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Discussion: Holistic Health and Living

Discuss which dimensions seem to be the most important in your life right now. How will this
change 5-10 years from now for you? How does psychosocial health play a major role in your
personal relationships (family, friends, boy/girlfriends)?
To my understanding, I believe that all of the dimensions of health are quite critical. It doesn't
make you any healthier than another person if you are physically healthy but not mentally
healthy than a person who is the opposite. Two dimensions of health that seem to stick out more
towards me are physical as well as intellectual wellness. My physical wellness has decreased
since my high school graduation. Working part time as well as being a full time student has
changed my physical wellness in a negative way. However, I've taken the initiate to take little
steps to getting where I want. Instead of being inactive, I now take daily walks/jogs with my two
dogs. I also try to push myself to go to the gym when I have little free time, better than not going
at all. Within the next 5-10 years, I hope to be physically healthy. Also within the next handful of
years, I will grow in my intellectual health. I will be done with undergraduate, being the first in
my immediate family to have a degree. This will be a great accomplishment for me, however I'm
not going to sell myself short and stop there. I have bigger goals in mind, I earn the degree of
doctor of dental surgery to have the 3 letters "DDS" after my name.
I am a strong believer that psychosocial health is a major role in everyone's lives, whether it be
positive or negative. It might be unfortunate to say, but since my dad left my family, we've been
happier and healthier. Before it may seem like a good idea for my parents to stay together for
their 4 kids, but there was so much negative energy within the household. I would hate being
home when he was home, my relationship with my 3 other sisters were non-existent. Negative
energy was passed on from person to person, events to other events. Three years later now, we
are striving as a family of 5. We are able to grow together instead of growing apart. We have a
great relationship with one another, my house finally feels like home.

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