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EXERCISE 105, Page 234

1. A particle oscillates 50 times in 22 s. Determine the frequency and periodic time.

n 50
Frequency, f = = = 2.27 oscillations/second = 2.27 Hz
t 22

1 1
Periodic time, T = = = 0.44 s
f 2.27

2. A yacht floats at a depth of 2.2 m. On a particular day, at a time of 09.30 h, the depth at low tide

is 1.8 m and at a time of 17.30 h, the depth of water at high tide is 3.4 m. Determine the earliest

time of day that the yacht is refloated.

Depth at low tide = 1.8 m and depth at high tide = 3.4 m

3.4 − 1.8
Hence, r= = 0.8 m

3.4 + 1.8
Mean depth = = 2.6 m

Hence, y=
C r sin ω=
t r sin θ and y = mean depth - y C

Therefore, y = 2.6 – r sin ωt

When y = 1.8 m, r sin ωt1 = 2.6 – 1.8 = 0.8

i.e. 0.8sin ωt1 = 0.8 i.e. sin ωt1 = 1

Thus, ωt1 = sin −1 1 = 90° or rad (1)

π π
From (1), =
ω = = 1.0908 ×10−4 rad / s (see diagram on next page)
2 t1 2 × 4 × 3600

3π 3π
Also, ωt 3 = hence,=ω = 1.0908 ×10−4 rad / s
2 2 ×12 × 3600
© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis
When y = 2.2 m, r sin ωt = 2.6 – 2.2 = 0.4

i.e. 0.8sin ωt =0.4 and sin ω=
t = 0.5

and ωt = sin −1 0.5 = 30º = 30 × = 0.524rad

and t= = 4800 s
1.0908 ×10−4

but this is where the yacht went aground.

For lift-off, =
T2 09.30 + ∆T1 − 4800s (see diagram)

= 09.30 + 4 – 1.333

= 12.167= 12 h 10 min, 15 seconds

i.e. the earliest time the yacht is refloated is 12 h 10 min 1 s

© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis
3. A mass of 2 kg is attached to a vertical spring. The initial state displacement of this mass is

74 mm. The mass is displaced downwards and then released. Determine (a) the stiffness of the

spring, and (b) the frequency of oscillation of the mass.

Force, F = mg = 2 × 9.81 = 19.62 N

force 19.62 N
(a) Stiffness, k = = = 265.1 N/m
displacement 74 ×10−3 m

1 k 1 265.1
(b) Frequency, f = = = 1.83 Hz
2π m 2π 2

4. A particle of mass 4 kg rests on a smooth horizontal surface and is attached to a horizontal

spring. The mass is then displaced horizontally outwards from the spring a distance of 26 mm

and then released to vibrate. If the periodic time is 0.75 s, determine (a) the frequency f, (b) the

force required to give the mass the displacement of 26 mm, (c) the time taken to move

horizontally inwards for the first 12 mm.

1 1
(a) Frequency, f = = = 1.33 Hz
T 0.75

1 k k
( 2πf ) =
(b) Frequency, f = from which,
2π m m

stiffness, k = m ( 2πf =
) 4 ( 2π×1.3333) = 280.72 N/m
2 2

Since, stiffness = , force = stiffness × displacement

= 280.72 N/m × 26 × 10−3 m

= 7.30 N

© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis

y = r sin ωt where r = 26 mm

At B, t = T = 0.75 s and ω = 2πf = 2π × 1.3333 = 8.3774 rad/s

ωT = 8.3774 × 0.75 = 6.283 s

π π
Checks: At , y = 26 sin = 26 mm
2 2

At π, y = 26 sin π = 0

3π 3π
At , y = 26 sin = - 26 mm
2 2

At 14 mm, y = 26 sin ωt = 26 sin(8.3774t)

14  14 
i.e. = sin(8.3774t) and 8.3774t = sin −1   = 32.579º = 0.5686 rad
26  26 

Hence, time, t = = 0.0679

From diagram, the time taken to move horizontally inwards for the first 12 mm,

∆t = 0.188 – 0.0679 = 0.12 s

5. A mass of 3 kg rests on a smooth horizontal surface, as shown below. If the stiffness of each

spring is 1 kN/m, determine the frequency of vibration of the mass. It may be assumed that

initially, the springs are un-stretched.

© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis
Stiffness, k = 1 + 1 = 2 kN/m

1 k 1 2000
Frequency, f = = = 4.11 Hz
2π m 2π 3

6. A helical spring has a mass of 10 kg attached to its top. If the mass vibrates vertically with a

frequency of 1.5 Hz, determine the stiffness of the spring.

1 k k
( 2πf ) =
Frequency, f = from which,
2π m m

stiffness, k = m ( 2πf=
) 10 ( 2π×1.5) = 888.3 N/m
2 2

© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis
EXERCISE 106, Page 237

1. Determine the period of oscillation of a pendulum of length 2 m if g = 9.81 m/s 2 .

g 9.81
ω = = 2.215 rad/s
L 2

ω 2.215
Frequency, f = = = 0.3525 Hz
2π 2π

2. What will be the period of oscillation if g = 9.78 m/s 2 for the pendulum of Problem 1 ?

g 9.78
ω = = 2.211 rad/s
L 2

ω 2.211
Frequency, f = = = 0.3519 Hz
2π 2π

3. What will be the period of oscillation if g = 9.832 m/ 2 for the pendulum of Problem 1 ?

g 9.832
ω = = 2.2172 rad/s
L 2

ω 2.2172
Frequency, f = = = 0.3529 Hz
2π 2π

4. What will be the value of the mass moment of inertia through the centre of gravity, I G , for the

compound pendulum of worked problem 4 on page 236, if the inner diameter of the disc of

Figure 19.8 were 100 mm ?

h = 50 mm = 0.050 m.

1 gh
Now frequency, f=
2π (k G + h 2 )

© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis
1 9.81× 0.05
i.e. 1.26 =
2π (k G 2 + 0.052 )

1 9.81× 0.05
= ) ×
(2π) ( k G 2 + 0.052 )

from which, (k G
+ 0.0025 ) =
1.5876 × (2π) 2
= 0.007826

k G 2 = 0.007826 – 0.0025 = 0.005326

The mass moment of inertia about the centre of gravity,

I G = m k G 2 = 10.5 kg × 0.005326 m 2

i.e. I G = 0.0559 kg m 2

EXERCISE 107, Page 237

Answers found from within the text of the chapter, pages 232 to 237.

EXERCISE 108, Page 237

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a)

© John Bird & Carl Ross Published by Taylor and Francis

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