Research Essay: (Purposive Communication) 10:00 - 11:30 Jelina Regalario Bseeng

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(Purposive Communication)
10:00 – 11:30
Jelina Regalario


A. Definition of Terms
i. Education
ii. Senior High
iii. SHS Tracks
iv. College
A. Questions
B. Steps on choosing College Major
C. Own Advices.
A. Author’s Quotation
B. Self-Experiences

We, Filipino people are surprised by the new curriculum called “K-12” educational
system and everybody has a big part for the said “change” to be succeeded. We have our first
batch from the students in the school year of 2016 – 2017 and to be followed by different
generations who also have the aim to choose their own career as well. Education is the process of
facilitating, learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. It is
important to have that thing and that is the most precious gift we can offer and receive to
everyone. By sharing and listening to thoughts, lessons, facts and other informative things, the
quality of life would become more grateful and valuable.
We have our Senior High School (SHS) which refers to Grade 11 and 12, the last two
years of K-12 program that DepEd has been implementing since 2012. This where the students
begin to study in SHS the students that will introduce them in their preferred career path.
Students are now being guided by this new curriculum and helps them to choose their tracks as
their first step in entering college. There are 4 tracks: Academic Track, Technical-Vocational
Livelihood (TVL), Sports, and Arts&Design track. Academic Track has 4 strand: GAS, STEM,
ABM and HUMMS. The General Academic Strand or GAS is designed for students who are not
decided yet on their course. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM
aims to foster inquiring minds, logical learning and collaboration skills. The Humanities and
Social Studies or HUMMS is designed for those who are considering taking up journalism,
communication arts, liberal arts, education and other social related courses in college. The
Accountancy, Business and Management or ABM required to engage themselves in the field
through practical experience and immersions in various sectors and corporate industries. And the
rest are followed by 3 remaining tracks. We have our College Degree where it is an educational
institution or a constituent part of one. A college maybe a degree-awarding tertiary educational
institutions, a part of collegiate or federal university.
Do you ever feel wanting to discover new songs in Spotify and Youtube? You keep
scrolling and clicking different songs, listening to its melody and rhythm. In some songs, you
might choose and download them. But there are some songs that you’re excited at first. There’s a
will of trying. But when you click to listen to it, you’ll get disappointed because you realized that
it’s out of your style. Maybe we can relate it on choosing our majors in college. You’ll get
excited at first but when you’re already in the process, you ended up thinking and tempting to try
another one. According to Scholarships, 2019, “Before you decide what to take, ask yourself
these following questions: What type of career can you see yourself in? What are your interest?
Which subject did you enjoy studying the most in high school? What types of skills do you
have? Do you have any hobbies that you would like to pursue as a career? What did you learn
about what you like and dislike from your past work experience?” Those questions will help you
to be guided and to remind our interests. It also serves as your foundation on choosing careers.
And these questions followed by Schwartz, 2012:1.) Decide what’s the most important to you.
List at least 3-5 preferred interest to be quite specific. 2.) Evaluate importance of each value.
Rank your top values if possible. 3.) Consider your options. Assess yourself. Read about the
careers that correspond to your personality. 4.) Ask yourself if your major choice will bring you
closer to your top values. If you have the result of your assessment and you finally found that
you want to these things and that, will major you have chosen be likely to facilitate that? 5.)
Keep exploring. Ask your parents, guidance, counselor and favorite teachers if they know
anyone in the field you are interested in.
Entering college is not that easy. Especially when you are already in it. But it would be
better if you will be able to decide what’s really the best for you. According to Loretto, 2019
“The fact is that a major is only a small puzzle when it comes to decide on a career after
college.” The truth is that college prepares student to be critical thinkers and provides a
foundation for students to create worldview based on learning from the variety of disciplines.
College teach us a proper communication, enhances our skills in presentation, organization and
writing that meets our interest and specifications. As the statistics show, one out of five students
change their major between admission and the first day of class. Nearly three out of four students
change their majors at least twice before they graduate. “Students who follow their hearts in
choosing majors will most likely end up laboring at what they love. They’re the ones who will
find the sense of purpose that underlies most human happiness.” –Scholarships, 2019.
Choosing a career has a big impact not only for the days that you have chosen it. It has
something to do with your future and build your own character as well. Lucky for those people
who already know what their plans or what to take in college especially choosing something you
want and interested about is fun! But for those who haven’t know yet what’s the best thing for
them, keep trusting Almighty God and yourself. You might still didn’t know and discover what
you really want to pursue for the rest of your life. “People think that a major chooses a career,
but that’s not just the case.” Says Rosanne Lurie, a career counselor who has worked both at the
University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco. “Your interests
and abilities lead to the decision of a major and career after that but there isn’t always a direct
relation between the two. A major doesn’t predetermine what you end up doing.” To be honest,
I’m the one of those students who still undecided their chosen course. At first, I was really sure. I
took up Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English. I even said to myself before that I
want to see myself standing in front of the class and teach them all about in English. But now, I
don’t know why I became undecided. My grades are fine, our financial stability is fine, and my
environment as well. I found the problem within myself. I want to have more. I want to discover
more about myself. Until one day, I found myself thinking that maybe I can be a psychologist
someday, so I might take up and shift to Psychology. Maybe I can be a mathematics teacher so I
can change my major. Maybe I can do any logistic and hypothetical things so I can be an
engineer with high profits. And I even imagine myself good in paper works in offices, getting
busy with my computer so maybe I can shift to Office Administration. I don’t know If I’m not
contented on what I have. I am sincerely grateful to God that He gave me skills like these and I
know that I should use it properly. So I must think, wisely.
Learning is fun. And yet, sometimes we feel like dying for so many requirements and
subjects that we need to pass. Still, don’t forget that our life is so short and we have to enjoy it as
much as we can. College is fun! And it depends on how you will make it until the end.

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