Milk Is A Naturally Found Rich Source of Calcium

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Milk is a naturally found rich source of calcium, vitamin

D and potassium, and it is of great importance to the

human body. Warm milk before bed could help you to
relax and make you sleep well. Calcium and vitamin D
which are found in milk helps to build strong, healthy
bones and teeth, and the potassium allows maintenance of
healthy blood pressure. The immediate benefit of warm
milk before bed is that it allows you to sleep like a baby
by keeping your body relaxed and calm. This is not to say
that by drinking a cup of milk you are sure to fall asleep,
as it is not a sleep serum, but the reality is that there are
some substances in your warm milk that is associated
with improved rest. Warm milk before bed is therefore
prescribed for those who have had a hard day, as it can
induce sleep and also provide healthy benefits.

How does warm milk before bed affect your sleep?

A cup of delicious warm milk is not exactly a great idea
for a perfect drink for most people, but it could be of great
importance to you.
One cannot really say that there are scientific evidences
which led to this conclusion, but milk contains amino acid
called tryptophan and this metabolizes into serotonin and
melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin are compounds which
promote relaxation in the human body and could help a
person sleep. But then again we are sorry to say that there
is not enough tryptophan in your cup of warm milk for
you to relax and sleep, and therefore much of the effect
can be attributed to your psychology. Warm milk before
bed may have a psychological effect on you, allowing you
to relax and sleep. So, drinking warm milk before bed can
fuzz your mind and you could hit the bed faster than you
actually do.
An added advantage of drinking warm milk before
Now that we have established that drinking milk alone
will not induce drowsiness in you, you can now have your
glass of milk at any time of the day.
Now when you are drinking your glass of milk at the end
of the day, you could add a carbohydrate rich food, as this
would prove to be an effective way to end your day on a
soothing note, and at the same time help you to get your 2
to 4 recommended daily servings of Milk and its other
alternatives. You can reap maximum benefits of warm
milk before bed by eating these foods along with your
milk. This however, largely depends upon your age.
Including milk and a healthy snack could be the ultimate
health booster for you before you decide to hit the bed
and sleep tight!

Here are some suggestions on healthy snacks that could

compliment your milk.

• Include whole grain crackers and cheese along with

your glass of milk
• Make yourself a glass of chocolate milk instead of your
simple warm milk for taste and nutrition, and drink it
along with apple slices
• Consume yogurt with fruit toppings along with a glass
• A banana with peanut butter could be a great idea with
a glass of warm milk
• Add whole grain cereal with fresh fruits in your warm
glass of milk

Among other things you should make sure to hit your bed
at the same time every day and always sleep after
drinking enough water. Make a healthy routine for
yourself and you will never have to complain about not
getting a good night’s sleep. So, is drinking warm milk
good before bed? Well, yes, unless you are lactose

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