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Disc Contents © IPA, 2006 - 4th Annual Convention Proceedings, 1975

Fourth Annual Convention, June 1975
T ~ A T l AND
~ ~ ~A ~~ ~D ~ I ~ ~ ~ T A ~

ABSTRACT The Kutai sedimentary basin, situated had been produced from these fields, re-
along the eastern continental margin of Kalimantan, presenting eight percent of Indonesia's iotai
is one of the oldest and more prolific oil producing production.
areas in Indonesia. The drilling for hydrocarbon
began in the late nineteenth century and from 1969 In 1966 Pertamina signed the first production
to date, more than 90 exploratory wells have been sharing c,ontracts with foreign oil companies.
drilled. These and later contracts increased the Oil
The early stratigraphic subdivisions of the basin exploration activity and extended exploration
were based primarily on biostratigraphic zones using into the offshore areas. The first well drilled
larger foraminifera. Presently, biostratigraphic zonat- under the provision Qf a Production Sharing
ion i s being refined by using smaller planktonic Contract in East Kalimantan was the Pertarnina-
and benthonic foraminifera, and calcareous nano- Japex OM-CI well, spudded offshore m April
plankton. 1969. Although this well did not discover
Sedimentation during the Early Tertiary was predami- hydrocarbons, over 90 exploratory wells, or
nantly controlled by northern and southern source approximately 15 wells per year, 'have since
areas. Tectonic uplift of the Kuchmg High during been drilled on and offshore East K a ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ n
Late Oligocene time resulted in a major shift of the
with a discovery success ratio of 1 tp 3.
sediment source area to the west. A high sediment
infiux formed extensive constructive delta systems REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING
in Middle Miocene to Pliocene time, prograding
from west to east. The Kutai basin is bordered by the Kuching
Hydrocarbon accumulations in the Kutai basin are High on the west, and separated from the
found in progressively younger sedimentary rocks Tarakan sub-basin to. the north by the Mang-
to the east and are within sandstone deposited in kalihat Ridge. The Meratus Mountains separate
a delta front and delta margin depositional environ- the southern Kutai basin into the Barito sub-
ment. basin and the Pasir sub-basin. The Makasar
trough lies to the east of the Kzotai basin
I, I N T R Q D U C T ~ Q ~ (Fig. 1).
GENERAL Early (?) Eocene to Recent sediments of the
The Kutai basin, situated along the eastern Kutai badn cover an area of a p p ~ o x i ~ ~ a t ~ ~ y
continental margin of Kalimantan, Indonesia, 280,000 square kilometers, a ~ p r o ~ ~ a ~ e ~ ~
is one of the more prolific 6il producing ninety five percent being onshore.
areas in Indonesia. The basin was formed in Basin subsidence during the Early (?) Eocene
Early Tertiary time and contains up to an to Lower Oligocene resulted in accumulation
estimated 25,000 feet of sedimentary rocks of a general transgressive sequence of sedi-
deposited in environments ranging from del- ments throughout the Kutai basin. Beginning
taic and reefal to deep marine. in Late Oligocene time sedimentation progaded
The drilling for hydrocarbons began in the easterly in a general regression that culminated
late nineteenth century followed shortly by with Recent sediments deposition along the
discoveries at Sanga-Sanga in 1897, Balikpapan/ Kalimantan eastern coastline.
Klandasan in 1898, Semberah-Pelarang in 1906
and Sarnboja in 1908. At the end of 1970, *) ~ E ~ T A M I N Unit
A IV - Balikpapan.
more than 300 million barrels of crude oil **) Union Oil Company of Indonesia - Balikpapan

Folds in the Kutai basin generally trend north- However, diagnostic larger foraminifera are
northeast with the exception .of folds on the absent in pliocene and younger sediments,
Mangkalihat Peninsula which trend east-west. and a more detailed zonation;based upon
An area of tight anticlinal folding subparallels smaller benthonic foraminifera has been prop-
the eastern Kalimantan coastline and forms osed b y Billman and Kartaadiputra (1974)
an anticlinorium approximately 50 kilometers to satisfactorily subdivide the Late Tertiary
wide. Fold density and intensity decreases (Late Miocene - Pliestocene).
westward into a central Kutai basin syncli-
The strat igraphic subdivision for sediments in
norium. To the east of the anticlinorium, the western Kutai basin is hown in Figure 2.
less intense, widely spaced folds interrupt the
offshore monoclinal east flank of the basin. III. STRATIGRAPHY AND
The Kutai basin, the Barito and Pasir sub-
T h e writers thank the Managements of Per-
basins, all have a related depositional history
tamina, Union 0il, Kaltim Shell, Huffco, Total
from Eocene through the Middle Miocene.
and Ashland for granting permission to publish
During Late Miocene time, uplift of the Me-
the contents of this paper.
ratus Mountains divided the southern Kutai
TO staff members of Pertamina Unit IV and basin into the Barito and Pasir sub-basins.
Union Oil a sincere thanks is extended for
The similarity of sedimentation history between
their "thoughts and valuable discussion during
the Kutai and Barito sub-basins is illustrated
the preparation and writing of this paper.
by Fig. 2.
II. STRATIGRAPHIC SUBDIVISION A n overall westward marine transgression pre-
The Indonesian Letter Classification time
vailed in the northwest Kutai basin until Late
stratigraphic subdivision introduced by Van Oligocene time when orogenic activity and
tier Vlerk and Umgrove in 1927 has been used the initial emergence of the Kuching High
extensively in the Kutai basin. It is based upon reversed the .direction of Shoreline migration.
biostratigraphic zonation of large, shallow In the central Kutai basin, marine transgression
water benthonic foraminifera. was dominant 'through the Early Middle Mio-
cene. In Early Middle Miocene time the up-
Pertamina Unit IV and Roy M. Huffington lift of the Kuching High and Sunda Shield
Inc. adapted the Indonesian Letter Classificat- extended far enough to the south to interrupt
ion to local stratigraphic units and follow the ~ transgressive phase dominant during,the
zonation outlined in Table 1. Oligoce,ne in the central Kutai basin. Erom
Table 1 *


Alluvium Pleistocene O
Kampung Baru Pliocene Tgh
Late Miocene
Balikpapan Tf
Pulau Balang Middle Miocene
Bebulu Lmst.
Early Miocene
Tuyu Olig0cene Tcd
Kuaro Eocene Tab

* After IPA East Katimantan.Field Guidebook, 1974


Middle Miocene to Recent the axis of the resting directly on crystalline basement. The
Kutai basin migrated eastward by deposition coarse clastics grade upwards into sandy shale
of sediments derived from the emergent west- with coal layers that suggest a paralic environ-
ern source area. ment of deposition.
Sedimentation in the southwest Kutai basin Middle (?) Eocene coarse conglomeratic sands,
(Barito sub-basin) began with a marine Middle resting directly on metasediments , were en-
Eocene transgression that continued through countered in the Pertamina-Union Panain No. 1
Oligocene time. well. Here also, the sequence grades vertically
inta interbedded coals and siltstones deposited
A hiatus between Late Eocene mudstone and
in a fluviatile to inner sublittoral environment
Early Miocene shelf carbonates in the Tanjung
that was present through Late Eocene time.
area records Late Oligocene tectonic activity.
Renewed tectonic activity in the Middle Mio- In the Pertamina-Union well Birah No. 1 , coarse
cene (?) isolated the Barito sub-basin and a grained, green and brown sandstones of Middle
regressive sequence of sediments gradually Eocene age were drilled. Paleosedimentary
filled the basin through Pliocene time. studies indicate a nonmarine, fluviatile environ-
ment of deposition. Overlying this sequence
EOCENE are Late Middle Eocene fine to coarse grained
sandstones, interbedded with claystones, which
Paleosedimentation and depositional environ- were deposited in a sublittoral marine environ-
ments for the Eocene through Pliocene Epochs ment.
(Fig. 3 - 8) can be described in general from
In the northeast part of the basin, evidence
data obtained by drilling and field surveys.
of the extent of Late Middle Eocene trans-
In general, the Middle Eocene stratigraphic gression is demonstrated by comparing fine
section consists of a transgressive series of grained sediments i n the Pertamina-Shell Sam-
coarse to fine grained clastic sediments. Middle bang No. 1 well of Late Middle Eocene age,
Eocene basal conglomerates are observed in which were depasited in a marine neritic
outcrop along the east and west flanks of environment, to the coarser marine elastic$,
the Meratus Mountains and in the Upper of the same age, in the Birah No. 1 well.
Mahakam River area. Red beds associated with This comparison suggests basin deepening to
these conglomerates suggest a terrestrial to the northwest of the Birah No. 1 well. The
marginal marine environment of deposition nonmarine coarse clastics in Birah No. 1 in-
in the Middle Eocene that grades vertically dicate an emergent area southeast of the Mang-
into a marine environment in some areas by kalihat Peninsula that provided a source of
Late Middle Eocene time. Figure 3 illustrates sediments deposited in the northern Kutai
the Paleosedimentary environments of deposit- basin.
ion and their postulated boundaries for the In the Upper Mahakam area, the ICiham Halo
Eocene Epoch. Two major positive areas exist- formation grades vertically from conglomerates
ed 3n Eocene time, one southeast of the and sandstones, derived from local positive
Mangkalihat Peninsula, and one bordering tbe areas during Late Middle Eocene, to inter-
south flank of the Kutai basin. These emergent bedded siltstones and claystones which were
areas were the main sources of the coarse deposited in an outer neritic to upper bathyal
clastics deposited during the Middle Eocene. environment during Late Eocene time.
The oldest marine fossils found within the In the southern Kutai basin, the deposition
transgressive series are of Middle Eocene age, of the coarse clastics, which occured during
but sedimentation may have taken place during the Middle to Late Eocene, was-followed by
the pre-Middle Eocene. deposition of argillaceous sediments alternating
The paleostrarigraphy of specific areas illustrat- with thick limestones deposits. In the central
es a marine transgression during the Middle and northern Kutai basin bathyal environment
to Late Eocene. The Pertamina-Ashland well clay and fine grained turbiditic sand and silt
Taka Talu No. 2 encountered coarse grained were deposited on coarse clastics of Middle
conglomeratic sediments of Late Eocene age Eocene age.

OLIGOCENE tensive shelf carbonates beginning t o develop

The Early Oligocene Paleosedimentation Map, in the southern Kutai basin (Berai Limestone),
Figure 4, illustrates a marine transgression plus the shallow marine carbonate deposits
within the basin. Thick limestones were de- (Taballar Limestone) on the north flank of
posited on an inner sublittoral stable shelf the Mangkalihat Peninsula,
in the southern Kutai basin, as evidenced In the central portion of the basin, thick
ip the Pertamina-Ashland Taka Talu No. 2 homogenous mudstones and interbedded sand-
well by barrier reef limestones deposits a p stones, along with thin limestones of the
proximately 2000 feet thick, overlying sandy Bongan Shale, were deposited in a generally
shale and coals of Eocene age. bathyal marine environment.
In the Tanjung area, paralic sediments and
very thin limestones of Late Eocene are over- MIOCENE - PLIOCENE
lain by Early Miocene shelf limestones suggest- During the Early Miocene (Fig. 6 ) , the domin-
ing that a period of emergence occured during ant western source area continued t o con-
the Early Oligocene. This hiatus can also be tribute coarse grained clastics t o the sub-
interpreted to mean that deposition occured, siding Kutai basin, and the axis of maximum
followed by uplift and erosion, prior to Late sediment thickness shifted easterly. The belt
Oligocene time. of paralic environment widened considerably
Pertamina-Union surface field work, in the to the east as sediment supply began t o exceed.
vicinity of Panain No. 1, also located stable the rate of basin subsidence. Progradation of
shelf carbonates of Early Oligocene age over- a regressive fluvial-deltaic sequence of sands
lying Eocene interbedded coals and siltstones. and coals gradually advanced to the east over
The carbonates exhibit a marked contrast in older, deep water deposits.
depositional environment to the Early Oligo- In the southwestern part of the basin, thick
cene bathyal clay and shelf deposits immediate- deposits of the Berai Limestone continued
ly northeast in the Pertamina-Union Jelmusi- to. form on a stable shelf area that extended
bak No. 1 well. As shown on Figure 4, the at least as far to the east as Pertamina-Ashland
stable shelf etlge trends north-northwest bet- Pamukan Bay wells No. 1 and 2.
ween the Panain No. 1 and Jelmusibak No. 1 Late Middle Miocene (Fig. 7) orogenic activity
wells. began to Separate the southern Kutai basin
In the northern Kutai basin, bathyal sediment into the Barito sub-basin on the southwest
accumulation continued through the Early Oli- and the Pasir sub-basin on the southeast,
gocene. The Eocene positive area southeast from the. main Kutai basin to the north.
of the Mangkalihat Peninsula appears t o have This earliest Meratus block uplift supplied
subsided and ceased to act as a source area. sediments to the paralic deltaic environment
The type of Late Oligocene sediments .in the that progaded east and northeast t o deposit
northern Kutai basin reflects emergenoe of rocks of the Pulau Balang stage. Near-shore
the Kuching High and the resultant regression. sands and coals encountered in, for example,
Figure 5 illustrates the enlargement of the Pertamina-Union Tengah No. 1 well support
northwestern uplift area that contributed this interpretation. Middle Miocene deltaic
C6arSe, volcanic clastics eastward into the area sands hold oil and gas accumulations which
of earlier marine influence. This Late Oligocene are produced in the Sangata, Badak, Sanga-.
tectonic phase and associated erosional un- Sanga, Handil, and Samboja fields,
conformity can be recognized in the north- The Late Miocene to Pliocene Paleosediment-
west Kutai basin by an angular discordance ation Map (Fig. 8). illustrates a continually
between Early Oligocene and Late Oligocene emerging Meratus High that shed sediments
sediments. into both the Barito and Pasir sub-basins.
Transgression continued in other areas of the The Kuching High t o the north of the Meratus
basin. Figure 5 illustrates Paleosedimentation High, shed sediments that caused continued
in the. Late Oligocene and outlines the ex- eastward progradation of regressive deposits,

which developed thick deltaic sands during Along the shoreline of East Kalimantan, two
the Late Miocene and formed the major distinct hydrocarbon bearing anticlinal trends
resevoirs in the offshore Melahin, Attaka, Beka- are recognized. The trends are subparallel and
pai and Sepinggan Oil fields. extend for a distance of approximately 350
kilometers in a northeast-southwest direction.
Late Miocene shallow marine limestones were
unconformably deposited on Lower and Middle The westernmost trend includes the Tengah,
Miocene limestone along the north flank of Samboja, Handil, Sanga-Sanga, Badak and Sa-
the Mangkalihat Peninsula following a Late ngatta fields. The Sepinggan, Bekapai, Tan-
Middle Miocene localized uplift. Shallow marine jung Bayor, Attaka and Melahin fields com-
limestones were also deposited in other areas piise the easternmost trend (Fig. 7 and 8).
as patch reefs and shelf edge reefs. Along both anticlinal trends, oil and gas
During the Pliocene Epoch the Meratus Range accumulations are found in .sands deposited
was again uplifted and a further eastward in deltaic environments of deposition, however
shift of the Kutai basin depocenter occured. resevoirs are less porous and more compacted
To the southeast, the Paternoster Platform along the western trend.
(Fig. 8) was separated from the Kutai basin Oil and gas resevoirs along the western trend
by a series of down-to-the-north, normal base- are Middle Miocene in age while oil and gas
ment faults indicated by seismic data. The bearing sands along the eastern trend are
absence of Late Miocene to Pliocene sedi- Late Miocene to Early Pliocene in age.
ments in the Pertamina-Ashland wells Pamukan
Bay No. 1 and 2 and Taka Talu No. 2 suggest
this area could have been positive since ap- Y. SELECTED PUBLISHED REFERENCES
proximately the end of the Middle Miocene.
BEMMELEN, R.W. Van, 1949, The Geology
Tectonic activities in the Kutai basin were of Indonesia. Martinus Nijnhoff, The Hague.
climaxed by the Plio-Pleistocene final uplift BILLMAN, H.G. & L.W KARTAADIPUTRA,
of the Meratus Range and the Kuching High. 1974, Late Tertiary BiostratigraphicZOM-
This created the present structural configurat- tion, Kutai Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan,
ion of the Kutai basin as modified by the Indonesia. Third Annual Convention, Indone-
Pleistocene post-glacial eustatic rise in sea level sian Petroleum Association, 1974.
which shifted the Kalimantan shoreline wester- MAGNIER Ph., T. OK1 & L.W. KARTAADIPU-
ly to its present position. TRA, 1975, The Mahakam Delta,Kaliman-
tan - Indonesia. Ninth World Petroleum
IV. OIL OCCURENCE Congress,Tokyo, 1975.

The majority of the present hydrocarbon YULUNGGONO, A., 1974, Recent Knowledge
on Hydrocarbon Potentials in the Sedirnen-
production in the Kutai basin is from deltaic tary Basins of Indonesia. Circum-Pacific Ener-
sandstones, Middle to Late Miocene and Early gy and Mineral Resources Conference, Hono-
Pliocene in age. lulu 1974.
No production has been established from pre- SCWARTZ, C.M., G.H. LAUGHBAUM Jr., B.S.
Middle Miocene rocks in the Kutai basin al- SAMSU & J.D. ARMSTRONG, 1973,
though Eocene objectives were drilled, for Geology of the Attaka Oil Field, East
example, in the Pertamina-Union Panain No. 1 Knlimantan - Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian
and Jelmusibak No. 1 wells located in the Petrol. Assoc., Second Annual Convention,
western part of the Kutai basin, and in the Jakarta, 1973.
Peytamina-Shell Saka No. 1, Kariorang No. 1, WEEDA, J., 1958, Oii Basin in East Borneo in
and Sambang No. I wells located on the Habitat of OiL Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
Mangkalihat Peninsula. However, in the Barito Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
sub-basin, production is from Eocene sand-
stones in the Tanjung Field. Paralic Middle
Miocene sands are also productive in the Waru-
kin Field of the Barito sub-basin.

Pre-Tertiary Basement

1000 F t . Eathymetric

40 80


160 200

Figure 1




West and East Kutsi Sections after Shell R e p o r t , 1873 llCl



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