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161 Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA

“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Microbiological Testing Report 3/14/12

BioProtect IV with Influx Flow Cytometer
Model BP-504-5 BD Influx Baker Doc. #BAKT 185

BD Biosciences

The safety cabinet was airflow balanced to a set point velocity of 55 feet per minute down flow
and 105 feet per minute intake at an 8” sash opening prior to microbiological testing. Preliminary
smoke tests were conducted to identify potential airflow turbulence which may affect cabinet
performance. A smoke visualization test demonstrated turbulent air was curling around the top
and when the Influx front door was in the opened position and that the equipment increased the
air velocity towards the front of the cabinet. Smoke was not observed escaping the cabinet
BioProtect IV with BD Influx Flow Cytometer

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
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I. NSF/ANSI Standard 49 Microbiological Testing

The following standardized tests were conducted to evaluate the biosafety cabinet performance
with the Influx flow cytometer installed. The following tests were performed with the cytometer
in an operational condition.

All tests are performed to the NSF/ANSI Biosafety Standard 49- 2011. These tests determine
whether aerosols will be contained within the cabinet, outside contaminants will not enter the
cabinet work area, and aerosol contamination of other equipment in the cabinet will be
minimized. The cabinet shall be turned on at least 30 min before the start of any microbiological
test and operated continuously throughout all test procedures. The microbiological testing shall
demonstrate passing results at an operating range of plus or minus 10 fpm from nominal set point
as referenced in NSF/ANSI Standard 49 for Biosafety Cabinetry.

NSF Personnel Protection Test

The cabinet was challenged with Bacillus Subtilis bacterial spores at 8.0 X 10^8
spores/ml for each test run. Each test was run for a total of 30 min with a 15 min nebulizer
challenge. NSF requires the nebulizer to run for 5 minutes, Baker Company performs the testing
at a more stringent 15 minute nebulizer challenge. No more than 10 colony forming units total
shall be counted for each test on the filter from six AGI impingers for passing results, as per the
NSF standard and no more than 5 colony forming units shall be counted on both slit sampler agar
settling plates for passing results.

The number of Bacillus subtilis spores (culture forming units) recovered from the 6 AGI
samplers shall not exceed 10 CFU per test. Total slit-type air sampler plate counts shall not
exceed 5 subtilis CFUs for a 30 min sampling period. The control plate shall be positive. A plate
is “positive” when it contains greater than 300 CFU of B. subtilis.

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Personnel Protection Test set up with nebulizer spore challenge at NSF-49 location

Containment results:
All Personnel Protection challenge tests were performed with the more stringent application of
the sort chamber door in the open or up position and the Aerosol Management system (AMO)
completely off. The assessment was to challenge the system with the worst condition in a static

Air flow balance set points:   NSF‐49 Required Performance Zone 
Test 1  (52 fpm down flow , 106 fpm Intake)       
      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     0     0     PASS 
Test 2  (43 fpm down flow ,  91 fpm Intake)       
Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     1     2     PASS 
Test 3  (68 fpm down flow ,  86 fpm Intake)       
      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     0     0     PASS 
Test 4  (74 fpm down flow ,  89 fpm Intake)       
      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     1     1     PASS 

All required NSF/ANSI Standard-49, 2011 Personnel Protection Microbiological tests had
Passing results.

NSF Product Protection Test:


The cabinet was challenged with Bacillus Subtilis spores at 8.0 X 10^6 spores/ml for each
test run. Each test was run for a total of 30 min with a 15 min nebulizer challenge. NSF requires
the nebulizer to run for 5 minutes, Baker Company performs the testing at a more stringent 15
minute nebulizer challenge. No more than 5 colony forming units total on all settling plates
shall be counted for each test for passing results, as per the NSF standard.


The number of Bacillus subtilis spores (culture forming units) on agar settling plates shall
not exceed 5 CFU for each test. The control plate shall be positive. A plate is “positive” when it
contains greater than 300 CFU of B.subtilis.

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Product Protection results:

All Product Protection challenge tests were performed with the more stringent application of the
sort chamber door in the open or up position and the Aerosol Management system (AMO)
operating in the high setting mode. The assessment was to challenge the system with the worst
condition in a static state.
Air flow balance set 
points:   NSF‐49 Required Performance Zone 
Test 1  (52 fpm down flow , 106 fpm Intake)       
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results     
  Positive     2     PASS     
Test 2  (43 fpm down flow ,  91 fpm Intake)       
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results     
  Positive     0     PASS     
Test 3  (40 fpm down flow ,  114 fpm Intake)       
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results     
  Positive     1     PASS     
Test 4  (43 fpm down flow ,  118 fpm Intake)       
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results     
  Positive     1     PASS     

All required NSF/ANSI-49, 2011 Product Protection Microbiological tests had Passing results

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Note: All Product Protection tests had 150mm agar settling Petri dishes placed at the bottom of
the sort chamber and at the level of the waste collector as shown. No spores or culture forming
units were detected in any of the testing. Plates were clean of any contamination.

Nebulizer placed in required NSF-49 location

Alternative Sort Chamber Testing

Another condition of testing was performed at the sort/stream chamber only. Agar sampling
plates placed inside the chamber for product protection with AMO system on high setting and
the nebulizer placed inside the chamber for personnel protection with AMO system none
operational which was identified as the most extreme conditions for safety with sort chamber
door in the opened position.

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Personnel Protection testing with Nebulizer challenge inside sort chamber

Personnel Protection Testing: sort chamber door open

Test 1  (52 fpm down flow , 106 fpm Intake)  AMO SYSTEM OFF   

      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     0     8     PASS 
Test 2  (52 fpm down flow ,  106 fpm Intake)          AMO OPERATING ON HIGH SETTING 
      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     1     0     PASS 

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Personnel Protection testing with Nebulizer callenge in the NSF-49 position

Personnel Protection Testing:          

Test 3  (52 fpm down flow , 106 fpm Intake)  AMO SYSTEM OFF   
      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     3     1     PASS 
Test 4  (52 fpm down flow ,  106 fpm Intake)          AMO OPERATING ON HIGH SETTING 
      CFU COUNT    CFU COUNT     
  Control    Air slit samplers    6‐AGI samplers    Results 
  Positive     1     1     PASS 

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”

Product Protection testing with door open and AMO system on high setting

Product Protection Testing:

Test 1  (52 fpm down flow , 106 fpm Intake)   
  AMO Operating on high setting‐sort door open 
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results 
  Positive     3     PASS 
Test 2  (52 fpm down flow , 106fpm Intake)   
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results 
  Positive     3     PASS 
Test 3  (52 fpm down flow ,  106 fpm Intake)   
  Control    CFU COUNT    Results 
  Positive     0     PASS 

All sort chamber testing had Passing results.

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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“Creating Immaculate Atmospheres”


The above test results provided evidence that the Baker Company BioProtect IV Cabinet with the
BD Influx flow cytometer passed the required NSF/ANSI Standard-49 biosafety standards. The
cabinet proved safe in every condition of challenge during standard operational conditions of the
cytometer. The opened door to the sort/stream chamber and challenge cylinder in place showed
that safety was not compromised during daily end user functions.

Worker Comfort Testing

Noise level Test

The noise level at nominal set point was 63.0db with a background of 53 db with the cytometer
operating inside the cabinet. BioProtect Cabinet operating only 62.4db

Acceptance: Overall noise level in front of the cabinet shall not exceed 67 db when
measured where the ambient sound level is 57db. Measurement on the “A” weighing scale.

Microbiological Testing
Robert A Thibeault

Gatehouse Rd., Sanford, Maine 04073 USA  (207) 324-8773  1-800-992-2537  FAX (207) 324-2632
Internet address: http//
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