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Restaurant Menu Rubric

Restaurant name: _________________________________________________________

Restaurant founders: ______________________________________________________

10 8 6 4
The brochure has The brochure's
The brochure has
exceptionally formatting and
attractive The brochure has
Attractiveness & attractive organization of
formatting and well-organized
Organization formatting and material are
well-organized information.
well-organized confusing to the
information. reader.
Graphics go well Graphics go well Graphics do not
Graphics go well
with the text, but with the text, but go with the
with the text and
there are so there are too few accompanying
Graphics/Pictures there is a good
many that they and the brochure text or appear to
mix of text and
distract from the seems "text- be randomly
text. heavy". chosen.
vocabulary is
vocabulary is Known Known
Writing - correctly used
correctly used vocabulary is vocabulary is not
Vocabulary along with
with no new incorrectly used. used at all.
several new
There are no
There are 1-2 There are 3-5 There are several
Writing - grammatical
Grammatical grammatical grammatical
Grammar mistakes in the
mistakes. mistakes. mistakes.
Highly Barely
Very productive. productive.
productive. Time productive. Time
Time was well Enough time was
was focused on was not wisely
Time spent on project spent on project
building the spent on project
Management but there were to yield a
menu and there and there were
minor product. There
were no too many
distractions. were many
distractions. distractions.

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