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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,028,846 B1

Johnson (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 18, 2006

(54) FISH GRADING DEVICE (52) US. Cl. ........................... .. 209/660; 209/667; 43/7
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .................... .. 43/7,
(75) Inventor: Ivor Gilbert Johnson, Vidlin (GB) 43/92; 209/660’ 667’ 668’ 674’ 676’ 263,
_ _ _ _ 209/264, 401
(73) Asslgnee: Gradmg systems (UK) Llmlted’ See application ?le for complete search history.
Shetland (GB)
_ _ _ _ _ (56) References Cited
(*) Not1ce: Subject to any d1scla1mer, the term of th1s
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 us PATENT DOCUMENTS
U-S-C- 154(1)) by 126 days~ 3,833,119 A * 9/1974 Brown ..................... .. 209/675
4,086,875 A * 5/1978 Lindbergh 119/216
(21) Appl- No: 10/129,468 4,673,015 A * 6/1987 Andreasson 152/231
5,158,489 A * 10/1992 Araki et a1. 441/80
(22) PCT Filed: NOV. 3, 2000 5,329,719 A * 7/1994 Holyoak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43/6.5
6,223,462 B1* 5/2001 Johannesson ............... .. 43/92
(86) PCT N0.: PCT/GB00/04208 . .
* c1ted by exammer

§ 371 (OX1), Primary Examineriloseph Rodriguez

(2)’ (4) Date: May 3’ 2002 (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiZilka-Kotab, PC
(87) PCT Pub. N0.: W001/32010 (57) ABSTRACT
PCT Pub. Date: May 10, 2001 A ?sh grading device is provided including a framework of
_ _ _ _ _ substantially rigid elongate members pivotably intercon
(30) Forelgn APPhcatmn Prlorlty Data nected to form a plurality of loops, Wherein each the loop is
Nov. 5, 1999 (GB) .................................. .. 9926195 formed from a plurality of the Substantially Iigid elongate
members and de?nes an aperture not exceedmg predeter
(51) Int_ CL mined dimensions.
A01K 75/00 (2006.01)
B07B 13/075 (2006.01) 9 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Apr. 18, 2006 Sheet 1 of3 US 7,028,846 B1

U.S. Patent Apr. 18, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 7,028,846 B1
US 7,028,846 B1
1 2
FISH GRADING DEVICE The or each said elongate ?exible member may be a string
or thread.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED The or each said elongate ?exible member may form a
APPLICATIONS respective loop corresponding to each said loop of said
interconnected substantially rigid elongate members.
The present application claims the priority of a United At least one said substantially rigid elongate member may
Kingdom patent ?led May 11, 1999 under application num be slidable longitudinally relative to the corresponding elon
ber 99261950. gate ?exible member.
The present application claims priority of a UK applica In a preferred embodiment, a plurality of said loops of
tion ?led Nov. 5, 1999 under the following serial number: elongate members are each formed from four said substan
99261950, Which is incorporated herein by reference in its tially rigid elongate members.
entirety. Each of said loops of substantially rigid elongate mem
bers is preferably substantially rectangular.
According to another aspect of the invention, there is
provided a ?shing net including a ?sh grading device as
The present invention relates to ?sh grading devices and de?ned above.
relates particularly, but not exclusively, to ?sh grading
devices for incorporation into ?shing nets. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL

A preferred embodiment of the invention Will noW be

Fish grading devices are knoWn Which consist of a ?shing
described, by Way of example only and not in any limitative
net having a mesh siZe such that ?sh above a certain siZe sense, With reference to the accompanying draWings, in
cannot sWim through the net and are therefore retained in the whichzi
net, While smaller ?sh can escape through the apertures in 25
FIG. 1 is a schematic elevation vieW of part of a ?sh
the net. KnoWn ?sh grading devices of this type suffer from
the disadvantage that ?sh can be injured by becoming grading device embodying the present invention;
snagged on the net While trying to pass through the aper FIG. 2A is a perspective vieW of a ?rst embodiment of
tures. ?shing net incorporating the ?sh grading device of FIG. 1;
30 FIG. 2B is an enlarged vieW of part of the ?shing net of
FIG. 3 is a schematic elevation vieW of a second embodi
Preferred embodiments of the present invention seek to ment of ?shing net incorporating the ?sh grading device of
overcome the above disadvantages of the prior art. FIG. 1.
According to an aspect of the present invention, there is
provided a ?sh grading device comprising a framework of DETAILED DESCRIPTION
substantially rigid elongate members pivotably intercon
nected to form a plurality of loops, Wherein each said loop Referring to FIG. 1, a ?sh grading device 1 is formed from
is formed from a plurality of said substantially rigid elongate an array of generally rectangular apertures 2, each of Which
members and de?nes an aperture not exceeding predeter is formed by tWo long tubes 3 and tWo short tubes 4 of
mined dimensions. plastics material mounted to a loop of ?shing net 5. Each
By providing a plurality of loops formed by intercon loop of ?shing net 5 is formed by crimping the ends of the
nected substantially rigid members such that each loop is loop by means of a metal crimp 6. Each of the tubes 3, 4 can
pivotable relative to the or each loop adjacent thereto, this rotate freely about its longitudinal axis, so that a ?sh
gives the advantage that ?sh are less likely to become brushing against a tube 3, 4 Will cause the tube to rotate, and
snagged on the substantially rigid elongate members than on Will therefore avoid becoming snagged on the tube.
threads of a ?shing net, but the ?sh grading device is still Tubes 3, 4 de?ning tWo adjacent apertures Will have tWo
su?iciently ?exible that it can be Wound onto a reel or loops of ?shing line 5 passing therethrough, for example as
otherWise made compact for convenient handling or trans shoWn at locations 7. When the ?sh grading device 1 is
port. placed under tension, the dimensions of apertures 2 are
In a preferred embodiment, each said substantially rigid prevented by tubes 3, 4 from being reduced, but When the
elongate member can rotate about its longitudinal axis. device 1 is not under tension, it is relatively ?exible, and can
This provides the advantage of minimising the risk that a therefore be handled easily, for example Would onto a reel
?sh Will become snagged on one of the substantially rigid on a ?shing boat.
elongate members While trying to pass through one of the Referring noW to FIG. 2A, a ?shing net 10 for use in the
apertures of the device. commercial ?shing sector is dragged by means of lines 11 by
Each said substantially rigid elongate member may be a boat (not shoWn) such that ?sh are draWn into mouth 12 of
tubular. the net 10. The net 10 is provided With a number of panels
The substantially rigid elongate members may be inter 60 formed by ?sh grading devices 1, three such panels being
connected by means of elongate ?exible members. shoWn in FIG. 2A, tWo of Which are in the central location
In the case of tubular substantially rigid elongate mem of the net 10, and one of Which is at cod end 13 of the net
bers being interconnected by elongate ?exible members, this (FIG. 2B).
provides the advantage that the ?sh grading device is The operation of the net shoWn in FIGS. 2A and 2B Will
?exible When not under tension, but becomes rigid When 65 noW be described.
under tension such that the apertures remain of substantially When the net 10 is dragged behind a boat, ?sh are draWn
constant dimensions. into the net 10, and only ?sh that are su?iciently small to
US 7,028,846 B1
3 4
pass through apertures 2 (FIG. 1) can escape from the net. 5. A device according to claim 3, wherein the or each said
As a result, larger ?sh are retained in the net, while smaller elongate ?exible member forms a respective loop corre
?sh can escape. sponding to each said loop of said interconnected substan
As the net 10 is dragged behind the boat, the loops 5 of tially rigid elongate members.
the ?sh grading device 1 are placed under tension, as a result
of which the tubes 3, 4 are drawn closer together and the 6. A ?shing net including a ?sh grading device, according
rigidity of the tubes prevents the dimensions of the apertures to claim 1.
from reducing. At the same time, if a ?sh is trying to pass 7. A ?sh grading device comprising a framework of
through one of the apertures 2 and is caused by other ?sh to substantially rigid elongate members pivotably intercon
be pressed against one of the tubes 3, 4, the tube 3, 4 can nected to form a plurality of loops, wherein each said loop
rotate about its longitudinal axis, which reduces the risk of is formed from a plurality of said substantially rigid elongate
a ?sh becoming injured by becoming snagged on the threads members and de?nes an aperture not exceeding predeter
of the ?shing net. mined dimensions, wherein the substantially rigid elongate
FIG. 3 shows a sweep net for use in the aquaculture members are interconnected by means of elongate ?exible
industry in con?ning ?sh to a selected volume of water, for members, wherein the or each said elongate ?exible member
example within a sea cage or shore tank system of a ?sh forms a respective loop corresponding to each said loop of
farm. The sweep net 20 is formed by a net 21 suspended said interconnected substantially rigid elongate members,
from ?oat 22, and incorporating a ?sh grading device 1 as wherein at least one said substantially rigid elongate mem
shown in FIG. 1.
ber is slidable longitudinally relative to the corresponding
It will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art that the 20
above embodiments have been described by way of example elongate ?exible member.
only, and not in any limitative sense, and that various 8. A ?sh grading device comprising a framework of
alterations and modi?cations are possible without departure substantially rigid elongate members pivotably intercon
from the scope of the invention as de?ned by the appended nected to form a plurality of loops, wherein each said loop
claims. 25 is formed from a plurality of said substantially rigid elongate
The invention claimed is: members and de?nes an aperture not exceeding predeter
1. A ?sh grading device comprising a framework of mined dimensions, wherein the substantially rigid elongate
substantially rigid elongate members pivotably intercon members are interconnected by means of elongate ?exible
nected to form a plurality of loops, wherein each said loop members, wherein the or each said elongate ?exible member
is formed from a plurality of said substantially rigid elongate 30 forms a respective loop corresponding to each said loop of
members and de?nes an aperture not exceeding predeter said interconnected substantially rigid elongate members,
mined dimensions, wherein each said substantially rigid wherein a plurality of said loops of elongate members are
elongate member can rotate about its longitudinal axis. each formed from four said substantially rigid elongate
2. A device according to claim 1, wherein each said members.
substantially rigid elongate member is tubular. 35
3. A device according to claim 1, wherein the substantially 9. A device according to claim 8, wherein each of said
rigid elongate members are interconnected by means of loops of substantially rigid elongate members is substan
elongate ?exible members. tially rectangular.
4. A device according to claim 3, wherein the or each said
elongate ?exible member is a string or thread.

PATENT NO. : 7,028,846 B1 Page 1 of 1

APPLICATION NO. : 10/129468
DATED : April 18, 2006
INVENTOR(S) : Ivor Gilbert Johnson

It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Column 2, line 53, replace “would” With --Wound-

Signed and Sealed this

Twenty-fourth Day of April, 2007

m Wain
Director afthe United States Patent and Trademark O?ice

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