Microsoft Office: Proprietary Word Processor Microsoft

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Microsoft Office Word

Microsoft Office
It is an integrated suite of business software applications for Windows and Macintosh
computers. Office includes programs that provide functionality which is commonly used to run a
business office.
Microsoft Word
Is a proprietary word processor designed by Microsoft. Is a word processor and was
previously considered to be the main program in Office.

Word Processing
Is the modern, computerized way of preparing letters, reports or manuscripts.
The term word processing was coined by Ulrich Steinilper of International Business
Machine (IBM) to describe the overall information processing function as distinguished from data
or numerical processing.

Some Common Word Processing Packages

 Soft word
 WordStar
 Word perfect
 Microsoft word
 WPS Office

Elements of MS Word 2016

 The Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access toolbar provides you with access to commands you frequently use. By
default Save, Undo, and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar.
 The Title Bar
Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. The Title bar displays the title of the
document on which you are currently working. Word names the first new document you open
 The Status Bar
The Status bar appears at the bottom of your window and provides detailed information about
your document such as the current page number, the word count, section number, line number
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Microsoft Office Word

 Zoom Slide
Allows you to increase/decrease the amount of the document you see on the screen
 Scroll Bars
Allows you to view entire workbook by moving it up, down (vertical scroll bar), left or right
(horizontal scroll bar).
 Quick Launch Bar/Dialogue Box Launcher
It is the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of some groups. When clicked, it will bring up
a dialog box where additional options/changes can be entered.
 Insertion Point
Blinking vertical bar that indicates where text you type will be inserted. Don't confuse the
insertion point with the mouse I-beam. To move the insertion point, just click the mouse where
you want the point moved.
 Work Area
The Workspace is the area in the document window were you enter/type the text of your
 The Minimize button
Makes the window disappear from the screen without closing
the program. You can bring the window back by clicking on its button on the Task
bar at the bottom of the screen.
 The Reduce/Maximize
Button makes the window smaller or takes it back to full size.
 The Close Button
Button closes the document or program.
 Tabs
Individual collection (groups) of commands within the Ribbon.
 Ruler
display the tabs, indents, margins and give the user a visual guide for alignment.

Allow you to see the active Word window/page in different views.

 Draft View
Draft view is the most frequently used view. You use Draft view to quickly edit your
 Web Layout
Web Layout view enables you to see your document as it would appear in a browser
such as Internet Explorer.
 Print Layout
The Print Layout view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.
 Full Screen Reading Layout
Reading Layout view formats your screen to make reading your document more
 Outline View
Outline view displays the document in outline form. You can display headings without
the text. If you move a heading, the accompanying text moves with it.
The Ribbon is the panel at the top of the Word 2007 workspace below the Quick Access
Toolbar. You use the ribbon to issue commands to tell Word what to do.
At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs including Home, Insert, Page Layout, References,
Mailings, Review, and View.
 Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing.
 Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and Symbols
 Page Layout: Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, Arrange
 References: Table of Contents, Footnote, Citation and Bibliography, Captions, Index, and
Table of Authorities
 Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write and Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish
 Review: Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect
 View: Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros.

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Microsoft Office Word

CTRL Shortcuts from A-Z:

CTRL + A = Select All text CTRL + N = Open new Word document
CTRL + B = Bold text CTRL + O = Open an existing Word document
CTRL + C = Copy text CTRL + P = Print Word document
CTRL + D = Open font formatting window CTRL + Q = Remove paragraph formatting
CTRL + E = Center text CTRL + R = Right align text
CTRL + F = Find a phrase CTRL + S = Save Word document
CTRL + G = Go To a specific page or bookmark CTRL + T = Create a hanging indent
CTRL + H = Replace text with another text or CTRL + U = Underline text
replace text with different formatting CTRL + V = Paste text
CTRL + I = Italicize text CTRL + W = Close Word document
CTRL + J = Justify text CTRL + X = Cut text
CTRL + K = Open Insert Hyperlink window CTRL + Y = Redo an action previously undone
CTRL + L = Left align text OR repeat an action
CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left CTRL + Z = Undo a previous action

Advanced Functions in MS Word

1. Embedding Images.
2. Mail Merging.
3. Generating Labels.

Mail Merge- a feature that allows you to create documents and combine or merge them with another
document or data file.
Merge field/Place Holder – marks the position on your form document where individual data or
information will be inserted.
Text Wrap – adjusts how the images behaves around other objects or text.

Two Components of Mail Merge:

1. Form Document
The document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send.
2. List or Data File
This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to our
form document is placed and maintained.

Integrating Images and External Materials

Kinds of Materials:
1. Pictures. Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved
in any local storage device.
 Bitmap (.bmp)
 Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm)
 Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
 Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg/.jpeg)
 Portable Network Graphics (.png)

2. Clip Art. This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic
representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate in your document.
3. Shapes. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to
enhance its appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and
representing ideas or messages.
4. Smart Art. Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form
ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.
5. Chart. Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that allows
you to represent data characteristics and trends.
6. Screenshot. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or procedure will require
the integration of a more realistic image of what you are discussing on your report or manual.

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