Syllabus Sem 1 RISE Anul 1 2010-2011

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Practical Course in ESP – 1st year International Relations

1st semester, academic year 2010-2011

Instructor: Ioana Nan, Assist. Lect.

Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication
Str. Theodor Mihali (Campus), et. I, B4/111

Course meeting times:

Practical course: four groups, one session/week; 2 hours/session
Class meets: Avram Iancu 19: Monday 12 p.m., room S1; Monday 2 p.m., room S1; Tuesday 2 p.m.,
room S1; Thursday 2 p.m., room S1.
In person: before or after class, or by arrangement during office hours
Students: undergraduate
Main study material: ESP Course, by Adrian Ciupe and Ioana Nan, plus any other material brought to class
by the course instructor
Themes covered:
 Introduction to professional communication: Presentations
 Individual, language, nationality
 Human rights
 [CVs, application letters, job interviews]

Assessment and Grading: 3 graded requirements, weighted as follows:

Final Test 40%: This is to be taken during the last week of the semester (usually the second week
in January). It will consist of English in use and/or Reading and Writing exercises based on the texts and
course material covered in class.

Interactive communication 30%: Interactive communication = consistent contributions to any one

class, acknowledged by the teacher as 2.5 mark ticks. Four ticks equal a grade of 10 in interactive
communication. The deadline for collecting interactive comm. ticks is December 17th 2010.

Presentation OR Essay 30%:

Presentation = a short 3 minute talk on any topic of the student’s interest, graded from 1 to 10. The deadline
for presentations is December 17th 2010. The presentation can only be delivered once during the semester,
at the date agreed on by student and teacher. Failure to deliver one’s presentation at the chosen date will
be registered as 0 (zero), unless the student has a solid excuse for being absent and lets the teacher know
about this reason, either prior to the student’s absence, or immediately after the presentation day. In this
case, the presentation can be rescheduled for a date commonly agreed on.
There can only be 4 presentations scheduled per any one meeting. If on the last day allotted for delivery of
presentations more than 4 students wish to speak, the first four of them, in alphabetical order of their
names, will be given priority. The rest of them will have to sit the written essay test.

Essay = a 180-200 word text answering one of 5 given questions. The essay-writing week is the first school
week in January, according to the academic year structure. The 5 questions to choose from are non-
specialist questions but are related to the students’ field of study. Question number 5 is always related to a
set book, about which a question will be asked to check students’ understanding and opinion of the content.
This semester, the set book is: William Golding – Lord of the Flies.

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