in favor of infrared or hot air heat-
共LCA兲 point of view. Hot in-plant recycling is more common in ers for attaining higher temperatures. However, direct gas flame
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urban areas than in less populated areas for transport reasons as burners are still used for drying and preheating the pavement
well as benefits of larger quantities. The use of mobile asphalt surface. Infrared heat is created by heating metal plates until they
plants limits the need for long transports. reach sufficiently high temperatures. The heat from the metal
Unless used directly, the reclaimed material needs to be stored. plates is then radiated down onto the surface of the pavement. To
To keep the material uniform, different types of mixtures should further improve conditions for road workers, equipment has been
be kept segregated in different stockpiles. Another possible ap- introduced that collects and incinerates emitted fumes. The use of
proach for achieving uniformity in reclaimed materials is to blend hot air in convective heating is a relatively new invention de-
reclaimed asphalt materials thoroughly, thereby obtaining more scribed in greater detail by Terrel et al. 共1997兲. The idea is to use
consistent properties. During storage, the outer layer of the stock- a burner to heat air to about 600° C and then to blow the hot air
pile normally sticks together, whereas the rest of the material onto the pavement surface. By controlling the combustion, the
remains intact. Measures to prevent exposure to direct sunlight oxygen level can be kept low, thus creating a virtually inert gas
and dampness are desirable. Ripped and reagglomerated material that can heat the pavement without causing excessive oxidation.
has to be crushed before use. Another advantage is that the hot air can be recirculated, thereby
Leaching of potentially harmful substances from stockpiles saving energy.
has been studied by Larsson et al. 共2000兲. Generally, from con- After heating and milling the pavement surface, generally
ventional asphalt, no alarming levels of pollutants or toxic sub- down to a depth of 30– 50 mm, new asphalt mix and/or new
stances have been found. However, water leached from stockpiles binder is added to the reclaimed asphalt. The added material may
of tar-containing asphalt or oil gravel contained high levels of be either a conventional asphalt mix or a specially designed mix
polyaromatic hydrocarbons 共PAH兲 and showed toxic effects 共mea- to correct imperfections in the reclaimed asphalt. An advantage of
sured using the Microtox bacteria test兲. milling the pavement hot is the fact that the aggregate normally is
In hot asphalt recycling, the reclaimed asphalt can be fed into not crushed and necessary corrections can be based on the origi-
the asphalt plant either after the drum, in the middle of the drum nal grading curve. Often, 15–25% fresh asphalt mix is added to
or in a parallel drum. Before mixing, the reclaimed asphalt may account for ruts, but additions in the range of 0–50% asphalt
be dried, thus avoiding problems when heating to elevated tem- material have been reported 共Potter and Mercer 1997; Button
peratures. Asphalt plants equipped for recycling may also feature et al. 1994兲. Finally, the recycled asphalt is laid using conven-
other types of devices specially designed to minimize binder tional pavers and compacted.
aging and emissions of hydrocarbons and dust. Examples are the The major difference between remixing and repaving is that no
counterflow drum mixer and microwave heaters. They allow up to fresh asphalt is added to the reclaimed asphalt in repaving. In-
100% reclaimed asphalt to be recycled, given that the material is stead, a separate layer of new asphalt is put on top of the old,
of acceptable quality 共NAPA 1996兲. Microwaves are absorbed by recycled asphalt. The repaving process may be characterized by
the aggregate to a greater extent than the binder, which minimizes the following steps. The pavement is heated and milled using a
aging 共Terrel and Abdulaziz 1987兲. However, relatively much rotary mill or scarifying teeth. A rejuvenator may be added to the
electric energy is needed in this case for heating, which may limit reclaimed material, after which the recycled material is spread
the environmental and economical benefits. and screeded. Finally, new asphalt is placed on top, and the two
layers are compacted using conventional rollers.
In-Place Asphalt Recycling Typically, 20– 25 mm of the old pavement is milled. The ad-
vantage of repaving, compared to solely heating the pavement
In-place asphalt recycling, sometimes referred to as “in situ as- surface, is that surface cracks can be interrupted and deeper sur-
phalt recycling,” can either be performed as remixing, repaving, face irregularities 共ruts, corrugations, etc.兲 restored 共Button et al.
cold in-place asphalt recycling or full depth reclamation. Remix- 1994兲. Comparing repaving and remixing, the advantage of re-
ing and repaving are sometimes referred to as “surface recycling.” paving is lower cost and more effective treatment of friction prob-
Remixing is a process in which the surface of the pavement is lems, since 100% new asphalt is placed as a surface layer. No
milled or scarified, after which new material may be added to the example of cold or warm repaving has been found in the
reclaimed material and mixed before laying and compacting the literature.
recycled asphalt. In in-place recycling operations, the needs for In cold and warm in-place recycling 共cold and warm remix-
transportation and storage are minimized. Recycled pavements ing兲, the pavement is cold milled and mixed with bitumen emul-
are often sealed or overlaid with virgin asphalt. In the latter case, sions, foamed bitumen, or soft bitumen. New aggregate can also
the purpose of remixing may be to disrupt cracks prior to placing be added. The warm alternative uses hot steam to heat the re-
an overlay with the aim of increasing the bearing capacity. claimed material. This facilitates both laying and compaction. The
In 共hot兲 remixing, the pavement is normally heated to tempera- weather conditions for cold recycling are normally limited to
tures well above 120° C. Heating the pavement to such high tem- 10° C and fairly dry weather 共Kearney 1997兲. The initial behavior
peratures requires special techniques to avoid excessive emissions of pavements obtained using the warm technique is generally bet-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

ter than the behavior of pavements recycled cold; also, the opera- of the road surface such as skid resistance. It is often claimed that
tional season can be extended if recycled warm 共Jacobson 1996兲. the relatively longer wheelbase of remixing and repaving units
Full-depth reclamation may be an alternative if a roadbase lead to larger improvements to the longitudinal profile compared
shows inadequate bearing capacity and strengthening is neces- to other rehabilitation alternatives 共Potter and Mercer 1997兲. An-
sary. Full-depth reclamation allows complete reconstruction using other advantage of remixing and repaving is that they mill the
all existing pavement materials. One method of reclamation is to existing pavement when heated, which means that the aggregate
pulverize the existing surface and mix it with the aggregate base is much less degraded by the milling process, compared to cold
and subgrade soil, if necessary. Stabilizing material, such as milling.
granular materials, hydrated lime, fly ash, bitumen emulsions or In general, cold and warm recycling are performed on low or
foamed bitumen, can be added and mixed to provide a new base medium trafficked roads. Cold recycling performed using bitu-
共Huffman 1997; Luiro 1996兲. men emulsions may be prone to deform during the first weeks
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after construction, since the water needs time to evaporate. In

cold recycling, heavy rains during construction may show very
Other Methods
negative consequences. Compared to cold recycling, warm recy-
A simple method of recycling asphalt 共asphalt granules兲 is to use cling is less affected by climate 共cool and damp conditions兲.
it on gravel roads or as base/subbase layers. This method of using A general aspect of the use of reclaimed materials is to pre-
high quality materials is questionable from both environmental serve high quality materials in demanding functions. For ex-
and economic points of view. However, for special applications, ample, the use of good quality aggregate from high-trafficked
such as frost-sensitive gravel roads, the use of asphalt granules wearing courses should preferably not be used as an overlay on a
may be motivated by its flexibility and healing capacity 共Jacobson low volume gravel road.
1996兲. A guide for selection of recycling method based on current
type of distress is given in Table 1.
Method Selection and Strategies for Efficient
Bitumen Rejuvenation
In many publications, the importance of investigating causes of
distresses leading to the need for rehabilitation is emphasized. It The constitution of a recycled binder depends on the composition
is clear that some distresses are likely to reoccur in recycled pave- of the original binder, aging during service, the constitution of the
ments, if not considered in rehabilitation method selection and new binder added 共rejuvenator兲, and the final production includ-
design process. Generally, use of more new 共virgin兲 material fa- ing mixing, laying, and compaction. The recycled binder needs to
cilitates in the adjustment of properties of the old 共reclaimed兲 maintain desired properties for another service period. This means
asphalt, which in turn should result in improved pavement perfor- that a recycled binder usually has to be altered to perform satis-
mance. At the same time, the benefits of using old asphalt de- factorily in the future by the addition of a properly selected reju-
crease, since the extra work involved in asphalt recycling has to venator. The purpose of this section is to summarize current
be compensated by savings in new material. From an environ- knowledge on bitumen rejuvenation. The chapter starts with a
mental point of view, recycling should not be performed at any brief description of binder aging, followed by a description of
cost, because haulage and heating may show such negative envi- rejuvenators. Then, a more detailed account of the rejuvenation
ronmental effects, that they cannot be justified by savings in new process is given. Finally, literature related to the constitution and
materials. Today, the use of life cycle approaches is becoming properties of rejuvenators is reviewed.
more and more common for estimating environmental impacts.
The suitability of different recycling methods for rehabilitation
Bitumen Aging
can be assessed based on whether recycling is performed in-plant
or in-place, as well as at what temperature and to which depth Since the process of aging to a great extent influences the binder
recycling is performed. Availability of equipment and personnel, properties in an asphalt layer, binder aging is a factor of great
etc., is of course another important issue in method selection. importance in asphalt recycling. Comprehensive research has
In-plant recycling shows the advantage that existing equip- been performed to investigate the process of aging and only a
ment may be used after various degrees of modification. Further, brief description of the causes and consequences of binder aging
smaller quantities of reclaimed asphalt can be added continuously is given in this paper. The description provides a background for
to new asphalt with relatively good control of material properties, the measures that can be taken to rejuvenate old binders. For
thus producing overlays of high quality. The great advantage of more details on binder aging, a number of publications can be
in-place recycling is obviously minimized haulage and need for recommended 共Branthaver et al. 1993; Davison et al. 1994;
new materials, resulting in both economical and environmental Johansson 1998; Petersen 1984, 2000兲.
benefits. Another advantage of in-place recycling, compared to Aging mainly leads to increased stiffness but also bring about
conventional surfacing or heating, is that cracks can be inter- changes in physicochemical properties as ductility and adhesion.
rupted before a new overlay is placed. In full depth reclamation, Generally, aging influences binder performance and consequently
distresses originating from layers deeper down in the pavement the asphalt mixture. The main mechanisms related to bitumen
can be addressed. To increase bearing capacity, the lower layers aging are oxidation, evaporation, exudation, and physical
need to be stabilized or additional overlays be placed on top of hardening.
the old pavement. After full depth reclamation, additional over- Oxidation is an irreversible process mainly controlled by the
lays can be laid on a more stable and homogeneous foundation, reactivity of the binder and the amount of oxygen available
thereby, for example, avoiding reflective cracks to reappear. In through diffusion 共Tuffour and Ishai 1990兲. Oxidative reactions
repaving, a new overlay is placed simultaneously with the re- are promoted at higher energies, i.e., by high temperatures and
cycled layer, thus providing an opportunity to modify properties exposure to light of high energy 共e.g., UV light兲, which enhances


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

Table 1. Guide for Selection of Recycling Method 关after ARRA 共1992兲 Gooswilligen 1989兲. The sensitivity toward evaporation differs
and Kandhal 共1997兲兴 between binders and can be reduced by minimizing the amount of
Type of Hot Hot Cold Full the most volatile components.
pavement Cold in-plant in-place in-place depth Exudation results from loss of oily components, which exude
distress planing recycling recycling recycling reclamation from the bitumen into the aggregate. This type of aging is influ-
Surface defects
enced by the chemistry of the bitumen as well as the porosity of
the aggregate.
Raveling ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
Physical hardening can occur over a long period of time and is
Bleeding ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
believed to arise from molecular structuring. The degree of mo-
lecular structuring is influenced by temperature. The effect of
Low skid ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
physical hardening can be reversed by, for example, changing the
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Of special interest to asphalt recycling is the fact that the de-
Corrugations ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
gree of aging is strongly influenced by void content of the mixture
Rutting— ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
共Dickinson 1980; Kemp and Predoehl 1981; Kemp and Sherman
1984兲. Porous asphalt pavements have shown penetration at 25° C
Rutting— ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
as low as 5 dmm 共Ekblad and Isacsson 1995; van der Kooij and
Verberg 1996兲. Stockpiling has also been reported to contribute to
Cracking/load associated
aging as the binder in this case is more exposed to air 共McMillan
Alligator ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
and Palsat 1985兲. The process of recycling will lead to further
Longitudinal ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ aging of the old binder, especially if recycled hot. A study of hot
in-place asphalt recycling projects revealed that the penetration at
25° C was reduced about 20% during the recycling process, if no
Pavement ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
new materials were added 共AGRA 1996兲. However, some mea-
sures may be taken to reduce this negative influence, such as
Slippage ⫻ ⫻
gentle heating. For example, during in-plant mixing, the old as-
Cracking/nonload associated
phalt granules must not be exposed to the burner flame or super-
Block ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ heated new aggregate.
Longitudinal ⫻ ⫻
joint Rejuvenators
Transversal ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
共thermal兲 During the years, a number of materials with the purpose of al-
Reflection ⫻a 共⫻兲 ⫻ ⫻ tering properties of old binders at asphalt recycling have been
Maintenance patching
proposed. This group of materials goes by different names as
reclaiming, recycling, modifying or softening agents 共additives兲,
Spray ⫻ ⫻
recycling modifiers, rejuvenators but also fluxing, extender or
Skin ⫻ ⫻
aromatic oils. In this paper, the term rejuvenator is used to de-
Pothole ⫻ ⫻
nominate all products used for rejuvenation of old binders.
Deep 共hot ⫻ ⫻ Besides bitumen, bitumen emulsions, cut backs, and foamed
bitumen, a number of additives have been used as rejuvenators. In
Problem base/subgrade 共soft, wet兲 ⫻ a list compiled by Roberts et al. 共1996兲, a distinction is made
Ride quality/roughness between softening agents and rejuvenating agents, where soften-
General ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ing agents plainly are aimed at lowering the viscosity of aged
uneveness bitumen, whereas rejuvenating agents also are added for the pur-
Depressions ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ pose of restoring physical and chemical properties of the old
共settlement兲 binder:
High ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 1. Softening agents
• Asphalt flux oils 共generally blended with bitumen to re-
duce the viscosity兲;
If milling is performed as part of the recycling process. • Lube stock 共a fraction of crude oil that has viscosity simi-
lar to lube oils兲;
• Lubricating or crankcase oil 共usually highly aliphatic兲;
not only the reaction rates but also the number of different reac- and
tions that can occur 共Tyrion 2000兲. As a consequence, differences • Slurry oil 共bottoms from the catalytic cracking process兲.
in activation energy levels for different reactions means that aging 2. Rejuvenating agents
mechanisms at service temperature 共long-term aging兲 and produc- • Lube extracts 共highly naphtenic or aromatic fractions re-
tion 共short-term aging兲 are expected to be different. Oxidation moved from lube stock by solvent extraction兲; and
changes the chemical composition of binders. A major outcome of • Extender oils 共aromatic oils from lube stock, mostly used
aging is the formation of polar functional groups, which increases for extending asphalt-rubber blends兲.
the viscosity by increasing the intermolecular interactions. It is not obvious that all these types of products are appropriate
Evaporation of volatile components of binders, especially with regard to performance and/or the environment.
from thin films, can result in substantial changes in binder prop- A rejuvenator should restore the reclaimed binder characteris-
erties, if the binders are exposed to high temperatures 共van tics to a consistency level appropriate for construction purposes


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

and pavement performance, and, at the same time, optimize the
chemical characteristics with regard to durability. A rejuvenator
should also provide sufficient additional binder to coat any new
aggregate that is added to the reclaimed mixture and satisfy mix-
ture design requirements. Further, rejuvenators should be easy to
disperse in the old binder, be uniform from batch to batch, and
practical to use, for example, by preventing flashing, smoking,
and health risks 共Epps et al. 1980兲.
Specifications applied to rejuvenators vary and a compilation
of current practice is not justified by the purpose of this paper.
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Conceptualization of the Rejuvenation Process

Fig. 1. Penetration values of the inner and outer binder layer versus
In hot in-plant or in-place asphalt recycling operations, fresh time during diffusion 关after Carpenter and Wolosick 共1980兲兴.
binder and aggregate are mixed with reclaimed asphalt. The fresh
binder should be a rejuvenator or soft bitumen in order to achieve
a final mix of fresh and old binder showing acceptable consis- prepared by heating the reclaimed asphalt to 116° C and mixed
tency. Mixing of binders is influenced by mechanical mixing as with rejuvenator 共20% of total binder content兲. The samples were
well as diffusion, and requires compatibility between the binders allowed to cure in an uncompacted state for a specified time. At
共Karlsson 2000兲. Incomplete mixing during hot recycling has predetermined time intervals, an incremental extraction process
been indicated in field by comparably low compaction tempera- was initiated. The recycled mix was immersed in trichloroethyl-
ture 共Taverner et al. 1990兲 or propensity to deform easier 共Potter ene and left for 3 min before the solution was decanted. The
and Mercer 1997; Oliver 2001兲, but is likely more pronounced in remaining mix was treated with solvent to remove all the remain-
cold recycling 共Ulmgren 1982兲, where mixing is limited by the ing binder. The two binder solutions obtained were recovered,
existence of asphalt granules of aggregate glued together. providing two samples representing the outer and inner layer of
The efficiency of binder mixing at asphalt recycling was the recycled binder film.
investigated by Lee et al. 共1983兲 using dyes to determine the The consistency of each layer should vary with time, if the
effectiveness in spreading of rejuvenator throughout the recycled diffusion process is working as hypothesized. Fig. 1 shows that
mixture. The dye, ␤-naphtenol, was mixed with the rejuvenator the outer and inner layers finally approaches the same consis-
and then visually detected in the recycled asphalt concrete. It was tency, close to that of a mixture of rejuvenator and old binder of
concluded that mixing of binders on a macroscale was mainly corresponding content. Fig. 1 also shows the variation in binder
accomplished by mechanical mixing. stiffness of reclaimed material 共the outer layer stiffer than the
To the writers’ knowledge, the first laboratory investigations of inner layer兲.
diffusion of a rejuvenator into an old binder were performed by Similar investigations have also been performed by Noureldin
Zearley 共1979兲 and by Carpenter and Wolosick 共1980兲. They used and Wood 共1987兲, who stored samples of uncompacted asphalt
a stage extraction method 共cf. the following discussion兲 to deter- mixtures for 15 h at 78° C, after which the binder films were
mine the rate at which a rejuvenator in an asphalt mixture mi- extracted in four stages. The samples were soaked for 5 min in
grated into the old binder. Carpenter and Wolosick 共1980兲 also trichloroethylene in increments of 200, 200, 300, and 700 mL to
compared these experiments with measurements of mechanical get the extracted bitumen in four fractions. The results obtained
properties after storage for certain periods of time. They hypoth- by Noureldin and Wood 共1987兲 confirmed the findings of Carpen-
esized that the diffusion of rejuvenators into aged bitumen at as- ter and Wolosick 共1980兲, that is the binder layer close to the
phalt recycling could be described in steps as follows. First, the aggregate remained stiffer than the outer layers during the diffu-
rejuvenator forms a very low-viscosity layer that surrounds the sion process studied.
aggregate, which is coated with very high-viscosity aged asphalt
cement. Then, the rejuvenator begins to penetrate the aged asphalt
Rejuvenator Diffusion
cement layer, thereby decreasing the amount of new rejuvenator
covering the bitumen-coated aggregate particles and softening the Knowledge regarding diffusion of bituminous binders into each
old bitumen. After a given time period, no raw rejuvenator re- other is of fundamental interest in asphalt recycling. Oliver
mains, and the diffusion of rejuvenator continues. Simultaneously, 共1975兲 studied diffusion of dodecylbenzene and two oil fractions
the viscosity of the inner layer 共closest to the aggregate兲 is low- into three different bitumens, using a method of tritium labeling.
ered, and the viscosity of the outer layer is increased. As time The study was undertaken to investigate the possibility of replac-
goes on, equilibrium is approached over the majority of the shell ing weathered binder at the pavement surface with an oversprayed
of bitumen. oil formulation, thereby extending the life of the surfacing. To
Carpenter and Wolosick 共1980兲 also called attention to the fact determine the diffusion coefficient, a thin layer 共⬍1 ␮m兲 of dif-
that the rate of diffusion of different components in the rejuvena- fusant was applied to the top of a bitumen cylinder, 1.25 cm in
tor might be different. Further, they stated that incomplete mixing diameter and 0.5 cm high. The tritium labeled diffusant was then
of old and added binder causes problems in predicting of perfor- allowed to penetrate the bitumen for some time after which the
mance, and, if incomplete mixing of old and new binder occurs, bitumen was sliced using a microtome. The radioactivity
the long-term field pavement performance will be affected. was measured at different depths and the diffusion coefficient
The concept of the diffusion process described above was ex- calculated.
perimentally verified by Carpenter and Wolosick 共1980兲 using a One of the conclusions drawn from Oliver’s study 共1975兲 was
stage extraction method, in which the inner and outer layers of the that the diffusion rate could be increased by adding diluent oil
recycled binder film was extracted separately. The samples were fractions or by raising the temperature. The diffusion rate was


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

unaffected by a skin on top of the bitumen cylinder caused by Consistency
photooxidation. It was also stated that for the oils constituted of In order to meet specified target viscosities for recycled binders,
molecules of different size and configuration, only an average mixing rules have been applied to determine the amount of reju-
diffusion coefficient could be determined. Oliver 共1975兲 also con- venator required, given the viscosities of the old binder and the
cluded that the diffusion coefficient depends on the temperature in rejuvenator. Arrhenius 共1887兲 was first to establish a relationship
an Arrhenius-type relationship. describing viscosity of mixes of two liquids 关Eq. 共1a兲兴. All mixing
Oliver 共1975兲 also performed experiments on diffusion of oil rules use some kind of logarithmic relationship between amount
fractions obtained by size exclusion chromatography 共SEC兲 and of each binder and the resulting viscosity. The following are ex-
liquid chromatography 共LC兲. It was found that higher molecular amples of such mixing rules:
weight fractions diffused more rapidly than the lower molecular ln共␩mix兲 = x ln共␩1兲 + 共1 − x兲ln共␩2兲 共1a兲
weight oil fractions, which was unexpected. Oliver 共1975兲 also
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found that the more aliphatic fractions obtained from LC diffused

ln共␩mix兲 = x ln共␩1兲 + 共1 − x兲ln共␩2兲 + x共1 − x兲G12 共1b兲
more rapidly than naphthenic and condensed aromatic fractions,
and concluded that molecular shape was more important than
ln共ln共␩mix兲兲 = x ln共ln共␩1兲兲 + 共1 − x兲ln共ln共␩2兲兲 共1c兲
molecular weight, i.e. thin aliphatic compounds diffuse more rap-
idly than bulky condensed compounds. where ␩mix = viscosity of the mixture; ␩1 and ␩2 = viscosity of
Rejuvenator diffusion has also been studied using Fourier Binders 1 and 2, respectively; x = volume percentage of Binder 1;
transform infrared spectroscopy using attenuated total reflectance and G12 = interaction factor between Binders 1 and 2.
共FTIR-ATR兲 by Karlsson 共2000兲. Using FTIR-ATR, diffusion of Eq. 共1b兲 was presented by Grunberg and Nissan 共1949兲 and
three rejuvenators and several chemical compounds, referred to as applied by Davison et al. 共1994兲 to mixtures of several bitumi-
markers, were monitored when diffusing through a number of nous binders. It was concluded that G12 varies for different sets of
binders. The results were verified by a limited number of rheo- binders. For mixtures of bitumens, G12 was close to zero, whereas
logical diffusion measurements 共Karlsson and Isacsson 2003兲. mixtures of bitumen and highly aromatic rejuvenators rendered
The magnitude of the diffusion rates determined by Oliver 共1975兲 G12 values as low as −10. This was explained by the ability of
and by Karlsson 共2000兲 and Karlsson and Isacsson 共2002兲 was these rejuvenators to disperse the asphaltenes in bitumen. Clearly,
found to be of the same order. Fick’s law was also found valid to by use of Eqs. 共1a兲 and 共1c兲, differences in interactions between
model diffusion and the use of an Arrhenius relationship was binders cannot be taken into account. However, the results pre-
confirmed appropriate to model the influence of temperature. sented by Davison et al. 共1994兲 indicate that Eq. 共1a兲 a might be
Classical diffusion models, such as Stoke–Einstein equation, better for mixtures of bitumens and Eq. 共1c兲 better for mixtures of
claiming proportionality between rate of diffusion and viscosity bitumens and rejuvenators.
of the diffusion medium, was used to investigate possible influ- Mixing rules have also been developed for critical tempera-
ences of bitumen aging on rejuvenator diffusion. The rate of re- tures in Superpave mix design. Critical temperatures at low, in-
juvenator diffusion above 50° C was found to be fairly indepen- termediate, and high temperatures can be calculated for mixtures
dent of degree of aging 共Karlsson and Isacsson 2002兲, which was of old and new binders by assuming a linear relationship between
explained by the ability of a relatively unaffected, soft maltene the amount of each binder and the critical temperature of the
phase to provide the medium for diffusion. Hence, rejuvenator mixture 共McDaniel and Anderson 2001兲. Soleymani et al. 共1999兲
diffusion takes place at a considerably faster rate than expected have studied relationships between proportions of soft binder/
from the classical models of diffusion. Diffusion rates determined rejuvenator and stiff bitumen and performance grade and master
using markers of different size and polarity demonstrated large curve parameters and found linear relationship between the pro-
influence of polarity and indicated inverse proportionality be- portion of rejuvenator and the following performance related
tween diffusion rate and the square of the molecular weight of the
• log G*, where G* = complex shear modulus;
• ␦, where ␦ = phase angle;
• log S, where S = stiffness;
Properties of Recycled Binders • m, where m = creep rate;
• R, where R = rheological index 共“sufficiently accurate” rela-
The constitution of bitumen is responsible for its road perfor- tionship兲; and
mance. In order to work well, properties influencing rheology, • ␻c, where ␻c = crossover frequency 共sufficiently accurate
cohesion, adhesion, and durability must be optimized. In asphalt relationship兲.
recycling, the same applies to the recycled binder, i.e., the mix-
ture of rejuvenator and aged bitumen. It may seem relatively easy Chemical Constitution
to soften an aged bituminous binder by addition of low-viscosity Research aiming at relating chemical constitution to binder per-
rejuvenators. However, maintaining stability 共a bitumen showing formance has been going on for many decades with varying suc-
good stability is a homogeneous system where the asphaltenes are cess. Of particular interest is prediction of durability, which is
well peptized/dissolved and prevented from precipitation or floc- difficult to determine by short-term laboratory tests. Most of the
culation兲 and durability of the recycled binder is also necessary. findings presented in this section focus on the fractional compo-
These two requirements may counteract each other, as the com- sition of recycled binders and the constitution of rejuvenators
ponents that enhance stability and durability may not be very suitable to restore the composition of reclaimed binders. Finally,
effective at reducing viscosity 共Newcomb et al. 1984; Peterson health related aspects of rejuvenators are shortly commented.
et al. 1994兲. The rest of this chapter is a review of literature According to Heithaus 共1962兲, binder stability is achieved by
related to rejuvenation of reclaimed binders by addition of reju- high solvency or peptizing power of the maltene phase and high
venators in order to achieve desired consistency and chemical peptizability of the asphaltene phase. A rejuvenator should be
constitution of recycled binders. composed in such a way that it increases the peptizing power of


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

the maltene phase 共Venable et al. 1983兲. Heithaus showed that Rejuvenators containing waxes should be avoided, since
oxidative aging normally decreases the peptizing power of the waxes may affect the low temperature properties of the final blend
n-pentane maltene phase. However, results presented by Karlsson 共Peterson et al. 1994兲. Waxes strongly associate at lower tempera-
and Isacsson 共2003兲 indicate that aging rather leads to increasing tures, and are, in general, defined as a fraction of saturates that
polar interactions than to decreasing stability. Consequently, re- crystallizes upon cooling. Other suggested negative effects of
search presented hitherto does not indicate that influence of aging waxes are poor adhesion to some aggregates and a tendency to
is a critical issue. cause increase in permanent deformations of asphalt mixtures.
Extensively low stability may be manifested in low ductility as However, recent research on waxes gives a more complex picture
well as a sharply increased shear viscosity at diminishing shear of the composition of waxes, and waxes obtained from different
rate 共Peterson et al. 1994兲, which exceptionally may lead to phase bitumens may show different constitutions 共Redelius and Isacsson
separation. Binder stability is a consequence of mutual solubility 2002兲.
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of all components constituting a binder. The stability depends on The health aspects associated with emissions from rejuvena-
the distribution of solubility parameters and molecular size. A tors also require consideration. From a technical point of view,
high content of polar and aromatics 共determined by ASTM 2007兲 highly aromatic oils are the choice of preference 共Peterson et al.
are believed to enhance dispersion of asphaltenes 共Dunning and 1994兲, but such oils are also a source of emissions of PAH, which
Mendenhall 1977; Newcomb et al. 1984兲. However, the observa- include a number of substances, proven to be carcinogenic. Fur-
ther, regarding health aspects, the content of volatile compounds
tions made by Verhaeghe and Van Assen 共1992兲 and Gannon et al.
should be kept at a level as low as possible.
共1980兲 indicate that the fractional composition 共determined by
ASTM D2007兲 of the recycled binder is additive, i.e., the frac-
tional composition is proportional to the amount of each binder
and their fractional composition. Laboratory Studies of Recycled Asphalt Concrete
If the rejuvenator is manufactured from the same crude as the
old binder subject to rejuvenation, the stability of the recycled Recycling is a more demanding task than conventional paving
binder is likely optimized, since the chemistry of the two binders regarding method selection, mix design and, to some extent, also
is similar and therefore probably highly compatible. As aging the paving procedure. The variation in material properties is gen-
leads to an irreversible increase in content of viscosity building erally larger in reclaimed asphalt compared to fresh material, a
components, rejuvenators should preferably show as low content problem being difficult to account for as it originates from varia-
of asphaltenes as possible. Research carried out in Texas suggests tions in the old pavement. In spite of this fact, the initial perfor-
the method of supercritical fractionation of residues from crude mance of a recycled pavement is today normally considered as
good as that of a newly constructed one of the same type 共Epps
oil distillation to be used in manufacturing of rejuvenators of
1990; Button et al. 1995; Kandhal et al. 1995; Potter and Mercer
desired chemical constitution 关Chaffin et al. 共1997兲兴. Supercritical
1997兲, provided that the reclaimed asphalt does not show irreme-
fractionation of residues means that the residue is dissolved in a
diable shortcomings. Many types of distresses related to poor ma-
“bad” solvent by aid of high pressure 共and high temperature兲. By
terials may reoccur, if not properly considered. Generally, most
reducing pressure 共and temperature兲 in steps, a number of differ-
types of negative observations of recycled asphalt performance
ent fractions are obtained.
have been attributed to parameters of great importance in method
The amount of saturates 共determined by ASTM D2007兲 in re-
selection 共bearing capacity兲 and mix design 共inadequate binder
juvenators was proposed by Kari et al. 共1980兲 to be limited to
content, binder stiffness, and/or aggregate gradation兲. However,
30% of the rejuvenator. The limit obtained was based on blends of studying material properties of reclaimed asphalt is difficult due
a number of rejuvenators and one aged California Coastal bitu- to its complex constitution and unknown history. Furthermore,
men. The blends with rejuvenators containing more than 30% during the recycling process, curing needs to be taken into ac-
saturates failed to meet the bitumen specifications used then. count 共rejuvenation, breaking of emulsions, etc.兲.
Saturates 共paraffins兲 determined by Corbett fractionation 共ASTM Low variability of reclaimed asphalt is essential to achieve
D4124兲 were found to show detrimental effects on hardening sus- desired properties of recycled asphalt. Variability in stockpiled
ceptibility 共according to PAV aging兲 and ductility, if the content of materials should be kept low by separating different materials
saturates determined in this way was higher than 15% of the with regard to type of asphalt, amount of deleterious material, etc.
recycled binder 共Peterson et al. 1994兲. This finding was supported 共McDaniel and Anderson 2001兲. One way to improve homogene-
by Newcomb et al. 共1984兲 reporting that blends of bitumen with ity is to remove unwanted features of the old road 共e.g., road
rejuvenators of high content of saturates 共according to ASTM markings兲, crack seals and other sources of inhomogenities prior
D2007兲 showed higher aging index 共viscosity at 140° F after/ to the reclamation process. Thorough mixing of the stockpiled
before RTFO aging兲, while high content of aromatics and polars materials improves homogeneity. Regarding variability, degrada-
contributed to improved ductility. tion of aggregate during service, fines from deleterious materials,
McMillan and Palsat 共1985兲 also tested viscosity of recycled cold milling and crushing of ripped asphalt concrete, which all are
binders after TFOT. It was suggested that maximum amount of influencing the aggregate gradation, should also be taken into
distillate should be no more than 1% 共by volume, determined by account. At stockpile sampling, it is essential that samples taken
ASTM D402兲 to ensure that only distilled binders were used and as far as possible reflect the whole stockpile.
not cut back bitumens. Noureldin and Wood 共1990兲 observed sub- Cold recycled asphalt is more difficult to screed and compact
stantial differences between TFO-aged blends of one old binder due to lower workability, which may lead to higher air void con-
and three different rejuvenators. All blends were designed to cor- tent and greater risk for unevenness and rutting compared to hot
respond to a virgin binder AC-20 of penetration 65 dmm at 25° C. recycled asphalt 共Jacobson 1995兲. However, low air void content
Interestingly, the blend with a commercial rejuvenator, rich in is frequently reported in connection with recycled objects. The
aromatics, showed the lowest hardening susceptibility 共even reason is often too much binder added for the purpose of soften-
lower than the virgin AC-20兲. ing the reclaimed asphalt concrete and making it workable


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

共Rogge et al. 1994兲. Determination of the amount of rejuvenator first one was obtained using a given binder and aggregate of given
needed, especially at cold recycling, appears to be an act of bal- particle size distribution. The mixture was aged to a given degree,
ance between, on the one hand, workability and raveling, and on compacted and broken up manually, after which it was blended
the other hand, avoiding problems like bleeding and insufficient with a new mixture and finally compacted again. The binder of
stability. this mixture was recovered and the viscosity determined. The
Laboratory investigations on recycled asphalt mixtures can second mixture containing the same aggregate 共type and grada-
mainly be divided into two categories: evaluations on perfor- tion兲 was manufactured using another binder. After compaction,
mance of recycled asphalt and studies on the degree of mixing the binder was recovered and its viscosity measured. The viscos-
between reclaimed binder and rejuvenator. Within the former cat- ity determined in this case was close to the viscosity of the binder
egory, most of the studies reported were found to be of applied in the first mixture. Further, the nominal binder and void content
character and limited extent. These “technical” reports were not of two mixtures were the same. The recycled mixture showed
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taken into account in this paper, the purpose of which is to sum- comparably lower resilient modulus, higher wheel tracking rate
marize more fundamental knowledge regarding material-related and longer fatigue life 共controlled strain兲, which are signs of a
aspects on asphalt recycling. Below is a description of studies on softer binder. Oliver 共1975兲 concluded that the reclaimed and
mixing of reclaimed binders and rejuvenators, followed by short fresh binders were not fully mixed, since the reclaimed asphalt
reviews on performance-related properties of recycled asphalt. may form agglomerates of aggregate and filler, hard for the fresh
binder to penetrate. Incomplete mixing would create areas with a
softer binder, which could not be counterbalanced by the areas
Mixing-Related Studies on Mixtures
containing harder binder. It should be noted that the reclaimed
The investigation performed by Carpenter and Wolosick 共1980兲, and fresh asphalt was mixed for three minutes, compacted and
previously mentioned, was supplemented with mechanical tests, then cured for 1 h, all at a temperature of 150° C.
showing the change in recycled asphalt properties over time as a
consequence of binder diffusion. They measured resilient modu-
lus, creep compliance, permanent deformation properties and Performance-Related Studies
Marshall stability and reported, among other things, that “the re-
silient modulus values for the recycled samples showed a rather Resilient and Permanent Deformations
dramatic variation with time.” van der Kooij and Verburg 共1996兲 Both resilient and permanent deformations of asphalt concrete are
performed experiments using reclaimed porous asphalt containing of great interest in pavement engineering. The resilient response
a severely aged binder with a penetration at 25° C as low as about is related to bearing capacity and cracking and the permanent
5 dmm. van der Kooij and Verburg performed wheel track, Mar- response to development of ruts. Typical observations described
shall stability, Cantabro, and indirect tensile tests. They argued below are related to unexpectedly high resilient deformations or
that, despite the severely aged reclaimed asphalt, the response to initially high rate of permanent deformation. Except for the initial
these tests could not originate from separate fresh and old binders, behavior of cold recycled asphalt, a general picture cannot be
but from a mix of both. They drew the conclusion that fresh observed. In cold recycled pavements, using bitumen emulsions
binder mixes with old binder, despite severe aging, but no evi- as rejuvenator, there is normally a longer period of lower strength
dence was found for complete mixing. Unfortunately, the condi- before the final level is reached 共Kazmierowski et al. 1992兲. Re-
tions differ too much between the two investigations presented in garding cold recycling, the strength is mainly influenced by mois-
this paragraph to allow any detailed comparison. ture content 共Castedo 1987; Bardesi Orue-Echevarría et al.,
In the work to incorporate reclaimed asphalt in the Superpave 1996兲. Consequently, high air void content facilitates in drying
system, a study was conducted using the Superpave Shear Tester 共curing兲 process 共Kazmierowski et al. 1992; Jacobson 1995兲.
to investigate whether reclaimed asphalt granules act as “black Estakhri 共1994兲 evaluated 20 objects where reclaimed asphalt
rocks,” i.e., if the old binder coating the reclaimed asphalt inter- was blended with bitumen emulsions and conventional mixtures.
acts with the new binder. In this study, reclaimed asphalt was Recycled mixtures that had Hveem stabilities greater than 24
added to new asphalt in ratios of 10 and 40%. The mixing process were found to perform successfully, whereas mixtures having sta-
was performed to simulate three cases where 共1兲 no mixing oc- bilities lower than 12 failed due to permanent deformations.
curs 共black rocks兲; 共2兲 real performance is reflected; and 共3兲 old Stiffness modulus and creep tests reported 共Carpenter and
and new binder are mixed. In the first case, the old binder was Wolosick 1980; Kari et al. 1980; Kadar 1996兲 indicate that the
removed from the reclaimed asphalt prior to mixing and in the rejuvenation process may not always be complete after the recy-
last case, the old binder was recovered and mixed with the new cling operation. In the field, initially higher permanent deforma-
binder prior to mixing with the aggregate. Case 2 was aimed at tion rates have been observed on hot remixed roads as well as on
simulating the recycling process performed during in-plant as- hot remixed test sections subjected to accelerated pavement test-
phalt recycling. The shear tests used were repeated shear at con- ing 共Potter and Mercer 1997兲. According to Tia et al. 共1983兲,
stant height, simple shear, and frequency sweep tests. For all three instability may also occur, if the difference in viscosity between
shear tests used, at 40% addition of reclaimed asphalt, there were the old binder and the rejuvenator is too large. However, Edwards
distinct differences between Case 1 on one hand and Cases 2 and and Mayhew 共1989兲 did not observe any significant difference in
3 on the other. No significant difference was observed at 10% wheel track rate between cores taken from conventional 共40 mm兲,
addition. Similar to the results presented above by Carpenter and remixed and repaved overlays.
Wolosick 共1980兲 and van der Kooij and Verburg 共1996兲, this re- Epps et al. 共1980兲 observed differences in Marshall stability
sult also implies that the old binder in reclaimed asphalt interacts and resilient modulus between laboratory-compacted samples and
with the new binder. hot mix recycled cores taken from the field. These differences
Oliver 共2001兲 has also addressed the issue of binder mixing were attributed to differences in compaction characteristics,
using a mechanical testing approach. Two asphalt mixtures were which meant that air void content of the field compacted cores
manufactured, below called recycled and fresh, respectively. The were much higher compared to the laboratory compacted


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

samples. Verhaeghe and Van Assen 共1992兲 studied properties of very expensive to perform in the field, and performance studies
hot in-place recycled asphalt. They found that laboratory condi- require a long period of time before final conclusions can be
tioning of recycled samples led to significantly increased stiffness drawn. Consequently, extensive field studies are comparably
and an even more pronounced decrease in Poisson’s ratio. Ver- scarce, and therefore most results referred to in this review have
haeghe and Van Assen 共1992兲 also stretched the importance of been obtained from laboratory tests. On the other hand, laboratory
applying the rejuvenator evenly throughout the recycled mixture, tests will always leave questions about how well reality is re-
as inhomogeneities in the recycled asphalt were identified and flected. A major concern in this study has been to assess the
believed to affect deformation behavior. reliability by which reported behavior of recycled asphalt is re-
flecting real pavement performance or being a consequence of
Fatigue sample preparation or testing procedure used.
It is known that stiffness is an important factor in asphalt fatigue. Among many areas of importance in asphalt recycling, the
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In controlled stress fatigue testing, a stiffer binder is expected to following topics were considered of special interest:
lead to longer fatigue life, whereas the opposite applies to con- • Variability of reclaimed asphalt;
trolled strain testing, assuming that test-related parameters are the • Rejuvenation of old binders and constitution of rejuvenators;
same 共Judycki 1991兲. Fatigue life of laboratory manufactured and
samples of recycled asphalt has been studied by, among others, • Mixing of materials and curing processes.
Kennedy and Perez 共1978兲, Servas et al. 共1984兲, and Oliver Variability is to a great extent a question of careful handling of
共2001兲. In fact, the fatigue test observations described showed materials. One way to limit the variability of reclaimed material is
fatigue behavior as expected from stiffness values determined. to consider unwanted impurities of the old road 共e.g., road mark-
ings, coal tar and soil兲 and sources of inhomogeneities such as
Low Temperature Properties crack seals and patches. Another way of reducing variability is to
As a result of insufficient rejuvenation 共high stiffness兲, recycled thoroughly mix the reclaimed materials. If the variability is suf-
asphalt may show higher susceptibility to low temperature crack- ficiently low, it should be possible to more accurately modify
ing compared to newly constructed pavements 共Taverner et al. deficiencies in, for example, aggregate gradation, binder content
1990; Tam et al. 1992兲. Tam et al. 共1990兲 called attention to the and stiffness, provided that the proportion of virgin material
need for using soft binders and/or limitations on the recycling added is high enough.
ratios allowed, in order to improve low temperature performance Regarding rejuvenation of old binders, it can be concluded that
of recycled asphalt. recent research 共applicable to both cold and hot recycling兲 shows
Studies by Terrel and Fritchen 共1977兲 indicated that hot re- the importance of carefully considering the choice of rejuvenator
cycled mixtures were comparable to conventional mixtures when in order to optimise chemical composition of the recycled binder,
studying effects of freeze–thaw cycling. Cold recycled asphalt is thereby, for example, improving aging resistance and reducing
more sensitive toward freeze–thaw action, but 1–2% bitumen binder stiffness. Developments in bituminous binder manufactur-
emulsion was found sufficient to bring sensitivity down to accept- ing, for example by supercritical fractionation, may lead to more
able levels 共Jacobson 1995兲. effective rejuvenators. In cold recycling, rejuvenators like bitu-
men emulsions and foamed bitumen, are currently subject to re-
Water Susceptibility search and development, which hopefully will improve future
Generally, pavements exhibiting stripping should in principle not performance of cold recycled pavements.
be recycled, since the problem is likely to re-occur 共Rogge et al. The studies reviewed in this paper indicate that mixing be-
1994; Scott 1992; Terrel et al. 1997兲. However, if stripping sus- tween old and new binders occurs to a large extent, but maybe not
ceptible mixtures are recycled, anti-stripping additives should be completely. Incomplete mixing during hot recycling is indicated
used 共DeKold and Amirkhanian 1992兲. by comparably low compaction temperature 共Taverner et al.
Mixtures containing 15–20% reclaimed asphalt do not exhibit 1990兲 or propensity to initial rutting 共Oliver 2001兲 but is likely
higher moisture susceptibility than corresponding mixtures con- more pronounced in cold recycling 共Ulmgren 1982兲, where mix-
taining 100% virgin asphalt 共DeKold and Amirkhanian 1992兲. As ing is limited by the existence of asphalt granules glued together
a matter of fact, there are indications that addition of old asphalt by an aged binder. In other words, the recycled asphalt may be-
leads to lower water susceptibility 共Jacobson 1999兲. One possible have as if the binder is softer compared to the fully mixed recov-
explanation is that old asphalt granules are already covered with ered binder. The studies on binder diffusion presented do not
binder, which enhances resistance to stripping. Further, recycled show that diffusion restrain from the creation of homogeneous
asphalt concrete sometimes contains more binder compared to recycled binder films, even though diffusion may be time con-
virgin asphalt concrete 共in order to soften the old asphalt con- suming at low temperature, but is not effective across large
crete兲, which also may increase the resistance to stripping. granules.
According to Epps et al. 共1980兲, type of rejuvenator used Generally, recycled asphalt does not seem to behave much
shows little influence on water susceptibility, provided that the differently compared to conventional asphalt of the same type, if,
materials are properly mixed and the desired viscosity is obtained. in principle, material components and composition as well as pro-
duction method are the same.
In practice however, reclaimed asphalt often shows some dif-
Discussion ferences compared to new asphalt, which need to be taken into
account. For example, at cold recycling excess of rejuvenator is
Generally, field trials are necessary for final performance assess- often added to facilitate the processing of the reclaimed mixture.
ment of new types of materials and/or methods. However, road The obvious reason is that reclaimed asphalt has a history during
trials show the disadvantage of being site dependent and conse- which its properties have changed. Typically, the reclaimed binder
quently definite conclusions are difficult to draw based on a lim- is aged, the fine material content is increased, and materials of
ited number of field observations. Regular parameter studies are different origin are mixed. The success of asphalt recycling de-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2006.18:81-92.

pends on proper assessment of pavement objects or reclaimed Carmichael, T., Boyer, R. E., and Hokansson, L. D. 共1977兲. “Modeling
asphalt prior to recycling, which in turn is essential in method heater techniques for in-place recycling of asphalt pavements.” J. As-
selection and mix design. However, asphalt recycling is in general sociation of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 46, 526–540.
performed under a tight budget with limited resources to spend on Carpenter, S. H., and Wolosick, J. R. 共1980兲. “Modifier influence in the
production control and additives, which means that the perfor- characterization of hot-mix recycled material.” Transportation Re-
search Record 777, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
mance of recycled asphalt is, after all, a result of compromises
D.C., 15–22.
between economical, practical and technical demands.
Castedo, H. 共1987兲. “Significance of various factors in the recycling of
This study has mainly been focused on fundamental aspects of asphalt pavements on secondary roads.” Transportation Research
asphalt recycling, and especially two topics, where increased Record 1115, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
knowledge was considered important, were recognized: 125–133.
• The binder mixing process characterized using mixtures; and Chaffin, J. M., Liu, M., Davison, R. R., Glover, C. J., and Bullin, J. A.
Downloaded from by WASHINGTON UNIV IN ST LOUIS on 06/27/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

• The quality of recycled binders. 共1997兲. “Supercritical fractions as asphalt recycling agents and pre-
Regarding mixing of old binder and rejuvenator, a major ques- liminary aging studies on recycled asphalts.” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,
tion still to be answered concerns the degree of mixing obtained 36, 656–666.
when placing the recycled mixture on the road. The degree of Davison, R. R., Bullin, J. A., Glover, C. J., Chaffin, J. M., Peterson, G.
mixing should be influenced by, among other things, mixing tem- D., Lunsford, K. M., Lin, M. S., Liu, M., and Ferry, M. A. 共1994兲.
perature, properties of reclaimed material and production method. “Verification of an asphalt aging test and development of superior
The quality of a recycled binder includes different aspects as recycling agents and asphalts.” Texas Transportation Institute, and
consistency, aging properties and structural stability, which all are Chemical Dept., Texas A&M Univ, College Station, Tex.
Decker, D. S. 共1997兲. “State-of-the practice for use of RAP in hot mix
related to the chemical constitution of the old binder and the
asphalt.” J. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 66,
rejuvenator. Concerning asphalt recycling, bitumen structural sta-
bility may be of special interest as two binders are mixed, which DeKold, S. P., and Amirkhanian, S. N. 共1992兲. “Reuse of moisture-
in turn could influence the interaction between the chemical com- damaged asphaltic concrete pavements.” Transportation Research
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