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Investigation on supply chain

Research Title vulnerability in lower tiers of
construction industry

Name of the Student B. B. Chathuranga Fernando

University ID no. 18137028

Branch Colombo, Sri Lanka

Name of the Supervisor Mr. S. Kalananthan

Word count 6311

Date of Submission 02nd of March 2019

Honours Research Project Research Paper



B.B.Chathuranga Fernando

Birmingham School of the Built Environment, Birmingham City University,

Curzon Street, Birmingham, B4 7XG

Abstract: The efficient and effective supply chain management (SCM) in the
construction industry is hindered by the many factors including the
characteristics of the industry itself. Though the studies have presented the
advantages of SCM implementation of the industry, there is a paucity of studies
carried out on the lower tiers of the supply chain where in between of main
contractor and sub-contractors/suppliers. The purpose of this paper is to extend
on to identifying the barriers and its impact on Sri Lankan context and give
insight on areas need to be improved. This study sets to identify the areas that
most impacting by more definitive approach which can be analysed with
quantitative data thus the focused questionnaire survey was used to collect data
which formed by the base of literature survey carried out. Discouragingly, it was
found that SCM initiatives are failing and facing the negative effects but
reluctant to adopt a collaborative management due to the competitiveness in the
industry although realizing the potential. This study highlights the need for
improved collaboration between the parties in lower tiers and greater degree of
interaction from the main contractor for collective advantage.

Keywords: Extended integration, Collaboration in construction, Construction

supply chain, Contractor-subcontractor integration, Supply chain management

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Generally the industry of occurs due to the misaligned designs with

construction is censured for employing the practical working scenario. Such as
exceedingly adversarial and divided this simple example demonstrate the
approaches to connection between the weakness where the lack of integration
parties involved, where on traditionally the results in delay of works.
design is isolated from the construction
and the lack of suppliers’ inclusion at the As fullford (2014) states this heavy
designing phases (Egan, 1998). One of the and variable workload in construction
main reasons for the many of these industry recalled for a solution and in
drawbacks is that traditionally the response to that subcontracting was
construction industry is comprised of introduced but resulted in heavily
many levels and number of professions, fragmented nature and complex
sub-contractors, suppliers, organizations relationships lead to discontinuity within
and occupations involved compared to a teams. (Fullford, R. and Standing, C.,
standard industrial manufacturing which 2014) On a broader scale, this nature and
produces one specified product, the traditional approach in the industry hinder
weakness in integrations and linkage of the the integration between the design,
construction, maintenance and demolition
stakeholder’s as to this much of separation.
phases resulting in losses, inefficiencies
Traditionally the owner in need of and lowered value in product delivery.
investing in to a building project will
employ a consultant firm comprises of Christoper (2005) describes a
architects and engineers etc. to design the supply chain as “a network of
building and then seeks the general organisations that are involved, through
contractor for construct the project as per upstream and downstream linkages, in the
the design and drawings. The general or different processes and activities that
the traditional contractor will employ produce value in the form of products and
subcontractors and nominated sub- services in the hands of the ultimate
contractors and contact suppliers for the consumer”. In construction industry the
material who will deliver to the main supply chain relationships are loosely
contractor party and hand-over to the linked and fragile due to the nature of the
subcontractor party or directly to the industry. There is much research work that
subcontractors to install and fix. And for has been carried out over the supply chain
most often these supplied material need to management on construction industry.
be approved by the consultants which may Public and private funded reports made
gets rejected or changed before actual suggestions and industry has adopted the
installation happens. And often times suggestions to some extent. but there is a
facing the issues with the works of paucity of studies carried out on the lower
subcontractors relates to the quality, speed tiers of the supply chain where in between
and costs along with sometimes these of main contractor and sub-contractors.
Though the researchers and many of the

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concepts have been developed and adopted AIM

by the industry, but it can still be see that
the problematic relationship between the The aim of this paper is to identify the
lower tiers causing major effect on project barriers in implementing the documented
delivery such as due to design supply chain management concepts for
ammendments, quality of works not in integrated environment and reasons on
compliance, sub-contractor’s lack of collapse particularly in the lower tiers of
personel due to sudden demand of works supply chain between the main contractor
etc. This scenario is more prominenet over and subcontractor/suppliers to develop the
on smaller scale construction sites and recommendations on minimizing the
more in Sri Lankan context, the issue is identified issues within the Colombo, Sri
widely spread with the supply chain Lanka.
collapse between the main contractor and

As the aim states this study sets out

to explore into the fact that why these 1. To understand the current status of
relationships are loosely linked and the integration between the main
collapses on construction project basis by contractor and subcontractors.
the use of construction professionals’
experience involves in many constructions 2. To identify the bariers on practical
of buildings, roads, landscaping etc. which scenarios in implementing the
uses sub-contractors services extensively. integration between lower tier
supply chains.

3. Develop recommendations for

mitigating the identified
weaknesses and bariers in lower
tiers of the supply chain.

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This chapter describes the past studies construction industry being dis from
that have been carried out in relevance to manufacturing as technology transferring is
supply chain in construction between main not possible to cater to the unique needs.
contractor party and subcontractors, though
there is a lack of direct researches been done The Ballard and Howell (1998)
on this particular scope in construction field, contended that parts and components
the understanding of how construction supply compatible for manufacturing and assembling,
chain diversified itself from other should adopt lean construction techniques
manufacturing, relationships in supply chain being used in manufacturing for the varying
of construction, management concepts dynamics in the construction to “minimize the
developed and identified enabler’s and peculiarities”
barriers for the development of this paper’s Focusing on to the subject matter on
scope on the relationship between main and supply chain of lower tiers which Fullford and
sub-contractors. Standing states in spite of the fact that this
separation initially happened due to highly
Construction Supply Chain – Brief
diversified tasks at hand and subcontracting
was formed as an adaptable way of managing
It is commonly accepted that these but it has brought about complex
construction industry is different from the relationships in legal and contractually and
others and need to be provided unique discontinuity among the teams (Fullford and
solutions and concepts for achieving improved Standing, 2014).
performance and efficiency. Koskela(1992)
states that traditionally there are common Numbers of studies have underlined
peculiarities of construction, as unique the requirement of fundamentally unique and
product is delivered, temporary organizations radically different ways to deal with these
formed, production is on site mostly affects supply chain relationships in order to achieve
negatively for achieving efficiency compared the “customer delight” and limit the
to manufacturing. disturbance in the relationships of
stakeholders (Cox, A. and Ireland, P., 2002).
Dubois and Gadde (2000) states that in Also states that there is lack of well
buildings, a general contractor who manages documented examples for successful supply
the project only executes a small portion of chain management on lower tiers.
the “product” by its own construction
facilities. A considerably larger portion about Figure 1 shows the basic tiers in
75% or above of the total value is completed construction supply chain as per the
with the help of suppliers and subcontractors. publication by Pryke (Pryke, 2009).
Gadde also imply that advances in the industry
is often relates to elimination of these said
peculiarities with such as developments of
pre-fabrication to provide uniform products
and industrialization to production. And those
are the core means of the argument that

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chain management initiaves are presented in

higher tiers, the relationhips in lower tiers as
shown in Figure 1 still follows the tradional
methods. Further adding to this by Holti,
Nicolini & Smalley(2000) traditional
approach results in lack of integration results
in sluggishness of works, lowered value and
reduced profit margins.

As further establishing by King & Pitt

(2009) the relationships between the main
contractor party and subcontractor party are
difficult to manage and loosely connected in
Figure 1 Supply Chain Tiers
supply chains. Morledge, Knight & Grada
(2009) adds to this by pointing out the reasons
Construction Supply Chain – Relationships for this as the fragmented nature of the
of Lower Tier industry and the heavy dependency on sub-
contracting. The new technology that is being
Construction projects comprised with introduced to the construction industry in
high number of contracts, relationships and products and services has lead the main
involvement of subcontractor/suppliers contractor’s employ subcontractors to stay
(Mbachu, 2008) and Tam,Shen & Kong(2011) competitive in the industry rather developing
outlines that subcontracting is being used as own teams for these works (Cox, A. and
the most prominent procurement strategy by Ireland, P., 2002). King and Pitt (2009) has
the main contractors to reduce the risk of identified that the relationships are more
accommodating continuous works and to cater favourable with the main contractor’s due to
for the specialized requirements. competitive pricing on procurement of works
The number of studies have been which also in hands of clients that seeks to
carried out in aim of emphasizing the reduce the cost and resulted by the fragmented
importance of collaboration between the main nature of the construction industry leads to
contractors and sub-contractors (Cao & lowered quality to achieve higher profit
Zhang, 2011;White & Marasini, 2014) but margins.
Greenwood(2001) believes that the most of These characteristics leads to poor
the relationships of main and subcontractor workmanships on both sides, lowered
are opportunistic and far from the integration willingness to innovate due to lowered profits
and adversarial which leads to the belief that and investments and budget, time overruns
supply chain management actions and planing which as a wholly affects on developing
of main and subcontractors are in for the collaborative and trusting relationships
increase of profitability of main contractor between the main contractors and
rendering the other members of this chain subcontractors. (Morledge, et al., 2009) Cox
expendable where most affected of a and Ireland(2002) strongly states that main
challenging situations would be contractors are considered as opportunistic
subcontractors and suppliers. Rimmer(2009) and subcontractors to be individualistic that
argues that though there is successful supply

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motivated by the profit but the behaviour of 2. Management of the dynamics between the
main contractor’s opportunism, transfers the suppliers/subcontractors which are
risk to the subcontractor’s in lower tiers, immediately connected.
hinders the collaborative trust between the 3. Management of organizations/business
parties. chains with which the organization has no
legally binding relationships.
Supply Chain Management Concepts 4. Management of organization network that
Due to these identified sluggishness is associated with each other in providing
and problematic areas of this collaboration end product to customers.
between stakeholders of construction projects, The author further expresses that
several government funded reports and reports management of these proposed levels are vital
of research work have been produced on forming the supply network as they an
assessing and suggesting the procedures to
integral part.
upgrade the productivity within the
construction industry. From the beginning of Dianty, Briscoe & Millet (2001a) with
90s, there has been expanded adaptation and Pryke (2009) expresses the concept of
interest on the theories of supply chain construction industry supply chain
management to understand and describe the management as one of the inter-related
lacks and to suggest answers to increase the connection within the organizations are
coordination between subcontractors and implanted with. Further emphasizes on the
suppliers. treating these approaches as a wholly in order
to enhance the execution within the
The Latham report (Latham, 1994) and construction industry.
Egan (Egan, 1998) reports evaluated the and
criticized the practice that has been carried Along with supply chain management
over on the time for loosely connected supply concepts Porter (1985) introduces the “Value
chain in the industry made the move within Chain” which is focuses on the final delivery
the UK for improved and efficient supply value which accounts to all the activities
chain integration between all the connected related, inside and outside of an organization
parties of a project. Dubbois and Gadde (Weele, 2010). Afterwards the management
(2002) made suggestions for integrated supply objectives have been redefined to be focused
chain implementation using collaborative on to the organization basis on its limited
agreements between the parties involve as domain in order to deliver better value with
such contractor, client, material suppliers, competitive advantage (Green, et al., 2005).
labor suppliers. This movement is confirmed by the Lambert
and Cooper (2000) along with the publishment
Harland (1996) introduces four by King and Pitt (2009), states that
categories/levels on supply chain management organizations do not operates as a single
concept; structure but in a “supply chain vs supply
1. Management of internal integration of a chain” competition.
firm’s internal supply chain. Holti et al. (2000) discuss a managing
approach that enhance and improve the
collaboration and integration by providing the

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support required for the supply chain actors on interest. Segerstedt and Oloffson (2010)
lower tiers. One of the key concepts is to further adds that due to the communication
make room for supply chain actors to fully problems, the understanding and flow of the
engage and make contribution to the aggregate information such as clear idea of client’s
the value of the final product delivered (Holti, demands from the main contractor to
et al., 2000). This approach is considered subcontractor is affected. Further highlighted
important in regards to the characteristics of the censure of information flow on costing and
vaguely divided, risky and uncertain and large risk involved.
number of stakeholders involved in
construction supply chains, requires a leading Latham (1994) in his report believes
role to coordinate and process these inter and expresses that the main contractor party
has the stronger driving power on the project
connected network.
management part along with the control of the
Established Facts quality of its subcontractor’s works.

Pryke (2009) conclude that with Wong and Fung (1999) states that
improved relationships and involvement of subcontractors or subcontracting is used by
supply chain actors which in this paper’s focus the main contractors to reduce the
of subcontractor’s to a more integrated work commitment and risk of owning plants and
environment and to increase the focus on the workers to be employed as permanent basis.
final product would enhance the competitive In fact they further identified that
advantage with better trusting relationships subcontractors are being used as a buffer for
need to be the objective of supply chain the main contractors and unpredictable
management initiatives. workloads. Ganesan (1996) further states the
fact that general contractor’s obligation of
As mentioned before and further oversee the works, performance and
clarified by Gann (2000), the traditional compliance of its subcontractor’s to meet with
approach to subcontracting, the main the client demands. This fact is due to that
contractors often withhold the required details generally the subcontractors are not well
and information such as necessary for established with likes of policies and
understanding of the risk. These practices lead procedures and also financially thus the
to a hindered collaboration and lose of trust guarantee is little to no on the perspectives of
for a long lasting relationship which points out quality of work and they meeting the
as one of the main objectives of supply chain performance needed without the help of main
management (Edkins, 2009). Broft, Badi & contractor.
Pryke (2015) findings further establishes that
the distrust running within the industry supply In essence of these researches
chain is caused by this traditional procurement conducted on Supply Chain Management and
of opportunist ways adopted that has little to barriers of its implementation is developed
no transparency along with the fear of upon the base of integration of all the actors
uncertainty. Authors further points out that (subcontractors/suppliers) and enabling of
due to the existing compartmentalization, the information and knowledge sharing (Holti et
sound communication between the main al., 2000; Christoper, 2005; Martinsuo &
contractor and sub-contractor is being Ahola, 2010) thus reducing the above
constricted and this leads to conflicts of discussed uncertainities and risks.

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M ETHODOLO GY “Desk Work” and second as “Field Work”. In

the first part, the literature review is formed
Through this paper, priority is given to and a descriptive literature is carried out to
identification of the barriers on enabling the study the features of the supply chain methods
established supply chain initiatives and and the management processes along with
concepts in domain of construction project on supply chain relationships and management
lower tier interconnections between the main concepts and identified facts that many
contractor and subcontractors. And it aims to researchers carried out and brought forward to
not only to emphasize what has already seen attention.
as less functioning but to actively search for
the practical scenarios that tips out the The literature review is the main base
collapse of these chains and develop further on forming that the second part of data
recommendation on site basis. collection which is questionnaire survey
comes under the field work developed on the
The nature of the topic presents a vast basis of the literature guide lines. Generally
area that can be considered but this study was questionnaire surveys comprise of two model
carried out to achieve more specific results by of questions which open-ended and close-
the professionals who actively enage in the ended. The open-ended questions are open for
industry in order to capture the clear picture of the respondent to include one’s idea about the
the objectives on quantitative basis. particulars without limiting to the provided
Quantitative procedures were mainly predefined responses. The close-ended
incorporated to the in order to achieve the questions are comprises of pre-defined
objectives for this research. The research responses formulated to respondent to mark or
follows the established methodology concept select most suitable as preferred to the
of plan, preparation, data collection, and scenario.
analysis and discussion of findings to use for
improve and better understanding of The questionnaire survey is mostly
characteristics and practical reasons causing added with close-ended questions formulated
the collapse of management in lower tiers of with the knowledge gain with the literature
supply chain. This paper is methodological and the practical experiences since the
and practically applied. responses are pre-defined and mostly
formulated to suit to the scenario addressing,
Questionnaire survey is used as the it would be easier and keep the focus of the
main data collection method focusing on respondent on the subject matter and facilitate
different professionals involved on the ease of analysis and accuracy. An option to
construction project from the top tier provide the respondents idea on subject matter
management to quantity surveyors/engineers is provided on some questions where the
to gather the most accurate and practical clarification deemed to be worthy. The
scenario within the operations inside of the questionnaire will be emailed to the
site. The survey is liited to these professionals professionals employed under the main
as to achieve focused answers and they can be contractor of randomly selected fifteen
considered the most appropriate audience to construction projects and limits to the
experience enough on answering this study. designations mentioned as before.
The methodology is divided into two main
sections of work as first part is forming with

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D ATA A NALYSIS 49% amongst them were above 5 years of

experience which makes great contribution to
From the distribution of questionnaire the survey for the valid results.
survey, 64 responses were received and
considering the nature of this study, requiring Status of Integration
more experience, professionals marked less
From the collected results it can be
than 2 year were removed from the analysis
identified that experienced construction
and further neglected the responses with
professionals are giving consideration in
inconsistent answers which is against the
integration with sub-contracters/suppliers but
theories and practicality established thus 56
lagging behind in consideration of
valid responses collected from the targeted
involvement for the cost and risk information.
sample of professions who are actively
Further analysis into the first section of the
engaging with subcontractors/suppliers in
questionnaire, following result was generated.
lower tiers from various construction project
Very Rarely Rarely Neutral Often Very Often

Respondent Details 35
30 48% 48%
The targeted professions have 45%
25 39%
cooperated successfully and resulted in 34% 34% 32%
20 30%
25% 27%
following factions on profession wise and 15 20%
23% 23% 21%
over 90% of the respondents over 2 years of 10 14%
7% 5%
experience. 5 2% 4%
Director/ General
Manager/ Asis.
6 General Manager

44 4
Project Manager /
9 Deputy Project

Figure 4 Status of Integration

The respondents stand mostly on a

neutral ground on this part of the survey
Figure 2 Responded Professionals
which presented basic procedures which
should have been followed on a construction
site on employing subcontractors/suppliers for
16% 10% Less than 2 year the works are in use. The consideration given
2 - 5 Years to the pre qualification stands on a neutral
41% 5 - 10 Years ground and basic provisions given likes of
Over 10 Years finalized drawings/specifications and
incorporating the inputs stands on a neutral
results which convey the idea of professions
undersatands that these are required on
successful commencement of works, but the
Figure 3 Respondent Experience

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results are moving towards the rare side of the mentioned factors on employing for the works
scale on cost and risk related information. likes of pre qualifications thus lead to the
Thus coveying of the idea that the contractors misalignments and quality, payment issues
are keen on sharing these information as it which affects the delivery of the project and
may lead to reduction of profits established by rate of misalignment can be interpreted as
the literature review facts. having communication issues present within
the parties. Thus the collected data represent
The study into the status of integration though there is professionals are known the
followed by the negative impacts these importancy of the integration, it is hindered by
professionals have faced during their the behaviors of profit conscious mind set and
experience in order to determine that this project delivery is largely affected by lack of
distance of integration, literature has sharing proper information such as work
established has affected the industry and scheduled, manpower schedules dow the
following results were received. stream.

Very Often Often Neutral Rarely Very Rarely Barriers of implementing integrated supply
Quality issues and 39% Following up to the findings on pilot
mislignment with 4% survey carried out, second section of survey
specification 0%
focusses on identifying what affects on
Lack of 50%
manpower/material due 30% successful implementation of integrated
to not providing 9% systems in these lower tiers and to achieve
programmes and… 4%
more focused results, already identified
46% barriers were presented to the sample and
Payment issues due to no 11% following results received on the basis of
involvement at early stage 0%
general character of construction industry also
2% on focusing to the perspective of contractor.
Delays of work/Non- 59%
compliances due to not 7%
providing drawings 2% Foremost the identified barriers with
regards to the construction industry was
0 10 20 30 40
presented and questions can be reviewed on
Figure 5Negative Impacts Experienced the annexure. From received responses, over
It can be identified that almost 50% or 85% of all agreed with the identified barriers
more of the total is facing the negative are impacting on the industry in negative ways
impacts often and significantly the lack of in SCM(supply chain management) and more
manpower/material when in need is having the significantly highlighted the unique product
80% for the often scale is alarming as it shows delivery that requires different skills on each
the importancy of integration on project separately thus vast number of
deciding/scheduling the works for the connecting supply chains
continuity to achieve the targets. And these (manpower/material) puts more weight on
lacking of manpower/material from already implementing integration.
established parties lead to on search for
alternatives thus disregarding the previously

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an integrated environment on level of

Least Impacting Less Impacting
somewhat to most and majority leaning
Somewhat Impacting More Impacting
towards the more to most impacting measures.
Most Impacting
The responses are biased to the lesser side on
35 59%
55% 57% points of not being involve to the decision
30 making, not providing schedules etc, and for
25 39% costing works implies that industry
20 29% professionals are leaning towards the
25% 23% 23%
15 21% traditional approach as these points are more
10 13% 14% inclined towards the profitability and leads to
9% 11% 9%
5 the identified fact that the opportunistic
character and leaning towards the lowest
prices affects in implementing a successful
integrated environment and though
respondants ideas were neutral on earlier
points, they agree with these behaviors hinders
the relationships as almost 80% of
respondents have answered these points
affects more and most. The response on lack
of effective communication is alarming
Figure 6 Characteristics of Industry Affecting Integrated indicates most of the projects are suffering on
SCM passing the information down the stream.
The questions presented were inter-
Least Impacting Less Impacting
related to each other and results received are
coralating to the effects of each other. Due to Somewhat Impacting More Impacting

the above unique nature and vast trades Most Impacting

involved, it leads to a rapidly changing 35

environment and temporarily involvements. 30
Thus making a fragmented nature of the 25
industry that 91% of respondents have agreed 20
as impacting for integrated SCM. The data 15
concretes the established fact that due to the 10
nature of the construction industry it poses a 5

heavy impact on implementation of these 0

management concepts unlike other industries

of motor vehicle, apparel etc.

Secondly focus brought onto the

charateristics of the contractor that has been
identified to hinder the relationship with lower
tier supply chain. Please refer the annexure for
the presented facts in the survey. Over 70% of
Figure 7 Main Contractor Behavior Affecting Integrated SCM
the respondents on all points have stated that
the listed characteristics affects negatively for

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Further the comments received also

emphasizes the industry characteristic of
Least Impacting Less Impacting
sluggishness in adopting the new management
Somewhat Impacting More Impacting
movements and technologies and a project
Most Impacting
manager states that the main contracter’s
45 75%
leaning towards the lowest cost hinders the 66% 70%
40 61%
partnership. Overall the results of responses 35
30 46%
proves on the pilot survey facts of industry is 25 36%32%
slow to move into a integrated environment 20 30%
30% 27%27%
15 21%25% 25%
and these responses can be interpreted into 13% 16%
that though professionals are facing the 5
negatives, reluctant to move towards the
suggested as the nature of the industry and the
exreme competitiveness has created this very
barrier where clients also seeking the lowest
cost to some extent rather the quality and

Recommendation on key improvements

Figure 8 Reccomendation on Improvement

Following to the literature, there has The recommendation presented as to

been numerous studies carried out and share the cost information with
management models have been introduced. subcontractors/supliers and to work
But it can be still seen that the industry is cooperation for the defense of margins shows
failing to adopt or lagging behind on low interest. This correlates with the
implementation. This study focussed on the previously identified barriers as the main
perspective of main contractor, the contractor’s opportunistic behaviour and fact
professionals have presented with the that identified by pilot survey which uses
identified key factors that would be valuable subcontractors as the buffer for the loss/risk of
on focus as recommendations for improving the main contractor is implied by the less
the integration, and following responses are interest shown on sharing the cost
received. information. Collectively over 65% or more
Followed up by the previously agrees on leaning towards long term
established fact that communication is lacking partnering, involvement for the
is downstream when information is passing design/specification, risk identification and
towards the lower tier sharing and to contractor’s to actively engage
subcontractors/suppliers, 84% of total agrees with lower tier subcontractors/suppliers helps
on improvement of communication is helping in implementing an integrated supply chain
on achieving the integrated environment and where the identified problem exists. Moreover
this is supported by the agreement showed on the individual comments received
defining the client needs and wishes down the emphasizing the lack of communication for
stream in order to deliver quality product is of passing on the information and a project
manager has commented as “more the
priority too.
collaboration, less the problems”. But again

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comments were received on negative side that successful supply chain management. (Pryke,
backing up from sharing the cost data and 2012)
risks to keep the market which essentially
means on maximizing the profit.

From the data collected, it can be C O NC L U S I ON & R E C OM M E ND AT I ON

recognised that there is high interest from the Effective supply chain management
professionals for the subject matter and most initiatives can support in addressing the
of them are showed familiarity with the traditional ineffective relationships existing
importance and need of intergrated within the construction industry and deliver
environment for the success of industry but increased value to clients as expressed by the
along with the acknowledging the practical literature. As the study data represents and
problems affecting too. The data collected documented advantages and increased value
from the first section can be translated into the stated in the literature is achieved thorough the
fact that prfessionals/companies are in trying implementation of collaborative working
to implement partnering initiatives and environment, information and knowledge
attempts of addressing the gap that is being transfer on all directions of chains and leaning
identified which exists in the lower tiers. towards establishing long term effective
Correlating first section with the second of partnerships within the stakeholders.
survey, professionals have identified that they
are facing losses due to the failure in This research was carried out in focus
integrated supply chain management in lower of the failure in collaboration in the lower
tiers. From these it can be concluded that tiers, particularly concerns of the failure in
though initiatives are taken there is lack of collaboration between the main contractors
success and this study tried to cover these and sub-contractors/suppliers in construction
barriers on character of the industry and supply chain within the main contractor’s
contractor. From the data collected, it can be professional’s perspective and as objectives of
observed that though there is will to finding out most impacting barriers for SCM
cooperation but reluctant on cost/profit implementation in these lower tiers. All
perspectives. This translates in to the distrust, participants demonstrated an expectation of
uncertainity and forced opportunistic character improving the integration by sharing and
that is due to the nature of the construction providing support aiming to achieve
industry leads to the need of new reformation performance improvements and collaborative
on how industry works. Current contracts can advantages for an increased product delivery.
be understand as more driven focus to the Majority is facing the negatives of lacking this
juridical aspects and many examples and court integration and correlatively the results can be
cases can be observed by the general lead to a conclusion that despite the
professional in the industry. As discussed knowledge on supply chain management
above, the characteristic of construction initiatives, there is willingness to create an
industry that one reason influence the other integrated environment for a successful SCM.
conclude that this integration is an interrelated The literature of this study describes and
network approach. This validates the network results have concluded that characteristics of
suggested by Pryke (2012) for an effective and the construction industry is challenging the
implementation of integrated environment

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where all stakeholders taken in and shared for facing the negative impacts because of the
collaborative advantage. More significantly lacking of this integration, the ststus of the
the unique nature of the industry and high integration is not at optimal level. The
market competitiveness has driven the main findings also leads to the concluding the
contractors to act more individually for their industry is facing more impacting barriers
advanatage thus very reluctant on sharing the than enablers for implementation and
details of costs and risk factors. Thus the stuggling due to the nature of the industry and
character of industry itself being negatively its attribution to the contractors itself for
impacting to the aim of SCM, irrevocably it negative behaviors. The professionals are in
penetrates in to the character of main align with the key aspects that need to be
contractors too. It is being brught into the light improved as of recommendations to
by the literature and concluded by the majority implementation of successful integrated
of respondants that the listed characteristic of environment.
contractor impacts negatively in SCM
implementations. Taken the consideration of Research Limitations
practical scenario, all are in business to make It needs to be noted this study findings
profits thus when industry itself not have limitations that is incorporated into the
supporting, it is inevitable that contractors selected research methodology of
seeks to make most out of what it can be questionnaire survey and valid sample size is
achieved. only of 56 nos of only main contractor’s
On to development of professions from 15 randomly selected
recommendations, the respondents have projects in Colombo, Sri Lanka and only the
positively responded to the listed options of opinion was gathered from the main
the survey and concludes the need of contractor. A study of supply chain are having
implementation of integrated management many more variables and hard to define in a
system in lower tiers for the more efficient structure thus this study would benefit more in
and increased value in delivery despite the order to cover broader perspectives from other
barriers that is presented. One of key research methods like interviews of the same
managing concepts that can be employed was incorporating more professionals.
published by the (Holti, et al., 2000) The Further Research
Handbook of Supply Chain Management
describes seven principles that need to be The further research can be carried out
employed for successful SCM. And the use of to gather the data from the perspective of
technology need to be increased for improved subcontractors/suppliers in lower tier as a
communication and world is adopting the extension of this study and developing of
cloud based platforms, BIM etc. but Sri SCM framework model based on published
Lankan context is lagging in these SCM concepts eg: (Holti, et al., 2000) Seven
departments. Principles of SCM in Organisations in order to
establish best practices in Sri Lankan context
Overall the objectives of this study for better and improved growth of
was achieved which concludes that the though construction companies.
the industry/professionals acknowledges the
need of integrated model in lower tiers and

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