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Caitlin Cottman

Professor Porter

ENG 1201

7 April 2019

Birth Control Pill

Birth control today is offered in a variety of different forms. There are currently over ten

different forms offered with even more variety for each method. Birth control is commonly

known as contraceptive, or a way of preventing pregnancy. Although many people believe it is

just used for stopping pregnancies, it can also help with many other things women experience.

Birth control can be beneficial for certain health risks and even decrease the chances of getting

certain cancers. For instance, the birth control pill has been a common method at not just

preventing pregnancy, but many other issues women experience. Research for the pill began

back in the 1950s and later was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. At

first, not everyone had immediate access to it’s benefits, but as time went on, the oral

contraceptive pill is available to all women. With any medication or contraceptive there is

always positive and negative side effects when taking it. The positive benefits will all

medications usually outweigh the negative and the same is true for many women who decide to

use the pill. Some positive side effects for the pill would be it clears up acne, decreases facial

hair, decreases chance of getting certain cancers, and can even decrease cramps, which is a

common reason for many women on the pill. Some negative side effects for the pill are nausea,

mood swings, headaches or migraines, intermenstrual spotting, and missed periods.


“Approximately 50 percent of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, and of

these, 43 percent will end in abortion. Over three million women in the U.S. each year

experience an unplanned pregnancy, but this is not, however, usually due to failure to attempt

contraception”(Bonham). If teens are provided or have the option of contraception, then the

number of pregnancies would decrease a tremendous amount. The number of abortions would

decrease a ton as well because birth control pills would decrease the amount of unplanned

pregnancies, which leads to abortions. Abortions can also be harmful to the person receiving it

and also could potentially cause unwarranted emotional effects. Birth control pills should be

available to teens not just because abortion and unplanned pregnancy rates would go down, but it

also brings health benefits when taking it.

Birth control pills come in packs of either twenty-one days or twenty-eight days, which

you take a pill everyday around the same time. In the twenty-one day pack it contains seven pills

for each week for three weeks. Every pill contain hormones in the twenty-one day pack, so then

when the end of the 3 weeks comes and you are done with your pills you start your menstrual

cycle. The following Sunday after you started your period you then begin a new pack of twenty-

one pills, the cycle just continues. The twenty-eight day pack of pills consist of seven pills for

each week for four weeks. The first three weeks of the pills contain hormones and the fourth

week is just an iron pill, which does not contain any hormones at all. After the third week you

would still start your menstrual cycle, but still be taking pills. The reasoning for most people to

choose the twenty-eight day pack is so they are always taking a pill and make a habit of doing, so

they never forget. These packs can also help in regulating teens menstrual cycles. This benefit

can put young girls at ease because they would alway be prepared for when their period is

approaching, whereas without the pill, they may experience multiple periods in one month or

irregular cycles.

Birth control pills do not help protect you from STDs or any form of sexual disease. The

pill does reduce the chance of unplanned pregnancies, therefore abortion rates are lower. The pill

can be taken by most women, but if they have certain cancers, blood clots, etc. it may not be

recommended by a doctor for you to use the pill. The way you can get the pill is going to a nurse

practitioner or a gynecologist and it has to be prescribed. The cost of birth control pills can be

anywhere from in between not costing anything to fifty dollars a month.

“In a new study published in JAMA Oncology, researchers explore how oral

contraceptives, which affect women’s hormone levels to prevent pregnancy, affect cancer risk.

They found that women taking the pill lowered their risks of ovarian and endometrial cancer—a

known benefit of the pill”(Parks). Birth control benefits are not just for preventing pregnancies, it

can help with health risks. When taking birth control pills the risk of getting three different

cancers decreases. Colon cancer is third highest cancer-related death and by taking the birth

control pill it could decrease the chance of getting it by fourteen percent. Although fourteen

percent does not sound like a lot, it could really make a difference. Endometrial cancer is not

nearly as bad as colon cancer, but it is still horrible. Forty-three percent decrease from taking

birth control pills would make a tremendous difference, and your chances of getting it go down a

ton. Ovarian cancer is hard to detect in early stages. It’s still hard to detect in later stages as well.

Fifty percent decrease risk by taking birth control pills could help you a ton with this cancer

because it is not easily detected. Birth control pills decrease cancer risks.

Others would argue and say taking oral contraceptives cause cancers. Although there is a

chance when taking them your chances increase in breast cancer and cervical cancer. Breast

cancer has a seven percent increase when taking birth control. That is not a huge increase, but the

opposing side does have a point on why they would be against or try to go against how birth

control could be bad for you. Cervical cancer has a ten percent increase, but that’s if you have

taken oral contraceptives for longer than five years. Again the opposing side has facts on why

they could go against birth control being good for you, but you have to take the pills longer than

five years for your chances to increase by ten percent for cervical cancer. The percentage

increase for getting these cancers does not increase a lot, but people could say even a little

increase could be a bad thing. Although, facts show that the chances of decreasing the other

cancers would do you better. Birth control can decrease cancers more than increase your

chances. Birth control pills have multiple positive side effects and can help benefit with

your everyday life. One side effect birth control pills have is it clears up acne. It does this

because it lowers androgens and causes pores to become clogged and clears the acne up. Ovarian

cysts can be prevented when taking birth control because ovulation is not taking place. Facial

hair is decreased because hormones are regulated and under control. Menstrual cramps are

reduced because less bleeding so less painful periods. Decreased menstrual cramps have more

benefits than just increased comfort for the individual taking the pill. Young adult girls,

especially in school, can sometimes miss class due to their pain or sometimes even sent home if

the cramps are extreme. Girls experiencing irregular or more than one menstrual cycle a month

can even experience iron-deficiency anemia. This type of anemia can help be treated with birth

control because when on birth control you do not bleed as much and the loss of blood will be

lessened especially because periods are better regulated. These side effects could benefit and

make a tremendous difference in a female’s life.


Many people may disagree and say some side effects that come with birth control are

horrible. Some negative side effects are intermenstrual spotting, which is when you have

breakthrough bleeding and it is not a pleasant side effect. Nausea can come from taking birth

control. Nausea does not mean sickness would always occur, but you could just get the feeling of

an upset stomach. Breast tenderness can result from taking it because your hormones are

changing. Headaches and migraines can take place because the regulation of hormones is taking

place. Mood changes is a negative side effect because your hormones are being messed with to

regulate them, which can cause mood swings or changes. Missed periods can also be negative

side effects when consuming birth control because if someone is sexually active it can cause

them to have a pregnancy scare. Knowing all of these negative side effects come with taking it

most people say they do not experience all of those just some, but the label has to state all of

them because you can have some of them. Also if they do not warn you of all of them, and you

experience a side effect not labeled, then you could freak out. Keeping in mind the negative side

effects don’t last the whole time when consuming the pill your body just needs to adjust to the

changes, and the negative side effects will go away. On the other side the positive effects of the

pill never go away they will benefit you as long as you are consuming the pill.

Another thing birth control pills can help with is periods. It can help regulate your periods

or even stop them completely. Birth control is capable of doing this because the hormones in the

pills. They slow the bleeding down, which results in a lighter and less timed period. Every

normal side effect you have before taking birth control will be changed for the better, cramps are

not as painful nor is the bleeding as heavy. If you don’t want a period some months, then you can

safely not have one while using birth control pills. It will not harm you or your health in any way

if you have already been using birth control before. Also if you do not want a period at all there

are birth control pills that you can take nonstop without it affecting your body or health in any

different way. You just have to find out the right pill for you, a gynecologist can help guide you

in the right direction and better your decision.

Some may disagree and say birth control pills do not do anything for periods. They may

say you cannot skip your period for the month safely because it will affect your health and harm

you. Doctors even state that you can keep using certain birth control pills to not have a period

some months, and it will not affect your health at all you just will not have a period that month.

“Skipping your period with the pill is safe and super easy. Basically you just take a pill with

hormones every day and skip your hormone-free “reminder” pills. You can do this two ways:

You can use a brand of pills that has 3 months of hormone pills in a row, so you only get your

period 4 times a year. Or you can skip the hormone-free reminder pills in your pack and jump

right to the next pack. You can do this every month, or just whenever you want to skip your

period”(Parenthood). There’s evidence of doing it in safe ways, so really there should not be a

disagreement because it is proven, but people have their own opinions.

Birth control can benefit anyone who has ever been raped. Many women and men have

faced rape in their lives. When on birth control it could benefit you because it could prevent you

from getting pregnant. Some women who are raped become pregnant, ending in a result of

wanting an abortion. If teens have birth control available to them it could end some pregnancies

resulted from rape. Rape is not a predicted situation or even a situation you base your health

upon. Although rape is not a set reasoning for taking birth control, it is just another benefit that

comes along with taking the pill.

Most people say the rape rates have gone down a ton, so that is not a reasoning for taking

birth control. They say you should not base your health decisions on something you cannot

control. Doing this it may scare teens and make them more afraid. They may not feel safe if you

are basing rape on health decisions. Many say the side effects and everything negative with birth

control should rule out the good. The opposing side thinks only negatives things come from birth

control and nothing good results from it.

After doing a ton of research a class should be an option to teens. In the class the teens

would learn the positive and negatives regarding birth control. The positives they would learn are

how it would benefit their health, like certain cancers, such as endometrial, ovarian, and colon,

would be reduced. Irregular periods, cramps, etc would all be solved or helped when taking the

pill. The negatives that come with taking the pill are the side effects, but not everyone

experiences them. Certain cancer, such as cervical and breast, rates higher a small percentage.

Teens go through a lot within their lives and have so many questions, a class would help benefit

them with any questions they may have. The class would also help them find the right pill suited

for them. They would also be there for the teens if they have weird feelings while on the pill. The

class would benefit teens a ton with teaching them the fundamentals regarding birth control.

The opposing side would say the class is only there to benefit birth control companies.

They would say they are doing it to only gain money in theri behave. Many of them would say

this is only a way to persuade teens to make the impulsive decision for taking birth control. Birth

control does not do anything good for you. It puts you at a higher risk for certain cancers and

who would want to go through the side effects it bring. People that are fully against birth control

will be completely against the idea of this class because they will say teens are not old enough to

make health decisions. Another reason may be because they don’t believe birth control should be

even be a topic discussed. They believe teens shouldn’t even have the availability to take birth

control. So the opposing side will fight for the class to not take place.

Birth control pills are ninety-one percent effective. It would be ninety-nine percent

effective, but people make mistakes and miss a pill here and there so accidents happen. Even if

you take the pills correctly there is always a small chance you could get pregnant because things

happen. There are ten plus methods of birth control, and they can all benefit you all in different

ways, but they all have different side effects and benefits. It depends on what you are looking for

in a birth control to find the correct one. If it is for pregnancy the most effective and easiest

would be the birth control pills. The pills have the most benefits, but it does come with some

negatives. There are websites online that can help you find a birth control or birth control pills

right for you. All birth controls have a purpose and can help teens in their growing bodies.

A tremendous amount of people are against birth control pills because they believe it

promotes sex and the message says sex is okay. Birth control pills are not just for sex at all it has

benefits that come with it when you take it that do not involve sexual activity at all. Birth control

pills help more than it hurts. Although many people have their own opinions and want to go

against the facts that is okay, but in the end facts prove that birth control pills help more than it


Birth control pills should be available to teens not just because abortion and unplanned

pregnancy rates would go down, but it also brings health benefits when taking it. Unplanned

pregnancies would lower a tremendous amount and if the rates lowered than abortion rates would

lower. Many say all the negative side effects are worth it for the short amount of time they take

place because of the benefits that birth control pills bring. In most cases, teens do not have the

ability to have access to birth control, especially if their parents do not want them taking it out of

fear that their child may be swayed to increase their sexual activity. The idea of the birth control

pill needs to be changed to focus more on the other health benefits outside of just contraception.

Teens should be allowed to have somewhat of a say in what they want to help them in their

female lives because others may not understand.

This visual is showing the twenty-one and twenty-eight day packs. The choice most people have

to make when taking birth control pills. The most picked is the twenty-eight day pack

My second visual is statistics showing the percentage of sexually active high school students

who are taking birth control pills from 1991-2017. In 1991 the percentages were at an all time

high then lowered till 2009. After 2009 they lower again to then rise and be somewhat similar to

1991 again.

Works Cited

Affairs, Office of Population. “Birth Control Pill.”, US Department of Health and

Human Services, 8 June 2017,


“Birth Control Pill (for Teens).” Edited by Rupal Christine Gupta, KidsHealth, The Nemours

Foundation, Jan. 2017,


“Birth Control Pill Use.” Child Trends,

CRNP, Lori Smith BSN MSN. “Birth Control Pill: Side Effects, Risks, Alternatives, and the

Shot.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 29 Jan. 2018,

Crosta, Peter. “Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes.” Medical News Today,

MediLexicon International, 1 Dec. 2017,

“Endometrial Cancer.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 6

Mar. 2018,


“Is the Pill Affecting Your Sex Drive?” TODAYonline, 6 Oct. 2017,

News Today, MediLexicon International, 28 Sept. 2018,

“Ovarian Cancer.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 13 Dec.



“Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk.” National Cancer Institute,




Park, Alice. “Birth Control Pills May Help Prevent Some Cancers.” Time, Time, 18 Jan. 2018,

Updated02/22/2017. “Which Birth Control Pill Is Right for Me?” Bedsider, 22 Feb. 2017,

“Why Are 50 Percent of Pregnancies in the U.S. Unplanned?” The Shriver Report, 18 Oct. 2013,


“9 Things to Know About Birth Control Now.”,


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