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Haines 1

Hayley Haines
ETE 234
November 1st, 2017
Language Development Observation and Analysis

I recorded Harper from 1:00 PM until 1:45 PM. Harper is 53 months of age and is the

oldest of two kids. She is a very energetic and fun little girl. She loves to play and use her

imagination whenever possible. She is tall for her age and can run around like crazy. She loves to

talk and if you let her she could talk for hours. She always switches topics, but some of the

things that come out of her mouth are hilarious! At school, she is a little social hummingbird and

will talk and play with all of the other kids. She is friends with everyone and if someone is mad

at her for something she gets very upset. I recorded Harper at her house while she was playing

with her mom. They played a ton of different games and with different toys during the 45

minutes that I recorded her. I picked multiple different sections of the recording of them playing

to calculate the morphemes.

Harper and Mom Conversation Transcription

Playing With Barbies

M: Alrighty, go get them, what ones do you want to play with

H: Are1 you1 gonna1 play1 with1 me1? 6
M: yeah
H: Guess1 what1 one1 I1 am1 going1 to1 play1 with1 9
M: Chelsea
H: I1 need1 to1 check1 her1 hair1. There1 we 1go1 9
M: That looks pretty. What one should mommy play with?
H: And1 she1 has1 purple1 shoe/s2 6
M: what one should mom play with
H: This1 one1 2
M: that one. Uh oh What happened to her foot?
H: Scout1 ate1 it1! 3
M: oh no. so she can only have one shoe
H: what1 if1 Elaina1 dress/es2 in1 this1 costume1! 8
M: yeah, we can put her in anyone you want to
H: And1 you1 can1 be1 this1 one1 6
M: okay

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H: Okay1, I1’ll1 put1 her1 in1 her1 Halloween1 costume1. 9

M: Okay that sounds great.
H: it1’s1 a1 Halloween1 costume1 5

Barbies and Animals

H: I1’m1 going1 to1 be1 Chelsea1 6

M: And im going to be.
H: Eliana1 1
M: Eliana
H: That1’s1 the1 one1 gram1 brought1 me1 7
M: Gram brought that
H: yeah1 1
M: that’s great
M: Can you tell me some of your favorite animals.
H: I1 don1’t1 know1 4
M: You don’t have any favorite animals?
H: I1 do1 2
M: what kind
H: I1 don1’t1 know1 4
M: well think about it. What kind of animals
H: Zebra/s2 2
M: what about, What’s at papa and nonos that you like a lot
H: Kitten/s2 2
M: and what’s your favorite kittens name there. What’s her name?
H: and1 horse1’s1 3
M: and horse’s. What’s the horse’s name
H: hmm I1 was1 going1 to1 say1 jack1 and1 Trev1 8
M: Those are your cousins huh. Well those are boys. How about pepper
H: Pepper1 1
M: yeah
H: that1 was1 a1 force1 4
M: You like pepper. You like to ride him
H: Magic1 is1 in1 heaven1 4
M: yes, magic is in heaven. Now we have pepper
H: Pepper1 and1 patty1, 3
M: and patty
H: and1 who1 else1 is1 the1 naughty1 one1 7
M: I think patty is the one who bites right and then there’s
H: bubba1 1
M: bubba and
H: rowdy1 1
M: rowdy, so 4 horses right but we only ride pepper
H: yeah1, the cause1 the1 other1 horse/s2 are1 not1 stand/ing2 still1 11
M: ha-ha they don’t stand still and they are pretty big aren’t they

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H: yeah1 1
M: and we wouldn’t want them to
H: run1 around1 2
M: and get crazy
H: yeah1 really1 crazy1. Cause1 papa1 has1 to1 hold1 on1 to1 me1. What1 if1 I1 fell1 if1 they1 ride1
super1 super fast1 21
M: yeah that’s why we ride pepper because he doesn’t ride fast but when you get bigger you can
ride by yourself, like Raegan
H: on1 pepper1 2
M: and gallop
H: and1 gallop1 and gallop 2
M: alright
H: ready1 mom1 2
M: I’m ready
H: we1 have1 to1 go1 all1 the1 way1 to1 my1 Barbie1 camp/er2 12
M: alright let’s go to the Barbie camper
H: speak/ing2 of1, where1 is1 my1 Barbie1 camp/er2 9
M: speaking of, its right here
H: silly1 me1, okay1 mom1 ready1 to1 be1 Eliana1 with1 her1 Halloween1 costume1 on1 13
M: what is Elaina for Halloween
H: in1 this1 costume1 3
M: oh, is she like a skeleton
H: no 1 1
M: just has a different dress on
H: and1 it1 has1 flower/s2 on1 it1 and1 glitter1 9
M: oh
H: let1 me1 get1 the1 chair1 out1 of1 the1 way1, I1’ll1 put1 it1 right1 here1 15

Talking about what to have to drink and eat with their barbies

H: Mom1 do1 you1 have1 to1 go1 to1 the1 bathroom1? 9

M: I do not
H: no1. 1
M: oh Elena, No I don’t think so, do you need to go to the bathroom
H: No1. 1
M: I am getting hungry though
H: don1’t1 worry1 I1 can1 find1 some1 food1. 8
M: oh boy, look at all this good food, what should we eat
H: I1 don1’t1 know1, oh1 mommy1 do1 you1 know1 what1 is1 my1 favorite1 drink1? 14
M: what kind
H: this1 strawberry1 one1, right1 here1. 5
M: which one
H: this1 strawberry1. 2
M: oh, I can barely see that, oh yea that looks good
H: I1 love1 this1 one1. 4

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M: What’s your favorite fruits down there

H: I1 think1 a1 watermelon1, hm what1 else1, a1 lemon1. 8
M: yeah you like lemons
H: Yeah1 because1 they1 have1 sugar1 on1 them1. 7
M: they have sugar on them
H: yeah1 at1 my1 grandma1’s1 house1. 6
M: oh, when you made lemonade and she put sugar on it. That was so good wasn’t it
H: yeah1 so1 good1. 3
M: were they still sour
H: no1 because1 Grammy1 put1 sugar1 on1 them1. 7
M: Grammy put sugar on it, all you tasted was the sugar, how many did you have
H: yeah1 you1 sprinkle1 the1 sugar1 on1. Mommy1 what1 if1 we1 had1 peanut1 butter1 and1
M: oh, that sounds delicious. Let’s have some. I’ll make it
H: you1 sure1 you1 have1 to1 get1 store/d2 on1 there1. 10
M: delicious. are you ready
H: ready1? 1
M: here you go
H: let1’s1 go1 put1 it1 on1 top1 that1’s1 where1 we1 eat1. 12
M: okay let’s do that
H: Cause1 remember1 there1 is1 a1 table1 on1 there1. It1 goes1 right1 in1 here1 well1 I1 can1’t1 find1
the1 table1 so1 let1’s1 eat1 like1 this1. 26
M: just pretend
H: come1 on1 mommy1 let1’s1 eat1 peanut1 butter1 and1 jelly1. 10

Talking about desert

H: Ok1 mommy1 I1’m1 all1 done1. 6

M: Are you all finished. Is your belly to full for desert?
H: no1. 1
M: hmm what can we have for desert
H: I1 know1 where1 the1 chocolate1 is1. 6
M: Is it hiding
H: no1, it1’s1 right1 up1 here1. What1 chocolate1 do1 you1 want1? 11
M: hm that’s a good question
H: let1 me1 tell1 you1 what1’s1 there1. There1 is1 a1 rectangle1 one1. 12
M: okay
H: a1 rectangle1 one1 right1 here1. 5
M: okay
H: There1 is1 a1 sprinkle1 one1, sprinkle1 chocolate1, and1 a1 plain1 chocolate1 and1 this1 is1 a1
good1 one1 a1 brownie1 chocolate1. 20
M: brownie chocolate oh my gosh they all sound so delicious
H: which1 one1 do1 you1 want1? 5
M: How about you choose

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H: What1 about1 the1 brownie1 chocolate1.5

M: That sounds delicious let’s eat that. Brownie chocolate
H: I1’m1 going1 to1 hop1 up1 so1 I1 know1 what1 one1 I1 want1. So1, I1 want1 the1 brownie1. Oops1
you1 already1 have1 the1 brownie1 one1. 25
M: I can share
H: I1 want1 the1 one1 with1 the1 sprinkle/s2 on1 it1. There1’s1 a1 rectangle1 one1. Mommy1 can1
we1 go1 somewhere1. 20
M: yeah
H: what1 if1 we1 go1 to1 the1 paw patrol1 house1.8
M: wait. I have a great question for you first. Do you like, what is your favorite desert?
H: That1’s1 a1 good1 question1. 5
M: I know that’s why I asked it
H: oh1, I1 got1 a1 good1 one1 I1 got1 a1 good1 one1. 11
M: you have so many favorites don’t you
H: Chocolate1 and1 um chocolate um chocolate I1 forgot1 which1 it1 is1. 7
M: What about
H: Oh1, ya1 chocolate1 vanilla1 and1 guess1 what1 that1 one1 is1. 10
M: chocolate vanilla and what
H: It1’s1 a1 s’more1. 4
M: s’mores are your favorite
H: At1 my1 grandma1’s1 house1, it1 has1 vanilla1 and1 chocolate1. 10
M: when did we make s’mores at grams. And marshmallow
H: no1. 1
M: Wait. What about. What about cupcakes. What kind of cupcakes
H: I1 don1’t1 know1. Let1’s1 play1.7
M: Do you like cupcakes or ice cream or cake what’s your favorite, or donuts. Is that a difficult
H: Or1 what1 about1 sprinkle/s2 on1 the1 donut/s2. 9
M: What do you think your favorite is
H: I1 got1 a1 funny1 question1 out1 of1 this1 one1. 9
M: what’s your funny question
H: The1 chocolate1 one1. Chocolate1 peanut1 butter1 jelly1. 7
M: what chocolate peanut butter and jelly. You think you would like that. Oh boy that’s funny.
We will have to try that.
H: oh1, I1 got1 one1 that1 I1 will1 really really1 like1. Chocolate1 pudding1. 11
M: Chocolate pudding? When have you ate chocolate pudding lately. At school?
H: At1 my1 gran1’s1 house1. 5
M: oh, remember when Nona made chocolate pudding. She put it in that special bowl. And what
did she have on top of there?
H: whip/ed2 cream1. 3
M: whipped cream?
H: yes1. 1
M: and what was on top of the whipped cream? Remember little chocolate chips
H: yum1 yum yum. 1
M: so, good wasn’t it
H; yeah1, wish1 I1 could1 try1 that1 again1. 7

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M: I know. I do too

Taking Paw Patrol’s on Vacation

H: mommy1 what1 else1 do1 we1 need1 to1 do1 8

M: hmm I think
H: I1 got1 a1 good1 one1, let1’s1 go1 with1 the1 paw patrol/s2 on1 vacation1 14
M: that’s great! Where are we going on vacation?
H: I1 got1 a1 good1 guess1. 5
M: what
H: the1 beach1 2
M: the beach. Have you been to the beach. What was your favorite vacation
H: find/ing2 Seashell/s2. 4
M: that was the most favorite thing. That was fun wasn’t it. Remember when you would chase
the birds when they would land on the beach and you would run after him
H: no1, the1 big/est2 one1, when1 I1 was1 big/er2 I1 went1 to1 the1 beach1 and1 pick/ed2 seashell/s2.
That1 was1 my1 favorite1 part1. I1 wish1 I1 could1 pick1 seashell/s2 again1. 33
M: I do too. Especially when it gets cold out
H: mommy1 look1 at1 her1 head1. 5
M: Remember remember. when the birds would land on the sand and you would quick run and
try to catch them
H: yeah1 and1 I1 couldn1’t1. 5
M: yeah, they were so fast weren’t they. And remember do you remember the little thing
that came in the sand and popped up?
H: Crab1. 1
M: Wasn’t that cool
H: and1 I1 could1 see1 the1 crab1 hole1. 7
M: And we could see all the little fish in the ocean
H: I1 was1 try/ing2 to1 catch1 one1. 7
M: I know they were so fast. But That was one great vacation
H: mommy1 can1 I1 ask1 you1 something1. 6
M: you sure can
H: Remember1 when1 I1 was1 at1 bennet1’s1 gigi1’s1. 9
M: yeah
H: and1 I1 saw1 tadpole/s2. 5
M: at bennet’s gigis. Oh, at oak run yeah and there were tad poles in the water
H: yeah1 and1 they1 were1 try/ing2 to1 chase1 us1. 9
M: yeah, they were so fast weren’t they
H: I1 think1 they1 were1 play/ing2 tag1. Cause1 They1 were1 right1 by1 the1 boat1. 14
M: oh, and They were hiding by the boat. That’s a good idea
H: mommy1 let1’s1 play1. Let1’s1 go1 to1 the1 beach1 vacation1! Guess1 who1 is1 com/ing2 with1
us1. 18
M: Who
H: Paw patrol1 1

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M: oh, that sounds great

H: hey1 guess1 who1 I1’m1 going1 to1 get1. 8
M: who
H: rocky1. 1
M: you’re going to take rocky?
H: little1 rocky1. 2
M: Are we going to drive there or fly
H: Guess1 what1, I1 have1 a1 jet1 pack1. 7
M: A jet pack
H: I1 mean1 wing/s2. 4
M: so, you’re going to fly with your wings to the beach?
H: do1 you1 have1 wing/s2? 5
M: Do I have wings, you tell me
H: Yes1. Chase1 can1 fly1, cause1 guess1 what1 he1 has1. 9
M: wings
H: a1 zip1 line1. 3
M: a zip line. Is he going to zip line the whole way to the beach?
H: yep1 he1 just1 has1 to1 slide1 down1 and1 he1 is1 at1 the1 beach1. 13
M: wow, I wish I had a zip line
H: well1 you1 have1 a1 jet1 pack1 or1 a1 wing1. 9
M: which one should I have? A jet pack or a wing
H: hey1 mommy1, do1 you1 want1 to1 see1 my1 face1 squeeze1. 10
M: sure. Oh boy, your squeezing Chelsea face, let me do it to your face. Do you want to do it to
mommy’s face? Is that funny
H: come1 on1 paw patrol1. Let1’s1 go1. Oh1, we1 can1’t1 forget1 little1 rocky1 13
M: no, we can’t leave him behind
H: And1 sky1 is1 on1 the1 fly1. Hey1 guy/s2 everyone1 has1 to1 come1 and1 how1 is1 rocky1 going1
to1 get1 there1. 21
M: Hmm how is he going to get there
H: I1 know1 how1 he1 is1 going1 to1 get1 there1. 9
M: how
H: Oh1, I1 got1 a1 good1 one1, maybe1 he1 can1 go1 on1 my1 head1. 13
M: on your head? He is going to go on chase's head?
H: or1 he1 can1 walk1 with1 us1. 6
M: okay
H: or1 maybe1 he1 can1 hold1 onto1 our1 feet1. 8
M: oh, that’s a good idea
H: oh1, I1 got1 a1 good1 one1. Rocky1 goes1 on1 a1 rope1. 11
M: put a rope on the helicopter, that’s a good idea
H: and1 he1 glide/s2, you1 can1 do1 that1 one1. Rocky1 you1 can1’t1 go1 without1 the1 paw patrol1.
Everyone and you1 know1 how1 track/er2 is1 going1 to1 get1 there1? This1 black1 thing/s2. 31
M: oh hooks
H: yeah1. 1
M: alright he will go tree to tree
H: oh1, how1 is1 he1 going1 to1 get1 there1. 8
M: I can hold him

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H: uh, I1 got1 a1 good1 one1. 5

M: what’s your good one
H: what1 if1 he1 ride/s2 in1 this1 one1, cause1 guess1 what1 it1 can1 do1 momma1. 15
M: oh boy, it’s got a big claw
H: yeah1, oh1 I1 got1 a1 good1 one1. It1 can1 fly1 and1 it1 goes1 around1 and1 around1 16
M: A propeller, that’s a good idea
H: And1 I1 hold1 this1 one1 when1 I1’m1 fly/ing2. 10
M: okay
H: so1, everyone1, actually1 tracker/s2 going1 to1 give1 one1 to1 chase1. They1 are1 going1 to1 fly1
together1. Ready1 guy/s2. 20
M: you have a lot1 of friends in your hands.
H: watch1 this1 mom1. Tractor1 is1 going1 to1 go1. Hey1 guy/s2 we1 are1 going1 to1 take1 a1 little1
break1 from1 the1 beach1. 22

Playing With Trolls

H: Mommy1 can1 I1 ask1 something1. 5

M: sure
H: I1’ll1 get1 something1 really1 quick1. I1’ll1 be1 right1 back1, guess1 what1 I1 brought1. 15
M: who did you bring?
H: Troll/s2! Guess1 who1 is1 my1 favorite1 troll1. 8
M: I wonder why.
H: Harper1. 1
M: cause her name is harper?
H: I1 like1 that1 troll1. 4
M: cause you like her name
H: let1’s1 play1. 3
M: do you like her cause you like her name?
H: No1, I1 like1 her1 hair1. 5
M: yeah, her hair is rainbow
H: mommy1 let1’s1 get1 all1 the1 troll/s2 out1. Guess1 who1 we1 have1! Happy1 branch1, this1 one1
Fudge1 bird1, he1 doesn1’t1 have1 any1 eye/s2. 26
M: he doesn’t have any eyes? How does he see? Do his friends help him out
H: no1, He1 just1 run/s2 like1 this1 from1 the1 Bergen/s2. They1 all1 stay1 in1 their1 troll1 group1. 18
M: oh, they all stay together? From the Bergen’s?
H: guess1 who1 we1 have1! Satin1 and1 chenille1. They1 are1 always1 together1. 11
M: satin and chenille
H: satin1 and1 chenille1, guess1 what1 I1 call1 them1 this1 one1 is1 chenille1 this1 one1 is1 satin1. 16
M: oh yeah?
H: yeah1. 1
M: and they are always together?
H: yeah1. This1 one1 is1 harper1. 5
M: They are all friends, that’s so nice
H: Look1 at1 this1 one1. He1 loves1 Mr. dinkles1. 7

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M: where is Mr. dinkles?

H: I1 do1 know1, he1’s1 with1 the1 Barbie1 stuff1 with1 the1 little1 stuff1. 13
M: oh, with the little stuff in the Barbies. He probably likes it there
H: Guess1 who1 we1 have1. Two1 popp/ies’2. 7
M: What
H: My1 name/s2 poppy1, my1 name/s2 poppy1. 8
M: they can both be poppy right
H: yeah1, they1 are1 both1 poppy1. One1 has1 rainbow1 hair1 and1 one1 has1 pink1 hair1. And1
look1 at1 this1 one1. 19
M: smidge and yolo. this is fudge bird. One has tennis shoes on and one has no shoes
H: he1 has1 orange1 feet1. 4
M: who do you think runs faster?
H: guess1 who1 else1 is1 over1 here1.6
M: who, little Biggy
H: oh1, I1 almost1 forgot1 to1 show1 you1. Guess1 who1 this1 one1 is1. 12
M: I don’t know who that one is
H: it1’s1 lemon1 lemon1 raspberry1 green1 apple1. 7
M: lemon lemon raspberry green apple? it’s like a fruit
H: they1 are1 both1 together1.4
M”: that’s so nice, hey harper, so they are all friends
H: yes1, and1 guess1 what1. I1’m1 line/ing2 them1 up1 in1 a1 line1. 13
M: that’s great. They are all together. Harper can you tell me some names of your friends
H: hmm, bennet1, Hadley1…remember1 when1 bennet1 had1 a1 mosquito1 bite1. 9
M: yes, I do
H: and1 when1 when we1 went1 upstairs1 and1 there1 was1 a1 um stripy1 carpet1. 11
M: uh huh
H: and1 her1 got1 it1 with1 cream1 all1 over1 it1. 9
M: cause the cream was on her mosquito bite?
H: no1 no from1 her1 feet1. 4
M: Oh, cause she had a mosquito bite on her foot and then the cream got on the carpet? Oh no.
H: Upstairs1, 1
M: oh, that’s so silly.
H: we1 just1 laugh/ed2, and1 we1 didn1’t1 even1 know1 what1 just1 happen/ed2. 14
M: how did that happen, you were being silly,
H: oh1, guy/s2 we1 almost1 forgot1 one1. 7

H: hey1 guy/s2, guess1 what1. let1’s1 see1 who1 is1 your1 favorite1 troll1, everybody1 pick1 your1
favorite1 troll1 out1. my1 favorite1 is1 harper1. 23
M: my favorite troll is, oh you will have to tell me if I can do this. can I pick satin or chenille or
do I have to get them both together?
H: you1 be1 both1 of1 them1. 5
M: okay

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H: and1 who1 wants1 poppy1, chase1. do1 you1 want1 poppy1? 9

M: sure, do you want poppy? How about you pick a poppy and I pick a poppy
H: well1 I1 have1 harper1. 4
M: oh alright, they all look the same right
H: Guess1 who1 this1 is1. Who1 wants1 these1 one/s2. 9
M: I think rocky does
H: okay1, does1 anybody1 want1 one1 of1 these1. 7
M: okay how about these guys
H: There’s2 two1 of1 them1. 5
M: and sky
H: okay1 so1 who1 wants1 these1 I1 forgot1. is1 that1 you1 rocky1 which1 one1 do1 you1 want1,
big/est2 or1 small/est2. there1’s1 big1, small 24
M: big
H: big1 okay1, harper1 will1 bring1 it1 to1 you1, and1 I1’ll1 help1 too1. There1 poppy1 did1 you1 get1
them1. 19
M: yep I got them!
H: let1 me1 pull1 them1 to1 you1. rocky1 fell1. 8
M: that’s ok
H: okay1 who1 wants1 the1 small/est2 one1. 7
M: sky
H: sky1. Okay1 guy/s2 who1 wants1 these1 one/s2? 9
M: you can have her
H: thanks1, actually1 I1 want1 one1 troll1. 6
M: just one troll. Just harper?
H: I1 like1 harper1. There1’s1 only1 two1 more1 pup/s2 left1. 11
M: That’s okay. We will do both smidges with chase, how about branch, happy branch can go
with spy chase. Does that work?
H: and, and1 everyone1 needs1 to1 get1 on1 the1 carpet1. 8


Total Morphemes: 1,523
60 inflectional: 60/1,523 = .04% 3 derivational: 3/1,523 = .002%
free morphemes: 1,461/1,523 = 96%
MLU: 1,523 morphemes/181 utterances = 8.4

The child that I recorded was 53 months. According to Brown’s stages of Syntactic

Development, her MLU should be around a 5.0 which is above stage 5 in Brown’s stages.

Harper’s MLU calculated out to be an 8.4. This number shows that Harper is significantly above

Haines 11

her age level in accordance to Brown’s stages. Even though Harper is way above her age level in

accordance to Brown’s stages, it does not exactly mean she is advanced. She did not use a lot of

derivational or inflectional morphemes; which means most of her conversation was made up of

free morphemes.


During her conversation with her mom, Harper used inflectional, derivational, and free

morphemes. Out of the 1,523 morphemes, Harper said 60 inflectional morphemes which puts her

at saying an inflectional morpheme 4% of the time. According to Brown, the plural morphemes

happen between 27-33 months, which she includes in her speech. Possessive morphemes happen

between 26 and 40 months, which she also used. Present progressive, like –ing, are learned

between 19 and 28 months. Regular past tense, like –ed, are learned between 26 and 48 months.

Harper uses all of these, which makes her on track for her age. During her conversation with her

mom, Harper only used 3 derivational morphemes out of the 1,523. This puts her at saying a

derivational morpheme .2% of the time. Harper used –er and –ist words in her conversation,

which are developed between the age of 48 to 60 months. Since harper only used three

derivational morphemes, you can tell that she is at the lower end of the age range, but she did say

a few so she is developing fairly well for her age range. Harper used 1,461 free morphemes

which means she used free morphemes 96% of the time.

Halliday focused on functions and how well a child’s way of communication

accomplishes a purpose. He mainly focuses on the reaction of the listener. One function that

Halliday explained was interacting which is using language to make sure there is contact with

another. Harper says “mom” or “mommy” a lot while her mom is in the room, so she is using the

interacting function. Harper using the regulatory function a few times because it is using

Haines 12

language to control behaviors of what the other person is doing. She tells her mom what to play

with and what they are going to do during their play time. Harper uses the informative function a

lot during her conversation with her mom. She explains what the trolls are and who each of them

is. She also lists out all of the Paw Patrol characters.


When I got into the setting where we were going to record I was excited to be able to do

this assignment hands on. Even though it was a lot of work, I felt like it was very rewarding to be

able to do this myself. It was interesting to be focused on the conversation and not side tracked

when watching play happened. I had a feeling when I went into this setting that she was going to

be at her age level for development but I did not realize that she would be so far above her age

level. Ever since this project I have been observing students that I am around and I think about

their conversations and where they would be developmentally according to Brown. I want to

teach Kindergarten and this little girl will be in kindergarten next year and so it was a good view

of how some kids might be in kindergarten. There is a range of possibility when it comes to

children and their language development. Some students are far ahead and some students are

way behind. In the daycare, I am in I have realized that there are some kids that are really behind

in speaking and there are some kids who can speak your ear off who are all the same age. After

doing this assignment, I have been able to focus on children’s language and their conversations

more in depth and with the knowledge I have learned. When thinking about the theories, I feel

like this transcript reflects the interactionist theory. The text states “This gradual growth in

language occurs through meaningful interactions between the developing child and those who

communicate with her in everyday interactions” (Huilt PG 43). She shows the ability to speak by

herself and initiate conversation, but mom asked questions to help sway the conversation to get

Haines 13

her to talk. The text also says “the more talking that occurs during infancy through 3 years, the

more likely the child will do well in school later in life” (Huilt PG 43). The mother said that she

has always been a talker and never stops, and so this shows that when she enters Kindergarten

next year she will be ready and do well in school. From this conversation, you can tell that mom

and daughter talk a lot to each other and they have that connection that should be there for

language development.


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