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Section 1. Past: Past:
Courses on the life,
works and writings of jose Through this, the existed of It would been exceptional if
rizal, particularly his novel the law with crafted by Dr. this course will give
noli me tangere and el Rizal made an adequacy to accentuation amid the
filibusterismo, shall be have the capacity to spread semester, wherein
included in the curricula of the data about the present understudies can give their
all schools, colleges and things in regards to the completely consideration.
universities, public or happenings of the past.
private: provided, that in the Present: Present:
collegiate courses, the
original or unexpurgated It provides us to recognize In the present time where
editions of the noli me the importance of Rizal’s modernization and
tangere and el filibusterismo ideals and teachings in globalization has emerged,
or their english translation relation to present conditions the course should give
shall be used as basic texts. and situations in the society. through program that is
The teaching of the Rizal connected with the course
course in the classroom is has taken in light of the fact
intend to awaken the sense that it ended up unessential
of patriotism and with different courses.
nationalism in every Filipino
youth and push them to
apply the principles
bequeathed by Rizal as
solutions to present day

Section 2. Past: Past:

It shall be obligatory
on all schools, colleges and Unique duplicate made great Through the change law, not
universities to keep in their and exact data and all the school, college and
libraries an adequate references and the universities had ordered
number of copies of the sufficiency is expanding with sufficient numbers and
original and unexpurgated through. even unique duplicate on the
editions of the noli me grounds that removed
tangere and el through the production.
filibusterismo, as well as of
rizal’s other works and
biography. The said Present: Present:
unexpurgated editions of the
noli me tangere and el It give a sane and precise The sufficiency of
filibusterismo or their information and references references made the first
translations in english as that assistance us duplicate less precise and
well as other writings of comprehend our identity. very much definite with
rizal shall be included in the We thoroughly characterize information or data through
list of approved books for ourselves as far as where we the first duplicate.
required reading in all are going, yet in addition
public or private schools, where we originate from.
colleges and universities. Our heredity, past practices,
and old propensities as a
country are for the most part
noteworthy pieces of
information and
determinants to our current
circumstance through the
books and different
references of the past.

Section 3. Past: Past:

The board of
national education shall It printed and shoddy Despite the fact that it was
cause the translation of the duplicate gave them a most request with a shabby, not
Noli Me Tangere and El available approach to all the printed was being
Filibusterismo, as well as assemble data past the past. convert into the tongue or
other writings of Jose Rizal Additionally, the language that fit for the
into english, tagalog and the interpretation likewise gave perusers. Beside that,
principal Philippine dialects; them an approach to be printed has not reach far
cause them to be printed in anything but difficult to spots that made other
cheap, popular editions; and grasp the thoughts composed peruser and college itself
cause them to be distributed, by Dr. Rizal that can be deficiency of duplicate.
free of charge, to persons apply to their day by day
desiring to read them, sensible life.
through the purok Present: Present:
organizations and barrio
councils throughout the The printed duplicate even Through various assortment
country. made increasingly available of interpretation and
all through the huge measure exceptional vocabulary, the
of reference and other deciphered duplicate may
interpretation rely upon the distinctive with the first
interest of understudy or duplicate that make a
perusers to the solicitation in disarray through the peruser
the production or and through dissemination
wholesaler. and distribution a portion of
the critical point by point
may lost.

Section 4. Past: Past:

Nothing in this act
shall be construct as The book is in a strong truth A great many people think
amendment or repealing since it can't interfere with that its inappropriate to
section nine hundred religious issues. bring out such strong
twenty-seven of the setting.
administrative code, Present: Present:
prohibiting the discussion of
religious doctrines by public The book is in a strong truth There is no weakness. The
school teachers and other since it can't intrude with striking truth is currently
person engaged in any religious issues. acknowledged and
public school. individuals have opened
their mind which made the
law satisfactory.
Ection 5. Past: Past:
The sum of three
hundred thousand pesos is The law makes it simpler for The law has been given a
hereby authorized to be the legislature to execute the specific add up to be sought
appropriated out of any fund other law by giving a after in which influenced the
not otherwise appropriated specific sum in which the law to give a moderate
in the national treasury to administration can give. administration.
carry out the purposes of Present: Present:
this act.
The government saved funds The law is obsolete that the
for other projects. old interpretation can even
be given a superior one with
only a superior subsidizing
Section 6. Past: Past:
This act shall take
effect upon its approval. It gives a firm stand for the The law relies upon
law. approval which is nothing if
Present: Present:

There is no advantage to this There is no disadvantage to

day. this day.

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