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Date:___________ Period:_____

Lecture Objectives:
• Students will be able to distinguish between direct and indirect characterization

• Students will be able to draw conclusions from a text that contribute to characterization

• Students will be able to write an indirect characterization analysis using a graphic


Quick Write: Who Am I?

List traits about you:

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________

*My Pick: I am ____________________.

In what way does this trait contribute to who you are? State a specific example.


1. Characterization is the representation of the __________, ___________, and

___________ of a character in a narrative.

2. Recall the two types of characterization:

• _______________________ : character’s qualities that are explicitly described
by a narrator, another character, or by the character him or herself.
• _______________________ : character’s qualities are revealed by his or her
actions, thoughts, or dialogue.

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
3. Based on the photo above, identify an example of direct characterization.

4. Based on the photo above, identify an example of indirect characterization.

Now You Try:

Apply Your Knowledge: After watching the clip from Disney’s Pixar Inside Out, write down
examples of direct and indirect characterization used within the clip. Share and compare
answers and reasonings with a partner.

Direct Characterization:
Comprehension Check! :

“The first thing Rainsford's eyes discerned was the largest man Rainsford had ever seen--a
gigantic creature, solidly made and black bearded to the waist. ‘Ivan is an incredibly strong
fellow,’ remarked the general, ‘but he has the misfortune to be deaf and dumb. A simple
fellow, but, I'm afraid, like all his race, a bit of a savage.”
-Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game”

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
5. What are some phrases that give you direct, specific information about the character
of Ivan?

Indirect Characterization:

Fill in the blanks to the designated visual icon.






Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
6. Define inferences.

Types of Indirect Characterization: SPEECH

Focusing Questions:
1. _____________________________________________________?

2. _____________________________________________________?

7. What inferences can you make about the two people in the comic above based on their
dialogue and tone?

Types of Indirect Characterization: THOUGHTS

Focusing Question:
1. ____________________________________________________________?

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
Apply your Knowledge (Now You Try):

“Bill sighed as he looked at the offer of a gym membership. He really should join. But
just thinking about it made beads of sweat collect at the top of his bald spot.”

8. Underline the thoughts/feelings mentioned in the passage. What inferences can be

made about Bill’s personality based on his thoughts/feelings?

Types of Indirect Characterization: EFFECTS ON OTHERS

Focusing Questions:
1. ________________________________________________________________?

2. ________________________________________________________________?

Example (Fill in the blank):

If a silence falls over a room upon a character’s entrance, it could suggest _____________ (at
their person or appearance). It could also suggest ______________ (if the arriving character is
powerful and cruel).

Types of Indirect Characterization: ACTIONS

Focusing Questions:
1. _________________________________________________?

2. _________________________________________________?

Apply your Knowledge (Now You Try):

“Katerina Ivanovna had just begun, as she always did at every free moment, walking to
and fro in her little room from window to stove and back again, with her arms folded
across her chest, talking to herself and coughing.” –Crime and Punishment

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
9. What are the actions that Katerina is displaying in the passage?

10. What inferences can you make about the character of Katerina based on her actions?

Types of Indirect Characterization: LOOKS

Focusing Questions:
1. _________________________________________________________?

2. _________________________________________________________?

11. Can you identify some appearance details about the characters in the photo?

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
Indirect Characterization:
Comprehension Check!:

“He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was
from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward—and
distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have
been the end of a dock.” –The Great Gatsby

Analyze the indirect characterization of Gatsby in the passage.

Remember to think about the S.T.E.A.L. method.

12. What elements do you detect and how do they contribute to Gatsby’s character?

Your Turn! : Character Analysis Activity

S.T.E.A.L. Self-Questioning Chart

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1
Bonus Question:
Can you identify a form of DIRECT characterization within “The Story of an Hour” by Kate
Chopin? Explain where and what effect it has on her character.

Guided Notes created by Amanda Avina

ELA Common Core Standards Integrated: RL 9-10.6 ; W.9-10.6 ; W.9-10.10 ; SL.9-10.1

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