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Certified that the thesis entitled “Forest Species Composition And Structural Diversity

of Shahoor, Kandao And Janas Sites At Sheringal, Dir Kohistan Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa,”, submitted by Mr. Noor Ullah (Reg. No. 2013-225264) fulfills the basic

requirements as partial fulfillments for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in

Environmental Sciences.

Research Supervisor: Dr. Juma Muhammad

Signature: ----------------------------------

External Examiner
Signature: -------------------------------
Dated: --------------------------------------

Head of the Department: -------------------------------------



I, Mr. Noor Ullah, student of M. Phil. Environmental Sciences (Reg. No.2013-225264),

hereby declare that the contents of the thesis entitled “Forest Species Composition And
Structural Diversity of Shahoor, Kandao And Janas Sites At Sheringal, Dir Kohistan
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” are the product of my own research work and no part has been
copied from any published sources except where others have been acknowledged. I
further declare that this work has not been submitted for any diploma/degree in any
university, research institution etc. in Pakistan or abroad. This university may take action
if the information provided is found inaccurate at any stage.

Signature of Deponent: ----------------------------

Registration No.: 2013-225264
Dated: --------------------------------------------------


They fed me when I was hungry, gave strength when weak,

Protected me when in danger, taught me to walk on
my feet, nursed me when hurt, encouraged
when dejected and taught me to live
honorable in this world.
I dedicate this effort
of mine to my

from the depth of my heart.

May God bless them and give me a chance to serve them better

Noor Ullah



Certificate 1

Declaration 11

Dedication 111

Contents IV

List of Tables VI

List of Figures VII

Acronym VIII

Acknowledgement IX

Abstract X


1.1 Need of the Study 3

1.2 Objective of the Study 4



3.1. Study Area Background 14

3.2. Data Collection and Analysis 15

3.3. Vegetation Sampling Design and Assessment 16

3.3.1 Density 16

3.3.2 Frequency 17

3.3.3 Coverage 17

3.3.4 Relative Frequency 17

3.3.5 Relative Coverage 18

3.3.6 Relative Density 18

3.3.7 Importance Value 18

3.3.8 Summoned Dominance Ratio 18


4.1 Tree Species Composition of the Study Area 20

4.2 Forest tree Analysis at Shahoor Bala site 20

4.3 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Payen Site 23

4.4 Forest Tree Analysis at kandao site 27

4.5 Forest Tree Analysis at Janas site 31

4.6 SDR Values of Forest Tree Species at Shahoor Bala.

Shahoor Payen, Kandao and Janas Sites 35





Table No Page

3.1 Altitude and Co‐ordinates of Studied sites 15

4.1 Tree Species Composition of the Study Area 19

4.2 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Bala site 21

4.3 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Payen site 25

4.4 Forest Tree Analysis at Kandao site 28

4.5 Forest Tree Analysis at Janas site 32

4.6 SDR Values of Forest Tree species at Shahoor Bala,Shahoor Payen,

Kandao and Janas Sites 36



Figure No Page

4.1 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Bala site 20

4.2 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Bala Site 22

4.3 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Payen site 24

4.4 Forest Tree Analysis at Shahoor Payen site 26

4.5 Forest Tree Analysis at Kandao site 28

4.6 Forest Tree Analysis at Kandao site 29

4.7 Forest Tree Analysis at Janas site 32

4.8 Forest Tree Analysis at Janas site 33

4.9 SDR Values of Forest Tree Species at Shahoor Bala,

Sh Shahoor Payen, Kandao and Janas Sites 37



ASL Above Sea Level

dbh diameter at breast height

E East (Latitude)

F.a.s.l. Feet above sea level

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

GPS Global Positioning System

IV Importance value

N⁰ North (Longitude)

RC Relative Coverage

RD Relative Density

RF Relative Frequency

SDR Summoned Dominance Ratio

TWINSPAN Two way Indicator Species Analysis



I have no words to express my deepest sense of gratitude to the

gracious, the greatest “Almighty Allah”, the omnipotent, the

omnipresent. The most merciful and most compassionate, whose

innumerable blessings enabled me to complete this difficult task.

I also pay all the tributes to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),

the most perfect and exalted among and of ever born on the

surface of the earth for enlightening our conscience whose love is

the only real achievement of my life.

I feel utmost pride to extend my cordial thanks to my Research

Supervisor Prof. Dr. Juma Muhammad, for his competent,

propitious and inspirational guidance, keen interest, scholastic

supervision, incessant, meticulous criticism, encouragement,

valuable suggestions, and timely correction of the present


I also thankful to my co-advisor Dr. Farman Ali Khan for

inspiration encourage and guidance not only in my studies, but also

during my field visits which motivated me to work hard and

achieve professional competency.

I offer my cordial and profound thanks to my sweetest and

loveliest parents for their encouragement, eternal love and

constant support.

Noor Ullah


The present study provides a comprehensive detail about forest species

composition and structural diversity of Shahoor Sheringal and Kandao valley at
Sheringal, Dir Kohistan Khyber Pakhtonkhwa. The present study was conducted in
Sheringal Forest Sub Division having an altitudinal range from 4600 - 10400. The
whole area was divided into four sites, 1) Shahoor Bala, 2) Shahoor Payen,3)
Kandao and 4) Janas. Sampling was started from bed of the stream and continues
up to the top of the mountain. Different stations were established. Quadrats were
used for sampling. Quadrat size of 30 m ×30 m was taken for studying and
measuring trees. A total 15 tree species belonging to nine families were identified
in the study area. Different sampling sites were marked at different elevations. The
quantitative data of vegetation like density, frequency, cover, relative density,
relative cover and relative frequency were calculated for each tree in each study
site; and importance value index were recorded from different sites. Summoned
Dominance Ratio (SDR) values were used for identification of the dominant
community in each study site. Cedrus deodara was observed having the highest
average SDR value of 28.9 . It is the dominant species and found in all sits; however it
was more dominant in Janas site where its SDR value is noted as 40.18. The 2 nd highest
dominant species is Quercus baloth having 19.9 SDR value. Picea smithiana was
found with third highest mean SDR value of 9.6 and it was also noted in all sites. Tree
species diversity was optimum at the middle of Janas site. The study show anthropogenic
disturbances near to Shahoor Payen village which threaten to the local forest ecosystem,
due to dense population, construction of houses and roads. A huge volumes of fuelwood
and timber consumption were recorded from the area. Important tree species
including Cedrus deodara, and Quercus baloth are under persistent pressure due to
very extensive fuelwood and timber extraction Local forest reserves and alpines
pastures are the only source of fuelwood, timber, medicinal plants and livestock
forage for the local communities. It is the need of hour to develop and implement a
practical conservation management policy for the sustainable use of local forest reserves,
so that they can be protected, rehabilitated and preserved for the future generations.

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