The Call of The Wild Summary

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Luisa Fernanda Baracaldo Lancheros.


Buck is a dog that lives in California with a loving family in a big comfortable house where
he can fun all day. One day, Buck was stolen by a house worker and then sold. Buck was
taken to Alaska, a cold country where two Canadian friends bought him with the aim of
pulling the sledge in search of gold. Buck had to learn to survive in a strange place, with
dangerous dogs. Also, he had to sleep in the cold, eat fish every night and learn to pull the
sledge through long, dangerous roads full of snow. But it was not easy because buck had
an enemy, his name was Spitz, the boss of the group. Spitz was a strong dog and he hate
to Buck, because was a intelligent and beautiful dog. After some fights, Buck attacked to
Spitz, now Buck was a strong dog. Buck and Spitz began their last, dangerous figth. Spitz
fought very well, and he attacked Buck again and again. Buck had many cuts, but Spitz was
fine. Then Buck jumped at Spitz again. His teeth closed around Spit’s leg, whit a quick jump,
Buck broke it. Spitz cried and fell, the other dogs quickly attacked him. Now, Buck was the
most important dog, the boss.
After several trips, buck had different owners among them brothers who did not know the
cold country, they carried a very heavy sledge and did not take good care of the dogs. One
day, they arrived at John thorton's camp and asked Thornton what was the best road to
Dawson. But Thorton saw the dogs very tired, fought with the brothers and cut the Buck
harness. Thorton cared for Buck until he recovered and adopted him in his camp. And Buck
slowly learned a new lesson. He learned about love. For firts time in his life, he felt strong
love, for thornton. Buck saved Thornton's life some times and helped him earn money. With
the money he earned, he wanted to go to new and strange places, he wanted to leave the
towns and cities, and find some gold. He found a wonderful places between two small
mountains. There was a small river, and at the bottom of this river the men could see gold.
He and his Friends worked hard, day after day. But the dogs had no work, so Buck started
to take long walks in the Woods. One day Buck saw a wolk, but the Wolf was afraid. After
an hour the wolf understood that Buck didn’t want to hurt him. They started top lay. Buck
was very happy with his new wolf-brother. After a while buck remembered that he had to go
back to the camp. Buck became a very agile dog, began to hunt different animals. but one
day when Buck left the camp, the Indians attacked the Thorton’s camp. When Buck came
back, it was too late and he couldn’t do anything, Thorton was dead, now Buck didn´t have
a friend to play. Buck turned into a strong and dangerous dog, sometimes attacked the
Indians in revenge for the death of Thorton and his friends.
One night he hear the call, it was strong and beautiful. Now Buck didn’t want the harness or
the work of men. He never wanted to live with men again. Suddenly a lot of Woves ran to
the camp. Buck attacked their, but after half and hour a thin, gray wolf carefully walked up
to Buck. It was Buck’s wils brother, Buck looked at him happily. Then an old wolf stood in
front of Buck, he sat down and holwed. Buck sat down and howled too, that way buck started
being part of them.
Now the people talk about dangerous dog. The dog lives with the wolves, but he is not a
wolf. Everybody are afraid of this wild dog.

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