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Appendix A

Data-gathering Instrument

This data-gathering instrument is intended to gather data for a research entitled

“Ecotourism Development Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo: Familiarity and Relevance Among
Hospitality and Tourism Practitioners” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree,
Master in Hospitality Management. You are in the best position to supply the data needed for
the purpose.

In this connection, kindly accomplish the data-gathering instrument as sincerely and as

truthfully as you can. Thank you very much.


Name (optional): _______________________________________________

Direction: Kindly put a check mark (√) in the appropriate boxes. Please do not leave any item
[ ] Below 35 years old [ ] 35 - 40 years old
[ ] Above 40 years old
[ ] Male [ ] Female
Educational Attainment:
[ ] High School Graduate [ ] Technical-Vocational Graduate
[ ] College Graduate [ ] Post-graduate
Stakeholders’ Affiliation:
[ ] Accommodation and Lodging [ ] Tour Operator and Travel Agent
[ ] Tourism Officer [ ] Tour Guide
[ ] Tourism Educator
Years in Service:
[ ] Less than 3 years [ ] 3 - 6 years [ ] More than 6 years

Listed below are the guidelines in ecotourism development initiatives. Please read the items carefully and indicate your familiarity and the relevance
of these statements by checking (√) the appropriate space provided. Kindly use the scale below as basis for your answers:

For familiarity: For relevance:

5 - Fully Familiar (FF) 5 - Extremely Relevant (ER)
4 - Moderately Familiar (MF) 4 - Highly Relevant (HR)
3 - Familiar (F) 3 - Relevant (R)
2 - Somewhat Familiar (SF) 2 - Fairly Relevant (FR)
1 - Not Familiar (NF) 1 - Not Relevant (NR)

Kindly rate your familiarity of each Kindly rate the relevance of each of
of the following items. the following items to your current
Ecotourism Development Initiatives practice or profession.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
(NF) (SF) (F) (MF) (FF) (NR) (FR) (R) (HR) (ER)
Considering the potential conservation gain, ecotourism…
1 provides a more sustainable form of livelihood for local communities.
2 encourages communities to be more directly involved in conservation.
3 generates more goodwill for the benefit of the locality and promotes measures for
the conservation of protected areas.
Before pursuing ecotourism in a location, preconditions should be met such as…
4 the presence of landscapes or flora/fauna which have inherent attractiveness or
degree of interest that appeal either to specialists or general visitors.
5 an ecosystem that is at least able to absorb a managed level of visitation without
6 the awareness of the local community of the potential opportunities, risks and
changes involved.
7 the utilization of existing or potential structures.
8 nonobvious threats to indigenous culture and traditions.
9 an initial market assessment.
Adopting an integrated approach in the conservation, sustainable development
and responsible tourism by…
10 proposing and testing a training methodology for community-based ecotourism.

11 producing a training manual and preparing trainers to multiply the methodology in

different parts of the province.
12 working towards the development of a certification system for ecotourism at a
provincial level.
Involving the community in ecotourism developments by…

13 providing employment of local people by private tourism businesses.

14 selling of local produce and handicraft directly to visitors or through tourism
15 granting concession to private tourism businesses for a fee and a share of revenue.
16 trainings in negotiating practices and information campaign about their rights.
17 allowing individuals to run their own small tourism businesses.
18 providing communally owned and run enterprises.
19 establishing committees involving local people, private operators and possibly
government agencies and NGOs, to ensure understanding and smooth operation of
agreements, and to help local communication.
Working together on an agreed ecotourism development strategy through…

20 careful consultation within the community.

21 a comprehensive market assessment.
22 an assessment of the natural and cultural heritage, including
opportunities presented for ecotourism and sensitivities and constraints.
Ensuring environmental and cultural integrity of ecotourism products and services through…

23 development of products based on the community’s traditional knowledge, values

and skills.
24 allowing the community to decide which aspects of their cultural traditions have to
be shared with visitors.
25 an agreement with tour operators what number and size of groups to bring.
26 the application of code of conduct for visitors.
27 an application of systematic environmental, social and cultural impact assessment on
all proposed development.
28 zoning both within and outside protected areas.
Ensuring market realism and effective promotion of ecotourism products and services
through assessments of…
29 the patterns, profiles, and interests of existing visitors in the area, based on visitor
30 the location of the area with respect to established tourist circuits in the province.
31 the level, nature and performance of existing ecotourism products which are
competitors but also potential collaborators.
32 the activities of inbound tour operators and ground handling agents in the province.
33 the existing information and promotional mechanisms in the area.
Putting forward quality products that offer…
34 prompt and safe delivery of the products.
35 quality and accuracy of promotion and information.
36 unique, attractive and abundant quality of wildlife and landscapes.
37 a mixture of cultural and natural experiences .
38 clean, functional, and safe accommodation.
39 a fine balance between local color and storytelling, as well as scientific knowledge
and accuracy in tour guiding and interpretation.
40 authentic local produce while sustaining the values of cultural artifacts and other
41 a general experience of village life, and an incentive to keep and pass on local
culture and knowledge.
Managing impacts of the developments made through…

42 the use of existing buildings rather than establishing new ones.

43 application of low energy technologies to possible and appropriate locations.
44 recycling and management of all forms of waste disposal.
45 use of local produce and services, and to favor the employment of local people to
minimize economic leakage.
46 the involvement of the local communities in taking into account the sustainability
issues through information, training and demonstration.
Providing technical support to ecotourism businesses and endeavors through…
47 discussion of product development issues.
48 trainings on handling visitors, customer care and hospitality skills.
49 basic language training.
50 trainings for tour and site guides, including content and delivery.
51 teaching of management skills, legal issues and financial control.
52 marketing and communication of ecotourism products and services.
53 observation of environmental management practices.
Obtaining the support of visitors and tour operators in the conservation
and maintenance of these ecotourism destination such as…
54 raising finances and other forms of support through donations.
55 careful attention paid to the messages of tour operators to their clients as well as
with the quality of guiding and information.
56 mechanisms for follow-up contact.
57 encouragement to visitors to write or publish feedback about their experience.
Monitoring performance and ensuring continuity of these developments through…

58 allotment of reasonable time span to the project so that withdrawal of

assistance does not occur too early.
59 requiring the involved parties to impart know-how to local individuals and
organizations throughout the course of the project.
60 maintaining a strategy of long-term local ownership.
61 obtaining the support of national or local authority and private sector.

Thank you very much for taking your time in completing this survey. I appreciate your help, willingness, and honesty in answering the items.
- The Researcher

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