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III.H117)1(71 1,I:1 I'. 1;'i 1f

nutT II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
nt'i 11-7,q7; 3-3'r-curl (i)
nittput 471ilit11T

do 5341 rif F77:41. rirtrflIT, 11f1171! 11, 1 V1 3' 71 1 Ni 19, 19 t o

No. 534J NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, OC l'OBER 11, 1983/ASITIN 19, 1910

STY ;1111 11179. TZ Tin! qi 1

# t 7,17111 PT; 11# 71r1 71' 7(1 in
tilt 70 mil
Separate raging Is ghen lo I Ilk Purl in order
inay 7”.1 filed ns n
sepnrn, e cumpilalion

7 1n 111117; 4)17 11111712T7 1111 F1/T7 1(.111 7:PT 7141, 1987 971 wit 2 ti (Pli; rw; r1
(TINT 7 11-f..51171717 Pinar) 11 71 1.1 511 3c tci FF9I inn :--
(T) ritrf (ri) i; 191 1:1 1. 111111 7191-
9ri•ElfrIT 11711 711 1 1, 1 11, 11'11
91- 11,R77,1r, ti 711pT, 1988 ,
I` ( 7'1) ' 1T:11 417; 11r 7 1. 1 .1 n 7 11 'I:11 i; I 'I CH
-.40- it ',Ai-ill:v/1 1 1 1 1'9 1 ;I
FIT . 1000 (70 .--51; 7.45)2:r 11 TTI . q 7rrIFIT. I 11 1 11
4eurcur nearriiT, 1985 ( 1985 Tr at) 31TT, r. 1 1:1. 1.1S 7) 1111 '1:“1
35 et Tral-Kr ( 2) '7t7 Url (FT) , ) 3fic (7) far, irrrry 179 5 1 ral yr rpm
1 1 1 117;({ 7 I Fur 7.[NiTt
TAT ElItt 36 .11771 ('t) riT7if 2. fT 7IFT fti Tr "
2[71-11T ErT i grri , 4iTatt gwril;trif TtliTT;T,gt (TriFiN)
(r1) rril 7 (1) 1; hr„ fI rlf if II 7•Ir
Priptiwinr, 1087 it ?iril(=Tif TO 17 NT irirTig 1,1
f 1iFyli, '1 :
niPirclit(ff • Vigil . aar1T A, 1,11k,
' 1 (7r) 'Tiny" 117,1 il:r" :7 I` utr
1. (1) =7„T 141 'if 11 1T 1. 1,-.511' Tr7rutf • i ';"'
9t ri'r:r TI l i mit r 9f if in: I
iii pr(1717.111 ) 11 51'(;14 Ft Of 999,
70 , it I, Until 9, I 11 1,
k :11 . 11 '46 IIi1 HI a r ti Jr
(2) it firgir 2 1 11 7171 1, 1988 it !nu WEI r11 -1;q1 ;1 ;:it 01 .1 nr:i l
'1; f T.11 7 1 . 11 9; " W ri 11 "1
2. iliTAIT 3171F11117 77141; 7.1 (TriPIO) 1m1r rd.'1 61 '0-'0 Ir. 91'2., ill I I 2 1"

2576 G1/98 (7)


3-31ff 19',Pil 47 14 ,14 1173 71 71;'; 11;
14 if 5.11 5 1 25 1; 114111 1111
5.71 51 51 Writ?) 5'
(T) urt-1444 (2) :T.11q , 1#q111rgii j14..livpi
4 5417.1 7;i 'wt qurr, Fr it tilt 111;11 11, 4 5 1 '11'71H
stic-iftniiier ci1vi41, q914,
'T T3.2141'.1. k141 73TITE UITIFf uff 9'F
"( 2) ?Li-Ppitc ( ) wfli TIMM Mill
NTT; P.I411117 7: it tr:1:
r r9T'inif€Rt '7n 1 it 419. Vi full 4
.S3WT 17777 C71a,T11--
P,: I
( 2 ) 7I -1 111. ( 1)1 it 1 1.s, 11141 '117 3; 111 517
(1) d1799. cjr I ¶73 q(kT
ill: 44 ziirrf 'Ur ,11). 4=fr (Hid- qatik 11'711
• 41k qf cf, iFr ,Jr1q1;
k141 tc '1ri7.25 1 51•TT if 51g3 • :01 g , II": 'WE
(ii) Ti77 7'1 Ti511 21--737 151RT:-4 71- ft,-f,t4
9nt9 1 11711177 537 3F7g37 1; 1311. 113'173 '1371
• WI it tr k r U 1 / 4 urmfilff 471.
Tk; TITa 4 firffl; P.Thtfirrf7: if ir ifti 1t1
31- ft gc 7.7 aft irqT "; TJ! -T.T;0
tliK51 T1;11 t pit
. (I) arr-14zrtr (5) (it) P Ukg
(3. 343 fkillii 97 RAH 8 if, 3II51 51 5T( 3) 51;
"mrgit Pr 1711 kr 9711 7,1; gglIgg
117 13K 511,50517 7311;Prit ftqf 101.111,
fir wil9--91 it W111173
0 (1)irItriq't; 1:191:1- 'I; 1 '9(i,
4. 331g fgglif kV 177 5f 5 if --
1g19 11,17 7,9 1E1111 ;;g 1 3 51;tkt IV',
(17) 31.-145131 ( 3) 't ;1;1 if, FtrPifrAFT uft .“
wig 4 17.17 973711 "1

vi3/4. r Wei gmr uTTI 7. gig 1 5 1701 51; 1 5 171. p if, 7.11-171 1 1 ( 1) 51
• t 1fl WERggi 173 ga rct, qv; 9t gi, " 11 17 1.1171 :551k3 1,1-11i1;1 11 "1 Oft 1.5 1 1: 511711551 51
• vrTra Tra iftaft-clicr flr liff; 7.47,411.2 Olt 0 urj mr.
731 1153 Trcr nr1515511- 7 .4 ;31[14 I
• fka.rt3 ;int 737,1-43- 1131739.51 11 1;71 'JIM(
S. TUT ftnü4-2 l'-vrir ii --
Tglfeig '';

( .1 ) 19T1h1 313-1 3 51- (T) 7,11i.1; -01 :;f 7 1 7iit It -qui 71(17.4i
• • •( ) U tr.1;141T
14 Fir-4414F 134Faiii (yr 1-1F-1 4
"fffirr siffinticrff fTir 7rqqr,
niqq; Tr-19- 1,111- ( 3) FPI I 7fl rr --
qk 4';t
rrirT t ( 1) 1 11 5 1 11 53 7.14 :

vf3119. 'ETA it 4.17113 7:q.rr o:r
(2) 7111" ;TiriFt 717,- 4 ,114 5 7 111 ,13'T
6;4 •Try,fi 15:119i; 5 %:11 4:14 furri
(3) ' , j it 7 Ft;I 7.1:1; i;1 7 1
141r 4r,;! 741'1 ,1 , • 5 1ii -31-4TZ TO 4
T1 95 -3 T1 51 511T -:111t 111 113 171 ( 4) 7.019 ,71 1 11 ,-(m.,u r•7 41 ,.:44 'II
Trfk711 (7 fk7FT ';'13 541 136 Trri‘T W-TaTT
• Fj;i DI'ljg 11F-11;+, 9 1 5 111 -14 IiI51
I T I;
;Tr 3 ,F1u ;1;:f ••ir fr, ;If ,TifF7 5 if su " 11 •07.1' jhrT7;;
(4) rk qr if Tri-Arf„ T(.1 "-HT ?ITT :;i711 rir ,..,51 PIPT3 111.1; 111 1 112 5 11. , I 908
f:vimtr ,,irrairr I" ( 1908 TT 5) 14 To, ,.(tA11 1.11).,q 5 f'u 17 III
19 Tr. 53:11-1.5 1:7 5 1. ( 2) 51; 71 17 51 T 31,11 lIFt P
5. clq,:r IffIrifi FIT frig ti ko:, Itr;4191;irr
rrrir, ;
fhtm AfireTtfcra. flcqr 117111, Thin -
(91 ( 1) -417 ( s) 7i7 F1n„1111171k1r1
"qr iq uri149 971 1) 11;41
2ll 3.1 ;IT I'4 ,5 :17 131 11 113 5;1613 11. 11 1:115 1 :-----
wrpriqcs, gT -ri Tri4T;zra:
lif5t9TK 9.117 It' Irk 1 ft 179: t; -.19J11-F71r "(1) -yaw , ( 1)4 ,511 n r', [i;'\ iii
7;1:: 111111 rt. ,. yr, TI Y111 5 1 25 1 5 1
(j) vitr; firiqrq ,',1 Ili( g, 11191 grt, 101 COT , r T., ;1; 7 :1 r if 11 1,1 , I1 , )11 IN Tl
(ii) qr1iqp ¶1 AT;, 501 w111 MI gut ; 1,1311 1i 11 1.77, 11 5111 552 5.1.3 5311.1 1: 51 5 1111 1 17 - 1 111
14 ,i111 rrirrt7 ,-pr, rut VII Tr Tiltii:moitinifir

.4'fft1FT 9rCit r fill; StailEir at all;

1FF 11 7..1 14:1717 7ijr11 1'17V '.11 11; 11r
i*Trpir, zrqiIcif tr) ;f11-;!..q- 4i irTl17 ;fli ria-in
-LAtisar:t L.
12. 11ff 14/ 1 1 22 4, (#1111;7E41 nu
unit): rico; 4tia4
"-(s) sliffPlfi cra 131:11 511 1 /. 111, M;1 11
UN 74 iii WT4r 9;flir 7 71- 1 77, T34
TO gni gni kr urzt igri43 na ;tit "22. Mi3/47it 97r 1 1'.14-1 1;:i 17( (ixxlit.r f rgl 411:11
1P81CT1 thitIr. 'PA 'In It 1111(•11 1.
9..31W fagTff 4; twill' 17 1T Rig, ( I )

T7,4 414 7111ff . L11 41) !1: 711;

FIT!T .F,Rsrufira - fkvii 'ARM
44;ort ;11 ,.:(11"
"17. siRiaifi•;:i attITT-- (1) 11-J1714;41 ,pi Ft atiT 7.11fiTn• 3,14;
lit attain- <it aa tkrin rir,tit7iaiiii31i • nit 'it ur ;i7i1
. ; fqq. fWt
fT 4 fan '4rkst '4r Rita TI31 14:71; Firfljt 1 .Pir 7i1r 11;91-.
111 if 1;1" ;;IRIT
quTT. 11 ct1 Tr rl f9i nl".., Ind off? h; 11; I pi) ;11. 181?;
F7ftrYr4 l; - 30 fq1 ri;
"ITT Vi141 ‘Ir:Pr
?;f, artn
7f). Miqftfi qiI{FLI,T;
(ii) STOd414 n ifm 1n;r R:t aripit 9;1 'Ili '414 9:1. tiri -1:1;Jr rith
uff'y Ttaztrilz 0:Tr 717r untylf,firiTit ;41 .01" tiff;7 n ;
rnIl zirTt
••:,.:filiq. crq ill; fir, w;trra fijr
Tr ^ ff it Airlik Pflif g, aIC 1T 74 111 :11;N;Hr 5ii Trlir IF'11 -
fq;g:tirik k.; frika cr 7.1 ;ft7 1 1441 ;Fr Atirt.aiiT rT,1; r1 =1111•11.1rit t 3i rfn
111 6;8. 11;Thi til fin 4ITT
gtv xr,:qm 41i). ff q171 frgr 111 ,11
(iii); 74 . UT Fyn:
firifr 27ilW1111V1 ltIrqT4 faqi Tiqf nr, t 7 t a f t
fig Ng jf
rir argirr, ;1144iz
411'4F TT7 sp-,r fines- 13 317 1.1181 1•1•ITT 28 N, 981418 ( 3)
41';41 1(q .c“ UTiti '
3t441. ITTIT rr
• Riga- girmiiirttur kg): anvil:,
41fait %R1 ;17 -0 TT flay" ;17;11 kn :87 CIP, firlfiftr

Frig 14;141' ;Aar 21 T<F44111 q

(iv) :uRt frnl "(3) •14(;;;ii 7.1 ,:111FE114 urr-ilaipt
it nqt atlt wii
H TIT1i1TINT(' Prim :tic 11 t
WT arkiir T1 d'ilTP: 0:,q1 1'r '4r-T •TTRiTia F3T -4 245TP.T ;it 3rf1t,21
fit; fl;th r, 7.1.4;7;:tT. Ti uff:Frif 3031
4,11' 41' gni:4r
11.1'1:1'47 4r cirri-or I" wzrt f'1;7 r111:1:Vii TT !fru;
t8 3q-14 ,;;; (
.10;34U fTTN i girt -Tilt i"
17(1T,T1( I
4111. tic t '41 r1f1. 1 " rA.
it• ' 1 30 , Re
1 1 1 , 1 1 61 11 1'1 14 1 1 2!)
• ••'•111.,14ii 'irk:tit 21 ri; [1. )• , tkittlitian 1.1. ' 71 .- 1
1 r;
; • fq-zi-L. stfiierifita- FT 111 51. 17 (.111) ;11 11
! (viii) ii, "15" 144 Mrt

'177119 931 "30 fkrt" 5 1 ; 110 al;

t 3 t XrIbit 7
21. cubit ;171 71;1517:
. 1;117.14 lEctit SURTO Rviii- tti 1n
"'IT" it IA I Ttilt
qv; iik n=r frilia4i lilt wit itt 15. 317
Win itlia art: Riinrifan RP";
tati vicaa
rr99T r I:111; ^ TT lira(
fittaa nr - , 6,4 51
%" - 1"
12. 3Itt firrif 22 It 1 .17, 1:1r1 711;88 (:19 FT, Ignit- I)
ffft(T1 Sheilfril"
301 0. 11 ";1111 II, 1915 1,1 1.11“
41t1IT• VIT11',1)11-11 tIm 111.1 14 r;
• f'22. Taqii 971 t
71 4:41I 1 "11
*Fin TIN
TT-4 aril 7-4r TirAILIct .1
win 9I141i
1.11 :441; 111 1311;:. ;iqr.1
. .

vpirorTi 2. :rfirnur 7(1- :

gig Tr ePilm Fivria 1G-6 thzir all 7141 n +Ticintr q" fr; 714 N14.1.4
aifEr44 fu9r irzu 1-3107 EIFP31T. TUIRITIrt Tilt I Urn“r
rti zifircrifttr I

3. :

alli417 311T ITRIIL 9Ri-rr ;&11

xarrtrfTT affinaut. :11)1494, 1985 if illtr 2 I it
Ri[tu RrTiitht I

1. 111TTiT :

(RV WillEVIIT Mt ELT Tifkrc tr ;1Plq

aLT -Wfr 7iVatIRT ITT if tt2rrti iq Pt a911. 1117 rts 'itr FigRig avtir Tot!
e1ILIT.7 18 q7 TROTT 41 SIT(TIT 47 fug: 31. 1Fica- it)
5. fi‘iFtk 71qTail 5; tir kirr. 3miit I

ifit4 i1 urU /11- 6. liTriPT 117 IPT, 73 , 1 711/1 ft'

41- 77r; 9:4 qIctutr rfrw: a LT; :30 willif iiir

zliu Int mica' it irii11i- arcil;T 71TO 3cti.1,7:1 ti-41 gni 71;1 78811
TrAtilVcri it ritrr , tRI4711 4va t (9qt Fr; TT,
qczout wjateit Tr '19•41 it wiuro ,fr< if I
7,74 .Kr-R3t rt
7. 4I nitri 15;m101 nit7tirpt ii ;urn artqf
rift. zr LT ;Pc.,,T :
10,114 STHrrafiT 31f4ffrKut
7.A1E1 7.17 71;T 111 ( 1 011 FR 71 7,14 MI Tllrl?r I%
qrt it zfq 311174 TUT f4 7IT 4, hvir
grew-- (riff I Eln fillu TIN Tr Rat, 71 11 71L3rT TIT POT 31;t1 TT I rillaul Z:TVIL :11;11;p731-
frgfii alriEti atttit PIN Pirl 97r i) 71913 ;1; ;1
14:F20E-iv 3riqr 91: z1 cit 'I TT :INT iT:IT
3 1014 'I ;I. , FT.zgirfrui 4111 .
;11 '4957;.tIna
3Ltint-Pi atill urine. Imr, TQf
stmt. smismirtil 171 9.11ETT Tinfiq PIN 71F: attiqiii 'GI 3111-n R7 , 11ruft
fa I stelv Tim f Tr agltr VT1' FETLLTr 1-491 ap491 9Iq qt ,it 152,1r Tit Fill 91f
vitrifr affill Ti fm IP. lilt NITytlir 1Tizr
krztr Iva 1 (11. , 391; ‘ttli9 if ko-
sineff 71a my. 31rtirji I
Lijii 1 1q 3rrr:

Ultri; (1 -TT G it E;111ii

1. 3g Will tfii 311.1(14 0, ill klii;
(711:r Till( lv); ('ii) 'Er
(n Nair a1ti 701Tt1r irTI (1, 6,4 altfict (qt) 7T. .ATJT
#WT1', cot% Ent zrrlur ift Tt;i9uTirtifcrino• OFT :i:612 rtsr FTITI 'Till I 17'11
arak 'III urinnyir 5
717 (1 6T trsill


ij f;.611% 414 111, qr4 firrth a cartsiTTIIT 911 Trt
qf a1921 111447q 71 WPM 'KtiTt alT 7(447
aTi'artit 71:7 7TO 1471 .7ri3 u1 167 (Department of Personnel & mining)
:— N 0 tIFICA1 ION

(7if,al!attft strait, i1 7 TN tuT 7-€77 nztawteer New Delhi, the Ilth October, 1988
srTTI7r :161 ;ft ) G.S.R. 1000(E).--In exercise of the powers Mt-
rrcd by clauses ((I), (e) mid (0 of sub-section
10., artaidT tRT tiraFf 311 gtv (2) of section 35 and clause (c) of section 36 of the
Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985), the
• via #.',14wz fkaiT 7ig f4T 7Trr aufttsraar tat gt Central Government hereby makes the following rules
'TtlfTriT mart 1111- A1ry IT Ritai t ant Mk Tim to amend the Central Administrative Tribunal (Pro-
0 7q arT7r TTur 147T g cT70k-E7Ttilawa3/4•4111 cedure) Rules, 1987, namely
Erg ti7T7 f77 at Tim& 71 TITO-4 4; 4t1
'these rules may be called the Central
IT4T if* WT t< I Administrative Tribunal (Pweedine)
Amendment Rules, 1988.
11. Witf 4;0 if 17 3TriztOtT7
they shall conic into tote c; on the 21111 ul
;(1 Fetreart October, 1988.

: 2. In section 2 of the Central Administrative'Id-

12. 31-1,1m*t gR banal (Procedure) Rules, 1987 (hereinafter referred
to as the said rules),--

(a) for clause (b), the following clause shall, be

substituted, namely :-- '

(b) "agent" means a pet son duly nnthat ised

by a party to present an application, writ-
ten reply, rejoinder or any other document
on its behalf before the Tribunat;
wttni 7 j
(b) for clautie (), the following clause :Awn be
ft fir ;WO substituted, namely :—

• VI vet '(1) "Legal representative" iieans a pet soil

Who in law rctoresents the estate of the
qif deceased person and includes n person Or
jat1 t — -lir persons in whom the right to receive pensionary, rethemcnt, terminal or other
f771#1 17mtf1 Trq twillutT Ttat n/rutifl n benefits or family pension vests*,

3. In rule 'I of the said rules,--

14777% sail 7ilim77 Ti.writ,r0 r 3rilart tint
-Fr (a) for sub-rule (2) the following sub-tole shall
71-t be substituted, namely :-
f77477% W1 rfillFff tmi -k1 4; wart .'It
"(2) The application under sub-rule (I) shall
1T0I 1 Trn fig f7Tr1 t1(; 1) be presented in triplicate in the following
e ffit forma two compilations—

compilation 111.111113C U I kg' n !I

(I )

?pm-rt. ',don g with the impugned ((om if any:

(ii) compilation number 2 mhet-
Mita: documents and annexutec in
in the application in a paper hook
km7 : Conn.";
[Bair o 1014 (b) in sub-mule (5) in clause (hi, the: (soul:
4'11j(11 1:(0!, +3 Fav "provide(ttliat at loot one nifecIrd lierroo
[PAHA It- - Sr..%
joins such an application" shall be added at
the end. 7, In rule 9 or the said rule ~
nt soh talc (I
the \voids "a piper hook containing", th e word ‘4-4 list,
4. In rule 5 of the said rules,— following documents - shall be substituted
8, 1n rule I I of the said rules,
(n) in sub-rule (3), the following shall be added
nt the end, namely :— (a) for sub ink (I t, the I Ilowi n^ sub Jul y N;I:111
be substituted, namely :
"where an application is received by registered
• post, the applicant shall be informed of - (1) Notices to be issued by the tribunal may
the defects, if any, and he shall be re- he set vett by any of the folltming modes
quired to rectify the same within such (i) service by the pm ty itself:
time as may be- stipulated by the
• ''Registrar."; (ii) by hand delivery (dasti) anough mo-

cess Sc: vc•r;
(b) for sub-rule •(4), the following sub-rule shall
be substituted, namely :— (iii) by legit-lured post 'with .R.Ithossli (fgt.
• Mein ;
,"•) '(4)..(a) If the applicant fails to rectify the
( iv) ' , Minh Ille concerned Ilrnd of the
defect within the time allowed under sub- I) epnr !went :
rule(3), the. Registrar may, by order and
for reasons to be recorded in writing,
decline to register the application and Provided that it the liibunal does not speedy the
place the matter before the Bench for mode of service. notice may be sent by legi•iebed post
appropriate orders, 'with acknowledgement due' and the movision .111 .1-
rid e (2) of rule loA of
Order V of Hirst Schcdillc
..(b) Such n e uter may be dealt with and In the Code of Civil hocedme, 1908 (5 of 19118) shall
:'disposed of in chamber." apply to Such mode of service";
(b) for sub-rules (4) and (5 ), Illy following
5...,For,rule 6. of the said rules, the following rule, substituted, namely sub-rules shall be sub.:Muted. namelV

• if6.,•Place, of filing application.—(1) An appli- Notwithstanding anything contained in

' • cation, shall ordinarily be. filed by an sub-rule ( I), the Tribunal may,. in its
discretion, having regal(' to the marine of
applicant with the Registrar of the 13enelt
within whose jurisdiction- Ile case, direct the service of the notice
on ' h e Spieling Counsel, authot bed Im
': (i) the applicant is posted for the time being, accept the service, for any Department or
Or Organisation of the Central Govonmeni,
or an authority, a corporation, a body
(W I the cause of action, wholly or in part, has owned or controlled by the Central
arisen : Government.

Provided. that with the leave of the ellahnill (5) lively notice issued by the 'I rihunal drill
' • the application may be filed with the unless otherwise ordered, be accompanied
Registrar of the Principal Bench and sub- it copy of the application and a copy
ject to the orders under section 25, such of the impugned order".
application shall be heard and disposed
of by the Bench which has jurisdiction 9. For Ink I7 (il the said inks, the 1,01(m iog rule
over the matter. shall be substituted, namely :----
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- "1 7. Review petition. No ',onion for I'S.
rule (I) persons who have ceased to be in vices Shall be entertained unless it is filed
service by reason of retirement, dismissal or within (hilly days from the dale of the older
termination of service may at his option Lilo of which the review is so south.
an application with the Registrar of the (ii) A review petition shall oplinaiily he hemd
Bench within whose jurisdiction such person
is Ordinarily residing at the• time of filing by the smile !tench vldch has poesy(' the
of the application". order, miles;, lor reasons hi he iecopled in
the Chahman mav dined it to he.
heard ha any other Bench,
6. In 'rule 8 of the said rules, alter sub-rule (3)
the following' sub - rude shall be inserted, namely (iii) Unless mdered otherwise by the Peach
coneoned. a re\ iew poition !Atoll tie
Where. the applicant seeks condonation of posed of 1,y do:Mallon ssIteu die Iteneh
delay, he shall file a separate application may sHmis, the petition 01 direct
supported by an affidavit". malice 10 11: is•w.,1 th• oppmih. palfv.
A17.9 Ti ft9OUVII .
11444; -3 (i)1
AVlicre a petition for review of any judge-
ment or order has been disposed .of, uo Descriptions of doenmenN
," S. No.
further petition for further review shall lie". Relied upon
Ini rule 18 of the said rules, in sub-ntle (1),
for the -words 'thirty days", the words "ninety days"
slmll bet substituted.
For rule 21 of the said rules, the following rule 3.
shall be substituted, namely :— 4.
publication of oniers.—Such of the orders of
the Tribunal, as are deemed lit for publica- Cr.
tion in any authoritative report or the press,
may be released for such publication on such Signature of the Applicant
terms and conditions as the Chairman may
specify by general or special order." For use in Tribunal's Office
Date of filing,
12. For rule 22 of the said rules, the following
rule shall be substituted, namely :— Date of receipt by post
"22. Communication of cutlers to the parties.-- Registration Nu.
(1) Every Mterim order, granting or refus-
ing or modifying interim relief and final order
shall be. communicated to the applicant and for liegisttar
'to the concerned respondent or to their
Counsels, either by hand delivery or by post IN T1113 CENIRAL ADMINIS I ItAllV
1317.NC1 -1 ,
..... free-of cost : TRIBUNAL
„. .
Bench, as sou of, resident of and
o therwise by A M. (add description such
• Provyed that unless ordered mployment or last employed
a copy of the final order need not be sent to any place of e
who has not entered appearance :
respondent AITIACAN'l
that when the petitioners or the
Provided further VS.
is represented by a Counsel, under a
• respondents therein."shall he supplied Cl).
. (add desctiplion and the residential or official
one copy service of notices is to be
, • single Vakalalnama, only address on which the
tit or respondents. The details
•to . SUCh Counsel as named effected on the responde chronological
of each respondent are to be given in a
rule 28 of the said rules, for sub-rule (3),
13. In sub-rule shall be substituted, namely
he following
the absence. of the Registrar, the Treputy RFSPONDIN
In the
.Registrar or any other ollicer to whom the 01. Arr ucATioN
powers and functions of the Registrar are DFIAILS
delegated by the Chairman or Vice-Chair
man, as the case may be, may exercise the I. Patticultus of the order against which the application
powers and functions of the Registrar." is made :
(Particulars of the order giving the details like
of the said rules,— number, date and the. authority which has passed the
14. In rule 29 order, against whOdi the application ie made).
for the limues mid
(a) in clause 0 nayss"
2. jurisdiction of the tribunal :
shall be substituted.
The applicant declares that the subject matter
In appendix A to the said rules. fur Form 1, the order against which he wants rcdr•ssal is within
following Form shall be substituted, namely :— the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.

3. limitation :
'1111: 1 he applicant Blither ..10.1ilics that the ...,noticatiou
APPLICATION UNDER ACT. I985 is within the limitation period piesciitgal In section
AM./111\1131'12AI 21 of the Administartive 'flibunall Act, 1985.

'title of the Case '1/4,
104 \ mq 3-

(Give Irirc+ thr natnto of. 01 17 intraim relief

:• 4. Facts of the one : for).
••: (Give here n concise statement of facts in a chat-
:. nological order, each paragraph containing as nearly 10. In the event of application being sent by icgi
as possible• rt . separate issue or fact). tered post, it may be stated whether the applicant
desires to have oral hearing at the adini:Nion stare
• 5. Grounds for relief with legal provisions : and if so, he shall attach a self-addressed Post-Card
6. Details of the remedies exhausted : regarding the
: or Inland Letter, at which intimation
date of hearing could he sent to him.
The applicant declares that Ito has availed of all
the remedies available to him under the relevant service
11. Particulars of Hank Draft; postal Order lilcrl
rules, etc. respect of the application fee.
(Give here chronologically the details of represett-
fations . made and the outcome of such representations 12. List of enclosures :
with reference to the number of Annexure to be given
in support thereof). 1.

• 7, MatterS not previously filed or pending with any 2.

other court : 1.
The applicant further declares that he had not pre-
snit 4,
viously filed any application, writ petition or
regarding the matter in respect of which this applica- viAtjuicATIGN
tion has been made, before any court or any other
of the Tribunal nor any
authority or any other lkoch (Name of the applicant)
such application, writ petition or suit is pending be- I.
•.• fore any of them. 510; W10, DIO
applicants had previously tiled any such working as
• • In case the , resident of
application, writ petition or suit, the stage at which office of
it is pending, and if decided, the list of the decisions do hereby verify that the contents of par;'
should be given with reference to the number of to
arc true to my personal knowledge
Annexure to he given in support thereof. and paras . believed to be
true on legal advice and that I have not supresscd any
S. Relief's sought
material fact.
In view of the facts mentioned in Para 6 above Date :
' the applicant prays for the following relief(s) Place :
(Specify below relief(s)
the relicf(s) sought explaining the
and the legal provisions, if Signature of the applicant."
grounds for such
any relied upon).

9. Interim order, if any prayed for HO 9t1• 1 1 111-A I I-

the InT11- S1\11'. ICRISIINA SING! I, II. Secy.
Pending final decision On the application.
• 'it seeks the following interim relief :

India Pico, Ring Roal, No. 1) , Vni I Ino

glinted by the Manaael, tiokt. of
1).•1111-111 1 n` I. 1T'c;
nd t bh but ty ific Ccoli otter of

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