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Hannah Watkins

Professor Ryan Myers

English Composition 1201

10 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

In my research, I will attempt to answer the question of rather or not raising a child as

vegetarian is healthy. If evidence points towards vegetarian diets being healthy for children, I

also want to discover the best ways of going about raising a child as vegetarian.

Coles, Terri. “Vegetarian Kids: How To Ensure Your Child Is Getting Enough Nutrients.”

HuffPost Canada​, HuffPost Canada, 8 June 2017,

“Raising a vegan baby: Parents say abuse cases give a bad rap” is an article written by

Terri Coles and published to the ​HuffPost Canada​ website on June 8, 2017. Terri Coles is a

journalist that covers health, lifestyle, food. The purpose of this of this article is to inform

people concerned or interested with vegan children diets about proper steps needed to take in

order to ensure your children are healthier under a vegetarian diet. The article goes into details

about how parents need to be cautious about implementing variety into their children’s diet.
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The variety is necessary in order to ensure health stays high. For this reason, parents need to be

cautious of avoiding a pastafarian diet where kids only eat pasta due to its convenience and

taste. If these precautions are not carried out, children can end up malnutritious and unhealthy.

I will be able to use this information in my research project because it was recently posted in

2017; therefore, the website should contain accurate and recent information. Also, the website

contains a vast amount of sources located throughout the entire website in order to prove that

the website is credible. I will be able to use this information in my research project while

addressing the negatives that can occur if certain steps are not followed through while raising

children as vegetarian. I will then follow that up in my research project about how simple the

steps can be in order to ensure your child is healthy while being fed this diet in order to prove

my point that raising a baby as vegetarian can be healthy. By doing so, my research question

claim will be supported.

Groot, Kristen De. “Raising a Vegan Baby: Parents Say Abuse Cases Give a Bad Rap.”​, The Spokesman-Review, 21 Oct. 2016,


“Raising a vegan baby: Parents say abuse cases give a bad rap” is an article written by

Kristen De Groot and published to ​The Spokesman​ website on October 21, 2016. Kristen De
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Groot is a Reporter/Editor out of Philadelphia who has written for Associated Press, The

Washington Post, MSN, Yahoo India, and many other credible sites. Therefore, the source is

reliable due to the credible writer of the article. The purpose of this of this article is to inform

people concerned or interested with vegan children diets the reasons as to why vegan diets are

actually safe and healthy for children. The article goes into details about how parents who

neglect the necessary vitamins their children need while attempting to feed their children a

vegan diet cause their children to be unhealthy. This then causes negative views to form about

vegan children diets, because the parents who neglect the vitamins their children need give all

other parents raising their children as vegan a bad reputation. I will be able to use this

information in my research project because it was recently posted in 2016 in order to have

accurate information, and the website contains contact information and sources at the bottom

of the page in order to prove that the website is credible. I will be able to use this information

in my research project after addressing counterviews within my research project in order to

prove my point that raising a baby as vegetarian is healthy. By doing so, my research question

will be supported.

Jones, Jenna L. “Should You Raise Your Child as a Vegetarian? The Pros and Cons of Living

a Meatless Life.” ​Orange County Register​, Orange County Register, 7 Jan. 2018, 3:07,

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“Should You Raise Your Child as a Vegetarian? The Pros and Cons of Living a Meatless

Life” is an article written by Jenna L. Jones and published to ​The Orange County Register

website on January 7, 2018. Jenna L. Jones is a editor and journalist out of Orange County, CA

who has written many outstanding articles for​ The Orange County Register.​ Jenna is a reliable

author who has been writing on related subjects for years. Although there are advertisements on

the pade, the author’s credentials and provided links cause the article to appear reliable. The

purpose of this of this article is to inform people concerned or interested with vegan children

diets the positive and negative effects that can occur when a child eats a vegetarian diet. The

article goes into details about vegetarian diets are much healthier and safer than diets with meat.

However; the author explains that vitamins normally obtained through meat must now be

obtained through substitutes like vegetables in order for vegetarian diets to remain healthy and

safe. The article also gives details for the reasons that meat diets are healthier than vegetarian

diets. I will be able to use this information in my research project because it was recently posted

in 2018 in order to have accurate information, and the website contains sources throughout the

page in order to prove that the website and information provided is credible. I will be able to use

this information in my research project towards the beginning of my projects in order to prove

my point that raising a baby as vegetarian has positive effects on children. By using this article,

my research question will be supported.

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Larrivée, Genevieve. “Raising a Vegan Baby and Toddler.” ​Social and Emotional Changes in

Adolescence | Healthy Families BC,​ HealthyFamilies BC, 10 Oct. 2017,

“Raising a Vegan Baby and Toddler” is an article written by Genevieve Larrivée and

published to the Healthy Families BC website on October 10, 2017. Genevieve Larrivée is a

Pediatric Dietitian with the Pediatric Nutrition Service with Dietitian & Physical Activity

Services at HealthLink BC. Although the information is posted on a blog, Genevieve’s nine

years of experience helping families manage their children’s nutrition care and other credentials

cause the article to appear reliable. The purpose of this of this article is to inform people

concerned or interested with vegan children diets about the steps that should be taken at certain

ages of vegan children as they are growing older. Also, the article goes into detail about nutrients

needed to be consumed my vegan babies as well as the reasons that each nutrient needs to be

consumed. The author describes how proper diets for children must nutrients like

Calcium,Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc. I will be able to use this information in my research project

because it was recently posted in 2017, which points towards the conclusion that the information

is accurate and updated. Also, the website contains a vast amount of sources throughout the page

in order to prove that the website and information provided is credible. I will be able to use this

information in my research project when discussing the nutrients and vitamins that should be

included in vegan/vegetarian diet for children. By using this article, my research question will be
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answered in more detail by proving that vegetarian diets can include the necessary nutrients

needed in order for children to be healthy.



Independent Digital News and Media, 29 Oct. 2016, 11:51,




VEGETARIAN, VEGAN OR PESCATARIAN?” is an article written by Louisa Matwiejczyk

and published to ​The Independent​ website on January 7, 2018. Louisa Matwiejczyk attended

Flinders University, Adelaide with expertise in Nutrition and Dietetics. The purpose of this of

this article is to inform people concerned or interested with vegan children diets that raising a

child as vegetarian causes no negative effects that are not experienced as well with child

consuming meat in their diet. The article goes into detail about how research has proven that

being vegetarian does not contribute to disordered eating. The author makes many suggestions

on how to ensure every child on a pescatarian, vegetarian, and vegan diet stay healthy. One main

suggestion is having parents take their vegetarian children to be checked by their GP every six
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months in order to ensure your child is healthy. I will be able to use this information in my

research project because it was recently posted in 2017 in order to have accurate information.

Also, the website contains sources at the end of the page in order to prove that the website and

information provided is credible. I will be able to use this information in my research project

when discussing that vegetarian children do not experience disordered eating even though it is

rumored that they do. By using this article, my research question will be supported as well as my

claim that raising a healthy vegetarian child is possible.

Seal, Rebecca. “'If They're Not Eating Any Vegetables, You Panic': the Families Raising

Vegan Children.” ​The Guardian​, Guardian News and Media, 24 Nov. 2018,



“If They're Not Eating Any Vegetables, You Panic': the Families Raising Vegan

Children” is an article written by Rebecca Seal and published to​ The Guardian​ website on

November 24, 2018. Rebecca Seal is a Food/drink writer & TV presenter out of London who has

written many articles and books on the topic of veganism. Her latest book is titled ​LEON Fast

Vegan​. Due to Rebecca’s many credentials, the source appears to be reliable. The purpose of this

of this article is to inform people concerned or interested with vegan children diets the positive
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effects that occur when children are fed a vegan diet. The article goes into details about

vegetarian diets cause physical and mental health to be much better than those who consumer a

meat diet. Also, the author teachers readers how to ignore negative comments attacking them

about their choice to raise their kids as vegetarian or vegan. I will be able to use this information

in my research project because it was recently posted in 2018 in order to have accurate

information. Also, the website contains sources throughout the page in order to prove that the

website and information provided is credible. I will be able to use this information in my

research project when discussing the positive mental health impacts in order to support my claim

that raising a baby as vegetarian has a multitude of positive effects on children. By using this

article, my research question will be answered in more detail.

Tigar, Lindsay. “How to Raise a Vegetarian Baby.” ​Fit Pregnancy and Baby​, Fit Pregnancy

and Baby, 25 Jan. 2017,

“How to Raise a Vegetarian Baby” is an article written by Lindsay Tigar and published to

the​ Fit Pregnancy and Baby​ website on January 25, 2017. Lindsay Tigar is a lifestyle journalist,

content strategist and editor out of New York City who has written many articles for ​Vogue,​ ​USA

Today​, ​Fast Company​. The purpose of this of this article is to inform people concerned or

interested with vegan children diets about the pros and cons of raising a vegetarian child. Also,

the article goes into detail about proper diet planning for children being raised on a vegetarian
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diet. The author describes how proper diets for children must include vitamins sources of iron

and zinc. I will be able to use this information in my research project because it was recently

posted in 2017 in order to have accurate information. Also, the website contains sources

throughout the page in order to prove that the website and information provided is credible. I will

be able to use this information in my research project when discussing the food and vitamins that

should be included in vegan/vegetarian childrens diet. By using this article, my research question

will be answered in more detail by proving that vegetarian diets can include the necessary

vitamins needed in order for children to be healthy.

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