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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

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by Abhishek on May 20, 2009



It is a very bad situation that your mouse gets faulty when you need it badly. In this article we are going to tell
you the ways of controlling the mouse cursor with your keyboard keys for Windows XP and Windows Vista

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

It is easy to use in-build feature of Windows XP and Windows Vista. After following these steps, you can
move the computer pointer/cursor without mouse.


We will share the process for both Windows XP and Windows Vista

We will share all steps assuming that the mouse is faulty, so all steps we mention below make use of only the

Enable Mouse Keys in Windows XP

Follow the below steps:

1. Press the Windows Button on keyboard, use the arrow keys to select Control Panel and press Enter Key,
this will open Control Panel as shown below:

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

2. After the control Panel is opened, use the arrow keys to highlight “Accessibility Options” as shown below
and press enter key.

3. After the “Accessibility Option” Window opens, press CTRL + TAB key, three times to move to the
“Mouse” tab as shown below:

4. Press the spacebar to check the checkbox which says “Use MouseKeys” and press enter.

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

5. After you press enter in step above,the mouse keys get enabled, which will show like a small icon in tray at
the right had bottom of windows screen.

Now to move the cursor, simply turn the NUM-LOCK on your keyboard ON and use the numeric pad to
move the cursor. Key “5” on the numeric pad will work like a left-click, “8” will work as top, “2” as bottom,
“4” as left and “6” as right.

That is is, done

Enable Mouse Keys in Windows Vista

Follow the below steps in Windows Vista:

1. Press Windows Key, this will launch Start Menu. Type “Ease Of Access” at start Menu, this will show the
top result of this window, press enter at this as seen below:

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

2. This will open Ease of Access Window As seen below:

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

3. On Above Ease of Access Screen, press TAB key once, and use arrow key to scroll to the option which
says “ Make Mouse Easier To Use”, and press enter. This will open another screen as shown below:

4. Use Arrow Key to highlight the Checkbox option which says “Turn on Mouse Keys” and press Space Key
to enable the option:

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

5. Press the TAB key 5 times, this will move the highlight to Save button, press enter key. That is it. Now you
are all ready to use the Mouse pointer using your Keyboard. After this option is enabled, you see a small icon
of mouse at right hand bottom in tray, like the one below:

Now to move the cursor, simply turn the NUM-LOCK on your keyboard ON and use the numeric pad to
move the cursor. Key “5” on the numeric pad will work like a left-click, “8” will work as top, “2” as bottom,
“4” as left and “6” as right.

Also See our Article: Fixes to common Computer Mouse problems

Hope you find the article useful.

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question at Answers By Trouble Fixers.

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Tagged as: mouse-faulty, mouse-problem, move-pointer-from-keyboard, use-mouse-from-keyboard,

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

alexsupra May 20, 2009 at 1:57 pm

the much more fast and useful way to get this mode is to press [left shift + alt + numlock] than to press

e_sentinel May 21, 2009 at 2:09 am

Hey Abhishek .. this is very useful, thank you so much.

Younus May 25, 2009 at 6:24 pm

nice information keep it up

Katie August 27, 2009 at 4:06 pm

fun thing, what if you need your mouse at a log in screen & the mouse decided not to work so you can’t
log in and the windows button doesnt cut it, unless you ARE logged in. didn’t think of that one did ya.

binking August 28, 2009 at 11:29 pm

i did it, but, it didn’t work. After click “OK”, and I open accessibilty options again, every change was

Bikash June 13, 2010 at 8:00 pm

its good ,but little bit slow….can i do anything to first it up….

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

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Control Mouse Pointer From Keyboard When Mouse Gets Faulty

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