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Wark S00205788
Assignment 1B –EDIE444
“Social media has no place in the classroom”

Traditional methods of teaching featured basic necessities such as a pencil, workbook
and an eraser, whereas modern day classrooms have significantly evolved into a digital
evolution that is trending with the modern world. The Cambridge dictionary (2019) defines
social media as a platform which allows people to share and communicate via the internet to
access websites or computer games using a computer, phone, or relative device. Effectively
implementing technology within the classroom learning environment can have significant
long term benefits for each student’s personal and academic development when used
correctly. According to the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Australian
Students in a digital world report (Thomson, 2015) conducted in 2013 provides intel stating
“Australia had the highest percentage of students who used computers once a week”.
Exposing students to a learning environment which fosters the use of technology and social
media allows students the opportunity to be highly skilled in the use of ICT. Catering for
greater high quality academic education can contribute to highly educated youth who can
productively contribute to a modern society.

Prior to commencing my bachelor degree in Primary Education I was against the idea
of replacing traditional teaching methods with modern day technology. However, since
practicum experience, researching and gaining an understanding of the opportunities,
potential and benefits technology can have within the classroom and towards each student’s
future, my original thoughts and opinion has shifted to a more digital friendly teaching
approach combined with the balance of traditional teaching methods.

When technology is implemented effectively within the learning environment,

students are given the opportunity to thrive and become highly skilled with ICT. There are
several benefits and disadvantages surrounding the use of technology within the classroom
that can hinder or facilitate student’s academic success (Lederer, 2012). By incorporating
social media within the classroom, features several benefits for both the students and the
teachers including; increased student engagement through a fun, exciting and engaging
learning environment; adopting a modern learning approach and real world learning; social
interaction through collaborative group work; accommodating for a diverse range of learning
needs; increase in academic ability and development; encourage participation and build

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Assignment 1B –EDIE444
students confidence with learning material and national curriculum; as well as extend
communication pathways for students, teachers and families (O’Keeffe, 2011).

For students to succeed in a modern world requires the alteration of a traditional

classroom environment to one that fosters a contemporary learning approach tailored for
digital natives. A digital native is a person who is born into and raised in a digital world
where they are familiar with technology and the internet from an early onset (Sorgo, Bartel,
Dolnicar, 2017)). Students born in the 21st century are digital natives who understand
how to use and implement technology within their daily lives. According to the American
Academy of Paediatrics (O’Keeffe, 2011) report, social media is among the most common
activity for adults and children. Therefore by fostering a learning environment that effectively
implements the use of ICT allows students a greater opportunity at developing their ICT
skills, knowledge and understanding, whilst also exposing student’s to real world concepts in
a safe and supported environment. Developing activities and learning material that
incorporates social media allows students to become engaged and develop interests towards
curriculum content.

Social media within the classroom can improve students’ learning and engagement
through the use of academic applications such as; Google docs which allows a specific group
of people to produce and share text documents, slide presentations, spreadsheets and more, as
well as share ideas, edit and collaborate at the same time through the online platform (Google
Docs, 2019); ‘Kahoot’ is an educational game based learning platform featuring multiple
choice quiz style activities that students can access via the internet (Kahoot, 2019); Padlet is
an online bulletin board that can generate discussion and display information to a target
audience (Padlet, 2019). These three application examples can have a substantial impact on
student’s engagement, knowledge and understanding as well as an increase academic
development by creating a rich learning environment for diverse learners.

Using appropriate applications can allow students the opportunity to generate their
own classroom blog or platform showcasing their work to classmates, parents or a chosen
audience. By allowing parent’s insight into how technology is being incorporated within the
learning process and long term benefits, will allow for a harmonious understanding and view
amongst teachers, students and parents.

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Assignment 1B –EDIE444
Implementing social media and technology within the classroom generates an
inclusive and diverse learning environment that enriches the Australian Curriculum. The use
of ICT provides students the opportunity to collaborate with peers by working in small
groups or pairs. Russian theorist Lev Vygotsky (Woolfolk and Margetts, 2016) emphasised
through his sociocultural theory that the cognitive development of a child is best identified by
the method in which they think, rather than what they know. Vygotsky believed that
cognitive or higher order thinking was directly related to the cultural settings and social
interactions surrounding humans, rather than as individuals (Churchill, Dodinho and Johnson,
2016). By constructing effective lessons that include a diverse range of social media
applications can create learning opportunities for students to work together, collaborate ideas,
share experiences and foster a cohesive learning environment and culture.

The Australian Curriculum (2016) features a Technologies learning area with two
distinct strands; design and technologies, and digital technologies. The overarching idea of
the technologies curriculum is to create and provide students learning opportunities where
they are able to consider how solutions that are present now will be used in the future. With
technology at the core of an evolving, modern world it is crucial for student’s future success
to be exposed to a useful and beneficial curriculum surrounding technologies study (Saylan,
2019). Social media applications can provide students with continual opportunities that
provoke thought and discussion enriching their learning experiences and knowledge. Students
are also exposed to gaining an understanding for the sense of responsibility surrounding using
the internet safely.

Social media and technology can assist students in their individual development as
well as the development of the school itself (Porterfield, 2012). Adopting a modern approach
to learning allows students the experience, knowledge and skills that will be beneficial
towards society, the country’s economy and their personal development and growth
(Thomson, 2015). Implementing effective use of the curriculum can be extremely valuable
for student’s academic success, compared to traditional teaching methods which feature
worksheets and lecture style learning.

However, whilst there are numerous benefits relating to the use of ICT and social
media within the classroom there can be a number of disadvantages. For students and parents
living in low socio-economical areas the financial burden of technology as well as access to

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Assignment 1B –EDIE444
technology can present various barriers and prohibit valuable learning opportunities.
Technology maintenance can be costly as well as expensive to upkeep and update (Alkandari,
2014). A majority of schools are replacing traditional communication methods and adapting a
modern approach of using digital tools which feature online forums, internet bookings,
communication tools to send home information, reports, newsletters, tuckshop orders and
much more. The ability to access online communication forums and school websites can
prevent some students and their families from accessing important information, documents
and ultimately become withdrawn from being an active member within the school
community (Lederer, 2012).

Another disadvantage surrounding the inclusion of social media within the classroom
is the overuse of technology (Lederer, 2012). Not all parents, teachers and education staff are
on board with the transition from traditional to modern day teaching methods. There are
concerns students are becoming too dependent on technology and becoming withdrawn from
social interactions. Students are losing the ability and skills that are relevant with face-to-face
communication as well as are unaware or naive to understand and fully comprehend the
extent and dangers associated with using the internet (Lederer, 2012). Teachers who aren’t
properly trained to effectively incorporate the use of social media and technology will
struggle to adapt and adjust their teaching philosophy to a modern approach.

Anonymous online chat websites and forums are a platform for online bullying,
presenting dangerous issues for both students, teachers, education staff and parents.
Traditional methods of school yard bullying allowed students the sense of freedom and safety
when they arrived home, however, online bullying can present endless opportunities for
bullies to attack their victim 24/7. Despite these issues, teachers and educational staff are
presented with an opportunity to educate and spread awareness of the nature of the internet
and how it is to be used correctly, as well as the consequences associated with incorrect use.

It is important as the role of the teacher to create a diverse learning environment that
motivates students and captures their interests towards gaining a valuable education. Being
the facilitator of students learning, incorporating a balanced curriculum featuring both
traditional and modern day teaching methods can have a significant impact on students
engagement, interest and overall academic success. As I endeavour into the teaching
profession it is of the upmost importance that I know my students personally, how they learn

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Assignment 1B –EDIE444
and what motivates them to learn. Incorporating the safe and ethical use of social media and
technology within the classroom can provide my future students with the endless
opportunities and real world experiences within a modern world.

In part a I drew upon my personal experiences of using technology within the

classroom and how students were able to benefit from interactive learning methods and
collaborate with their peers. After conducting research into the topic surrounding the role
social media has within the classroom, my stance is still towards a balanced curriculum that
incorporates both tradition and modern teaching styles. As a pre-service teacher who is
entering the profession having experience in learning how to effectively implement and use
social media and technology within the classroom provides me with the knowledge and
experiences to provide my students with a balanced curriculum.

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Assignment 1B –EDIE444
Alkandari, N. Y. (2014). Financial Issues Experienced by Students in Private Higher Education
Institutions. Education, 134(4), 465–474. Retrieved from

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2016) Foundation to year 10
curriculum: Technologies. Retrieved from

Churchhill, C. Dodinho, S. Johnson, N. et,al. 2016. Teaching making a difference: Vygotsky’s
sociocultural theory. p. 87, Wiley publishing, 3rd edition.

Google Docs: Free Online Documents for Personal Use. (2019). Retrieved from

Kahoot (2019). What is Kahoot! Retrieved from

Lederer, K. (2012). Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Classroom. Campus Technology. Retrieved

O'Keeffe, G., Clarke-Pearson, K., Mulligan, Deborah Ann, Remer Altmann, Tanya, Brown, Ari,
Christakis, Dimitri A, . . . Steiner, Gina Ley. (2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804. Retrieved from

Padlet. (2019). Padlet is the easiest way to create and collaborate in the world. Retrieved from

Porterfield, K., & Carnes, M. (2012). School Communication in the Age of Google. Journal of School
Public Relations, 33(2), 115–130. Retrieved from

Saylan, A., Onal, N. T., & Onal, N. (2018). Using Technology in Education from the Pre-Service Science
and Mathematics Teachers’ Perspectives. International Education Studies, 11(10), 28–41.
Retrieved from

Social Media. (2019). Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved from

Šorgo, A., Bartol, T., Dolnicar, D., & Boh Podgornik, B. (2017). Attributes of Digital Natives as
Predictors of Information Literacy in Higher Education. British Journal of Educational
Technology, 48(3), 749–767. Retrieved from

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Assignment 1B –EDIE444
Thomson, S. (2015). Australian Students in a Digital World [Ebook] (3rd ed., p. 1). Australian Council
for Educational Research. Retrieved from

Woodfolk, A., & Margetts, K. (2016). Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective. Educational Psychology
(4th ed.) Melbourne, Australia: Pearson. p94.

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