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Lisa Ly

Spring 2019 - Health Education 44

Overall Reflection

Starting this health education course, I didn’t think much of it or expect much from it.

But after going through the course itself, I realized that I learned that there is a lot more to health

education and the importance of it. One of the main things from this course that stuck out to me

were the 6 dimensions of health. I have never even heard of such a thing prior to this class.

Learning about the six dimensions of health really brings into depth about how many other

factors there are to a person’s health rather than just the physical and mental subcomponents.

This course has challenged me to become a better version of myself. It also got me to realize the

goods and bads in my habits and actions. This fast paced class also shows that I am able to

overcome tremendous amounts of work in such a short period of time.

With this class coming to an end, I realize that I won’t always have my constant reminder

to be what’s deemed overall healthy. I have areas that I will always need to continue to work on

and those that I will excel in as well. However, on the bright side, with this class coming to an

end, I can use the time I spent on this class on myself instead. It can help bring me to a better

state of mind, a heathier state of mind. From learning so much, I can finally really truly apply it

to my everyday life. I can push myself to become the best version of myself not only mentally,

but physically and environmentally, and so much more. This class, although it was a short class

has a lot to offer if you are willing to put the time into it. It also has opened my eyes to how

social behaviors is something that can affect how you picture yourself, and how social

preferences change over time. More than enough, this class offers support. I realize with this

class that I’m not the only student struggling to lose weight, or become physically fit, be satisfied

with myself, or even be happy sometimes. It’s nice to see positive comments in how we can help
one another improve ourselves and overall improve the environment we live in. If I had the

chance, I would truly retake this class again.

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