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RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology

Application of Process Analytical Technology for Monitoring

Freeze-Drying of an Amorphous Protein Formulation: Use of
Complementary Tools for Real-Time Product Temperature
Measurements and Endpoint Detection
Freeze Drying Focus Group, Division of Pharmaceutics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen 91058, Germany
Global Biologics, Pfizer Inc., Chesterfield, Missouri 63017
GILYOS GmbH, Wuerzburg 97076, Germany

Received 8 November 2014; revised 2 January 2015; accepted 22 January 2015

Published online 17 February 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/jps.24389

ABSTRACT: Process analytical technology (PAT) and quality by design have gained importance in all areas of pharmaceutical development
and manufacturing. One important method for monitoring of critical product attributes and process optimization in laboratory scale
freeze-drying is manometric temperature measurement (MTM). A drawback of this innovative technology is that problems are encountered
when processing high-concentrated amorphous materials, particularly protein formulations. In this study, a model solution of bovine serum
albumin and sucrose was lyophilized at both conservative and aggressive primary drying conditions. Different temperature sensors were
employed to monitor product temperatures. The residual moisture content at primary drying endpoints as indicated by temperature sensors
and batch PAT methods was quantified from extracted sample vials. The data from temperature probes were then used to recalculate critical
product parameters, and the results were compared with MTM data. The drying endpoints indicated by the temperature sensors were not
suitable for endpoint indication, in contrast to the batch methods endpoints. The accuracy of MTM Pice data was found to be influenced by
water reabsorption. Recalculation of Rp and Pice values based on data from temperature sensors and weighed vials was possible. Overall,
extensive information about critical product parameters could be obtained using data from complementary PAT tools.  C 2015 Wiley

Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 104:1741–1749, 2015
Keywords: process analytical technology; quality by design; freeze-drying; protein formulation; process optimization; manometric tem-
perature measurements; water re-absorption; proteins; lyophilization; stability

INTRODUCTION because of the removal of ice from the side toward the center
also impairs the accuracy of pressure rise measurements, and is
The growing need for process optimization and process time
influenced by the vial size and fill depth. In many cases, reduc-
reduction in freeze-drying has led to cycle conditions at which
tion of Ap becomes significant in the last third of primary drying
the product temperature becomes closer to the critical formu-
and from this point compromises pressure rise measurements.
lation temperature, which is typically defined by the collapse
In the first two-thirds of primary drying that is the primary ap-
temperature for amorphous products. This, in turn, makes rig-
plication for MTM measurements, Ap reduction is not expected
orous process and product monitoring and application of novel
to be a significant factor for the configuration applied, whereas
process analytical technology (PAT) tools in the optimization
water reabsorption leads to falsely reduced pressure rise curves
and production process necessary.1
even in early primary drying.
Manometric temperature measurement (MTM) and the
Different alternative methods to MTM for endpoint detection
SMARTTM freeze-dryer system that is based on product feed-
of primary drying were employed in this study for comparison.
back from pressure rise experiments has already proven to be a
Thin wire thermocouples are the most common device for mon-
reliable tool for development of optimized freeze-drying cycles
itoring of product temperatures in laboratory-scale freeze dry-
within a single laboratory experiment.2–5 However, the data
ers, with better sensitivity for the thinner 36 gauge version if
from MTM technology can be compromised if high-concentrated
the placement in the vial is performed correctly (center-bottom
amorphous substances, particularly proteins, are lyophilized.
position). The thicker 20 gauge thermocouples are physically
Significant differences can be observed between product tem-
more robust, but placement is more difficult and contact to the
peratures at the bottom of the vial calculated from MTM data
ice is commonly lost at an earlier stage. Both thermocouples
and measured with different temperature sensors. This phe-
measure the temperature at the fusion point of two dissimi-
nomenon is likely because of water reabsorption effects of the
lar wires at the tip of the sensor. Temperature remote inter-
amorphous matrix during the pressure rise experiment.6 Re-
rogation system (TEMPRIS) sensors have been introduced as
duction of the product area Ap toward the end of primary drying
a wireless temperature measurement system that is suitable
for freeze dryers from laboratory scale to production, which
Correspondence to: Henning Gieseler (Telephone: +49-931-90705678;
Fax: +49-931-90705679; E-mail: provides superior comparability of temperature data through-
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 104, 1741–1749 (2015) out development and transfer. Their operation results in mea-

C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association surement of the temperature at the temperature-sensitive area

Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015 1741

1742 RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology

at the tip of the sensor that is larger than the sensing area Table 1. Freeze-Drying Cycle for Both Primary Drying Temperatures
for the thermocouples, but also located at the center-bottom
Freezing 1° Drying 2° Drying
of the vial. Because of their impact on the freezing behavior,
all invasive temperature sensors may not be indicative for the Ts (°C) −45 −20 −45 −25/+25 +40
noninstrumented vials especially in a manufacturing environ-
ment. Comparative pressure measurement relies on the gradi- Ramp rate (°C/min) 1 1 1 1 1
Time (min) 120 60 120 Variable 600
ent between two pressure sensors with different measurement
Pressure (mTorr) 100 100
methods [Pirani sensor: pressure dependent on composition of
chamber atmosphere; capacitance manometer (CM): absolute
pressure, independent of atmosphere composition]. The Pirani described not to impair the protein structure and stability in
sensor records the elevated pressure (1.6×) compared with several cases.9,10 The transition to secondary drying was per-
the CM throughout primary drying, and the pressure drops to formed manually once the end of primary drying was indicated
the CM level when no more water is removed from the product. by comparative pressure measurement (decrease of the Pirani
The purpose of this investigation was to investigate and signal to less than 10 mTorr above the level of the CM).
compensate the lack of accuracy of MTM measurements dur- Three thin wire thermocouples (36 gauge; Omega Engi-
ing primary drying by measuring product temperature data neering, Newport, Connecticut) and three regular thermocou-
with two different types of thermocouples and with novel wire- ples (20 gauge; Omega Engineering) were placed into prod-
less TEMPRIS sensors,7 and to use these data for derivative uct vials in edge and center positions. Additionally, four
calculation of critical product parameters. For this purpose, a wireless, battery-free TEMPRIS sensors (IQ Mobil Solutions,
high-concentrated amorphous protein model formulation was Holzkirchen, Germany) were placed into vials in edge and
freeze-dried at conservative and at aggressive cycle conditions. center positions. The sensor’s operation principle is excita-
Sample vials were removed during primary drying to deter- tion by high-frequency radiation and evaluation of the ob-
mine the residual moisture content remaining in the vials and tained response using the TEMPRIS Data Server software.
evaluate the accuracy of endpoint indications of the different The TEMPRIS system has been previously described in the
temperature sensors and process analyzers. The product and literature.11,12 All temperature sensors were placed in center-
process data provided by the monitoring systems were com- bottom position in the vial to maintain contact with the last re-
pared, and recalculation of vapor pressure of ice and product mainder of ice. Data of the different temperature sensors were
resistance based on temperature data was performed. recorded to generate an alternative data set to compensate the
increasingly inaccurate MTM data caused by water reabsorp-
tion on the dried matrix containing high-protein contents.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The density of the product solution at room temperature
was determined to be 1.022 g/mL; the total solute concentra-
A product solution containing 50 mg/mL bovine serum albumin tion was 76 mg/mL. In combination with the fill weight per
(>96%; Sigma–Aldrich, Munich, Germany), 25 mg/mL sucrose vial measured for the sample vials, the mass of total solids and
(>99.5%; Sigma–Aldrich), and 0.107 mg/mL phosphate buffer the mass of remaining water in the vials removed during sam-
(Sigma–Aldrich) was used throughout this investigation. The pling could be determined. The sample vials extracted during
solution was adjusted to pH 7.4 with 2.5 N NaOH (Sigma– drying were first allowed to warm up to room temperature in
Aldrich) prior to the final volume adjustment. Four-hundred a glove box (rH < 5%) and subsequently briefly vented with
ninety three product vials (2 mL serum tubing; Schott forma dry air. After this step, the vials were weighed, and the mass
vitrum, Mainz, Germany) that were surrounded by one row of of remaining water was calculated. The accuracy of this gravi-
empty “dummy” vials to mitigate radiation effects were filled metric procedure is limited by the low mass of solids in the vial
with 1 mL of the solution. Note that 33 vials including stoppers (75 mg cake per vial) and the corresponding minimal mass
in the center of the array were marked and accurately weighed of water within the cake (1% moisture content is equivalent
prior to the filling step (Sartorius analytical balance, accuracy to 0.76 mg). Therefore, samples of each run were additionally
0.01 mg). The exact mass of the dispensed amount of solution analyzed using coulometric Karl Fischer titration in a water
was then determined by reweighing the vials to account for vaporizer (Mitsubishi CA-06 with VA-06) to obtain supportive
variations in the filling procedure. These vials were extracted data for residual moisture contents below 10%. The solid sam-
from the freeze dryer at various sampling points during the ple (50–70 mg) was transferred into the vaporizer unit where
process. the sample was heated to 140°C. Dry nitrogen gas (Linde, Pul-
The array of vials was loaded onto the middle shelf of a lach, Germany) was used as a carrier to transfer the moisture
Lyostar II freeze dryer with an installed sample extractor door into the measurement cell. The endpoint indications of the var-
(SP Scientific, Stone Ridge, New York) and lyophilized. All runs ious process analyzers were correlated to the moisture content
were performed in the Auto-MTM mode that collects MTM data at the respective sampling point.
periodically (60 min intervals, valve closure time 25 s) based
on a user predefined shelf temperature and chamber pressure
over time profile. Two different process designs were employed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
for primary drying: a conservative cycle (low shelf tempera-
Evaluation of Product Temperature Data
ture of −25°C) and an aggressive cycle (high shelf tempera-
ture of +25°C). The cycle steps for both conditions were se- Comparison of process data obtained from one freeze-drying
lected to imitate the lyophilization cycle previously reported by cycle at aggressive and one at conservative conditions revealed
Johnson et al.8 (Table 1). Aggressive primary drying of protein that the primary drying time (as indicated by the Pirani sig-
formulations, even above the collapse temperature, has been nal decrease to within 10 mTorr of the CM value) was reduced

Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015 DOI 10.1002/jps.24389

RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology 1743

Figure 2. Manometric temperature measurement product tempera-

ture at the sublimation front (Tp ) and at the vial bottom (Tb ) compared
for two runs with conservative and aggressive drying conditions.

The product temperature at the sublimation interface calcu-

lated from MTM measurements in early primary drying was
approximately 10°C higher for the aggressive conditions than
for the conservative conditions (Fig. 2). It is important to note
that because of the substantially reduced primary drying time
in the aggressive cycle, the number of reliable MTM measure-
ments (i.e., before 2/3 of the mass of ice has been removed) was
much lower than in the conservative process. Here, only four
reliable measurements compared with about 30 for the conser-
vative cycle conditions were obtained; the fifth MTM measure-
ment for aggressive conditions already showed a greatly re-
Figure 1. Temperature data recorded during primary drying of a duced pressure increase. Surprisingly, the agreement of MTM
representative run with +25°C primary drying temperature (a) and of temperature data with thermocouples was much better in the
a representative run with −25°C primary drying temperature (b). runs with +25°C primary drying temperature, especially after
the first 20% of primary drying had been completed (equivalent
to 7 h for conservative and 1.5 h for aggressive conditions; cf.
from approximately 45 h for the conservative conditions to less Fig. 1). The MTM calculation at conservative conditions started
than 10 h in the aggressive runs. Elevation of shelf tempera- to become inaccurate after only few hours, which was apparent
ture by 50°C resulted in an increase of product temperature of in continuously decreasing Tp and Tb values without further
approximately 10°C (−30°C compared with −20°C) as indicated temperature increase correlated to growing dry layer thickness
by thermocouples and TEMPRIS sensors. The product cakes as observed for the different temperature sensors (Fig. 1b). In
obtained at −25°C and at +25°C, however, showed comparable contrast, the product temperature data from MTM and tem-
and acceptable appearance. Only marginally higher shrinkage perature sensors in the +25°C runs were in good agreement
was found for some of the aggressively dried cakes. during the first 4 h of primary drying, even after the first tem-
The temperature profiles recorded by the temperature sen- perature sensors had already lost contact to the ice (Fig. 1a).
sors during primary drying at aggressive and conservative con- After approximately 5 h of primary drying at +25°C, the MTM
ditions are shown in Figure 1. As expected, temperature sensors data also started to become inaccurate. This is most likely be-
in edge vials consistently indicated the end of primary drying cause of reduction of the product area Ap that is manifested in
earlier than sensors in center vials for all types of probes used. partial freedom of ice in the cake near the vial walls, and vials
Both types of thermocouples placed in center vials recorded in edge position becoming free of ice.5 Note that Ap may also
similar product temperatures during the steady state of pri- initially increase in early primary drying as the ice is removed
mary drying, but the thicker 20 gauge TC’s lost contact to the faster at the sides of the vial; this effect requires further inves-
ice much earlier and increased over a broader time interval. tigation. The temperature gradient calculated for the product
The TEMPRIS sensors in center vials showed systematically at the bottom of the vial and the product sublimation interface
about 1°C lower product temperatures than the thermocouples using the MTM algorithm3 was much higher for the aggressive
for the conservative drying conditions, and the effects of atyp- drying conditions (cf. Fig. 2) and decreased with the progressing
ical radiation on TEMPRIS sensors in edge vials were slightly reduction in ice layer thickness, Lice .
lower than for thermocouples, which is consistent with previous The likely reason for the better accuracy of MTM data at ag-
observations.7 A detailed investigation of the endpoint indica- gressive drying conditions observed for this formulation is the
tion and correlation to residual moisture contents is provided higher absolute pressure increase and the corresponding re-
later in the text. duced influence of water reabsorption during the pressure rise

DOI 10.1002/jps.24389 Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015

1744 RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology

Figure 3. Manometric temperature measurement vapor pressure of

ice at the sublimation interface (Pice ) compared for two runs with con- Figure 4. Manometric temperature measurement product resistance
servative and aggressive drying conditions. compared for two runs with conservative and aggressive drying condi-

experiment. The water vapor coming from the sublimation front Evaluation of Product Resistance Data
is partially bound and immobilized in the already dried product
matrix, so that the amount of vapor reaching the chamber is The product resistance of the dried layer, Rp , has been estab-
reduced. As the dried cake fraction increases during primary lished as an additional critical product parameter for freeze-
drying, the amount of water vapor that can potentially be ab- drying.13–15 Rp has been shown to indicate microcollapse within
sorbed may increase. This temperature-dependent difference the cake structure at aggressive primary drying conditions as
is observable in the vapor pressure of ice at the sublimation well as effects of annealing and different freezing conditions.
front (Pice ) data at both conditions (Fig. 3). As described pre- If the very aggressive primary drying conditions used in this
viously, the chamber pressure was controlled at 100 mTorr in study would have led to changes in the inner structure of the
all runs. All derivative calculations by the MTM algorithm are cake, the Rp data would be expected to show a drop or pro-
based on Pice and Rp that are fitted from the pressure rise data, ceed at a lower level.4,16 However, high-concentrated protein
and the difference between Pice and chamber pressure (Pc ). The formulations are often surprisingly robust against collapse at
water reabsorption phenomenon leads to a falsely reduced Pice aggressive freeze-drying conditions.17
value as not all water vapor that is released from the subli- In the current study, Rp data determined by MTM were
mation front reaches the chamber atmosphere but is bound by very comparable in all runs performed and showed no mas-
the amorphous product matrix, which results in errors in the sive depression, which would, in turn, indicate collapse
following calculations. As the total pressure rise and the fitted (Fig. 4). Although the formulation contained significant
Pice is much higher for the aggressive drying conditions (Fig. 3), amounts of sucrose that by itself shows a collapse tempera-
the error induced by water reabsorption is relatively lower, ture of approximately −32°C, the high collapse temperature of
and the product temperature calculation is more accurate the protein component preserved the overall cake integrity and
in the +25°C runs. Another important factor is the expo- prevented coordinated viscous flow that is linked to collapse of
nential relationship between product temperature and vapor the cake structure.17 Although the MTM Rp calculation may
pressure of ice, which leads to much higher Pice values at be flawed because of water reabsorption during the pressure
high-product temperature and relatively lower reduction be- rise test that could impair the curve fit, the comparable cake
cause of water reabsorption. In addition, the absorption of appearance for product of all runs and the lack of shrinkage
water into the amorphous protein/sugar matrix is also ex- supports the conclusions drawn from the MTM Rp data.
pected to be temperature-dependent, with stronger effects at
Endpoint Indications and Residual Moisture Levels
low-product temperatures. Apparently, the water reabsorption
phenomenon occurs to a higher degree for proteins than for As described in the Material and Methods section, vials in cen-
disaccharides, as previous investigations for similar formula- ter position were removed from the chamber during the sec-
tions containing lower protein fractions and higher amounts ond half of primary drying using a sample extractor. Typi-
of sucrose did not observe a comparable dependence on pro- cally, three weighed vials per sampling point were removed,
cess conditions.8 The reabsorption of water at the conditions ventilated, and weighed. Three additional vials per sampling
encountered during freeze-drying is not identical to the sorp- point were removed for Karl Fischer measurements. Sampling
tion properties of the pure solids at room temperature. In addi- was conducted at five to nine time points per run (six cy-
tion, the moisture level within the dried cake prior to the start cles in total, three per condition). The preweighed vials re-
of the pressure rise test may differ between the protein and maining within the freeze dryer were weighed after secondary
the sugar, leading to different capacities for water reabsorp- drying and compared with Karl Fischer results to validate
tion. These characteristics may be investigated further in the the weighing method. As the primary drying step was much
future. longer for the conservative conditions, samples were taken less

Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015 DOI 10.1002/jps.24389

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Table 2. Residual Moisture Content (mg Water Per Vial) at Onset,

Midpoint, and Offset for Thick Wire Thermocouples (20 Gauge), Thin
Wire Thermocouples (36 Gauge), TEMPRIS Probes, and Comparative
Pressure Measurements at +25°C and −25°C Primary Drying

Average Average Average

+25°C Run TC 20 g TC 36 g TEMPRIS Pirani

RM onset 319 156 202 6

RM midpoint 80 92 71 4
RM offset 4 5 4 2

Average TC Average TC Average

− 25°C run 20 g 36 g TEMPRIS Pirani

RM onset 330 218 192 48

RM midpoint 199 113 112 8
RM offset 56 15 13 3

sible to determine the moisture content within about ±0.3% to

±0.5% by the weighing method applied, which was consistently
achieved with the weighing procedure used in this study.
To determine the moisture level that was prevalent at on-
set, midpoint, and offset of the product temperature increase of
the thermal probes’ endpoint indication, these time points were
calculated for each sensor using the method suggested recently
by Patel.18 Afterwards, the average times (n = 3) for onset,
midpoint, and offset were averaged for temperature sensors of
each type (two in center and one in edge position; for TEMPRIS,
data for the second sensor in edge position was omitted), and
Figure 5. Residual Moisture content of sampled vials determined the residual moisture at these points was interpolated from
by weighing and by Karl Fischer titration for a representative run at
the residual moisture curve (Fig. 5). The endpoint times for the
+25°C primary drying temperature (a) and for a representative run at
−25°C primary drying temperature (b).
different temperature sensors were compared with those for
comparative pressure measurement. The results of all sensors
at both drying conditions are shown in Table 2 and in Figure 6.
frequently than in the aggressive runs. The residual moisture The MTM Pice values that can generally be used as endpoint de-
contents (RM) determined by weighing and by Karl Fischer tection were also calculated. However, it can be seen in Figure 3
measurements for one representative run at +25°C and one that it is difficult to determine an onset or midpoint for the for-
run at −25°C are shown in Figure 5. mulation used in these experiments. Therefore, the MTM Pice
Although the vials removed during the first two sampling measurements were not used for the endpoint comparison.
points, especially for the conservative cycle, showed high vari- The remaining mass of water in the vial for the different
ation in the mass of water remaining in the product, the dis- endpoint indications (onset, midpoint, offset) was calculated
tribution became more homogeneous from the third sampling for the temperature sensors and for comparative pressure mea-
point onwards. For the aggressive drying conditions, a very fast surements. The onset, midpoint, and offset time for each sensor
drop in the RM can be observed with only little additional re- used were determined, and the average time was calculated for
moval of water after about 8 h of primary drying. The average each type of temperature sensor. The moisture level was cal-
RM in the samples was less than 1% after only 8.3 h of pri- culated based on the fitting curves shown in Figure 5. As a
mary drying, and the samples at the endpoint showed a RM of distinct change of the rate of water removal is apparent in the
0.13% measured with the Karl Fischer method. For the conser- moisture of samples removed from the freeze dryer, a transi-
vative drying conditions, the residual moisture in late primary tion time point was defined, which marks the change from rapid
drying was much higher, on average 10% after 38 h, and still sublimation of ice to predominantly slower desorption from the
3%–5% after 46 h directly before the start of secondary drying. dried matrix. The water content values before this time point
The residual moisture content of the product after completion were calculated based on the almost linearly decreasing curve,
of secondary drying was comparable for both primary drying whereas the water contents at later process times were calcu-
conditions, on average 0.1%. The weighing method proved to be lated according to the slower desorption curve. Although this
reliable within the measurement accuracy. As 1% of residual procedure based on the definition of a transition time is only
moisture is equivalent to only 0.76 mg of water, it is only pos- an approximation, the results were overall in good agreement

DOI 10.1002/jps.24389 Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015

1746 RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology

Comparison of MTM and Gravimetric Data

A direct comparison between the RM at the sampling points
determined by weighing and the residual moisture calculated
from MTM measurements revealed that MTM severely under-
estimated the mass of water removed from the cake for both
conservative and aggressive primary drying conditions. It is im-
portant to note that the MTM data shown here were acquired
using the Auto-MTM mode of the SMARTTM freeze dryer, which
is not applied during conventional optimization of freeze-drying
cycles, and records of MTM data during a preprogrammed pro-
cess. Therefore, MTM measurements were not terminated as
recommended once two-third of the total mass of water had
been removed, and the following measurements (after 11 h
process time for aggressive and 30 h process time for conser-
vative conditions) are not accurate and representative.
Figure 7 illustrates the integrated MTM mass during pri-
mary drying in comparison to the gravimetric results of re-
moved samples. Although the stagnation of MTM mass flow in
the late part of primary drying is because of the inaccuracies
in late primary drying associated with the method, significant
underestimation of mass flow is also present in the earlier stage
of primary drying. The MTM mass flow rate is calculated ac-
cording to Eq. (1) from the difference between vapor pressure
Figure 6. Residual moisture content at onset, midpoint, and offset
of various temperature sensors and of comparative pressure measure-
ments for both conservative and aggressive cycle conditions.

with the moisture content of sample vials and successfully rep-

resented the characteristics of both drying profiles.
Figure 6 and Table 2 provide an overview of the results for
the endpoint comparison. As the mass of water remaining in
the vial far exceeded the mass of the cake (76 mg dry prod-
uct per vial), the residual moisture content in the scope of the
endpoint indication comparison is expressed in milligram of
water per vial to avoid misinterpretation of results. The re-
sults clearly show that all temperature sensors started to lose
contact with the ice long before the end of primary drying.
The moisture levels for each sensor type were comparable for
both conditions, with higher water content for the 20 gauge
thermocouples (320 mg), and comparable levels for thin wire
thermocouples and TEMPRIS sensors (200 mg). In contrast,
the decrease of the Pirani signal (onset) only began at a mois-
ture level of 48 mg water for the conservative and of even
6 mg for the aggressive conditions. At the offset endpoint in-
dication (sensor reading equal to shelf temperature), the mois-
ture content was very uniform at a low level for the aggres-
sive drying conditions for all temperature sensor types. In
contrast, the moisture content was still comparably high for
the conservative drying conditions, especially for the thick wire
thermocouple type (56 mg moisture per vial compared with 15
and 13 mg for thin wire thermocouples and TEMPRIS sen-
sors, respectively). The comparative pressure endpoint indica-
tion consistently correlated to a much lower moisture level,
with remaining water of less than 10 mg at the midpoint
for both drying conditions. This observation supports the su-
periority of comparative pressure measurements for drying
endpoint indication compared with temperature sensors. In Figure 7. Comparison of the amount of water remaining in the prod-
addition, noninvasive measurement of the chamber composi- uct calculated by MTM and from weighing of sampled vials (gravi-
tion is not affected by differences in drying properties because metric) for a representative run at +25°C primary drying temperature
of the sensor itself, as is the case for invasive temperature (a) and for a representative run at −25°C primary drying temperature
probes. (b).

Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015 DOI 10.1002/jps.24389

RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology 1747

of ice (Pice ) and chamber pressure (Pc ), the product area (Ap ),
and the sum of resistances of product (Rp ) and stopper (Rs )3,19 :

(Pice − Pc )Ap
dm/dt = (1)
(Rp + Rs )

On the basis of Eq. (1), the observed error could theoretically

be caused by falsely reduced Pice values, erroneously elevated
Rp results, changes in the product area (i.e., area in which ice
remains), or by a combination of these factors. Changes of Ap
can mostly be regarded as negligible in the first half of primary
drying in the setup used, as the ice is primarily removed from
the top to the bottom of the cake (height 6.5 mm) within hexag-
onally packed vials with small diameter (14 mm), leading to a
practically constant product area in each vial in early primary
drying. The product resistance was quite similar for both pri-
mary drying conditions and showed a plateau behavior, with
a minor decrease toward the end for the conservative drying
conditions. In contrast, Pice is potentially strongly influenced
by water reabsorption in the dried layer during the pressure
rise measurement. To further delineate the influence of the
individual factors on the observed problems with mass flow in-
tegration and to establish a basis for correction of flawed MTM
data, the gravimetric data and measurements of temperature
probes were combined to recalculate critical product attributes
for comparison.

Derivative Calculation of Critical Product Parameters: Vapor

Pressure of Ice
The vapor pressure of ice at the sublimation interface (Pice ) was
calculated at the respective time of sampling based on the av-
erage product temperature of the center-positioned thin wire
thermocouples and TEMPRIS probes before the sensors lost Figure 8. Comparison of the vapor pressure of ice at the sublimation
contact to the ice. Data from the thicker 20 gauge thermocou- front calculated by MTM and from weighing of sampled vials (gravi-
ples was omitted because of the elevated product temperatures metric) for a representative run at +25°C primary drying temperature
during primary drying and the earlier loss of contact with ice. (a) and for a representative run at −25°C primary drying temperature
To allow a valid comparison with MTM data, the slightly lower
product temperature at the sublimation interface, Tp , was cal-
culated from the directly measured temperature at the vial The course of the vapor pressure of ice calculated by MTM and
bottom, Tb . The difference between Tp and Tb is the temper- from temperature sensors at both aggressive and conservative
ature gradient over the ice layer (T), which was calculated conditions is shown in Figure 8. It is observable that Pice de-
according to Tang et al.5 using Eq. (2), and subtracted from the termined using MTM proceeds at a lower level and also starts
recorded temperature to obtain the temperature at the subli- to decrease early. The Pice values calculated from temperature
mation interface. Note that no MTM data were used to cal- data of thin wire thermocouples and TEMPRIS sensors in cen-
culate the temperature gradient in order to obtain completely ter vials were initially in good agreement with the MTM data,
autonomous data for comparison. but continuously increased throughout primary drying that is
  usually related to elevation of Rp with growing dry layer thick-
24.7Lice (Pice − Pc )/(Rp + Rs ) − 0.0102Lice (Ts − Tb ) ness. Toward the end of primary drying, the temperature sen-
T = (2) sors lost contact to the ice, resulting in nonrepresentative Pice
1 − 0.0102Lice
values. The discrepancy between the Pice values derived from
temperature sensors and MTM data supports the hypothesis
The remaining ice layer thickness, Lice , was calculated from the
that Pice calculated by MTM is depressed because of water re-
gravimetric data, and the shelf temperature, Ts , was introduced
absorption effects during the measurement, and thereby causes
from the data recorded by the freeze dryer. Pice −Pc signifies the
reduced integrated mass flow and underprediction of product
difference between ice vapor pressure and chamber pressure.
The resulting product temperature at the sublimation interface
Tp was introduced into Eq. (3) to calculate the vapor pressure Derivative Calculation of Critical Product Parameters: Product
of ice for comparison to MTM measurements. Resistance

−6144.96 +24.01849
The second critical product parameter, product resistance, was
Pice = e Tp
(3) calculated from a combination of Pice derived from product

DOI 10.1002/jps.24389 Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015

1748 RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology

than 10 Torr cm2 h/g was observed, especially in the Rp data

for conservative drying.
It is not clear whether this behavior represents a real in-
crease of product resistance with dry layer thickness (which
cannot be observed in the MTM procedure), or whether the
calculation based on weighing of few sampled vials and tem-
perature monitoring of three selected vials per sensor type is
simply prone to errors in the late part of primary drying. The
calculation is strongly influenced by slight changes in product
temperature as this term is represented logarithmically in the
Pice calculation that is then used for determination of Rp . Ad-
ditionally, significant fluctuations in the dm/dt values are gen-
erated by sampling vials from different positions in the array,
all showing different individual drying behavior. If the large
elevation of Rp for conservative primary drying compared with
aggressive conditions indicated by this approach was correct,
significant errors would be present in the MTM data for the
conservative runs, leading to erroneous assumptions of compa-
rable cake structure. Most likely, the results of both approaches
are biased to some extent, with an underprediction for MTM
because of water reabsorption, and an overprediction for the
product temperature sensor-based method. The cake appear-
ance supports the conclusions drawn from the MTM data as no
significant differences could be found between cakes processed
at the two drying conditions.
Overall, it can be assumed that the data sets of Pice and
Rp are interrelated for each calculation method, and partially
compensate their respective individual effects on the mass flow
rate. For instance, a hypothetical twofold increase of Pice with
unchanged Rp would lead to a much higher mass flow rate and
an overprediction of mass flow rate to a higher extent than the
40% observed in MTM data. In contrast, calculation of dm/dt
based on Rp calculated from a gravimetric approach in com-
bination with MTM Pice data would result in a reduction of
Figure 9. Comparison of the product resistance calculated by MTM total mass flow by approximately 50%, leading to an integrated
and from weighing of sampled vials (gravimetric) for a representative value of only 30% of the originally present water. This model
run at +25°C primary drying temperature (a) and for a representative calculation shows that at least for conservative conditions, it is
run at −25°C primary drying temperature (b). not possible to use isolated data sets (i.e., Pice or Rp ) from dif-
ferent sources for calculation of a corrected mass flow profile.
Although the variation is smaller for the aggressive primary
temperature measurements in center vials, and dm/dt deter- drying conditions, the basic concerns against mixing of data
mined gravimetrically to allow comparison to MTM Rp data from different process analyzers for calculation of derivative
using Eq. (4).4 : product parameters apply identically.

Ap (Pice − Pc )
(Rp + Rs ) = (4)
The freeze-drying process of a high-concentrated protein formu-
Although both this calculation method and the MTM algo- lation was monitored using complimentary process analyzers
rithm determine the sum of “Rp + Rs ” (“product resistance” for two alternative process designs. With regard to detection
imposed by the dry layer, and “stopper resistance” imposed by of the endpoint of primary drying, comparative pressure mea-
the flow path through the stopper opening) simultaneously in- surements showed the lowest residual moisture content at the
stead of only Rp , the Rs term is much smaller (on the order of onset endpoint indication, and also the lowest value at the offset
0.1 Torr cm2 h/g), and can be neglected for the following con- indication. All temperature sensors lost contact to the ice much
siderations. A comparison of the Rp data generated with the earlier relative to the drying endpoint indicated by comparative
different methods for runs at aggressive and conservative con- pressure measurements. Especially for the thicker 20 gauge
ditions is shown in Figure 9. For both drying conditions, the thermocouples, the endpoint detection was found to be poorly
gravimetrically calculated Rp values were in good agreement representative. The TEMPRIS sensors appear preferable over
with MTM data for the first 20%–30% of primary drying. Dur- the thermocouples because of their wireless operation and load-
ing this time, the product resistance proceeds at comparable ing. The selected shelf temperature had substantial effects on
levels for aggressive and conservative primary drying. During the endpoint indication of the different process monitors and
the later part of primary drying, a significant increase to more the respective residual moisture level. The MTM algorithm

Schneid et al., JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 104:1741–1749, 2015 DOI 10.1002/jps.24389

RESEARCH ARTICLE – Pharmaceutics, Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology 1749

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