Lolita Fragment

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“ I am willing to try, ” he said. “You are either Australian, or a German refugee.

Must you talk to

me? This is a Gentile‟s house, you know. Maybe, you‟d better run along. And do stop demonstrating
that gun. I‟ve an old Stern- Luger in the music room.”
I pointed Chum at his slippered foot and crushed the trigger. It clicked. He looked at his foot, at the
pistol, again at his foot. I made another awful effort, and, with a ridiculously feeble and juvenile
sound, it went off. The bullet entered the thick pink rug, and I had the paralyzing impression that it
had merely trickled in and might come out again.
“See what I mean?” said Quilty. “You should be a little more careful. Give me that thing for Christ‟s
He reached for it. I pushed him back into the chair. The rich joy was waning. It was high time I
destroyed him, but he must understand why he was being destroyed. His condition infected me, the
weapon felt limp and clumsy in my hand.
“ Concentrate, ” I said, “on the thought of Dolly Haze whom you kidnapped”
“ I did not” he cried. “You‟re all wet. I saved her from a beastly pervert. Show me your badge
instead of shooting at my foot, you ape, you. Where is that badge? I‟m not responsible for the rapes
of others. Absurd That joy ride, I grant you, was a silly stunt but you got her back, didn‟t

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