ABE International Business College: Cainta Campus

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ABE International Business College

Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System



A Case Study Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of

ABE International Business College

Cainta Campus

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject of



Jocutan, Ashley

Magangcong, Amerhussen

Mapalo, Lynel Joy

Mirador, Neil Jasper

Perez, Kale

Valencia, Arch Robby

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System


Accepted and Approved in Partial fulfillment for the Subject of INQUIRIES,



College Dean School Director

This Undergraduate Case Study entitled “INEFFECTIVE MARKETING


UNATTRACTIVE TO THE CUSTOMERS.” Prepared and submitted by

Lynel Joy Mapalo, Ashley Jocutan, Kale Perez, Amer Hussen Magangcong,

Neil Jasper Mirador and Arch Robby Valencia. In partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the subject of Inquiries, Invetigation and Immersion is

hereby accepted



ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System


We the researchers would like to express our sincere gratitude and

appreciation to the following:

To our family, friends and relatives for helping us physically, mentally,

financially and spiritually while doing this case study. We are grateful

because without their help and support we will not be able to accomplish

this case study.

To our Professor Mr. Dennis Palustre for helping, guiding and giving us

advices in the process of making this case study without his help we also

can't accomplish this case study.

To Mrs. Jhoe-ann Trixie B. Manito the owner of JATBM Computer

Enterprise and to her staffs who accompanied and accommodated us in her

business while doing our case study. Also, in trusting us about the

information she has given us and for believing that we can finish this case


To our Almighty God, we are grateful to you for giving us strength

and faith that we can accomplish this case study.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System


We researchers humbly dedicate this case study to the following:

To our families, friends, classmates and relatives who inspired and

believed in us.

To our Professor Mr. Dennis Palustre who guided and believed in us in

the process of making this case study.

To our Almighty God who keeps on giving us strength in doing this case


ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Table of Contents

I. Problem Statement……………………………………………………...1

II. Case Background……………………………………………………….2

III. Objective of the study…………………………………………………...3

IV. Areas of Consideration (SWOT Analysis) ……………………............9

V. Alternative Course of Action (ACA)…………………………………..11

VI. Recommendation………………………………………………………14

VII. Conclusion...…………….……………………………………………...15

VIII. Reference……………………………………………………………….31


Appendix #1 JATBM Computer Enterprise Owner………………….………16

Appendix #2 Logo……………………………………………………………...17

Appendix #3 Location……………………………………………...…….........18

Appendix #4 Skilled Staff……………………………………………….......…19

Appendix #5 Affordable Products………………………………………….....20

Appendix #6 Accommodating Staff…………………………………………..21

Appendix #7 Insufficient High Ends Specs of Computer……………………22

Appendix #8 The Location of the Store is Discrete …………………………23

Appendix #9 Insufficient Space for Parking Lot………………...…...………24

Appendix #10 Near Shopping Malls………………………………………….25

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix #11 Technological Advancement…………………...………….…26

Appendix #12 Near Schools………………………………….….……………27

Appendix #13 Heavy Traffic………………………………….………….……28

Appendix #14 Presence of Competitors inside of Sta. Lucia Mall…………29

Appendix #15 Natural Calamity……………………………………………….30

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

I. Problem Statement

“Ineffective Marketing Strategy of JATBM Computer Enterprise

Resulting to Unattractive to the Customers.”

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

II. Case Background

Ms. Jhoe-ann Trixie B. Manito started her business 4 years ago

which was on January 2015, her business started running using 1 Million

cost of 2nd Hand Computers and Computer Parts that are from Korea. The

JATBM name of her business came from the initials of her name. (See

Appendix #1 - 2, Page 16)

The JATBM Computer Enterprise is an Electronics Business

Retailers in Cainta Rizal. Specifically located in #8002 Felix Avenue Brgy.

San Isidro, Cainta, Rizal near at Sta. Lucia Mall and ABE International

Busses College Cainta - Campus. (See Appendix #3, Page 18)

They are selling CCTV and Computer parts like desktop, system

unit, AVR and other peripherals. Most of their items are second hand; but

they are also selling brand new items, parts and accessories of a computer

that are from Korea and all are in good condition/good quality. They are

also fixing software and hardware, also they are repairing damaged

computer parts.

Their marketing strategies are technically weakening and this

causes customer base is running low. This difficulty is the current problem

that the JATBM Computer Enterprise facing and also need a best solution

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

III. Objectives of the Study

The objective of this case study is to improve the marketing

strategy and to give the customers satisfaction.

By producing alternative courses of action and establishing a

better advertisement that can help the business enterprise to maximize its

product trends and knowledge to the customer base and taste at JATBM

Computer Enterprise.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

IV. SWOT Analysis


 Skilled Staff

The staff in JATBM Computer Enterprise know their duties and

responsibilities. Employees are trained to trouble shoot, assemble, repair

and fix computer damages either software or hardware. (See Appendix #4,

Page 19)

 Affordable Products

The JATBM products are from Korea and they are selling it on low

price, brand new and second-hand computers and electronic parts. It is

affordable and very reliable although it is not on the trending and more

advance to the latest upcoming computers. (See Appendix #5, Page)

 Accommodating Staff

The staff of JATBM Computer ad CCTV Enterprise was pleasant,

friendly and accommodating to the customers. They are easy and light to

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

talk to. They know how to communicate well to their customers that even

though they are busy, they will still accommodate you. (See Appendix #6,

Page 21)


 Insufficient High Ends Specs of Computer

The consumers nowadays want a high ends specs computer for a good

performance of the computer and because it's the current ongoing trends

but JATBM does not have enough stock of it. (See Appendix #7 Page 22)

 The Location of the Store is Discrete

The location of their business is not noticeable because people usually

pass by their store without noticing it because it’s in the corner of the facility.

Its location has a disadvantage because compare to the same business

who are inside of Sta. Lucia Mall. JATBM Store is not that popular/known.

(See Appendix #8 Page 23)

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

 Insufficient Space for Parking Lot

The space they occupy inside is enough already to accommodate more

than 20 people but since their business is just small the space for parking

lot is not enough compared to others business. (See Appendix #9, Page



 Near Shopping Malls

They are located near Sta Lucia Mall East and Robinsons Metro East

where there is a continuous development of residential and commercial

establishment. They are also near to the major crowded people. It will

eventually lead to higher potential customer. (See Appendix #10, Page 25)

 Technological Advancement

Their retailing store may attract customers cause their product is from

Korea both brand new and second-hand computers and computer parts.

Since a lot of customers believes that products from other countries have

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

good qualities and are more reliable their product can attract customers by

that. (See Appendix #11, Page 26)

 Near Schools

Their location has an advantage to other business because they are

near to the schools. Their business has a big chance of being notice and

known with the students because they can just walk the distance when they

want to visit/browse the store. (See Appendix #12, Page 27)


 Heavy Traffic

Traffic in Tropical a is widespread in every place including Marikina City.

The people will think twice before going to JABTM Computer Enterprise

because of the heavy traffic that they might experience at the time of 5:00

pm. (See Appendix #13, Page 28)

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

 Presence of Competitors inside of Sta. Lucia Mall

Since today Sta. Lucia Mall is only known and trusted implants company

and it is the main attraction and there are loads of competitors that

commonly selling computer parts. (See Appendix #14, Page 29)

 Natural Calamity

Flood is the common type of calamity that Cainta, Rizal encounter,

basically when rainy season hits there are possibilities that there will be

storm and there’s a chance that the JATBM will be affected. (See Appendix

#15, Page 30)

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

V. Alternative Course of Action

ACA #1 Focus on Customer Demand


Dealing customer demands like retailing brand new high ends specs of

computers can attract more customers and their feedbacks will help JATBM

to deal their set of goals.

Latest trending products would solve the customers demands and it will

make the customer prefer the JATBM Computer Enterprise for the

affordable prices.

Reliability of products and services is topmost, often because the

customer’s operations depend on it. These customers will always choose

the most reliable offerings over those with the lowest price.


Small business like JATBM Computer Enterprise have to be smart

about choosing reliable suppliers when it comes to availing products like

trending and high-ends computers.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Expensive products that have good specs are better to retail but could

be a risky move because those kinds of products are pricey.

The products they will avail and sell could have a possibility of not being

sold easily because JATBM need the most reliable information of the

costumer’s demand and their opinion of what they want to buy.

ACA # 2 Creating an Account through Online Shopping Sites


A lot of people are using social media nowadays, that is why an online

selling/retailing is popular on the internet and can make the business

increase the profit.

It will be easier if they use online marketing tools to target new

customers and could be manageable to what customers will purchase also

because they can inquire online on the internet and so on.

They can adapt the knowledge about the costumer reviews and

improvise their strategies to the other selling/retailing shop on how they deal

their customers.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System


The JATBM Computer Enterprise is a small business that is why there

are possibilities that they can't sell well to the online selling website because

of bigger businesses that have same product.

Selling online could be hard at times due to the bogus buyers who only

order things but don't purchased what they have ordered those people are

every online sellers’ weakness because they're delaying and wasting time

of the seller.

Lack of shop assistants. In the online store, customers usually buy with

total autonomy or rather in total loneliness. The company staff does not

advise, suggest or guide them in the purchase path. Fortunately, today it

is possible to overcome this limit through the live-chat, a tool that has now

become indispensable for e-commerce because it provides instant help to

customers, both in terms of site navigability and usability, and pre- and

post- sale.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

ACA #3 Distributing Fliers and other peripherals in Crowded Area


The distributing fliers or other peripherals in a crowded and busy area

might attract customer who are passing by JATBM store.

It’s Affordable and Hassle-free to make Fliers it’s not time consuming

and can make the costumers browse their products.

Therefore; the consumer may approach the staff and also ask them if

they have a few questions about the JATBM products.


They would be needing a staff to assign and give a flier to the people

who passing by the front of the store, but as we observe JATBM there are

4 staff that working and busy inside troubleshooting computer parts.

Easily dismissed by some customer and disregard flyers due to their

simple nature. It is also a well-known truth that many people don’t even

read the information contained in the flyers or they will read it for few

seconds then throw them away.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Other marketing materials lacks long term impact on customers just like

any other marketing methods, a consumer can be convinced and buy a

product after which he/she will not use or keep for example fliers are not

like television advertisement where a product is regularly advertised

making consumers to get used to the product.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

VI. Recommendation

The researcher recommends Alternative Courses of Action no.1 Focus

on Customers Demand and Alternative Courses of Action no.3

Distributing Fliers and other peripherals in Crowded Area. That will help

the business to become an effective marketing strategy resulting of increase

of customers base and profitable outcome. Among the Alternative Courses

of Action, ACA #1 and ACA #3 is the easiest way to implement rather than

ACA #2 which requires more process and approval of the management.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

VII. Conclusion

Thus; Establishing a better and reliable advertisement and being focus

on customers demand and taste, the customer base or feedbacks will help

the JATBM Computer enterprise to provide a good strategy and will make

attracted to the customers.

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System


Appendix # 1

JATBM Computer Enterprise Owner

Jhoe-ann Trixie B. Manito

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 2


ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 3


Near Sta. Lucia and ABE International Business College

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 4

Skilled Staff

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 5

Affordable Products

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 6

Accommodating Staff

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 7

Insufficient High Ends Specs of Computer

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 8

The Location of the Store is Discrete

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 9

Insufficient Space for Parking Lot

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 10

Near Shopping Malls

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 11

Technological Advancement

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 12

Near Schools

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 13

Heavy Traffic

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 14

Presence of Competitors inside of Sta. Lucia Mall

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System

Appendix # 15

Natural Calamity

ABE International Business College
Cainta Campus
A member of the AMA Education System
















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